Muddy Roads, Log Trucks Bogged Down, Starting New Tract, Playing With Fire & 718E Ride
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Cutting Edge Logging LLC
Views: 125,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: logging, feller buncher, track cutter, John Deere, tigercat, loader, 748L, 853M, peterbuilt, Kenworth, tigercat feller buncher, thomas johnson logging, thomas johnson, shovel logging, timber, catapillar, felling, woods, trucking, logging videos, 234, heavy equipment repair, ThomasJohnsonMedia, gopro hero 7, sony a6400 cinematic, farming simulator 2019, louisiana logging, kenworth w900, kenworth w990, feller, logging skidder, logging skidders, logging vlog, logger wade, dirt perfect, matting
Id: bUAtcg4-PnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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