LOG LIFE / Backwoods Loggers of Virginia "Growing Pains"

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[Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well it turns out we end up just in end up bringing us back to North Carolina I hated it for him that he lost his trailer I mean all this was unforeseen but it turns out that you know his trailer was twisted up so bad he couldn't use it anymore and just so happened I've got several trailers that I'm not using and so Justin said look I'll I'll take you home get a chance to look at the trailers so we end up striking the deal and I've got an old trailer that split in the axle he's going to check on some stuff to see if his axle's under twisted up to back at home young man oh yeah I got one of these it's over there we had in the other trailer but right we we this is the hose thing yeah and we had plug in the W right over there over actually next and we had a Pepsi trailer for many years in the woods as a service truck service trailer and Justin seen it he liked the way it looked like the way it's laid out and it's uh it's got room for all the parts you would possibly ever need in the woods so he's going to go ahead and buy that also and uh you know it turned out I mean I hate it that he lost his trailer but I'm glad I was able to help him out and he's definitely helped me out by getting rid of some of this old stuff that's just shutting around and everybody knows if something sets long enough it's just going to go to bad so it's turned out to be a really good deal and uh nice meeting Justin and he's been a good kid I know it's going to do well and and I'm I'm glad to see my stuff going to somebody that's going to use it and take care of it so that's win in my book course they be it up a lot but that's they give trouble probably every 3 or four months and another one over there is a is it called a Riley no C that's the trailer that needs to action no C right that's other one and then these last two are the pits everyone look at every one of every one of these whes for crack here it doesn't it doesn't get any worse we always play and this is play the inside and out see this is I think it's called a 21 Laker suspension yeah got the big bushes in there yeah and the same thing here the same kind of suspension on that I like this little better that that might have been why that standard on my trailer held up so good I think these are made with schedule lady pipes check the the tires breakes make sure everything everything's working on so okay so we don't have no more of my issues yeah yeah and uh how much you sell that thing for that the little boy mhm I guy a guy supposed to coming by is 20,000 if something happen to all right give me a price on um two of the white ones or two of these uhuh um two of those and the I'm want the Pepsi k um all right I knock 12,000 for these okay and the peps for five okay all right so we're 17 yep okay all right brand new 855 CP put the chain sharer in here on us we're out here at Bobby's place uh got him home today and looking at some equipment looking at log trailers that I might be buying a Pepsi trailer that he's got full of tools and stuff and uh looking for some other equipment that I could use in the woods that he's uh giving me some advice on so hopefully we can strike a deal and get some of this equipment back to Virginia soon was just added more than all they done to to meet the bridge lck I asked I was they would give to me I yeah I know this right here somewhere it's not put all that's uh tap on which is Jed up now but I think that's about it yes sir uh which I don't know there's not much to look at you want look at one if my axles will work I'd take it all right everything was good on but you know how that goes so I guess you want to wait on 12 13 until you see if your stuff will work the Pepsi trailer 17 yeah 17 you want that sharpener yes sir right 175 yep um I want those I do want them which ones these those two as well but I want to start with these two all right what I'll do is if we can get these two ready okay okay and then if you could put the oil on one of these is going to kill you cut that off don't have any makeup on you can't do that so because you're not going to exchange any money or anything today it's hard for me to let you sign the title right I agree yes ma'am did you hear I tell you what then let me do this I need to check with jus and see if he can help me check them out and make sure they're good to go and U I'll call you back tonight okay let you know the earliest I think we'll have them which they should be okay but I just want to double check then you got the big Highway all right I'm down here in Jacksonville North Carolina struck a deal with Bobby on some trailers some other stuff as well uh and a world famous Pepsi trailer uh I did buy that and um looking forward to getting this stuff back getting it to work uh getting my guys down here to come and pick it up up for me and uh getting into the woods uh I really appreciate Miss Lori and Mr Bobby for all their kind help and um getting me set up for uh making some more uh logs go to the mill so I greatly appreciate [Music] that hey guys uh we're at the shop today Justin has came down to uh pick up his log trailers and uh which I spent a few days getting ready to go make sure the tires and all that stuff was good the only thing that I really couldn't check with the lights and I was worried about that but here we are they got them hooked up most of the lights is working good some one of the side markers a working on one of the trailers but but anyway he's got them he got them hooked up they're fixing the head out got the old Pepsi trailer out front here he's supposed to get that for from me so looking forward to him getting that stuff and I really hope Justin does well at in his uh Endeavor of logging um way he does things is a lot different the way we did I mean he's out buying his own Timber and and that's that's the Hallmark to making money log and most of the money we made off there you know if you if you bid it right now you can lose a lot of money if you don't uh Cruise it right but but I think he's got a handle on that he's he's he's doing really good and I want him to do good because the better he does the more stuff he's going to buy from which is a big deal for me with no income but anyway uh but he's getting this uh this stuff here out and hopefully he'll come back get the Pepsi trailer and uh hopefully he'll do well and get some more lock trailers but uh I wish him the best of luck so I just got a call from one of my drivers uh that's carrying a log trailer out of Bobby's place and he hasn't made it off Bobby's property yet but he's having some issues when they had to hook the strap around the truck and pull the trailer down I guess they left the air air handler or air hand the gloud hands attached and uh it ended up ripping the lines in half once he got up the road a little bit so I got to go up there and look at that and see how how we can remedy the situation I don't is it that hard plastic line met or it's no it's uh I think it's Rober yeah he missed it he he miss I thought it was he dragging the well St Steve thinks he's leaving but he really ain't leaving I can assure you of that I heard a slow leak at first didn't yeah well it was slow leaking up here I I heard slow leak up here no way to slide it because the air the air lock the air lock ain't working right now on it see he's probably got a set of lines the same size you got two adjustable wrenches I thought Airline yeah I get it yeah it should be square I might have one more you might have to have it holding put on a Mac I [Music] had you know you can go a little F you know you go a little faster than 6 yeah he over there how H you know he can drag it thing a little bit forther to get out of the way this is just another day in the life if you do I I'll replace him cuz I got a brand new set of Hy hope fif wheel if the fifth wheel a move he going to rip them right back I can't what won't move the fifth wheel plate fifth whe all the way back and what he did when he turned he ripped them clean out of the trailer in the truck oh it was so long yeah got you okay so you need might might have head yeah all right here keep keep that fitting there all right let here's the other piece of just keep that and I find another one if not if not we can piece it together and at least get us to the truck stop I got a lot more hose up I don't know if I got see this stuff is is 90 model and I don't L did they go from that and they go away from that let me think for a minute see there's a there's a there's a green one somewhere out [Music] here two of two full I got yeah this will fit my glad hand in whoa it started so far so good yes [Music] sir yeah we'll take this right here plan if we can cut this off flush you know square like call yeah called nap there's there all of them few miles I thought I seen some what I all you want to run and get them yeah you can find one they come with glad hand the P all right yeah because if you had a straight hold on I got to [Music] H am [Music] he all right so I got Adam out here today uh he's a veneer log buyer he buys specialty quality uh white oak logs um I guess they make furniture uh different things I'm not sure exactly what they make with veneer logs but I know it has to be a certain spec uh and certain quality for for them guys to buy it so he's out today to take a look at the White Oaks that I've got cut and uh ready for for hauling uh at this time so if he's interested in any he'll buy them uh basically he buys them on the spot they wire me the money and he sent a truck to pick them up hey morning doing fine yes sir all right over here some white oat all right hey good morning I'm Adam Smith with bokei veneer I'm here today to take a look at some white oak logs um and uh we're going to inspect them for veneer quality whether they meet the standard and uh speak with the logger and discuss uh different grades um that are available for export and some opportunities for him for resale I don't know what you can use out of this stuff but I don't want to send it up to Augusta before I get an opinion on it well I buy from austa yeah kind of you know we buy the veneer grade and then uh you got kind of your Stave grade and AUST has got some Expo over that they fill containers and stuff like that buy what you want I'll send them what you don't I guess so for veneer spec it's like a lighter the color is better um no knots it's um just uh nice straight centered Parts yes sir it looks like the growth is pretty good here I mean you want slower growth yeah this is what you call Double te you can see it a little bit yeah I see it better now yeah not V do um man they got certain rules all right thank you my driver took that load of pine out of here and he got down to the end here and he's not as experienced in the log Woods as he should be um he was trying to do too much at one time in all honesty he he pulled down here too fast he didn't stop when he got to going he he pulled out into the road and he wasn't at a proper angle to efficiently pull out well instead of backing up and doing a three-point turn he tried to do a one-point turn which is not backing up at all and he ended up in the dag on Ditch well we tried to get the skitter up here tried to pull him out tried to do everything you know that we could without pulling the loader up here well the skitter B flip the truck over when he started pulling that when he started pulling on it it it wanted to turn that truck over with all that weight on the back back up do not back up he going back to if we can get this done right here he going back this damn thing up back here and he gotdamn going find a new rod somewhere else you might as well go tell that car to turn around they're wasting their time turn that that stand up there you go stand up there and you direct traffic to turn around I got you better hope to God the don't show up before we get this loader pulled out here well he don't know when to stop that's the problem he just wants to keep going he don't know when to stop yeah I know he does he he don't know how to back up and he don't know how to stop yeah and he doesn't know what easy is either here now he going and pull that loader all the way up here with that skitter hey he going to unload it right here in the road yeah it is well if Bobby would have got me that excavator over here we could have used that to unload it real quick but he going to pull that loader up here at least he'll be able to stay I don't know I don't know what we got to do here now is we got to we don't have another tractor truck here right this second even if we did it wouldn't help us out too much right now but we got to clean up around this loader get the wood out from around it we're going to hook that skitter up to it with the grapple we going to pull that loader up here like you move it in the wood you can move that loader in the woods with the uh skitter we're going to grab that loader we going to pull that loader on up here right on next to this truck and trailer with the skitter and uh we're going to unload it right here in the road we're blocking traffic we got to hurry up I I don't want the law to come out here uh which I'm sure they're going to come here eventually but I'd like to get some wood off that truck before they show up um but right now we're just focusing on uh cleaning up around the loader so we can pull it out with the skitter so we had to go down there do clean up around the loader unhook the saw Buck from the from the loader hook on to it with the skitter we pulled the skitter and the loader up here and uh it took us a minute to get that situated up here to the operator's liking and uh once he got it we unhooked the straps we unloaded the load we stack the load up to the uh right hand side of the driveway so I can come in here tomorrow with the escavator and load it up first thing in the morning um once it was unloaded we pulled the loader back put it where it belong and we were able to just h on to it with the scooter and it came right on out there was no issue the the biggest issue we had was I didn't have nothing on tracks on the job so we had to clean up around the loader and took forever the second issue we had was the truck sitting on an angle it's got two fuel tanks and with the sitting on that angle both tanks are open so all the fuel actually drained from one side to the other and it it pulled to the it went to the opposite tank of where it pulls to the engine so it acted like the truck was out of fuel uh luckily we had enough air in the air tank um to get us out we just released the brakes that need the truck to run and the skitter was able to pull it up to where it's sitting now so overnight what we'll do is let the fuel level itself back off and um hopefully first thing in the morning we'll get it started up and load it and uh get back on the road and that is what we're doing these days [Music] so [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] we [Music] m
Channel: LOG LIFE / BackWoods Loggers of Virginia
Views: 362,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: logging swamp loggers
Id: GBVtXbq0-F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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