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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we had to CT ours first I had a Hydra bar you know to CTRs now to Riley and that's been 32 years they will last long time by now it to good [Music] morning guys don't hurt me talk in the past about what a hard time we had with trucks you know never net could never find enough trucks to help us haul the wood and course that led me on the quest for new trucks and ours was old I have to say the wore out but you had a lot of miles on it they need a lot of attention and I was hauling so far I couldn't take the time to pull them out and spend the time and money that would take to get it back up top shape so we bought new trucks and since we've got them I think we're on the don't hold me to this to see the four or five weeks but the last three weeks we have gotten over 100 loads do I think the first week we got them we got 96 loads of course we got two still got a few contract trucks are helping us but it has made a world of difference and being consistent I want to clarify something a lot of people know this apparently a lot of people don't we're calling these trucks automatics but they're not full upon full-blown automatics it's called an Eaton authorship what it is if you was to get underneath that so I can look at it it would look like any normal manual transmission but it's kind of a brain on the side of a little computer on the side and their servos in it that actually does the shifting coil driver I don't know if Pat car is a full-blown automatic but I know the Allison's are Allison has got a torque converter I mean it's just like the automatic transmission in any vehicle on the highway but these trucks are not full-blown automatics they are essentially manual transmissions being shifted by a computer and I think you heard some of the drivers say we got to get them dialed in and if each drivers got driving different habits got different driving habits and once we get them tailored for each driver I think the trucks will ship you know fluid that smooth just like any automatic should and hopefully they take some of the workload off these guys and make them more productive because none of us are getting any younger [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well today I made a rookie mistake I mean these loaders take abuse you know 9 hours a day I mean we work them hard but uh Antonio will take trees and stick in the ground it actually keeps his pile separate so they don't mix well I was trying to do that on the backside and I didn't have the lock position just right when I went to push it in I let the grapple fold all the way over and cut my line in two so the line didn't blow but I cut it in half so I got it had to replace the line on it but I can't blame down to private myself but it's one of those things you forgot about but you learned real quick yeah that's what that was I don't know what I was thinking longer train the ground the kids going in where trust the back in grab control away but I went to push down on it I folded the graph all the way up at this point right here actually but it's one it cut off for vintage stupid mistake both have a stop here but we've been in the long captain we could have one made oh is that the futsal book that adapter to work I'll see if I can get this truck [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you notice it's funny we were talking about yellow flies especially another the other week when I was cooking we're talking like the yellow flies and they're funny little creatures you get out in the Sun they don't bother you I mean I got enough sense not to go in the Sun too I guess but then the Sun will bake you you get over the shade where you can actually breathe a little bit then the other flies will just take you over I don't know if there were a little bit of water run them off but I always get there somewhere but time TC come out there Gary might stop keep it real cheap can you [Music] [Music] [Music] okay this is a first night here with these new trucks look really on one kind of really impress little well we hadn't really been no mud with him yet but he's been in a lot of sand that's real drive and it seemed to pull hold on build on trucks in the sand so right guys they do it real good while I'll be I'll be one percent convinced if I get its mother now I know the reality it was what's going on but right now they're little bit on field yeah I didn't see the whole lot nicer and well I'm sitting at there it's a hill that's long he is saying decline around here with no problem with other truck while the heavy in front and put a stake in part where they got to go pretty sure Luna to write down we doing good hard a lot of wood we're gonna upload again hundred I'm not waiting on dog we don't want to see while Noah's coming so we've had the mother kids you got my thumbs up can't vote oh good morning this is a Daniel getting on the dry steam trap he's probably had the trope started about a month now look a little bit of a 9,000 miles oh my no so far everything is doing good with the agents and transmissions in there they hold it up to the name automatic let's keep you updated don't want to do them but so far they're doing real good yeah we've all had these news trucks a little bit over a month and everything's going real good I started out with four in the second firewall you got 14,000 on it now everything's working good I think we've got a good boss we got a good deal on before for the woods [Music] [Applause] you know we're talking about different employees and Antonia has been with me now for I think 15 or 16 years it's been a good while I don't know I came from the exact day but I remember when he came he actually didn't have run a chainsaw and of course back then we had numbers and that's what he's gone I had to do he actually him and his brother was living for us and of course those guys the real observant because they would always watch the trailer drivers and then the first time I tried driver layout did jump on the tractor and they already know a lot of it just by watching the other guys that's one thing I'll give it to the crowd out here I mean they watch other people they didn't all of a sudden next thing I know he's gonna tractor because he was better in the driver I had so he starts pulling wood and he became one of the best gear dry operators ever has and and then something happened and we had to put him in loader and he's turned out to be one of the best loader operator ever had it's just it's funny if you get somebody that wants to work and wants learn how to do something it's obvious that that they can because it this guy here couldn't run a chainsaw and he master dad did he master outfit right now he's pretty much mastered to murder of course if you ask him we launched up every day out here working but uh but he keeps what he's learned and if he makes mistake he lured him back my name is Antonio and I worked for y for long time eighteen years ago I started working in the chainsaw later I chop it draw it to the skiddo what could use Aaron and this Laura for use the garden part and right now I tried loaded creaking where I came because and then Lauren phase where I can trade get it 2020 fire laws are they either the to quiz about her name is what it will wait one wheel is a hundred and ninety loss as as book we let week is a night is this we is 97 he'll chase them just the truck up about a thought about now I'm impressed with it you know like everything has got its flaws but overall like you dump wha give two thumbs look I like the fact that it's automatic it makes my job a lot easier they got shifting gears it's not really a caterpillar motor the and that sort of response that I've tested it tonight just one he'll like this one he'll like going to the bill that gives trumps he'll you know to climb and when it can't you know go ever go right up then he and let y'all up and 55 60 mile an hour pull the head let's say this truck right here you get up to least 5455 won't quite get to much more than 55 on the hill but granted the truck brand-new and the motors not broken yet so pretty sure after the motor gets broken it is inhaling it heal just like they can't it's just a different feel it's kind of like a mental thing so used to driving it that kind of that caterpillar bonus along these coming which is doing a good job too yeah that's automatic like I said it's computer computer gonna let it get up to speed how the computer city helps me not how you were not hot you it used to you know tended getting up to speed you know but let little stuff like that you know you can deal with you can deal with overall I give it I give I give it two thumbs up [Music] you know y'all know that in the past whenever we would have good wigs or hundred weeks we would cook well and it's been a long time coming I mean this Polly been I don't know a year I can't remember last time we got hard [Applause] don't know well they're what not fought in the woods is we didn't have milk trucks our trunk was all what hole in the wood too far I'm act effectively ten different excuses but we got the new trucks in and they're doing good but your new they should do good but it since we've got the trucks I think since after the first week we have been 95-plus loads every week since we've had them we've actually got a Harlow's two or three times I'm actually behind on cooking because you know I'm trying to run the loader and Justins in a shovel you know Dave's not here anymore so I kind of kind of fit it in where I can [Music] I got the station so if I couple if I think they're ready you guys are taken in Lotus and I'll stick around little my belly was the one who I need to do I would eat badly unload all right a little by their own ability they literally get their rig with 725 Hey gonna close soon I think dang said he wanted to meet bloody ah Dan you say he wanted to be bloody doing his party he was gonna be good yeah I thought you know bloody get a plate but we had a great meal today and I actually Allman know because I know we got 100 loads two times I think was 97 93 96 but right there at it every just about every week since forgotten neutrals you got up I already call a piece of damn read me devil there's a whole lot of stake there it's John that's up my diet but we're gonna live once right take a blessing real quick dear lord thank you for this day thank you your God thank you Lord for the guys working together safely productively dear lord I place bless this food and just let's have a good safe weekend this weekend dear God when your son's question that we pray but I mean every man I'd like they appreciated it and of course you can tell by the way I look is hot today and it's not fun setting over that door grill and unfortunately you overworking that either in the Sun and your vacant or you into shade and yell fire or eating you yell if I look terrible out here but uh but the steaks they actually was pretty good the grill cooked them real good and everybody ate had a good time working for Wayne to get by it we've got his plate safe for him but I do not mind doing that at all for the guys because these guys work hard out here it's not the best conditions in the world although I think we got the best equipment made but it's just it's enjoyable to do something for them and they actually appreciate it because I want them to know that I appreciate them because it is hard work getting up every day you know five or six days a week come out here and work nine ten hours a day actually because Justin's having to pity guys up and he's on the show board and he's really the mechanic the guys involved him usually have been working to six six thirty one night to eight o'clock trying to get stuff big so I can't thank those guys knuckles nobody's complaining I'm sure they want to get home like the rest of us but they know we got a job to do and they're sticking in there and getting it done I appreciate that I don't get a hug cause we did you're doing Friday good today then the next week he takes a week to build back over you so you know cooking every other week that fans probably best Christmas present ever again okay I didn't appreciate at the time them yellow side away from PFA widows ever you all that yet others like this business youngsil are us cookies what's hospital there there's one plate left lane ones Wayne and the other one jumping spider well I've heard that Gary finally got a chance to take his boat out which I am so happy because all he's done is complain that we've worked him too hard and he his boat this boat he's had it for a few months now he hadn't had a chance taken out well I'm glad Gary got a chance to take his boat out and to be honest with you we actually took ours out for the first time in two years I think we might take it out one time last year but my wife got me to get a hurricane it's like a a pontoon boat type thing but we finally loaded up the kids and grandkids and we went out to the beach with it but uh but I'm glad Greg got the crowd on his boat and I was talking to him and I heard he saying that you know there's still a lot of remnants of the hurricane that you can see around the ward away [Music] [Music] I know there's one I can see from a bridge in Wilmington miss nice like a boat there's still over in the marsh it's just crazy down because I know the boats are very expensive especially one like that I just can't believe you're still sitting there but uh but anyway I'm glad Gary got a chance to take his boat out [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] this is also good the Mississippi God man we also today we had our annual visit from our insurance company it's parking forestry mutual they'll come out at least once or twice a year and just inspect everything look around it's the more of a visual thing to make sure we're doing what we're supposed to be doing those guys have been it's got a lot of money invested it well they're on the what's the right word they're on the stick for a lot of money I mean they got if they insure us they're sure the workman's comp the equipment I mean if something was to happen there on the line for it so they come out and check their investment out and make sure we're doing what we're supposed to do and we try to I mean every night yeah they'll have to recommend this and tell somebody to do a little better here or a little better there but but that's what they're there for their college when you get out here working you know you get busy and you forget things and it's good to have those guys to come out remind yourself you know you need to tighten up in this area here and we'll do that and so it was good to see him out checking us out and just and talk to him and I think everything was fine and but it's good to have those guys to come out and just remind us of what we need to be doing I'm Tony havens with fortune mutual insurance we come out at least once a year to visit Bobby and Justin just do a quick safety survey of the crew and just make sure they're covering everything all their bases out here so no one gets hurt that's our primary things make sure they come to work go home the same way every day you know out here in the woods especially this time of year the summertime you know fire is a big real deal out here I mean as drives it right now if something was to catch on fire you could probably take the whole woods out so we know we had the guys some of these tribes we've got his guide the the MRX system on it which is a powder based fox pressure system and we're getting inspector once a year just to make sure everything's good because I mean the feller buncher is the last piece of all the most expensive piece of all you know a little over $500,000 and you got to have some kind of safety mechanism on it because that is the key to the job it's the most offensive piece out here and it's got a good system on it and of course we get the guys to check it so there's shows companies you know signs off on - everybody's good so if something was to happen and this in the system didn't put it out that we would have legal grounds to give no tractor you know he's pay for that one but everything out here we've got systems on we got water based systems on the other tribe nurse that I can inspect those they they do pretty good and that's the system that come on that tractor but uh you know you gotta take safety serious I can think back up just a few years ago it was eight degrees vitro was cutting in about three foot of order the water was even with the top of his tracks and it busted a hydraulic hose and don't know how it done it because tiger-cats real good about compartmentalizing the engine for away from the hydraulics you know just separate them for incidents just like this but somehow the hydraulic lines busted and the old guy must have hit the hood and when it went around the guard so I'm not sure how it done it but he hit the turbo and long story short smooter said in about 45 seconds the fire was as high as the boom was all he had time to do was get out to tractor walk away and I said but he got far enough away turning out to the pitcher and the flames was 20 foot above the boom within a matter of a few minutes the tractor head was completely engulfed in a fire burning in three foot of water eight degrees outside you could have told me anything that hasn't gotten stuck anything but I tried to burn enough and those kind conditions I just never dreamed of nothing like that so that that made me really start you know taking into account get this fire stuff check checking stuff out because when you least expect it is when something's gonna happen and it's always better to be safe than sorry I never running the Smith jr. I work for firefighter Prado about hearing the wool but with muscle fibers or logging company we do fire systems and stuff so basically come out here survey equipment thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll be wind up a long time to give you this that's right design certificate - Gary Gary point for a million-mile pin mouths : you get a nice caterpillar jacket in the capital how about that wear it proudly trying wait Fred I'm away you put that on right now way to cool them and they forgot a bad no they ain't got it otherwise get everything together that's a compliment there all right Eddie I'm proud of it good job thanks Gary you know today guarantee was awarded a certificate we're getting a million miles on this on the old truck with the cathode ram which is quite an accomplishment you know I guess I don't know I can't imagine sitting in one truck for a mile that's fine the comment but can I guess we recognize them you know for their engine making it that long which is a good thing but it was good and I appreciate here he sit in that seat for that amount of time to accumulate that when you mom it was good and you know I think Gary appreciated it for that that he makes it better [Music] yeah Brown side tail one June [Music] [Applause] [Music] - Oh me but a unique charm laughs me love here like and she live turn turn a drinker chinks out comes from [Music] on you [Music] fail to [Music] come my back dude Hey [Music] [Music] from the [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] talking back [Music] wait [Music] Smith [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know been talking to some of the truck drivers uh we've had a few little glitches with the trucks like someone was skipping gear shifted and I just told you guys to call dicks and then you know obviously I don't know what to do to them doing new trucks and I got a computer out here to work on but but hopefully I mean for the most part the guys like them it's still a learning curve because all these guys has been used to shifting gears their entire life and to get into something that's don't have to do that and you know the road wrong it's kind of it's kind of a bad road to learn how to drive them because we got a lot of different sand beds and sand beds is you've got to know how to drive it and you got to hit it at a certain speed and you don't want to stop if you stop you start so but everybody's doing good by the fact all of our trucks hadn't had it I mean maybe one or two of us been stuck but for the most part those guys been going and coming but we've got some contract trucks that's coming in has had a lot of issues with them getting stuck and they got the transmissions in regular transmissions on them but uh you know and a lot of people where everybody I get around to ask me how the trucks don't have a truck story you know you're doing fine right now but they're new they're supposed to do good you know with my experience with trucks or anything new you're gonna have a multitude of little glitches you know bugs to iron out when usually once you get those bugs on down hopefully then they'll run trouble-free four or five years hopefully and then you'll start having other issues you know when you start wearing down a little bit but you know in a couple years ask me the same question I give you a more definite answer on how the trucks are doing right now they're doing good if I had the point of one thing that I don't like is the trucks came out heavier than I expected they would they were supposed to be even lighter than the old trucks even though I got inspect out a little bit heavier with the 46 rears most of the 40s but the trucks come out about 1800 pounds heavier and I'm not sure why but I ain't had a chance to really look into it but I'm going to but I will say this we have had issues getting our would haul before but that has not been the case since we got these new trucks they have been eating us up in fact huh we're having a hard time keeping the loaders running and our production is God above 90 loads so we hit hundred loads two or three times but we've been in 1995 ninety three ninety seven been above ninety ever since we got the trucks and if we could just continue that for about five or six years we've be in business I really don't even know what happened it's been broke a good while so you can get I'm not going to the woods and I will jump down to the John Brown flank then that's pretty long and I've seen where have been broke over halfway yes without saying right and they're just broken for the much I couldn't Holly understand it but from the ways we've been driving their little tractor yeah if that did it was gonna happen anyway while we were beating the Fremen I don't know stump up or we're driving working to good so I gotta try to jump first though [Music] [Music] guys this is the end of the videos again we need your comments please hit that like ii share button and stay tuned for the next adventure out here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Views: 534,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: swamp loggers, discovery channel, pilgram studios, bobby goodson, justin goodson, lori goodson, tigercat, southern logging, logging, north carolina logging
Id: W687CDRi6o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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