Soviet All Wheel Drive Military Trucks For Logging! GMC, FAP 1314, KRAZ, URAL and Heavy off road
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Channel: Bang Jantan TV SHOW
Views: 1,880,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kraz truck off road, kraz 255 off road, kraz 255b off road, 4x4, off road, monster truck, Extreme off-road vehicles of Russia, Урал-лесовоз, урал, камаз, урал лесовоз, 4x4 off road extreme, off-road, zin2d, machines, heavy equipment, truck fails, diesel engine, chainsaw, large wood, big tree felling, cutting down, homemade, sawmill, tree, wood, cutting, mnogo tehniki, k4 movies, soviet truck, logging trucks, lori balak, loging kalimantan, Грузовики по бездорожью, Урал, татра в грязи
Id: e1kApWkcQc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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