Mud Hole Live: Marbling 101

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all right we are alive we're bringing it in we're gonna do it right now telling you guys catch me off guard here I love it love it he just never stopped is just always builders always always turning and burning yeah so it's October first it is I think we're in fall now technically so we're it should be what 95 degrees outside now so so that's good we've been kind of lucky to past you it's a good start few days few weeks it hasn't been boiling though yeah it's been a little a little much for me to be honest with you and dry to you we haven't got got a lot of rain recently but you know hey I'm okay with all right no backing that off for sure so we got a big show do big big show and we're calling it marbling at 101 yeah so we got the whole the whole team here we got Nicky mints and j-bird and Guffey Taylor and of course the man I became so yeah we're doing Walker's to the show a little bit yeah we gather we're not just doing the standard marbling we're gonna mix it up just a little bit we've got we're into a demo on magic marbling which is kind of cool you can you know customize and do a few different colors for your your grips Sam year even some real seats if you want to yeah so magic Marvel kind of a cool product we're gonna do what's the second thing we're gonna do we're gonna tint our guide raps yeah so for instance if you're working on a black guide wrap and maybe it's come out kind of charcoal when you want to really you know make it black right yeah or even white to where I show you how to tint your guide raps yeah cause like you said I mean it's one of those deals where if you know having the complete blacked-out kind of thing is has been pretty cool and there in the recent years and of course you know when you've got one of the maybe the elite pros yeah and you're like me who's just kind of basic and likes to throw black guides with a black thread and all that stuff you can really really like kind of make that thread rap even look like a deeper richer black just add a little tint to it and then it kind of like glosses it up and and really kind of really makes it so it goes well with that absolutely black to finish it up we will do our basic marbling you know the how to and we got a couple tips there for you as well we're gonna show kind of a basic you know kind of two different techniques as far as actually putting the paint and then you know doing the marbling technique you know you got the blotch because you caught the blotch you know technique and then we're gonna mix it up and do do something actually color preserver I'm gonna throw that in the mix show you how to make the interesting it's it it actually we had to fine-tune this technique a little bit today with with Brooke here at muddled so he helped us out and it shows a few tricks and tips and now we're gonna pass along to you guys so well that's the fun part about all this deal so why don't uh we'll go ahead and get it started what do you think about that so let's go there is nothing wrong with your television set do not attempt to adjust the picture we are controlling transmission [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so all right we're back hey all right so we are going to prepping our surface here yeah we're gonna use the CRV table protector aka cardboard cardboard that's that's a mudhole exclusive right there so that's used when you're on well that's you know a tip for you guys to get in these these cartons of blanks and stuff so just toss them in the trash or you know recycle them as well you can also recycle them in your workshop and use them to cover up your tables and you know that's what I do the wife doesn't like the you know the marbling on the table and the epoxy and all that don't don't do it on mom or the wife's dining room table so I'm gonna Arbor this up here just so that we can put it in the RDS and what are you gonna start with well we're gonna start with the magic marble so magic marble well I guess we can start with the the pigments over here so they come in these these jars here of course you have all different colors and the guys can throw some links in there for you for you to check out so this is a it's a pigment paint basically so what we're gonna do is we're gonna bring in our trusty was water or a tea jug you got from Publix that is--that's earlier today that's the that's the CRB water holder water retainer hole yeah gotcha so basically what you're gonna do is first we're going to start with you know pick out whatever components you want to use we've got some cork grips up here you can also use you know whatever real seats you want to use any other ideas on components you could magic marble I think I mean it's really actually much anything not even rod building specific yeah anything I want to say the last time this show was done we didn't I think Guffey had called in sick or his dog was sick or something and he wasn't here and we magic marveled his coffee cup that is true so I think we did the coffee cup live on air so you know you can go through and you know do somebody stay for or maybe the remote it or you know something that can be immersed in water that you want to be decorated you can do any of it now there are a couple of little tips and tricks that if you notice here on the table we've got a couple cork grips right so this is going to be what your standard RG s3t okay so and of course we got a for grip now cork right but you'll notice that these have been primed so we're gonna show you the difference because you can magic marble regular cork you can magic marble anything real seats carbon fiber you know I would be a little leery on doing evey a just because it's soft and you know you could crack some of this stuff but any hard surface knock yourself out but you'll notice that some of these have been primed and all that really is going to do is help those colors pop right and we're gonna I'll show you kind of the deal there so after you've got your your grips your real seat whatever primed and we're just using what's it like a rust-oleum okay I grab this that is might already have it around your house yes so that is a rust-oleum product we've done this a couple times it seems to be good and what it is flat white also bonds to plastic fast drying indoor and outdoor you know this isn't something you'd paint a rod blank with but it's kind of a paint and primer of the rust-oleum seems pretty sturdy seems pretty durable and you know all good so that's what that's what we use and you'll see there so thank you to appreciate the the assistance there the other so once you've got your components your reel seat your grip whatever you gonna use primed your container one thing you want to make sure where the container is you are gonna be dipping that component into the water so you want to make sure this container is tall enough for that component to fully go inside and be submerged right that's that's a good point because you know if you had a 13-inch we're gonna run into a problem exactly with that so and of course as the magic marble is going to as you put it in here when you guys will see the magic marble is going to come in from the sides and coat it so just because the container is long enough doesn't always mean it's going to work right and what I mean by that is let's say you had a 13-inch rear grip you can't just use you know a piece of PVC pipe that's maybe only a two inch in diameter because what'll happen is yep there'll be enough length but as you put it in you're gonna run at a surface area of the magic marble that it'll finally coat and it'll be great yeah so then you might only get a quarter of it you know a half of it or something like that so if you're going to do that you're gonna have to account for not only how much water depth that you've got but you also need enough surface area on the top so that that paint can spread out yeah if you guys have seen like hydro dipping before pretty much 6 exact same absol recessed yeah we're just using you know a liquid form and we're dipping rock components so if you want to pass me that mandrel so for our dipping utensil here we're actually gonna use a quarter inch mandrel just because our cork has a quarter inch ID and you know works perfect so I'm going to slide this on here so any other prep work I mean you know the water can be room temperature it doesn't have to be anything special you just need to make sure you've got your you know your mandrel in there you've got your grips prepped and then from there you pretty much just let your imagination run wild so I have an assortment of colors I've got copper I've got metallic green I've got light blue and I've got magenta so we pick your own just walked around we pick the colors that are gonna stand up or stand out the most yeah these might not be you know the number the number one colors that you would mix together but we were kind of walking back there and I had hunters credit card and was just shopping and these were kind of the ones I grabbed so now the good thing about all this is for those viewers at home we always give stuff away we do speaking of your credit card so we are going to be giving away a couple different prizes tonight this is going to be one of them so a third-place let's see so I think you guys have that backwards there on the teleprompter the third-place giveaway is going to be magic marble yep and recolors which is what we're doing now so three colors of magic marble your runner-up is going to be the CRV marveling starter kit which we will kind of they'll put some links in there they'll walk you through we'll talk about that a little bit later and of course the grand prize will be not only a CR B color Series rod kit but you're also gonna get a professional marbling kit with that as well so you'll have a color rod kit that you can pick your you know your guides and your grips and all that stuff but then you're gonna be able to have a larva link it to go along with that to really make that pop so those are gonna be the giveaways tonight and of course for those that don't know we're doing free shipping and I know you've heard that before we've done free shipping for a hundred and fifty and over we've done free shipping $4.99 and over it's free shipping so you want order one guide free shipping free shipping you want to order $250 with this stuff it's free shipping and of course those oversized still apply it's the 8 foot and unders that pretty much covers a ton of blanks back there so that's gonna be going on right now all the way until the end of the year so that's big so you know there's no need to freak out anymore if you get your order in and you know you're like oh but why didn't I I didn't order a tip top or let's say your customer calls and says hey you remember we talked about that custom decal I really like to get one so now you don't have to worry about kind of those extra charges so that right there will take care of it free shipping completely on retail orders and that is what was that that was the contiguous that's Puerto Rico that's Alaska Hawaii right believe or is it just the 48 and I'm not sure oh man well I'm not sure what to get it yeah we'll get a clarification on that I know there's some stuff on there they'll make sure to put that up there but that's until the 8th of the year so that is an advantage but see with your Christmas orders or you know all that kind of stuff that's fantastic oh so awesome well let's good start let's have that so we have our as you guys saw it make sure you shake these up really well sometimes the pigment likes to settle in the bottom yep so you want to get that all mixed up now you will notice there is a cap in the top of these so they kind of they do a drop or two at a time you don't want to go too crazy with this stuff I mean it it's definitely you know a little goes a long way oh so right I'm gonna we're gonna use all of all four colors I'm just gonna do two to three drops of each what a while okay all colors we can yeah so start with blue and you can see it it wants to like run across the surface yeah hopefully you can I think you guys can see there yeah it just sits on top of the surface it actually doesn't you're not goes to the bottom right okay cool so let's go with our second color here actually you got what Nick will you hear that piece of paper that white piece of paper there I do talk about if that actually might help just trying to dial it in here a little bit what do you think about that is that gonna be worse or is that better no okay all right so call number two are you ready let's roll so we're gonna add a couple drops in here you can see kind of there that green parted where the Blues at so that's kind of how all that's going to I'm gonna come in with our copper a couple drops there and then last the the pink let's go heavy on the red there you go dance it around about that pretty good about that alright now we're gonna actually do a slight mix with these so if you can hand me you want a stir stick you want that let's use this I guess okay yeah so when you go to do this you want to be very careful we really don't want to break up the paint too much you kind of just want to make your own little design kind of move them around a little bit yeah incorporate all the colors and the great thing about this while he's mixing this up you know when you do this it really does not matter if you use the same colors every time it's just gonna be one of those situations where you're not gonna be able to duplicate it so you'll always have a custom look to it even if you're using the same color right so that's cool you know there's some items that are like that there's some that aren't you know thread work isn't always like that but anytime you mess with these marbling pigments the magic marble stuff that's really gonna give you a very unique look alright paper towels paper towels are over here thank you for remembering that yeah so I'll let him get some paper towels you guys will see why in just a second so when you actually dip this your your grip into the paint or into the water when you go to pull it out you want to stop and when you stop you want to either you or maybe you got somebody they can help you you're gonna pull away all the excess paint from the grip itself so talk about me yeah you're my assistant alright assistant to and here we go here we go so if you guys can see hopefully in there I'm gonna kind of swirl it around say you can turn it a little bit you can kind of do that right and once it's coated yep keep going down then all yeah let me assist you here thank you appreciate that should be in like a like a white tuxedo or something right so basically Chris is just pushing away all the excess paint that was there before and when I got to pull this out yeah it's not gonna be there and there we have like pretty dope our crazy color hug grip yeah I'll let you use that I'm gonna pass yeah absolutely there you go was it that actually looked way better than it did on the top of the you know and that is something there's something to be said about when those colors are on the surface it's definitely more vibrant when it gets on this okay now what we're gonna have you do is you're gonna need to replicate the exact colors that you did on the cork so that we can see the difference because you remember exactly yes you did there right yeah yeah sure what's cool is you can actually notice that the the green come out a little bit a little bit more of a pale you know then it's actually the boss let's couple cuz it has like a poor lead to it so that's why it did that so yeah all right so I think this should be it's almost a couple questions here I'm gonna do that while you're doing that I'm gonna try to pull this off you don't push from that same yeah there we go okay go boys you got the questions yeah I'll take care of the questions here we go Dave Boggs what about an ice blank any prep for it I'm not quite sure what the question is is that in regards to grips is that in regards to the blank itself Dave come back for me there bud well we'll get that answered John is it best to use I build for rod marbling tell you what I don't have a preference now some people will say absolutely yes some people will say no I used whatever to be honest with you I don't think it really mattered it what I would do is I would match what you're using on that rod just to make it easy for you you know that way if you're gonna use high build on a big saltwater rod or something like that just go ahead and use the high build you know some people do use the high build for it but I don't personally this is my honest opinion so don't don't hang me for this one but I don't really think it matters I think whatever finish that you're comfortable using and that you like just use it there's no really reason to go out and buy a bunch of high build if you're going to start marbling so don't worry about that Dave dipping the blank is that what we're talking about so what I would do is you know it's one of those deals I would make sure that you take the gloss off the blanks so some of those blanks do come with a little bit of gloss on it I would probably steal Woollett something like that that will allow the the paint to stick a little bit better and that's you know any of the painting that anybody's ever done whether it's home or auto or boat or rod blanks about 90% of its in the prep you know you if you skimp on the prep you can really kind of you know booger up your stuff Corey's asking what happens if you don't paint you don't get the paint away after the dunking Corey what's gonna happen is the exact same thing when it's going in and it coats it if you go to pull it out and that's left on there it's going to coat over the top of it so you know you might want that look but most of the time it's going to booger enough because you might be using almost all of the pain and then a little bit left over and it might kind of just cover it halfway or there might be kind of blotches in it or that's why we try to wipe it all away it's the same thing like I understood in Hydra dipping you know you put it in there and and you let it go so Walter how long before the marbling is dry to the touch if we're talking about this magic marble because it's wet it will be a little bit I mean this is still tacky I would set it let it dry and of course it's going to be you know depending on if you're in a garage and your mom's basement something like that I would let that go before I try to coat that because you want all of the moisture out of it since you're actually immersing it in water especially a porous material like cork it it can you know soak up a little bit there yeah so uh Darrin what's gonna get the wool more yep Darrin what's the benefits of magic marble compared to normal hydro hydro dip sorry I would say for one you can definitely customize it more now I'm not a hydro dip expert I'm just assuming yep that you probably can't just pick out exactly what colors you want for hydro dip I mean maybe you can and have it custom-made but well that would be the thing right because we've had stuff hydro dip you can pick a pattern yeah you know you can do patterns and things like that but it's going to be exact every time which might be what you want you know if you want camo or diamond plating or skull-and-crossbones you know that the hydro dip you can print in a sheet lay it on and it turns out about the same so if you want it to be exact I think that would be an option but this will never be the exact same pattern yeah and you can do it your you know house to it's really easy to use and you can pretty much coat anything you want exactly so moving on we have our unprimed yep piece of cork use regular cord and I tried to do the colors the same cool see how it turns out here so ready let's do it that work didn't me cool so it's pretty close it is but some of the lighter colors are gonna pop a little more and as you can see there for one you're gonna be able to see through the cork so the spots that the paint does not get are gonna be that natural cork look the same spots over here on the on my right side it would be left on your screen that is the spots that show through or white so that does cover up your a couple of the cork yes so you know it's not it's one of those situations where it's not wrong if you want to just use the natural cork and dip it just keep in mind if there's any gaps in the paint if the paint's a very light color like that Green has a little bit different color it doesn't quite have that pearlescent shine to it over the cork just because the backing is a little bit dark and also as the as the base material gets darker whether you're trying to use you know a carbon fiber or a darker material it's going to even be more so where it's not going to pop so that's why we prime it and it you know tell you what it still looks good it looks cool but it's it's one of those deals where you know it's just not quite the same yeah so there was a question Patrick can you use a like a black primer instead of a white for just show up I would say you could oh absolutely let's go give you different effects so basically you know imagine this the speights the the spots that are white are gonna be black and I would assume probably your entire colors that you use are probably gonna have a darker shade to them they certainly will you know it think of it as for those that use a thread that is not a colorfast thread think of it like that you know it's going to change color and it'll darken a little bit it won't be exactly the same but it will be very similar so and then from there another questions coming in what do you seal this off with you know it's going to depend on on what you're using because you can do a couple options for your Grips but it'll be different for the real seats so for the real seat because you do have to use you know you're locking hood and things like that you know this is going to be most of the time they're gonna do like a spray urethane over this a really really fine coat over the top of this because you can't technically put finish over this you know you start putting finished it's gonna fill these threads and it's really going to become kind of a mess but if I'm gonna do the real seat I would do it with a spray urethane with your grips you've got more options right for the ice rod guys you know most of the time you know they're sealing the cork anyway whether they're using like a spar varnish and multiple coats like they're dipping it like you would dip like a lure or something or of course they're using the same spray urethane or they're just using broken yep so that's that's pretty much that's pretty much that Jeff what's the prep needed when doing a real seat as do you rough it up or just as is okay so being Jeff there's a cut there's a ton of real seats out there if you get a real seat that is just a basic graphite this is the CRB palm swell type seat so this is not the you know some of these have like a comfort finish a soft touch finish you know whatever the manufacturer calls it I chose the one that's just standard graphite and then I did touch it a little bit with some steel wool just to kind of take a little bit of a shine off of it and then I hit it with the primer same is gonna be for you know any other graphite seat but if you do have a painted seat that you want to change I would definitely try to knock the gloss off that paint you know more so than than with just the graphite it's just like if you're gonna paint your car that's got you know a gloss and a clear coat over it if you just walked up and painted it you have issues so it's you know that kind of prep but you don't need to get too wild with it as long as you're just dealing with a base graphite see yes hunter if doing a real seat how is the durability so Chris kind of hit on that a minute ago you definitely want to seal this after your after it's done whether it's a court grip or a real seat for the real seats you can't use like a thread finish like a pro coat you got to use the like a automotive almost type clear coat got whether it being you know one coat multiple coats but yep once you got that on there no issues Danny after the drip and dry wood you use a flex coat of clear coat over the cork you absolutely can so yeah Danny don't worry about as I said the grip is probably the most versatile on what you choose to put over the top of it you can use a flex code you can use pro coat you can use a varnish you can use your spray urethane depends on what you want on top of that don't worry about that you know coat it with whatever you want to coat because that's different you know the real seats got working threads and options like that so that's the one you got to be a little more cautious with your grip is is going to be kind of whatever you feel as the you know the strongest the most durable and any one of those is kind of kind of the best so what you got oh do go hundred Gilbert's question has that experiment had been done with dippin epoxy versus water no I don't think you would get the effect that you want there well we certainly haven't done it maybe somebody in the you know rod builder's workshop Facebook page has done it so over there that might be a great question for them I have not done it you haven't done it I don't think we have tested it here with dipped into us dipped into epoxy verse water I don't particularly know why you would necessarily need to do that because remember the water is just a delivery method it's it doesn't have any other you know purpose except to help coat the paint in its entirety you know it's going to fill every little crevice and gap and all that stuff it's you know it's it's a lot like using just a tape arbor tape barber is is nothing more than just to center it the the water in there doesn't do anything except help spread the paint over whatever you're using evenly so I don't know why epoxy would be needed or used or for for any other reason and for me it would just be wasting a ton of epoxy because you got to have like you know a pretty good sized container of it yeah I see a couple questions about can you use a urethane or a varnish I would be careful doing that just because of you know the you know the the materials such as are the products like perma gloss and maybe that's what they're referring to yeah I'd be careful that might have some bad reactions I don't know well permit loss especially I don't know it's really harsh pretty it's pretty bad but just anything that's that like you know spray your thing we've done that yeah you know any of those any of those spar marine type stuff I don't I don't see being an issue with that yeah you know and if you know you really are questioning it really thin coat of pro coat would be also a great option for your grips cool so yeah well let's do a good way anything student let's give something away why not so we're gonna be giving away three colors of magic marble and you know we might throw a couple extra in there that we've been using and testing and whatnot so y'all get a winner here coming in shoot us one over and that is going to be Melanie Sandlin tandem sand Lynn isn't that sa ND li n yeah folks and Melanie Sandlin no new Santa perfect fairly easy thing ya know so far yeah right yeah exactly it's early in the night everybody it's early in the night they love they love slinging curveballs so alright let's move on where we gonna do now so let's show how to tint some epoxy tents of epoxy we can do it is that uh is that me I think that's you all right what we doing uh you do the black right yeah yeah we'll do that and you want the marbling pigment yes so I'm going to draw some pro coat out and I tend to when I'm building light inshore bass fly rod stuff like that I'm pulling three of each and of course you can see here I got my VCS eyes in their most underrated that's it you got to have them gotta have the little caps in there and we're drawing it out and like I said I draw it to three and three and we're gonna mix it up all right we need a Roger yeah give me a rod right now alright to mixing this so we have the yeah I'm gonna set that aside in case we need it a little bit yeah so a little a little in-house trick that we utilize if you've never taken a rod building class you will notice when you go over to your finish station after you're done wrapping after all the guys have helped out guys and girls whether it's Todd or Cindy or Anthony they're helping you in the class what what they will do is you'll go over the finish table and you'll notice they'll be cups of finish all laid out right and they haven't been mixed yet but they're just fine and they live like this for hours so you can actually if you're gonna be doing this and you want to do a number of different rods and you know you're gonna be doing maybe you're gonna be using different pigments maybe you're gonna be doing the pearlescent powders maybe you're gonna be doing you know a couple different options you can pre-measure your pro coat or your thread master if you want or using pro coat pull them out and equal I'm doing like I said three and males on either side shoot them into the cup together and set them aside and those will live like that while you get everything else ready until you start mixing so that way while you're doing what you're doing put that in there yeah while you're doing what you're doing getting stuff ready and all that you don't then have to stop what you're doing and go over and find your finish and redraw some finish out and then set it up and do all that now you cannot mix it and set it aside right but you can measure it out and set it aside so I'm gonna get this moving here along what you can also do if you did want to mix it is pop it over in your epoxy mixer yeah and just let it continually mix yeah so once you start the mixing process unless you want to sit there and actually move it by hand for you know eternity you can also just put it over the epoxy mixture put the mixing rod in and just let it work cuz that'll actually go for quite some time now it's not one of those that it can go all night right but let me plug this guy in because we'll be using this in a minute get that in take your weight will let her run while we do this we got any more questioning does the tenth week in the epoxy I can't see the last part of that question guys and something but knowing that cursor off the because we can't see them and make it longer to set up okay so Tony it does not weak in the epoxy this pigment is actually just a liquid liquid pigment it doesn't weaken or hinder your thread wraps or your finish at all I think it actually does take a little bit you have an increased pot life the set-up time what do you think you think it's a little bit longer about the same you it is I don't know because it's really hard to measure like how much pigment you're pulling out and putting into let's say you know your six milliliters of finish right you know so that's gonna be hard I can't say for every you know whatever the X Factor is there I can't say for every measurement of that into measurement of this it's going to add five minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes so unfortunately we can't give you that answer but it will add a little bit of working time but don't expect it's it's not going to double your working time so it's it's not gonna do anything like that so don't don't think it's going to but as hunter said it's not it's not gonna weaken it whether you put it over thread wraps or whatever so and we're not using mill knows how small this jar is it's one ounce and you'll see in a minute how much Chris actually uses of this it is a very very small amount yeah that probably last you your life yeah forever that forever unless you marble every single day three times a day there's no whatever forever you're never gonna go through all right so as always any other stuff we need to kind of shake it up let's see ray can you move that cursor again guys I can't see the the top thank you can you mix different colors and sparkles into the thread mix yes you can you can but if you're saying mixing colors I'm not gonna be mixing the pigment before I put it in but we'll show you how to take care of that so Nick let's uh this is how much so this is going to be three of the hardener three of the resin that's your kind of for me that's my standard amount of how much I use now there is your black pigment well wait till we get focused and I'll show you actually how much I use that much is how much is going to go into this and it's going to turn it completely black so you can see all I did was maybe we don't even know if that was an eighth of an inch of dipping it in there who think so so yeah so now we're going to roll this around I'm gonna put the cap back on this yeah cuz that's another thing we don't want to get all over the board so when you guys if you're thinking about taking up marbling a couple of things you definitely want to have plenty of mixing sticks the little little paper sticks or whatever they call their yep mixing cups and you definitely want to have make sure you have plenty of epoxy yep and then also this pallet yeah that's the the CRB is it like a mixing palette yeah pigment palette mixing palette means a mixing palette yeah the technical name but it's gonna allow to you guys we'll see when we go to use multiple colors here soon you have your larger dish down here in the middle which can be more than likely is gonna be your base color for the marbling thing the marbling you know whatever you decide to do and then the ones on the outside is where you can put your accent colors so cool so as honor was shelling we're just gonna put you can see how dark that is so it pretty much looks like black paint at this point and for that somebody used that one so all I'm going to do is take my guide wrap and we're going to just add some black finish to it I want this go away I always like my rod blank spinning towards me and you can see the difference - where there's finish and there's no finish and how dark that actually is that and it's cool because you can actually with all the lights in here you can actually see the gloss black of the finish so if you're looking for it to be completely blacked out and glossy this is what's going on Chris Dustin says you're the best rod maker that he knows that's from Dustin pack oh man he needs to meet some more Rob Holmes I tell you what that's uh I tell you what man he's he's a heck of a tarpon fisherman over there and in Tampa you guys want to go tarpon fishing that's that's the guy you need to look up he's a good one yes I got another question there from Shane does the pigment help pop bubbles does it help no I don't think it helps I don't think it it it really does very little to alter the finish in any way you know it doesn't make it it really doesn't make it all that thicker it doesn't adjust bubbles it doesn't make it weaker it I mean the only like you said the only real thing it does is it extends the pot life a little bit but you know and I don't think it helps like pop bubbles it'll hide bubbles because remember now you just it's gonna have to hide your tag ins your thread wrap your pretty much everything I all that stuff so and of course you know you can do this in and white/black any of the colors that that we offer in the pigment paints you can get carried away with it so you can see there that's pretty that's pretty glossy pretty dark it's nice it is nice so if you're gonna go through that that's what I would do now you can always take some finish and then you can also come in here and add some marbling to it since I've got a dark layer here I'm gonna add a little more on here and let's just we'll just put a little in there just for the heck of it how about that sure all right uh get a white okay you want the white so again this is our marbling pigment and then I'm not sure do you want one of the metallics yet or no no no no much I will show those in a few minutes so we're gonna we're gonna kind of use a little side deal here I put a little in there I'm gonna use my palette maybe like a little Bob Ross vibe you know maybe maybe do some happy trees or something nothing wrong with some happy jokes I don't quite have the hair for it what a perm yeah no perm all right so again we got the white this is probably even less because we have less finish but we can go through here and of course we've got the clutch so we're going to use it and you can see it's wanting to kind of swirl around it because the finish is new okay see how it's kind of running yeah it's running it's kind of molding in there right so it's gonna turn into like this kind of weird hazy look right if you don't and this is why I wanted to show this on this because you know you guys hear me talk about hot finish so that finishes hot right it came right out of the mixer we're putting it right to the pigment we're taking it right to the guide wrap so now it just kind of looks smoky the reason it looks smoky is because technically it's kind of smearing and you can see I can kind of dance it around a little and just make it kind of look wild okay it just has a little bit of a smoke to it now remember if this was a longer guide wrapper something like that it's going to kind of elongate the whole pattern if you were to add heat to this which I'll show you because I don't want you to do this and ruin your deal if you add heat to this it's going to make it run even more and you're gonna lose some of the effect I want to pull it too soon the what oh yeah cause it'll drip in there boom see it's starting - it's starting to kind of just blend in and you're losing a lot of it now it's just changing shape a little it's running a little bit it's just one of those deals that if you go at it too much you're gonna drip it off and you're gonna lose the effect so you can see it sagging there on screen and all that's doing is pretty much just mixing together so be very careful when you're putting your pigments together when you're marbling if you're gonna do some of this stuff and you want very defined lines and we'll show you how to do that even more so a little bit but if you want very defined lines let some of this stuff set up because then it's not going to want to run and sag and and mix together so those are kind of two or three demos and one there yeah how to tenet how to add a little bit of kind of wave to it and then how not to booger it up yeah so we had two very similar questions actually ones from our buddy Ruby they're asking he's saying he uses the powder pigment and we had a similar question is the powder pigment or the liquid pigment which one's better or pros a cons they have the same pretty much effect right they do the same job I will say the metallic or the the powder pigment is a metallic so it's gonna have a little more pup to it and there's a lot more colors available in the powder pigments than just the regular liquid pigments so yeah I like it because it has kind of a pearly vibe to it yeah yeah you'll see yeah so so far we've only just used the liquid pigments just in a second when we actually do a full marbling you know show here or demo we're gonna throw in some of the the powder pigments but they have the same end result like the metallic pigments a little bit better though yep for sure how do you want to speaking of that do you want to lay down that black here and to start doing a little bit can do that okay because that's good to go do you want to how do you want to do the fine lines do you want to do that at the end because we need to give something away we can't I'll let you take this one okay okay so of course it is so let's do a this is our runner-up giveaway so this is for the CRB marbling starter kit which I believe is a pretty good assortment of the colors if not all of them I think you get the palette anything else your name off and you get like a 10/10 with it I think so like couple more things go in there yeah so I'll put a link up for you it's the CRB marbling starter kit and the winner is Chris who I'm sorry Chris I'm gonna mess this up screw Ron school Ron's go Ron what do you think SC or SSC you are Oh in Arlen skier on Chris congratulations yes you got a cord Chris yes yeah Chris s yeah making it bigger doesn't help you know you can zoom in all you on we're not gonna do it but hey Melanie Chris congratulations couple big winners so far tonight and we'll go ahead and kind of continue on here with the demo so let me grab a couple questions Tony I touched on this earlier does it matter which epoxy to use light or heavy CO when adding tint it doesn't so Tony don't worry about whatever Pro coat or thread master you got at the house whether it's light whether it's high build whether it's the standard kind of medium build that the pro coat is which is the one that we're using tonight and it's kind of the one that you know wouldn't when anybody gets to finishing you kind of gravitate to that finish that you're comfortable with you know how it acts you know what it does I don't feel any reason that you need to go out and just buy some pro coat high build if you already use pro coat medium build so use what you know you know it'll just it'll help you put everything together and then you don't have some high build sitting around you need it so for me I'm not using high-build unless I'm doing you know some big offshore rods I'm using the medium build or you know maybe a thread master light if we're doing some ultra ultra light stuff so that's uh I just wouldn't worry about it don't don't don't sweat that part of it Tony Evans to make the marble pop more should I let it cure while before starting to Marble not quite sure to make the marble pop more should I let it cure awhile cure a while before starting to marble Tony wants that pigment goes in it's it's at full pop there is there's no reason that it will get any less pop any more pop once it once it goes in its in so it all just depends on how you want it to turn out and look and work as you let this stuff cure your lines will be sharper and crisper so it's just like I tell y'all to wait 20 minutes before you put finish over a decal it's gonna be the same so yes in that runs less in the epoxy absolutely if you're gonna mix up a couple different batches let them cure a little bit before you start putting them in there if you want very defined lines and you want you know a crisp transition from let's say you're gonna use an orange over a black base and you want it to be very defined with no blurred lines things like that I would definitely also that heat yeah I would definitely let that stuff sit a little bit don't just pull it right from mixing pigment and go right to it because it's just like what I showed over that guide wrap if you have an epoxy that's not cured enough yet or you add heat to it and then you make it more runny you're gonna get a lot of blending and mixing and if you don't want that obviously you're gonna want to make sure that it's cured so all right hundred man what you doing you're gonna lay down some a nice black bass so we'll be able to see it so we just bring coal out some let me do the straight lines or what do you want well we can do or you want to go next and then I'll do the straight lines I think well here I'll get that one mixing you can do once you do some powder okay do some powder and then we'll do the lines on the last one I bet that all right so that's ready to rock you can pour in that you know make sure to get you a little bit extra here so that we can show some different colors when we do that last one to that work sound good the mean so this is actually a purl not necessarily a white so again running with the metallic colors now keep in mind I believe did you say that earlier where you can mix the powder in with the the regular pigment yeah sometimes you want if you want the pigmented color that is the liquid pigment and you want to add some pearl to it you can just take the pearl white is it actually just called pearl yes I believe so yeah it's just pearl PR element so that pearl will actually pearl out any one of those liquid pigments so sorry if we missed a little audio there for a second apologize for that that little glitch there but we're back we are back all right I have all my powder pigments okay so you got the Gators gotten ready to got the Gator colors ready to go a big game coming up against Auburn oh boy I need some more sticks yep right there I get three three colors three sticks okay and they definitely try to keep your stuff separate cuz any of the mixing will just kind of clutter your whole effect here and I did use a little too much on this first one but no big deal take a little more time to get it mixed up let's say you need a little more finishing it yeah I was a little short you know how much we had left so never get a second if you could add a little more in there to this guy yep Jeannie should be news yeah might as well stinkies perfect cool and that's why it's nice to run your epoxy make sure while you're doing this the whole time because if you find that you need to add a touch here at a touch there that is just on call finish ready to rock I would definitely recommend we're using the 1 ounce mixing cups that epoxy mixture will also hold the two and a half to half ounce mixing cups so if you get a chance grab uh grab a sleeve of those that way you can mix one big batch in the beginning especially any of that offshore rod stuff and you're using you know you guys just flat out use more epoxy than I would if I'm building a bass rod or a you know fly rod or something right right okay John's got a question when doing marbling on a white rod would you do a base with white pigment like on black on black rod would there be a big difference if you just use clear epoxy based on either there will be a difference if you use a white pigment the reason for that is if you're using just plain epoxy and this would go towards what you want the look to be because I'll use the analogy of remember when we do a tiger wrap for those that have seen a tiger wrap so with a tiger wrap you're putting thread epoxy thread epoxy thread plucks it you know and as you add layers of epoxy it gives a little bit of depth to it so if you're putting epoxy down like a base layer of epoxy and then there's a white blank underneath and you're just using clear epoxy there is going to be a little bit in effect because now you're adding depth between the marbling color and your white face not that is anything wrong with that you know it would almost be like if you've ever you know been it up like the museum and there's like I'm like a clear marble like a glass ball that has marbling in it it'll look more like that more so than you know paint right perfectly on the white right so there will be a little bit of depth kind of look to it again whether that's the look you're going for or not that's what will happen so if you're especially if you're using high building you're using high building you got a lot of finish on there you're gonna be adding a little depth to it because you're you're gonna be adding space between what you're putting your pigment on and the finish and then your white blank as your base otherwise you're filling this gap here with white pigment that then you're putting the paint right on top of it so yeah it'll look a little bit different whether that's it's wrong it's not wrong it's just it will look different if you had them side by side I would that you're gonna just get a different effect yeah so that's kind of the cool part of marbling you really once you get the basics down you really can't go wrong you know it's just like you said earlier like with the magic marble especially it's gonna come out different every time whether it's something that you like or not that's a different story yeah if it's something that looks good or something that you like I mean yeah that's that's the different story but you know doing it wrong it's not necessarily wrong okay you wanted me to take those sticks out of there yeah I was gonna use them too oh yeah drop the paint in there okay and of course here's the pick set so I'm gonna start off with the blue and I do have this black base that's laid down we just talked about a few minutes ago and just like Chris did I'm just gonna go in I get a little bit more here I'm just gonna drop band these dots basically just dots and you can't get crazy I mean it doesn't have to be dots you can go ahead and kind of swirl it in there you can really just do whatever you want to make sure it doesn't drip you definitely want to do that yeah because then you're gonna drip into your orange or your Y good there I got a little crazy on that one but you know what yeah it's fine it's your show I'm just your assistant right perfect so same thing happens on the water when we fish together it's yeah can you use the magic swirl on the rod blank absolutely you can absolutely use the magic marble swirling pigment on a rod light now just remember as I said before you're gonna be dealing with length of rod blank with surface area so it's just gonna be one of those situations do you have a deep enough bucket with a big enough mouth on the top probably a five-gallon bucket if you're gonna do in between a split grip I would say probably good to go now if it's already built you probably could tape it off I would say wouldn't you I mean wouldn't you say you could tape off the fighting but tape off your rear grip and let it go yeah and then with a little bit of leeway on either side as you pulled it out and then you added well not at it but as you pulled it out pull that tape right off it'll cut a pretty sharp edge and then if you just added some trim bands over each side of where those swirls and pigmented stop right before they hit the grips I think you'd be good to go so mm just kiddin are you okay just getting crazy and wild over here you know you know guess I'm tellin ya oh no I don't even I don't even know I'm just lost among little all another point marbling I think you know he's going to talk to some times so what I did was I'm just gettin crazy so what happened I went ahead and dropped a couple dots here and there just kind of by themselves and I went in and did kind of colors over top of each other just because just because it's because why not and you can leave like you know some black areas in there if you want to or not or you know what just do whatever you want to it's your party have fun I'm done so I'm gonna take my pick I just want to take this pick yep and so what you can do and this is kind of goes back to what Chris was talking about earlier the the quicker that you do this the more that you're gonna have the you know the finish kind of running and the colors running together now by the time you do two or three colors or so or kind of about the stage we're at now especially since we've been talking it's been you know probably 15 minutes or so since it's kind of been sitting there what's that this is a little bit not as hot as you know we would say it's kind of starting to set up so it's not really gonna run too much the colors are gonna kind of stay together of course you can stop it because you got a clutch there yeah so if you need to I could just gonna see where this ends up yeah it's not the best it's gonna do some happy swirls you can get kind of weird with it you know nothing wrong with that as you can tell I didn't do very well at art school no but to me it's all that matters right like a Picasso Picasso yes it's a hunter McKay me Chris and Heather asks what can't so can you do the whole blank this way would adding this weight to the rod make it handle differently so this way are we talking about what we're doing right now you could do the whole blank just like this but yes you would change it now if you've got an offshore rod that is you know let's say you're taking what's like one of those four and a half footers one of those five footers you're putting it in like a yuna but you're probably gonna coat that whole rod anyway cuz most of the time those offshore guys will take you know take a four and a half foot or a 5-footer at a unit but to it put five maybe Affco rollers on there put some big under wraps and thread work and some stuff like that and then coat the whole thing if you're gonna do that probably not gonna tell a difference you're just gonna have a really cool kind of I like that that actually turned out really good oh no see when you see it there right so there it is right there five thousand dollars you guys can own this right here it started a me original right now and free shipping Wow so if you're gonna do you know your your offshore blanks yes if you're gonna put all this finish and marble and pigment and powder pigment and try to do you know an ultra light like a six six ultra light it's gonna change it quite a bit you know it's gonna adjust the Flex that's gonna add some weight and I just personally wouldn't recommend doing it but yeah so absolutely Morris absolutely you can do this over guide wraps 100% right here when I did the liquid pigment and added it on there showed some swirls you can do it right over this guy right here I wiped it off because you know it was looking and I just didn't want it to cure because I didn't want to get in the way but yes you can take this exact thing he just did put it right on the guide wrap and you're good to go so I just turned out they're not thought I was going to absolutely probably could use a little more white kind of the the orange turned a little copper color that's kind of cool yeah I think it's right yeah so it'll be tall next week you don't you don't even have to actually swirl all the colors together you know if you just want to do this streaks yeah you know if you could if you can do the colors on top of each other and then do small little streaks with your pick off from there that looks super cool yeah and we're gonna show you another method here in a minute that's really cool hopefully it will blow your mind I think so cuz it was pretty cool for us alright so you know take over oh yeah what am I gonna do am I gonna do that I'll do you were doing the strings here yeah okay so it real quick cool all right I got some finish you guys have finished for me yes sir a little bass down real quick all right are you gonna use that black stuff still yeah there should be enough in here okay I can you want me to add a little to it hmm or is it nothing I got it okay you want to pull some out of there cuz that's the same stuff pull some out of there let me get this out and I'll get another one mixing yes just because we're gonna need it so we can do multiple colors I'll let you show what the trick is okay and then uh I'll show it on a blank you know the questions nothing yet I'll mix that I'll mix this with my hand all right so now what we're gonna do is we are going to take the marbling pigments and show you guys how to do a really really clean sharp edge and line inside of this base color with whatever color you choose and we're gonna show you how to kind of do a web effect and the reason it's kind of a web effect is because we are going to be adding this is that straight on we're gonna be adding that to the epoxy and the marbling pigments right here Nick keep coming here we go having left there he is there he is and it's very specific to yes and before you ask the question no you can't use that and no you can't use that so all three of those are color preserver that you put over your threads but these do not work for what we're gonna do so if you have them they work very very well for their intended purpose but this flex coat one just so happens to be able to be used a different way all right that's mixed we've flame this really quick yeah and our burner go right here do you have the lighter right here checking your pockets alright so that is good this is good that was hot time back up back up Terry but it goes back up alright uh can you use magic oil in the rod blank say between the grips yep I already answered that one cool cool all right hopefully everybody has been liking and sharing got the got the drawing we're gonna do a grand prize in here in a minute all right so let's add some pigments here took your color pick your poison let's get this no I think we're done with this right yeah it's a mess waiting to be had yeah good good one to wear for sure okay let's do well I've got gold about that I know you're gonna use them liquid saw the liquids yep just so we can see I'm real good about how that orange and blue and white Wow how about yellow all right give me the blue one make sure I drag my shirt in it yellow and blue sure went up there use one do you want what we'll do - yeah we'll do the old mud hole colors I'll do this one all right shaking up need a stick you got a stick I have a stick got a pigment to teach all right got blue coming along now when we makes this color preservers thread sealant whatever you guys want to call it into there again I don't have an exact recipe for you I cannot say draw out X number of milliliters of this stuff and it's it's gonna be perfect every time I don't really know but what you're gonna do is you're gonna do a little at a time all right Nick fine here on the on the table so we've got this good and we're gonna add maybe a little bit at a time mmm she'll have mine ready for you snooze you lose kappa that's right alright so you'll notice that this stuff does sort of lighten the color but remember when you ever you use this it dries clear so it will not turn it you know it's not going to turn it white or it's not gonna turn the blue into a really really light blue we're not showing the good and mixing tips here the epoxy without the epoxy is mixed we can get we can get wild with this alright so you got me there Nick so as this gets started to mix up you can see it starts getting kind of stretchy and you can see how long it'll stretch this one's getting pretty neat this one's about right alright see you can see what it looks like now that doesn't look like regular finish okay looks like I got like a little bit of bubble gum in there maybe so because then what happens is then and you can stretch it see like that just kind of get this like weird stretch effect to it so I'm gonna lay a little this down good here and you can see how sharp those lines are and as you stretch it you can make the line thinner you can make it thicker if you start out a little right out of the gate see how that lines a little bit thicker it starts to thin right out so you can see how sharp those lines are that really starts to look like you know a hard marble line that you get in you know your countertops or something like that sometimes a little a little too thin now you're good so see you can kind of you know it kind of has a real webby kind of effect that you can add really really distinct lines into this thing oh yeah I'm gonna do one more in then we'll see where we can lay maybe put a little bit put a little bit more black down and then wool for that like where you give me that black thing with please yep or actually maybe that orange and red and yellow yeah well now that just orange and yellow swine sorry okay I thought that that didn't have it but yeah any questions on these everything else so let's see Gilbert can you add mesh tape under the base color to give it a scale effect yeah I don't see why you couldn't don't well the only thing is though it's gonna dry yeah it'll just fill it so it's gonna dry so you'd almost have to put your mesh tape down coat over it let that dry then come back with a base coat for your marbling and we give that a shot you run out of brushes up no we didn't cool all right there's a question what happens if you had some heat now it'll make it run it will make it run so just be aware of that because if you do add some heat it will kind of smear it but you know again it's it's not the end of the world I've never seen how much this orange see it just doesn't gonna show him what the pigment looks like over a dark so here's something I wanted to show you guys too cuz I know this question comes up quite a bit you can see how Orange this pigment is in the cup right but remember it's got finish in it so it's not paint some people think that it's paint but it's not paint so it does have to be very thick on it if you're going to cover a dark blank so just be aware that you can see that the orange does change a little bit once it gets leveled out it's not too bad but you do have to put quite a bit on yep this would be that this would be the place that I would come in with high build that would help out because you see if I wipe it it's very clear that there's a dark blank underneath it and you can see it dripping off so remember the pigment it's pretty good at you know changing the color of the finish but it's it's not like painting the blank so that's just something to be aware of so we can go back in with this one and since we're dealing with a lot a lot less colors I'm just gonna come in do a few of the little streaks try not to mess it up too much if you get really good at this and you can probably find some videos or some some information online well guys will do the flame patterns which are really really cool you know if you want to do some red some orange yellow we could probably even write your name on here you're really good okay you could spell it's true so now remember we talked about what happens if you've got really hot finish and you're putting some of this over see it wants to streak a little bit but remember that's what you're going for that's just something to keep in mind all right I think that's uh that's enough of a mess for one evening dan is there any glow-in-the-dark additives that could be thrown in as well mmm I'm not sure I don't think so don't do it we don't have any nope could be a thing for the future yeah what you looking at early John how do you get rid of the bubbles and the lines you just made without putting heat to it and causing the lines to smear John that was me being sloppy so thank you for noticing that that was me just being working - quack quack working too quick and smeared it on there too fast bubbles like that they should kind of migrate their way out but if you do put heat to it it will smear it so just be aware of that when you're working too fast and you mix bubbles in that's what happens yeah so yep absolutely that was just me working too fast that's all that was so I just added bubbles into it and the you know the the pigment holds it a little bit so yeah good also use these instead of just taking out of a mixing Cup yeah you could use one of the full dishes well the foil dish is how we put finish on in general we don't typically just go right out of a mixing Cup and right onto the blank because those bubbles do kind of dissipate out when you use that so all right grand prize winner let's do it that's gonna be a color series rod kit CRB color series rod kit and a professional marbling kit all together we might throw in a few little odds and ends here that we've been working on with this evening and that's gonna be Donnie Elliott Donny Elliott Donny Elliott so congratulations to Donny and all the other winners go ahead Chris we had Melanie right Melanie yeah yeah I think there's no way cool all right so hopefully you guys learned a little something hopefully you've got you know a few tips and tricks to take back to your basement or your rod building workshop there at the house as always make sure to follow along at my whole lives rod Miller's Workshop Facebook page that's where we answer a ton of questions we do a pre-show obviously now we're gonna do a post show tomorrow answering questions hopefully you guys will put up you know tips and tricks we've been seeing everybody that's been kind of leading up to the show so far this week we saw some really cool thread wraps with marbling over the top we saw some people trying some different things and as always we love the fact that we've kind of helped actually y'all have helped build a great community there it's over 2000 members I know last show we had hit over 2000 and I know it's just constantly increasing so everybody's pretty civil in there that's great you know nobody cops an attitude which you know we don't need in there so that's that's great it has become a very good community of you know showing off you know your builds asking questions people giving tips and tricks that's been that's been a really really great thing and what else oh of course the free shipping course no I know we talked about that free shipping that is on all retail orders that's going to be until the end of the year and anything under 8 feet in length that kind of you know mirrors the same length restrictions that we had before so anything under 8 feet in length and that's on every order you want one guide you want one decal you want one hat coming at you free shipping don't have to worry about did you forget something in your last order so CR anything else on forgetting I think that covers it think that covers it so it's becoming that time of year where a lot of people are doing a lot of rod building for friends and the holidays and the new year and stuff so we will be ramping up we will be jumping back into our winter schedule of I think we're doing it every two weeks now yeah so October 1st which was tonight we'll be doing it and then not next Tuesday but the following I don't know what that date is that's pretty easy math but you know all these lights hinder the math I saw if it's going to be the 15th so anyway that'll be October 15 at 6:30 Easter we'll be back here in the basement I know I thought that was funny I appreciate that so anyway we appreciate y'all congratulations to the winners jump in that my whole lives rod builder's workshop Facebook page if you've got any questions on any of this stuff tonight don't hesitate to you know call the great sales crew up front and or you know hit us up so we got a little shopping to do in the back and he's winners stuff out to him tomorrow I got your credit card on my desk already awesome and for the guys behind the scenes Guffey and Taylor J boy and Nicky Mints you are as always Hunter McKay me Chris Adams thank you guys very much we'll see you next I see October 15 got it see ya [Music] you
Channel: Mud Hole Custom Tackle, Inc.
Views: 29,343
Rating: 4.7723579 out of 5
Keywords: rod building, fishing, fishing rods, mud hole custom tackle, mud hole live, marbling, how to, marble pigments, epoxy finish, tools for marbling, supplies for marbling, live demo, magic marble, marble swirl, custom rods, custom rod building, crb products, RBS Rod Building Systems
Id: hrAtQYqxcqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 29sec (5069 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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