Mud Hole Live: Thread Tips & Fade Wraps

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really I'm gonna take these off how we looking guys we go why perfect well well you're back we're back in the penthouse in the penthouse of course so as usual got me on Chris Adams I got hunter McKay me here with me we're in the penthouse this is going to be this is gonna be a big one oh yeah absolutely so what are we gonna are we gonna do tonight so we're talking about thread all about thread tonight all about through so we're gonna do some you know some stuff we've touched on past shows we're gonna revisit trim bands are always a big hit huge you know surround you a nail not trim band like a single inlay right you're gonna combine the single inlay the ferrule wrap which has been another big question I've seen in the the Facebook group you know and and all over that so we're gonna do that and also we're gonna do I'm gonna do a butt wrap across wrap right so that's always a you know big hit with of yours they're a little wrinkle in there cuz some people you know there was a question earlier that we'll get to they always ask are not always asked but they do ask do you do your decorative first or do you do your handle or do you do your god rap so we're gonna touch on that as well we've got an example of actually how to incorporate cross wrap in the split grip area of your butt yep but you're gonna do before you do anything else in the rest of your rod right which that we haven't done we came up with that and also at kind of near the end of the show I'm gonna do a fade wrap got an example of it here we don't want to really show that yeah but so yeah we have done that where we haven't done that I should say we have not done the fade wrap that was something that came up and you know we always like when everybody reaches out because that's how we make this show better and of course we're gonna do the giveaways I'm gonna get your credit card out the Chiefs in the building we get his credit card out we're gonna start giving some stuff away and it's it's gonna be a great show so you guys ready to get this thing kicked off its do it how about it let's hit it there is nothing wrong with your television set do not attempt to adjust the picture we are controlling transmission [Music] [Music] [Music] and we're back we are back I'm really I can't get enough of that intro I like I like Guffey out there walking through the woods like he's like he's going on an adventure gotta love it so cool alright so as we mentioned we are going to start we're going to start you off easy right and we're gonna do some trim bands that's kind of one of those things I know it was one of the first decorative things that I did to start that's something that you can do with the electric threat that that is a really really cool things got a little stretch in it it's easy to work with you can also use the regular metallic thread right or any other thread honestly that's that's the great thing about it is you're not just hemmed into one specific material to work with and you're gonna show us a couple things here yeah now first yes go ahead so we have we got two promos or sales to talk about first right of course so in honor of Facebook live tonight we've got you guys a 10% off code for this is pro rap and FishHawk thread yep it ends tomorrow night the promo code one 0pr OMH 10 pro image that's 10% off pro rap and FishHawk thread it ends excuse me is it Friday guys nice we push it that riday okay that's good that's good and we've got also another special on clear explain since this week yes which that ends 226 at midnight I'm not sure what is what's the date on that tomorrow night maybe that's the one in tomorrow night okay so we got we got crossed up there but it's it's clearance blank sale that's our gloss black and gloss white blanks in the clearance section mm-hm and they start at 17 17 v a pureblood can be there's a lot a lot of good options in there different hours hours different actions and powers right and yeah so that's that's a great great sale going on over at mudhole comm and also we cannot forget we're streaming to youtube right I do in multiple platforms tonight so you know holler to everyone who is maybe not joining us on Facebook live and now it's mudhole lot right so we've got a number of different platforms out there of course Taylor and Guffey are in the back they're in the war room they're answering questions on all those platforms so for those that are watching on YouTube right now feel free to ask away they'll filter some questions in and yeah it's it's ever-growing love it fantastic perfect all right so you gonna jump in here let's do it alright so now we're gonna cross you guys up a little bit because we've got an overhead cam tonight so we kind of have a spot here set then we've got to work from here so that's something that I know a lot of people have talked about in the past of you know when it's straight on it's great and you know Nicki Mintz is on the zoom that's great but you get crossed up a little and especially with a fade rap or some of these other things it is nice to know okay he's working with his left hand and going over or coming under that's that's a big thing especially in your cross rep and especially in the fade rap here later so we're gonna work and the guys are gonna come in and out from the overhead cam I think is pretty cool yeah so let's kick it off I will let you take it so we're gonna start off with a simple what we like to fur to as a nail not trim band and the cool part of this is like you mentioned earlier you can use metallic you can use nylon you can use colorfast it really doesn't matter what thread you use right you can incorporate this in your split grip area did I get you checked in yeah it's good good there you can coorporate it to your split grip area you can incorporate it against any of your rod butts your reel Syria your respect decal and of course we've got this cool fade wrap which you're gonna show later on so we're gonna use this an example here let's see if we got our we got the overhead overhead cam live better guys cool cool so when you start this nail not trim band usually I like to work with a good amount of thread you know pull off several several you know four or five feet thread is very inexpensive don't be afraid to use it and so what we're working with today is actually our Electra metallic from prowrap this is a really sharp blue and so what I like to do is usually I'll start and I'll pinch a little bit of a tag in maybe we'll say five or six inches in my left hand between my pointer finger and my thumb all right can we see that guys will resume dead here okay perfect we got the overhead cam ready and so when I'm working with this I've got the majority of the length of my thread in my right hand and what I'm gonna do is and you can vary the number of wraps you do so what I'm going to start with I'm going to go over the blank I'm gonna come underneath and then between those same two fingers I'm gonna pinch the thread and I'm working from my right to left I'm gonna do that about we'll say three or four times this can get a little bit tricky because you are working with a lot of thread but just be careful take your time and you can technically run like you said you can do two wraps you can do three you can do four so you know depending on what effect you want you can add or remove you know the amount of wraps that hunter is putting in here right so if you guys can see that I went from right to left and every time I put that thread to the left of the one I just you know went over with and then I pinched them between those two fingers each time so it's really stable right there the threads aren't moving right so when I get ready to finish this off I'm actually just gonna twist the thread see you can see that kind of created a little opening right here you guys can see that right in there right so I'm going to take my tag in the long part of the thread I'm gonna go in that gap that I created simple as that take the tag in grab it there pull it through and the tricky part here is get quite through you're gonna let everything go oh I missed it there you try that one more time okay don't worry it's live yeah it's all good it's practice absolutely all right we got that time no didn't miss it again geez wrap their house that should take him back my first statement about too much threatening yeah right okay let's try it this way there we go okay so once you got that you're gonna let it go I know it looks really crazy right now but what you do is you kind of start to Snug these up closer to your rod blank pull them a little bit towards where you want them to stay not all the way but just quite there let me see that yep and to tighten these you pull them the opposite ways so get a little bit closer to my edge and typically I like to stay just a hair where your two tag ends are I like to keep those tag ins a little bit off of your main wrap or we're ever gonna finish that because when you go to cut these tag ends you don't want to be too close and actually you know snip the edge of your wrap or something like that so as I pull these the opposite ways they're gonna tighten up I'm gonna go on my razor blade snip there you know the great part about this Electra is it does have a little bit elasticity in it so as you snug it down you can you can give a little bit of a tug and it'll cinch on itself before you cut those threads nicely trim it a little closer it popped off but you get the idea yeah it's quick easy enough that you can you know if you do happen to snip it a little close just redo it real quick back on they're good to go yep absolutely cool you wanna do a couple questions here yeah well we switch over oh let's do this what do you want to start that's alright I'll jump in here Dara man-whores has got a question and this is a great question we talked about this earlier what about thread designs that makes colorfast threads with nylon I would lean on that as being maybe a little bit more of an advanced because you have to understand the differences nylon and colorfast right and of course we have touched on that a number of times but what ends up happening is the colorfast stays true so this is a colorfast thread this thread will look exactly as it does on the spool as it is on the rod blank with finish over it so what ends up happening is when you get a nylon thread the nylon can I don't want to say fade because that is the wrong it's the wrong term it it will darken slightly it will sometimes it will take characteristics of the colors from the rod blank and it will become you know it will have a translucent type effect so it's great when you want to add a beam it's great when you want to add a little depth when you want to kind of give you know a finish where your thread blends in with your rod blank well what can happen is you know you pick this really pretty color that is a nylon and you want to use it with a color fast and then you put finish on it and it kind of meshes together or sometimes it can bleed or depending on the color or rod blank you put it over a you know a light pink will look completely different over a white blank as it does over a black satin blank and if you just choose a color fast it won't do that so it's one of those situations that I would hate for someone to get into this big elaborate work of thread art and the next thing you know they're mixing the faint and mixing two types of thread of color fast and a nylon then they put some finish on it and it turns to mush yeah and I'm not saying it will but you just have to understand that that's that can't happen just because of the characteristics of nylon yeah I use nylon a lot it's great I love it but I understand that it's going to blend or fade and turn a little translucent and it's it's a great cool look your guide feet show through it at times and stuff but you start mixing it it can you know yeah and you can always test your thread ahead of time always you know yeah you can use the isopropyl alcohol trick to where you just dab a little bit alcohol in there I see you know what shade it turns or snow yeah like you said better state would stick with one especially if you're doing you know decorative raps yeah let's stick tour towards colorfast you know cuz you you pretty much know exactly what that colors gonna be that's what it's gonna look like cool alright you want you answer a question while I swim swap over here alright so mark from Facebook does it matter which direction you wrapped with your rapper mark no it doesn't typically you want to wrap from your left or right but you know there are some cases if you have a double foot guide maybe you want to wrap from your right to left and that certainly can be done just you know you got to make a few adjustments on how you start your rap but other than that you can you can definitely do either way no problem there let's see John for a beginner what size thread should you use just starting out thank you this is uh this is a great not sure what that last word is John I would actually start out with probably maybe like a B or even a D you know B is actually a good median thread size to use to start off with it's actually the the size that both of us prefer yep you know a is a little bit tougher to start off with because it's a thinner diameter a little bit harder to work with D is obviously a little bit thicker and you know you you're able to burnish it easier and so forth but B or D you I'd probably start with and then if you get the knack for it maybe try to tackle that a so yep alright maybe one more new yeah good there that work let's see we got a question on olive what was that olive leaf as a guide wrap maybe you mean olive branch you familiar with olive leaf Oh Brad would probably go is the same so olive we've done and I believe we did we did we touched on the olive branch on one of the past we last year yeah so check back on maybe a few of our episodes on on the Decker of wraps or thread work we're not going to touch on at this episode we might do it again in another future thread through an episode yeah you know we had talked about that because you know people were asking about pink dragon scale and they're asking about an olive branch and and you know unfortunately we we can't do all of the thread work tonight but the olive branches is a great option as well as the Dragon Scale and we're just you know we're getting to a point where you guys are learning so much and you know we love teaching so we're just gonna have to do a second thread episode that's all there is to that's good this last one yeah question from youtube for ice rods what would be a good thread size I want to go with a on that just because you're working with very very small diameter blanks a a is gonna be great all around for your you know ultralights ice rods pan fish rods so forth yep I'd go with a cool all right so hmm let's do a ferrule wrap and I'm gonna incorporate it into a single band and then also an inlay so I've got a ferrule wrap started here and a couple of people will ask how close do you start it how long do you run it I'll share my thoughts on that there's not a ton of you know true writer wrongs but if you look at the diameter of this blank a lot of the time you will take the diameter of the blank and then turn it and that's how long you do a ferrule wrap some people do one and a half of the diameter some people just do the diameter of the pipe so I tend to do maybe like one to one and a half on a little bit heavier rod blank maybe an eighth weight in an up or a little bit stouter travel rod on some of the lighter stuff I don't worry about it as much you know as being a long wrap but what I do to keep the aesthetics pleasing is I try to make sure that each fail wrap is the same and that's just you know fail wraps the same length if I'm doing an inlay on this fair all I do it on the next one and the next one you know however many piece Rob's you got there so what I'm going to do is I've got the start laid down here and a couple things about you know these wraps especially if you're gonna incorporate nylon or silk and if you start doing inlays remember some of these tag ins show right so since we're doing it on a white blank to try to show some contrast I'm using some color fast here and let your imagination go with this you know there's there's no right or wrong if you do three wraps then start or four wraps and and whatever so I'm just gonna get it started here just to a point where you guys can see what I'm doing and then I'll show you the important parts so I have taken a piece here this is Elektra again I like this as well and I'm going to bring this under and lay it in there like that okay so I've got a tag in out this way and then the standing technically would be a standing line this way so I saw the question earlier which way do you usually wrap either your hand wrap or your power wrapper when I'm wrapping on the hand wrapper you know I've got the four spool attachment here I'm a big fan of that and you can also use the thread tensioner with that on the hand wrapper which again I like so I always wrap away from me like this and you can wrap over this thread to two four six times it doesn't really matter I try to do at least two but when you're going to do a single band this part is important for me I actually take this standing line and I'm going to go in behind the thread that I'm wrapping okay so let me pull this away a little so I have just taken this and I went behind only one thread so now you can see there's a gap there right I think we can see those yep okay so now we have the blue that I'm wrapping with and we have the Electra here that I've slipped under and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to pinch those together and then I'm going to wrap and as I wrap I'll come around to where my tag was and I'm going to go back under to lock this peace in and just be kind of careful you don't want to work it back too far as you can see I'm kind of working it up here because you want these to cross where it looks like one ended and the next one began it's all one piece there okay so that everybody catch that I'm gonna back this off and I'm going to show you one more time so I'm gonna back it out okay we're gonna go forward I'm gonna take this standing piece go underneath the wrap so now they're side-by-side I'm gonna wrap them down there now where they meet I'm gonna go back underneath to my left which will bring it back underneath the blue I can grab it there we go sorry I was covering it there work it back up there to where they meet do a little burnish there since I pulled it a little little out so y'all could see hmm and then I will continue my wrapping and then you've got your single band in there I like a single band I think it's pretty sharp you know it even makes people kind of like man how do you do the single band so I just like the single band now I'm going to incorporate we're gonna do a multi band inlay so imagine that I don't have that there or I already have that there now we've wrapped over this I have not cut the standing end and I'm gonna do the same thing I'm gonna go underneath pull it mmm I'm gonna hold them side by side tightly and then I'm just going to continue to wrap so we've come around once twice three times there now I'm going to put my finger on this just to hold it tight while I adjust the thread okay put that down okay now I have the pink in my hand I'm going to go back under the blue okay I can let that go now because now it's locked I'll work it back up and then now that this is locked I can let this go and we can continue to wrap and then you just come in with your burnishing tool and tighten it down I mean you'll cut this you'll cut that and now you've got a single band and then you got a 3 band inlay on a ferrule wrap and you can trim all these out trim that piece of elektra out got those Keane just gonna go ahead and finish these out and there's your ferrule wrap with a single band and a 3 band inlay in there perfect and you can again take that and run with it you know you can do multiple different colors and change it up and there you have it good very cool all right all right I think it's time to give something away and so so the third place give away tonight is what were we doing we are gonna do the trim being creation kiss yes the trim increase you know that would make sense perfect perfect sex like we actually blind that of a thought that and the guys put that together for us perfect so the trim band creation kit if I can remember correctly comes with obviously some metallic thread and a couple tools I believe some scissors maybe to get started so the winner of the thread banner the the thread trimmed and trim band really chic it is you got scrolled away from our winner there where to go yeah rum roll hello hello whatever is it at the top there it is Darren right Darren right congratulations Tran ban creation kit winner and as always guys like and share this this live video feed for a chance to win the prizes we still got two more a second place and the grand prize as always which is cool very good tonight and so absolutely it's it's always great it's always right all right so you want to hit a few questions yeah I saw a few that we see so we've got a lot of questions on different thread sizes so I'm gonna try to knock out a few here just just to get them out of the way yeah so different thread sizes we've got you know a B there's also see out there yep D and the cours silk and silk which is like is real I believe yeah it's very very thin diam there it's very thin this is really really cool stuff that is the FishHawk silk but it's thin very thin so please be aware when you're working with that it's then yeah just have a few precautions okay so as a rule of thumb just you know across the board a and D are probably the most popular sizes yep D is very popular with your heavier Roger saltwater rods you know you can use them as deck for a decorative wraps as well which we used in the last show on thread wraps it's a thicker thread it's gonna be more visible and then again so you know an opposite side of the spectrum there we have size a which is generally for your your ice rods your ultralights your freshwater yep your fly rods you know your inshore rods and then B is kind of there in the middle you know if you like the the ease of working with D but maybe you're not quite sold on a B is that perfect side is rather close to right in the middle perfect so and speaking of those different sizes Matt's got a question Matt Pearson what is the best thread size for under epic you're gonna use it under a double footed guide we touch on this a lot and this is something you know I would sort of say it's a hard and fast rule you know there's not too many of those in rod building but mmm what you want to do is you want to lay a down first and then you wrap D over the top the reason for that is e is a is a thinner diameter and you can pack it tighter the D then runs over the top of it and it will not break in between like if you reversed it right if you lay D down first and then you try to come over with a a will cut into the D and it'll spread it out like that now if you get in a pinch or you only have your favorite thread color in that size that you've got to use as an under wrap let you can lay down size D and then you can put a very thin coat of finish so thin coat of finish over it so then it's really just one solid piece and now it's not individual threads anymore and then come and wrap over the top but in a perfect world you would wrap size a put your guide on it size D finish it and go fishing awesome yep Fred from Freight from Facebook is colorfast thread is strong and effective as non colorfast thread I've heard that CP can cause poor rapid heejun Fred honestly they're about the same strength you know there's not gonna be one that's gonna be less strong as the other personally I have not heard any issues with CP that causes poor rapid heejun you know maybe they're applying it too thick you know it's hard to say on you know that aspect of it you heard anything with CP I'll touch on it okay because I am NOT a color preserver guy right I would love to sell you guys some color preserver I'm not a color preserver guy let me tell you why because first I like nylon and I like the way that it becomes translucent and the whole look of it the second and I think what he was referring to with the thread adhesion is and I don't have any data to prove this I don't but I have repaired rods that had color preserver on them and ones that didn't again no true data but the ones that had color preserver on it there was less finish that made it to the blank and absorb into the thread and if we're talking you know if we think of thread like concrete and rebar or you have you know concrete that has you know a liquid agent and it's got some rock in it and that it has rebar for strength I know I might be stretching this but you know you you have color preserver that's keeping the finish pretty much out of the thread and that's why it preserves the color in it and maybe not as much finish can get to the blank and bond with the thread or whatever again I have no hard data on this I just know that when I've cut a guide off I can peel it pretty easy if it's had color preserver but otherwise if it doesn't have color preserver and it's got nylon like I use I haven't like scrape it off the blank again I think that's what he was talking about you know I don't I don't have any really you know not saying comforters it was wrong make sense I just I think it's part of the show that you guys appreciate is I'll just give you yeah you'll give advice suggestions and it's the truth I just don't use it but it's a good product that's what you want especially for decorative wraps mark-ass can you rap with fly tying thread so my answer to that is yes you can but but the problem with glide tying thread just like silk is it's very very thin diameter I mean you can get down to like what a tall thread oh you can get super super tiny yeah it would take you you know an hour to wrap one guy you know you're sitting there just going going and going to going on I would stick to you know pro rat FishHawk stick to the brands that that you know manufacture this thread for rod building nylon colorfast keep it simple don't try to veer off the road too much there you want to know another reason why you can't hit me because the fly tying thread that I have and use typically it's a flat waxed nylon edger which means it's very very similar to the sewing thread that you run through a machine that has a coating on it and you can wrap with it but you gotta use color preserver mm-hmm we've addressed how I feel about color preserver yeah so that's the only thing is I don't want someone to rap with fly tying thread that is waxed not all of them are but please look at the label because it will say flat wax whatever and it'll give you a denier and all that stuff so most of this rod building thread is going to be round like a power probe rain or something you fish with you know and then most fly tying thread that I tend to use is flat and it's also wax so those are two kind of issues there the flats kind of weird because it you know you would actually have to pre twist it and then it's also waxed so just be careful with that so yeah I mean you can but just make sure you use your color preserver and have a power wrapper cuz you're gonna be wrapping one guide with that a taut thread like a long time oh cool all right you want to get let's get going on the cross wrap don't know a lot of people want to see this you're gonna use that and what we did we put it on the box before to make sure yes mark I'm gonna show off a few tools that we're gonna need to do the cross wrap then we're going to mock up the rod blank okay on our CR B but wrap alignment tool yep and then what the RBS / after that okay so you're gonna need the overhead cam yes okay so you only move this just uh if you want to if you remove it all the way or scooter I'll just move it so we can alright guys so a few tools to just start off this cross wrap the butt wrap alignment tool is makes it so easy rotate so yeah we've gotta zoom on that guy as we did there what's your reset there so one cool thing about this tool is for one we've got a cooler already printed on the tool itself in inches right so it also has this slat that will go up and down and when you put it in the down position it's going to lock your rod blank in this channel at the bottom here so not only do we have inches print it on to the tool itself we also have centimeters on the metal slat that goes down makes it super easy to make your marks on the rod blank with your China marker or grease pencil whatever you have and we're gonna end out into a second but this right here makes it so easy to just start your cross wrap to get your blanket the marks on your blank and get it started so we talked about you know the grease pencils the china markers always have a white one always have at least or red one or even a black sure because we go to do white blanks can't use white right so and of course for thread the options are endless right we're gonna be using some braid some prowrap braid this is like an eighth inch thick I believe it comes in multi colors we've got a nice silver and blue here that run of using the show and of course you can incorporate your Electra metallic your Pro FX the standard metallic from pro wrap you can incorporate any thread that's why I love about cross wraps right as you can get as you can knock one out ten minutes or you can take you know thirty hours well I really wanted to and of course that's like a little bit of a cheat right I mean it's it's a cheat but it's it's also very effective because it looks incredible but you're also with that width of the braid you're taking up what could be like seven or eight passes back and forth right yeah so so I'm gonna do a little little fast-forward and we're gonna reverse back real quick so this is kind of the effect you're going for guys we're doing a simple diamond wrap nothing too crazy we've got some red white and blue or you know we got some silver mixed in I kind of skipped out on the white but we're gonna take this example right here which you can see is on the butt end of this rod blank we're gonna have a couple tips for that later in the show and we're also to show you guys how to kind of improve on the colors in this scheme you know I did this one a few days ago and what's cool about it is and not so cool about it is that I like the colors but I would probably change it a little bit you know what's cool about cross reps is if you don't exactly love it you can take you know you can take a couple layers off change them up a bit and really get that effect or that color scheme that you're going for right so let's jump into it cool we're gonna use we're incorporating our overhead cam yep so I got the alignment tool here and we're using this this little cardboard box to kind of give us a little pedestal to work on so you guys can see a little bit better yeah because we have to keep it in focus since we don't have Jay is afraid of heights so he really didn't want to hang from the ceiling and film so we actually have a camera that has been professionally hung from the ceiling but it's a fixed focal point well right so there we go if we're all set there I'm just joking Jay you know remove it over just get my alignment right so you guys can see this edge and remember I am working from my left to my right guys it's not switched as before so as you can see I've got the the edge of my butt here and of course you can put this anywhere on your rod blank that you want but I'm just gonna stick with the edge right here show you guys how this works so my metal slat I've got wing nuts on the back I can adjust those loosen them or tighten them I'm gonna push this metal slat down and I'm gonna lock in my rod blank there now what's cool about this is it's not gonna move now but it can twist right so I got it there I'm gonna start at zero the button is at zero I'm gonna come in with my Red China marker and as a rule of thumb for anybody's getting started and cross straps or butt wraps I like to do I like to make my marks in one inch increments so first I'm going to start obviously at one come in at two three and so forth just to give you guys an effect so now is there as you're doing that I've got a question because I'm not about rap guy you are is there any reason that you would do one inch or two centimeters as opposed to every six or every for every I mean are we are you just gonna adjust the gaps in the cross wrap so essentially what these marks are doing are creating what I like to call you know spots or like an intersection point on this blank okay so I'm gonna do this on two sides I'm gonna do it on the side that I see right now okay I'm going to turn it 180 and I'm going to do it on basically the exact opposite side okay that rod blank yep now when I start on the 180 side of this rod blank I'm gonna start actually at a half inch I'm still gonna be doing one inch increments but I'm starting at the half inch mark okay so I'm gonna go a half inch then we're gonna jump to one and a half two and a half and so forth now to get back to your question there sorry I skipped ahead just to kind of show or working with here that's all leading up to it so as you can see I've got marks on this side I'm gonna flip it 180 and I've got my marks there so to answer your question these marks are creating intersection points the closer you put those marks together the tighter your diamond or the closer together those diamonds will be okay or Chevron's or whatever it may be right right the farther apart you do them the more elongated or farther apart they're gonna be okay so that's just an idea and you can play with it you can do you know every 3/4 of a net with whatever your heart desires sure the one inch spacing just seems to be a a good you know distance apart to create a cool effect and have some space in there and of course you can go in if you wanted to you know like the example earlier you can leave it as it is or you can continue to go layer layer layer and actually close those all the way in well and I think to especially kind of starting and showing here you know just doing a one inch and then a half inch it gives me some round numbers yeah so yeah excellent all right let's uh okay I'll take that box right cool I had a few questions if you want to set us back up real quick yeah so we're done with the alignment tool Chris is gonna setup the RBS Pro for us again I'm gonna hit a couple questions let's see what we got guys Richard from YouTube if your razor blade does not cleanly cut your thread how do you clean up the the bump or the thread that's showing afterward that's a great question Richard we get that a lot so one thing I recommend is and we had it out on the table earlier the alcohol lamp right here perfect yep so this alcohol lamp our burner is what we like to call it obviously it's got a wick there at the top this is a denatured alcohol this is not only great for using with your pro code or you know your thread master finish this is also great what we call you know flaming in in the finishing step you can also use this to hit those burrs or those little thread spots on your thread wrap you know if it's fetched it's like a little tiny little you know a couple fibers sticking out and it really bothers you just go up there real quick and don't get it super close kind of stay it you know kind of away from it a little bit and just barely kind of flame that thread wrap and usually those those little fibers that are sticking up will just quickly burn off you want to be able to see it'll knock it down and and you know a great that we talked about this earlier a great second to that or to expand on that is when you're using finish if you do have one that's kind of a little burr or something on there and you're gonna do multiple coats of finish go ahead and do a coat of finish then it will make that burr rigid because sometimes it is you know I've had it where I'm going like I can't grab it or tweezer or cut it or flame it and then it creates a little post well I can't do anything on that post and I don't want to cut my thread so just go ahead and put finish on it and then you can shave it and you know knock it down add another coat of finish and you'll never notice a great idea perfect all right let's get back into it so the butt wrap yep who's that guy yeah let's get over here real quick as you're doing that I want a head another question hmm what size thread would you use or would you recommend for rollers North Florida fishing 42 that comes from YouTube right on size D as we were saying use the size D to lock your rollers down after you use size a underneath them I tend to use an under wrap of size a before I throw down you know an afro set of rollers or something like that and then let me talk to Mike TR 30 from YouTube well your 4 thread holder work on an older pack Bay rapper it absolutely will so this is the 4 thread this guy here I really love it you see we work with it all the time here here on the underside it's got six rollers those rollers are gonna slide into the outer track of our track or the American tackle pack Bay any of those that have that single outer track which they all do so yep cool you ready let's do it so as I mentioned earlier the awesome thing about cross wraps guys please don't be intimidated by cross wraps or but wraps they look a little scary once you know I'll have you do it like wow it looks a little difficult for me I'm just starting out in rod building super super easy so as we said earlier we're gonna use our little cheat code the metallic braid perfect we're gonna use the the silver and the blue color which I like we're gonna do a patriotic theme with a red white and blue I'm gonna try to incorporate some white it's good it's tough on the white blank but we might do we'll see where we go cool so what I like to start off with as you guys can see our over cam pad they're ready guys as you can see we've got our marks our blank and red in two part so yeah get right here okay so when I start this I always like to now let's let's imagine this is not a split grip area imagine it's in front of your fore grip right mm-hmm let's say you know I want to make it you know maybe this long right I always like to go a little bit longer than anticipated because once you do you know your two ends what we call what I like to call anchor points are kind of gonna be bunched up in masking tape and a lot of thread and you know etc so we're gonna basically burn those ends and what I mean by that is we're gonna close them off with thread we're gonna pinch all those threads down it's gonna look nice and neat and there's not going to be any issues and Chris has actually got a little example here we'll put side-by-side you hold that end over there yeah thank you thank you so if you guys can see that you know let's go back to the overhead real quick yeah so on each side of my cross wrap in this split grip area we've got just a solid thread wrap and of course some trim bands incorporated there right so to do this length of a cross wrap you know you really want to expand it out to as far as you can that split grip area because you're gonna end up wrapping over top of this area right here in this area right here to close off this wrap like so I always like to go a little bit farther than anticipated for my cross raft and to get this started we're gonna use our trusty masking tape one thing you never want to run out with when you're building rods whether it be arbors for a real seed or a butt wrap whatever it may be so here I've got the half-inch masking tape I'm going to start about right here and what I'm doing you can also achieve this same thing with double sided tape I'm gonna take a couple turns around the rod and then I'm just gonna twist my masking tape upside down and wrap a few times like that and essentially I've created double-side tape how easy is that right now you know I seen you do that and it's amazing some of the people don't realize we're using the RBS Pro power rapper with no belt on it okay so this thing with the ball bearings inside of here it spins incredibly smooth you can go forward backwards you can do whatever you need to do and you just pull the band so we've got the thicker V band on here you can still turn this when you have a band on if you don't you know if you need to kind of reverse or you go forward or whatever but to really make it smooth you can pull that band off and just set it aside and work it forwards and backwards as you go here and it provides a really stable platform to do any kind of this decorative stuff cool so I've got my two anchor points on each side of my wrap and I like to space these you know give it a little bit of working room on each side of the last mark the last little china mark we made just so when you do come off of these anchor points you can hit those intersection points and you're not like super close to one edge or a little too far you know what I mean that's a great point so after we've got our two anchor points down I like to go in now I've got our quarter-inch masking tape and you guys can't see it but I pulled off about maybe you know eight or ten strips that are about an inch long I've just pulled off you know ten strips of one-inch tape and these are gonna help us actually you know when you're going back and forth through these passes you're able to lock down this thread so we'll get in that just a second let's dive in so we've got our Pro wrap braid and you guys can you can't see this it's all frame but I pulled off a pretty long section but I haven't cut it so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna lay that to the side because the worst thing that can happen when you're like halfway through a cross wrap is they're run out of thread right right so now of course this is the this is the ten-yard they call it a card this is a ten-yard card it also comes on a spool that is the size of like a medium through spoole and it's considerably bigger than the ten-yard card here depending on you know how many of these you're doing or if you're actually using the braid you know on a power wrapper or in a hand wrap or something and then you want to put it put the spool in so the guys will get those links up there because there are two options depending on how much you use this I highly recommend the so the spools are 65 yards if you guys are gonna be doing a lot of butt wraps or if you're just getting started here you're gonna be using a lot that you know doing it cutting and nail down some colors I highly recommend getting those spools it's you know it's you know five or six times the amount that comes on this little card so if you're gonna begin some solid colors like blue or silver or black or even the multi colors grab the spools just because you're gonna be it's gonna last so much longer yeah for sure those are cool and this is a sixteen thousand eight it's a sixteenth inch so oh you're right so anyway getting back to our butt wrap here it's to start this I'm simply just gonna place this braid on one of our anchor points now I'm gonna wrap it around a few times just to be sure we got a good lock on there right all right when I come around this time I'm gonna start so as you can see this first mark is probably about a quarter to half an inch away from our first anchor point so I'm gonna hit that first intersection point there and read and as I keep going as I'm turning as I go to the opposite side of the rod I'm gonna hit that mark and as I turn and turn I'm just gonna keep hitting these intersection points that I made with the red china marker which is why you stagger them at 1 inch and 1/2 inch because as you go and go and go go and I'm gonna get to my anchor point on the other side of the cross wrap and same thing here I'm gonna go around a few times just to make sure that's locked down right you can also come in with one of these small pieces of tape that I pulled off a second ago that's it's all framed there guys sorry about that but you're gonna it's about an inch inch and a half whatever length it may be I'm gonna go ahead and lock that down even though we got you know the the sticky side of the tape here it never hurts cuz you don't want to accidentally like you get a phone call or something you got a well let this go yeah last thing you want is everything just ER and that's where the first rap and the bass and then if you let that one go and it's yeah it turns into a mess okay so starting back here I'm gonna hit my mark and all I'm doing is going the opposite way as they were before and as you go through here you will see a few of these spots are a little bit off but that's no big deal because as soon as we finish this first pass which is you know from our left to our right and then back from our right to our left that's what we call a pass I'm gonna hit all these marks get back to my first anchor point right there it's perfect first pass is done I'm gonna go ahead and take a small piece of tape and lock that down Paul's got a question Paul from YouTube when wrapping a cross wrap do you wrap the same direction or can you reverse it you know Paul technically you can reverse it but you know I think you do like I do and I'm used to wrapping away from me so much that you know you kind of wrap through and it's one of those situations where you're constantly wrapping away from you that to then reverse and come back to you it might be a little more awkward to wrap and do that than it is wrong so it's not necessarily wrong because in theory you're going down a path and you're taping it off so if you go down and tape it off you could go back the other way you could use a different color you could you could go down with one thread come back with four threads like you know it's it sounds crazy but each time you go down or you come back because you're anchoring it out you can you can you so yeah there was another question - how much tension that's great yeah how much tension am I using here so obviously I am doing this by hand so I can kind of manipulate how much pressure I'm doing here so it's kind of hard to to explain to you guys unless you're actually here and working with it I don't want to put too much pressure the reason I don't want to use too much pressure is when I come in and actually burnish and move these wraps to make sure that my intersections hit where they should especially you know the more wraps that you incorporate the more got to burnish and make sure everything lines up and everything is you know compact and everything so you don't wanna do it too tight you want to have it a little bit to be able to move these threads but not too much I don't know how to describe medium tension well you know the great thing is you know that question is always asked when talking about guide wraps but the guide rap tension is always based on you know you don't want to wrap a guide too hard where you press the guide into the blank you also want to leave a little bit of tension so if you need to adjust the guide foot you know we even had a question that came in that said he had he's got trouble adjusting the guide feet in and you know that's one of those deals that came from Kevin at Facebook there so if you're wrapping that guide to tide and you can't move it it's technically too tight you you know you should always be able to move the guide a little bit you don't necessarily have to be able to take it to the other side of the rod line right but you do need to be able to move it a little so for this you don't really have to worry about like oh what am I gonna crush the blank or am I not gonna be able to move the guide it it's really gonna be if you go down and back or just down and you try to move the thread and it's it's so tight you can't move it at all like just back off just a little bit but you don't have to worry necessarily about being too tight except like you said so then you can't you can't push it or pull it around with a thread pick or a burnishing so yeah if real quick I'll try to give you guys a little bit better description as far as the thread goes let's go to our overhead cam real quick I'll get that set up whenever you're ready J alright so I can move as you can see there I can move this thread right at that intersection point hopefully you guys can see that I know it's really small in there but but as I move this thread you'll notice none of my other threads move right not even the one that's that is kind of connected to or overlapping there it's it's kind of it's tight but not too tight and that that's perfect because I can especially when we start doing multiple layers or not layers but multiple threads side by side I can go in and still move that original one just enough if I need to or move the one side by side it's not a problem so yep so I went in while we were doing those questions there and I kind of made sure all my spots hit just where they need to and I always wait to cut my thread I'd do that after I burnish yeah because if something is you know it's past gone you can't save it okay no big deal we can unravel it real quick and maybe go back and do that pass again for sure rather than oh man I cut my thread and I can't redo it right do anything so for sure all right our first pass is done there now we're gonna switch over to I've got some regular nylon thread here typically we use color fast but I just love this red color so I had to grab it well you know we're doing it it's got a really nice contrast for the show but yes if you were to put finish on it it might you know and like so I would definitely recommend using color fast like I said if you guys do you happen to keep the label there it is regular nylon just by chance colorfast but I just love this this is 319 I believe is that red fish oh it might be I like 319 and I love 325 325 yes it's that kind of that's that Bob McCamey candy apple that he likes so I'm gonna pull off you know four or five feet of this don't be shy and what I'm gonna do here is actually incorporate three strands of this same thread into basically one one wrap or one when the layer absolutely yes and this is a eight a great tip to not only increase the width of the thread that you're laying down but remember you're you're saving a little bit of time because you're going to lay down three threads at once rather than just one single thread and it's you know it's another little kind of cheat we'll call it a pro tip instead of a instead of a cheat but he's gonna lay down three threads and instead they're of just one so along with using colorfast thread I also recommend using size D through it because let me guess it's a it's a yeah so this is not a you must do this the way I do this you guys can use one thread at a time you can use three threads you can use ten threads yeah it does not matter what you do from literally this and of course you don't have to use braid you can start with you know whatever you want to absolutely we're just giving you a starter point you know use your imagination use your let those colors run wild and you know for sure go with it for sure so what I'm gonna do here I have C we're adding our can we good to go overhead I have three strands three very long strands of my size a regular nylon yep colorfast size deep yeah so what I'm gonna do I've got the tag ins in my hand right there I'm gonna lock those in on our anchor point on my left side okay I'm gonna wrap those around a few times of course you can already see our masking tape is giving away the sticky so I'm gonna come in I'm just go ahead and lock those down for the ease of time here mm-hmm Joe's got a question I'll answer real quick is it better to pack the threads early in the wrap or at the end I think hunter touched on and I'll reiterate that as you go down and back whether you're wrapping a piece of braid or you're wrapping three strands at once go down and back and burnish you don't have to do the final final pack and tuck but go down and back and burnish before you go again it just just really helps yeah absolutely so what I've got here I've locked my three strands of thread in now what I'm gonna do is and you know the same with the butt wrap and everything else you can either to do a diamond you know you can go on the top side which is here on this side or you can go on the bottom side does not matter with a diamond usually you need to go on the top and the bottom to close that in to make the shape of a diamond right okay well the chevron you're gonna wrap on the underside and it gives that cool effect the shape yeah so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna start on the top so I'm gonna lay these and as you go you went to your best to lay those three threads side-by-side you don't want to try to overlap them too much right so as I go and after about every intersection point I kind of stop about right there I'm gonna take my finger and push down on that intersection point when I kind of let those threads go I'm gonna kind of pull them back pull it back to my right side and what that does is it don't you know untangles them and kind of lets them just flow a little bit freely because in a sense you're you're flattening all three threads as they run through your fingers right yeah so they were side by side by side okay and again the the reason we're using the three threads is just to give a little bit more width in the wrap just so that red will actually pop if you use one you know even if you're using size D only one strand of D isn't gonna really show that much right unless you're using like a white on a black blank or you know etc yeah so the only reason I am using three strands is just to give a wider effect of that red against the the blue and the silver nice there's ago hey Timothy Lang from Facebook just noted the Binford tools decal yeah and he said real men don't need instructions love it we couldn't agree more Thank You Timothy for noticing that world it only took two shows oh I love the tool man here we like it actually you know what I think you should send Timothy ten dollar gift card for that so you think I should I think you should well I agree I agree I'll put that on hunters credit card send us a direct message through Facebook and we'll send you a ten dollar gift card for the old Binford tools shout out perfect alright guys so I did I went all the way down to the right my second anchor point I've locked it in with my small piece of tape there and all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go back the other way and again I'm going on top when I say top I mean on this side not this side in reality it does not matter when you're doing a diamond wrap because when we're finished with this pass guess what we're gonna go do we're gonna do the underside yeah so technically you're gonna box we're gonna do we're gonna do both you know boxing the braid on both sides right tighten that down just a little bit seafood oh this guy yeah yeah they're getting out of there a little bit well there cuz it's in like there we go no perfect it was in like the metal jaws then how about that now we're rockin alright alright and again a trick to keeping these threads away side by side always just for reference stop at one of the intersection points this time obviously I'm working for my right to left so with the threads in my left hand I kind of just let them go mm-hmm just kind of toss them back let them flow freely and then we'll start our wrap again and I'm just gonna speed through this a little bit so we can pick it up here yeah if you want answer your question to Gore gray from YouTube is there a computer program to help you do layouts for decorative raps there I believe there is a computer program that is also intertwined with a book so it helps you with spacing it helps you learn how to adjust your wraps for the taper and the blank if you want to completely close something in mm well get the guys to put that book up that is an incredible book by believe Ivana and it's on the mudhole site Billy is an incredible you know rod builder he does cool Evie a grips he does all kinds of neat stuff and he always participates in the group and in the rod building community and he wrote that book for us and for everybody else out there we just happen to you know we're a dealer for that book but that is a great option I think doesn't it come with it comes with a CD right there's a combo that you can get okay it comes with the book which the it's our BK 3 for okay and then there's a combo for the book and the visual wrap software that's right and so the visual wrap software it's a voucher code that you can buy from us either by itself or you can buy it with the book and then once you get the voucher code you can go on visual rap calm or I'm correct me if I'm wrong there it might be but anyway and then you can obviously download that software which incorporates you know a lot of stuff from the book and that software kind of mesh together so if you really really want to get into those more more advanced more experienced cross reps or but raps man that software along with the book that's it's really really good Christine from Facebook how do you keep the threads from overlapping or twisting when you use more than one if you watch hunter as he wraps here he goes maybe two or three revolutions and then he pinches the thread down with his nan wrapping hand and he'll actually pull that thread out behind him to create like a freefall kind of effect because what happens is he's trying to flatten the multiple threads so he's got three threads he's trying to pinch those between his thumb and his index finger and that's gonna flatten them but they're gonna want to twist together behind his fingers and you got to straighten that out every so often so just be sure to it's the same when you finish off a guide wrap and you kind of pinch the thread down put your loop in pull it it's the same thing hunters gonna pinch that thread down with his nan wrapping hand kind of just almost throw the thread kind of you know throw it out behind him it'll fall kind of relax itself and then he'll he'll go back and keep wrapping there so so and one thing I know you meant you you got the question earlier is you know kind of win tuber nurse or when to pack your threads always do it after each pass so after I laid the braids down I went from my left to my right from my right to my left back after that pass I go in and burnish every time that you do that with whatever thread it maybe is when you want to go in and burnish and pack your threads that's the best time to do it like I said don't cut off your tag ends until you're actually gone in burnish your threads got them exactly where you want to just in case you know the off-chance that oops you know something might happen there you can you can fix it no problem so after I went in I've created my diamond effect because I wrapped one pass on the top and one pass on the bottom we lost some lights there I think guys so just bear with us real quick but anyway I've done my packing and my burnishing there so I'm gonna go back in I'm gonna cut these these last few tag ins off yep another question Johnny from YouTube he was asking about the treated untreated thread on the cross wraps you know we were discussing that earlier Johnny you know because you there's a couple things so just be sure you know what you're using okay so you know if you've got something that's missing a label or whatever because technically you can use both together as long as you just use color preserver over the top and I know a lot of guys and girls out there that are building rods doing decorative work you know they're using you know a lot of different like shade packs and they're using the Madeira thread it's got a lot of great colors and and a lot of different things but remember that Madeira thread has a coating on it that you really need to put color preserver over the top of or it can fisheye your rap it can you know kind of blend a little weird because of the coating that's on it so as long as you always use color preserver in your wraps decorative wraps that is you will never have a problem when you're trying to mix thread so you know otherwise always use not nylon use colorfast thread always use colorfast thread and they'll always maintain you know kind of that vivid bright color that you're used to seeing on the spool and then that's that's kind of that so cool yeah I'm just gonna finish this up real quick and one darker outline we have one last pass well I get well we try to get these lights and so what's cool about this is obviously we did the braid we did the three strands of red what's really cool what I like to do with these diamond wraps to finish them off is to go with one single thread I've like a contrasting colors to what you used before now usually on like a black or you know a grayish blank I like to use white white really pops on that dark background right with white you can really get creative you can use here I'm just gonna use one band of blue and obviously you can use a metallic you know to really make it pop this is just a color fast sized II just one strand can really make the difference in boxing in that diamond pattern and and make it show out a little bit I've got another question should you finish a dragon wrap before you do a cross wrap yes if you're gonna do a dragon scale wrap finish that dragon scale out I would put a coat of a thin coat of finish on it and then I'm gonna come in and do a cross wrap over it for a couple reasons then you won't pull and tug at that dragon scale wrap because it is just a solid pretty much just a solid stripe a thread all the way across and then you'll do your cross wrap and you won't pull and tug at that plus the Dragons Rapp really benefits over like or really benefits from having multiple layers of finish over the top of it because it just it adds depth to it and it really is pretty cool so if you put a thin coat of finish on it then you cross wrap then you add a couple coats of finish on that it's really going to magnify that depth so that's a really really cool option Dennis from Facebook any tricks to applying the finish coat to your cross wraps absolutely there is I like to use a light build or the pro coat medium build and I like to go ahead and mix it up and use it almost immediately so it is at its thinnest state because I want to make sure especially if we're using braids there can be a little bit of gaps and stuff in that braid and you don't want to trap air bubbles in there you want to work them out so what I do is we would put finish on this we would use the heat gun we would use the alcohol burner and we would make sure that we pull all those bubbles out we get that finished worked into this cross wrap really really well and then use that really thin coat of finish as your first coat let it cure out and then come back in and put multiple coats of finish otherwise if you try to stack you know just one coat of high build or something like that you're gonna have an issue of just you know you're gonna trap some bubbles that you really don't need to do and that's why I would come in and do two or three very very thin coats of finish cool alright so we've got the lights back on so yeah as you can see there that took even with me showing you guys how to do it et cetera that was what 15 minutes maybe I mean you can literally knock out a wrap in five minutes everyone oh yeah I mean you know we would go to trade shows and Brooke would sit down and and just without giving instruction he would whip one out and boom done and like eight ten minutes and then use it as an example to then teach off of so yeah that was that was pretty cool yeah obviously I need to go in do some burnishing make sure that that last thread matches up or you know kind of butts up against the red but you guys can get the effect there yep since we're using the pro wrap using some FishHawk using all of those pro wrap FishHawk threads tonight remember we've got the promo code for y'all one 0pr OMH and that's 10% off a pro wrap and the FishHawk thread that ends Friday at midnight so as you see this as that brain starts turning and you want to get creative we want a head we want to go ahead and give you 10% off when you start adding that thread to your order so again ends Friday at midnight use the code 1 0 PR o mhm for 10% off Pro wrap and FishHawk fed we even got a cool banner there at the bottom of the screen you could pack that was awesome but alright so you want to give something away let's do it second place is going to be the butt wrap starter kit and that's going to john wolf or it's going to john Wolfie I don't think I don't really know so we've got a buddy with a last name wolf that we call Wolfie so maybe you're the same way John but anyway John Wolfie John wolf second place winner tonight with a butt wrap starter kit so congratulations on that buddy give it up for John well more thing with the butt wraps and we'll move along to the fade wraps which you know a lot of guys our guys and gals are waiting for so we we showed this a little bit earlier when I first started the cross wrap so the cool thing about this is you know imagine this is the actual butt section of your rod right so to kind of incorporate this with the split grip we did the cross wrap before we did anything else in the rod and Chris earlier where we got here these red ones there's the butt yep you went ahead and ring these out for us a little bit so what's cool is this obviously has a small a thin coat of finish correct yeah like we talked before you put put a nice thin coat on there first and just a touch on to finish this wrap off on both sides he wrapped it in white here if you guys can see that obviously you can use any color you want to but white just faded in with the white blank that's all you have to do to close off these but wraps obviously our anchor points would have been here and here so just go in do a small the same kind of wrap that you would do on a guide wrap yep to just close this off once you've got that anchored down with your thread you can simply just go in with a razor blade or scissors whatever maybe snip right there on the edge of those threads and then you know undo your masking tape your thread wrap whatever it may be that's there right yep so we can come in with our butt cap which is going to slide over the very end of this cross wrap close that off and then come in with our our rear grip that goes behind our reel seat slide that down and now you have not only is your butt wrap clean on both ends but it it looks like it actually goes throughout you know it starts at the bottom of this rod blanking even goes through yep and you can even incorporate obviously you're gonna have your reel seat here you can even incorporate this same wrap you know beyond you know even above your fore grip and just keep it going yep what I would do is I would probably wrap them twice just so that you get a good bond for your grip and your reel seat and all that I I wouldn't do the cross wrap and then mount your reel seat and an arbor or your grips over the top of the finish and all that I would do one there and then just make sure to go ahead and follow the same pattern follow the same measurements and it will look like it will extend through the whole blank there and then like hunter said you're not left with the tie offs there on either end and you know if you want to add in a winding check or something to but that was kind of something to he when I were thinking about like Matt it would look kind of cool if it just faded right in yeah it makes it easier to because you know when you're working in a split grip area with grips on both sides you're kind of a little more restricted in your cross wrap right yep there was a question Brian from YouTube what's the best way to rap between the split grip when the grips sit in the holders and don't turn well you know if you can avoid it that is a great way to avoid it if you can't avoid it one of the best ways is to get you an RBS Pro because the RBS Pro you'll just chuck it right in it will hold your fighting but here and then you can actually slide this the stand up and down these tracks because remember we're only showing you one section of this track so technically you could put five sections you know a lot of people run three sections and that will give you you know all the way out for a regular you know rod that you're gonna build on a daily basis but if you've got room to run 15 feet of this track there's guys that do it so this is a really good option when you want to step up to something like this and not have your grips get in the way you know on a hand rapper cuz I know that can happen but this is a great option for that or go ahead and do all your decorative work and then bring in your grips just make sure you mark off where your handle assemblies gonna go yeah great point there man I Rock Matt from Facebook asked could you do a cross wrap under a real CD if you were to do a skeleton like a maybe a Fuji SK to you or a back baby minima yep same exact concept that we just showed like Chris said though it's a good point we didn't actually touch on that make sure you know you know mark off on your blank where that real seats gonna fall where the the edge of your rear grip is gonna fall because the last thing you want to do is have any interference with the two there at least have too much build up maybe too much finish whatever it may be right now you'll just want to make sure you know where all your components are gonna go and that's where dry fitting as we say in so many shows ya save today need to dry fit twice before you start doing that and of course that cross wrap with the grips can be finished and done just like that but you can also come back in and add additional coats if you want additional coats of finish on there so again if you're gonna wrap underneath that Fuji skc you know I've got a skeleton seat I would wrap underneath it put a very very thin coat of finish come in mount everything up make sure everything's lined up make sure your whining checks are there and then come back in and even add some more finish because it'll add a little bit of depth it'll bring kind of everything up level and it'll be are we really sharp for sure so cool all right jumpin look let's do it fade rap action while I'm doing that Pierce has got a question from Facebook I know it's been a minute Pierce I hope you're still sticking around what's a good CR be blank for redfish to be honest we use the is 701 L and is 701 m l for redfish here the Mosquito Lagoon a lot a lot a lot we're throwing a you know an 8 ounce jig head with the paddle tail we're throwing a 8 the 16th or a quarter round screw lock with a swimbait hook that has either a swim bait on it or put a fluke on it you can use them as a popping cork rod but I would do anything that is an is 701 L or an M L you know there's a bunch of different colors in there it's it's a great a great great blank we use it for art officials and you know if you've got a young one you can also bring you know some live bait or if you're a live bait it's any of that but I like the L and the ml for catching redfish and these are you know kind of slot redfish you know yeah 18 to 27 or somewhere in there if if you're gonna be carrying or you know are setting the hook on a redfish it's going to be 40 inches I would step up a little bit but remember that color series crv lineup has everything from a 5 6 L all the way to a 7 6 heavy and everything in between so trust me there's something in there for you there on the inshore gang so cool I'll let you get set up and I'll hit a couple more questions we got here Kevin from Facebook is there too long between the first curing our first coat to go back and rear app slash put another coat on no Kevin there there's not a couple tips if you do go back and wrap or not wrap but if you go back and finish over you know maybe your first layer of epoxy if it has been like an extended amount of time maybe weeks or months you might want to take some white sandpaper and kind of just you know buff up that finish a little bit that's gonna help the second coated here just a little bit better you know if it's only been a day or two no big deal you can go in lock it out not a problem yeah let's see dawn from Facebook well these types of raps be covered in the classroom training coming up this year dawn if you're referring to our our rod building classes yes the second day of the program which is it's a half a day on Sunday they cover you know they'll cover cross wraps they'll cover a little more in depth like marbling a lot of decorative things and even a little more advanced just rod building you know guide placement a few of those aspects they you know can't cover on the first day when you're just building your rod topics like that will be covered so yes the answer is yes to your question all right another one one more and I'll let you go Ralph from YouTube again I've seen Ralph's name pop up several times thanks for going live on YouTube this way I can bring it up on the big screen TV and see everything so much better than the computer a tablet that's Ralph's that's a great great comment we love to see that okay you got a big 75 inch HS the house hopefully be good yeah we tested the quality on YouTube throughout you know this this past week and it's it's bad to the bone very very good yep yeah the guys are in the war room right now watch it on a big screen making sure all of the questions are coming through YouTube and the Facebook page as well so all right fade rap Oh keep it white tonight hopefully uh you know we don't set the alarm off or anything yeah so anyway all right I wanna make sure I've got it you slide this over just a little bit because not quite that far just making sure cuz I've got the fade wrap here that I did earlier you guys saw in the video and then we're gonna do one now I like to take some contrasting colors a darker blue and this is kind of the seafoam it's a big hit with a lot of people these days I'm a big seafoam kind of guy and there's no right or wrong with this all you're gonna do is you're gonna follow some simple instructions on how to lay this down and from there the pattern kind of works itself out so there are a number of ways to do this but in a sense you are starting with an X number of wraps on one color thread and decreasing that by one as you add in wrap number two and eat increasing it by one okay so on this this is kind of two different blues here so what I did is I did a seven to one so I go the first thread seven times then the second thread once then six and two five and three and that's about where my math stops so you work that through and then the cool thing about that is as you can see here there is a transition section it is completely optional or you know you can I'll bring this other one in here there's another option where you have just the one you know if you just kind of wanted to stop it and butt it up against a you know rear grip or a winding check or something if you just wanted to stop it or if you wanted to do kind of a mirror image with you know an area in there the cool thing about that space is you know you can put a decal you know you can put your rod spec decal you can you know put a monogram a fish decal you can do any kind of stuff like that or we had the question earlier in the week if you do a seven to one with us in space and a seven to one each seven to one fade should be exactly the same width or extremely close great so if you wanted to completely fill in this gap here with where it faded in transitioned and then faded out over here you would be able to measure your fade put a mark measure your gap put a mark and then there's your fade in so you'll know this is how long it's gonna take me to fade then I transition and run the solid color across and then right there at that mark I have to work my fade back in and then you're done and then you cover the whole split grip so that's an option to you know just like with some of these decorative thread wraps they are predictable so that's that's kind of how you do that so for me I'm a bobbin guy when I do this and the reason is is the bobbin will give you some tension because it weighs something right so you can start this wrap trying to get everything lined up and straight here for y'all you can get this lined up and straight and you can actually let it go and the bobbins hanging and you're not losing your thread perfectly okay so this is kind of how you're gonna start you're gonna start it just like you start a thread wrap or guide foot or anything else keep in mind though depending on how if you're gonna start the fade immediately like this you've got to account for how many times you went around that blank to start your wrap so if you look in here you can sometimes you can lift it up there's one two and now I'm starting the third one so that right there if you look it's one two three six seven so we've gone around seven times okay but you have to remember that you have to stop before the seventh time because you've got to work this thread in okay so you've got a second thread you've got to work in so I am going to back this off a little back at all three times just kind of show you guys that and this is where these bobbins also come in handy because you can take this guy and you can put it on the rod blank okay come under here and hold it right so now we can bring this thread in I hanging over it you're good okay sorry so now we have this color thread in we have this thread in here and we're good and if we got to walk away from it we can walk away from it nothing's getting tangled because if you notice see how this thread just like with a lot of things it wraps around the blank the entire time right so remember if this thread over here was just hanging now we've got to back off and go around three or four up to seven times if we're doing it like that so we just have to be careful of that so that Bob and that's the the CRB inlay bobbin correct yes because it has the the two knobs on each side get along with the the little band the band the elastic band yes so that's great for you know you're single inlay Baynard metallic you know trim bands and also great for this too absolutely you know and a lot of people use this I'm not a person that does I can't think of the name of it were they like we've okay right so they'll use it for weaving and stuff we haven't done we haven't ventured down that road on the show yet but this is a great tool for that and you know you could use this you know multiple ways now here's where the whole fade wrap and transition occur and why we wanted to be sure we have the Birdseye here so this is now hanging because we've gone around seven times this now has to come in for one thread wrap so we're going to undo the band and just set it right there this is now going to come over top of this I'm going to try to show see how there's kind of an X there no sort of okay see how there's kind of an X there so this has to come across the top like that and this lays this direction okay now of course when I was doing that I kind of moved it around a little too much now this is going to shorten this up alright hang on just got to do that faster because I loosened it up all right so move this guy back I'm gonna do it at full speed now that I showed you this guy here's got to come over the top this has got to come underneath okay so I'm gonna put this strap back here because I loosen the thread a little too much all right there take the scale okay so now I've come around at one time when I have completed that I'm going to do the exact same thing and cross them again so now this one is now not in use and now I have to wrap with this guy right so I usually will go around once to lock this thread and then I will put it back over here because once I've locked it and it's back over here I can now go around six times because I've gone around one so I have five more so I can go around six times without having to worry about that thing going so that's one two three four five so there's five times and again you know again on the RVs Pro here we got no band on it and it's it allows us to work really quickly so take this off and now all we're doing is same thing we do each time roll this around we go once and I'm actually not going to strap that blue one down because I'm just going around twice and it doesn't really get out of hand when you only do it that many there we go we crossed again and we're gonna put it back so that's four times now that I have kind of gone over and locked this green the seafoam down I can go ahead and cut it and get it out of the way I just don't cut it immediately because it's one of those things like you talked about in the cross wrap if you cut it out immediately and you might pull too hard on it and the next thing you know you're like well I really wish I wouldn't have done that so mm all right so there is and if you need to go back because it's always the same amount of threads we've got seven six five so we've gone around five times there we're gonna cross it and since we did one two now we're gonna go three of this one so there's one two three okay so now we've got three there we're gonna cross it again I'm gonna do it with my head there guys I was getting buzzed from up in the up in the tower saying that I needed to keep yeah all right looking good right across this over we're gonna come back to the blue here we'll go around once lock it down I actually think I know I know I think it was one short so the good thing is is if you're one short you can just back it off and tighten your tighten your bobbies yeah that's what the bobbies really shine is you know the ability to just kind of drop one if you need to it's not gonna go anywhere you might have to back off once or twice there's actually a question really quick jaesi from facebook can you use fly bobbins absolutely you definitely could JC the the benefit of the inlay bobbin is I don't know if you can exactly see maybe the guys will throw a link in the chat there the inlay bobbin has basically these little cradles these knobs on each side of the bobbin that holds the spool those little notches you know those knobs allow you to put wrap the band around the blank and then on both sides of the spool itself it essentially locks that spool against the blank itself your standard fly Bob and will not do that yep it's actually harder than I thought to talk and keep counting this gun at the same time so there was another question really quick and I'll let you hit on this one I'll read off Steve from Facebook do both the threads have to be the same size for a fade wrap you know I don't think they do but because they're gonna be side by side so kind of intermingling I think it'd probably be best absolutely yeah you know if you throw you know if you're using a and then maybe you mix some D in you know it's just not gonna your your fades not really gonna work out as well would still probably work but you're not gonna get those defined you know one single thread two you know the six next it's just not gonna look proportional yeah because we're this looks really sharp is out here yeah you know you've got this single band than two bands it what's gonna happen is it's gonna dilute the it would be like if you had a really really light green with a really really light blue you're gonna lose that contrast I think because that thicker thread is then going to overpower and if you have you know two heavy threads with one little tiny one in the middle it it might just you know take them over and you just really don't want to do that so we didn't have a question a little off topic but question from YouTube she has ten kids and a troop do you guys have a program for Scouts we do have an educational program set up at mudhole send us a message either maybe through youtube or on our facebook page we'll get you in contact with the right person and at least you get ahead of the right direction maybe we can get you some you know obviously we do some special pricing for not only just for scouts but for high school you know programs AG programs yeah the FFA and all that stuff we have to do we absolutely have that so alright so this will be three all right we got here Travis wants to know what is the seafoam color thread what number when you get a signet there Chris what number we got 407 407 I would definitely recommend doing a colorfast in that thread yeah any of these brighter colors that you work well you know even this blue color you don't want them to change too much and maybe you do but in reality when you set up these colors you want to say the same lasso use color faster absolutely now as we kind of work our way through here you know it starts to get kind of wound down kind of get to the end on this fade wrap I'm gonna just go ahead and probably close it off here just because I think you guys have the have the gist of it right so Troy asked could you do this with three colors you guys really know how to make it you know I haven't tried it but I know they do fade wraps and like Chevron's and stuff in it and I think would be up for it at some point you know answers yes just not on this episode you know I definitely think it would be worth giving it a shot you know I mean what's the worst that can happen it's you know you'll get through you you just have to be able to plan how to work through three colors you know I don't particularly know what would look the best if you want to do you know seven six five and then but you know it really has to kind of mirror image itself I just don't know if the I just don't know if the three colors would work so alright so what I'm going to do here is imagine we're at the end of this there's like a couple more transitions left you can actually take and slide this bobbin along that blank just slide it out of the way P reach over and you can put your band on your RVs Pro and you can still hold this bobbin of course they jumped a little there and just use that Bob and run all the way across you know obviously I made a boo-boo there but that's why we do this live but so you would just run this all the way across and then now you would jump right back in with this guy and you could do either/or color correct well yeah or do you want to use you would use you would use the color that you didn't start with okay gotcha yeah that's a good good point to like you know tell everybody you would just use the color that you didn't start with so there's the first turn of that one and then trade them back out do the one turn there and you just go back to alternating it's one and see I can still turn this RBS Pro with the band on it if you really need to we just work our way back across it that will do two of this color and so on so there you have it very cool one little tip I will I just notice as you went here you do have will caught what a tag in you know that runs the entire length of this wrap right so I would recommend to kind of hide that a little bit and you know depending on what color you use you use black you're probably gonna not you're not going to see it right right but if you do use some of these brighter or lighter colors you're probably gonna notice that I would try to plan on having that on the underside of your rod absolutely that way all of your transitions yes I'm gonna try to slide those side by side again so you can see them on the overhead there yes I would absolutely try to do all of your transition marks and this Ridge on the underside of the rod so it's all there it would just it would just be like a seam on a wind grip exactly you know like you just you put it on the underside and stuff like that so that's gonna be that's gonna be that John from Facebook well the CRB inlay bobbins work with a larger spool ie greater than a hundred yards they're honestly really designed for this with the spool you really you couldn't use one of the medium spools it's just it's not designed for it and I'll stretch it out too much so you're gonna want to use that hundred spool width size you know some guys are taking that spool and they run out of it and they're transferring a color from you know one of the giant 5,000 or 4,000 yards spools or whatever they come in and they're taking and spinning them on that so that they can use it in that bobbin because know you you really can't take a real wide spool and use it in that it's just you know it has the right amount of tension it's just designed for that that size so I'll hit this one since it's a little bit my department or is my departments is Ricky from Facebook any idea when the RBS Pro will be back in stock Ricky first off I apologize for you know the RBS Pro being out of stock demand is through the roof on this this bad boy right now so but we are we're trying to get those back lures out as soon as possible if you will shoot me an email it's hunter at mudhole comm hu n TR at mud hole comm send me an email I'll try to get a into very accurate ETA for when that'll go out for you so yep just like a lot of those parts you know we have people that they do jump into Facebook and you know call customer service because we do have the ability to get good ETA S on stuff that is a CR B product or a you know an MH x rod wing or something like that so you know if you if you do have a question always always call us you know don't just assume like I bet it's gonna be six months because there's so many times we have so many products that it might be out and we we might have them next week or the next day and of course you know we have a great logistics team here we got a great purchasing department we got a great group of people putting orders together making sure everything is right if there is something on backorder I wouldn't hesitate to order it because if you do order something that is on a backorder we don't charge you for it until it leaves the building right whether we ship the rest of your order or not if you want because that's an option too but a lot of the times when people order they'll order some stuff and even though they see a real seed or a blank on or on on backorder you can ask hunter you can ask Jamie or maritza in customer service and say well we'll have it next week but if you want some of that other stuff we'll go ahead and ship it to you we won't charge you for that real seat then the real seat gets shipped when it's here for no extra cost yep so the the team here does an incredible job at getting that stuff out the door and doing it in a way that it's really great for everybody so yeah don't don't be don't be hesitant of that but do send her an email because he'll know get on it Zachary from youtube do you all give tours of the shop because I'm making Roadtrip soon and would love to see the headquarters zachary come on down you need to give us a heads up you can slide in the DMS here on Facebook say hey you know I'm coming next week or I'm coming next month or I'm coming tomorrow like you know if you're here Monday to Friday when when we are now the shop is open on the weekends come on down but you know a lot of us are not here on the weekend but if you're here we'll show you the workshop show you the penthouse we'll give you a full tour you know give you a hat so come on down for sure yeah Brian from Facebook his wife wants to know what color the blue wrap is done with the blue wrap that's not that one I have it here for that reason okay so the lighter color is for 34 that's this one that's Maui surf for 34 okay yeah are you did I not get that earpiece no you got that you got the earpiece and thought it's that one and the darker one is 431 hmm you got me on that I got you on that one I was gonna say whoo can't get you quick enough um what do you say what do you say you want to give something away let's do it we're gonna do the grand prize grand prize we're talking choice of an mhx metallic series multi option kit with a 17 spool thread kit and some bobbins I mean why not you're paying for it go ahead grand prize winner miles G Thompson whoo gotta slide that G in there miles G Thompson gradual ation miles miles what we'll do send us a message and we'll give you a link to the mhx metallic series multi option kits if you don't know where they're at you get to choose you can choose what color blank spinning casting chrome black handle kit all that plus the 17 spool thread kit and the bobbins that's a good one miles G miles G Thompson congratulations we also had the second-place winner tonight was John wolf or wolfy I'm gonna go with wolfy cuz I like it sound wolfies second place but rap starter-kit winner Darrin Wright was the third place winner for the trim bang creation kit and of course you're gonna send Timothy lang a $10 gift card because he's a Tim Allen fan it's Benford tool guy love it absolutely we love it 10% off prowrap and FishHawk thread that ends Friday is midnight that's a good what we use here tonight so any of that any of those colors they're all on sale and that promo code is 1-0 pro PR OMH 10 Pro image perfect and if you order over $49 of it or you just add some stuff to your order to get over $49 it's free shipping just like it always is and that's we can send you the mhx push/pull for free we can ship you the RBS Pro at no cost all of that that's over $49 that is under 8 feet in length which really encompasses a lot of incredible rod blanks tools accessories all that stuff free shipping and of course like you said we got clearance blanks those are gonna end gloss black and gloss white they start under 18 bucks that ends tomorrow night so not as much time on that one jump on that tonight or tomorrow jump on out real quick yeah and should we get you some clearance blanks some thread do a few other things you get free shipping I'm in makes for a great week our Facebook live group our Facebook group I should say yeah the the mudhole live rod Builders warehouse a workshop yep 6,000 members now who almost 765 maybe we're getting close to 7 yeah 6300 that is an incredible group we monitor it non-stop it's great because there's some fun stuff in there there's some serious questions it's it's a really really great group and if you know I'm sure you guys are on there but if you're not on there if you're watching on YouTube and maybe you don't have Facebook it would it would be worth getting Facebook you know for a little for a little chat cuz we do a pre-show we do a post show we get questions and answers all through the week I mean you know sometimes we're on there like 11 o'clock at night so no telling what you might find there but uh that's a perfect spot for a new rod builder just getting into it or even experience one but if you're new to rod building hop in there check out all the posts I mean there's you know ten twelve fifteen posts almost every day every couple days yep and we post the topics you know or events for the next show we always ask for suggestions you can get pop a suggestion in there if you always got something that's you're like gosh I just can't figure out that Tiger rap yep drop in a comment there plus we get questions that are before the show because in case you know we don't want you to forget that question when it's hot on your mind you can throw that question in there we put it up on the board all day long before we run the show we've got a giant teleprompter screen here we don't do all of this by memory not all but it's a big team here we're just happy to be a part of it what do you say is that about right I'm telling you this was almost what is it almost 8:30 almost so speaking of topics our next show ooh this is a good one we haven't done this one yet I don't think so we've done similar but not quite so ultralights yes so we've got different times coming up pretty soon yeah for people in Florida it's it's almost sorry yeah we got a cold front on the way soon but regardless ultralights you know your pan fish rods your crappie and bluegill rods we're gonna be touching on all that handle configurations guide setups multi-piece stuff yeah guide sets layouts all that cool stuff so it was a good one yeah that was a good one this probably has been the longest show we've ever done hopefully we had a few people stick around here till the end what else is that it I think that wraps it up ever hold your peace right all right cool so at 8:24 Eastern time we appreciate everybody that joined us for the thread tips and fade wraps show with a side of cross wraps we had Guffey and Taylor and the war room answering questions Hoffman he was there monitoring the the board here getting questions to us we appreciate that Niki Mintz and we got J boy on the ones and twos and of course harder McCamey I'm Chris Adams and we will see you in two weeks for the ultralite build show take care see you soon have a great one [Music] you
Channel: Mud Hole Custom Tackle, Inc.
Views: 48,078
Rating: 4.7487435 out of 5
Id: 0MMrxgHdDCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 24sec (6924 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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