Mud Hole Live: All About Marbling

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i swear i did right are we nice all right that is that all right yeah it worked that'll work baby i love that wire chip it's the deal it's the deal it is the deal all right what on earth is that all right so we got what there's lzrs for that a couple pieces for that i could probably just put this on here all right what do you think how we come in there mr j yeah we're live super all right here we are hunter and i we are in the penthouse back for another episode back for another episode what did we say we said that this was 58 episode 58 yeah wow this is this is becoming like lethal weapon you know or it's just how many are they gonna do with these um so yeah we are on what we're on year four and uh yeah episode 58. it's been a heck of a run and i love it i love it still going strong i was gonna say you know i think i think we just continue to get better and better you know the the team just continues to kill it and it's it's awesome now speaking of that i just want to go ahead and throw it out there and congratulate everyone that is in the uh you know mud hole live rod builders workshop and um there we got 10 000 members 10 000 000. i think we're up to uh i think facebook's giving it 10.1 now so i think we're at uh you know 10 130 or something you know some very obscure number but we're over 10 000 and you had paid your credit card down and we're going to be giving away the 10 000 member prize you got a dead mic i think so well you're not that important yeah you know let me uh can you run real quick and fix this how about that yeah get a new battery got some batteries all right cool i'll i'll do a dance while we're so anyway as i was saying i'm going to put it on hunter's credit card tonight everybody the 10 000 member prize is the limited edition rbs pro with all black track and a four spool thread carriage that is the tc4 you've seen us use it here it's the deal we we build a lot of stuff on it and uh it's awesome i don't i don't remember the value on that but i think it's right around the 450 500 mark yeah yeah hey why not yeah it's great a great prize away it's on you so fantastic plus plus talk about the other prizes we got going on tonight yeah so of course we're gonna do the three giveaways as always plus the 10k winner so our third place third place prize is the starter marbling kit the the runner-up is the professional marbling kit and then our grand prize as always is a not as always but typically a rod kit it's a crb color series is661 uh with three of the magic marble uh pigments that we're gonna show later on nice that is that is awesome all right so what have you been up to anything anything crazy nothing crazy no no not much i know you guys had a an awesome week last week we did a little spoiler alert there yes yes i'm sure we'll have some great content coming down the pipe pretty soon so absolutely you know we've we've trickled a little out here and there but uh we were we were in the southern edge of florida you know we were down there near stuart and we did uh an entire host of things you know we had a couple great guys we got to fish with um shout out to taylor and guffy for catching their first sailfish ever yeah uh they also took the plunge so they uh they held up a release flag and and uh went in the drink so which is very cool kind of one of those deals it's uh you know when you catch your first sailfish or you catch your first marlin you know those it's a big billfish thing right so uh they went in and uh we caught kingfish and bonita and uh we caught a couple nice sharks off the beach at night which is cool because uh you know use the drone flew the drone out yeah uh you know when when you hear a 50 wide go off when you hear that clicker going off in the dark it's pretty menacing it's pretty cool so just a cool photo shoots uh we even caught snook at night under the dock lights i i took this gift down and it was a ball i mean it was fun but i tell you what there were that five days was it wasn't long but you know 15 16 17 hour days i mean you know one night we fished till we fished till about four in the morning and then we were up at seven the next morning you know with you know cleaning the boat and short sleep and we just grinded so it was it was a cool team deal awesome so all right what are we going to talk about tonight so we're going to talk about marbling so we got a couple really cool demos we're going to go through the basics start to finish on how to basic marbling right yep we're going to talk about a few um tips and tricks to how to use color preserver to actually create very uh distinct lines with your um with your marbled finish that's a very unique process like you said you know and there is one color preserver that this works with and we're going to show you on the show uh that that's a great point and of course uh we got the candy jar out got the magic marble that's it so we're doing magic marble and we're gonna you know play with some cool stuff like this um we might even we might even reach back here and get the bench cam out show you some up close and absolutely for sure so uh what do you think i think it's time to get this thing going let's do it gentlemen is everybody ready all right let's hit it there is nothing wrong nothing wrong with your television set do not attempt to adjust the picture we are controlling transmission [Music] all right we're back let's do it episode 58 hopefully everybody's joined in ready to learn ready to do some marbling uh we're going to show a couple different techniques yeah as hunter said we are going to use the crb pigments so this is pretty much just almost like a paint right so it is a liquid pigment we are going to mix that into whether you have pro coat whether you have thread master any of your finish there so hunter's going to get some finish mixed up i'm going to get some finish mixed up we've got this here we got the pigment we've got the pearlescent powders i don't even remember how many color options i'm gonna say it's over 20 20 to 30 colors somewhere in that range yeah that this is a really really cool deal there's a lot of cool colors um you know that right there is a very pretty blue there is you know we have purple and pearlescent copper and silver and all kinds of stuff i mean absolutely all kinds of stuff so we're going to do the pigments we're going to show powders and then of course in these little glass bottles here is the magic marble swirling paint to do some cool stuff like this uh we got a you know a whole array of colors if you will you want to grab those two rods over there and just show uh yeah while you're mixing that show the effect we're going after here for sure these are obviously done by a very very good rod builder we're going to show something similar maybe not as uh as great as this yeah but something similar that's the effect we're going for yeah so uh this is just a section here above the foregrip where victor joseph has put in you know some trim bands here on either side of some marble and that is using the pigments so that's what we're going to start that's what we're going to show y'all first and then of course we're also going to kind of walk you through out here on this guide he actually did tied in the same colors same color scheme if you will put it as and technically an underwrap there on that guide it is a little bit hard to see because this is you know just a size seven or an eight but you know using something larger using an offshore rod and using uh the marbling technique as an underwrap is very cool because it does kind of tie in your colors here now remember we've talked about this before but i want to stress this the marbling cannot be exactly copied right i mean you can always use the same colors same color scheme you can try to get it as close as possible but that is one of the cool parts about this you know with thread wraps and such you can copy it you can make it just you can do one after another whether you're doing a chevron or a cross wrap or you know a fade wrap you can make it look identical with the the marbling it's never going to be identical and and that's part of the fun in this whole deal is it'll it'll never be the same so it'll be the same colors but it won't be exact and i think that's something that you know kind of drives the whole custom rod building thing i think it's a neat deal it's a blessing and a curse almost yeah yeah it's really unique and it's awesome but if you try to make your uh your second marbling rod just like your first marbling rod good luck yeah i'm gonna show this one too uh this is really really neat because this is on an elite x blank so this actually might have been a little bit better when the show because it it jumps out more it kind of has a i don't know kind of a smoke kind of look but again that's using you know black and gray and whites and you know hunter's going to walk us through exactly how to do all this and he's going to use a tool this little color palette tool because as you can see here he's using two colors he's using black and he's using white but just as you know those out there who are very talented artists uh they've you can mix colors you can blend colors you can tent different colors um that's why you don't need a hundred colors of pigment right so uh kind of basic i mean i don't want to say basic color wheels of you know but it is kind of that way exactly so you kind of have your what would it be primary colors maybe yep basically your primary colors and then you know from these colors like you said you can you can mix your yellow and blue and orange together and get just a crazy wild color that you know that really can't be replicated unless you use those colors so um you know you're not limited to just these you can mix these and of course with the metallic pigments um with there being 20 to 30 colors you really don't have to mix those per se right you have a lot of great options there already but yeah so let's dive into it so what i'm going to get started with first like chris mentioned i do have some epoxy that i just mixed up i did five cc's of each part okay just to be safe i have you know you could probably get by with three cc's of each but i just like to mix a little bit extra that way i for sure i'm not gonna run out and i've got plenty yeah you don't want to come up short on exactly all right so a cool little um product we have here is this mixing palette so what this allows you to do is the big section in the middle is typically what i would use for my base color which you don't have to use okay but since i'm going to be using this slate blank i think i'm going to go with maybe a black base to start with okay you could obviously do you know white if you wanted to you can do any color but you really want to think about your colors ahead of time is what i typically try to do you know i'll pick up a base color that's going to contrast to the colors that i'm going to put on top of it sure right so whether it might be black white you know it could even be blue depending on what colors you're going to do it's it's really up to you but try to get an idea of what that base color want you know needs to be or if you need one to begin with and then think about what contrasting colors would go along with it just like you know victor's rod that he made he's probably got a black base more than likely and then the contrasting colors on top of white and light gray's dark greys makes it really pop so sure sure and i think you know we'll walk you through that same uh thought process whether it's using the pigments whether it's using the pearl uh essence powders or even using the magic marble on grips we're gonna touch on you know making sure you have some sort of a base that allows you to show uh you know varying contrasts right so cool so um that's that's what i use typically for my yeah i try to scoot them a little bit that's what i use for my base color because more you know i'm going to use a lot of that epoxy to start my base right and then the smaller circles on the outside is what i'm going to use for my um you know just the the colors in my my marbling essentially that i'm going to use right sure which is typically going to be you know two three four colors um you can get crazy and go five six seven you know as many as you want to yeah but um i usually try to stick with maybe two or three okay so what we're gonna start with is i'm gonna put a decent amount of this finish into my larger space there and then on the outside cups i'm gonna put just a little bit of epoxy in those because we're not going to be using as much and i'll go ahead and do four okay so i'm going to do a little bit more in the middle here actually let's go ahead and use it see that's what's why i did five that's it hand me a cup over there and i'll go ahead and pre-mix a little bit more there just in case we get so i really get wild with it you stick as well yeah sure okay so now that i got my epoxy in my pallet and guys make sure you have uh plenty of paper towels or or something to clean your fingers with as you go along once you get this epoxy going everywhere it can be a little bit of a mess not not the thing to do on mom's dining room definitely not yeah so what i'm going to start with is that's actually that's a blue isn't it purple does not get black no that's all right we'll go with white so is that just the the plastic frosted it's probably just is it black no no it's fun it's a dark green i think yeah okay so if you don't listen to me when i go to use this pigment it does not take much at all so i like to use these plastic sticks i think they come in 25 packs i believe so i take a little bit and i'll try to get this on camera for you guys it's going to be hard since it's against white but we've got to zoom there that's it just a little bit on the end of that stick so i'll add just a little bit at a time mix that with my epoxy i can already tell i'm going to use a little bit more but one thing i don't like to do is put too much pigment in because it can affect the finish more so in a way not not that it won't dry or anything but more so when you go to apply it to the blank it can become a little bit thicker that's actually pretty good and that's really all you got to do just mix that in together now once i have that mix i'm just going to set that stick down right there you don't want to go and use the same stick for a different color that should be pretty obvious but just a little tip and then from there i think i'm going to do a blue so same thing yeah show us here how uh on that on the bench cam now on this one since we're dealing with a very very small amount of epoxy i'm only going to just barely dip it in there and that's that's about all you really need you set that over there so i don't spill it as you can see only takes a few times and mix that around and it's already completely blue that's it i'll leave that one there nice close my lid and let's do a i'm gonna do a purple the old custom hand cam coming in there right that's it know i didn't even take my own advice and actually pick out the colors ahead of time i was gonna say what's going on you know i did that on purpose did you you gotta go some orange or some yellow i think some orange i think i'm gonna do orange that's it cool okay got that one nothing like a little orange and blue and white i knew you'd like that am i right guys speaking of that i just saw the sec he's got a little football calendar out they're one of the few right that's it the gators go play ole miss in september wow that's uh it's gonna be quite the quite the deal okay so now we have awesome our fourth color mixed up okay good to go perfect all right now once you have the initials set up that knocked out it's pretty much a breeze from there absolutely now tell us about a little uh because i see you've got the spatula set maybe you've got the probe set over there so yeah this is one technique that does require a few different tools but they are very um you know obviously we sell the the probe set it's a set of four right um so these these little probes or picks i guess you could call them they work really good when you're trying to when you know you put the paint pigment on there and you try to brush it out you know if you're trying to go for like a flame effect or lightning bolts or you know something crazy like that it really helps you just move the paint around a little bit cool yeah it kind of helps you i guess manipulate it a little bit yeah much more of a finer detail than like a brush would allow the spatula set also a four piece set this works great too some of these you know this spade style head is really good for the same effect or if you want to use the one of the curved you know ends you can really just push that paint around sure there's there's several different tools you can use i personally like using the pick or the probe because you can get really detailed right nice all right so let's get a brush so you're gonna base coat it i'm gonna base coat it yup cool and you know obviously you can do this in the split grip area you could do this above your fore grip you can do it between um or as an underwrap essentially between the uh you know under the feet there's all different kinds of ways that you can do it nice so while you're doing that i'm going to hit a a couple questions here uh jay robinson out of facebook is fading a concern uh jay i'm gonna maybe touch on two options that i think maybe you're referring to there so fading from the sun no um in any of this uh when using the threadmaster or the pro code or any thread finish like that it's got uv inhibitors in it it really should stay fairly sharp and crisp granted you know yes we all know that you know epoxy finishes can can dull or yellow over time i would still venture to say that the pro coat uh lasts when i say last i mean it it stays the clearest the longest so for some decorative stuff i do like the pro coat for that uh the threadmaster is excellent as well now maybe the other type of fading you mean i don't know if you mean maybe two colors fading into one another you do have to be careful with that and i'm going to show you a little bit later how not to booger that up so if you've noticed we we mixed the epoxy we've put it in the little sections and we're not in a hurry to do this meaning that having finished that is already you know setting up or or getting to the point where it's it's kind of in a constant state not like you've heard me say hot finish before and that is right after it's mixed uh you know it is uh when it is you know the most runny i guess you would say uh that's not what we're using here we're usually mix it up put it in these dishes put the color in it and give it about the same amount of time you would put over a decal so we want it to be workable but we don't want it to be so runny that it just runs all together and you know i guess fades together now the other thing you have to be very careful of when you're doing this is if you apply heat to this at all it will really make it kind of go crazy so if you get your finish where you want it and you go to add heat to it you will move the pattern and that can be good or bad uh the the good part about this is is if you do get into a position where you booger it up or you mess it up you can just come in and wipe it off and clean it off and start over i'll show you know i'll show you what happens when that happens and you do get into a situation where all the colors can kind of just run together and you know we've all used heat or a alcohol burner or something to to help drip additional finish off well when you do that and there's pigment colors in it you get all kind of weird effects maybe that's an effect you want maybe it's not but we'll show that later so that's just something going into this you have to keep in mind and you can always put this coloring coat down and if it's not perfectly level um or it you know it kind of is more or less on one side you can always come back in with additional coats of epoxy that will level it out so don't don't think just because it's you know maybe has one or two little waves in it uh that you can't fix that with additional clear coats of finish so that's just kind of an option there cool all right so what i have so far now you can obviously see that there is a little bit of the blank showing through don't worry about that too much because typically when i go in and add the paint i'm going to pretty much cover this entire there's going to be a little bit of white showing through right but you're not going to really see much of the graphite or the blank color underneath at all so um so let's get started what i like to do first is i'm going to go in with the the first blue and i'm going to take i still have my plastic mixing stick so i'm going to just dab it in there a little bit i'll wait for you to get the camera okay go ahead and i'm just going to well that didn't work out too well let me get a decent little amount and preferably i like where it will just do that so i'm just adding little drops now this is completely up to how you want to marble your rod blank you can come in with really big dots smaller dots you can go in with streaks it is really completely up to you one thing i try to do if you guys can see on camera is almost touch the epoxy in the paint and not touch it level with the stick like i just did there it takes a little bit oh see i missed there come in and just apply those dots and some can be bigger than others so i think we're good there i'm going to let that spin for just a minute because one thing i like to do is not rush it too much because you can see the the first coat that i put down was maybe a little bit too much epoxy so you can kind of see the blue starting to run a little bit but i like to just let that sit for a few seconds maybe a minute just kind of let the epoxy because it is self leveling so it's just going to kind of just move out right and make those dots a little bit bigger for sure and then if you want to you can come in right now and just kind of now and two that was a good point you know when you put your base coat down if you feel that it is not level or that you want it to be as level as possible with one coat and one color that's the time to do your heat so if if you're going to use heat to level this finish out at all that's the time to do it do it when you put the first coat on you haven't done any you know adding of this secondary color or drops or waves or anything else into it if you're ever going to do it do it then that's a really cool thing about marbling is you know you can come in you can do the dot technique and then move the paint around you can also a lot of people double up on the dots so like the first blue i put down i will come back over top with the um the second the the darker blue almost purple right on top of the first dot and so it creates a cool effect then when you go back in and use your your pick to spread that paint out because you have the multi-color the two-tone look and of course you can do multiple colors on top of each other as well we call hunter the bob ross of rod building around here so he's got pretty pretty dots pretty dots pretty dots you need to work on that hair though right it's not quite no i need to it's not quite where it needs i need a i guess i don't know okay so i'm gonna just fast forward a little bit here that's it let's let's get it going this gator out get it going so i'm just really going to come in with the orange and make it pop it's a little boring right now i'll admit we can change that rod building is not boring don't say anything like that i could feel the eye rolls in the glute oh yeah definitely well let's be honest i think they're all sticking around because they might charge your credit card for one of those limited edition rvs pro that's that's track that's definitely yeah that's worth listening to us for an hour and a half absolutely a chance to win the best part of that is if they're part of the group they're in they don't have to do anything special yeah therein okay now is when we can really make it look cool jay can you scroll down a little on that teleprompter just to see if i'm missing any questions that maybe i can hit while i'll hit andrews here why do i get a wavy feel after the epoxy dries andrew typically that is uh because there is too much epoxy and it's not able to completely level itself out if you if you do get a wavy feel to it it's because you are kind of getting a bunch of little footballs in there so if you ever see on a guide wrap where the finish is really really heavy on the guide wraps and it creates like little footballs you're getting a bunch of little footballs throughout this finish if you were to do it here over a long section so what it does is it creates a wave effect so just try to use less finish you know or maybe even drop back and do two thin coats you know that's that's a pretty good option i i do multiple coats sometimes over decals because the vinyl on the decal sometimes you know is a little trickier to get perfectly smooth the first time and you know you won't get so wavy with it so david uh as someone who has no experience with marbling how hard is it to master i gotta tell you david uh when we first got into this whole marveling game we were far from experts and we still are far from experts at this but the best part about it is nobody's really going to know if you're an expert or not because it's so you know if you follow the simple steps when it's mixing the finish adding the different colors and then as you see here go kind of slow hunter put some colors in that he wants move it around a little and you're done it it doesn't have any kind of crazy you know scientific method behind this you can never you know duplicate one that you've done before so you know for somebody to be like oh that marbling looks terrible or that one looks better than the other one or whatever it it starts to get a little personal opinion uh whereas sometimes when you do thread work you know if your cross wraps are not aligned or your thread is not packed tightly or you know there's little odds and ends that you can go through and kind of critique and improve on when you do thread wraps because it is a little more uh you know what of an exact deal whereas here you know hunter could technically just be done with that and it to me it looks pretty cool you know white orange blue uh he could come back in here and block these ends off and wrap over them with any one of these colors as trim bands you know he could come in and add more to it wipe some off it doesn't matter so right there you know you don't have to be an expert to put this together you just need to know those simple steps of you know you use this finish don't use too much pigment and then work through it you know yeah so yeah certainly not the best one ever the the only thing i probably could improve on is is to put more more paint on the entire you know base and then really go in and start working on it sure um for time's sake you know we try to be a little efficient here and and get through the demo so um but yeah certainly i could probably go in but you know honestly if if for the effect you're going for is to try to make that base color really come through yeah this this is it right here be perfect absolutely so that's the express version the tutorial on how to how to marble um and like we said you can really get creative with this you can spend as little as what 15-20 minutes on it or you know as long as your epoxy doesn't cure you could work on this for you know 45 minutes to an hour if you really wanted to for sure and you know you could come in and mix another batch and add some other colors at a different time and and things like that so uh it you know this is a great question from chris here if you make a mess of it you want to remove it yeah absolutely you can absolutely remove it you know if you look at it you'll know pretty quick that if hunter didn't like this in the state that it's in it's still wet it hasn't dried at all and it's not gonna change it's it's not like he's gonna look at this and go wow this looks great and walk away and come back in two hours and go what happened right it's awful this is what it's gonna be it's just gotta cure out so if you don't like it the way that it looks right now just take your paper towels and you know some alcohol denatured alcohol your 71 or 91 whatever you use wipe it off yeah and start again maybe you don't want to use white as a bait base coat or maybe you want to change up i didn't use enough orange i didn't use enough blue you know change it up so yeah you can wipe it off it's it's not quite if you know you put five hours into a decorative thread wrap and then you pull one out or something breaks and you gotta start over this is a little easier than that for sure so uh tiffany how long will it take the marble to to sit um definitely would not want to mess up um take to sit is it set up yeah yeah i mean i think it's just finish yeah so it's exactly the same you know if you're using um you know we use thread messer light here um which typically you know we just let it sit overnight it usually takes what probably full 24 hours to cure so but yeah i mean just you know think of it as a standard epoxy whatever that time is that you would typically take for that rod to set up that's going to be the same amount of time the the pigment doesn't really mess with the drying time or the working time too much that all remains the same so yeah cool what you got next oh did you want to show them a little color preserver trick while you got some finish here you want me to do it on the next one let's do it uh let's do it now we can segue to the next one okay cool perfect let me get my mess cleared out of here yeah as i mentioned make sure you have plenty of paper towels or maybe get some newspaper and put on your bench because for sure these pigments can get messy and the i know we didn't show it but the metallic pigment essentially works the same way it is a powder as opposed to a liquid pigment but essentially it's the same way add it to your epoxy and and you're good to go yeah and i'll show that we're going to show that yeah all right let me get some towels all right you got me another bob ross tray down there yeah one right here i shouldn't say that we're gonna have to trademark that hunter ross or something um now do you think because there's a question there from kevin do you think it really matters on high build or not high build well i was going to say to to have the best effect with marbling i feel like it's great to have at least another thin coat on top of your marbling because it does give it that little bit of you know depth um i i really i don't think it matters at least in my opinion it doesn't yeah use whatever finish you're comfortable with i would probably say that and then like i said i would i would definitely come back in and add at least one more thin coat maybe even two if if your your base if your the base epoxy coat wasn't too thick what you think i agree with you i don't think it matters i mean i just built some saltwater rods that i did some thread work over and i used the the light build and just did you know a couple coats over my thread work with the light build you know i don't i don't have any hard feelings on the fact that you know oh you have to use uh high build or the pro code medium builder so anything like that so i'm just going to put some more white in here i just figured i would do that so that they could see the transition here so all right so what i'm going to do is do a very similar start out from the man hunter here just going to put some white down i like that you grab the old uh wire clamp dryer i like that clutch or chuck the best oh absolutely this gives you the ability to you know whether you're working with a salt water rod fly fly rod anything in between well you know with we're got the scrap blanks here it's kind of we don't have like a fighting butt on it right so see you're purposely messing me up here i usually have it turning towards me i can't switch it i know uh we got a question i got a question for you could you use tape to get clean lines on the ends of your base coat the good thing about it though is most of the base coat is going to be covered that's correct or i wouldn't say did i say most no i didn't mean much not most of it but but the edges the edges you're gonna do like you would on a uh thread wrap like a butt wrap where you close it off so i'm just going to kind of show them here if because i am going to show the what not to do so i think we have an alcohol burner back here don't we there's one right there all right cool so as i mentioned before if it's a little you know not level i'm gonna do this before you guys are pranking me back here that's what happens when i haven't used it in a while okay there you go it's live everybody it's live so you do add a little heat add it now right so do that because i'll show you what not to do here in a few minutes see how it gets really runny you can see it with the white on it see how i can move it around and it really it really shows there so that's you know something that you want to be sure you do this before you put the colors in it so now we are going to move see i'm just going to put it in here i'm going to do what do you think would show up the best orange probably yeah yeah probably orange all right orange it is so we don't have to do too much as we mentioned before i'm gonna do orange i'm gonna put it in this guy i wanted to do it in the cup so that you guys could see a little bit better rather than being in the tray all right so orange is mixed up it's pretty well pigmented that's a word i'll have to check on guffy that's word or not and uh now tell us a little bit about this color preserver deal so this was a trick that we learned from uh brooke here at mud hole it's very specific to flex coat color preserver you cannot use pro seal chroma seal any other color preserver except for flexco it's got to be this one it's got to be that one so what you're going to achieve is you're going to show us is a it's just how do we say this a stringy is that yeah yeah it's almost like if you take bubble gum and pull the bubble gum and it leaves a really defined line it essentially just takes your epoxy it thickens it up by a lot and you get a consistency that allows you to almost pull out a strand of epoxy so the interesting part about this though is there's no exact science to how much you put in this so i wish i could tell you guys to put like 1 ml per 7 ml and there's not there is just flat out not so i'm going to put a little bit in here and then we're going to do a little bit at a time so you'll notice though when it starts to get right hopefully i didn't already overdo it but i don't think so yeah a little goes a long way you definitely want to you don't want to overdo it because then you just get yes a glob of epoxy yeah you can kind of it's already like kind of started to get a little weird it's very technical it is yeah very technical starting to get weird now the one thing it will do as well because the color preserver is white as you saw when i poured it out of the bottle it will make the orange look a little hazy i guess would be the term but it's it's not going to stay that way so as most of you guys know these color preservers they do dry clear and that's what will happen so it will not alter the orange um to where it's going to be like oh well that just really killed that orange it's not going to do that so i want to make sure i should i think i shook this thing i think you did so again we're doing this a little at a time all right and every time you put a little more in it kind of reacts a little weird would you give me a paper towel and slide kind of that one under there because this is one of those parts where it does get messy and you can see there we go can you get over here nick it's kind of it's almost like it's cured or curing hopefully that works a little bit see it's kind of just it's kind of weird right again super technical term weird all right so we're almost there and i'm going to all right so we're spinning here and you can kind of see now it it wants to get real stringy like this and now i can put just very very defined lines in it right that's my signature right there if you guys can't see that it's cool you're getting pretty good at that yeah i will say you know i should be a doctor again apologize to any physicians that we may have watching you guys's handwriting is watching yeah y'all's handwriting is perfect trust me all right so yeah we're just going to kind of do some really cool stuff i don't want to mess up my signature there but you can kind of work your way around it you can see it's just really sharp lines right and the you know if you like pull it and string it out a little bit more it'll get thinner you can drag it across so again you know it's just one of those deals you'll never be able to replicate and do it exact every time but it is kind of a cool look because it is something a little different and uh it might take a little extra practice to yeah to get those lines right yeah and you you saw i kind of added a little weighted added a little more because what you don't want to do is you don't want to rush this and then it it will turn into a mess right quick if it's not if it's not right you really want it to be these very kind of tacky type finish where you know i'm pulling strings out like this and can go all the way across you can see there how really awkward and stringy it kind of is but so yeah that's kind of a couple and i can always come back in here and you know do some kind of different designs or change it up a little or or whatever so um that's that's kind of how you do that now if you have it just like you want it i'm gonna show you how to completely mess this up so i think we all can appreciate that a little bit because we've been there so again this will set just as you see it it'll cure out and uh i'm even gonna mess hunters up too oh so i was starting to like mine oh you won get out of here get out of here you like you'll like this one being a volunteer fan more no no i know i know i know believe it the dreaded orange yeah i'm not sure if they even have a football team anymore you said it good old rocky top yeah we definitely just lost some viewers on that one gotta see it start to it looks like a like an instagram filter now it's starting to get real weird but you know again it can be a cool look if if that's what you're going for sure um yeah and if you do want to spread it out like that you can just don't get too carried away sure or get carried away we're gonna get carried away and yeah we'll call that the 3 a.m right there it's a little you got to put your foot on the floor to keep it from spinning perfect i think they might look better what do you think why not whatever you say boss but yeah you can uh if you if you well you know the issue is there's some sections here see this is starting to get kind of muddled that's kind of like uh i don't even know what that color is i'm sure crayola could come up with a name for that one but you can see here there's no now it's just like mush you know it's like a little kid eating ice cream when he takes all like six flavors and mixes it together so yeah just kind of just be careful if you go to add if you've got a really cool design and then you go and add heat and it's like well oh there it goes yep that's why you don't do it on mom's dining room table everybody and that's your do's and don'ts for the evening yeah marveling 101 and 101.5 so with the with the color preserver trick again the flex coat color preserver and thread sealer you got to use this one there's a i think i forget what brook said is in it it's some kind of like polymer thing or something that the other ones don't have in it that makes that thing acrylic part oh yeah contains acrylic polymer that's what makes the finish kind of go wacky but it still cures it doesn't it it's not going to affect the curing or your epoxy in general or it will still cure out and you'll still be fine see the question uh can you use the color preserver trick with metallic pigments you absolutely can the reason you can is because this is affecting the finish right it has nothing to do it's it's not reacting with the pigment it's reacting with the pro coat the threadmaster it's reacting with the finish so it doesn't matter um if you put the metallic in it or the the regular pigment in it it doesn't matter it will do the same and i have a little example here yeah that i'll show in a minute so yes the answer is well i don't know if it was a yes or no but it will you can use it in anything because it reacts with the finish so yep cool that is that all right all right i think you need to uh give something away third place giveaway hmm that's going to be our marbling starter kit cool and i don't remember everything that's in that but the good news is it's really all you truly need to get started exactly uh third place giveaway the starter marbling kit goes to mr jim eckles jr from facebook nice coming out jim eckles jr congratulations jim congratulations that's a good one good one to get started yes so so next you have the same trick but we're going to go to grips now right yes yes um let's do something with this so we make sure we get it everything you're doing the dryer yeah yeah i do still need the dryer because i just want to show what we're going to do with that cf let's get this out of the way pitch that one of these guys what i'm going to are other pigments yeah you can pull those back out um where do you want to move this guy uh we got another dryer you just want to can it all right so what i've got is i'm going to mix up a little bit more finish here while hunter picks that up and it's going to go somewhere safe we are going to do i just want to talk about putting marble over grips and actually i'll just use that that'll be fine oh i'm gonna use this all right cfx cool got the expensive stuff since it's on hunter's bill [Music] and i want to talk to you all about putting finish over this because we get this question a lot on how much finish or do you put finish or what can you do here and the reason i'm using the cfx is one because i think it's cool two it has somewhat of a texture to it so when you do put finish over it you can go really really thick and get rid of the texture and then you'll just have a plane i shouldn't say play then you'll have a coated grip so it really won't matter if you have cfx or cork or something like that but i just want to show you how to put finish over this because it is also going to relate to your cork as well now i'm going to use a thread master on this the reason i'm going to do threadmaster over this is because i'm going to do designs on it if you were going to use like a spray urethane to just coat it you could but um i've never really monkeyed around with decorating this with urethane already on it and then putting it over right you probably would be okay but i'm gonna show let me see where this is at all right all right so i've got any other questions i can um maybe answer patrick if you put marbling over guide wraps should you do it on the first or the second coat um i would probably do it on the first so not only can you use these pigments to marble you can also just use them to tint your guide wraps if you really want to so you could take this orange and just simply mix it with your epoxy and you know it might take one or two coats depending but you can you know totally just change your guide wrap to orange if you really wanted to that's one way to do it um to answer your question though i would i would do it on the first and then i would come back in um just as we talked about before with a thin second coat on top of just um epoxy itself with no marbling in it you got any uh thoughts on that no i think you are dead on my man dustin any advice for marbling over a guide wrap a size thread or using epoxy before marble um that kind of hits the same question as patrick there um you know you can use any size thread that you want to that the size thread doesn't really matter um yeah it's the same kind of thing basically you know it's it's one of those things you can either use the pigment to tint the epoxy you can also use it to marble as well really it's just up to you depending on what kind of effect you want to go with yes that is true so you are putting a layer of epoxy yeah and i didn't do the whole thing but yeah i didn't want to be here all night so i'm going to get more of your speed out do a little black and gold this is the yellow gold so this is your powder pigments kind of a pearl essence kind of vibe to them it will go everywhere so be very careful when you're dealing with this thing so i'm going to scoop a little bit up here i'm going to see if i have probably have just enough in this one we'll do one more real quick okay uh dustin what steps to marble under a double foot guide do you need to under wrap first no dustin you do not have to do an underwrap you can essentially just do you know you need to figure out your spacing for the for your god feet um and whether you want that marbling to go past um you know or on both sides of that guide foot or as we showed the rods earlier just between the guide foot so essentially you know um you can see the marbling underneath the guide the guide feet you know between the god feet but they don't extend past the guide feet so your thread kind of covers up the rest of the marbling there but um it's the same process just lay down that that first um coat of marbling and then i would probably come back in well i guess you really don't need a second coat for an underwrap really would you no i'd probably just do the one for an under wrap if you're trying to do an underwrap uh marbling style that would probably just do one coat of marbling and then call it a day you can come back in put your guide over top and then wrap on each side so this i wanted to show you guys i put a coat down very very thin of finish and i'm actually putting it a little heavier than i might if i wasn't showing this on camera but i wanted to show you guys what a this translucent pearl looks like because it's really really neat in the fact that you can put it over this carbon fiber and it will give a for example this is gold so it will give a pearlescent gold kind of a shine and it really really pops in the sunlight now too what i'm doing is as i put a little it's a little thick here on the ends um and i'm actually just manipulating it a little bit down this grip and what i'm doing is i'm just fading it in so it kind of looks like you might have dipped it in gold and then it transitions and fades out right so your ends are going to be a little heavier and then working towards the center so you can also take it and add some heat to this but it really gives the metallic kind of the pearlescent gold really does add kind of a neat pop to it now when you're also working with this carbon fiber stuff because it has high and low spots you can actually coat this and excuse me it's always gonna sneeze there you can actually coat this and still maintain the texture right so as you come down here you can do a very very thin coat to where it's just barely you know barely coated it will give a little bit of sheen it'll give a little bit of color but you're not going to have it turn into just this slick grip right um and then of course i'm going to what we'll do is we will i'll add this gold in here and of course i'm just mixing the gold in with the other the other part that i had i'm gonna use a little bit more because remember when we're doing the when we're using the carbon fiber it is already a base coat because it's a solid black carbon fiber piece so that i think is where the the pearlescent can really really shine because you know it's extremely dark see if i can't do this i'm gonna press my luck with doing a couple of these on the show but i think it's worth it there's a question as the marbling cures and levels out you lose your sharp lines is there a way to keep the sharp lines the answer to that i would recommend maybe not using as much epoxy because sometimes when that epoxy does sit for a little bit of time and starts to actually level out is when you will lose those sharp lines so maybe for one back off on the amount of epoxy you use especially on your base coat or your base layer if you're using one and then two like chris showed with the the heat if you're using an alcohol a torch or lamp or a heat gun try to back off in that heat a little bit because that will cause your epoxy to to thin and sort of run so absolutely so i saw you added the color preserver again going back in with the lines and i wanted to show here because this is what i was mentioning about when you put the color preserver in and it almost looks like you're going to lose the translucent kind of effect with the gold but i'll show you what it looks like when it cures out and you don't lose it all right so that is kind of a quick tutorial on that and this is actually the black carbon fiber with the pearlescent grip and you can see i purposely left it a very very thin coat because you can still see the texture in that see how it rotates and the light catches that texture you can actually you can actually still hear that is that is the texture so you can kind of do a cool design um that is like i said that's kind of the silver pearl or the white pearl it really pops it picks it back up when it cures out and then you can come back in and add you know another coat over that if you want you can do all kinds of different things so that's kind of you know working with carbon fiber working with marbling you can do this over cork uh you can do this over the carbon tubing like a tennessee handle just be very very careful doing it over eva people ask this a lot but the eva because it is soft i don't think it does nearly as good of a job yeah um doesn't really want to hold the epoxy yeah yeah so uh will the epoxy crack on the grip no no this it doesn't it doesn't crack at all it's very this carbon fiber stuff is incredibly strong the the epoxy finish will not crack um because remember rod coat is hard but it it it still maintains a little bit of flex in it so i mean you'd really have to get after this thing though i mean like i like doing yeah i really like you really have to get after there is absolutely no you know there is nothing wrong here with this so yeah you're good it's a neat it's a neat grip neat option what else uh cody's got a good question how many cc's do y'all recommend for each color you are using for marbling so cody what i did to begin with was do five cc's of each part for my epoxy for my thread finish um and then i just kind of distributed that out depending on you know how many colors i'm going to use obviously when we're using the palette the the larger circle i put the majority the epoxy because that was my base color and then for the smaller circles basically the accent colors for your marbling you don't really need much epoxy but i you know the five ccs of each side worked uh pretty well so yeah that's what i would go with cool all right what do you think i think we should do another giveaway you ready to give something else away i like it cool well get your credit card back out i know that that was you know a little quicker but we had gotten some cfx stuff in i know sometimes with they don't get enough love and we had some questions that came in i think the cfx is just it's a cool deal it's cool so there it is cool all right what are we giving away now well let's see second i guess this is taking the runner-up giveaway oh uh what we got there guys runner-up giveaway all right this is the professional marbling kit and this one goes to aaron huffling from youtube love to see the youtube guys uh join in i agree you know what i think i'm going to do too is this flexscope color preserver and thread sealer it comes in a little bottle i think we do two sizes i think we do two sizes that's a four so we do a one we do okay um let's put a note somewhere i think in the marbling kit or each marbling kit third place runner-up and even in the grand prize because the grand prize does have some marbling let's add in i should have thought of that let's add in a flex coat color preserver bottle i'll just do the whatever the one ounce is because you can see how little i use this you probably will never use all of that in this you know in this situation you'll probably never use all of it so um there you go put it on hunter's tab why not we're gonna add some color preserver up so all right i think we are done with this one right cool i like that that's got that ucf vibe to it yeah turned out good nice that's the that's the national champion of of uh cfx grips yeah nice cool no comment excellent all right now we've got magic marbling where are we are we on time okay cool quart quarter till eight that's not too bad we got two more hours remove this pigments all right all right man so you're the magic marble man am i i don't know i feel like is kurt kurt baker i know he's he's one of the one of the instructors in the classes speaking of that if y'all aren't taking a virtual rod building class with todd and kurt and cindy hey zeus cindy you guys are really you're really missing out because we've got them going on i actually think there's one now i think so so i know they kind of drew the short straw on that one not getting to see hunter's pretty face tonight but um they're learning a lot yeah they're learning a lot so i don't know who's running that tonight but run over to the mud hole page just there is a tab that says classes so under that it will give you all about the classes you can then also click on the virtual rod building option that will give you the dates the times uh and and how to get signed up for that it's uh for what you get it is a deal of all deals absolutely um we send you not only do you get all the equipment but you get all the top knowledge from all the good guys and girls you know rod builders yeah so between the virtual ride building classes uh you know if you have bought one of the turnkey rod kits or you get the uh you know fsp2 that's got the rod building book in it we spent a lot of time on that i mean between that and of course the 10 000 member strong mud whole lives rod builders workshop group which i think we all know is clearly the best rod building forum group on facebook wow all of that i think it's top notch i'd say yeah it's got the best members it's got the best moderators we we appreciate everybody so yeah that's my spiel on the virtual rod building classes it's pretty cool it's done right here so yeah awesome let's talk take it away cool so magic marble is actually very very easy you'll need a few things obviously your pigments so we have a couple basic colors here i've got yellow orange green and is this dark blue all right we're a little crazy on the colors make sure they pop on camera right you know so we'll give you all the others we already have a few examples over here of how crazy you can get with colors right this one turned out pretty cool kind of cool right you want to see one that didn't yeah let's show that one let's show them the one that looks awful all right this one is what happens when you do not let your colors settle on the surface of the water so i'm sorry nick i'm playing a little chase you with that but uh yeah this one is a little it's real splotchy there was too much paint this is what happens when as you add the colors to the water they hit the surface and then they pretty much run they spread out and create a very thin film well something to look at when you're doing this is if you're adding color and it starts to splotch up on the surface of the water and you get little balls of color this is what's going to happen and then what ends up happening is the paint doesn't dry because it's too heavy and then i also i don't know what else you want to call this but it is it is a pure mess of color so just be careful and that's that's what can happen if you know again um we'll give you a few kind of tips and tricks and things to go by and then from there let your imagination take over but yeah you can you can kind of sort of booger this up a little bit if you're not careful yeah so we have our our pigment magic marble pigments or paints yep we have um i believe you got this at what that is a walmart box walmart that is a candy jar okay so either a um like a water pitcher works great a candy jar from walmart works great anything that's a sort of a cylinder shape it needs to be somewhat tall and this of course depends on the the the length of the component that you want to dip because you obviously need something that is that has enough depth that your component can go all the way in and be submerged it can't be you know this tall because our component would not be able to go in all the way and get the paint right yeah so now before we go any further and in addition to what you just said there we get this question all the time well what happens if i use a pvc pipe the issue because people think okay i'm going to do an entire rod blank which technically you could right but the problem is yes this is too shallow obviously to put a rod blank in here unless you're you know like david blaine or something if you're thinking well i'm just gonna get a pvc pipe and it'll be an eight footer or a ten footer the issue is the surface area of the water would have to be i mean you'd have to have like a culvert style it would have to be 20 inches across because remember as you put this component in the the paint is surrounding this and your you're covering it right so what happens is if you just have a two inch pipe even though it's 10 feet long you're only going to get so far because the opening in the pipe you can only hold paint on the surface so as you put it in there you're going to run out of paint and then the whole rest of the rod blank is now just going to be wet and it's not going to be color covered in anything so that's that's an issue with this too so you have to not only think like you said you got to think about depth but you also have to think about water surface area to be sure you have enough paint on that surface that's going to completely cover this deal here unless you only want to cover half or a quarter of it for whatever reason but that's that's another part of this whole equation cool so and another helpful thing to have is some type of mandrel i guess you could say whether it be a actual mandrel whether it be a piece of scrap rod blank to where you can actually dip in your grip or your grill seat and not have to get your hands um you know dirty or anything like that yeah so and we do need to have some paper towels i'll get that for you this actually does help for a two-man team to tackle this actually absolutely and who could pick a better two-man team come on so i'm going to come in with my dark blue it does help if you have cold water i'm almost positive okay i don't know why but i've heard that before okay so when you come in i'm gonna do a couple drops right on top okay maybe a little bit too much but and one thing too is i did this a few minutes ago before we started the demo make sure that you guys shake these jars for at least probably 20-30 seconds a piece some of the paint does like to settle at the bottom sometimes so make sure you really give them a good shake that way it's dispersed throughout the entire jar cool all right let's come in with some yellow or maybe not let's not do yellow okay let's do orange that's a good sign yeah okay so we got some orange that's probably good and let's do a little bit of green cool that's a little bit more so what i'm going to do first is actually incorporate these colors a little bit i'm just going to mix them around just a little bit just like that and we could probably use a little bit more blue but i'm going to let it go like that okay so do we want to show one that's primed first or do we want to show when it's not primed well it doesn't matter you got that one yeah hang on let me i'm going to try to get i'll try to get a uh we're getting we're getting well here we're getting real here all right standby for so we'll do this grip real quick and then we'll go uh we'll go over the explanation of primed and not primed all right you ready that looks pretty good hang on hang on yeah i'm not going yet all right we good there yeah sure why not so i got a little bit of white splotches not quite enough paint but that's okay so one thing i am going to do is i'm going to go in and remove this paint that is on the top that's remaining then i'll pull my grip out yeah just like that yeah i knew i didn't add quite enough blue that's my bad hey you get the idea i think we got it right now don't set it down on something exactly because this does need to dry out completely because otherwise you will put a mark in it um and you don't have to you don't have to tap it with anything or tamp it down nothing just put it in a dryer stand lean it up against something but don't touch the grip yep so don't touch the grip all right so let's do one uh i've got the one that is now not primed right i thought i had that will stand up perfect excellent all right so then we'll show i'm actually going to put a small little some more paper towels yes sir all right so what colors did you do there i did what was that green blue and yellow no orange yeah green green orange and blue hold the blue yes yeah all right more blue now we're going to do the same colors but we're going to show you what happens when you don't prime it and we honestly just primed honestly just prime those grips with like white rust-oleum all primer something i mean it it's really not you know super special by any stretch okay um let me try a different color same color orange is fine yeah and i'm actually not going to i'm not going to swirl this i'm just going to let it let it sit yeah why not all right cool so i'm just going to so when you do dip that you want to turn it as you do it absolutely which i didn't get to explain the last time but that helps you get the the swirl effect rather than just dipping it straight down yep want a paper towel here sir yep you want to get it get it perfect okay i think that's most of it okay cool all right so you can see there just doesn't quite pop as much and you can see yes i did more orange and the orange honestly kind of looks a little bit like the cork there you wanna hand me that guy and then of course you can also see that it takes another color out of the equation because there's no white because there's no primer so it's really kind of a personal preference there you know now from here you can certainly put a color i'm sorry from here you can certainly put a coat of pro coat of thread master uh you can do a urethane coat um yeah so that is magic marble in a nutshell that's it that's it maybe choose your colors a little more wisely than than we do i think it's fine let's set this back here so it doesn't get all messed up so you said for the primer of rustoleum yeah i just have a i just have a regular um a regular white primer you know one of those you know you you've seen it it sticks to everything right it's like it's it's suitable for glass fiberglass wood uh plastic any of that stuff it's it's really just a white primer base that that's good to go so cool that's it awesome and of course you can do real seats that way too yes we got a couple cool examples up here yep and we do have these available in uh in the arrow style real seat yeah those are cool already magic marbled and and coated and coated yeah yeah so i know that was one of the questions up there um what is the best way to seal a handle of course or a real seat after using magic marble on it probably recommend some type of automotive clear coat yes there is a there is a 2k max it's called 2k max and that is something that um [Music] that is something that you can use so that's cool probably pick it up amazon hardware store yeah any type of uh you know it kind of needs to be an automotive grade it can't just be a you know a regular a clear coat um definitely helps if it's a little bit higher grade um it's a little expensive little expensive it is but it's worth it yeah 20 25 bucks a can yes but um yeah great part and i know again uh kurt turned us on to that you know one of the instructors so he's the man he is the man so cool all right you want to give something else away let's do it i think we have our grand prize that's it and then i'm going to see if i have that can of of stuff here so let's see our grand prize winner for the crb color series uh is661 rod kit with the magic marble and of course we'll throw in some of the color preserver too uh the winner is zayn zayn's zast zayn zayst sorry zane if i pronounce your last name incorrectly from facebook zane congratulations and what else we got i know somebody asked to see the uh finished rods that have the mat the uh marbling so we'll show those real quick i really like this gray the black and gray with the white let's move this out of the way this one turned out really good and again these rods were built by victor joseph very talented rod builder lives here in florida should we get that guide wrap in there this is a great example of doing marbling essentially as an underwrap it's a really cool accent and then we'll show the other one this is on the metallic red mhx blank so he's incorporated some red green a few darker colors as well marbling turned out really sharp awesome i did not have that cam but what we need to do is i was going to mention about how to measure for that right okay so when you do want to put an under wrap down what i tend to do is get that yeah i was just going to show them this because it's you know it's a large footprint and i do have a black china marker here so imagine you have your piece of tape sucks your timer okay so imagine you've got your guide mark right i tend to mark it at the ring that's just you know you kind of get in the habit of something right so then what you've got is you're going to mark your guide feet so if you've got your your ring marked i do a little bit on that side and then of course i'm kind of like trying to hold it and do it at the same time but you know you'll mark here in front of the foot and then you'll mark here on the back of the foot so then i know that this is where i want all of my marbling to be and if you want to do a sharp line with tape you can do that if if you don't you don't have to because remember just as victor did with that it's just going to be in here and then he's going to wrap his guide feet all over that so it's a great option for those that don't want to do a thread don't want to do a thread under wrap they want to do a you know tie in the marbling from the other section of the blank tie it in um and you know you can run it all the way up the whole rod on a big saltwater rod like if you're doing under wraps on an entire saltwater rod you might as well do it you know use the marbling so and then depending on the grips i mean you know if you've got cork foregrips or you've got you know sections like uh the the smooth butt sections on the rear you could marble those i mean anything i think we talked about that earlier any any kind of harder grip or harder surface um you know we were going to get steve's coffee mug and marble head as a joke but i don't you know can't can't be that hard on him so uh yeah you know you can you can pretty much do anything so um yeah what do you want to do we still have did you did you do the main giveaway i did i did the grand prize right not the 10k i know you didn't do the 10k no but you did the grand prize i did zayn uh zane uh who i cannot pronounce his last name from facebook nice nice i was thinking zayst zast yeah probably zas right so yesterday test day i don't know zayn you got a cool name i can't say i was gonna say i said the the two z's is just that's pretty cool i like that um all right so we've got those guys done do we have the quick rapid fire are we doing uh are we doing a fire round of questions is that what we're doing let's scroll down are we doing the uh are you doing that because i know we've had a couple of people say oh well you didn't get to my question or you know you guys take too long in between questions or for each question so we were going to do uh you know something from what the 1980s or the 1990s and maybe do like the lightning round or something i think that's what we were going to do is that what we're going to do jay all right so you want to go first you want me to go first um let's see it's already got scott's question so yeah you go first oh good okay i'll get gents how do you do a real seat and not mess up the threads uh so just like this one jen all marbled down here none on the threads all you've got to do is do the tape method as you've seen us do before so just tape it off real nice and sharp there run it out here and you can actually go all the way around and then twist it out here and use a have like a pigtail kind of deal and you can actually use that to dip the real seat boom uh stephen how long does it take for a magic marble to dry i would give it at least probably 30 minutes to an hour to set the side let it let it cure let it do its thing there's probably gonna be some water still left on it so um let it sit for at least an hour or so yeah or you can do that just knock the water off yeah just knock the water off and then uh yeah come back in and it doesn't take too long but about an hour perfect chris what's the best way to seal cork after magic marbling or just give it a layer of finish other than that try to keep it thin what's the best method to get the marbling level if the heat colors tend to blend um use pro coat as a coat or use the 2k max that's an automotive clear and a spray can you shouldn't have any issues with the finish not being level after you put all the additional colors on so make sure it's level with the one color use some heat make sure that level boom done then add it in and you should be good to go cool next uh let's see i already answered dustin's question uh jason um he is asking about can you use the wire chuck in conjunction with the clutch and the dryer soon not yet but soon we will have that available it will be an option nice grab that uh gray color there the gray rod for colton there he said can you show some finished marble rods again i missed it the first time yeah i just did that a few minutes ago okay so we're good um robert all of us newbies to the rod building that don't build a lot of rods how long will the pigments last on the shelf a long time i mean keep them sealed up tight uh you know don't store them in the hottest garage that you've got and i i can't give you a true number but a long time they're gonna they're gonna last a long time as long as you don't like crack that lid or something like that so cool uh let's see let me do tyler's question what are the best tools to use to get patterns assuming maybe you're referring back to the marbling hopefully you are i used the little probe these guys right here the probe set of four or i usually call them just picks you know they're like surgical picks or whatever yep um or the spatula set also works great you can also use you know just a standard mixing stick um problem is it doesn't get really defined lines right so you really want something has a sharp point to it cool all right last in the lightning round is going to be tim i'm sure you probably covered it but do you have to sand the rod blank with a light grit sandpaper 1200 or a thousand before you begin marbling no tim you're good to go bud just like you would put finish over a decal or put finish on a rod blank or do anything like that i always make sure the rod blank is you know pretty clean uh got you know oils from your hands and things like that that's what's going to react with that finish you could actually see there was a dimple in one of the marbling that we did and it's probably because i grabbed it left a little bit of uh you know kind of oils from my hand it makes that finish want to run so tim no you do not have to do it you are ready to rock as long as that blank is clean what do you think done that was the lightning round everybody all right so thank you for joining us but we're now going to give the 10k giveaway this is big i've been wanting to do this for a long time and i can't thank you guys enough guys and girls of the rod building community that made it happen 10 000 members we're up uh ten thousand one hundred and some change and we're growing i mean they're coming in you know constantly so thank you for telling uh you know mom dad boyfriend girlfriend the whole the whole lot of you so and we get a lot of a lot of feedback get a lot of interaction and that's the best part if we just had ten thousand people they're staring at each other it would be no fun so yeah there's multiple new posts made a day um and you get you know 10 20 comments within a matter of no time guys throwing suggestions and feedback and yeah some really cool stuff in there and uh moving forward we're going to be doing some some stuff with some pictures so let's make sure that everybody's got their iphone and cameras all cleaned out and ready to take some pictures of their cool rod builds we love to see them and uh we'll be coming with that soon since you're paying for it you can give it away fair enough what do you want to see a name pop up there that's it boys thanks for giving us a name we got it all right so this is the limited edition rbs pro with the all black track and the four spool uh thread carriage congratulations a little drumroll or something no there it is all right cool all right all right all right greg mcveigh greg mcneigh mcvay i've seen his name a few times oh yeah i've i've recognized that name first hopefully he is watching right now congratulations greg nice almost somewhere around that 500 value it's great i'm telling you it's cool and that is neat that we uh you did a did a great job of making sure we had the the black limited edition track because it's it's pretty sharp it's very limited edition that's it it is now extremely limited edition because hunter's the man that's got it he's got the one in there and uh yeah greg mcvay congratulations well what do you think it's 8 10. mom's got the hot pockets ready maybe um what else restate the winners how about that greg mcveigh congratulations on the 10k uh zane zast is the uh the grand prize winner there with the color series rod kit magic marble which of course hunter's gonna add in some flex coat um thread sealer too so you guys can do the strings and stuff and then of course aaron huffling is the runner-up and jim eckles jr tonight so next show not sure we have a few we got a few things on the horizon and we got some saltwater stuff coming up uh ice seasons coming up here pretty soon it's going to be here before you know it i can't believe it's it's august i gotta i got a birthday coming up uh-oh i can feel it my back already and uh getting an old man i don't know if i have as much gray hair as you but you know hey easy we'll see it's the lights as well stay away from the close-ups that's it so anyway thanks everybody for joining uh the show show 58. i think so i think that's episode 58 if you haven't everybody trust me it pays to be in the muddle live rod builders workshop you can just ask greg mcveigh and all the other winners that have been on the show so thank you again for joining us for the marveling 101 hopefully you learned something hopefully we did a little 101 and a half two um what else you got anything i think that's it thanks for watching as usual um yeah that's it until next time absolutely till next time so for taylor and guffy and steve in the war room hoffman help us setting it up we got jay and nicki mintz on the ones and twos as always my left-hand man hunter mckamey i'm chris guys thank you so much for joining us from behind the rod building bench here in the penthouse at mud hall see you next time take care bye [Music] you
Channel: Mud Hole Custom Tackle, Inc.
Views: 13,574
Rating: 4.9225807 out of 5
Id: -HchoXuvS-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 17sec (6077 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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