Mud Hole Live: The Ultimate Guide to Guides

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back yeah we're back we are back it is 6:30 Eastern here in the penthouse at mudhole and yeah it's already been two weeks flies by flying by it was quick yep flying flying by we did what do we do last time we did fly rod belts did we did uh yeah just kind of start to finish get it and do a fly rod bill applications you know yep whether you're fishing for trout and when the streams up in the mountains or big stuff yeah we're going after maybe some smoke tarp and redfish down here in Florida or you know even tropical destination absolutely I think it went I think it went great I think it went a little better a little better than I thought it was gonna just because you know it's a fly thing it's a little Mitchie I guess is the right term but eyeball doing it and I know everybody was out there asking questions and following up with that we try to follow up in the rod builder's workshop there what whole lives rod mills workshop yep hopefully everybody's joining us so we've got live on Facebook we're live on YouTube and it's been a great group on the on both sides absolutely so haven't having a ball they're working with both okay yeah yeah YouTube's really catching on how guys are loving that like put it up on their big-screen TV in the living room if they let the wife allows well you know and I think people are catching on to like it's it's higher definition you know so YouTube does a great job of that and you don't have to have a Facebook account so I know a couple guys slide in there and they're like hey it's Jim I'm using my wife's Facebook and it's like okay but hey we're glad we glad you're here talk about what we're doing a night out so tonight's gonna be a guide to guys the ultimate guide to guides right guys so we're gonna be talking about well first of all all the different types of guides yep frame materials ring materials yep different layouts cuz you know it's it's a vault over the past few years you know we started with a Kona flight and you know since then it's it's really taken off and we got a lot more technical a lot more you know technologies involved so well you know and that's that's a good point too because even still to this day people ask you know what can I use right or on that guide or not and it's it's kind of a long way I think there's you know a lot of anglers out there including myself I remember when the super lines first came out and boy they used to tear some guides up so the guides have come a long way the line has even come a long way but yeah well we'll run through it you know I think you guys saw in the promo we're gonna talk about all of the CRB brand stuff right we're gonna talk about some microwave stuff from American tech we're gonna talk about some Fuji stuff we're talking about roller guys you're talking about turbos you're gonna show us how to prep some feet yeah once we got our guides you know picked out our guide set or our individual guys picked out we have to we got to prep those guides to make sure it's a little bit easier to wrap them on a blank right yep once we got that we need to figure out our layout or layout yep on our right so I know you're gonna be talking about static deflection that's it how to space those guides appropriately yep I'll be on the deflection board here and then end it we're gonna do a locking wrap and tell you why or why not you should do that so uh I think everybody's ready how do you how do you feel about that Jay you feel like you're ready bud perfect I think so let's do it let's do it there is nothing wrong with your television set do not attempt to adjust the picture we are controlling transmission [Music] [Music] [Music] you all right we are back come back now I mean how about that cool all right so as we mentioned we're back in the penthouse we're glad everybody's back for the ultimate guide to guides could also be called the big guide show either one all right so the demos tonight how we're gonna space out those guys we're gonna use guide tubing we're gonna prep guys we're gonna show a lock and rap we're gonna walk over the deflection graph we've got an announcement we got a sale going on I know that everybody keeps an eye on that clearance section there's a lot of really really great om blanks in there right now y'all are the first ones to know about it and that's why we love you clearance section is now 50% off for blanks so we're doing anything in that blank clearance section we upped it to 50% off there's a lot of great om blanks in there that is going to run until Wednesday the 27th at midnight Eastern Standard so you guys know about a little sooner than everybody else and then it'll run all day tomorrow until midnight Eastern and then of course that is while supplies last because those clearance blanks do go quickly because they're they're pretty awesome and you cannot beat that price do you guys do you percent off so and of course it's got to give away as always always we've got three prizes giveaway tonight yep and we'll get to those here in a little bit mm-hmm yep we're gonna have to get your credit card out as always as all that balances it's getting up there telling you you're doing a heck of a job of keeping up with it though we applaud you for that for sure all right so uh what are we gonna do first Jay you want to slide that up let's have a look at we got the Jay and Nic in here with us always doing the ones and twos doing all that so what do you talk about frame types we do before we get into this we're gonna do frame types we're gonna do ring types take it away so let's start from the very beginning right so yes of course we have you for spinning guides we've got our standard well it's actually one of these kids right now you'll get our standard like V frame spinning guy right and of course we have our double foot casting guide we have our turbo guides you know for the salt water use we also have roller guides with the roller hence the name right i salt water use and then in between you have you know you're you're running guys that you can use which typically go with like size five fly guys is what we typically call them yep right they were originally it's kind of a misleading term right because it's it's just a small single foot you know guide that is very close to the blank not particularly used for a fly rod just you know necessarily right but you know it can be used for casting spinning rods for sure yeah well i think we call it just a single foot run or a single foot runner you know that's but they did they are originally or call a single foot fly guy right so and of course there's a ton of different materials too you know mainly the two that we generally use is stainless steel right and then of course titanium if you really want to you know get your wallet out get that credit card out and spend a little bit of a bit of money absolutely the properties allow you to especially in saltwater titanium guides will not rest so therefore you know I have to worry about spraying your guides off every time or you know rusting corroding that goes out the window well it's worth a lot of heavy use you know that re see that has made a guide that is they call recoil so the recoil guide is a titanium and a nickel alloy together right that allows you know a lot of transmission from line to the blank you know sensitive it's very light and of course with that alloy you can actually mash those guides and they stand back up yep so you know for for guides whether it's charter captain or guides that maybe guys that treat their gear little tougher then some you know you can step on that guide you're not gonna lose a ceramic insert and it's gonna stand right back up yeah and there's also different coatings that these manufacturers have come out with like Fuji has their corrosion control american tackles got their tie on tion like these are basically you know they allow to use a stainless steel frame but with this coating that they use overtop the stainless you get the same type of properties as titanium without the heavy price exactly exactly so yeah and you know we even talked about rings before we went to the intro there because you know you see a lot of different rings from you know something that has oxide at the end of it you know you see aluminum oxide and then you start to see you know surf kony and stuff you start to see you know you have an si si guide from Fuji which is a very famous guide ring that that's been around for a long time of course then you have a nano light from American tackle you've got a dura light from them as well you know all of those guides I would really say now getting back to that super line they're going to be braid proof they're really going to be braid proof you know there's a couple that you have to be careful if you're using a wire trolling line that's an SI n so that's a silicon nitride Fuji makes a great turbo style guide for that if you're using a wire line but that's really outside of a wire line you know you can use anything from a CR B standard guide all the way to the most expensive stuff you can use for carbon braid monofilament it really doesn't matter anymore so between the advancements and coatings on the lines themselves as well as the ceramic ring you can really use pretty much anything now yes as you know price increases the Rings do get better you know they do get a little bit harder of a ring they dissipate heat a little bit better and then of course they get thinner which to me the thinner is going to translate to a lighter guide you know you can certainly use titanium to lighten up but you know if you had a titanium frame with a giant thick ring in it you're not gonna see the differences you would if you had a titanium frame either with no ring like an RAC or a titanium with something like the thin si si ring they're from Fuji so that's just kind of a you know a lot of years of development down into ten minutes so I know we we going for hours yeah we really could you know and of course we're gonna answer plenty of questions for those that are following along on YouTube throw some questions in there Taylor and Guffey are in the war room they're gonna provide links there for products and links resources any of that stuff and then of course we're gonna answer as many questions as we can here live we got those coming in and for those that put them in there earlier and the ones that they're run them up live right now so one thing I do want to talk about is so there are certain guides that do not have ceramic rings right right so an example this would be the CRB SS our guides which have it's basically a metal insert ring I guess you could say it's actually swage din between this the main frame of the guide double double switch key double swage which allows basically allows it's the frame basically capsule eights the ring on both side and settle one side right like so it really locks that ring in there and you know these guides are great and of course the first question everybody asked is well do they groove do they they hurt my line no is there any problems there we haven't seen any issues since you these have been released yeah yeah absolutely and I think you know a stainless steel frame they come in a number of different colors and with the stainless steel ringing them for the ultimate and lightweight and affordability I mean you can get it hard to beat you can get a set for you know less than ten bucks easy yeah and of course because they have no ceramic ring in there extremely light I mean I know you know Greg and and some of the guys here have built some ultra lights with that right we have an inshore rod built on there and you know we purposely you know I had to had to take a step back and just let it go to the rack without rinsing it off because I am a stickler about my gear but you know we've been lucky to have those tests cinnamon salt testing them and fresh and purposely tried to abuse those and and they've been passing the flying colors so good you know for lightweight for durability and all stuff that SSRS is a great guy it is absolutely then of course those come in a regular and then a a tall frame and then it's often which leads us to let's do this little right cord quick and then we'll do some questions so guide layouts right so of course we go back to Kona flight that was one of the first ones that was ever really you know brought to the the rod market I guess you could say right so essentially a Kona flight as you start with let's say a size 30 yep you go to a 25 you go to 2016 and so forth sure you're just decreasing one size ring you know as you go down with the rod right absolutely I think you want to illustrate this all right so as hunter was saying we'll take it over the board here as he talks we got to use all the toys right all right so we're talking about Kona flight right so we got a rod blank and then we have our guide so you know we'll do our reel seat and a little fighting bud here or whatever so you're talking I got 30 yeah we'll do a pretty pretty large-sized say we're doing like a spinning rod so I got a 30 it'll go next guide a little bit smaller 25 a little bit smaller 20 so as you can see it's creating that cone effect all the way down to your tip so we're doing like this this is where the kind of flight comes from right yep so we'll do 30 25 hopefully this is good 5 there is I know 20 and so on so that is where the cone of flight comes from because it's just a gradual like you said right yep so what's that and that's been around for gosh who knows how long since rods came to be you know and this still you know you still see this it's still oh yeah absolutely especially with saltwater rods surf rods especially you know you'll see this type of layout on a ton of rods even built to this day like so I would say the next biggest you know advancement and guide layout should probably be the concept system you know even that one's been around for you know several several years which basically it's the ultimate achievement here is to get that line or to use the smallest possible or in some people's cases they don't want to go to the smallest possible guide sure but they want to go to a small guide write as fast as possible okay so say let's start with a 30 mm hmm and instead of going to a 25 let's go to maybe a 20 and then after that maybe you know you can do a 16 or a 12 yep so you're essentially you're skipping a few sizes in there and it's more of a instead of a gradual it's more of a drastic drawdown and then once you get past maybe your third or fourth guide you're almost to year you know what's say the running guide which can be you know a six a five whatever size you choose so that would be like a you know depending on where you're out here this would be a choke guide right yep I'm a rod builder okay so what that allows you to do is for one you're getting a lot of weight off the tip you're not using those bigger ring guys that way more yeah you know what we talked about the other day I think like a seven or and eight ways double one of five ways exactly so get a lot of weight off your tip that's gonna be more sensitivity it's not gonna hinder the action as much you get all those great benefits right yep so the next one that came along would be I would say probably KR concept from fuji sure right so essentially it's it's another step down you tell ya going for not only had they introduced high frames which you know essentially you can go from like now you can do a 25 or a 20 yeah I think on mine and that one back there is a it's a 20 hi yeah and then it's a 12 high and then it's like a six low yep so a high high low it's your third guide you're already almost on the blank and ready to run the the rest of your runners one other guides out yeah right and so for you guys at home that aren't familiar with a high frame guide essentially it's will say a size 20 high has the height that will save maybe a 30 yeah but the ring is still you know a 20 yeah so the edge of the ring away from the boy is going to be for example if this was a 30 the 20 would be like this well that's not these are not to scale so that would be a 20 but the heights you know and the height is really important especially yes especially on spinning rods the height is crucial because you have that real that's hanging you know obviously if you're holding in your hand it's got hang down off the reel seat quite a bit for sure so and you know even at an angle you still need to you can't just go from your your spinning reel down to a size 5 guide to the blank right it's just too drastic right so what the kr allows you to do is keep the same height as a taller say 25 or 30 but decrease the ring size right so now like you said you can go from a 20 high to a 12 high to a 6 medium or low where it may be and all of a sudden you're down here to your runners you're good if you want sixes or fives or or whatever like that yeah so cool and of course this being you had mentioned kr but also the microwave yes that's that would be the next one around the same time the microwaves yep so the microwaves allow you there it's a two ring guide as you're stripping guides so your first guide has two rings yep which of course now they have you know tons of variations including casting and surf and etc but you know the first one that was introduced was a to ring it was a I believe but twenty and a six I believe so again you know it allows you to get that line tamed faster and down to a smaller ring as fast as possible yeah and that you know this first one where it has the 20 outer and the the six on the inside that would be very similar to what we're talking about about a high frame because that frame does stand you know considerably higher up off the blank and the great thing about the microwave system is because it is very specializing because it has a high and it is a very rapid reduction going from you know and don't quote me on this but you know the 20 down to maybe the 12 or a 10 and then down to a choke guide that's right on the blank it might be a 6 but it is a low guide doing that it's it's very similar and they give you the spacing because when you start to get into these high frame stuff and I'll show you on the deflection chart when you start getting into the high frame stuff not only is your guide spacing important coming from the tip it's very important coming from your reel out to here because that right there and the height of the guide there's a lot that goes on here and of course you know Fuji does a good job of explaining it there's actually a mathematical formula I just cite it and I'll show you guys how to do that rather than doing math but yeah that's that's one of the really important parts and one of the one of the things about the microwave that's so great is they actually give you spacing out from the reel and then spacing coming in from the tip and you kind of meet in the middle and get it all dialed in so that's a very unique and way to do it I like that I like coming out from the rail coming in like that dial in a bit yep that's a great way to do it all right we think I had some questions and some questions and give something away all right let's see let's see let's see let me do I'll do the first yeah how do you determine the guide size to line size that's David Masterson David a couple things I'm gonna choose the guide size we'll call it on a spinning we'll call it spinning first I'll do both so the guide size is going to be based on the size of the reel I'm using so for me in salt water I use a lot 2,500 sighs 3,000 sighs like a strata from Shimano so I'm going to start with a size 20 and a Fuji high frame or size 25 and an LZ are or the microwave you know that starts with a 20 so I'm gonna start with that it's going to run it down and I run out to either fives or sixes where that comes into play is how big of a leader we're talking about so if you're using 15 pound braid and you're only gonna use you know like I tie an Alberto knot which is a very slim not a lot of people also what's the one that Scroggins ties it it's the one that's like the alternating engine the FG not Scroggins size FG not and I know a lot of guys out there type very very slim so you can drop down a little bit you can go to those fives or so with normal-sized leader that's very close to your braid pound test size so if you're running 15 pound braid to maybe up to 20 pound leader and you tie a small knot fives are great as you start to increase and let's say you go your snook fishing you go to like 30 pound those not start to get bigger that's where you need to start thinking about guide size so you just need to make sure they pass knots for casting you know it's it's the same way but you also need to have the guide based off of you know the blank power to you know you know you don't want to have a super extra heavy blank with some like kind of dinky little single foot guides because they can't handle the pressure of you know with the guides being on top and the line pressing down on them I mean you know we do use 65 pounds braid for a flippin blank on fp9 36 or fp9 37 with single foot runner guides and size fours so they can handle the diameter it just depends on what you're doing with it and you know what kind of knots you got if so go Erik Larsen can you use microwave guides with other guides so I would say most of the microwave guides are actually sold in sets so you really only have to come up with your own you know layout or design or you know whatever it may be yeah and they also give you the spacing which like you said earlier they give you the first three measurements from the reel and they give you the measurements from the tip and you kind of fill in where needed so Erik unless you really want to experiment come up with some kind of crazy Frankenstein you know layout I would just buy one of the sets you know depending on of course they have casting and I guess so they got serf they've got the microwave 30s which are great for like tarpon and heavy snook rods yep they've got it for almost every app they have ones without a ceramic ringing them right so they got them in a dump of different materials yeah I don't know why you'd want to kind of mess with that system and they got them for everything so I would just I would just roll with that if you do like you said you do just by wild hair want to get involved with changing some stuff up for a spinning example you got to keep the first three though yeah absolutely that's the most important you know if you want to do something different with runners for whatever reason maybe you don't want the ceramic ring or something or but then you would just use the airwaves but if you want to get crazy with it mmm keep the first three because that real rapid reduction deal that's the magic yeah so don't monkey with that good point so yeah what you got Tom Tom what is the distance between the real face and the first guide and how would it change with the length of the rear grip you want to hand me that red rod back there it's got some high frames on this so this kind of comes in to some of this high frame stuff and I'll show you kind of why so mmm this is a guide layout that I did for one of the guys here at the shop and in a quick explanation you want to take the reel that you're gonna be using I actually have the bail here and the roller right in the middle of where we're at so let me turn it here a little Mike coming to you Nick all right perfect so if you notice the line is leaving the center of the reel okay the way that it was you know told by me or to me I should say is you know you can actually take this spool off and tie the line directly to the center of the spindle I guess is what's in the center of that reel then it comes out you wanted to come out perfectly because you're trying to match the angle of this face so this is a dial OBG a Shimano strata is a little different flooger medalist or whatever else you got is a little bit different so that's why when you're doing something with very very specific guides you want to get this real so it comes right out of the center and as we work out here we want it to come through either the center of this guide or a little a little down okay then what we want it to do is we want it to work its way out and do the same so we're kind of here we're in the center we're a little different little off a tiny bit there as we come out here now we're down in the very bottom of this choke guide but if you were to carry it up to the blank you would see right there as a straight line so it intersects right here but you want it to shoot through the guides now some people do say they want the line here down in the rim or they want it in the center either one I'm not going to get a fight over that so but what you don't want is you don't want this first guide with the line way up here and then this guide with the line way down here and then this one up here you want it to fire right through here because you're actually matching the angle of this spool face so back to your question Tom how this spacing changes especially with this first guide as this reel comes forward this guide is going to have to go away from this reel to maintain this now for the BG for the stratum ajik number here is from this spool face it's 19 and 5/8 to the edge of this ring ask me how I know so from that spool right here in the center just set your tape measure right on the rim come out here it's 19 and 5/8 - right there and for my strata canned even this for this BG it nails it every time I don't remember these out here but I got them written down somewhere so but you can fill it in throughout then you run out here to your low and then the runners are out so that's how it would change I don't know this this handle length here but it doesn't matter if this handle length is way out here this first guide is going to be 19 and 5/8 from that spool face moving out that is 4 a high frame 20 Fuji so and those are actually the corrosion controls is pretty sweet with an alkane item so sure you would do the same if and I and I'll show you on the board you'd do the same if this was a CRB LZ our guide here you know that's how I lay them out so that's why it would change as you move it out cool Richard Stewart what does KR stand for I am not sure to be honest do you happen to know I'm assuming something reduction maybe yeah I don't know maybe it's the for the kid because it is a K guide okay guides Ron my question yeah we really should like my question on a he's got a 9 foot fly rod I heard you put 10 guides on it is it 10 guides plus the tip or is it 10 guides wait I was at 9 guys plus a tip or is it 10 guides palestin tip so when somebody says a 10 guide layout it's gonna be 10 guides plus the tip you never include the tip in an actual guide layout correct and the standard for a fly rod we told it last time it's a length of the rod plus one guide so you got an 8-footer it's eight guides plus one so you got nine guides plus the tip top so and coming in coming in from the booth we've got concept revolution is the kr Wow concept with AK a revolution that's okay [Laughter] J that better be right that's right you know Google did this said so okay well gotta believe the Internet's let's see what else we got it might be the best line we've ever had here what's wrong all right looking to build a 14 or 12 to a 14 foot ultralight for Center pen steelhead what do you recommend for low friction rings Oh grant that's a great question there are a ton of options I would if you're looking for the lowest friction rings I would go with something like probably the CRB LZ ours you know very low friction lightweight all the good stuff that you need uh you know Fuji SICS hmm really great option you know I mean it there's so many great guide rings available it's it's hard to really pick a bad one for a little 2-0 that I know about center pin fishing steelhead fishing some of the center pin rods I've seen I believe they look like a modified fly rod where they have almost like a you know they they start with some spinning guides there may be a high guide cuz that reel is you know the center pin wheel is kind of awkward yeah well to me I mean I just don't use it but so I've seen some of the guys use some of the recoils reason being as some of those guys that catch steelhead it's less than ideal conditions so there are actually some recoil ice guides that are very specific to the ice fishing when that temperature gets way way way down there it can handle it and of course the great thing about a recoil guide is is you can reach out and pop the ice out of a guide and you don't have to worry about hurting your ceramic or you know you can flex it it's you know some of those guys they're hardcore man you know they're waiting or they're you know walking streamside and it's you know if you happen to you know slip and fall or something you could bust a guide pretty quick but the recoils would you know might be pretty good okay you know I don't know correct me if I'm wrong there on the what you call it the recoils or whatever how you fish the center pin but I think not a bad idea good option cool all right you want to give something away else to it don't you get that credit card out let's see what we got where is my third place given third place giveaway is a CRB guide kit so that goes obviously our package got kids you can get standard performance elite even LCR's more options anyone yeah so go ahead and give a see all right third place Syrian guy KITT Michael Collier Michael Collier from Facebook congratulations Michael very cool very cool all right Robert Murray one one quick one left here I touched on a little bit is there any issues with knots getting through micro guides bleh braid to fluoro knots micro guides if we're talking below a five which is what I consider a micro guide like a four you better tie an FG or an Alberto to get you know 10 pound braid to some like 10 pound or 12 pound fluoro and it better be right because those size fours are tight I know your dad use has used some of those four and a half's that can even be pushed yeah but just make sure that you're tying an FG and Alberto not some tiny tiny stuff and yes you can absolutely do it we use size fives all the time I'm talking all of them the LZ ours got fives in them you know those kits we use on that rod you saw there with the corrosion control Fugees those were five runners out and we use 10 or 15 pound braid up to about 15 pound fluorocarbon but most of the time we're using like from 8 to 12 so fives are great I just never really see a huge reason to go to force that's just me hey well I know all right all right gonna jump on the next one let's do it let's do it direct to proper guide spacing so that's easy but no it's let's be honest here most of these kits including CRB we have obviously American tackle with their microwave guides Fuji guide kits that we that we do here and you know we provide spacing for all of these so you can buy these kits not only are the sizes picked out you can choose between different colors different different rod links whatever it may be spend cast the works done for you right especially if you're starting out building this can be one of the hardest processes is choosing the right guides or sizing especially right so you're just starting out definitely pick up some these guide stats with guide sets and like we'll show in just a few minutes the spacing on the back and for this guide set is it's recommended write suggested there you go suggest suggested what but you can also you know tweak it though you know because there are different real sizes they're different handle links like you described earlier everything varies there's there's not one rod for everything so it's gonna be a little different I mean if you had a spinning rod and you bought a 7 foot turnkey kit from us and you only did the spacing on the back of the card is it gonna fish oh yeah is it gonna be good oh yeah is it gonna be perfect hmm it depends but you can make it better you can make it better than the back of the card and we're gonna show you why but don't feel left out if you just follow the back of the card yeah don't feel left out so once you have your guide set picked out ship it out to you get it right one thing you have to have not not have to have but that's very helpful in laying these guides out on the rod getting the proper spacing being able to move these guides when you need to tape works right but the guide tubing is crucial it really helps with this process and so we sell them for different sizes it's called GT or guide tubing yep and what you'll get when you get the little package in is it's gonna be rolled up inside of there you're get a long piece yeah it kind of looks like what do you usually refer to it as the its air hose from like a like a fish tank almost you know a bubbler you know something keep bait alive very similar so when you get this long section you're gonna be like what do I do with this right yeah it's a lifetime supply it really is you might as well just go in and buy the four sizes buy one of each there are a couple bucks apiece and you will have this for a long time yeah I typically tell people with it's like with some of the stuff that you'll probably lose it yeah before you use all of it so that's the key so what we do if I get a zoom here real quick Nick we go in and cut these little tiny I wish I had something to hold it but these small little doughnut shaped pieces just like that so you can go in you can do this with a pair of scissors you can do it with a razor blade whatever you need to I don't think we're able to zoom in maybe yeah one second cool you clear some area here show us some of that top chef hunter yeah so I got my razor blade all right perfect and all you're gonna do is go in and you can vary the you know the width on these pieces if you have a large turbo guide you can do you know a larger piece but I'm just gonna go in I'm gonna cut these little donut shapes just like that and once we have these I've got a piece of blank here for example all you have to do is go in and slide these over the end from the top to the bottom get it on there slide it down just like that now here is our tip for the guide tubing once you have these and I say these because I always do at least I've got three here for this one but I always do one extra per guide I slide these you know down right so let's let's just imagine we go in let's do it this way so that's essentially how your guide tubing work so you just slide the guide foot underneath and it fix it to your rod blank so what Chris is gonna show you in a minute if you do need to move this guide or just take it off it's simple easy there's no wearing with masking tape and I always like to put that guy to being a little closer to the edge of this side of the foot then the back because if you put it towards the back it's gonna pop up the front of that guy's foot right and then you can't really wrap over it right so if you do it a little bit towards this edge where your thread actually goes up its gonna keep it pinned down actually makes a little easier to wrap - absolutely now the reason I'm going to do a couple extra here is accidents happen right oh yeah so there is a chance that especially once you get past this guide if you've already wrapped it once you get up into the maybe the tip section if it so happens that you're your guide might get maybe the wrap comes undone or something bad happens you can simply just you know take that guide off or take the wrap off you can slide another guide band up there and you're good to go yeah because once you've got them all on there if you do a static deflection like I'm gonna show you here in a minute you got 11 other guides nine other guides up there you can't bring another one down you can't bring another one down nope and that's just I think we've all had that happen when we're trying to learn how to do these and of course you also have the micros yep the micro guide bands so essentially you got five sizes now so from GT 0 to GT 3 so four sizes and then the micros there you go you got everything covered from and those stretch a lot they do I mean that is this this is the largest size I think this is three that's a three yep yeah and that I mean that's not even close to what it'll get to so you can use it'll you know a vast array of like diameters yep so yep and you can also as long as you're using the appropriate size you can actually test cast with these on there yep you know make sure they are tight to the blank and there's no wiggle room in there or if you got to use to donut yeah you can use to that's a great great time to use to to make sure they're extra secure on there as you can you know don't go out there and try to throw you know football field but you can definitely use these to practice with absolutely absolutely alright so let's talk about static deflection because as you mentioned we've got guide spacing on the back of this guy it's on the back or it's in the package with the american tackle stuff now the key there the american tackle stuff the microwaves in particular I would follow what they've got now you know if it's a if you've noticed that the lines not running directly through the center maybe tweak it just a little bit but those are pretty dialed in you might need to adjust the runners though because the runners are going to you know account for something that's maybe a moderate fast or an extra fast and they're they're very different so alright I'm going to come back over the board okay we're going to talk about static deflection I'm going to talk about it mmm in action really quickly before I show you on the board so what we were saying about the guide spacing and why you got to cut us a little bit of slack and everybody that provides guide spacing is you know let's say that we have a rod you know that's maybe a mod fast and then you have a blank it's extra fast or if you want to call that fast so if you're putting this on the deflection board or if you're putting it in a spine finder you'll notice that maybe like in here is kind of your apex right and here is your apex for this blank so this is going to be a real key point here definitely a guide needs to be here and definitely a guy needs to be here right so that's possibly going to be a tweak for any guide spacing right out of the gate or if you don't have guide spacing that's gonna a guide is gonna go there period doesn't it does not matter which one so if we want to break it down and you have some spinning guides and you don't know which one and you want to do you know a rapid reduction and you have a 2012 six and you want it to get down here to the blank and then run it out I would do the first one the second one the third one I put one out here kind of that at it where it rolls over right in the middle and then I would make this part look good and then I'd fill in these and then static deflect it make sure you don't have any real sharp angles and when I talk about sharp angles on a blank you have a blank like this and you have a guide let say you have a guide here and you have a guide here like this which would be wrong your line to here is out right technically once you get past the apex I mean you could put fewer guides here than back here it looks a little it looks a little silly you know but you could technically do that because if you ever have seen a rod flexed over the last little bit of it is perfectly straight so this is what I mean by a sharp angle yeah that that's exactly that one I nailed it right so so that's a sharp angle right this angle and this angle is a sharp angle whereas like if you worked one in here it would work that curve a little bit better so that is why or that's that's how you would do you know spacing or spinning rod if you had no spacing now the same with going with spacing if you've got one that's an X F and you have one that's a moderate fast when we provide spacing for you we got to hit it somewhere in the middle so that's where this static deflection is going to be you might have to move some guides out here you might have to move some guides here on a moderate fast but 7-foot medium heavy spinning rod or seven-foot light spinning rod we can get you pretty dialed in but if you got one that's super extra fast you're gonna have to bunch those guides up in the tip a little bit because you're gonna have very little flex back here and I'm extra fast and it's all gonna fall out here whereas on a moderate fast you're just gonna it's just gonna be a nice just gonna roll right over so let me show you on stacked flexion yeah that's a great point I know we've talked a lot about spinning rods this show and I do once you're done with that want to talk a little bit about casting rods yeah yeah I got a one good point to make on those but perfect all right so I have we'll start at this in first hopefully we can see this again I've got the same reel in here and I've got the line roller so that it's right in line with the center axis of this reel so this line is going to come out and I'll just I'll pull it tight like right here so the line is going to come out it's going to shoot through the center or a little to the low side of this these are CRB elite guides so they're not true high frame x' but they are higher frames so they're our concept so it's going to come off the center of the reel in the middle or lower section of that guide this one is going to do the same what and of course I've got guide tubing on here so I can just move that or push it come through there shoot through I got this one a little low so we can adjust that because this spacing I have on this CRB blank is right off the back of that card so it's good here or maybe a little here probably need to come out this way a little bit this one is actually pretty good and then of course you're going to get out here to your runners and you're going to come out now guide tubing all throughout here you notice on this one stripper guide because this foot is a little bit larger and to keep it steady there's two bands on there so I've got gt1 on here for guide to me I got two bands there I got a band here I worked out to these runners before I drop down to the GT zero so for something like this this is an is blank out of the color Series C or B it's a seven foot so it's is 701 L so gt1 and GTA for this and again these are the crv elites so we run them through now of course I run extra guide to me in here so naturally something will probably happen but so run it through and then I am always sure I do go ahead and use the tip top cement the hot melt glue on my tip top the reason I do that is just because the tip top kind of takes a little bit of a brunt of this when you're flexing this rod over and I want to make sure that it's on the spine it's not going to turn on me but that's kind of how you use the deflection graph right so we're gonna flex this over and you know you don't want to take and hoop this rod way up under itself you can actually start to come down here a little bit you know we try not to get past a 90 so you know if we were on a 90 or about there you can see this rod blank is a little bit on the moderate fast to fast side it's not fast and it's not completely moderate fast it's it's a little in-between because you can see kind of the tip top wants to come over here a little bit but as I was saying earlier you know we kind of have we're kind of in the middle of the Flex here so we got a guide here we come over this guide could probably come back a little bit because you see there's a little bit more of an angle here than there is right here so we could probably bring this guy back a little and all we have to do is grab it and slide it back that's just a little and of course I'm doing this kind of one-handed you would tie this off but you can see the line here is now straight as I was mentioning so that's a short and small angle small angle little little little you know this is kind of straight here you can see kind of moderate fast and if you need to adjust anything this is where you do it pull it over you can actually you know let the Flex out slide this one back a little you could probably slide this one back a little test it out again and again none of these guides are wrapped they're all on here with the guide tubing GT I didn't use any of the micro because the tip top on this blank is a 5.0 so there's there's some good sized tip there left so I didn't have to drop down to the micro yet so that's pretty much how you do that there's your static deflection that's where you dial it in that's where you cross off any problems make sure your angles are very very minimal but that's it that's your static deflection I mean it's it's the same with a casting obviously you just have to be careful that your line doesn't touch the blank and that's that's a main difference with going from spinning to casting but you know I know a lot of the newer builders I should say sometimes you know they might start with a spinning rod I know a lot of you know our early classes were all spinning but that's that's kind of introduction introductory of just active yeah and the deflection tool along with the graph itself is so it makes it so easy to allow you to static deflect because your your rod is well you can do two if you really wanted to what you have up there you can compare to side-by-side but it also allows you to be somewhat hands-free you know you're not having to hold the rod and deflect it and try to move a guide it's it's there it's stationary and I can just deflect the tip easy as that exactly I mean I granted I was doing it there but you know like you said you can tie it to a full milk jug down here you can take and put a ring on the end or a hook you know and tie off a loop down there on the floor yeah like I said you do not need to take and hoop that rod blank way over you just don't need to do it you know really don't get don't get beyond 90 and when I mean 90 is from this plane here coming down this direction you can see these marks here where we talk about different actions and powers on the blank don't get beyond these 90 degree marks so from there to there you don't need to pull it up under itself because you'll you'll damage any rod line okay that's how you heard it and you don't need to do that so yeah I think are we gonna give we're gonna give one of these also might be the grand prize we'll see no I like it I like it all I can I like it cool uh we've got some questions let's do some questions slide us back up there mr. J we got okay so this is a good waxing it's William is it best to do guides from reel to tip or tip to reel so most of your guide spacing that you'll see will be from tip down toward the butt yes with the exception there are a few the microwave guides they do give you the spacing for the first three guides from the butt but they also give it from the tip like you mentioned earlier yes so that allows you to you know basically fill in the gap between the two right I'm trying to think the the guide sets that we provide from Fuji those are from the tip yep but I believe they're the GPS software that they that they have on their website anglers resource yep I want to say I do they do it from tip or they do it from is it from both well because you're entering in a number of different things mmm they're I still think they're doing it from the tip but it's it's based on yeah it's based on the spool size it's based on guide size things like that so you're actually not going the other direction because you're entering in all of that information yeah whereas if we're just doing it there and we're like free handing it we're coming out from the spool because we're just getting that measurement boom done yeah we're not we don't have a computer program that's doing that conversion for us yeah and the reason behind doing it from a tip is because the handle links vary so much and you can't there's just no way to to account for all know at least you just can and that's where you get kind of in a pinch if if you start sliding that handle length if you know if you want a shorter handle or you're gonna use it for you know a top water rod and you're you know you're working the top or you don't want a long handle or if you know that rods gonna live in a rod holder you want a little bit longer handle so and then of course I forgot to mention all of these measurements are to the rain yes so if you're from the tip down to the first ring down to the second ring down to the because if you were to measure here on this guide you've got the ring is out here okay the Rings out here the foots way back here there's a lot there can be a lot of difference there depending on how big of a guide you're running I mean if you're running you know turbos or rollers or this is just a 20 I mean what if you had a 50 you know there's a huge difference in a double flurry you don't know what you want to go to always go to the rink it always goes same for a dull foot to always go to the ring don't go to the back of the the guide foot the front of the guide foot go to the ring yeah because if you you know there we got a rod over there that's got like a 40 kW got on it and there's like four inches of span between the feet like you could rip it you could really booger up some some guide spacing real quick so let's do I'll do Dianna's should the tip-top size match the last running guide it should or what I do is sometimes depending on which model tip-top I want I go a half size larger typically really for no other reason that it's just a little insurance and it might make no sense you know to some people but I I would rather go just a hair larger than just a hair smaller but technically you could do you know if you had a four and a half runner from Fuji I would go to a five if there's not a four and a half to a four and a half ring in the tip top because not all tip tops come in all of the sizes you know because there's four and a half's there's five and a half there's yes there's a little bit there I would stick to whatever the final couple runners are or the final runner or I would go a half size larger if there's a weird half size there yeah so yeah how is the difference in quality between microwave and Fuji tours i the price is a big difference so my answer that would be towards ID is obviously like it's a very very nice ring very slim lightweight does really really good braided line you know no damage or nothing there it's it's almost almost in a class of it so there are a couple competitors you know yeah but it's it's a really really good ring yep and then of course typically they come with a titanium frame yes so you're also working they're only available in titanium okay so yeah so it's a very expensive guy yes so you're already you're already there you're already higher than that now granted the microwaves do come with they do have some titanium but you're dealing with a titanium frame with the tour's ID and of course you know the that tours I ring is really the thinnest and on their tip tops like some of those Arowana tip tops they have the F top we're the ring actually it's almost like it's waged like the SSR so it's on the ring is on the outside of the frame so if you get sharp angles on your line your line will never ever ever touch the metal frame never ever so there's there's a lot of technology that goes into that that tours I got and that's why you see a huge difference yeah the point I would make with that is is a fujitora sight necessarily better in every application as a microwave no it's not you know it's you can put together a $200 $300 guide set the Fuji tours is real quick is that necessarily gonna be better than a microwave guide train in certain applications no I don't think so or is it necessary to go to the exactly you know I mean we have we have fought all kinds of fish in all kinds of different settings and all kind of line classes with a microwave nano light a CRV lzr guide with a Fuji kr Alka Knight ring we've done all that in a bunch of different classes and they all did a great job but yeah there's you know it's one of those like you know the Lamborghini is still gonna get you from point A to point B so it's a little it's a little flashier and it's it's it's pretty sporty so you know you're gonna you're gonna pay for that but is the microwave gonna do it it absolutely will and it'll do it incredibly well so that's that's kind of our long and short of that do one more and then maybe you go on to the next one how much deflection do you put in the rod to determine sharp line angles so as Chris showed you definitely never want to go past 90 like but you want to be right in that probably 90 almost 90 range yep almost imagine that you're fighting a fish you know you've got your rod will say just normal set up right in front of you and that rod is bending over yeah right you know it's not bending all the way over back under the boat and it's not bending straight up or you know pointing straight up right it's got a nice deflection it's bent over almost towards the water or kind of out into the distance a little bit yeah that's going to give you your best deflection absolutely and of course here on the board I'll show you real quick just deflecting one over when you have a blank that is a little bit more moderate you know could be moderate fast could be fast you know it's gonna take you a little bit more travel to get it to go to 90 so see I'm off the chart now and I'm down just at 90 right if I had one of those mag xf and make checks points that are extra fast you know we could get like this really quick I mean I can't even really make that Blanc do that but if you had one come over real quick you could get to 90 real fast so it all depends on on your action but definitely you don't need to go past 90 even when you're fighting a fish you should try not to go past 90 I know it's it's not always a perfect world but that's what we say cool all right we think you know the giveaway yeah let's give something away stroll down there mr. J so what we got we had a choice of CRB performance guide assortment kit which there's a few options available there yes and that is something that every builder repair man or woman anybody should have around because that that's just a great option you know it's it's something that somebody brings you a Rob they need to get back up on the water like right quick they're ready to pay they want it fixed you got the kit you ready to rock you know it will match it's very close to a lot of guides you know there's unfortunately we get this question a lot before I give this one away we get this question a lot what do you know what if you don't have a guide that will match because there's a lot of OAM guides that come on major brands of fishing rods that we we physically can't get they don't make them for the after market you know you can buy american tackle you could buy fuji and of course a lot of factory built rods from the major manufacturers have american tech or they have fuji or something like that or they have pack bay we can get all those that's great but what happens if you can't get any of them so it's good to have an assortment on there and that assortment winner for the CRB performance guide kit is coming out of youtube and that is Sgt rock so from YouTube Sgt rock congratulations CRB performance guide kit cool it's great to have on hand yeah I think we got those in spinning or casting yep cover soldiers you pick what color you want black black or polish yep perfect perfect all right so let's run back up there to the questions while we're getting ready for the next deal so you're gonna show us we've got our spacing or we got our guides picked out let's walk through it again we got the guides we want we got them we did our second flexion we do our spacing we got our stuff dialed in we made our final marks all that stuff now keep in mind you know we're using the old trusty China mark on this because sometimes you want to make a mark then you put your guides on then you take it to the board then you make another mark don't forget if you've moved something to make another mark because we all know that things happen and you might lose a guide band you might lose a guide you might test cast outside come back in and you go man that guy spacing is perfect and you forgot to make that final mark and now it's frustrating so make sure you make that final mark sometimes you know if you want to make one mark the initial mark and white you want to make the last final mark in red or vice versa you know we got three colors of these bad boys depending on what color blank you're using but please set that mark after you're done moving because the China marker rubs off fairly easily when you move those things up and down you can wipe that mark off and then like I said if you lose it it's gone forever so be sure to mark it so now we're ready to rock make sure those guide feet are prepped yes so tell us about you can either do this before you do your your layout or you can do it after as long as you got your marks made start pulling those guides is that da so guide prep for the feet and this is easier with some guys than it is with others yes most guides from the factory from the manufacturers they come prepped to an extent to an extent some some better than others right yeah you know especially when you get these larger you know roller guides or heavier saltwater guides double foot guides they're gonna be will say a little bit blunt on the edges they're not gonna be completely finished off well remember it's just the the gauge of the mentally yeah there's just a lot more frame going on than with a size force yeah it's a little bit hard to see there but I'm sure you guys if you've built a few rods you've seen where you know the edge doesn't quite go down towards the blank it just kind of goes and then stops and that's your blunt edge and that makes it really tough to wrap up that guide foot absolutely and this you know it's not only for you know saltwater guides or heavier gauge guides it can be even some like smaller spinning guides running guides it happens yeah in fly guides so the couple of things that keep on hand is obviously sandpaper sand paper comes in handy not only for guide prep but also for sanding your grips any little touch-up work you need so you can go in if especially if it's a smaller I don't really have one from me but if it was a smaller perfect a little smaller running guide maybe it's a four or five and all you need to do is just barely go in and touch up that guide foot to kind of smooth it down mm-hmm sometimes they'll have little rough edges that makes it easy as well yep or you can come in with you know God file whether it's specifically for guides or if you just happen to have it in your garage any type a little small file will work same deal can go in you know hit your guide foot smooth it out really what you're looking for is a smooth a ramp from your guide foot to the blank and that just makes it so easy when you you start your thread wrap you're going up going up when it hits that that edge it just wants to track right up the guy so easy right absolutely and then of course I know you've got an even better tool down there if you want to do you want to show that off yeah yeah why not so I think you guys know on the show we like power tools I'm a big power tool guy so I guess it would be a pro tip a penthouse pro tip so always when you're working with power tools will do safety first and then teamwork so we've got the cordless Dremel here I've got a corded one at home we've got the fancy cordless one here and probably the best 30 to 60 dollars that you could spend in rod building it's it's awesome now another thing that I use is I use they have this one's got a rope on it because I'll put around my neck in the stream or fly fishing these are locking forceps they're pretty inexpensive because the last thing I want to do is get this size 5 while I'm holding it next to a blade that's spinning it no telling right so I actually will grab the foot don't grab this ring because you will crush it grab the foot here and lock it know if you guys could hear that at home but you can grab it and you can lock it so now you can hold it however you see fit and I've got it in here sorry Nick I'm jumping around man my apologies so I got it locked in here and I still have you can see here I still have pretty good pretty good room there on the foot so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start up the the old dremel you can turn this thing up run it pretty wide open and then we're just going to [Music] just like that you need to get the underside of the foot just duck her underneath there but they'll work that just like that turn her off boom you ready rock you go to your next one walk your next one in already go perfect so there it is penthouse pro tip awesome yeah that tool I mean not only in a rod building just everyday stuff around the house anything that's a great thing that yeah and of course I'm using just the it's like a cut-off disc I think they call it a cut-off wheel you know they kind of comes a little toolbox so it's got like a little sandpaper wheel in there it's got like a grinding stone if you want to use a grinding stone you know so it's got a couple different options depending on what you're using the the wheel always seems to do a pretty good job for me and especially on those little ones you're not having to put in a lot of work you just just turning over that edge a little bit so let's see let's see let's see oh I'll do Chet's okay you see Chet in here a lot good customer good viewer what's the best way to remove an old guide and clean the blank for a new guide so hunter has showed the way to remove a guide a few times on previous shows so here's the blank here's a razor blade and we actually like to heat this a little bit sometimes depending on how much finishes here and then we lay the razor blade on top of the guide foot we use the guide foot as a guard to the graphite because you don't want to dig in there and you scrape up the guide foot like that and what that does is it just shaves the finish and the thread off of there and then you can actually just work that guide right off pull that off and then it'll leave a little groove and you can actually take your fingernail and just peel that thread back if you're going back with you know the same thread the same finish everything you're probably gonna have a little bit of finish on the blank but more than likely you're going to cover that up so you'll probably never no even if you go right back in the same place if not though it can get a little tricky you know you can use you could try to use some alcohol to get that off you can use a burnishing tool to try to kind of work some of that off after you've soaked it in alcohol if your blank has like a metallic finish or a custom paint job or something be very careful using acetone because the last thing you want to do is start wiping that beautiful paint job off that blank so maybe do a little test spot maybe use a tiny little q-tip where that foot was and rub it and okay it's not going to pull the paint off then kind of wipe it if all else fails use a very very high grit sandpaper and tape off where you don't want to sand put it in your putting your RVs Pro and just barely touch it with some I mean ultra ultra high grit it'll knock some of that down but so there's a couple different ways to kind of clean it it depends on how clean you need it you know there's a lot of times where I've replaced a guide and I really didn't have to do a whole lot of cleaning because thread goes right over it finished goes on top of it and we just move on with life there you go that's when it's good cool cool all right I'm gonna do Shane's question I'm gonna get my part of this whole bill we're together Shane Shane's question is we'd love to hear recommendations on stripper guide sizes for bass and inshore species like redfish for the CRB 701 mhm he's fishing with a Corrado 200 reel and number five running guides shows so Shane I would recommend and hopefully Chris backed me up on this because I think this is our layout for every bass rod we have maybe except for our flipping sticks as long as it's not an ICS em real see we're good we typically use either a double foot seven or six usually a six yep - size five running guides and that's it that's it and that goes for like I said every single bass rod I have except for my flipping sticks because we use all micros or maybe a five runner to yeah so and then you know this would be great for your inch or two like I said a seven double foot or a six yep and then to size five running guides it works perfect perfect now here's an asterisk because I forgot that I did this until I did one of the rod recipes that hopefully everybody seemed to like I enjoyed doing them because it like it gave me a chance to revisit some of the builds that I went way back on so this happened on the swb 956 it's a swimbait rod throws an a rig Taylor calls it a chandelier he was throwing it and because that rod can throw a huge swimbait a lot of our you know California residents throwing those big giant swim baits some of the time they're using a round reel so you know the Corrado is a low-profile reel so let's talk about those two because there is a low-profile casting reel that you see typically on bass stuff sits lower to the blank you can Palm it then you have something like an ambassador style which is a round reel because the side plates are actually round so that would be an ambassador 6500 a 5500 see you know some of the stuff from like my childhood type deal then they stepped it up and Shimano went to the Calcutta Calcutta is a great in short but it's also a round reel it stands a little higher off the blank the only reason that I wouldn't go six double foot 2 fives is if maybe on that medium heavier or maybe you're throwing a heavy or even something more but I still want to use the fives I might go to an 8 or depending on you know if you're throwing like a musky type deal maybe even go to a 10 so then work it down a little bit because that round reel is gonna stand taller and it'll just give you a better angle whereas you know if that really gets too high and then you have a really short guy you you're gonna work a sharper angle ya know it's it's all about those angles just like we talked there so with a Corrado 200 perfect sixes two six two five or seven six five s perfect but if you go to that like Calcutta I think they call it like a 400 yeah go to a Calcutta 400 you might want to watch that height you go to one of those ambassador 6500 you know they have more of that old-school line guide that's that's not even a ring you know it's two bars stands a little taller you might want a little bit better angle yeah so perfect all right so that's that's what we would do all right are there any more questions there that we're not getting maybe slide down a little bit oh yeah oh so yeah do we see anything Ron I'll get you real quick discuss guy alignment tips Ron I know I talked about static deflection I know I talked about bands and all that stuff I actually I know it's probably making it harder on me but it makes it easier in the end if I do a static deflection it's important when I put those guide in that mark because I pull all those guides off that rod and I do each guide I wrap it and I cite it that I wrap I do the next one it's much easier for me to cite them and do one at a time and keep everything in rather than having 11 guides all just all over the place and then you're trying to like will examine okay that and you're trying to count them you're going 1 2 3 4 no that's no 1 2 3 you know and they're all they're all just at them out of whack so that's that's my chip for that I'm answer one more real quick because this is actually a very good question you screw up real quick j-just a little bit okay I just want to get his name oh there it is Jack Jack waters would you discuss tip top nomenclature have trouble getting the correct size so Jack mm-hmm a tip top is measured in two different sizes and they're actually measured in two different measurements and I make it easy right yeah so say we have a 6-4 or a 6-4 point five right so the first number is gonna be the ring size which is measured in millimeters just like our guides right so always yes if I've got let's say size five running guides I would typically use a size five ring tip top to match it you don't always have to and I know you hit on that a little bit earlier yep but that's just kind of the run-of-the-mill standard way of doing it is to match the tip top ring size with the last running guide on your ride blanket yep the second size of a tip top is the tube size I don't have one to show you guys but the tube is what goes on the end of your rod blank right yep that is measured in sixty fourths of an inch so a 4.5 is four-and-a-half sixty fourths of an inch I don't know come up with that system but yeah Wow well I think it goes back to gauge because and maybe you know the guy that came up with it he and I would be great friends because cigars are measured the same way gotcha so they're done they're done in a ring gauge that are in sixty fourths of an inch so it's a fifty up to a 64 so 64 ring gauge would be an inch yeah so maybe this it was that guy I need to find that guy cause maybe you guys maybe bud we'd be buds all right what you got for us I hear some rain coming we're getting close to eight o'clock so you know it is summer here in Florida because we have two seasons maybe not even two all right um real quick let's talk about a locking wrap I'm always honest with y'all I'm always honest with you and there's some things that I do and there's some things I don't do I I did used to use locking wraps on flipping rods and some other stuff when I was first getting into rod building years ago I thought it was necessary and all that and then I just haven't had a guide pull out from under the thread wrap when I stopped using locking wraps so I was using them and I was like I've never had a guy pull out that's great and then I was like whoa let me see what happens if I don't use them and I use them under the same conditions and I still haven't ever had one pull out so I'm I'm gonna say that under some circumstances a locking wrap is is needed I don't use it but I'm gonna show you how to do it how about that yeah cool so I'm gonna show you on a much larger guide than you would typically do it on just for the viewers at home that's the only reason so using some right orange so it's a good background on the blue shirt and the blue blank here go Gators and so we're wrapping them right now we're also going to talk about cutting this guide band because remember hunter showed us and told us about this guide band now you got to figure out how to get this thing off of here without messing up everything so what we're gonna do is just like when you cut off the thread wrap you're gonna do the same on this guy and we're going to cut it just like that use the guide foot as your backstop and you won't cut your you won't cut your blank and cut away from the thread and cut away from the thread you saw that cut away from the thread alright so I'm going to do this real quick I don't want to hear any comments from the peanut gallery about packing thread and doing all that so what we're gonna do is we're gonna wrap all the way to where the guide turns up right right so here's where it goes up now I understand that this is a little bit harder hang on Nick I'm going to turn to you button so we can see it it like a more than 90 hang on let me get out from behind that tension rod stand by stand by alright that's better right perfect okay so we're gonna wrap to where the upright starts and again the angle of this guy doesn't make it super easy for this but just so you guys can see how it works you know typically you would do it on one of these guys here like that that is really hard to see so it's really hard to hold and you know you would go around and that's how we do it so what we're gonna do though don't forget to do this because I have forgotten to do this a few times what you want to do is before you make your final wraps up this way you're gonna want to lay in your loop right so the one the loop that you tie out I'm just going to use some orange thread here some of they all use a little pulse through string and then what so we're gonna we're gonna keep rapping and now we're at the upright or right here kind of close to it let me get another one okay so what's gonna happen is we're going to stop rapping on this side of the guide and we're gonna do one behind it so we got to go behind it right I'm gonna leave this out so you can see it alright see how I'm back here now right and we snug this up and you get your little burnishing tool guy we're gonna Snug this up and again I know it's not super PAC tight but I'm just trying to make sure we show you guys so I went behind one time I don't know if that's extremely necessary or not I've just always done it I go behind once okay and as we go to come around again you want to go behind again so now we're behind again right and this is where we take the thread and the tension rod comes in great we're behind and we go around and I'm going to try to do this so y'all can see at home come around like this and down everybody catch that so I'm gonna do that again so here I'm behind the guide right come up to the guide we go behind it and then we go around it and then we're tight okay so do that once and you can see here where it's rat okay gonna go again we're gonna do one more so we're here right keep it tight and go around and come down like this now again you know you probably wouldn't do it with this big of a guide but that's how you do it you stack everything in we cut it and off we go but you can see I'm going to spread these out again you can see see how that guides making a rap right so there's your rap on that guide it's gonna lock it in then you pack everything nice and tight and then what you'll do is you'll cut it and you'll just pull it off and remember these all have to be burnished and tight but because this guide is so large it wants to spread those wraps out so hopefully you guys understand that again come behind it come around it like that and pull it down you can snug it up like that and go around right what you don't want to do is you don't want to do this so you're in front and you come around this way and when you come like this it'll want to cross here and it'll create a gap you'll probably be okay but it's always created like a weird funny gap here so I come behind come over the top and then I can pull it down and lay it right there right behind over the top snug it down so that's way more times than I think you need to do that typically we do that twice always always always remember to put your loop put your loop in before you start going behind that guide make sure you get two or three wraps over that loop before you start doing that locking wrap and you're ready to rock go so you know where this really shines is with Mike regrets yeah you know anything from a four you know down to like even the Nano micro guides the twos because you're really just not working with as much thread not as finish where those guides can yep pop out sometimes yep hang on I'll finish a router standby Roger cut it I know I'm blocking here sorry so there we go cut it pull it through really just tighten everything up I know the suspense is killing y'all it's killing me Thunder maybe tonight look good yeah that's you bad I need to get a new razor boy what I need to do the the larger like why in this kind of holds it apart a little bit when you run it on a little on a tiny guide it actually it is a little bit a little more compact a little bit tighter so but that's it so that's kind of how it looks back side it still locks down still comes tight just like anything else but up here you can just barely see these two these two little locks right here will you come in go around it then so that's it there it is nicely done the locker the old forehand lock and what do you think you only had a couple of quick questions and then yeah last giveaway Chris Chris Lackey how do you keep the fuzziness from sighs a thread from coming through the finish Chris before you actually apply the finish I would go in with like an alcohol burner and I would just lightly flame that thread usually that's gonna knock off any kind of fuzzies or you know when you do make your your loop and you finish that thread off yep you don't cut it quite close enough that that can create a little fuzzy if you just barely flame you know don't get all the way up on the thread wrap stay back just a little bit and just lightly flame that thread yep usually all those little fuzzies will just will just burn off or or buy this hundred box of CRB razor blades you can see this is the box of razor blades we keep buying here there is no reason not to use sharp razor blades all the time you can see what happened I'd been you know cutting in a guide doing this no telling how old that razor blade is that it's really not what you want to do try to change your razor blades out dispose of them safely please and that's it Jay could you scroll up just a little bit but I want to hit that big announcement go up yep all right so before everybody gets out of here we got a big announcement we are planning on reopening the showroom you guys haven't seen some of the cool new stuff down there reopening the showroom June 1st now we will be maintaining state county mandated social distancing but we're gonna reopen that showroom yeah we got the sport fishermen down there it's got the tower on it got the outriggers out we got some new mounts in there we got a Marlin jumpin we got a hammerhead down there we got some really really cool stuff you know George and the sales team down there has done an excellent job that showroom is ready to rock the displays all the product you know we've got fqo clothing we've got fqo gaffes we've got all the products that you can buy you know on the website through the catalog we've got kits and handle kits and blanks and you know if you want to walk in and flex a mhx blank we got it we'll go get anything out of the back for you you want so uh you know come by and see the showroom again reopening the showroom here at mudhole June 1st so while maintaining the social distance yeah that's big cool all right give away the big ramp up the grand prize of course we hit it on earlier it is the we're gonna get a pan shot of this real quick or probably not know the he a deflection graph is a deflection tool that's it holds two rod blanks or two rods several great reasons to own I think not just for static deflection deflection but also for yep comparing rod blanks and rods absolutely all right grand prize out of Facebook Johnson Marine Johnson marine the tool and chart combo the deflection from CR B goes to Johnson marine and Facebook congratulations that a and just to go through the winners again we got Michael Collier out of Facebook is the third-place winner that's the CRB guide kit you get to choose standard performance elite or LCR and spinning or casting in black or polished and then of course out of youtube we got Sgt rock when's that CRB performance kit so that is that's the deal there and then of course grand prize hunters going shopping tonight before he gets out of here Johnson marine wins that deflection tool and chart combo so don't forget the big sail that we just announced earlier yep - you guys know about it the clearance section is 50% off and that ends tomorrow night Wednesday the 27th a lot of people like those OEM blanks that are in there I would check those out get them in a hurry clearance blanks 50% off and it doesn't take too many of those blanks to get to that $49 free shipping remember free shipping on anything over $49 that's retail that's wholesale and we got a lot of stuff in there anything eight-foot and under over $49 as everybody knows hopefully if you don't know about it you're missing out you need to get there to the mudhole live rod builders workshop on Facebook I understand if you don't have a Facebook account I understand that but it is a great community no telling how many are there we probably got six seven thousand now yeah it is a great community and we appreciate everybody that's in there so that's it we appreciate everybody all the customers asking questions everybody watching we don't know what the next show's gonna be but we love leaving it up to y'all give us some suggestions we've got a few ideas but you know give us some suggestions what do you think what else I think that's it is that it come see us next week that's it Monday so yeah the first versus Monday is it yeah perfect hey need to get a counter all right that's all I got perfect all right so for Guffey & Taylor in the war room Jay and Nic in here with us Heinrich a me as always with me behind the rod building bench here in the penthouse we're gonna go eat some pizza we'll see you guys next time thanks as always [Music] you
Channel: Mud Hole Custom Tackle, Inc.
Views: 21,384
Rating: 4.7886181 out of 5
Id: 4GIdyhhpHm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 39sec (5619 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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