ROD BUILDING OVERVIEW; Terry Scroggins Teaches Rod Building Using Mudhole Tackle Components

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you well y'all company Kristen stopped in I'm right in the middle of building rods I've got 20 sets of guys sitting out here and you know people always ask why did you build your own rods I mean once you got people to send rods won't use what they got I like building my own stuff because I like number one the rod to be balanced on spine I like to build set up a rod the grip any kind of grip you want you want wing grip mhh cribs cork grips whatever you want you can build it that way panel lengths you make Harry one guide configuration you want LCR guys you look food you guys any kind of guys you want you can build it now my tall has 14 different actions and 14 different colors so you can build anything you want and when you get to a store and get it you can't get it that way so that's why I like to build my own runs so the first step you got you got the book cap the grip the trigger reel seat and then your fore grip so you have four pieces that we're going to fit to the blank the epoxy goes on they actually can sit 20-30 minutes and then you can move forward and stall your guides and this is actually half of building a rod right here so the first step to building the rod is actually you see the components we get the butt cap the grip and the trigger so we're gonna fit this to the blank so mud hole has the set of Reimers it works really really good on a cordless drill so you just stick that in there I'm just in my kitchen so most guys can't think we get in trouble if you do that so they're still not big enough to go into rod but if you notice this is tapered the next ones taper a little bit bigger to make this bigger so I've done this so much I pretty much know what its gonna take to make it fit see what we got you can always take more out became that into it so now I want this group to be about right here so I got to take a little bit more out pretty easy that fits nice and snug the trigger is already matched up for this point so it's gonna fit on there nice and snug so that's just all there is to that you gotta remount the book yeah that's probably gonna fit yeah sticker book cap off so we've been working on this for about what three minutes we got everything fitted so now we got to epoxy this and the bloody end of it it's halfway near halfway done building wrong so there's nothing to it and so a lot of guys are like man you make your own roster there's nothing to it as simple as can be so this is half of it right here so let's get some epoxy out well epoxy this on and move forward with some guys so here's the deal if you got prophase this is a 15-minute set so so fast that I like that because I go ahead and put it on in 15-20 minutes I can go ahead and continue building my raw so you got Part A and Part B you know really close right there so I'm just gonna whip this up all right that's good together right there so we're gonna start off at the book cap the neat thing about building your own rod if you got a like this is not a flipping stick but if it was if it was like a you know like a 7-9 big of a heavy flipping stick and I wanted to add a little weight to counteract the head then you know then tip heavy yeah I slimy little weight in there he's nobody never know so I always like to spin this on I'm bringing back now see how the PAC's is getting good on that blank you just taking wife here your excess off just like that and what the beauty of building your own rods once you build a couple of them say I got another one just like this from here we're building I got my handle link just the way I want so I take a sharpie go here on my handle link then I'm gonna bring it handle down there right there I know how far I can set it it makes it so easy after you actually build one those little punks you know over here these things are so easy to build you can build them anywhere you garage and not the shop and the kitchen it don't matter catching time to get some table man you can get by with your wife here you're good slide that jewel down and set up mark right there the under that mark see we haven't found the spine on this rod yet but here in a minute after I put this trigger on then we're going to find the spine that's like the most important thing to build on the rod spend on the spine so that's what makes a a right so good you'll find that much in the store that's what's cool about building your stuff beautiful just like that wipe off our excess epoxy right there now this next step it's kind of important as well so right here behind the trigger you got a vacancy in this rod so you get you get a pack your poxy in there now this fits really super tight if this had a bigger gap in it I will take a slide an o-ring in I packed it full epoxy and then put a ring on and then put more epoxy down that's a cushion that keeps it centered but this one here so tight we don't want to do that a lot of guys are taking put tape on the threads right there which is a good idea but if you're careful with it you can just keep it on that first guy right in the first thread right there and you're fine but what I'm doing is packing epoxy down behind that real seat right there so you're trying to fill in the space if you don't do that your blanks going to move inside your trigger so that's all you got to do that there that epoxy gets hard as a rock about 15 minutes just like that it's you know it's a really good idea to put tape on those threads but as long as you make sure you got them clean your fire so all this here is built now wanna check the length I've got it sitting same length as the seller 1 so it's just where I want now we're gonna check the spying on this is very very important he's pushed down about where your first cat would be 3/4 wet push up and you roll the thing it'll stop white cord is fine and that's gonna stop there every time see what it triggers stops so yeah yeah you know we'll have a jacket like that trigger strip mantle will be good yeah this is this is the step right here okay so we got the trigger straight up and down now so I'll load that rod I push down on it pretty hard and I think stays if it wasn't on spine in real life you need to keep rolling Nikki rolling so you check it see it's gonna stop every time now I mean every time it's gonna stop right right there what might be off just a whisker push that back to the right just a little bit okay so we're good right there rods they don't spine everything's good so it shouldn't snap in theory no it's not going to that's the most important part of building a rod and when you buy arise from a store and you get this one man it's just something about this run out like more likely that's on spine is what we just did there takes about 10 seconds to do but for some reason production rods don't get done that much so now take a little peek new stuff in some solvent goof off of whatever and I'll actually rub the whole rod down make sure there's no excess epoxy or anything on the blame these threads was talking about taping off whatever's on there's it just wiped off with you know put that goof off so hop it off around the trigger no like from here we can set this rod down for you know twenty minutes thirty minutes you know we can put it on the on the right and and put guides on it right the guys put some epoxy over the thread and that's this rods built it's just that easy so awesome awesome yeah you have so the cool thing about mudhole right now they've come out with 14 different actions and 14 different colors so what that allows me to do if I want to you know on my jig rods or Carolina rig garage my heavy action rods I can make like this light green this metallic green color and I know that's for a G or Carolina rig whatever and then if I want aa ChatterBait rod or a spinnerbait rod I got a go so I could look at my rob box say that color goes for this this particular application and I don't have to read labels and see what's what I can look at color and it's just so much quicker and easier so 14 actions 14 different colors man that's cool so now we've got hailing everything on I like to run a laser down my rod even though I'm not gluing my guides on I'm going to use little bands to hold the guides on what I like to do is run a laser down it so I can see exactly where the sooner the rod is I put me a little mark right right on the center X that red beam right on the center of it and I write where that God needs to sit so when I place it it's it's right dead center on the rock to use works really really good super easy so it just really helps in place in the eyes all right what I need to be you know so when it comes to laying the guides on the blank what I like to do is use three different sizes of tubing and actually just cut little those sections so the bigger your robbed like is going towards the butt of the rod the bigger your tube needs to be so about the first three or four I'll use a bigger size tube and unless you know you go down a rod I'm gonna swim them down so that's what we're doing here we get down to the end we're gonna just a thinner diameter to read about yeah yeah yes that's all you need around there so once I do that I'll take the rod and I'll stack these down the rod so no snapping oh yeah just roll them down and these things work really really good yeah you conclude your guys on and all that he's a hot stick glue or things like that but you know glue actually become messy when you're wrapping threads this just makes for a clean clean job is all I got to do now just slide my guide or anything now let's pop grab my thread cut this little piece of tubing off and it's done so that's actually takes a little bit of time to do this but it works out really really good so so once your thread is on you just cut that to ball it's good to two bombs oh yeah placeholder for them that's all it does and you know and what I like to do is actually roll that tube so then it becomes like a you know a small circular right so I can just slide my like it rolled up on top of itself just I'm gonna slide my god yes it's real bad slide my guide up underneath of it wrap my thread on once I get it started alright so the neat thing about when you're using these bands you can just take and slide your guide upper Neath of it just like that so it holds your guide on it allows me to start my thread and I can put thread I'll whip to tour the band starts and I'll cut the and off and the three-eyed host a guide on so it's just a clean way to doing doing this there's nothing else on for you no extra glue whatever getting runners to Red's just makes a clean finish so now that I got that over I could start my start my thread seven using the a a three which is very very small so what I like about it is I can you can see these gaps and I can tuck those in you know get them tight clean it up but while I do it they 3 because it's so small I'll run down the guy who runs back down so I actually double wrapping double right any any voids so you can see I got the got started right there so now I can take and just slice that off and then you need to finish your wrap and finish my route and walk everything is I think so I got I've got a bunch of wraps over my thread so I could cut that off too I could finish wrapping my guy now I've brought all these guys in 15 20 minutes worth a shot in a later van when I said them so now once I've wrapped them you can bump them around and do this and that what I like to do is I'll pull it out and then I'll sit here and look it's under the threat so you can adjust them and I sit here and get all up just the way I want them and then with little layer epoxy down but you got all of them straight for the last three up then I move over just a little bit this actually takes as much time as anything really just in your guys and this is just fine-tuning driver fine-tuning and then and then you'll epoxy over that thread clean it off how well yes it's done it's not going anywhere so yeah one more just right there so what I want to do is onna just all those guys - right where I want them to be make sure they're all right in line and then I'll put the tip top on last thing and I put a decal on the hook keeper and then it's ready for epoxy so when we made the epoxy for the the trigger and a handle and all that you don't have to be got a spot on with it you can be in the ballpark and it's fine but when it comes down to the epoxy for the threads you have to be very very precise so you got these little gauges little meet us with gauge on/off we have three on that one I always make up more than what I need I don't worry about out of that thing we got three on that three on that so you will be right and dead on with those make sure you get that mixed up really really good faster I start at four you know several minutes to make sure it's good you can do this several different ways you can put a coat on come back put another coat on I normally just soak them down and this epoxy stays wet for so long get a second spinning spinning spinning so I'll get that honor tonight and in the morning I've come back and they'll be dry be good to go fish with this rod tomorrow all right guys it is the next morning so we were building that rod pretty late into the night so as you kind of saw in those last few clips he had the rod just kind of slow spinning well yeah so so whenever he was dabbing on the epoxy onto the guides and and and you know all of the black thread you know you epoxy over it what we did is we left the rod spin a real slow all night and that allows that epoxy to set up you know in a circular fashion instead of just dripping so this right here is the finished rod close up of the guides there dress this up real nice down there there's a real seat beautiful hopefully we'll take you fishing later today good right there thanks boo y'all might recognize that bait punch bug battle okay guys well you saw it there that is just kind of a a real nice overview tutorial of rod building so that's what we're gonna bring to the channel is lots of custom rod building techniques once I learned them of course but that right there was a really good start Terry's been building rods for a while he's been with mudhole for a while you know he builds just an incredibly functional rod it's not going to break it's it's incredible he just really knows how to put one together so now we're hopefully going to take that rod fishing and later today but you know that's just kind of an overview of how simple it can really be to get into rod building now obviously you know whenever I try it for my first time you know I'm sure I'll have some hiccups you know with the guides and then tying the guy tying the eyes on with the thread but you know you just saw it done by somebody that really knows what they're doing and you know I don't know about you but that gives me confidence that I can do something like that and and we're gonna do that so we're gonna learn together but I hope you guys enjoyed the video that's some cool rod building right there and some more exciting content still to come thanks everyone for watching the rod building tutorial [Music]
Channel: World's Worst Fishing
Views: 134,413
Rating: 4.8859601 out of 5
Keywords: bass fishing, fishing, largemouth bass, fishing lures, custom baits, making lures, outdoors
Id: PPKaoqJsSLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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