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hello and welcome to Vancouver carpenter today we're going to do another one of those mud framing videos with the Darby now this one's a little bit more complicated because the last one was simple it was just filling point A to point B and this time what we're gonna do is well I should show you this and it will make more sense it's another one of these tile reveals so let's take a quick look at it so up at the top we have about a quarter inch which is not ideal but you could it you know not that good we go down and then we've got this joint where an old doorway was and by the time I float this joint out this is gonna be flush with the wall so it's gonna go from a quarter inch down to flush and then as we make our way down the wall it gets much worse down at the bottom it's about a three-eighths gap okay so let's say I decided to just float out this reveal it maybe bring it out about two feet so it wasn't too noticeable but the problem then would be is it would dive way in and then come way out again and back in and so your baseboard would be super wavy on that wall really inconsistent reveal there too so the solution is we're gonna build this out and then Darby up and down the wall and get the whole thing nice and straight the first thing I need to do here is I need to create an edge to screed to Darby against so what I'm going to be doing is I'm just going to be taking this trowel and slipping it just under that sliver edge so what I'm doing is I've given myself this nice edge to screed from now I'm also going to pull down this way to make sure it's flat and not humped like that so this way is definitely a little bit harder and it takes more of a skilled touch because you have to keep an eye on it and make sure it's not wavy so that's looking pretty good and part of what makes it straight is just the process of using this straight piece of metal going up and down and it kind of flattens it out as you can see I'm just sliding the trial underneath but my mind is real thick this time and with hot water to make it set up even faster [Music] more want my trial to just slip under the biggest build up down here that's looking good one looking good till I did that one more and now because I know this whole area is going to need some fill anyways I'm just going to start getting the extra material I have mixed on to the wall [Music] there's no need for perfection at this point it's gonna get a whole other coat of this stuff so that's got a pretty good base coat now at this point and I need to let this set up and then we're going to put another coat on and Darby that one so it's had a chance to kick off and it's now at this point that I'm gonna start scraping down all this stuff getting it ready for the next coat [Music] now that it's scraped down I'm gonna check it with the Darby let's see what it means so it's actually pretty flat there it's just got a little bit of rocker there it's very small though that's looking pretty good even that is actually flat already so it just needs a little bit of fill in there that I could do by hand really easily but let's check the bottom so right here it's not bad there's about 1/8 from corner to corner right there it's still not bad about Nate that's getting right down where the baseboards gonna go and we're at about a quarter-inch so we need a big fill at the bottom but the rest of it's looking pretty good it's pretty full right here where it needed it making sure I have extra loaded here I also added some all-purpose mud into my mix just a couple of scoops and what that does is it makes it so that it's let more workable he's one of the more poor so what happens is it doesn't stick it doesn't start to set up on this stuff that's set up already it just helps it give it a little bit more slip a little more slide so first I'm actually going to go into the corner just to flatten that out of it and now what I'm going to do is we're going to go up one more pass nice and steady so now it's nice and flat in this whole area I'm going to stop right about there because from that point on I can just do it by hand [Applause] I'm gonna check this spot see what it needs okay now I'm going to float it down [Music] [Applause] it's good making it worse leave it alone it was good you guys enjoying the sound of the grinder out there tile centers are here so now at this point the top I can handle just by hand but it needs a little bit more money so this part I'm just gonna do my hand this way and I would say that's looking pretty darn good let's get a look at this now so it's looking pretty flat and smooth we'll get up close you can see there's still some liftoffs that are gonna need to be scraped a little bit of porosity but what we do have is it's totally straight we've got this even reveal it's gonna be hard to see but it's about a sixteenth all the way down gotta slow down I know it's hard to see when I move that fast so we got a straight flat wall that goes with the tile now so now that's all set up to get a nice skim coat of all-purpose mud so that's been another episode of mud framing let me know if you guys like this sort of stuff because every once in a while I have to do this and I kind of enjoyed filming it and making videos for you guys so let me know if it works here's the finished product guys look a pretty sharp up against that Schlueter edge so there's mud frame wall number one and it doesn't look kind of square looks good still and we got this one my frame number two looking pretty sharp just got a little sixteenth inch reveal down the whole way against that edge so it's looking good and I'm happy with it and the baseboard looks nice and straight you can't really see it because it's full it does still but it's got about a sixteenth of an inch all the way through anyways thanks for watching that cover carpenter I hope you found this useful or entertaining if you want to support the channel feel free to do all those like subscribe things anyways thanks for watching guys until the next video
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 424,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drywall, plaster, trowel, big, repair, hole, damage, fix, patch, spackle, tape, mud, taping, mudding, corner, inside, outside, skim, float, skimming, level 5, paint, painting, texture, knockdown, orange peel, skip trowel, spray, match, framing
Id: 2tZrczG_H_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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