How to Straighten a Wall For Plasterboard

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and today's invigorating episode we're  gonna teach you how to straighten a wall so we got this wall last weekend timber  timber isn't as nice as it should be few   bins and crooks here and there so in order  to get their overall wall straight we're   gonna show you a little trick the first  step involves a string line so you need   three blocks that are the same thickness so  you know these blocks one at each end of the no matter how you tie it long as it's tight so  now that the two blocks are at either end and   the string line is up we have the third block  that we made which is the same thicknesses of   two in blocks can we check this here so that  there is perfect so we know that this stud stud   is straight so that's good and we just work our  way along so or it is maybe a mill if you know   you can get away with that it's fine this one  here again the mill don't need to do anything   with that this one here is bowing see the block  doesn't fit in there and it Pro doesn't fit in by   about three mils so I'll write plus three because  no I should write minus 3 because we want to move   it that way so I'll write on the side three and  then it gets a bit more here for yes oh my god   it needs to come this way like how many Mills  that but I like pseudo no it's a boost yes Oh   baby no yeah so lose the arrow this way this time  right eight and again we need to go this way again   probably going to lose oh no so we've got like  a kind of there's like a wave that's why you   have to put a string line from end to end so we'll  start with the biggest one position and then we'll   cut on the side that we want to pull the stud  toward and then as we pull it it opens the cut up now this is where the action happens  we put some pressure on him it opens up   witches once you've done that you need to  add what is called it's at a flitch plate   or a fish plate which it's gotta be Fletcher  yeah fish sounds crazy maybe comment below   whether it's a fish plate or a flitch plate  okay we put the plate on either side it has   to be the same width as a stud and 225  Mills from the cut up and from the cut   down and then you just screw it I guess they  own Ayla so because this section of the wall   needs to go in the other direction flitch fish to  strengthen that part while we push against it now   so this area required a bit more yeah  I managed to get it pretty much they're good we have one split there and one split  there and that's actually the maximum over   a wall this size you can't do  any more than two so it did the   job I was looking pretty straight  yeah that's it now we can do this so we just had our firewall passed by the  inspector she's happy with our bracing as well   on the side and the other side and we're using  the brace line because it's denser so hopefully   sound sound won't travel through as much we're  using that to divide the rooms and we're just   about to put the last sheet on making it into two  rooms again pretty cool a putter sharing is caring paralyze them to a nice nice straight  wall we got two different rooms though very funny putter
Channel: Scott Brown Carpentry
Views: 1,436,680
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Keywords: how to straighten a wall, how to straighten a wall for plasterboard, framing tip, straighetn a timber wall, how to straighten studs, wall straightening
Id: 92PEtTtpUsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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