MST3K: The Crawling Eye (FULL MOVIE)

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Welcome to the official MST3K YouTube channel brought to you by Shout! Factory. On this channel you will find many of the best riffs and highlights from MST3K episodes, trailers from DVD box sets, bonus material including never-seen-before footage, as well as new original segments with Joel and his space traveling crew.


Well, this is exciting!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 13 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/reinventedalien ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 14 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This movie seems kind of familiar, doesn't it?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Rob_T_Firefly ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 15 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Hope that they do this with Moon Zero Two.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ROBOT_B9 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 14 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] clay clay I think I was spotted on my way down here did you wear your disguise my disguise but I'm just not very good in heels no one must know we're down here doing this I'm sorry well it's time to call Joel about the experiment come in Jolie Polly puddin in PI hey sirs I'm ready for this week's invention exchange check this thing out I just made it it's the world's only electric bagpipes all right [Music] okay and the robots of iron have worked up a special cover version of Led Zeppelin's whole lotta love you ready guys ready Rocky she's got a hole I love it look Larry's corneas are bleeding oh well it's time we sent you our experimental nugget this week Joe now human underarm perspiration is something that happens to everyone after they go through puberty which I assume includes you Joe when's the last time you saw a dog sweat Larry never exactly and why is that dogs don't sweat laughing why exactly because of the dogs pineal gland nature's own canine antiperspirant now you take the pineal gland and you make a serum you get a dog it doesn't matter what kind of dog and you inject that serum into a human subject in this case Larry no let's see it's so hard to find a spot I haven't hit what's this flower and whose Roseanne will sail on silver bird instantly the serum races through the bloodstream like a Porsche Targa 911 commandeering each poor slamming it shut like a vault at your favorite savings and loan and checking the wetness sensors we see that they are free from wetness and/or odor oh yes the antidote there you go the antidote and here is your treat ready that was pathetic hey no I thought that was really good you guys you're doing really well and I think that someday you'll be ready for the Nobel Prize maybe for fiction hey hey I notice you moved you guys must have got kicked out of his monarch Institute for shooting us into space like this I bet oh don't be ridiculous we moved all right it's our grand reopening welcome to deep 13 deep 13 wait a minute that's in the sub-basement of gizmonic institute I had to clean up a flubber spill once there it's incredibly radioactive but it hasn't affected our brain any we like it here now we're even closer to the atomic pile and one day well I suppose it's time for you guys to start experimenting on us again I'll tell you when it's time to do the movie you squinty eyed space chimp oh clay it is time no I thought though I knew that thank you well it's a real stink burger of a film this week Joel it's called the crawling eye it's it's got a bad audio track it's in black and white and the worst of all it stars Forrest Tucker mm-hmm good name bad actor I'll put in the tape [Laughter] [Music] this must be a paramount picture quit shouting it's a mountain it's supposed to be cold [Music] going down mountain flossing really rappel oh you got that hat from Mike Nesmith here you Jim [Music] Oh idiot we nearly had him what are you gonna do you say that like it's a bad thing they're crawling Oh [Music] starring you'd be the crawling knee Oh Forrest Tucker is from F Troop hey Joe how are you supposed to read these titles oh well crow it's simple you see the line up there uh-huh that's C there's one there Wow followed the line and it shows you right what to look at we are here yeah they quit doing it cuz people start figuring [Music] like titles with idiot clips [Music] Duncan Sutherland Duncan what a yo-yo good one time [Music] [Applause] there are men responsible [Music] directly by us [Music] the light at the end of the credits [Music] let's see Gemini Gemini you'll be attracted to a crawling eye Leo's figure prominently and oh you dreamy why you're talking in your sleep I feel awareness big lips just that you're a man not really I didn't quite catch his last name would you like some tea oh thank you you sure you feel all right what a babe I wish everybody would stop treating me like an implement how about a wheelchair okay there's a mountain [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's red dye number seven like you might do it one yeah it's far to go didn't even oh it's a big convention town yes trolland burger now we're getting off at Holabird my stop what's the matter and you know we have to go on you know I really can't go any further today your rope we'd never be to this place how do you know about the Hotel Europa what's got into you we're getting off at Holabird please Sarah don't argue with me Charlie Berg home of the crawling eye all stops lead to a bloody death its mr. Haney nice to see you again I'd like you to meet Miss Hannah and setup program they'll drink anything tell your oppa whatever you could help us out these young ladies have arrived without any reservations but perhaps you could put them up good thank you very much the kind of time very good of you to put it up at such short notice violet just look at our TV on a bender all right thought now would have been about your busiest time well normally did but we've been having trouble with the crawling eyes I'm still working for you cigarette Sheriff thank you Hey look you guys they're being followed by a movie no thank you how about you Eric fine thank you I don't smoke are you talking about an accident last week 1,200 feet off the South call three English students one of them was killed was there an accident mr. Khan on a mountain these things sometimes happen what else you know about the trollin burn hasn't for leaving the mountain they say it's bad luck the mountain people think I did don't know what story nonsense stories disappearing into the middle never seen again she isn't when in Switzerland visit trolland Berg it's really picturesque what a lovely matte painting [Music] once convicted not to make it what's that supposed to mean means the babes are coming there they are hello you must be mr. Brooke client eldest you were coming I named Phillip practice dress good sign you didn't tell us we were expecting out again Oh mr. Coleman and Miss Anto don't make anything the name range though what do you mind if we went up to our room with mom these aren't my clothes I don't look good in stripes at all she could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence cable car as a small half the time with you would you compete from the observatory just like so why did I want to come here what is there about this place why do I feel I've seen it all before don't worry about it Donny what do people get a feeling like that you read about it in a book or go between a travel folder you would you like in the script think I can run it Holly [ __ ] this is that is you've been here before hunter yes once a couple years ago good climbing so they tell me don't you cry not if I can help it must be is overnight come for holiday oh this whole thing saved my life once thank you to go today certainly our pilgrim hmmm Thank You Athena before somewhere I'm plating about a month ago there are mind-reading act funny they didn't say anything well perhaps they yeah I wanted to privately just like me and I'll buy you a drink they huh alright good he knows how to take a hint he's kind of testy give me a derrick six four six eight I wanted to check on for me Alan Brooke he's American he's about four here what's your clip I should try New York and then block down to this and then watch hey right okay don't do me right hello he'll be brought you I'm juha this is Brett we're the Hat brothers you do looks like you're going for a climb yes we're going up the pulling bag and I'm a million obese top care Aegina all right what's it gonna be Scotch please Scott sonikku bandit breaking eggs iming keep the cold out from that you were gonna stay the night no there's a hut of the foot of the South Col with leave that an item attacked the mountain proper tomorrow unless it attacks us first hello who's the tomato in the penis children Oh mister mister Doris sir and mr. grant Brett to the capital drink half there to be in the chair which has bonfires thank you all I have a temper oh come on I'm probably another scotch Hansberry client oldest I haven't occasion for me my first time up announcer oh aren't you kind of family climbing a mountain huh the big boys in the Alpine Club how did you come to pick up mountaineering wonderful you could come find some good reason for these accidents I'm a geologist I know all about rock formation let's all think oh can we are ya good like a good climb keep an eye on your rope England huh why roping particularly that's right laughs tape is real out very not they nice some kids climbing on the five Carl and one of them fell they shouldn't have been climbing without a guy or she wasn't roped up correctly and the roof got caught up around his neck strangling welcome that killed him Paul his head off it was the fall that I'm a village it there it not for me what do they say huh that's what they say well it's not for me the guides who found him also his friends that's where the rope around his waist you understand it was still tied but how could it have something to say about that to have it was a trick not what do the villagers say cuz you say it's not also that they shouldn't allow any experienced climbers up the columns over that guy there are bound for you what's your Ruby you know they're moving you want to make the help of one night ball we've got a death scene to make oh I'm going up to the observatory I'll hit your ID letting the cable car that is unless you're gonna climb the whole way I'm the whole way the chemical change ever complained please any fireball it's called physical information with structure don't become knife chop make away cat what are you think of that breath hmm no I didn't get like that well Mountain banana come people who climb it and I'm calm some people can speak dialogues some candy the Khan shouldn't try thank you to restart in the observatory I know oh about three hours it's an easy climb that's good I'm wearing a sport coat [Music] meanwhile the observatory professor how many more times I tell you I'm not to be interrupted I'm sorry sir but there's someone outside to see you I don't care they'll move away he said his name is Brooke tell him to mmm and in groups yes means bring your name no wait wait I think I mean myself no wait wait you get him no I'll get him well yeah I'll get him I have to do everything around here well you don't say very much what's the matter you're not pleased to see you old friend the gates there professor and how are you Alan what do you think of our little of territory huh Ruby pay you know the government is very much Marley I was very retro it's all color though I'll show you something look the all Weather Channel these are mountains you won't see on any other station the government the government they say to me professor do you have to have such expensive things windows are much cheaper and I say I have to help you think that's funny now the windows are even smaller but I can make him big again same old provider it's an expensive mess well you're looking very great look the same as always come on quit your stalling professor you forget I know you you said in your letter that it was organized to you right away what's so urgent how long have you been here in problem that I got here this morning came right up to see you so you haven't officially about the accident yes I I heard about the students yeah that was one of them but but they've been others many others where people climb mountains there are lots of accidents it's true and sometimes the bodies they disappear but here the search parties go out and always they find nothing no like that they're not good search parties what they're expensive I don't know and then there is the cloud what car come on and then you know what I'm talking about the cloud which would be no clouds oh yeah there are always clouds but this one remains static on the side of the column birds never move all right freak of nature hey a radioactive visual nature radioactive we see it from here okay what did you guys think of the movie so far well I thought there'd be more music you know more of a Julie Andrews quality Julie Andrews quality isn't that a contradiction in terms now come on crow what did you think of the movie so far well Joel I can't understand why everybody's so upset about losing their heads what's so bad about that I've seen servos head on the workbench lots of times yes at the pop top it's not like that it's really human beings are made completely different you guys once our heads are separated from our bodies that's pretty much the end of the show for us it's just the way we're made can't you use your backup copy and reboot no no no nothing like that well then why do people say that they're always like I'd lose my head if it wasn't screwed on yeah and people often say their heads aren't in the right places yeah and Joel once I heard the scientists talking and they said you had your head up your ass well it's just a figure of speech all right figure of speech now what's that supposed to mean Oh like the body of a paragraph perhaps I think that's a literary figure Oh maybe like Edna st. Vincent Millay now there's a body well listen you guys I'm trying to teach you something all right what about games and head trips and how do you explain how cheese well I don't explain head cheese but here are some people who do you carry me everywhere hey look it's that painting we saw earlier hey wait for me hey keep up yeah here's a map of the area admittedly it's not a very good man okay that's drawn there on the roof here you see at the moment nothing oh yeah I remember where's the cloud again what the cloud of big beans I think sounds like it right sure does huh what do you think of that Alan I ask you to think back three years ago so what happened in the Andes this can't be the same final they had accidents like before we have the cloud like before why can't it be the same anything is missing like a plot mental composure what is it she she suddenly decided she had to get off at rรธnneberg she was booked for Geneva but she had to get off the collenberg and did she yes she had to a hotel I thought they were all scared away where are they it's F Troop - guys hey captain did you fat to be climbing about and they keep their heads on their necks the cloud is well to the rest of the path will you do something about what are told do what inform the authorities I'm on a holiday besides you haven't told me anything that can be proved I've told you about the cloud I told you about the accident but mark you want facts proof scoff it'll look real in black and white on committees desk no gonna stick my neck out again like I did in the Andes but right you would employ by United Nations it was all in the report by the tiny Andes report was in there wasn't anything left in the area explained or otherwise they practically accused me of dreaming the whole thing up I was to take a hand here I'd have to have a list of documented facts might have to be pretty conclusive well I look like a dork again you're an important man don't you get to the birth record I'm only important if I say something about cosmic rays anything else they tell me to mind my own business what are they given something to study that he can pronounce maybe you should speak to climb on top of Planet he's also the mayor of Cronenberg actually could have any way he could supply lists of the accident he might be more interesting then perhaps you do something yourself meanwhile back at Daniel Boone's house damn I'm just too fat to be climbing a mountain what a nice place gee there's only one bed guess we'll have to flip for it he's too fat to flip let me see I could kill the fat guy with this no too flimsy yeah this is it nice and hefty alright alright take your pack off man you can't relax like that oh hello cabinet you arrived all right oh good good and nicely protect you my yeah goodbye what's that it was a bear they have arrived about to be there's nothing to worry about it's just unfortunate this year we have had many inexperienced fine and what about the rumors in the village what you know these people professor they are top the station they like to believe in they're very gentle man you look at them there's nothing I can do except sit here and drink heavily dear diary once again the fat guy got the fat and back come on them if we should have a light I think we can manage that you can take this back penny for your thoughts think we'll ever get married oh it's just a painting sorry [Music] I didn't get you the paperweight a mountain under little Hut and when you shake it there is no storm come on Rose two men in the hot tub the fatty takes the bed the other one [Music] the thing with the table dreaming doubting maybe she's not psychic maybe she's controlling him if she shuts up maybe he'll sit down coming up flash mr. and mrs. America and all ships have seen this is a banner extra front page stuff girl has vision [Music] are you alright it's bright there go wandering off in the middle of the night it mmm that no I'm [ __ ] awake keeps calling me thanks for the time jerk good walk over here hello for me a pizza alright don't do that you'll be walked in five seconds just sit tight where you are I think I should go maybe something wrong oh you're not to move fea hot very good I'm heavy clown coming down well then stay where you are there be somebody just over the phone all night if Brett shows up worth you need us alright bye alright where let's see something to hold me over I can't eat that it'll just make me hungrier maybe the bank [Music] it was a bizarre dream and you were all there any flag and Groucho and Carl Sagan and it was a Dick Cavett PBS special perhaps you could I speak with you for a minute please all right boys I think someone's sharpening a pencil or something I don't want to talk picture so he prescribed those for Elvis I need one of these then come downstairs all right is it my bread my pits already spent over a half hour well your hell outside anymore I can't sleep are perishing cold too yes yes hold on over there we're coming out party could be the pizza man get out of my flowers it's the stealth pizza man [Music] false alarm I guess hanging so I'm just gonna close the door [Music] do we ever do perceive the monster George [Music] anchovies he said anchovies that won't happen hello are you speaking yeah it's Harpo the observatory the cloud has moved away from the Humber oh [Music] you think this outfit is too busy they are afraid the men written law here time like this they they go up no matter what even without pants but it will not be happy morning it will be well on our way by them ready all right here quiet good I have my glasses on or off of this one go copy a fan don't worry oh stop by the observatory the way down we can't have anybody don't lose your heads these four brave men three brave men two brave men soon to go down in the annals of history [Music] wow what a staircase what a staircase boy I'm getting winded how about you Forrest hey tough left for the staircase watch your step why did they bring so much licorice hey he's chasing rabbits in her sleep Rico young boy Starsky our cookie kit you shouldn't sleep so much why did she behave like she's a method actor it's like a radio receiver you see your sister's mind is capable of receiving signals sent out by other much by your exam let's start with a simple test now can you tell where I'm looking right now stronger signal I think it's from the mind channeling the wavelength I am Erica who is it we sure know more about that I think when they reach the heart in the meantime I say to you again get your sister out of here before it is too late too late for what last call takeout do think for Heroes tell me what time I was getting back to the observer I'm late for what that's Carl tell me you're keeping this from me and they read to happen then we will know for sure I think hey a doorknob can I keep it hello Oh these blankets frozen must have slept with his hand in lukewarm water doll the pod on the inside yeah pants with the leg still in them ripped off and we're leaving here today go tear bang why not look up the love stay here that door we haven't tried the fish yet and I really mean it we're leaving from Hamburg today you're thinking of a colored there's someone in the room named Bob superpowers you will unite to fight a third stop it two brothers will reach the Senate one will become president both will die and have that toast you can eat that toast that painting is calling you go to the window [Music] to the closet [Music] open your suitcase take out a foundation garment he's not gonna like this and I'm not gonna tell him you tell him well maybe he won't notice oh yeah right hey cambot could you speed this up a little bit uh-oh Oh zero uh Joel I don't want it the teacher's pet or anything but gypsy uncoiled herself again cambot could you wine it up so everybody can see this gypsy I know you're in here quit hiding you clown get out here oh oh let's do that thing we did okay oh it's too bad gypsies not here huh oh yeah she's gonna miss out on those piping hot Ram yeah all right I knew you were around here somewhere listen you know you're not supposed to come out without using the service portal now look I want to show you this this is how you look okay now otherwise we're gonna have EXO service final bundle all over the place the black stuff what's that wonderful about an edge oh happy day okay where is it gypsy vertebra 69 oh five through seven Oh 18 okay you guys start scratching where's my rake whoa oh I hate it when she gets a diode rash to Tom servo I think you're scratching on the solar collector cable over so am i wait a minute why am I doing this I hate being the end man I scratch here it takes there's six hours to feel it in our head oh I don't want to ask a stupid question but why can make her so big well you know how it's it's kind of like when you start connecting paper clips together you get hooked on it like that oh my what's that Tom Oh Joel you remember we were speculating on her sex yeah well I think I may have narrowed it down here oh yeah Oh Oh check that here's the I think I found the problem she's jammed in here behind the door hey don't open that door Maggie happens every time we go movies [Applause] I feel safe in your arms Joe [Music] playing the party playing the party are you receiving me party here pick up some ice and some cubes get some paper cups can't miss it Dave's vans parked right out in front [Music] Roger party I can see you now I shall fly north for five miles with no apparent reason same spot what the she didn't make her bed again she should I go she's not in there she's been digging through my stuff but see she went to the closet here she took my stuff then she must have gone to the window I didn't know they had cable then they plane don't crash don't crash don't crash if I concentrate I won't crash let's see let's find a flat spot here whoa here's the party [Music] big part for him I go for the mountain hi I'm the curator of the matte painting okay my name is wild professor cravitz let me to bring you to the observatory well it nowhere else the god yeah we found a couple of hundred yards and to go out the mountain I don't think that we program I think you ought to wait at the observatory what color is the sky in your world what you said here's a bloody bag [Music] let go need to shave [Music] pudding maybe it's somebody's lunch coming the air snow all rights all right [Music] you looked in my bag hey buddy it won't get better if you pick at it yeah yeah your friend I got a bone to pick with you too if you want to look at my bag - and it's yours that's gotta hurt how about that Hugo negative everybody's so negative well lady switch back to the first circuit under diversity well it'll never replace Nintendo now it's my chance to beat it no but I run into Forrest Tucker what are you doing up there nothing probably waiting through the commercial go the tall burger let's go now oh good I don't know want to speak with you yeah I got notes for you too honey where's the night cable car go down the mountain he didn't belong that I I want you to take him down don't let her out of your sight and I want you to go with Han he's a warm and wonderful man you'll be very happy roping rods hey everybody I got a girl they make a lovely couple don't they well I've been there too - and Doris is dead rats me not that I'm surprised like the cloud they started moving again aren't I pulls over cloud all right don't think you'd understand you're much too stupid I got time in the end is doing mmm oh you know did I get around all right I didn't you pay the man it's not job to nobody do I taste that story when we go to window your retort Ellen when I got there I was too late look is it I'm gonna be more fortunate at a time ago already knowing that that's just what we need have an ounce with my question professor what question is it the same as it was then well that was then and this is now so what happens not yes the United Nations had a special team for investigating phenomena I call them in they also doubles our softball team theory that you put forward last time still have a better for theory visitors from outer space that was it wasn't it dad well what are they what do they want our know who knows what is happening millions of miles out of beta Sagan knows the world that these creatures inhabit is coming to an end perhaps they need to find somewhere else to live why they can't we don't know it's just that maybe folks on Mars Venus Jupiter who can tell you going on with it until somebody comes up with a better theory or a sitcom yes I do all right all right while we're theorizing why do you think do they always happen to learn on the tops of mountains first the Andes are not at all intact well it's the atmosphere I think you see it gets much thinner high up perhaps these creatures need that the cloud would seem to indicate this to creating their own effort well if they got any exist on the tops of mountains there are they likely to inherit the earth all right you see anyone can get you for anything time like are you now these movements we have recorded here each time lower down the mountain acclimatization one master professor the next move is after us you must inform the authorities or the authorities have you seen the professor he's in the octopod island doctor telephoning duty any final mr. breakfast where the plane spotted someone he thought was him and took the searchers went to meet him the others are back forever what threat they want to be bad for now you think she'd say from up friends out there well I don't think they'll try to say anything in them trouble is what will they try well right he looks dead on his feet otherwise all right in a fog give you a call right what did you see what you heard last matter to him what the heart yes about it it hot in here call me a dream client I want me he can't handle his liquor all right now wait great we saw how well they did with the booze now let's give him something that's litter 429 matches exactly exactly 429 that's a good impression servo I have an excellent driver he's gonna let his nose look out what are they gonna do next have him drive a forklift you guys he glutton for punishment let's get the dog drum next yeah I knew were you all on your own oh I don't know to her I'm tried to be a belief but net then she walked in [Music] ooh I'm going to pigheaded cold that smarts okay least he's got one no blood he's wearing mr. Spock's jammies dig a little deeper yeah that's a good idea solder him back together take care of him until the morning I think good he should be up and selling liquor in no time dr. Becker can have a look at him do we care of the others what he was trying to do I don't know looks great let's lock them in here ooh but I could use a drink so what else is new I think we all could use a drink [Music] put this zipper in my head wow what a party I'm dead tired little thirsty though I need a drink maybe some formaldehyde hope they serve the dead here looks like Popeye look at that they know somebody's coming down the hallways good doesn't look like anybody's in there and get it I've got a guy's head in my hand as a legal submission hold sounds like a bad popeye impression to me I think you proved your point dropped him like a bad habit he's just misunderstood most dead people are I'm gonna make an excellent puppet there's a word cleaver what do you think he's gonna do with that mind if I cut in here's Johnny Wendy I'm home [Music] really lady Carmen I told you not to bother the guests [Music] and that's for killing the fat guy whoa carries a pistol in his pajamas what do you think that pockets for Kleenex know where to do it no I know but no we're pretty crystalline like meat that in deep frozen Wow unfortunate skin did we have to see that well we haven't seen the monster yet it's good to see something up to the observatory you heard what the professor said that place is built like a fort we're gonna have any direct contact what do you think that people had some kind of a chance up there deep in pain we could try to get down to the valley the road is blocked the cloud stretches right across now go out and do something a rational car with a girl hey dudes do you everyone that 12 left one cars already going up and the other one will be down in ten minutes hey hey Hans get some ice poor fool oh really I thought we just hang around for an hour or two oh I bet they'll be back for that I don't know they got cable both channels [Music] if we only had a ball a small rubber ball then we'd be fine wait I think I know where we can find one because the new store we're doing the right thing coming up to your vertical I don't I don't know what I do know is it's wrong to stay down in the village there we spend some counseling professor look on the lowest rope the cloud I hope they see you down there the operator says it is perfect minutes now good cars moving pretty hot please folks I'd like we all be ready to load in the car sooner to get down we haven't got a second to spare why don't you just do up more obvious facts we know what we like being WoW is that tastelessly done it's such a mismatch of styles kind of garish all around well decorated is joint someone with a really big butts at there is that the crawling IGEL no that's little ball [Music] so you know this is where your weatherizing would really pay off they're probably losing up to 70% of their heat out that door long as it stays there we're all right the cloud let's just see where it moves quickly before I get back take the car off you understand I'm on the edge of my seat he thinks that balls one of his pupils you're killing me look at that bell key discharged I think he has conjunctivitis [Music] now look here you give you a trimmed and wait what about the ball there's are you kidding me hello hey oh look it fell off his fabric softener bugs now they got to go back for the bear [Music] yeah really you think so so ugly so hideous oh yeah that was some I wasn't it throw not the eye we're talking about Forrest Tucker oh yeah all that Vitalis those prop glasses and those heavy dramatic pauses I'm drained no you guys no you got it wrong you see the eye is what's horrible about this movie think about it otherwise it would have been called the crawling Forrest Tucker I guess what's so scary about a big eye anyway oh I see well that's another human being thing you know any time we're confronted with some appendage of ours that's disconnected and free-roaming rogue you know genetically bloated to ten times its normal size we're automatically scared especially if they run in packs oh I know what you mean once I got hassled by a pack of really tough pituitary glands and you know how immature they can be I still don't see why it's so scary you could just walk up to it and throw salt at it we're just a squeeze of lemon juice right I know it's kind of a plot hole but let's kind of look it over you see these okay these giant eyes come from a world that's designed for them you know it's completely compatible like their highways are made out of nerve and oh they don't have to take shop classes and they only use baby shampoo right right exactly so anyway they come down from this planet and they decide to land on a mountain peak which is really stupid cuz that's we all know a giant sharp point is the egg John Isner chiral enemy bingo so anyway they come down and they fouled up their atmosphere somehow I don't know it's hay fever season or something and they figured they'd come down to earth we'll have our first frost already done with so they come down and they have no concept of anything at all like wearing safety glasses or protective eyewear of any kind Joel I think we've already spent more time examining this plot than the writers ever did now here's something you'll like this is the last time and the fog emerges over travelbird our young group escapes looks like everything's free and clear now nothing to do but get up the Rope enjoy the ride maybe we spoke too soon oh now they're gonna have to wait all day for that cable guy to show up an extreme cold you're perfect a book on effective you know go to the net hold their little winch tell scary stories oh boy am I gonna have time to change my pants when we get the hope for one good one tell them all about the giant I forest what do you mean the village is out yes sir shuffle take and they won't get in the way come here I don't mean in big trouble what now the cloud is splitting up floating over there are four of them now and all moving this way four hours before they get here and how maybe I'm gonna get just an hour to decide what we're gonna do Oh check that radio again you're going to see with their phones you tell them what well your use against these things high-explosive bombs time the plane gets there those things will be all over us how do they drop their bombs then that's your working okay yeah someone knocking it outside or her then it's a Pablo hey there join me this week with Brooke Shields and Erik Estrada they're just a walk-on in this movie a good Bob Hope to you know make up our minds pretty stone now I've been made up for us what does he mean by that plastered I can be calm came back you all right couldn't get it out of first time I'm all right thank you it is so hot don't be like and don't breathe on anybody [Music] what is it my breath the certs encounter I'm just going to sit down in the office alright but how can I help she doesn't know anything obviously we don't know for sure that she can but Tara we've got to try something obviously she had some kind of contact obviously whether she knows it or not I thought perhaps with you controlling her thinking we we might be able to learn something about what we're dealing with that's whether we could try maybe that's what those eyes one is five below dropping it's a cloud location isn't it anything cloud there yet wait a minute later it's coal they need they live in cold remember the phone wires at the hut they're cold Bret complained of being hot after he was injected he was cold because they were all about him you're right if your mom had to go he's cold he's cool Hans is on the fritz where time you have an invite a minute ago get your hands off me hey one at a time one at a time only frog would love housing everyone will get a chance take it back take it back what you said about my uncle Oh tickle machine tickle machine Hong's across a mother letter opener he's washed his hands of that whale I'll get by feel better I think Wow better take care of him I think you already did are you hurting really fish Oh get over it Papa these walls I don't know two three feet fireproof yes they're even force concrete against the Avalanche good you go get on the radio United Nations in Bern I want to talk to Colonel Spellman yahooza man can't help us anymore there's only one thing left what's that well I said before every time we've come up against these things are finished in 10th cold remember you said that Brent looked like he'd been in the deep freeze he that's what we've gotta use I'm gonna ask for a bombing right impossible firebomb that time to fire bombs you just hired him all the jars you bottle you've got give me six bags of onions in a giant eye chart it's getting creepy give them a giant scissors maybe you'll put himself out all eyes around the observatory now is there a sequel to this movie yes the Eiger sanction starring Berle eyes I mean I don't get this what's a giant eye gonna do to you anyway like pick you up and wink you to death it's just not gonna happen it's not practical mine eyes have seen the glory I bro that's the way I like them fine very dry the petrol hold me yep got it shake it not stood your attention please I don't want anyone to leave this corner in my science a so what if we have to go you can't go down there dangerous and I can tell he that helps on its way okay I can't guarantee your survived well they seem to buy it Alan I'm gonna use these all to be on you like the rags you throw them with those things in the cloud and your run it's so complicated oh wow now I know how it feels to be in a microscope ring Thunder yeah I'm gonna throw a bomb at that when you watch him extreme see what their movies forests up define the quarter please tuck you you come with me look why me I want you to plan this door behind me wait for me to knock to come back in if I don't knock don't open it right right okay so if your neck I open it all right all right okay now if you don't knock wait wait let me get a piece paper [Music] Oh God who is it right on the feet can really move we really got to get a direct killer Geronimo so much women can't get out okay but it's not that fun go ahead remember the secret knock what knock wait they are big [Music] oh you've got a new lash on life but he didn't act yet they say MacNeill [Music] oh yeah five minute no need to come to the party anymore all the cool people are dead good tell him to make a straight line over the observatory and drop these bombs in a row I hope you know what you're doing oh she do okay no change couple of bills went through her purse found my calm that I is lashing out in society taking quite a brow beating on these parallel hello Kelly like them don't first take a cut observed reading cloud understand on the cloud as well Oh overcast us but we had an eye for talent okay that's it stop it Joel's getting really irate thanks for everything I can see the problem I spy with my little eye you hypocrite that sounds like a gigantic guy long longer longest beautiful eyelashes that grab people and strangle them that is one Eiffel Tower well hurt even mind you program the last time I give you a free will though that's it Wow that'll make the mascara run here we go I feel the need the need for speed or an anti-depressive Torah Torah Torah [Music] from the way my mom the ship Arizona where's major car [Music] that's what it sounds like when eyes cry and we're an eyewitness I beat you that one it's kind of i witless I blame myself come on be quiet there's a lot of destruction we should be paying attention to I I'd like to shake tentacles with any eye that could last through that that's for sure looks like a bunch of overcooked fried eggs and it smells good I bet they don't go out for breakfast after this battle that's for sure kingsford eyeballs it's just like quick burn clean I like mine mesquite grill he tips his wings as he flies up into the sunset lose that mountain oh wow their fellow villagers digging to down the mountain you tell the villagers to wear boots I'm not a better fish I don't think outside is some place to get some fresh air right now well sire doesn't look as though you don't have to worry about her any longer no it doesn't look right yes it is for the first time in weeks the pond egg is free from crap October to stay that way I can see clearly now the rain is gone I can see [Music] [Music] all right that's the end of the movie everybody and you know what that means Ram chips and dip and afterwards a Boreum power flush I'm just kidding okay now you know how it works no no just wait your turn you'll get a RAM chip okay crow you go first now tell me a good thing about the movie and the bad thing and you get your RAM chip good thing the good thing was it wasn't longer okay and the bad thing it was this long okay there's your RAM chip pally okay there you go all right okay no no wait on your RAM chip chip see okay Tom servo all right okay let's see the good thing was is that we didn't have to watch them clean up the vitreous humour all over from the eyes exploding okay imagine you sign up that day for Kelly Temps tralala burger office of course they give you a leaky bucket in a turkey baster send you up the mountain now you're on cleanup crew and the bad thing well the bad thing was the movie it was ambitious but it lacked vision 20/20 okay okay it's time for your RAM chip gypsy all you got to do is answer the questions and you get the RAM chips okay all right tell me a good thing about the movie not well tell me a bad thing about the movie gypsy you know okay okay oh just answer this one question I'll give you around I'll give you RAM chips okay what's two plus two [Music] okay well that's the end of the experiment you guys hope you're happy oh I'm happy are you happy no I'm happy here file this well we'll see you next time Jolie polly pudding in pi [Music] you
Views: 993,719
Rating: 4.8466454 out of 5
Keywords: mst3k, mystery science theater, tom servo, crow, joel hodgson, mike nelson, funny, comedy, video, videos, bad movie, clip, clips, cult, cult tv, tv, film, movie, The Crawling Eye, Mystery Science Theater 3000 (TV Program), sketch, riff, volume xvii, vol xvii, volume 17, vol 17
Id: lJgQrjYaLbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 22sec (5482 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2015
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