FS2020: G1000 NXI Mod - Basic Overview & Why You Should Install This Mod!

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hello my dear youtuber friends and i hope you're all keeping well welcome to this new video which is on the garmin g1000 nxi mod i'm gonna do my quick overview and thoughts of this and why it's important that you at least try it now and download it and get used to it so let's get on with the video [Music] okay so let's first talk about why it's important to download this and get used to it and try it now and it's this line if you go to the marketplace so the marketplace let's do this again i'm just going to make sure my tab is on free stuff there and just go to fault catalog of free but things that you can download for free on microsoft flight simulator on pc and xbox i'm on the pc version at the moment it's pretty much the same as the xbox go to the g1000 nxi so remember it's a free mod and if you read the description it's this line here which stands out this bottom line that will eventually become the new default g1000 for the simulator this could happen overnight probably what happened just like that but on the next update on an update that they just push out this could replace your default g1000 in all aircraft pretty much overnight i heavily recommend you get used to it now in previous videos i've told people to actually uninstall this mod if they're having trouble following my tutorials that's because i was using the defaults g1000 and it is different to this i'm now telling you forget what i said there download and get used to this one so with that out of the way let's get into the simulator and start seeing what this g1000 nxi mod offers okay so i'm parts up on my usual runway at london city airport runway 27 first thing i've noticed is that these displays seem a little bit dimmer to me maybe a little bit more difficult to read especially on the xbox version because you sat further back on the couch then the default let me put a an image or video video up of the default g1000 on screen as you can see they're a bit brighter i always find them quite easy to read whether i'm playing the xbox version or pc version as you can see there let's take that off screen now and yeah depending on the pc version it's not so difficult because i'm pretty much sat in front of my monitor and your proximity will be pretty much facing your monitor if you're playing the xbox version you sat back these may be a little bit more difficult to read you would think it's a brightness problem here's the brightness for the avionics here and it's full up basically if i mouse down to turn these down so you can see it dimming now and then turn it all the way back up that's the furthest brightness that it will go to they just seem a little bit dimmer to me of course you can come down a view to look at your instruments to see your height and altitude but it's just a little bit of a niggle aside from that i'm actually loving this uh g1000 nxi mod let's show you a couple of features i'm on the right g1 files on that map view now on a video i did recently i think it's an ah nab video i did with the default g1000 someone said to me their aircraft is actually pointing upwards at london city instead of westwards this way as you would normally find on the default one there's an easy fix for that let me show you one of the features already if we go to menu and we're going to click on enter here the enter button for map settings and if we use the inner knob of this fms here the inner knob i'm just going to scroll up using my mouse wheel or mouse wheel up rather we'll get to the orientation of the map we can press enter there actually no we don't we go to this inner knob now to change the orientation so i'm mousing down on that inner outer knob here rather the outer knob to north up so basically this north will be upwards and west should be this way press enter there you can see now let's get rid of those menus to the side you can see now our map orientation is more familiar to us by the way before i go further this is just an overview video an overview of some of the functions and things you can do with this new g1000 nxi mod it's not going to go too much in depth this is more for the newer players or for people who are i'm advising people to install this mod now for people who are going to be new to this how to change certain things and some other simple features so just keep that in mind future videos i'll go more in depth i'm looking to do a v nab video or something of that sort which will be some of the more advanced functions of these g1000s let's continue with what i was saying there so let's go to our menu button again and press enter into the map settings again there now on this map function here let's scroll in a bit so we can see that better you can change certain things like uh terrain display here i'm using the in a knob of the fmsu there as you can see using my mouse button to get that flashing icon over these certain things if we go to this uh terrain display we can use the outer knob and we can turn that off for example so you just get a very basic map view with no sort of terrain detail i prefer the terrain detail on so i'm going to go back to topple there and press enter and you've got things like the scale so we can go there it doesn't seem to make a difference on this specific map or place i'm at london city but we can change the range there to say to 500 and i'm not sure how many of these features are are currently working in this current version either so just keep that in mind i'm going to put it back on the default uh terrain display there if i scroll back up there to the map so actually let's get rid of that menu and go back to the beginning so press menu again press enter while it's flashing in that map in that group then it's got map using the outer knob on the fms you can change a couple of things here too and again keep in mind i'm not sure what's implemented and what's not my weather by the way i've got it on scattered clouds preset just keep that in mind let's scroll back in again continue where we left off so let's go back there just start again so menu map settings press enter and then while it's flashing in group there use your outer knob you can change that down to weather press enter and then you can have things like next next red data on or off i think it's off by default but use your in a knob on the fms controls here to scroll down and you can turn that off or on now like i said doesn't seem to make a difference on this specific map and my weather currently by the way we're using the range while you're over the range you could scroll in or out as usual if you scroll right out you can pretty much see the whole world and i think that's pretty new i couldn't don't remember doing that i've been being able to do that on the default g1000 but like i say the weather doesn't seem to be showing here but maybe i'm missing something i will go more in depth with this i'm just showing you the features of what you can do i'll go more in depth with this in future videos let's go back to menu press enter on map settings we've got weather selected there using the altum knob got things things like traffic now unfortunately the my i'm in the south of england over the past couple of days the servers of flight simulator have been playing up i've just been able to get online functionality back again but it's not let me do multiplayer or live traffic at the moment not quite sure what's going on take a note of the date of this video the 17th september let me know if you're having similar problems but effectively if i had a eye traffic or live multiplayer traffic and i zoomed right in you'll be able to see them on the map or not you can turn traffic on or off on the map using the inner knob there to scroll down to traffic on or off there you go i could turn that off because it doesn't make a difference to me traffic mould all traffic or you got different options here you can go through i'll go through these in more uh detail later in future videos but i'm just showing you the different options there and traffic labels on or off so you can change that as well so going back to menu enter into map options and the last one i believe is aviation click enter there and then you can change various options so there's a whole lot of settings that i'm excited to dive into in future videos with this like i say this is just a simple overview this thing here declutt declutter current detail it's pretty much if we get rid of that menu button there it's pretty much the same as this so you got detail all there so let's just scroll out a little bit so we can see more things happening on the map screen here if i go to detail press it once it will go to detail three press it twice and you can see things disappearing from the map now detail two and you've got this kind of like it looks like a volume selector here we go to detail one there's hardly anything showing in them up let's go back to the highest level detail on it shows you everything within the detail on the map so there's various different things you can do there let's just show you one or two other things that the procedures page is fair pretty much the same go and check my other videos i've released when i've done ils approaches or vnav approaches and it's that's all familiar with maybe one or two added little options there let's get rid of that procedure page a neat feature here is the direct 2. so if you wanted to type in a direct 2 instead of using ils or you're just flying you don't have a flight plan set up and you want to fly directly to an airport you can click on this little icon here which is a keyboard icon and then you can type start typing in let's type in egb i think that's birmingham and then i can scroll down let's just scroll out a little bit so i can see more detail actually is it going to let me now i can click that off click the uh keyboard icon again to turn keyboard mode off now i can scroll out and if i go down to activate actually activate and then press enter there again and now i'm going to fly directly to birmingham i don't want to actually i want to fly to heathrow because i want to show you something on the other screen something that's egcc is it oh i hope i have this right from memory well let's just type in egcc cyber he throw our cat i think that's uh oh it's much of that oh dear forgotten my colds eg ll heathrow there we go i was just about to pause the video and cut that part out but nevermind that's heathrow so press enter there and activate i'm heading back towards heathrow airport which is what i had set up on my flight plan so lots of different neat features there i've only just covered some basic ones specifically the map orientation so it's more familiar if you don't like all that detail like i showed you before you don't want ai traffic showing in the map i showed you that with the menu button let's do that quickly again you can go you can change that to traffic there and then turn traffic on and off i've got it off at the moment you can turn it on you'll have traffic showing you on your map and goodness knows what various different neat features let me now change to the right g1000 and show you some of the features on this okay so on the left g1000 which is pretty much our instrument display showing your speed now student all that kind of good stuff one thing i do like about this is actually gives you the distance up here to your next airport on next waypoint i did a multiplayer flight the other day a livestream of a multiplayer flight if you've not seen it i'll link it in the top right for you people were saying with the new mod it's great that you can see it your actual distance to the next airport our next waypoint uh pretty much we were flying from airport to airport in that video and it will show you the distance up here so that's a neat feature again i don't remember seeing that on the default g1000 so obviously i've got uh heathrow set here and as you can see it's 19.8 nautical miles so that's a neat feature another nice feature i like of this is that if you go to this map by the way if you don't have your gps depending on what uh you're flying if you want your gps up here and it's not i know this has been an issue for some people just press your cdi key it will switch between the different mods here there we go we go we'll go back to gps there another neat feature i like about this left g1000 is that we can insert a map overlay so what i'll do i'll go back again i'm pressing the map button here i've got a layout button here left click and you can have an insert map which is typically what we had with our default g1000 or the hsi map and it will put the map here neat feature of this here this one is with this range button again you can scroll in or out i'm scrolling in there scroll out you can pretty much see the whole world again i don't know what use that will be if you're flying local areas but you can adjust the range of that with this range button too depends on that if you like that and again if we go back there you can either have topple detail on or off or the terrain detail off there you can have things like traffic on or off and all kind of and the detail levels as well like i showed you before it's detailed three detail two detail one i showed you that on the right g1000 let's turn all the detail back on again so you can do some neat things there press the back button to get back to your normal screen here and things like you've got this nearest i don't remember this on the default maybe it was there maybe i just didn't look in the right place press the nearest button here you get a list of the nearest airports as well so all very neat so yeah i'm actually enjoying i'm gonna showing you some of the features of these g1000s there's much more detail to delve into and i'm looking forward to doing that in future videos i'm gonna leave you with a question and it's something i'm struggling with at the moment with the default g1000 i could left click this range button a little cursor would come up on screen and i could pan the map now i don't know if this is implemented yet with this current mod but i can't find a way of panning that map i'll left click and hold right click i can't get that cursor up on screen to pan the map if anybody knows how to do that with the g1000nxi leave it down in the comments below uh i i may have solved that and if i do i'll i'll pin a comment or leave it in the description it may just not be implemented yet but there you go that's just a quick overview i would heavily recommend that you install this g1000 mod absolutely heavily recommend it because before you know it this will be implemented overnight and you won't have that default g1000 any longer you'll just have to get used to this new one get used to it now there's a lot of neat features i do hope they increase the brightness range a little bit to make it a little bit easier to see particularly on the xbox versions let me know your comments and thoughts about that the brightness level and how easy or not it is for you to see your speed and altitude and various different instruments here on the left g1000 in particular anyway let me know your thoughts in the video give it a thumbs up if it's been helpful to you if you want to support the channel i do have a channel membership i've got a few videos in there at the moment things like how i record my xbox footage on the pc for flight simulator i've even got a flight test of a very quirky plane so i'll be doing sort of different uh reviews or different first impressions of aircraft and scenery and that type of thing click on the join button below you won't join it will just give you more of an overview of what you can expect from that give it a thumbs up if it's been helpful to you subscribe for more many more videos on the way and i'll see you soon
Channel: Huddison
Views: 14,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MSFS, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Flight Simulator G1000 nxi, Flight Simulator G1000 NXI features, Flight Simulator G1000 NXI Mod overview, Flight Simulator 2020 mods, Microsoft Flight Simulator G1000 NXI tutorial, Flight Simulator G1000 NXI explained, MSFS G1000 NXI Mod, MSFS G1000 NXI guide, MSFS 2020 G1000 NXI Mod overview, MSFS Learning the features on the G1000 NXI Mod, MSFS 2020 G1000 NXI settings, Flight Simulator G1000 NXI mod settings, Flight Simulator 2020
Id: l3magkxOZy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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