[MSFS] THROWN OFF THE ILS | Skiathos ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ท - Manchester ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง | PMDG 737-800 | TUI | DLSS

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want you [Music] hello everyone welcome back to the uh msfs new video um yeah so we're going back to Manchester from skiapos today and last video was quite event for you it was very turbulent we had turban arrival turbulence all the way through Europe and but hopefully on the way back it's going to be slightly more smooth I mean we all have a very very strong headwind unfortunately if the wind's still the same but um it shouldn't be a massive problem it's going to export this flight into a v pilot and also pmdg whatever that is this one here save okay uh nobody sorry about that uh cool okay so we're gonna click fly now and we're gonna get our flight plan loaded here this one cruising for level three four zero on the way back as you can see there's a few Fair bits of ATC around nothing near us over here connect msfs and we're gonna click uh uh windy three fours are on the way back which means we have a headwind all the way and there's that really really strong wind that was experiencing on that really fast stream of wind that we was going through on the way here so yeah apart from that nothing else more to say wind is eight knots on a riot on departure but um yeah anyway let's go and fly deck and get the flat loaded back to Manchester welcome back to the Sims so as you can see I'm not sure if this is this must be part of the new update right but look at the wings bouncing in the wind while being on the ground that's a really nice update that was a nice touch oh adds a bit more realism to the aircraft yeah here you're on the ground as you can see a lovely airport this is one of my favorite airports to fly to much like nice and um yeah so here we are there's another traffic around the other ak-20 in token has taken off already let's go over to Mykonos but here we are in the flight deck let's get a few things loaded so payloads will just set random bit more heavier today uh fuel on the way back we are taking a total of one two six two seven one two six two seven total there we go menu FMC ident position uh Lima golf Sierra kilo Gates out for one fair enough boot flat plan request sorry Flight Plan requests that one here select do we have um still no dating I'm not surprised uh departing zero one we'll just wait for it to load in though zero one activate perfect zero fuel weight reserves one cost index ten uh cruising flat level three four zero on the way back seven thousand let's put that in the M1 limit so that's five trim is 5.08 there we go uh one five three is V2 so set one five three there we are uh let's fly with the roofing as it is changes to three four zero there we go uh simple sign is a come on as well uh being up elnav you haven't actually done the thing you have with departure so today our Sid is tsl1 Bravo which gives us that passengers awful departure uh El nav there we go cool so what does everyone wait for boarding to complete and then we can get push and start going ready for the flight back to Manchester see you all very shortly bye okay buns so but has completed everything is practically done all shots will move and doors need to be shut just like so and we could get everybody requested push starts uh push and starts so we've got that going so answer kitchen light on we'll switch this to there hacks need to come off ah so good um perfect so yeah so we're gonna get all this done now like so uh this will be set so back to 2000. cool and we can reset the clock like so Justin to get pushed back going now why is the whole chalk still there so I just got rid of them oh they were removed so now they're back foreign turnaround today isn't it we want nose left oh okay it starts to engine see [Applause] let's go back to Manchester 22 23 24 25 [Music] start navigation one [Music] in your confirmation there we go foreign disconnect Ed four lefts [Music] four right fill up that's the last photo fall down there we go lovely right so we can start attaching to Runway zero one now so if parking brakes released a bit of thrust really I think he said have a good trip they go like you're walking off let's go you have to do the all backtrack as well foreign [Music] taxi lines then clear does everyone else have that because I want to know why I have that I'm not sure if it's just me or not uh stripes t-a-r right but the intelligence is on whether traffic just love the look of grease and Sim we're about to give the plane spotters uh quite last part of your of your radio 203 anybody okay someone is arriving here they're not on my ticket so I'm just gonna quickly see where they are I forgot to say you know what this stupid Wi-Fi let me tell you uh they're at 4 000 feet so they're okay foreign okay we'll add up and get going so we actually okay let's go so 50 . nice I'm gonna feel so guys there's a plane there again so stop doing that the second we take off we seem to have these really quick swings very random I got traffic [Music] um look at that wow autopilot in so I can get some nice views and in terms of departure we're not doing that we'll go direct to D3 what am I doing perhaps one flaps up foreign views though isn't there again another going around I can't see the aircraft though it's a tiny little Cessna thing so got that headwind already as you can see we're about 10 000 feet so land the lights and come off boom boom boom boom boom Bam Bam uh boom so I see all Christ's top percent enjoy the departure views out of uh also the Cinematic views cruise is out of uh scathos down to Manchester and I'll see you all very shortly bye [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] hello and welcome back to the fight deck so we're going to start planning for the arrival now into Manchester we're still a bit of a while away but I want to do it now because I feel like it so um menu what am I doing departure five or there we go as you can see the terminals my back is still very high we don't seem to be able to kick the turbines away but um we're going to start planning for the arrival like I said so please go to that spot I'm gonna put a look at Manchester details oh actually there is no one at Manchester Manchester metal uh variable wins at three knots so we're just gonna say two three right left for arrival like we departed um there's nothing to see either so for now we'll just do that I might check uh what's happening in the real world um a bit closer to the arrivals and get that Runway um oted one Mike depart arrival so let's see oh one one wait was it one Mike oh it was that is it ought to be or OCT B so yeah it's that one there we go there we go uh execute legs two three you're good there so we're arriving active do not select two three right ILS two through right on the execute in a ref page flap 30 popped up there courses two three two one it's really hard to do this when there's turbulence so get it up to course two three two so and then 109 decimal five and then we'll just reduce this down just a bit so at the center we need to so we'll get this down save 1300 feet is fine for now um so descent starts at 1802 which is one hour and four minutes until we start the same so yeah see you shortly bye [Music] foreign [Music] welcome back to the flight deck so we're just past 10 000 feet as you can see and we're not too long away from the arrivals so run my turn off and tax that son continuous on start switches uh similar times I've already put on uh was just turn the cup in we're going to come down here and get our frequency switched in and double check that is where nine decimal five yes gonna update that speed there I might as a little bit on internet restaurants of you um spoilers need to be armed there we go that is all good and there's no way you can see on there's no aircraft around either it's pretty quiet down tonight at Manchester which is perfectly fine means there's no delay on arrival Speed 2 10 knots are still really turban as you can see we put flaps five out now we'll just reduce speed a little bit more it's about 195. yeah pitch black tonight dark arrival night time arrival into Manchester three hours and 35 minutes the flight time's been and we arrive at scaffolds in 3 hours and 19. so the headwind did pick up again around the English Channel went up to about a maximum of 105 knot wins third wind so yeah I didn't quite reach 120 125 knots but 105 knot headwind is just as much as you need um as you can see the runway is in front of us just over here like so can reduce that descent rate now okay so we just switched these cell points we're going to reduce speed down to 180 knots like so and then also with three nautical miles out from Charlie Fox shot two three right um approaches on as you know we're going to 3500 feet since just reduce that so you'd increase that to about one thousand then all to break two for arrival when I'll go flaps 10. stand the left hand to line up 2500. that's a strong crosswind we've got there we're 11 miles out 10 miles out now okay 160 knots about 15. gear down a bit of light on the aircraft there's the gear perhaps 25. let's go falling on speed now which is one four five plus five so 150 knots foreign [Music] 150 knots is quite quick with this standard wowza is it going to be a tough arrival guys really tough look at the aircraft now look at the way it's trying to swing this aircraft wow oh my God imagine being a passenger during this I can't just want to watch it for those of you we'll disconnect it a bit later [Music] why are we turning right so much oh what's going on there um autopilot disconnects out of control that's really random that should be good Jesus is this normal look at that gosh I can't be so late to respond I have to admit I'm not sure this is the wind or the update or what crazy I'll be feeling sick of the passenger wow 19. ouch bounce touchdown wow 60 knots manual breaking wow wow wow wow come on quickly got turn off I have to say I have not had an arrival with that much turbulence and I have no idea what is doing then if that's a that's from the new update I don't know but it was being completely thrown off course completely that's crazy wow very interested in that foreign and sometimes if you don't if you can try and save things especially in a simulator a lot of people moan at me sometimes not going around but it's like too much more time that that is only go around when it's like properly needed right so I'll probably get moaned up but you know okay cool three hours 45 minutes okay so nearly at a stand um we'll just take the one in this double terminal bit here there we go so taxi lights off generator one generator two still C ope yeah we'll take this left turn here say stand 11. it might be this one I don't know yes it is oh I can break sets engine one engine two oh absolutely amazing there we go now we're dancing finally two great Parkins the boarding requested and thank you for watching everyone I'll see you all in the next video there was two very very turbulent arrivals in both destinations um but yeah very thrilled very thrill in that bridge I hope these two videos actually so yeah I'm very um very enjoyed them a lot so yeah minus 277 wasn't that anyway and um yeah I'll see you all in the next video let me know quick suggestions and I'll see you all very shortly thanks for watching bye [Music]
Channel: AviationJack
Views: 3,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msfs, pmdg 737 msfs, pmdg 737-700, pmdg msfs, msfs 2020, msfs 737, 737-800, msfs pmdg 737, pmdg 737 msfs 2020, 737 msfs, msfs 737-800, msfs pmdg 737-800, msfs boeing 737, 737-700, msfs update, msfs freeware, msfs free addon, msfs 2020 pmdg 737, pmdg 737 800 msfs, msfs news, msfs pmdg, b737-800, msfs pmdg 737 800, pmdg 737-800, fs2020 pmdg 737-800, msfs 737 pmdg, msfs 737 preview, 737-600, msfs 737 simbrief, all about the pmdg 737-800, 4k msfs, RTX DLSS
Id: 1lWqDitBCgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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