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foreign welcome back to a brand new Aviation Jack video I hope you're doing really really well so for me it's actually been about a month and a half since I recorded a video so do bear with me um so yes anyway today we are looking at Rd presets Gibraltar scenery which is yet to be released will be released on the 25th of February uh currently it is the 23rd of February and RD presets have been nice enough to send out a previous copy so I can show you all what the scenery is going to be like and what you can expect on release day now if you don't know about danger water is one of my favorite airports to fly in and out of so it's amazing that we have a great quality of Gibraltar scenery and trust me we will be fighting here quite a bit EasyJet is gibraltar's biggest Airline so I thought why not do an EasyJet flight eventually dance Gibraltar showcasing this scenery but as you can see here we are at the lovely Rd presets Gibraltar scenery airport and we're going to start where I always do which is at the entrance of the airport can't just seeing where we are covering so as we go further down we honestly guys I haven't been in the simulator for so long not because I didn't want to but just because purely you know I've been a bit busy um so yes as you can see here here is the entrance of the airport we have a few cars parked and a few terrains and as you can see this is where the cars start to go to cross the runway we'll get a bit we'll talk about this a bit later on about um crossing the runway and how we stop the cars from going so yeah as you can see we're going to the more entrance of the airport here and just it's just a car park where cars can park um I actually know where the entrance is I assume it's around here somewhere Maybe I'm Wrong it looks like I'm wrong but um yeah there's more car park spacing over here there's some remote stands over here as well all good quality as you can see a lot of I'm gonna call it debris it's not really debris but you know what material has all been modeled as well oh that's a nice little touch Rd presets on the van love that um so yeah this is just the remote stand uh I believe this is where like all the private jets would park probably not where the airliners would park um but yeah let's head into the terminal I'm just going to start around here so I'm not sure where the door is um yeah and as you can see inside the terminal if I can get in there we are here we are at security where the passengers are going to start all their security procedures to get into the aircraft itself um or Chipotle is a default airport to manage as you can see here a few more bits to walk to the terminals what if I go down a level maybe no it's up there we are that's what I wanted um yeah and here is the main terminal building so as you can see we have a few stores here for a few clothes shopping um it's one thing I love about Audi preset scenery that they're modeling inside is just top-notch top quality I love it um so yeah actually a nice little coffee shop there uh as we head on here I believe that Ah that's what I wanted to do then I want to start over here and go through there we go that's why I should have done a vision day um over here another little cafe to sit down and have a coffee because why not um if we go over move over to the left over here as you can see we have um the gates and how to get down to them a few people on the outside balcony will go there in a second this is where all the passengers are waiting uh what is causal so you can see outside and you can see that the aircraft is sitting there waiting the Easter aircraft probably about to Gatwick or Manchester if we now head down to the bottom level and see the passengers will come down here to get onto the aircraft um so if we just choose this one and then they would exit via these little zebra Crossings the doors would open as you can see and then would make our way out to the aircraft and board by the front steps or the rear steps whatever it says on your boarding pass and as you can see here textures on the ground are also really high quality you can see obviously where you're meant to stop as the aircraft approaches its Gates um a fire engine there which does move around so I'm just actually came off of the runway probably done an inspection um there we go a few more seating tables down there a nice little outside uh spotting area which is nice actually that makes you want to visit Gibraltar if I can sit here outside I'd love that so yeah I'd sit there um and as you can see like I said up here we have our little open balcony where all the passengers can view the aircraft whilst they're waiting for their flight to arrive I literally just realized that I just saw what's that yellow ah fire exit I literally just saw where he's meant to enter the building it's on the sides as you can see it says welcome to Gibraltar International Airport that's where I was meant to go through ah that makes so much more sense there we are and there's a check-in desks and then you go up the stairs and continue our down security so um yeah overall great texturing really great airport good on performance nothing is bad performance wise it's running well for me if you look at my specs they are below in the description um yeah great texture on the airport of course um there's a Runway here and obviously the big rock the Gibraltar Rock got a little fighter jet over there let's check out this side of the airport obviously as you know I do this all first impression so I literally walk through it first time with everyone I don't have a look at these before oh look at all these military gear this is interesting wouldn't wanna fly plane into that would you uh car park here as well where one Parks their car long stay car park something like that and and then oh hello look at that Victoria stayed in the model of this as well oh amazing this is well nice we've got people standing at Victoria Stadium as well you know what I would visit this Stadium purely just to watch the planes land I don't really care what's going on the pitch I'd rather just watch the play into honest with you um and then the fuel station we have over here as well lovely very interesting put one next when I bought the shop and like I said I was going to come back to it but here we have the crossing and this is where all of the aircraft um the cars cross the airport the right airports Runway there so I did stop the cars from Crossing and when you install it whatever aircraft you're planning on flying into the airport make sure you know which one you're planning is there but it's still in the readme file and you literally just have to paste it into the main Rd presets file so sample white pasted the Phoenix 80 20 file into the normal file and it's all they're reading by the way so I'm gonna go into depth about it you can all read it when you get the product but um if you're going to turn on the strobe lights it stops the cars from crossing the runway so I don't think it would do it now for us but because we're not near the thing but we'll have a quick look so if I turn on the strobe lights I might have to be closer to the runway oh it did oh that's cool so yeah when you turn on the strobe lights of the aircraft you're flying in make sure you have the right file though in the airport it stops the cars from Crossing so if I turn off the strobe lights there we go look this car start Crossing again so yeah that's a nice feature to make sure that no cars are going to be on the runway whilst you depart and there we have it everyone thank you all for watching this video This is my first look at the Rd presets Gibraltar scenery if you're into some challenging arrivals I would recommend that you get this scenery it's great quality as always and yeah thank you all for watching I will see you all in the next video when we do a flight down here have a great day afternoon evening or whatever and yeah see you shortly bye [Music]
Channel: AviationJack
Views: 677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msfs, pmdg 737 msfs, pmdg 737-700, pmdg msfs, msfs 2020, msfs 737, 737-800, msfs pmdg 737, pmdg 737 msfs 2020, 737 msfs, msfs 737-800, msfs pmdg 737-800, msfs boeing 737, 737-700, msfs update, msfs freeware, msfs free addon, msfs 2020 pmdg 737, pmdg 737 800 msfs, msfs news, msfs pmdg, b737-800, msfs pmdg 737 800, pmdg 737-800, fs2020 pmdg 737-800, msfs 737 pmdg, msfs 737 preview, 737-600, msfs 737 simbrief, all about the pmdg 737-800, 4k msfs, RDpresets, RDpresets gibraltar
Id: Dt6ZD_HeviU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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