[MSFS] Super Low Vis Landing | Sint Maarten πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡½ - Montreal πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ | Air Transat Inibuilds A310 |

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foreign really well so it's time for the return flight now back to Montreal from um Saint Martin airports one of the Caribbean Airlines from the Caribbean islands um today we depart on from a 1-0 the same as the same as a landing Runway off the model to departure and arriving back in Montreal on the uh cart for purg arrival Runway zero six left and we're going to export our flight plan into a v-pilot like so go to the product connect flight plan load this one here 34 000 feet on the way back click fly now and we'll have a quick look at our meta on departure so we click msfs uh Windsor one zero zero six knots uh scattered 1827 degrees qh1020 um arriving into Montreal there is Windows zero zero twelve knots a bit more windy overcast at 3 800 minus six degrees and uh yeah so we can really look at uh three four zero so we'll set three four zero back up to Montreal we have a uh headwind all the way back up so that's gonna be fun makes a bit longer but um yeah enough for me I'll see you all in the actual flight so here we are in the simulator as you can see GSX has I'm not sure why I don't ask you why but they have decided to put the jet weight on door one right um I don't know why they've done that but the problem with it is that it's now blocked the flight deck so what I'm going to do is just get rid of the jet weight because we can't we can't have that oh wait can I get rid of the jetway oh it did good good so the jetway's gone so hopefully it just picks it up as normal hopefully Okay cool so let's do our weights and everything like that first so in terms of our weights today we're taking a total of 26.6 tons so we'll go down here 26.6 that's good enough for cargo passengers we can up it quite a bit and she can produce that a tiny bit um let's apply there we go that's the aircraft um if we go to the takeoff page we're gonna do it just said we'll have it ready we'll do the rest of our flight plan in here so today we are uh Tango Sierra Charlie 285. there we go I believe it's 205 yes 285. if we're going to Flight Plan Sid Runway 10 on the model 2 departure I believe it was yes it was model 2 departure click insert and that gives us our departure um if we then go back over to the FMC we'll fill in a few details on the runway length so the runway length here is 2 300 2300 Services dry Runway heading is Runway heading zero nine or six zero minus six uh wind is fine outside temperature fine weights uh so the weight of the aircraft today it's 135.8 135.8 flat 1515 anti-ass off aircon on calculate um so we have a 55 degree Flex temperature so Flex 55 and then one four four one four seven one five one then one five one so set that up here that's our B2 there we go I will click this on as well and we need to altitude of thirty four thousand feet cool that's 34 000 for you to set this now to head in 100 degrees there we go oh it's really raining outside my um window there we go ahead of 100 I mean sets uh profile and nav come down to the festival it's one it's up 1.2 so we um down here at 2000 and we'll set this at TA 122 decimal eight fine uh we can't put on the weather system just yet how it sets a map though um and everything down there is perfect they're actually pretty much good now it's quite performance into Complete because everything else is done to clear that message um so Apu is available APB needs to come on I will get rid of the external power to go to ground connections external Circle GPU to go all didn't go out with his final palettes to load and then we'll be good for pushback and departure so until that's finished I'll see you all very shortly okay about to say building has just completed it's now time to get this aircraft back to Montreal so here let's head back into the flight again no sorry click it again won't ruin it there we go and we now need to request pushback and departure so GSX prepare for professional departure okay cool pop on the beacon night here see what signs are on and everything like that so shown there's no traffic around today I said Martin it's very quiet we'll definitely be back here I've flagged in a long haul here and A310 would be quite cool to be honest with you but then when we get some more aircraft maybe we could do some other long cool aircraft down here we want nose left for these parking brakes please okay cool right let's double check engine one is stabilizing [Music] okay let's start engine two foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you might have to wait 10 years for geosexual disconnect and while we do that I forgot to do the weights so two seconds really [Music] how did I forget all of that oh I suppose once you've gone past it you can't right let's set the flaps so we go we're watching deploy [Music] one of the best sounds okay we'll go back to Auto break ground squatters arms we do a quick flight control check so full left full right foot up fall down front left forward the rights let's release the parking brakes and add a bit of thrust we'll get going ever so slowly okay so we're nearly at the runway pretty much tears most of you I'm gonna pop on the weather radar one and go to Tara also going to switch on the landing lights and the takeoff lights and the strobes [Music] [Music] and all these people the beach can get blasted away how sad okay fifty percent stable and take off 100 knots checked C1 rotates positive crime rate Gear Up nice and let's go AP1 lock the gear now we'll go flaps five and flaps up quite a strong turnout something mine isn't it like when you depart you immediately make that right turn like the seconds you take off obviously because the the terrain there but still it's quite um quite the departure and obviously we'll just come a little bit off there we just started now we're on our way back to the actual rooms which is good that's what we want Plus at 8 000 feet now you can disarm the ground spoilers don't need them anymore we could turn off the take off and rolling turn off lights it is quite a bouncy departure today okay everyone so we just passed 10 000 feet now so I'm gonna start saying goodbye so Landing lights off there we go and let's see what science uh I mean it's not hella turbulent is it but I think it's safe enough to do the services and all that so I think yeah see what size off there we go right and I'll see you all closer to 12 enjoy the cinematics I'll see you in about four hours bye-bye [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] knots so we will be landing Runway zero to six left today so I lasted zero six left and the star that we are on is the Carter uh four which is this one here uh transitions I believe it was the pep girl pep girl yeah there we go insert that there we are and um if you guys take off approach page we can have a look at a final approaches 142 the ILS frequency um is 109 decimal three 109 decimal three and the course is uh 57. it was set 57 57 lovely and we'll just reduce altitude a bit just so the aircraft was raised to December we get to that point uh we'll put it down to about 25 000 originally because you know I can change a bit later but yeah that is the flight so far I will see you all close to Montreal not too much longer to go hope you enjoyed a video so far got about one hour and 10 minutes to revive there in a lot of icy conditions which is going to be fun before anti-ice but yes anyway see you every shortly in a bit [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] all right everyone welcome back to the flat decks we're gonna start planning not playing forever so we all need to start doing our descent checks now uploading other food checks The Landing lights on take our flights on seat belt signs on and also the anti-ice needs to come on as well as we are in the icing range and it is about minus 12 here I think so we definitely to pop on the anti-ice as we descend into Montreal we can set flaps as well flaps five we'll do very nice people videos for arrival Washington to be out here next one we should be at 3 000 by zolter okay okay so we can go direct to zolter now so we can start doing that direct two Salter insert we're on the spoilers smart to use them actually in a bit but I don't want the speed to be this high okay let's use the spiders then next degree of flaps flaps 15 15. Gober seems to be on track teams have captured the island of the localizer good we are 11 miles out go flaps 20 and gear down with fun landing speed now which is one three eight plus five so I missed the arrival today can't see much now if the autopilot doesn't idle the thrust I will literally just get it straight away and uh of outside of it then but I'm hoping it does I swear I had to I swear I used to have to press a button to say approach arm approach or something but I can't seem to find that anywhere I don't have time to check now only three miles out wow can't see anything lands approaching there's a Runway lights I just need to actually see the runway first before I can disconnect okay 100 okay come on yeah they've done it touchdown reverses that's good news [Music] welcome to Montreal now I don't know where I meant to make it to be completely honest with you assume it's to the right not the left okay as follows disarmed flaps up slow down for a second go back to nav here right make another writer we'll head to the terminal which I assume is down here actually no I don't know I should check the charts um two seconds yes we're going the right way Atlanta mate was minus 145 which is one of my better Landings in this aircraft it's a complete also view which is nice right taxi lights strobe lights off the APU okay we're nearly at the stand uh we're gonna go to one of these Gates because they have two jetways here so literally one straight in front of us would do take this one here which is stand number 11 is that 09. uh 63. I could have been more up if I tried two seconds [Music] quite about his plane as well right stop it there parking brake sets engine one engine two cut off Beacon Light off seat belt signs off external power on Apu off fuel pumps oh Gary what else do I usually switch off here show us something else I can't remember doesn't matter IRS is off um yeah everything else is good let's go to GSX and request debordin the boarding requested the boarding requested uh yeah well thank you everyone for watching this video I hope you all enjoyed this Air Transat service flight from Montreal to since Martin while the beautiful Caribbean islands with the most fun approaches and um yeah a couple of Joe is actually worked today which is nice and I'll see you all in the next video thank you all for watching and I have an amazing day night or whatever you're doing see you shortly bye-bye [Music] thank you
Channel: AviationJack
Views: 778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inibuilds a310, msfs, inibuilds, a310, airbus a310, msfs 2020, a310 inibuilds, inibuilds a310 tutorial, msfs inibuilds a310, inibuilds a310 msfs 2020, inibuilds a310 cold and dark, msfs a310, inibuilds a310-300, msfs inibuilds a310-300, inibuilds msfs, msfs inibuilds, inibuilds a310 300, inibuilds a310 cargo, inibuilds a310 review, inibuilds a310 update, inibuilds a310 startup, inibuilds a310 liveries, inibuilds a310 passenger, airbus a310 msfs, Sint Marteen MSFS
Id: snYhTc8V9yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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