[MSFS] Floated The Landing😳 | Gatwick 🇬🇧 - Inverness 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 | easyJet Fenix A320 l

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foreign really really well so we actually haven't done a full flight video in a while um so I thought why not do a full flat video now you know back hopefully that'll learn a bit more um but yeah I've updated a few bits anyway wise so I've now switched from the freeware Galaxy Cinema we've switched to the I think it's origami otherwise by any builds it's not origami is it uh it's by any builds or those ones who sell it anyway um but yeah we're going to be flying from running Gatwick up to Inverness we haven't done a domestic UK flight in quite a while but Aaron's 27 minutes there 451 Optical miles and we're looking at the parcelon runway zero eight right on the lamb one Zulu departure we need to export this flat plan into the pilot like so so we'll get that going now we do have garlic ground on and garlic atis which is nice a bit of ATC uh 38 000 feet on the way click fly now we'll connect msfs as well there we go that's all that loaded um have a look at the departure metal so at Gatwick Windsor zero six zero at six knots broken Cloud 2100 13 degrees kh1027 so not too bad uh Inverness pretty much the same sort of it's got some difference it's a bit cooler still cloudy but yeah that's everything um so no much further to say on this part of the page let's go straight into the flight deck and getting so here we are at the new Gatwick scenery I saw it I say it's new it's not new it's new to me but it's not new for everyone else and there's a few aircraft around here nothing too much have a look around yeah nothing it's not that busy to be fair but then again it is a random Tuesday or Wednesday I don't know what that is but yeah there we are um so here we are we're gonna request boarding in a bit so we can get the flight on so battery one battery two subtle power on now I've seen about signs uh one two three one one two and ir3 nice head down here get a few things loaded that's interesting uh we're going to unicorn for now but we'll set the Gatwick ATC in a second so one two one decimal eight it's the first I'm gonna contact on ground they might actually have PDC they don't have PDC not surprised um atsu fmgc in it and then we'll go to the racing menu here flight in it init data request don't worry about that what it's doing that we'll head over here and get our efp loaded so Phoenix tap nice that's all good now go to mass and balance load aircraft instant and then we'll get GSX ready so GSX and request boarding requested requested lovely and then we'll head down and plan our MCD use so in a request over here we're easy six Delta today did our father that yes cool cruising five level three eight zero cost index is going to be eight it's flight number easy six Delta IRS in it align and confirm in a page or set there so the block fuel is 6.4 and then over here we've got 55.1 and 31.3 31.3 flat plans today we're expecting to reply on the lamwon Zulu so we'll set that now it should be that departure to be fair insert that um and then it's to quickly align the irs's oh I did do that do you want a boy crew uh both Pilots okay so that is all of that if we head to a departure Perth we'll get that loaded then I will cross clearance in a second so zero eight right dry calculate 130 135 135 control traffic has a lot of trees [Music] nice and then 1200. down here then we have flap one such down 0.2 also have a flex temp of 68s lovely okay of course that's everything done there just make sure I remember the flap one and down 0.2 because you know what I'm like 12 decimal weight we'll get clearance requested now may as well set that to these bits and Bobs uh 380 is quite high so I wouldn't be surprised if we get like a change of altitude because if you're an Inverness fly but I don't know we might be able to make it your crew has boarded passengers boarding starting right let's get close to so we're on stand I can't remember 106 I think it was if I'm correct yeah 106. so 106. uh should change it around Inverness 106 A320 information November right coming around easy six Delta open clearance to Inverness please uh on Stan one zero six Airbus A320 with information in November three four zero five if it's Inverness by the lambo monzero departure scorp three four zero five eighty six thousand external three four zero five eighty six thousand s it's why I said first time okay cool so three four three four zero five so that's T8 now and number one Zulu which already set in which is good so that's everything I've done now now I have to do is wait for the irises to align which we have five minutes on and we need to get the rest of these passengers on uh let's have a look how long this is gonna take us it's awfully gray here in it yeah there they are gonna find that door open for them why not hello hello anyway right I'll leave it there and I will see you all once spawn is complete and all the passengers bags are on for no issues there and um yeah I'll see you in a bit so important has just completed so we're gonna get everything else on the Move now so master switch on uh we'll get the AP started to turn on the fuel pumps as well text starting Apu I won't get GSX ready just for push back because you know take a little while there goes the jetway so off the garbage grounds actually no one else on so it goes straight to the Unicorn you're ready for pushback before we get to the runway which is interesting that's on the Beacon Light now departure check completed bypass pin inserted if it's available AP bleed on turn on power off and then we'll get rid of that and here so ground Services GPU and trucks off make sure if I can break this set which it is lovely just start approved facing west UCC so it knows the left tail right today parking brakes release I'm gonna start the engines up now all engines clear start at will okay let's start engine one oh he's next to us another easy jet [Music] power start engine 2. hear the PTU [Music] set parking brakes okay set the parking brakes get rid of our company message although she accepts certain flat one slash down 0.2 so one two flap one ground spoilers aren't switch that back to normal Max Auto break AP bleed AP off taxi lights parameters on foreign [Music] question Taxi Girls please 56 Delta now interrupt to someone fun zero eight right turn right now and hold it requesting tax experience taxi holding Point Juliet 4 by Romeo and Juliet easy six Delta Romeo and Juliet's release Bookshop oh and I thought to do yeah so there's a second left the first one to get back we're going Romeo I'm holding Juliet 4.80 thank you very much all right everyone so then you're approaching the runway so strokes and come on Landing lights on take off like sun uh we'll put weather in our one and predictive wins Chiron and Tara uh we're good little aircraft Landing we're on Unicom now by the way so um everything is down to us uh traffic wise arriving when we're departing oh bounce we've got a ba in front of us but they should head off now there's no Nails coming in so me too much of a long wait I will hold here at Juliet one for the ba sake off and while they're taking off let's have a quick look on that spy and just see there's anyone else coming in uh right let's refresh it got work wait wait wait no we're good there's no one else coming in for quite a while so uh yeah we will go straight away as soon as the speedboat is taking off there goes welding off now cover traffic easy six thousand lineup behind the parts in uh British Airways A320 on 1908 right right let's line up get this plane to Inverness one last check so we'll hold here just create a good separation before the be able to take off after the ba because you know don't it be colliding into them playing race with them so hold it here for a tad not too long set the bargain break depends if they start veering off uh somewhere else then we'll go I'm not sure it's actually going though let's see where they're going oh they're going to Germany so they should start turning right soon okay that's a good enough separation breaks release start the clock 50 percent yeah they're gonna turn off articles now stable manflex SRS Runway Ultra thrust blue let's go 100 knots checked be one rotate what's the crime rate Gear Up [Music] in AP1 we'll go thrust climb that's a nice soft I'm not going to follow any attitude restrictions because there's no ATC around so we'll just put it out and um we should just climb now straight to five or three zero obviously if there was even if there is ATC we don't fool them usually anyway it's all good um yeah so straight out of here we're gonna take a left turn um and then an hour 37 minutes through all the way to Central England up to Scotland the west of Scotland then we fly over to the Northeast we're in Vanessa's so yeah not too bad I'll develop a route I've certainly do domestic for itself then so it's not too bad right speed check flaps up there we are in this on the ground spot is now save time I must go direct alarm there's no need to see around anyway so we may as well direct plan so that'll take us a little bit of a shortcut now you shouldn't really do that but here we are especially not the departure there's a reason you have seats so some departures look really lengthy and takes you like a really long route you think well I've got opportunity without any ATC I may as well have my give myself a little bit of a shortcut no my luck though Etsy will come online now I'll be like what the hell are you doing anyway try this altitude so Boro is set to standard approaching 7000 feet now the UK is looking more summary Now isn't it it looks more orange rather than green they've changed seasons okay cool there's ten thousand feet so see what signs have come off um that's that I don't know anything else cool um right everyone I'll see you all closer to what descent enjoy the cinematics and I will see you all very shortly see you in a bit bye [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hello and welcome back to the flight deck so we're going to start planning for the arrival now into Inverness so let's go down to the mcdu and click Echo golf Echo go to arrival we'll have a look for the active meta is there so Windsor zero two zero at six so we're learning uh ILS zero five today uh no star arrival so we'll click insert there and we'll go to the Perth page and we'll set in a few of the weather details so the Q H is currently one zero two seven two seven and we just had zero two zero slash six on the Wind and then the temperature in Inverness currently is at 9 degrees Celsius so we'll pop that in there and then 132 on the approach love it cool um we'll check for any English communities it should be good um and Inverness does have quite a short Runway there's one there's Community just insert that one there we are um so your emulators have quite a short Runway so you're gonna do auto brake medium for this one um the idea here to just touch down rather than you know um try and do a lovely buttery Landing otherwise there'll be a go around which uh yeah isn't fun but is what it is right so um yeah that's what I got to really say nothing else much to add um I'll see you all at top of descent which is now in 180 to North for Miles so two uh 11 minutes past two so yeah got about 25 minutes but um yeah I'll see you all soon bye-bye [Music] hello and welcome back to the flight deck so we're just passing 10 000 feet now so we'll start doing our arrival checks so see about signs on Landing lights on Taxi take off lights and robots on our flights on as well we have autographed comedians set ground spoilers are armed we've now gone to D cell speed I haven't done any flaps yet I don't need them just yet we're at 9 300 now infants is looking nice to be fair the weather's definitely improved it says Skyler 3000 so oh look at that little windmill they're nice we're flying for one hour and eight minutes so not too bad to be fair we'll start setting the flaps in a bit nice and calm here as well which is nice okay speed check that's one okay speed check flaps too what arm approach 12 miles out okay so we're lining up nice nicely doesn't remember in front of us we'll go with flaps three gear down that gear will help us put some drag and now we'll set the Q a chair one zero two seven two thousand five hundred okay switch up that's full and spoilers in how did I arm them before I can't remember his arms medium water break Goods I'm not going to disconnect the auto part though so I can see them on my bit better because it's a bit fuzzy very nice saying Inverness all right oh special or manual flight one thousand 500. 100 50 40 30 20 retards 10. five and reverse a stove and your break in and what we'll do is we'll do a little swivel I won't bother going that far for it actually it's a return off here right let's get that master switch on we have a floater that one can't buy stop the clock one hour 17 minutes [Music] and the landing rate today was drumroll minus 212 not too bad not too bad I request to follow me but taking too much time and I'll just see the stands that were all good okay so touch lights off bleed on that would do if I can break sets engine one an engine two cut off Beacon Light off let's requesty boarding the boarding requested see what sign's off and there we have it click D board here as well and what we'll do is um we'll leave the aircraft and turn around stay ready for it to return back to Gatwick leave that on 2000. ta turn this off to get that door open say bye bye and yeah there we have it the other one thank you all for watching I will see you all in the next video which will be about to go out again uh look at the origami Studios the jet the scene we say we had a jet way here which obviously we don't so that's why there's no forward stairs I'm not sure why I said that but yeah it is what it is thank you for watching I will see you all in the next video um just put us a few days from now and yeah thank you for watching I will see you all shortly bye bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: AviationJack
Views: 1,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msfs dlss, msfs dlss vr, dlss msfs 2020, msfs, msfs sim update 10, dlss msfs, msfs 2020, msfs dlss update, nvidia dlss msfs, msfs dlss vs taa, msfs dlss blurry, sim update 10 msfs, msfs dlss 4k, dlss msfs tested, msfs su10 dlss, msfs nvidia dlss, nvidia dlss msfs 2020, msfs dlss and dx12, msfs su 10, msfs update 10 dlss, dlss dx12, dx12 msfs, msfs news, msfs dx12, Maderia A, madeira airport landing, Maderia Airport, madeira airport, madeira airport landing crosswind
Id: oIZQ7DMznfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 44sec (2264 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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