First Day Of Kindergarten Virtual Teaching!

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good morning good morning hi jaden good morning lily all right guys we're gonna wait um for a few minutes to see if we can get everybody locked in this morning okay okay please click here to talk okay [Music] i'm gonna play some music while we're waiting how's that seriously is all right good morning everybody all right are you guys so excited for your very first day of kindergarten all right i'm so excited that you guys are in my class this year we're going to have a lot of fun we're going to learn a lot we're going to work really really really hard but i promise that we're going to have so much fun and we're going to make the best of this and i can't wait to you guys get to come and be in our classroom so we're going to get started with some stuff i'm going to teach you some stuff i'm going to read you a story we're going to do a little project and then that will be it for today all right does that sound good give me a thumbs up all right so in our classroom the first thing i need you to know is we have this doorbell all right so when i ring this doorbell what i need for you to do is to put in a bubble let me see your bubbles all right and i need you to make sure you got your hands on the table or in your lap and i need you to make sure you're looking at the computer so that you can see mr greg okay all right so let's practice [Music] perfect give yourselves a thumbs up way to go all right so you always be listening for that doorbell okay all right can everybody unmute so i'm going to show you this card and when i show you that that means that you can turn off you can turn on your microphone so you can talk to me alright so go ahead and turn on your microphone all right all right so my name is mr greg so what's my name all right so what's my name all right very good and then when i show you this card that means you have to turn off your microphone okay so let's practice can you turn off your microphone awesome you guys are so good yeah give yourselves a thumbs up all right in our classroom the first thing we do in the morning is we sing all right so i'm gonna play our first song and i'm gonna need you to sing with me okay did you guys practice already okay so you ready to sing alright so you can unmute your microphone and i'm going to play our music and i want to hear you guys singing okay what's up children celebrate it's a wonderful world and a beautiful day hold a hand swing and spray it's a wonderful world and [Music] trees are swaying children are playing runners are running [Music] hearts are thumping [Music] rabbits are hopping rise up children celebrate it's a wonderful world and a beautiful day hold a hand swing and sway it's the wonderful world and a beautiful day friends are [Music] faces are switching [Music] hold our hands [Music] [Music] like every place so rise up children celebrate it's a wonderful world and a beautiful day all right good singing all right you remember what to do with this one good mute all right then the next thing we always do in our classroom is we have a morning meeting all right so morning meeting and so every day we're going to start with a morning meeting and so our morning meeting always starts with a greeting can everyone say greeting good so our greeting this week is going to say we're just going to say our names alright so let's do this jaden can you turn your microphone on for me all right so we're going to we're good nice headphones there you go go ahead and turn on your microphone for me jaden all right so our greeting is going to be our name so i'm going gonna say my name so mr greg lily can you say your name for us good oliver can you say your name jaden can you say your name very good and what was my name very good so that's our greeting all right and then the next part of our morning meeting is our morning message all right so this is our morning message so every morning we'll have a morning message all right and eventually you guys are going to learn to read this morning message all by yourself all right but today i'm going to read it for you okay so when i'm reading i'm going to need you to put your hands in your lap sit up nice and tall all right make sure you got your ears on all right and i'm going to read the morning message so i want you to look at the morning message all right here we go it says good morning mr greg's mustaches today is tuesday august 4th 2020 happy first day of kindergarten i am so excited to be your teacher love mr greg so that is our morning message all right and that is the end of our morning meeting so now we're gonna sing a couple of more songs okay so i need everybody to sing so you can let your bubble out jaden i'm gonna play our song and i want you to sing with me are you ready all right let's sing this is a fun one this is a this is an alien song and they're gonna sing the alphabet all right so here we go [Music] [Music] human race six letters we all know can you say them all let's go a b c d e aren't aliens from outer space we can sing the alphabet of the human race 26 letters we all know can you say them all is we are aliens from outer space can sing the alphabet of the human race bye bye all right good singing now we're gonna sing another song alright so here we go c f4 fan [Music] [Music] k for kick [Music] and for not q for quiet [Music] [Music] y for yawn yeah [Music] all we need put them together and you can read all right good job give yourselves a thumbs up excellent job all right wonderful guys you guys are doing an awesome job this morning mr greg is so proud of you so now we're going to read a story all right so is everybody ready for a story all right so when mr greg is going to read you a story i'm going to need you to have your listening ears on right sitting up nice and tall all right hands are in your lap all right and i'm gonna be reading the book and it's called the king of kindergarten all right the king of kindergarten so what grade do you think this little boy is going to be in yeah that's right kindergarten what grade are you in are you in kindergarten yeah all right so let's read the king of kindergarten the morning sun blares through your window like a million brass trumpets it sits and shines behind your head like a crown so look at the sun see it looks like he's wearing a crown because he's the king of kindergarten mommy says that today you're going to be the king of kindergarten you'll use a golden brush to clean ye royal chiclets what's he doing yeah he's brushing his teeth you'll wash your own face with a cloth bearing the family crest what's he doing here yeah watching his face good you'll dress yourself neatly in hand-picked garments from the far-off villages of ash and gosh you'll be ready to rain so now what's he doing yeah he's getting ready did you guys get dressed this morning i hope so hope you guys dressed did you brush your teeth all right did you wash your face all right my baby is heading to school mommy will say during breakfast but you're not a baby could a baby wolf down a tower of pancakes the way you can i don't think so so now what are they doing yeah they're eating breakfast you're growing up so fast daddy will say and he'll be right i can't stay the same size forever can i you'll say one day i'll be taller than you daddy and you'll be my little man daddy will laugh but you won't be joking then a big yellow carriage will deliver you to the grand fortress what's he riding on yeah school bus did we ride on a school bus today where do you think he's going yeah to school did we go to school today but where is our school from yeah it's from your house that's right as you walk up to the towering doors you'll remember mommy saying hold your head high greet everyone with a brilliant beaming majestic majestic smile for you are the king of kindergarten all right can everybody show me those big beautiful smiles beautiful smiles your teacher will welcome you with a warm smile and a friendly good morning she'll be delighted by how you recite your name with pride when you head to your royal seat the kids at your round table will wave and say hi like they've been waiting for you all summer so you smile back return the wave and give them a cheerful hi everybody the truth is you couldn't wait to meet your kindergarten kingdom either so who is he meeting yeah his teacher who else yeah did you meet your teacher today yeah did you get to meet your friends yeah your teacher will go over the classroom rules and you all discuss important matters such as shapes the alphabet and the never-ending mystery of numbers she'll even read a book about trucks trains and tractors what's the teacher doing what's she doing did she read a book yeah what did you what is your teacher doing right now yeah it sounds like a lot but you're the king of kindergarten a piece of cake you will show your bravery at recess when you go up to one of your classmates and ask marie do you want to play with me so what are they doing yeah are you guys gonna go outside and play today okay yeah okay not only will she say yes but she'll lead the way helping you save the kingdom by battling a fire breathing dragon see the dragon are they really fighting a dragon are they pretending yeah pretending in the cafeteria the boy sitting next to you will be missing dessert you'll have packed your favorite chocolate pudding with an extra cup just in case so what was his favorite snack i'll read it again see if you can hear his favorite snack you'll have packed your favorite chocolate pudding with an extra cup just in case what was his favorite snack chocolate pudding give me a thumbs up if you like chocolate pudding all right so you'll say to him what a pudding howie he'll say thanks and you won't mind at all because what could be cooler than sharing with your new friends so what are they doing yeah they're sharing with their friends what else are they doing are they eating lunch yeah are you gonna eat lunch today jayden are you gonna eat lunch today after a royal rest oh what's he doing yeah he's taking a nap you'll rise to sing and dance what are they doing yeah what do you do when you play music yeah did we sing this morning we did the day will be oh the day will be one you'll never forget at the end of it your teacher will wish you all a magnificent evening and bid you farewell until dawn on your way back home you'll think of all the things you can't wait to tell your parents i made a bunch of new friends my teacher is nice and recess is the best thing ever and tomorrow it will begin again another day as the charming the wonderful and the kind king of kindergarten did you like that book all right let's see if you can turn your microphones on for me all right everybody turn your microphone on good job lily oliver's got it very good all right so now we're going to talk about this book so let me get my paper ready all right so i'm going to need your help all right so we're going to talk about our book the king of kindergarten so what was our book called excellent so we're gonna talk about his first day of school and we're going to talk about our first day of school so can you tell me something this little boy did for his first day of school what did he do at school or what did he do before school oh he ate breakfast so can we put that on our chart yeah okay so we'll say eat breakfast all right what else did he do remember what else he did what else did he do yeah he got ready how did he get ready what's he doing here brushed his teeth what do you do here he got dressed so can we put that stuff on our chart yeah okay so he got ready he brushed his teeth okay what did he do when he how did he get to school he went on the school bus so could we put that on our chart yeah can we put that on her chart oliver all right what else can you think of anything else that he did what what did he do what do you do here oh he played yeah what else did he do what about what are they doing here dancing that's right all right now so that's what he did on his first day of school so now can you tell me something you did on your first day of school so what did you guys do today for your first day of school lily what did you do to get ready for school today oh brush your teeth all right oh you ate cereal who else ate some cereal this morning did anybody else eat cereal all right you know what mr greg ate for breakfast this morning donuts i love donuts all right what else did you guys do oliver what did you do to get ready for school yeah did you have to get dressed yes yeah so can we put get dressed because did we all get dressed for school today all right so did did we have to ride a school bus no but what did we all have to get what are you all using right now the computer yeah so we all had to get our what yeah did did did the little boy in our story did he have to get a computer no but we did right we had to get our computer who did the little boy meet when he got to school his friends and who else there was one other person teacher yeah who did you meet today your teacher and your friends yeah we got to meet our teacher and our friends so we can put that on our charts all right and so at the end of the book the little boy said that he had what he had a lot of yeah i had a lot of fun did you are we having fun at school today yeah so can we put that on here so can we say we had fun jaden are you having fun all right yeah so so did did we do some of the same things that the little boy did yeah but did we do some things that were different than the little boy yeah all right so we're gonna practice two more things so let's see if you're ready all right here we go let's see if you remember what to do when you hear this [Music] all right so you put your hands in your lap put it in your bubble make sure you're looking at your computer or your screen all right and let's see if you can remember what to do with this awesome job give yourselves thumbs up all right let's do this let's take a five minute break all right so don't close your computer don't end anything leave everything turned on all right but this is we're going to take five minute break i'm gonna play some music so you can get up you can go get some water go to the bathroom and then we come back we're gonna have some fun and you're gonna teach mr greg how to use these things okay so we're gonna take a five minute break so i know your families are listening so um leave everything logged on on the computer don't close anything and we'll come back here in about five minutes all right so i'll go ahead and start the music and you guys can go get some water go to the bathroom run around the house and i'll see you guys in like five minutes got it all right let's go take a break it's a cool place is [Music] [Music] we can draw but oh we can draw so hold on all right let me get my crayon out let's see because you guys said we could draw so i got my crayon and i'm gonna draw my face oh okay so can i put that on our chart so crayons can draw on paper okay what else can we do with our crayons jaden what else do we use our crayons for oh color can i color on my shirt oh what do we color on okay color on paper all right what else can we do with these crayons what else can we do with them can we can we write can we write our name yeah but what do we have to write on paper okay all right now i need you to tell me what can we what can crayons not do so what do we not do with our crayons what should i not do with my crayons say that again oh yeah should i break them can i do this no all right so we can't break the crayons what what if i break it on accident is that okay if it's an accident yeah can what if i wanted to do this oh no so crayons cannot go where not in your mouth oliver can we eat crayons no okay so crowns cannot go in our mouth okay um so you guys said we could color with our crayons can i color on on aaron no can we color our friends what else should i not do with my crayons can somebody else tell me something anything else can i can i color on the table can i color on the table no what would happen if we colored on the table all right so you guys told me that we could color on some paper so i want you to look up here at my screen all right and i want you to tell me what this thing is can you guys see that what is that yeah it's a soccer ball so when we're done here today mr greg gave you a soccer ball right so everybody got one of these in your packet right so when we're done today you're gonna have to color your soccer ball all right so watch i want you to tell me if i'm coloring and doing a good job so watch that soccer ball no why not over what happened oh okay so let me try it again so put that soccer ball back up here now watch and see if i do a good job what about that yeah now do i want to use the same color or do i want to use lots of colors yeah you can do kind of whatever you want so i'm going to color my soccer ball now am i done or should i color the whole picture of my soccer ball yeah so when we're done here we're almost done guys when we're done in a few minutes you're gonna get out your soccer ball and you're gonna color your soccer ball okay can you give me a thumbs up all right now i'm gonna show you one more thing that you have to do today okay we're gonna do it you can do your soccer ball when we're done all right so did everybody get you also got a picture of a crayon all right did everybody get a picture of a crayon yeah it's in your it's in your packet okay so here's what you're going to do see what i already colored my crayon all right so you're going to color your crayon and you what color can you use orange lily what color do you want to use jaden what color are you going to use all right erin what color are you going to use all right so you're gonna color your crayon all right i need everybody to watch all right so let me see all right so you're going to color your crayon and then what are these what are these scissors what do we do with scissors yeah so i'm going gonna color my crayon so see how i colored it and then i'm gonna cut it apart all right so i'm gonna cut my crayon all right and then do you see the numbers on the bottom of our crayon all right so we're gonna cut it apart and it's gonna be a puzzle so you're gonna cut it apart like that okay and then you gotta you got some paper and you've got something in your bag that looks like this everybody have that yeah that's called a glue sponge can everybody say glue spine all right i'm going to show you how to use the glue sponge okay so watch you see my glue sponge so i'm gonna take my paper so see i cut it off my crayon okay and i'm gonna use my glue sponge what so i don't want to touch the glue sponge so don't touch it okay and don't lick it you don't want to lick it okay and i'm going to put some glue on my my puzzle piece what so i'm going to touch it with my finger see i'm touching my paper see what i'm doing okay and i'm going to go all the way to the end got it and now look it has glue on the back okay and then i'm going to glue it on my paper like that see all ta-da and then i'm going to cut off the next piece of my my puzzle what number comes after number one number two so i'm going to cut number two all right i'm going to use my glue sponge do i touch my my glue sponge with my finger do i lick it can i lick my blue sponge no okay so we're going to touch the paper to the glue sponge all the way to the end and then i'm going to glue it to my face is that right no where do i glue it yes i'm gonna put it on my paper because we already have number one so i'm gonna put number two okay what comes after number two three okay i'll get my glue sponge gonna glue i'm gonna glue it on all right and i'm gonna keep going until i do all of my pieces so i'm gonna go all the way to ten all right everybody got it all right now the last thing i want to know did everybody get their first day of kindergarten hat all right oh i love it look at those first day hats oh they look so good you guys look awesome yay all right you guys did awesome today give yourselves a big thumbs up yeah mr greg is so proud of you can you tell me what my name is again yeah all right and what grade are you in kindergarten you did it you did your first day of kindergarten i'm so proud of you you guys did awesome today i love you i can't wait to see you tomorrow so remember you have three i want you to do three things for me today okay color your soccer ball i want you to make your crayon puzzle okay and you've got some paper it's just a white piece of paper all right i want you to practice writing your name got it so color your soccer ball make your crayon puzzle and practice writing your name can everybody do that for me all right you guys did awesome today i love you i'm so proud of you and i'm so excited that we're going to be in kindergarten together all right did you guys have fun yeah did you learn a lot all right so um i want to say thank you um i know the families the parents you guys are listening thank you guys so much i know this is hard and scary we're going to get through it together we're going to make this work you guys did awesome today thank you so much so make sure they do their their soccer ball their crayon and write their name and if you would please take a picture of those when they're done and send them to me today that would be awesome all right i love you guys i'll see you tomorrow for day number two of kindergarten all right all right bye everybody you
Channel: Greg Smedley-Warren
Views: 820,487
Rating: 4.8894672 out of 5
Keywords: greg, kindergarten, smedley, Virtual teaching, virtual, distant learning, online teaching, teachers
Id: xzD5ygWJx8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 10sec (3250 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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