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go back to my verse what's up guys welcome back to another video today i'm actually really excited i'm going to try something out today and i want to just make a beat on the mpc one i really don't have anything scripted uh this is not really gonna be a tutorial video but what i am gonna do is i'm gonna make a beat with you guys and just kind of go over on how i make a beat on the mpc one so kind of like my workflow so i will be talking here and there and letting you guys know uh just how i go from start to finish and why i choose certain settings on the mpc one or certain sounds i hope this beat comes out good if it does awesome if it doesn't then you know cool whatever i'm still gonna put it out anyway so let's jump right into it and let's get started okay so usually when i start a beat on the mpc one i usually like to set my tempo either at 85 beats per minute or 90 because that's kind of where i work at most of the time and also i like to start with some drums the drums that i select starting with is they're just basic drum loops they're nothing too complicated nothing too complex i just like to have some drum breaks going on so it could kind of get the flow going for me while i'm playing uh certain samples right now these are the loops that i have on these pads [Music] i'm gonna jump into my sampler and i'm gonna go to off i'm gonna put that in in uh i'm gonna leave it on slice mode well first i gotta listen to my sample see what it sounds like and we'll go from there i'm gonna i'm gonna sample this on slice mode if you guys haven't seen that video i'll leave leave a link somewhere right here i'm gonna leave it on slice mode because this song is pretty easy to chop up [Laughter] [Music] [Music] all right so i'm just gonna name that sample [Music] do it create it go to main and i'm gonna put that sample on my track two so i want to go to my drum program go to sample the program that i just created and let me play that back and listen to my chops so we'll go from the start i gotta fix this chop up because it started way too early so i'm going to sample edit and i'm going to adjust the start of this slice [Music] so right now all i'm doing i'm just making sure these slices are tightened up the start point is where it should be and it just kind of feels right for me [Music] oh that sounds really good so once i have something going on right here i like to go to program edit i go to master i like to go to my semi-tones and i like to pitch it up or down and whatever sounds good to me i'll either stick with that either if it sounds good pitched up or pitched down whatever feels right for me [Music] oh man all right so this is what i do i'm a you know i'm a mess when i make music i'm not organized i'm just kind of getting my ideas out i'm not thinking about structure right now i'm not thinking about the the sound quality of anything i'm just feeling the pads and i'm feeling what i'm listening to the main thing for me at least is once i have these chops and that's why again and i like to sample into that because it's sampling into the mpc i already have pads ready to go and for me to start using my creativity and creativity when it hits you your initial instincts it only hits you once so you better pay attention to that first hit you get and make sure uh you lay that down on the npc if you have to or if you're ready for that so right now again i'm just listening to what i recorded into the npc i'm playing it back i'm trying different variations and see what sounds good to me actually you know what i i'm gonna put some drums i'm gonna put some basic uh just like a basic drum loop and then i'm gonna actually start performing different uh you know structures for for my samples so i'm gonna go to track one which that's where i have my drums uh before i go any further i do i i'm gonna name the track i'm gonna name it drums i do want to be organized in the sense of i want to know where everything's at so uh my track drum track one is drums and i gotta make sure it's on my program it's on the zero zero one which are my drums so i'm gonna rename that to drums and i'm gonna listen to some of these drum loops and see what would be the closest to whatever i feel so i like this uh first one that i have right here now again i have my dr uh my session at 85 beats per minute i i want it to be a little slow because the sample is kind of laid back so i want to keep it at around 85 beats per minute i'm not sure if i'm going to go lower i'm not sure if i'm going to go higher but i want to put it at 85. these drum loops are not at 85 beats per minute so what i'm gonna have to do i'm gonna have to either time stretch it or turn on the warp uh function on these loops so what i'm gonna do right now uh on this sample right here which i like so that i'm about to warp i hit the warp sample and right here uh this sample i don't know if you guys can see the name right here but it shows that it's at 90 bpm at first i have to turn on warp and it's already at 90 beats per minute which is good but if it said something else i want to make sure i put that to 90 beats per minute once that's engaged i go back to main and now this should adjust to my master bpm of this session [Music] so if i go up to oh if i go up to 90 beats per minute or 100 it's obviously gonna you know stretch to whatever beats per minute i'm at so i'm gonna go back down to 85 [Music] and i'm going to record that loop and just do like two bars of that loop [Music] all right so now that i have a drum break going on i'm going to listen to the chops that i've made and start performing some ideas just whatever feels right to me so let's listen to this [Music] oh that's bad okay um i think i'm gonna pitch down the sample a little bit more and i'm gonna try to go down to minus two [Music] me all right cool so that sounds pretty good to me i could actually even go down to 80 beats per minute i got a feeling or i feel like it's a little too s sped up [Music] all right so that actually sounds really good it feels good to me what i'm gonna do now i'm gonna add some actual one shots with some drum sounds i'm gonna go to browse and i'm gonna listen to or actually you gotta make sure yeah i'm on my drone program go to browse go to my samples and let's look for some one shots i like the marco polo one shot so i'm gonna listen to some of these i'm actually gonna play back the beat and listen to some of these one shots [Music] all right so i got a couple uh drum samples some snares some hi-hats some kicks but i actually i don't know i wasn't really feeling the kicks i'm gonna go to my splice folder and in splice i have so many different sample packs that i've been downloading throughout the time but there is a specific uh sample pack right here by lo-fi hip-hop i feel i think is this one right here one shot there's a kick in here that i really like i think is this one [Music] me all right so i have a kick and a snare i'm going to add that on top of this drum break uh you got to be very careful with this though because um you could have some phasing issues if you're layering a lot of kick drums or snares any type of drum sounds you could have some phasing issues and they can flop or it can sound a little dry so again right now on the mpc all i'm doing right now is just getting my idea my feeling out so i'm a little messy everything doesn't sound perfect right now which i will do once i export this beat into the sd card and then i put the you know the the stems the audio stems into ableton and then in ableton that's where i start to mix and master and perfect every single hit that i'm doing on the npc [Music] i'm going to do some side chaining using the mother ducker plug-in in the mpc one so i want that kick that i just added to trigger the sample and every time that kick hits i want the sample to kind of duck down so i'm gonna go ahead and do that right now go to main right here insert i'm going to insert a mother ducker input on the kick close now i'm going to go to my sample go to insert again if you guys want a more detail on how i'm doing this i'm going to leave a link somewhere right here showing you guys how i use this sidechain compression so you guys can check that video out let's hear this [Music] me [Music] all right so that sounds pretty cool uh i'm gonna now add some bass to this beat i'm gonna go to track three name that bass i'm gonna add another program and this is gonna be base now i'm gonna go to browse while this program is selected and i'm going to look for some bass now with the bass i'm not sure if this is going to be in tune i'm not sure what key this is in i'm not a musician so i'm gonna just play it by ear i'm gonna try to listen to whatever bass hit is the closest to the sample so i'm gonna play back the sample and listen to different bass hits and see what sounds good [Music] me [Music] me [Music] all right so i got a few base uh hits right here i'm gonna go to program edit go to uh one shot make sure these are all on note on oh [Music] i want to make sure they're on note on so only when i hit the pad then it's going to get triggered and when i let go of it it'll stop now what i'm going to do is i'm going to play back the beat i'm going to find the closest bass hit that's matching the the song's key and any fine adjustment that i need to do to it i'm gonna go ahead and use this semi-tone and fine tone fine-tune right here and just adjust these two until it sounds pretty close to the sample [Music] whoa this one actually sounds good the way it is already i don't think i need to do much to it [Music] me so i actually i like this one right here [Music] so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna select this base uh or this pad which is pad five i'm gonna go to 16 levels and turn that on i'm gonna put the key or the original pad set that to pad six hit close now i have all my that same base uh note on all 16 pads so now i'm going to play back the sample or the the beat and i'm going to do some type of performance or come up with a sequence for the base [Music] me [Music] i'm also gonna add the the side chain compression to the base so i'm gonna go right here go to insert one uh right there select that and listen to [Music] that [Music] me all right so that's pretty much it right there it sounds okay uh there's obviously some stuff that i need to clean up that don't sound too good for me what i'm gonna do is real quick i'm just going to grab that drum break and add eq to that drum break to add a little bit more of sauce to that so it kind of stands out a little bit more so what i'll do is i'm going to track mix go to insert and they actually have some pretty cool eqs right here i haven't messed with all of them but they have this four band eq which is good enough for me here you have your parameters i'm going to listen to i'm going to add a little bit of high end to this i'm going to frequency i'm going to go up to about 6 000 kilohertz leave the q right there go up yeah yeah that sounds pretty [Music] all good that sounds pretty cool uh that's in my sequence one what i'm going to do now i'm going to create like an intro drops into the verse and you know just kind of like structure it a little bit better again you can do this in ableton or whatever daw you're using as soon as you export each individual track as separate stems me i prefer to do it there but you know i'll still do it here right now just so i can show you guys how i'll do the intro and then a verse i'm gonna go to the sequence area i'm gonna hit this pencil go to copy sequence i'm gonna copy uh sequence one into sequence two i can name it something else i'm gonna name sequence two verse hit do it and hit do it so now if i go to main i'm on sequence 2 which is verse but on sequence 1 will be my intro so on this sequence i can go to pad mix or pad mute i can mute the drums and the the bass and just let the sample [Music] play [Music] you made me and then i can go ahead and hit verse 2 copy it to verse 3 or sequence 3. i want to name this i don't know 2 hit do it and on this one right here i can actually go to my sample uh where are you at oh yeah right here my samples and i can change this up a bit you know just so i can you know it's not the same thing looping over and over i'm gonna cut i'm gonna get rid of what i had and i'm gonna do a different performance i can go now to copy and i'm going to name this chorus or a hook hit do it hit do it and go to main i'm on a hook so right here i'll do the same thing i'll select all these notes right here shift cut and now right here i'll do the hook and i'll see what i can come up with [Music] go back to my verse all right guys so that's pretty much it uh i'm gonna stop right there uh usually i would stop right there i have my drums my sample the bass uh just a few little extra things that i listen to i enjoy making these type of beats i have fun doing it this way again doesn't mean that you guys have to do it like this this is just the way i do it uh if you guys have a different way of doing it that's totally fine once i'm done with this i export all these tracks in the visual stems into the sd card import that into my computer and then i start mixing and fixing up clicks and pops that i'm listening to within my speakers so that's pretty much it guys i hope you guys enjoyed this beats and also uh thank you guys for tuning in i hope this came out as good as i think it sounds i'll listen to it i'm going to listen to it later and hopefully this is as good as it sounds to me right now so thank you guys so much don't forget to hit the like button subscribe to my channel i'll catch you guys on our next video [Music] peace [Music] me
Views: 9,494
Rating: 4.964179 out of 5
Keywords: mpc one sampling, mpc one, mpc one tutorial, akai mpc one, mpc live, mpc one sampling from phone, mpc one workflow, mpc live tutorial, mpc one beat, mpc one beat making, mpc live beat making, beat making, mpc one review, mpc one sampling from youtube, mpc one sounds, making beats on mpc, akai mpc one tutorial, boom bap, mpc tutorial, mpc one hip hop beat, akai mpc one standalone, how to make beats, akai professional mpc one, mpc one song mode, chopping samples
Id: hujKF1y3mbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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