MPC ONE - Making a sample based beat!

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zooom hello YouTube accurate again back with a new video from the home studio so the NPC that I have right here is super hyped up in the moment and I'm thinking about making another video where I'm trying to address some of the questions that you guys send me but I feel really creative today so I just want to make the most of that and make a sample based meet on the embassy one so I just want to keep it simple and not get into anything too advanced I just want to make a beat with the sample chop it up put some drums on it and a bassline and maybe something else and I guess I'm gonna put some scratching on the beat at the end of the video as well now first I want to make it clear that I'm using the MPC one and completely standalone mode here it's not connected to my computer of a USB but my ins and outputs are going through my audio interface so that way I can sample from the computer into the MPC one and I can also record the mix down from the embassy into logic together with a mic just to get this video working so let's go and empty project and before I do anything else I'm going to set up my sequencer here 94 BPM and 4 bars and let's browse for some drum sounds here on my SD card kick drum on this pad the snare here and the closed hi-hat on that pad so now we have some drums and I want to record my sample into the MPC one from the computer and this sample comes from track lab comm which is a nice service and a website that I use a lot for getting my samples nowadays whenever I don't really feel like going into my record collection so that's good now this sample is a really long track I think it's about seven minutes so let's record seven and a half just to be sure I heard some stuff from the beginning of the sample that I know that I'm gonna use and I also heard one thing at the end of the track that I want to get in here so let's just do the whole thing so let's arm the sampler and press play [Music] okay and coming into the sampler editor and switching to the sample here we are now let's process normalize okay so now let's go into the chopping and start adding slices and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to use like these individual notes so let's just chop it up I'm just gonna add them wherever I feel like [Music] that's a nice one that point will be used so let's look for that vocal thing I heard at the end I don't know why I just have a feeling that we're gonna use that one so let's go back to bank a again and actually start to try to fine tune my slices a little bit so I have way more slices here that I'm gonna gain for the sample but yeah space is not a problem right now so so let's just keep out of this by shift convert new drum program and here we are cool so now before I get way too intricate put the sample here I want to make sure that I have some drums going so I'm coming back to track 1 and let's turn the template and off like that and turn on the metronome like that and so let's give it a shot well I missed one hi-hat there but I think that's fine let's just use that loop acerous and try to jump over to the sample and just just a few things out okay that's too boring [Music] okay so I really like this one and let's just put that into the sequencer on the first okay I need to make it shorter so let's go into the program edit samples zoom in a little bit okay so then I can fill the rest of the sequence with okay that slice can actually have kind of the same row so this is not how I normally do things normally I try to squeeze as many samples in there as possible at once but in this case I'm building some kind of Foundation and yeah so I kinda came up with a pattern here that uses those a lot but also that s the end of the loop so let's give that a go I think that's kind of cool but I also want to add something more from the sample on top of this yeah I like that a lot but it doesn't need to be cut off by the other samples but I wanted them to sequence first so so program edit master and let's change the polyphony from mono to poly and then put as many sample as possible in the first mute group may be the best solution here will be to actually put an envelope and make it fade out like that and also lower the volume [Music] Oh at the end of the loop in this case this is more let's just use that part of it maybe I want to love it to be a bit earlier okay so I kind of like where this is going so far but I still haven't used the pitch so let's try program edit and master to actually just pitch the whole sample down okay that's too much so as far as the drums and the sample goes I'm actually kind of happy so far but my first four bars but I think I'm going to add something more so let's go for a plugin here and go for I don't know electric okay so an electric Chiara will do for now and I think it's time to connect this one my Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol m32 keyboard with a single USB cable just straight into the embassy now I have keys so let's use this one to try to find some notes that fits together with the sample so I can incorporate something else so I think this C minor chord kind of fits at least for the one and three okay maybe I could go that simple yeah that's just [Music] so maybe you want to duplicate that one octave up we go there now I think that's too much but maybe I should try to add a base instead so another track another plugin and let's go for a base [Music] that's good enough so let's try something like I'm not too sure about this but let's just give it a try okay so track mix track for dough with the volume that's good enough now I want another part here another sequence so I want to copy my sequence from the first one to the second one it's let's go for track tail and actually just erase everything so I'm keeping the drums in the bass and the chords but I'm just replacing the entire track with the chops so let's create a new sequence that's kind of similar but maybe a little bit less energized so maybe I don't need that one so let's just keep it real simple but maybe you should try to incorporate that but maybe a curtain corporate that one on the first [Music] okay I think that's got a cool now the only thing I'm really kind of struggling with hair is the sound of my kick drum I think that needs to be filtered program edit filter low-pass and let's increase the volume and I still have my issues with the hi-hat so let's go into track one with the drums are and let's make some variations to the velocity of the hi-hat that definitely makes a difference and I think I should kind of do the same thing for the kick drum but yeah so again nothing too crazy here just a simple chopped up sample is neat now let's do some scratch [Music] and that's what it is I hope you enjoyed that thanks a lot for watching and also an extra special thank you to everyone who watched my last video which was the embassy live review it's nice to get a look at something exclusive like that sometimes and now the videos been live for six days and it's got around a hundred thousand views already so thanks a lot for that so subscribe comment like share all that stuff thanks a lot for watching again hope to see you guys in the next one until then hug [Music]
Channel: Accurate Beats
Views: 385,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LWwElUkVdB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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