MPC ONE for the Absolute Beginner: How to make a 12 Bar Blues Loop with Drums, Bass, and Organ

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hi guys welcome to my video on the kai mpc one today i'm going to show you how to build a 12 bar slow blues kind of a jam loop that you can play guitar over specifically we're going to create a drum track a bass guitar track and an organ track all with the akai mpc one standalone box we're not using any daw or we're not connecting it to a computer this video is for the absolute beginner you don't know how you don't have to know anything about this just take it out of the box follow this video and i'll get you doing something with this box all right here we go in the first part of this video i'm going to introduce the box to you and we're going to find where the sd card lives and where the internal hard drive lives and we're going to help you navigate around kind of on our way to setting up our 12 bar slow blues jam program here so step one turn it on i'll flash a picture of the front of this box up now on the right there is a place where you stick the power cord in there's an on and off button there are midi in and outs there are some other outputs we're not going to get into but there's a main left and a main right or main left and right output i have this into the left output i believe it's the left it's quarter inch it's going to a little jbl charge 4 speaker i have so we can hear what i'm doing there is a little knob which crazily is placed on the back here it's really hard to grab they should have put it right here i don't know why they would put it back here but that's one way to control the main outs on the front it's really simple there's just a slot for the sd card and there's a three four 3.5 millimeter headphone jack and that's basically it so while i was talking the start screen popped up so when you power up the akai mpc one you get this screen and this is the only place where you can create a new project file so you have your choice you can hit the empty button right here or you can go hit the m the empty button right here empty project so let's do that one and this is an empty project so this is what we're going to be working with there's a project we have to title that which we'll do in a second and then the project contains a sequence tracked it'll you'd probably have more than one track in programs so the sequence is really i mean this is really the song right here in fact i'm going to name that main you're going to attach tracks to the sequence specifically a drum bass and organ track track one two three will be attached to the sequence now the tracks won't do anything unless you assign a program to the track for example the drum track will get a drum program the base track will get a base program and the organ track will get an organ program right and we'll show you how how these buttons work here this is a touch screen by the way so you can you're used to using these it's just a run-of-the-mill touch screen all right so let's talk about folders and files and new files and how to open an old file easier said than done as you'll see so to start this demo let's just let's name our project click untitled it takes you to this weird little in between lan screen i call it can't really do much here but there is an option to hit save or save as so we can hit save doesn't matter which one that will take us to a screen that actually does something so now we see an internal that's our internal hard drive on this it's recommended not to build your project folders on that because it has limited space so they all recommend getting an sd card so if i click on the sd card you can see i have many folders i've been playing with this for the whole month and you can turn this nice little wheel here you can hit the plus and minus buttons move around whatever floats your boat and yep that's how you get around there the sd card by the way here's here's one that i have in there it's not obviously the one i have in there but it's the same thing so i use these uh u3 number 10s they're 150 megabits per second it's a 256 gig so it has a lot of has a lot of space on it so throw that in the slot before you power on so back to our project let's let's make a new folder in the sd card so there is a new folder button hit the new folder button and we'll just call this how about slow blues we'll call it slow blues what's the date today it's what is the date today it's one it's like it's the no it's the 30th 130 21 and click do it and now we just created a folder well i don't see anything where's the folder you have to look up here and you can see sd card forward slash slow blues 1 30 21 that's the folder we just made it lives in the sd card that's kind of how that works so now let's let's make our project file we haven't titled it yet so this is the project file let's title it and we'll tell it the same thing slow blues do it all right now i still don't see it in here so what's the fix for that well you got to hit save so now it takes you to that weird place again well i want to make sure that i saved it so how do you do that you hit save as all right so you can see we're in the sd card and there's our file there's no way to open it which is annoying how do i know it's there let's go to internal let's go back to sd card and let's go find it so it's 130 now we called it slow what do we call i forgot what we called it slow blues slow blues 130 21 double click it just to make sure it's in there there it is okay but there's no way to load it it's because it's already loaded so how do i go back to that project file hit the main button that'll always take you to home base if you get lost hit the main button it always takes you back to our our project okay great so we got slow blues project now we don't have anything here so let's name our sequence we might as well use sequence one let's just name this main how do i name this hit the a button main do it great now our mission is to build a drum track but i want to show you around first so let's save it let's let's save this how do i save the work i've done it's really easy see the salmon color here shift notice that the buttons have salmon writing on the bottom and white writing on the top so if you just click on the button the white writing will describe what the button does but if you click and hold shift now the buttons will function per the salmon color so there's save that's how you save it now how do i open a new project from here well that's not too hard i go to this little folder button right here and then new that's going to take us back to that startup screen which we've seen before and then you can either hit empty project or empty project here and there we go a new project now here's the question how do i open up the project that we are working on that slow blues folder you would you would think you would just hit that but then there's no way how do you get to the sd card and you might think well what if i go save as oh look there's the sd card i can open it from here scroll down to slow blues because i should have named it something easier they're slow blues double click it to open it oh great there's our there's our file there's our dot xpj which is our project file but there's no way to open it ridiculous it's ridiculous so i can't open it there you gotta go back to maine how do i open a file that i've already worked on or folder and a file that i've worked on you have to go to the browse button right here as crazy as it sounds then you have to go to places then i see the sd card go to sd card then we have to scroll all the way down find that slow blues there it is oh now there's an open option so hit the open option oh great there's our slow blues dot xpj click load and now let's go back to home base and yay we got our we got our work product back okay great so the next step i think is to introduce the sequence to you so these are global controls this controls everything underneath it so if i have a hundred tracks that i've created and attached to sequence one this will control them so first let's talk about beats per minute texas flood is a slow blues it's way down there at 50 beats per minute so i can do that or i can double click on that and i can punch it in 50 beats per minute if i want click do it so there's a lot of different ways to to do it but get it to 50. next we have the bars so right now we're going to record a two bar loop and i mean i could do 12 bar loop but this is a simple drum pattern i'm teaching you so there's no sense in trying to go through 12 bars when i can just make one bar and copy it 12 times that's basically what we're gonna do with a little twist to that but let's leave it at four for right now next we have the loop function so this will loop the bars so it's going to start when you start playing it's going to the loop is going to start at bar one when you get to the end of bar four it's going to repeat so it loops if i want to just work on the fourth bar only i can have it loop the fourth bar and we'll still have four beats within that fourth bar and we're actually going to do that in a little while i always mess up i always forget to set this back to one when i'm done working with it and that will mess you up when you're trying to record even when you record it'll stay where you're looping right we already know the a button that's how you name things this pencil is the edit we'll be using this quite a bit so if i want to double the length of a bar this is where i have one bar i have four bars now if i times two i have eight bars if i hit it again i have 16 bars okay times two if i hit it again i have 32 bars so you can half the bar if i have 10 bars and hit that it'll decrease it to 5 bars you can delete bars doing that you can erase the whole track you can clear the track which will take the name off and everything so this is a powerful little area how do i get back to home base there's an arrow there or i could have hit main okay great let's talk about up here let's actually let this play a little bit so we can see this tells you where the play head is this thing moving that's the play head or the record head and it there's four beats in each bar so you see we're on bar four right now bar four beat one beat two beat three beat four it's going to loop back to bar one or actually it's going to keep a loop why did it keep looping oh because i accidentally i didn't hit the loop function so it didn't loop but now it'll loop between those bar 1 and bar 4. so that's really important when we get to the base and the organ that's the only thing we have to work with because you're not going to see this screen the other thing we need to talk about is this metronome so the reason i'm not hearing the metronome now because it's only enabled to come on during record if i hit that and i turn the wheel now the metronome will hear it because it's enabled during record and play okay there's a count in there's a three click count in sometimes there's a every now and then it'll give you a four click count in so there's a little bug in that system doesn't happen that often though you can control the volume by dragging your finger from 4 o'clock to 10 o'clock kind of weird that's the way that works it's set at a rate of quarter notes so every beat you're gonna hear a click beat one beat to beat three the the sound you can change i think stock is this mpc click which is i don't know if you like that whatever i always kind of like the stick there's the output you can change to to whatever you want you can change it to the head or any of these eight outputs we'll leave it on one two one two are the main outs and yeah so we have the setup let's hit close all right i think that's all i want to say let's record the first part of our texas flood slow blues and the first part is going to be a kind of a triplet triple it triple well wait a minute nothing's happening how come well we don't even have a track yet so i can't do anything until we make a drum track so that's our next project so to make a drum track let's name it drum first click track click a let's call it drum click do it got our drum track let's play it nothing's happening how come because we don't have a drum program we need to load a program we can look to see maybe there's a program in here we can turn the wheel but there's nothing in here there's other places to look not just the little square you can look at this little plug that's for plugins and i can look well plug in one what's that well it's a tube synth yeah there's a baseline we'll get to that in a minute but there's no drum kit there you can also look in the little keyboard to see if there's a drum kit no we have to go load a drum kit so where do i go low to kit back to browse again and well isn't that where we have the sd card internal drive yes it is but there's another button that says content hit that and oh look there's a drum these are built into the akai these come with it if i hit drums there's a bunch of drum kits and that that fat kit right there actually sounds pretty darn good so i mean there's other kits you can turn the wheel [Music] [Applause] i like that fat kit let's load it hit load [Music] okay what happened nothing happened no you got to go back to home base so go to maine and let's play the drums still nothing's happening why uh well we still haven't loaded we found the program yet well we loaded it where is it well is it under keys no is it under the plug-in no how about the little square ah there it is there's the fat kit the acoustic kit fat kit now let's play the drums great it works so now let's talk about this drum pad a little bit it's touch sensitive but and it's not just me others have said online it is stiff you got to really smack this pad and you know i almost sent this back until i discovered because i have arthritis in my hands i can't be smashing on this thing there's a very cool button called full level where you can push and now i don't have to hit it that hard all right for some reason you don't want it full power there's a half level it's salmon so we have to hold shift and now it's not quite as loud i prefer it full level though all right so that is that now we got the kit can we now record yes we can so let's talk about these buttons because we're about to record part and we're going to record our drum i mean guys are really good they can record it in one take we're going to use two takes to record our simple drum program so there's a record button that you can push record and play go that's armed it's ready to go all you have to do is push play start it'll give you a three click count in and you go all right i'm not gonna do it yet over so if you lay down a track and you like it but you want to add to it another drum part you hit overdub and it won't erase the last track of the the parts underneath it the last one that you made if you don't like what you've done you can hit record and you can get a fresh slate so that's we're going to use that quite a bit i'm going to make a mistake and just i want to show you something so let's let's do it so the first part of this simple drum track there is a triplet blues has a a triplet feel to it like a galloping horse triple it triple it triple triple triple so let's record that or try to record that and see what happens two three triple lit triple triple triple let what happened so i messed up remember i said i always forget to do this oh no remember i said i'm going to record one bar well i'm recording four bars so let's get rid of that let's put that to one bar and let's try that again let's i don't have i could hit undo to erase that or i can just hit record and i'll wipe everything out clean slate one two three why is it all messed up let me show you what happened go to this tc button so this is time correct this is really important so blues has a triplet feel but it's not set up for a triplet field and do you guys know what timing correct is it's also called quantization or quantize so when you're tapping in a note if you miss the beat by a little bit the computer will grab your messed up beat and it'll pull it perfectly on time so it allows you to create a perfectly perfectly synchronized beat which is good sometimes it's too good but we have a big problem here because i have kind of a four on the floor type of like a dance music style like a boom boom boom boom so you gotta hit this t button now it's gonna have a triplet feel plus if you go to the swing function crank that up to full power that's 75 it'll have even a more like a shuffle feel to it which all my blues has that so that's very important so let's click do it and now let's repeat and do this right so let's hit record i'll erase everything that i did previously one two three triple that triple it triple a triple lit so i missed that last one on purpose but look how nice that is that's a nice triplet beat right so how do i fix that last missed beat well i mean i could just i could just wait till it comes there and go boom and hit it in like that but that's no fun let's stop it let me introduce this little hashtag function or the grid function so let's click on that so now you can actually see where the open hi-hat notes have been placed and you can see we're missing one right there so let's explain how this works by default you're on this little magnifying glass so you can blow it up you can drag it around and you can also put a note in there by going to the pencil now i can place the beat where it's supposed to be let's hear it why it makes it big like that i don't know how do i get rid of that couple of different ways i could hit the undo button it's gone how do i put it back i could hit redo is in salmon i have to hold down shift it's back another way to get rid of it is to erase it see the eraser right here click the eraser erase it it's gone how do i get it back undo that last move that's back another way to get rid of it hold down the erase function and click it when it gets there okay gotta just hold it down only at the spot where you want it removed let's undo that now it's back okay let me show you the drag function so if i click this little square i can grab this and drag it around okay let's put it back where it belongs great let's shut it off all right the next thing we need to do is well let's get rid of that annoying metronome click so let's go back to home i can go to the arrow or i could have hit main let's go back to metronome and now go to enable let's we don't need the metronome going when we're playing back because we have the we have the hi-hat going click close and now if i hit play that's gone great let's put in the kick so the kick is going to go kick kick snare kick kick snare kick kick snare if i wanted to if i didn't feel like putting it in i could go back to the grid and let's go let me see here let's see if we can put this in i'm not very good at this but let's just try it just for fun let's give this a try so i know that it's going to be a kick kick snare so let's try to put in a kick here kick and then a kick i think it goes here kick kick and let's just try to do the kick let me see what that sounds like actually we can let this loop yep and then the snare is going to go right here i think great now let's do it again i need to i need to pull it this way and let's do the same thing kick oops so now i need to put my pencil back so it should be a kick right here here and then a snare right there great so that we could do it that way you don't want to do it that way well let's erase it do it another way drag it back over here brace tool we can do it old school overdub play start here we go kick kick kick snare kick kick snare kick kick snare kick kick snare got it okay great so that i mean that's pretty much it that's our simple pattern let's go back to home base now let's let me show you how to manipulate the overall volume so you could do it here with this controller this will control the track this first knob here this upper knob that's one way whatever track that only controls the track though i could also go here to this triple horizontal bar and go level i can control it right there or i could go to track mix and click see the acoustic kit right here and i can pull it down now when you're in this program this button doesn't work okay now the next question let's go back to home base now how do i control the individual members should work now how do i control the individual members of the kit like let's that open hi-hat is way too loud i think it's annoying how do i control that this is an important one pad mix pad mix it's salmon hold down the shift great and now you can see there's the kick snare and there's that annoying hi-hat let's click on that let's turn it down let's turn it off great i'll bring it up a little and that i'm going to show you a little a little thing you have to be careful so i've accidentally more than once i've accidentally hit mute here and then i've without knowing it i went back to the main page here home base and then i realized hey where's my open hi-hat and i'm like there's no indication that something's muted if you go to the triple horizontal bars there's no mute button that's lit here either if you go to the track mix there's no mute button here either so you have to go back to the scene of the crime so the scene of the crime or the accident was the pad mix so shift pad mix ah look there's the mute and you can see the red mute on there as well just click it all right so that's pretty much how to make a very simple drum beat but now the problem is well it's only one bar long so we want a 12 bar looping type of a deal here so even better than that when i'm playing guitar and practicing i like to know where the the fourth bar ends because usually in blues the key changes at the end of the fourth bar so let's turn this into a four bar how do i do that and then we're going to add something to the fourth bar to tell me that okay the key is going to change but first we have one bar how do you go to four bars click the pencil times two button so how many bars you have i have one bar i'm gonna times it by two one times two is two bars let's go check yep two bars let's go back i have two bars two times two is four now i have four bars let's check i sure do so uh at the fourth bar the fourth beat i want to put this in just one of those to let me know okay the fourth bar is here maybe uh okay so let's do that how am i gonna do that well let's overdub let's record over the top of what we had so here we go and now three and go so this doesn't come into the fourth bar fourth beat i can wait around or i can loop the fourth bar so click start on the loop function let's loop that fourth bar now watch what happens see it's in the fourth bar it's looping which is great if i'm in the first bar this is a very cool wheel right here the second the second knob down i can turn the playhead and fly around even in record it doesn't do anything so let's put it in the fourth back to the fourth and let it loop so i know this is the fourth bar so let's put in these toms here one two three great two three great let's put some snare in there too three that should be able to tell me that a key change is coming so don't forget to put this back right we don't want it looping anywhere else let's check it out and see if that actually worked so there's okay now we're back to bar one let's see what happens in bar four or beat four nothing because i only set it i only dubbed it in on the fourth measure fourth bar so we'll be coming right in a minute here comes two three right here very cool okay now let's copy those four bars and make a 12 bar so click the pencil we have four bars in there four times two with the times two button that's eight let's go check to make sure eight okay eight times two whoops that's too many isn't it that's sixteen all right so now i got too many bars now what do i do go back to the pencil delete bars there's only one sequence make sure you're in the right sequence though there's only i will only ever use one sequence what bar do you want to start the deletion bar 13 what bar what's the last bar you want to delete all of them just keep turning the wheel so bar 13 14 15 and 16 are going to be deleted when i click do it let's go check we should have a 12 bar looping blues now sure enough and if you want to fool around with this and make it a little more interesting we can we can over dub let's overdub something in here make it a little more interesting maybe a crash symbol every now and then so here we go maybe oh i don't know how about on the third bar first beat i mean you can play around i can make that symbol way more interesting too and put some 30 second notes in there i lost track of what i was doing but throw it in the seventh bar okay so basically we're done with our our drum part or drum track so great now let's put in our bass guitar so we need to put in a new track so let's go to tracks let's go to num find an unused track i mean we could put it number 13 or wherever you want but it makes sense to make it the next one so let's name it how do you name it this little a button base b a s s click do it great so let's play the bass what happened well the acoustic drum kit is attached to the base track so we so we need to find a bass track well where is one we can look under here we can look under plug-ins well there's a plug-in one but that's we already looked at that that's a synthesizer how about the little keyboards no there's nothing here where do we find a bass track well let me show you the stock ones first so go to browse just like we did for the drums we're in the stock drums that come with the mpc one there's instruments that goes go to instruments and there's a baseline right there so if we click open the baseline and then load default it'll load all these xpl all these different programs and we can go play with those i think that was already loaded actually by default but let's go look and now we have no that's what we had the plug-in one was the tube synth we looked at plug-in two is the baseline great um so let's play the bass well why is it sound so weird because you can't play the bass where you play the drums you have to go to something called notes so if you're taking notes this you want to write this down this is an important place click shift it's salmon click notes now let's play that stock base all right i mean that's that's not the greatest we can go back let's go to main is there another program if you go to if you go down here to presets well there's the thump one and i haven't even played with all these the thwack let's see what that sounds like so let's go look at that under notes again is that what's it yeah it kind of thwacks that i guess those are kind of lame if you ask me so i actually went on the internet i wasn't happy with those so let's go back to brows so i went to a website i'll put up right now and i purchased a mpc expansion pack and it's got some good bases in it they're under expansions and actually these i haven't played with these too much but these come with the mpc one if you register it it's kind of a pain but if you register it you can download these after you go through a bunch of hoops i bought this electric bass program right here and these are pretty loud so let me turn these down if i remember actually they're turning down too much okay there's [Music] all right so let's just throw the first one in here doesn't matter load it up and let's lay this down to help our our jam track let's go see go to home base and let's play the bass well there's nothing there how come well i didn't assign the program to the base track so let's go find it is it in plugins no is it under this drum track thing no there's the drum track though how about under the keyboards yes it's under the keyboards there's the bass the astro bass clean remember we can't play it here we have to go to notes shift notes now let's play it [Music] all right so that's a base so let's play now how do we record this in there so you can't piece this together we could go to the grid and we could program it in that way but i prefer just to play go right through the 12 bars and play it and program it in that way that's the easiest way for me maybe you can leave comment below if you know a better way to do it but let's let's overdub it now because we've started a new track we don't have to overdub we can hit record to because this is a brand new bass track and let's lay it down here oh let me stop let me make sure that i have the octave set correctly and the key set correctly and let's actually go through this for a minute so it's on chromatic by default we can go to notes and it gives me three octaves [Music] so it's easier for me to play it if it's in chromatic i mean it's it's your preference i like it there chords doesn't work for the organ it works the chords do you just hit a chord in it but for the bass it doesn't sound good i just leave it on chromatic but you can play with it we're going to do this in the key of g i mean you could do it in any key you want but here's a very important right here's get your notes out write this down this is the root note and blues is one four five most of them there's the four there's the five oh sorry there's the one there's the four there's the five you've got to make sure they are in the right octaves so you always want to make the one the root note here and see start on the root it says and there's different options but it's by default start in the root so you want to get that as low as possible so there it's too high i mean i can put it up at three octaves it's so high i can't even register anything so you want to make this as low as possible until it's too low it'll say zero after the key like a0 or g0 too low i need to go up one octave and now i have it just right [Music] okay great let's let's lay this down so hit record it's the very first take so don't worry about the play head here that's going to snap back to zero when i hit play one two three [Music] okay simple as that let me stop it now on the ninth bar i messed it up on purpose so we can fix it so let's play it let's go check now use the second wheel down to speed around let's go to that ninth bar and see where i messed up i think i hit that note by mistake that's wrong so how do i get rid of that since it's a wrong note it's really easy go back i don't even have to be in record or overdub [Music] i just need to hold a race down hold that wrong note down it's gone let's check it great now this note needs to be in there so let's go back again actually i need to go to overdub now to record that node in i could go to the grid function to do that let's do it here let's click over dub play it's gonna take me back to bar one but i'm gonna speed all the way up to bar e and fix it that was the note right there [Music] the rest of it is perfect so yeah the bass track is down [Music] uh let's go let's go back to home base uh we could transpose this now watch let me let it play if i hit transpose let's say you don't want to play in g anymore i can take it up to g sharp okay take it up to a i can take it down to f i can't go too far because if i go further then notes don't come out so let's leave it in g [Music] so that's it the base is in now how do i adjust the volume of the drums and the base well we kind of know how to do that so we can go to this little triple horizontal bar thing and now the base track is here so let's say we don't want it that loud you can click on that just lower it i lowered it too much [Music] i like it full power that's fine i can mute it could solo it through the headphones i can panic where else can i do this you remember the other place where else can i adjust the volumes right here track mix i like this better actually so where is it there's the acoustic kit there's the base kit right there so i can mess around with it here all right okay so let's go back to home base that's it let's put a organ tracking now when we're done all right let's do the organ track exactly the same way we did the bass track so go to track find an empty track it's organ let's name it organ the track three is empty organ oops see the the touch pads the c plus b minus it it misses a lot so you can't type too fast great click do it all right there's no organ in here let's go or i mean you could look you can look through the same places i mean there's drums we can attach anything to this but let's go let's go find an organ track hit browse i mean we could have used some of the synth the the instruments we could have put electric in there or tube synth you can play with those i bought an mpc expansion down here vintage organ sounds which kind of expensive but it's got some nice sounds this is the one i have to turn down because it's loud oh it's not um i turned it down too far didn't i [Music] oh i guess it's not that loud there's one called the rock organ i really like this rock organ there it is right there it's got a long little demo but um let's load that hit the load button [Music] great let's go back to main and let's play the organ well we gotta load that we got to put the program to the oregon track so let's go find it is it under plugins no it's under the little key the mpc button that little keyboard thing oops what did i do there we go um what did i do don't know what i did let's find it where is it there it is let's play it why isn't it playing well it's because remember it's under notes so hold down the shift key go to notes let's hear it seems like these keys aren't as responsive i don't know if it's the program but this is definitely more finicky than the base program set the key of g same thing set the octave okay that's too low keep the root note as low as possible now the chord function if i go to chromatic chords that's kind of cool let's see there's the four there's the one there's the four five [Music] i mean i could just put that in there if i wanted but let's do a little more fancy let me go back to chromatic and let's lay it down how do i record this now it's a new track i can hit record we're gonna put it right over the other tracks hit play start one two three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] all there is to it okay i didn't make any mistakes on that one but if you did you would fix it the exact same way we did the base let's go look at it though let's go to back to home base let's look at it under the grid see what it looks like and let me show you a little oh i guess sometimes it doesn't show up but it's not showing up is it you have to hit the up arrow and hit the grid again and then it comes back so there's a little bug in that i went to the kind of the zoom function and we can see what it looks like you can zoom it and the controls work if i want to drag something let's drag this one out of here so i messed that up so let's get that back where it belongs let's see did i put it right [Music] see it's off a little let's blow that up see if i can drag it back a little bit better there we go all right well i think that's pretty much the story i mean we have our 12 bar blues our slow blues we put in a drum track let's go see it there's the drum track we put in a bass guitar track and we just put in an organ track and yeah we made this and i think that's probably enough so i hope this video helped somebody out there some newbie like i was not too long ago and as i said a cut there is no manual for this standalone box akai makes a manual but that's for the software that you can put on your pc or mac it explains that and that's not even very good so i have not found any instructions on this at all there's a couple youtube videos for the beginner but they're just not complete so i hope this finds a little niche and i hope people like it see in the next video
Channel: Just The Blues
Views: 15,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MPC ONE, Beginners, make, create, drum beat, bass, organ, newbie, Akai, make a beat, Beginner, Douglas Gillard, Dr. Gillard, Professor Gillard, Tutorial, lesson, instructional, Akai MPC one
Id: bTgdOJ7Ssmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 36sec (3216 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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