MPC 2.10 Update Demo & Tutorial

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[Music] [Music] mpc has now been updated to version 2.10 in this video i'll show you how many of the new features work and there are many audio examples included to get you excited about this superb update before i get into this video i'd just like to thank all my current subscribers anyone who follows and supports me on social media all my current patrons on patreon and anyone that's been kind enough to donate to this channel if you'd like to become a patron of mine please head over to forward slash tubedigger each week i upload a new sample pack npc expansion or project file and associated assets i'd also like to thank anyone who signed up for my new mpc masterclass video course all videos are produced by capturing the mpc touch user interface or tui in full hd much like this video if you're interested in the npc masterclass just head over to forward slash npc masterclass for more details if you decide to take the course please use the following discount code to receive 20 off that code is mpc master class 20 all caps and i'll put a link in the description and details of that down below also there are three versions of the course the basic version which includes 27 videos covering all the basic information setup guides and more the standard version which is currently at 37 videos and includes dedicated boom bap and aim and break modules the premium version is the same as the standard version but includes over two hundred dollars of sample and expansion packs currently for sale on my website the course is also ever expanding so please get involved now because as the course develops over time so will the value and therefore the price if you'd like private lessons with myself over zoom skype or google hangouts please contact me at tubedigger for more details so personally i had no idea that akai would provide us with all that's included before version 3.0 if indeed they continue to develop the npc up to that version number so what's included in npc 2.10 four new plug-in synths that run in both controller mode and standalone mode eight new air insert effects including three vocal effects air half speed which is an effect similar to the halftime vst by cable guys a stutter effect and a dedicated limiter which i've tested and works brilliantly on finished tracks for mastering purposes there's also two new acquire effects one of which is the granulator which is excellent for glitchy and experimental music and is also available as an xy effect not only that your mpc hardware now supports class compliant usb audio interfaces enabling you to switch from the internal audio of the mpc and utilize up to 32 inputs and outputs simultaneously depending on your audio interface specifications key group programs have also been updated to include portamento which enables us to glide between notes but first of all let's take a look at the new drum program editor which has been given a substantial overhaul and includes a dedicated pitch envelope and eight new drum effects per pad so each of the six pages and subpages within program edit have been substantially upgraded and modified so you'll notice now on the master page that we can adjust the pad layer behavior that's to say we can change the pads playback mode within this window when previously it was in the lfo modulation page so you can see here in the middle that we can set the layer play back to cycle velocity or random and we can also change whether it's one shot note on and the new addition note off let me just explain what note off is if you press a pad and then release it the sample is triggered upon release so previously we just had one shot a note on so that's what note off does so this feature might be useful if you're in a live situation and you want to press a pad wait for a particular beat to kick in or something to occur in your live set and then release that to trigger that actual sample at the current time i can't think of any other useful application for that but it's basically allowing you to manually delay that sample before it's triggered upon releasing the pad with your finger which could lead to some interesting results as said particularly in a live situation so the simultaneous play and mute target options are still on the main page but obviously their orientation is different now our parameters are now in columns as opposed to rows as they were previously let's now go to the samples page and you'll notice that now we've got four sub pages for samples when previously it was three so let's start with the first page where we can see our waveform that's loaded into a layer so there's a couple of things that have changed in here you'll notice next to the semitones just to the right of it we've got a key and you can see that it's showing the key that that sample is in now this is just a kick drum but this will obviously work much better if you're loading in a musical sample and if we adjust the semitones you can see that will also adjust the key for this particular sample and they're all color-coded the next thing on this page you'll notice over here towards the right is that we've now got this tail feature so on pad one i've got a kick on pad two i've got another kick on pad three i've got a snare and on pad four i've got another kick i've programmed a short hip hop boom back beat let's take a listen to that [Music] so you'll notice the snare drum has got a bit of a click at the end of it and there's a bit of a gap when we play the sequence [Music] so let's deal with that first there's our snare so to improve the click and the gap we can use the new tail feature which is here on the samples page so you can see it's currently set to off let's apply about 900 milliseconds of tail so what this does is apply a short loop at the end of a sample or wherever you set the end point so with 900 milliseconds applied this is how it sounds now [Music] you can hear that really short buzz and that's because we've got the tail start set to a really short value of four milliseconds let's increase that to 200 milliseconds so without being in note on mode or applying one of the loop modes this is looping our pad but it doesn't loop in the same way as looping the actual pad itself if we press and hold this sample it will still fade out based on the values set here and here [Music] so i'm holding the pad now and it just fades off however we've still got that click and that's because of our end point so if we bring our endpoint to maybe a smoother section and now trigger the sample this is how it sounds [Music] and now we get a really nice smooth loop which is going to fill that gap [Music] so let's take a look at the second or should i say first subpage of the samples page so this isn't much different as it was before we can assign our samples to the different layers on the left here we've got our semitone or semitune controls fine tuning level and pans so this is the same as it was before as is this page where we can again assign a particular sample to our different layers we've also got our offset parameter here so if you're not too sure what offset does if we move this slider into a negative value and trigger the sample it will be delayed if we move it into a positive value it's going to play this sample from a position away from the start point it's essentially just doing what we would be doing here with the start point [Music] so this last subpage for the samples page in our program edit pertains to randomization so over on the far right we've got a depth overall that we can add and we've got different parameters that we can randomize so as an example for this kick drum i'm going to increase the amount of pitch randomization for it so if i trigger the pad back now it's going to play this pad at various different pitches so this is the amount of pitch randomization this is the overall depth for all layers so if we take that down nothing happens if we put this all the way up to the top any layer that has got this pitch randomization or level randomization or pan or offset that will occur so again if we choose offset this is going to give us different random offset values [Music] again if we bring that down maybe bring the pitch down this will occur a lot more subtly and it's just useful for making your drum sound a bit more human and realistic and if you wanted to get rid of the click off of a kick drum as an example you could just go to your amp envelope which is the next page we're going to take a look at and just slightly move the attack forward so you get that randomization but the clicks that are being caused because it's obviously offsetting here from this offset value it's going to take away that click by adjusting the amp envelope so let's go back to that fourth page the reason that cutoff and resonance and decay and attack are here that's because these parameters apply it to the entire pad so we don't have a filter for each and every layer on every pad we've just got one filter per pad that's why these parameters are over here but these are all obviously independent for each layer as you can see going across but these ones apply it to the entire pad so if we add some cut off now this kick drum is going to do this let's now go to envelopes and again with the envelopes we've got two additional pages that have been added because of the way things have been moved around in the drum program editor so the first page is your amplitude envelope on the side now we can control our pan and level for the pad so we can control that here just in case we want quick access to that and over on the far right we've got our velocity modulation so the different things that our velocity can control so velocity is always going to be at one two seven by default and that's basically what determines the amount of volume that we hear based on the amount of pressure that we apply to the pad when we strike it we can also use velocity to modify the amplitude attack [Music] so the less pressure i'm applying to the pad the smoother attack we get the more pressure i apply the harder the attack and the same goes for panning we can pan the sample based on the amount of pressure that we apply so the more pressure you apply you're going to get more of the sample appear in the right speaker and the less pressure in the left speaker and the same as before we can change between attack decay or attack hold decay and sustain but you'll notice we also get these two red dots which allow us to modify the actual curve which is nice so we can really sculpt our envelopes now so this is the same for all envelopes so the other two envelopes that we've got are the filter envelope and the last envelope which most people are going to be really excited about is that finally akai pro have given us a pitch envelope so this is going to be really useful for people making those pitch sliding bass lines that we hear in a lot of modern trap music these days [Music] let's now go to lfo which was previously lfo modulation now we get this huge view of our lfo shape so we can select the waveform or wave shape and scroll through those and get a nice graphic view of that here is our rate obviously and at the bottom we can choose different sync rates and again our display of the lfo shape changes to reflect those different values so it's a shame that they haven't updated the destinations that we can apply the lfo2 sample start would be one of the most obvious ones to lead to some really interesting results so a bit more of an in-depth lfo modulation matrix will be quite nice for a future update so basically this is just giving us a bit of a larger view of what we had previously because it's on its own dedicated page so there's nothing else that we can really do in this page let's go to modulations and again these are as they were before they're just on their own separate page now so we can use velocity to control the start of the sample filter cut off filter envelope attack filter envelope depth our pitch and this is obviously per pad so we're currently looking at pad 11 so you can see for pad 2 our velocity is controlling our amplitude which we could set in the other page so let's go back to the envelopes so you can see that's here as well so let's bring that down and go back to modulation so this is just the same parameter shown on a different page so if we go back to envelopes you can see it's here so let's set it at 67 go back to here 67 so that's the same parameter just reflected on two different pages uh amp attack pan and we've got our lfo destinations here as well so this might change to accommodate additional parameters so i can't guarantee this will look exactly the same because i'm working off a beta version before it's released to the public so i do apologize if any of this changes but i'm giving you this information up front just so you know mostly what to expect but the reason i'm saying this might change is there seems to be a lot of doubling up or wasted space for other things that could potentially be on these pages maybe it's just because it's quick access to things that you might want to mix and match all on the same page just to make it more convenient let's go to the effects page now we've got some new additions to this so previously this was just one page we had our effect slots and at the top of the page we could load and save but now you can see we've got this additional folder here which are factory effects racks so these are basically effects chains presets so let's just click into drums and percussion let's choose distorted drums and you can see it just populates our effect slots with different effects so this is really handy if you've set up a nice effects chain in one project you can now save this effects chain so if you press the disk symbol it will save a new effects rack to wherever you want to save it now this folder in the middle i believe allows you to load one of your own user effects racks so we save them with the disk icon and we load our own with this icon and we load the factory presets or the akai presets from that icon other than that there's nothing else different on this page but you'll notice that we've got a second page for our effects so this is where things get quite interesting as well you can now see that we've got eight drum effects so these aren't insert effects these are dedicated drum effects for your pads of course you can apply them to any samples it doesn't have to be a drum sample so let's go to the top left of the screen and tap where it says ring mod and that will bring us up a list of all the drum effects that we can apply so for the snare drum i'm going to apply the soft clipper which is in this second slot now you have to be careful with this because it really boosts the sound quite considerably even at a low value so this is how it sounds without this applied now i'm going to apply what i believe is gain i'm not too sure what this parameter is but i'm going to assume that it's 1.6 decibels of gain [Music] and that's compared to this when it's set off [Music] so that's the snare let's deal with the kicks now so i'm going to press pad one and i'm going to use this effect here which is base e wide so i'm not too sure what the e refers to but if we increase this to about five decibels you can really hear this kick drum thud now and i'm gonna also do that for the other kick drums on pads two and four so now the break sounds like this so some really simple things that you can apply it to your drums or any other sample to really enhance them this is just obviously one example using drum samples but if we double tap in that box you can see all these effects that we've got that we can apply obviously you can apply those to bases and pad sounds and voices for different effects but i've had a play and they do really work well on drum samples the last feature that's been added to drum programs is merge programs so it seems at this point we can only do this with drum programs i might be wrong but from what i can see it just pertains to drum programs so if we just take a look at my first program here it's called drums one and i've got a kick clap and hi-hat assigned to pads one two and three in pad bank a and we can see that a bit more clearly by going to the pad mixer and you can see that i've got a kick clap and a hi-hat so they're the only sounds that i've got in this drum program let's go back to the main page and let's select our second program which is drums 2 and again i've got a kick i've got a snare and a hi-hat on the same pads so let's go to our pad mixer and you can see that [Music] on those three pads let's go back to the main page and now let's merge these programs together so let's press the pencil icon and now we can press merge programs so you can see that it says from program drums 1 into program drums two but this won't actually mix the sounds from drums one into drums two it will actually create a new program so we can choose to take the first three pads from drums one and have them start on pad bank b of drums two or in our new program but i'm gonna uncheck that i'm also gonna check make current program so we can see our newly created program straight away so let's press do it and you can see now that we've got drums 2 and drums 1. so if i go back to my pad mixer you can now see that we've got 6 sounds going from pad one to pad six [Music] so from pads four up to pad six or four five and six are the first three pads that we originally had in our drums one program once again if we press the pencil icon and press merge programs let's do the same thing again but now let's choose start on next bank once again if we press do it it will create a new program again so we've got drums 2 and drums 1-1 now and if we go to the pad mixer you can see we've got our first three sounds which were originally in drums 2 and now we have to go to pad bank b to access the three pads from drums one so it's just two different options that we've got there of where we actually mix those new sounds into our new program so it retains our original programs if we want to keep those but it just creates a new program as you can see in these two different examples key group programs have also been given an upgrade so if i switch my track to key group programs press and hold menu and press pad 14 and go to program edit you can see that the key group programs have also been given a facelift in the same way that drum programs have so i'm not going to go through all of this but basically the sample play modes have changed to give us this new option for note off as we do have with drum programs now the samples pages have been given this extra page or the fourth page for randomization envelopes we've got three separate pages for those for amp filter and pitch we've got the enlarged and separate page for lfos but the biggest upgrade to key group programs is the addition of portamento so this is something that a lot of people would be very pleased to see and have been asking for for quite some time for the new generation of npcs so portamento if you don't know what it is basically allows you to glide from one note to another so we can glide up to a higher note and we can glide down from that note to a lower note and that's all based on this time parameter in the top left hand corner so you can see it says portamento and time so let me put that to zero and this is the 808 sound that i've got loaded it sounds like this if i increase the time parameter to something where we're going to hear this maybe 50 53 you're now going to hear the notes glide likewise it will do the same thing but it will glide upwards now we can also quantize that so this doesn't seem to be tied to the time division that you can set either using note repeat or your time correction menu so it doesn't seem to be tied to anything like 16th 8th or 32nd notes etc it still seems to be based on this and also if we've got quantize switched on this is still showing us a value from zero to one to seven it's not showing us a value like quarter notes or eighth notes or sixteenth notes so with quantize set this is how it sounds now [Music] and obviously the higher we get the slower that's going to be and if we decrease that that's going to be a faster glide that's quantized [Music] so you can hardly hear it at 26 let's put it back up to 40. [Music] so you can't really hear it step there it's only really when you get around 50 or 60 you can start to hear its step [Music] so that's the latest and probably most appealing addition to key group programs we can now glide our notes with portamento and if we go to the effects page that's no different other than we've got the insert effects racks which i showed you in the drum program section of this video another excellent effect that we've been given in npc 2.10 is an acquired professional effect and not an air instrument's effect and this is the granulator this is a brilliant effect for glitchy and experimental music and it's kind of similar to a eurorack module that some of you might be aware of made by a company called mutable instruments and that's called clouds and it's basically a texture synthesizer so you can throw anything at this and turn it into something completely warped and different but for this demo i really struggled to think but so [Music] oh [Music] let's now take a look at one of the newly added vocal effects which is found in the vocal category of your insert effects so let's just drop that down and you can see we've got air vocal doubler air vocal harmonizer and air vocal tuner so let's take a look at air vocal doubler so a similar effect can be achieved to the vocal doubler by simply adding the same sample to different layers on a pad and then slightly offsetting the pitch using the fine tune and offsetting the panning for those layers but obviously we've got this automatically set up for us if we use the air vocal doubler and we can choose a total amount of eight voices we've got a stereo spread control so obviously at zero that's just going to be centered [Music] and the more we increase that the more width we get with that effect [Music] so the lead volume is basically your source sample so if we take down the doubler volume and get rid of the lead volume we're not going to hear anything so this is the dry signal basically and if we increase the doubler volume with lead volume all the way down we just get the effect [Music] we can increase the pitch of the doubling effect so you start to get some weird and not so aesthetically pleasing results as you go into the higher values for the pitch so i prefer to use this quite subtly with maybe 30 maximum [Music] so it gives you that kind of chorusy flanger type effect let's now try the air vocal harmonizer now this is the most interesting one for me so now i'm going to play a demo which utilizes this and i've actually automated some of the parameters in here which is basically switching off these four different pitches that you can set for the different voices [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] another new insert effect by air instruments is air diode clip this is an excellent insert effect which can do some really magical things to snare drums giving them this really crispy and crusty sheen [Music] [Music] [Music] so next up is air stutter which as the name suggests is a stutter effect which can produce some really glitchy results [Music] wow another great feature is now we've got the ability to use a class compliant usb audio interface to vastly expand the current limitations of the standalone hardware's physical inputs and outputs so if we go to menu preferences and go to audio device you can see at the top of the screen we've got the option to change from the internal audio device inside your npc hardware to any class compliant usb audio interface that you've connected to your mpc let's click on the screen to come out underneath that you can see it says 32 inputs and outputs so depending on the amount of inputs and outputs your particular audio interface has we can utilize up to 32 inputs and outputs so if i check that box it says are you sure you want to restart your mpc this will make 32 inputs and 32 outputs available if you're in the middle of a project and we press restart it will ask us if we want to save the project otherwise we can just press restart the mpc restarts and we can go back to menu preferences audio device and now you can see 32 inputs and outputs is checked likewise if we uncheck that again it asks us if we want to restart the mpc and it will make four inputs and eight outputs available so that's pertaining to the mpcx because out of all of the current npcs it has the most inputs and outputs so it's basically just saying it will revert it back to using the internal audio engine inside the mpc hardware so let's press restart and our npc is back in its default state using its own internal audio device the transport controls have been given a small but useful upgrade now if we press and hold shift and press stop our sequence will go back to the start in a stopped state so if i press play on my mpc it will play through if i press stop it will just stop in the particular position that i've stopped at let's press play again it will continuously play through and if i press and hold shift and press stop it will jump back to the start of the sequence in a stopped state so this is quite handy if you wanted to edit something at the start of your sequence and not have it play through again which would previously occur if we press play start because that's really the only option we've got other than to use the locate menu which you can see is highlighted towards the top right middle of the screen and we'd have to just roll this back anti-clockwise with our data wheel so even if we use our data wheel now we can roll that up to maybe bar 7 press and hold shift and press stop and that will go back to the start of our sequence in a stopped state another useful feature that's been added is undo history so if you press menu and go up towards the top right of the screen and press on this small clock symbol you can see now that we've got an undo history list which will allow us to jump between undo and redo states rather than being in a particular npc mode and have the npc jump between those different windows and thus not really know what we've just undone or redone so if we press on the screen you can see the red line jumps down and that's basically showing us everything that we're redoing so if we press redo that will just jump down and if we press undo it will jump back up and just give us a better visual display of all our undo and redo operations we can't select a particular operation by pressing on the screen and undo it or redo it it's literally just jumping between them sequentially as you can see so we can undo and redo from here all in one page and not jump between all the different modes of the mpc we've now been given four additional plug-in instruments so if we double tap in the plug-in area here now i am in controller mode but these do work in standalone we've now got hype which was previously found just on the akai force we've got a melotron emulation an arp odyssey emulation and a selena so i'm not going to go into every single page and subpage and parameter of each of these synths to install these just follow the instructions from the download page on akai pro's website [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] wow [Music] um [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no no [Music] no [Music] me [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Tubedigga
Views: 39,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mpc 2.10, mpc 2.10 update, MPC 2 10 Update Demo & Tutorial, mpc live, mpcx, mpc x, mpc one, mpc update, mpc live update, mpc x update, mpcx update, mpc live 2 update, mpc live 2, mpc live mk 2, mpc firmware update, mpc 2.10 tutorial, mpc granulator, mpc vocal effects, mpc plugins, mpc solina, mpc odyssey, mpc hype, mpc hype synth
Id: -_QdC4PTHoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 19sec (2839 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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