MPC ONE - Sampling Vinyl Drum Break And Making Kit

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the NPC one has a built-in sampler and it's very simple to plug your turntable into the MPC one and sample drum brakes to make a drum kit so in this video I'm going to take a record record a drum break make a drum kit now I want to show you how I'm gonna do it go ahead and check it out what's up my name is Matthew helping you create music on this channel I do setup videos tutorials and overviews on how to use musical gear so if you're new here consider subscribing now in this particular video I'm going to show you how to take your turntable put a record on it and go ahead and sample right into your MPC one now the kind of sample I'm going to use is going to be a drum break and it's gonna have some drums on it that we can actually isolate take those drums and you know make a drum program out of it and this way in the future we just want to load up a drum program really quickly we can do that and we have one on standby so I want to show you how to do that right now if you look at the MPC one here I have a blank project loaded up and I just renamed it you know for the show and this is an episode of Matthew creating music so I just renamed it but everything else is blank right here we have a drum program drum program 0 0 1 by default this is loaded up into every single new project so I'm simply I'm going to use this drum program to load our sounds into now once you have your project loaded up what you can do very simply is press sampler it's going to take you over to the sampler once you're in the sampler there's a couple things you need to make sure that you have set up right here you need to make sure you have your correct input setup and this input is 1 & 2 so I have the turntable to plug directly into the MPC 1 you know into input 1 & 2 and I'm able to do this because this turntable has you know a preamp built into it so there's a preamp built into it there's a switch on the back I put it online so it's going to send a line level signal out into the MPC you want inputs the NPC 1 inputs are line level ok and then once I put those in I set right here in the back there's a knob I set that knob you know to an appropriate level for the turntables now if you want to see more details on how to set this up I will link a card in this video so go ahead and check out that video on how to set up your turntable with the MPC one once you have your input set up another thing to know is the max length so this max length needs to be long enough to include the entire drum break that you're going to record into your MPC one so if it's not long enough you're not going to get that whole drum break in there and you know it's just going to be annoying you're gonna have to try to record it multiple times just make sure that this max maximum length okay is set to a number that's good enough to record the drum break so right now I have it set on one minute by default I think it's at 20 seconds so just be aware of that and if you want to monitor what's going on you know with your sampler right here there's a monitor button so this way I can monitor the record as I'm sampling it okay and what I want to do now is put this needle on to the groove where that drum break is so at the beginning of the drum break now I already have a song selected here and you need to make sure that you pick whatever you want you have it kind of sorted out before going and doing this so I already have mine sorted out I'm gonna pull this over now this is an automatic turntable this is the audio technica ATL P 60 I'll leave a link in the description if you're interested in this turntable this way you can get an idea of the exact turntable I'm using here but what I'm gonna do now is drop the needle okay it's gonna drop it on there I'm gonna hit arm [Music] here's our drum break so I'm gonna go ahead and record that in there when I'm done I'm gonna push stop okay now once that's done recording what I want to do is go ahead and go to sample the sample editor but before I do that I want to go ahead and rename it right here so I'm gonna name this what it is so you can't really see it but here's the record I'm using okay so I'm just going to name it something similar to what the record actually is and what the artist is alright and then I was going to name it break just for times sake now once that's in there I'm not going to assign it to a program but what I am going to do is go in to where it says edit that's going to take me over to sample edit now once you're in sample edit the first thing that shows up here is trim so this is kind of the trim tab within sample edit we're going to be able to trim off the start and end all right so I can get rid of some of the silence and some of the notes at the end that I don't want using trim mode let me show you how to do that so you'll see there's a green flag here this is the start point if I move this cue link by default these are on the start point and then Pat tune is going to start playing the sample Pat they'll are the sample playback at that start point so right there now I can move that anywhere on here so if I wanted to move it further down I could do that and then once you have your start point setup you could set your end point so if you go over here press qlink again it's going to make it to where you could change the end point so this is probably pretty good so what I'm doing is I'm just trying to get enough in there to have enough of the drum hits that I can actually select which ones I actually want to put in my drum kit so when I get my start and end point selected processed and then the first option here is do card so it's gonna discard everything before the start point and after the end point we got a nice clean sample here now the next thing you may or may not want to do is normalize it or adjust the gain I'm going to normalize it so I'm gonna go in here and select normalize do it it's just going to make everything as loud as you can be without clipping so here's what we have cool so now we excessively recorded a drum break into the NPC one we trimmed it so you know there's not too much going on we got pretty much a good number of drum hits to select now we can go in there and chop it up so I want to show you a simple method to do this so once you're done with trim if you tap trim again it's going to take you over to chop now you can manual chop it I'm not gonna go into that right now I'm gonna press threshold so right next to the manual its threshold now I've found a good starting point with threshold it is going to be 50 on your threshold and then 100 on your mid time and that's usually a pretty good start point and then you could kind of mess with it from there okay so there we go 62 threshold I think that's looking pretty good alright so once you get that chopped up what you can do is start selecting parts so you know this threshold basically put a bunch of flags on here so right here is a flag a flag a flag all the way up to 18 different flags now each one of these Flags represents a slice so you can scroll through your slices like so so my box is around that slice and then I can scroll through them now if you go all the way to the left that's going to be the whole thing now if you scroll through them 1 2 3 4 all the way up to 18 hey have you finding value in this video remember to give it a thumbs up below it's going to help this video get seen by those who might want to see it also consider sharing it you know you know it's about sharing information helping each other out so if you think this video can actually help somebody consider sharing it let's go ahead and get back into the video these individual slices can be assigned to your program now so remember that program zero zero one so we're gonna use that program zero zero 1 to start putting these slices into and then basically you just pick the ones you want to put into that program and build your drum kit so let's go ahead and do this thing let's really do this thing come on y'all so basically I'm gonna pick a kick maybe a couple kicks a couple snares a couple high hats let's do it let's do it right now so let's go to pad Bank a so if you just start tapping the pass you got a hi-hat snare kick alright [Music] there's a really loud snare I like the way that sounds there's a kick it's a kick another snare there's a closed hi-hat there's an open hi-hat so I got it closed or we we got a open hi-hat closed hi-hat get a kick got another kick and a snare so I think that's gonna build the basic drum kit so let's start with the kids all right this one sounds decent so what I'm gonna do is actually I'm gonna zoom in on that because right here at the end a part of that next sound it started you know starting to come in so I want to make sure on the NQ link so I'm gonna pull that back a little bit that sounds pretty good so we got kick and we got kick now I am going to mention this just because if I don't mention this there's gonna be a million comments about it if you press shift right here at zero snap so anybody who's wondering where's your snap is there's your snap all right I'll explain that if you need me explain it I'll explain it to you in the video but I just know from the past if I don't show you where that is we're gonna get a million comments about how MPC doesn't have zero snap yes there's zero snap in there okay all right so um I am gonna bring back the endpoint of this hi-hat as well and right there and on this snare pull the endpoint back you notice i'm using this one here to pull it back to so it's pretty pretty nice how you can use all these different things to your advantage so that snare sounding good that kick sounding good that kick it actually almost sounds too similar but that's okay I'll customize the sound of it later that snare got an open eye on closed hi-hat so I'm going to assign the kicks now so I wanna sign the kick that's right here on this one you know slice seven onto a pad so let me show you how to do this so we got everything sliced up we got our slices we want now we need to assign these slices into our program so this kick right here I'm going to push shift convert then I'm going to go over to where it says assign slice to a pad pad 80012 program right there that's the correct program press to do it and assign that pad to that program I want to sign this one now all right I'm just going to do this all at once to pad a zero five so that's the second kick I want to assign the snare I'm going to press convert I'm gonna put it on pad a zero two for us to do it and then I want to assign the open hi-hat convert I want to sign this one over pad a zero three pets do it and then which one all right closed hi-hat excuse me I don't know what that was hi all right I'm gonna sign this one over to pad for press it alright and then I might pick one more snare [Music] maybe this one right here bring that input yeah let's assign this one so I'm going to convert this one over to pate zero six so we got a couple snares at you from a couple kicks got a close eye out in the open hi-hat and I'll probably pick this other I have just so there's some you know things to choose from go ahead and press to convert put that on pad a zero seven do it done everything's assigned so let me show you what we actually did I know we went kind of fast you can go back and re-watch what I did but let me show you what I actually did here so if you go to main make sure that program 0 is a 1 is selected so we got program zero zero one Pat Bank a got a kick got a snare got an open hi-hat closed hi-hat kick and snare now I need to switch these I'm messed up I mess up I apologize I'm only human which so I'm gonna do is on the switch D slices so if you go to program edit if you come over here you can select your slices so like this slice on pad for is sly 16 I can actually change it just slice 15 so you see slice 16 here I'm just going to pull it back so now that's going to be an open hi-hat and then I'm gonna go to pad a 0 3 I want to put this on sly 16 that's going to be a closed hi-hat okay there we go so now that that's done the next thing to do is to sign these high hats to a mute group so over here is LFO modulation here's where your mute group is so select pad with the high hat so this pad has the closed hi-hat I want to put that on pad mute group 1 open hi-hat is going to go on pad you Group 1 ok this other closed hi-hat is going to be on pad mute group 1 so now all three of these high hats are on one mute group and that one mute group is going to basically cut off any of those sounds so when I play in open hiya and then in closed hi-hat that closed hi hats gonna shut off that open hi-hat so it's like it's like you're clamping down on the hi-hat so you got to think in terms of an actual drummer with a actual real drumset it sounds like so that's kind of what I'm doing here all right so what I'm gonna do now is kind of adjust the tonality of these kicks so if you listen to this that's a nice good punchy kick on pad one the same with pad five but I'm kind of gonna customize pad five so over here is filter envelope I want to add a low pass on that kind of you know flatten that pad out the sound of it kind of low fly it a little bit on that one not too much that's too kind of taking so I mean that Chris penis out of it all right so now the last thing to do is kind of set the levels of everything so I'm gonna go to main I wanna tap this eyeball I'm gonna go right here so right here you can adjust the levels of each individual pad so kick is good snare needs to come down so I'm gonna pull the snare down it sounds pretty good snare sounds good this hi-hat sounds pretty good I'll probably want to bring it down a little bit for now bring that one down and bring down one down so now let's go ahead and listen to our drum kit right now so I think this kick needs to be opened up a little more go back to program edit this should sound good so now let's listen to it oh yeah so there we go nice sound and drunky so the last thing to do is to go to main tap right here on this pencil icon rename this whatever you want to rename it I'm just going to name it drum kit maybe I'll name a drumkit Bobby H alright that supposed to be Bobby so Bobby H then what I'll do is I'll save this program so check it you can save this you can save this wherever you want by default it takes you over here just save it to somewhere you'll remember it I do recommend saving it on an external so NPC one so I'm gonna save it on this one I suppose and then I want to make a new folder I want to name this folder programs ok and then press do it and then new folder and I want to name this one kits so maybe like drum kits do it and then in this folder I'm going to go ahead and just push save so it's gonna save that drum kit into that folder so now at any point of time in any project I can load that kit up so that could be like a go-to kit just so I can have something in there right and then so whenever I'm working on any beat if I just want a quick drunk drum kit load up you know what I mean I can just load up this kit booyah that's how you go ahead record a drum break create a drum kit and save it on your MPC one if you enjoyed this video remember to give it a thumbs up share it if you found it helpful you think it might help somebody go ahead and share it and you know subscribe while you're here and if you want to see more videos like this click or tap the screen over here it's gonna take you over to a playlist it's going to contain more videos about the MPC 1 and videos like this so you know maybe I'll help you out my name is Mathew continue creating music and we will talk soon thanks y'all
Channel: Matthew Stratton
Views: 46,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MatthewStratton, MatthewCreating, mpc one sampling, mpc one sampling from phone, mpc one sampling tutorial, mpc one sampling vinyl, mpc one, mpc one akai, mpc one beat, mpc one sampler, mpc one standalone, mpc one tutorial, mpc one workflow, akai professional, mpc live, akai mpc, akai mpc live, matthew stratton, chopping samples, mpc live sampling vinyl, mpc one sampling drums
Id: wDwkp8NxbrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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