Mpc Live Vinyl Sampling from start to finish (Drum Programs)

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in this video I want to show you how to sample drums from your vinyl into your MPC live and make drum programs check it out all right welcome back to the video so the first thing you need to do is go ahead and make sure your turntables plugged into your MPC live so if you look up here I have my ATL LP 60 it's an automatic belt driven turntable it has the faux no cables that come out the back of it and if you go into your MPC live here so let me go ahead and show you that if you look right here we got phonon inputs so you go ahead and plug your turntable right into those inputs and once you do that you make sure this switch right here is on Fano and you make sure your record volume is at a decent level and you've set those levels in your MPC live using this knob right here alright so go ahead and plug those in right there all right and go ahead and plug your speakers or whatever you're using the monitor in and I got my power cable in alright so now I'm just going to go to an empty project so whenever you start an empty project it automatically starts a drum program here so I'm going to rename this drum program vinyl chop-o one okay so that just renamed it for me and then I'm going to go to menu sampler so now I'm in the sampler alright so from this point you basically want to make sure your levels are set so you don't want your levels too low and you don't want your levels past zero in the red up here so if you're in zero into the red is going to give you like a red line and you're gonna know that's clipping and it's going to get distorted alright then you want to set your inputs right there I'm going to pick input one and two and then you would pick mono or stereo for the sake of this particular video and example I'm going to record the record into mono this way the files just take up less space in there and there's nothing I really need on the different channels right and left channels all the drums are pretty much centered on this particular recording you want to monitor it you can monitor it right there all right so now once that's all set you're going to push arm right there and that's going to start the recording once it starts to getting an input so whenever I push monitor there that basically enables you to monitor to input through your headphones or through your speakers so let's go ahead and push play on this and go ahead and get the levels here all right I've already pretty much set the levels but I just want to show you what they look like so when I hit play dares on my turntable it's going to go ahead and push start you're going to here right there so you could see the levels are pretty much right on the edge there all right I'm okay with that you just don't want them overly clipping and you don't want to like way down here at negative 30 all right you want a nice strong signal all right so another important thing is make sure your max length is long enough to include the entire drum break so this is set to 1959 so that's the maximum amount so I'm just gonna stop it manually all right so now we got the level set we're ready to go ahead and record this sample I'm going to arm it okay I'm going to go ahead and push record okay and then I want to start the turntable it's going to put that into position there all right and then I only need a couple seconds of it if you want to go ahead and I fish in it get audition it here but there was a lot of silence at the beginning of that sample I'm sure it came out good so all I want to do is save it you know we just name it whatever we wish okay and check this out I'm gonna go ahead and put that on that final chop I don't want to sign it to Bank B pad one keep it so we recorded our drum sample into the MPC live so that's all a step one right there okay getting the sample in there and I want to say that this is just a way to do this this is the definitive way to do this everybody has their own way of doing it I'm just showing you one way to do this for this particular example I'm going to do it this way so the sample is in there it's in the MPC so if I go to menu right here sample edit or I could tap right there sample edit you can see all that silence there okay so the first thing it takes you into right here is trim all right which is actually a good thing because now you can trim this sample you can get rid of all that empty space there okay and I want to show you this if you go to your cool link right here on the last one you can actually zoom in using that cue link which is what I like to do you see what I mean now that sample is right there you could kind of zoom in right there on your start point okay get it pretty close you can get it pretty close to zoom in on your endpoint now you saw when I touched the end point I was able to zoom in on it let me show you that if I push start I can zoom in on the start point if I push end I can zoom in on the end point you can set your box here as well and that's gonna take you to start our end point and if you're on the start point you can use this data dial to kind of go ahead and move that start point but if you do min the more you zoom in the more detail it's gonna be so if you zoom all the way you can see right here it's moving by samples of too okay but if i zoom out it's going to move by much larger increments see all right so you can basically get that pretty close now I want to show you this as well if you push this zero snap it's going to snap the start point to where the sample the wavelengths on this middle line here that kind of keeps it from popping or making any glitches like that so if you want to listen to that so that's the start point instead of this where you got a bunch of empty silence all right you can see it's playing alright it makes it to that so I actually want to cut some of those points off on the end there to zoom into that yeah I think that's pretty good I think that's all we need for this example so let me go ahead and get as close as I can to that last little section there all right it's like the start point zoom back in make sure we're pretty close there pretty much right on the money there so now what we could do is go to process and now we can discard the beginning in the end so you can see discard trash bin trash bin do it it gets rid of those beginning and end parts that we were not using so now this is the entire sample all right so this is much more manageable alright we're not using that whole sample and taking up all that room in the RAM we're good to go okay so that's what we got there all right so we got our sample recorded we got it trimmed so now if I tap right there we can go to chop all right if you just want to be super lazy about it we could go to threshold you can see it puts the chops automatically we can go to shift we could go to convert and we can you go ahead and make a new program that way all right I don't want to do it that way because when you do it that way it doesn't always get the transients where you want them or need them it does pretty good but you usually have to go in there and kind of slightly change them so what I want to do is add slices manually so check it out okay so we got here we got a start we got our end I want to add a slice you can see it changed that s too old one I'll show you that again right now we got a start point it's one sample we got the start point we got slices on all right here all right and that's pretty much our only option here you can see it says slice all so when I add a slice you can see slice positive it changes it to a one you can see all went to slice one okay so we got all and slice one now now all right so let me go ahead and do this change this little playhead here add a slice move the playhead add a slice move a playhead out of slice playhead add a slice with the playhead add a sliced me to playhead out of slice move a playhead at a slice so now we got eight slices for the eight different little drum hits that are in this particular break all right and then you can see right here I have all the slices linked so I can unlink them or I can link them so for this particular example I want to link slices all right this way whenever one sample starts and ends wherever it ends the next sample is going to start this way we can get as much of that sample in there as possible okay so now we have these options okay we got all and then one through eight if we go to all that's the whole sample there and then we go to slice one two three four and you can see how it selects that slice whenever I go through here okay so when I show you that I want to go ahead and go back to one Suman on one the start point should be good on one because we already trimmed it I'm going to go to the end point okay zoom in pretty good dear and then whenever that one ends number two is going to start all right so here's the first sample [Music] all right so that's the first sample so that's pretty good dear I'm gonna go ahead and tap the second one all right so whatever that one ends the third sample is gonna start so someone right there is probably good number three now we can hear the next sound starting to come in so I definitely want to bring this back so I'm going to go ahead and make sure my boxes on the end right there and turn the data dial back that sounds pretty good right there I think all right so this is for alright so you'll notice if I just leave that on the endpoint I could just change the endpoint boom boom five just change the endpoint so then six sounds pretty good seven it sounds pretty good and then eight see what what a start point is on a [Music] alright so that's pretty good we got all our shots in there pretty good there's no weird clicking and I'm going to go ahead and use all of these samples with a strong program alright so we have eight slices to start and endpoints are right on point we could go ahead and make this into a program now or basically assign these slices to the program we already created all right you can see when I push it we have a few different options so I'm going to go ahead and select slice one so I can do that select slice one or I could tap the pad right there alright so a lot of drum put programs are set up a certain way we got a base kick and a snare and a hi-hat basically its Nair and hi-hat I'm going to go ahead and kind of use that format for a basis of this program now you can see right here if I went ahead and converted this to a program pad one is gonna be a snare drum instead of a kick alright so what I'm gonna do is go to shift convert alright we got a few options here so I want to use the same particular program basically what I'm going to do is go assign slice to pad alright and so what I want to do is add it to pad 2 right there where snares are do it so now when we go to main final chop and when I tap that pad that should be a snare and it is so that's exactly what we were looking for so now we got empty snare C so if we go back to menu and sample edit alright let's go ahead and pick the second sample or the second slice so we got our slice 2 which is another snare now that particular snare of what I want to do is make this strip right here of pads snares because there's four different snares in this break alright so that's a good snare but let's find a kick so we got a snare there Tom snare kick hi-hat kick snare all right so we got two different kicks you can hear one's kind of flatter and one's more accented that's kind of flatter that one's got a little bit more of a kick to it so I'm gonna make snare and bass drum one a little bit more mild so I want to use this kick so if it goes shift convert I'm going to go ahead and put that kick on pad one sign sliced a pad one do it so when I go to main we got that right there so wheel back to menu sample edit okay then I want to put a hi-hat right here I want to put it on that path so we got to find not hat which is right there so I'm gonna go to shift convert pad three do it so got that going alright so now I'm going to go ahead and go back to my sample edit now I'm going back and forth like this so I can show you that I'm actually doing something you don't really have to go back to the main every time so basically now we got our bass snare hi-hat so I wanted to do bass and snare right here so so I actually do one slice five to be on pad five so I'm gonna go shift convert a sine slice to pad five do it alright then I'm going to find a snare I think this snare is kind of brighter and more accented alright so the first kick and snare [Music] I kind of flattered and then my second kick a snare you can hear a brighter because basically they have a hi-hat in there and there's just more accented so what I'm going to do is use that second one go ahead and go to shift convert that six do it so I got my bass snare hi-hat bass snare alright so I have three more samples I haven't used these two snares yet so I'm gonna put these two snares up here so that way this row is all snares okay so I'm gonna sign this one shift convert that 10 do it and then this last one shift convert at 14 do it alright I so basically we have all the slices loaded now the last one is this one our Tom so I'm going to go ahead and put it right there so I'm gonna make sure I have that pad selected shift convert put it right there do it okay so now I should have eight different sounds loaded up in here so one two three four five six seven eight I want to put this on full level so basically we got a full drum kit going all right so it sounded pretty good so the next step I think is just to kind of fine-tune it a little bit all right so if you listen to this hi-hat right here you can hear the hi-hat but there's also some kind of like clicking underneath it that was in the actual song we could kind of edit that a little bit if we didn't want that there so if we go to menu program at it it's gonna take us over here we can go to filter envelope right there I so we can kind of edit this in a couple of ways the way I'm going to choose is to basically if you look right here if we got the amp envelope we got an attack we got a decay so when we tap that and then we can move this back so I'll move it back all the way it shortens that sound up so basically we can mess with this until we get it to where we want it so if you keep tapping it so it sounds a little bit cleaner [Music] now you can see that I brought it back all the way and you could still hear that click it's subtle but is there but if I actually wanted to kind of get rid of it completely I could tap right there and then I can mess with this pulled it to K back now when I make it that short you really can't hear it five so that sounds pretty good but what I want to do is I want to copy that pad over so whenever I hit copy right there brings up this window here so I can tap on there put it onto that pad do it so now I have that I had on two pads all right so at this point they pretty much sound the same but I'm just gonna mess with the cutoff filter here and the filter here so what I'm going to do is change it maybe to a high-pass cuz I kinda just want to get a different sound so I have two different sounding high hats all right and I'm gonna pull the cutoff back a little bit kind of opens it up and then I'm going to push the Rezo up alright and there's a certain point you know just put it up a little bit right here now you can hear that this I hats a little bit lower this one's got a little bit higher sound to it that's just to get you know kind of a different sounding hi-hat in there alright and then we got our kick drum here now you can hear at the high hats in there as well I could kind of fill that out off a little bit so we got the low pass on there and then I could pull the cutoff down pull it down you could already hear the difference think right there's pretty good and then I'm also going to mess with the amp envelope here so it kind of fades off a little smoother I think that sounds a little bit better think I sounds pretty good right there that I want to mess with this this one right here this snare going to do the same thing kind of filter off the top a little bit so it's not so bright and as well I'm going to mess with this decay right here on the attack decay envelope I'm just gonna pull the decayed back [Music] maybe pop over to this one [Music] [Music] now you can hear the drums are now a little bit shorter a little bit punchy or sounding now of course this is all user preference you could filter these things out and mess with the envelopes however you - but I'm going to keep these as is for now I what about this one maybe put a little bit of filter on that make it a little bit flatter sounding all right this one is well I'm just gonna pull these decays back a little bit this one as well and this one [Music] all right so I'm just trying to give you an idea of a way you could kind of shape your chops up you don't have to use just those sound as is you could kind of filter it you could kind of mess with the amp envelope you could actually put effects and stuff in here if you wanted to you could layer them up but for right now I'm going to go ahead and keep this as is so here's basically the sounds so what I want to do now is basically I got all the sounds how I want them to sound so I'm going to go ahead and flatten the pads so you can you see right here there's a square and then there's a arrow pointing down tap that it says flatten pad alright so I can select whatever pad I want so I can select this kick alright and then I can put an audio tail on there I don't need an audio tail but if there was like some reverbs or delays I could put a audio tail in there it's gonna leave it as is I want to name this kick final one do it and now whenever I click do it here you can see how all these have changed back to normal but the pad still sounds the same and then another thing that happens if you look over here the sample is only that long now this sample is only that sound but if I tap over here that pad actually has that entire sample so whenever you flatten a pad it makes a new sample so whenever you flatten a pad it does a couple things basically takes that slice and makes it a stone sample and it takes your filter envelopes your amp envelopes anything that you do to that pad and it converts it so then you could go and that's what your filters again and do whatever you want and keep you know shaping your sound how you see fit all right so what I'm going to do is go ahead alright you can see the decay and the filter cutoff are different so whenever I flatten this pad I'm going to name this snare line one do it alright know seconds on the tail alright and then I'm just going to do it okay you can see it reset the cut-offs back to 127 decays back to but the sounds exactly the same so I could do the same with this hi-hat right you can see the amp envelope so I'm gonna flatten the pad I'm gonna name this hi-hat final one do it do it boom everything's reset alright and then if you come over here alright you can see now these three samples are shortened and then these three are still the original chopped right there or the original break alright so what I'm gonna do is just keep flattening out flatten [Music] [Music] I said this is the last sample here going to put Tom vinyl all right go ahead and do it ice I know everything is flat so now keep in mind we still have that original sample over here and you can see that so if we ever did want to go back and make different edits to the original sounds we have the original source material right there within the program alright so now that everything's flattened I want to go ahead and normalize everything alright so if you go to menu sample edit click in there go back to the top go to the first sample here so check this out if I go to shift if I go to processed alright I can tap into here when we got different options ok and you can see right here says normalize select normalize click do it that's going to expand that hi-hat you can see how loud that high that's gonna be now really loud alright and then I'm going to do that with all the samples so right there shift process do it and you can see I didn't have to select normalize that time it was already there so it kind of makes a process pretty quick alright and just go through all boom process do it process normalize do it process normalize do it see what I'm saying you just keep going right there rolling process do it process do it process do it alright and this is the original sample so all the sounds have been normalized therefore when we go back to main and play this program everything's gonna be really loud alright so as we saw all the sounds were normalized so they're at maximum velocity so let me just show you this you can hear how ridiculously loud everything is so if we go to menu here and then we go to the pad mixer you can see pad mixer go into the pad mixer everything's at zero still so we can go through here and very easily select our pads and set our levels so if I tap right there where that kick is it's selected here so all I have to do is turn the data dial okay and kind of bring the level of that down same with the snare same with the hi-hat alright so if you listen it's a lot better right bring it down and even more on that alright so you can always go back later and kind of change these levels if you like so I'm just going to go through and change all these levels now [Music] and if remembered this one was really quiet so I'm just going to back it off a lot and then we got our Tom right there bring that one way down so you got [Music] you can see it starting to sound pretty decent now now if you want to really take it a step further you remember we went ahead and made it mono we can actually tap in here and set the pans for some of these because if you think about a drummer okay we're like this so the I hats are gonna be panned like this or like this it's they're gonna be more on one side or the other and your toms are gonna be going around like that I'm not really going to deal with that but just to show you can actually do that from here so if you select that hi-hat tap in there I could pan it over [Music] [Music] all right just to kind of give you an idea that you could actually do that from here all right so now that we got our level straight we can do a few more things here if we go ahead and go to menu and we tap right there that's gonna take us to our pad colors we got it on classic velocity by default what I can do is kind of change this so whenever you load up a kit you might want to have your drums of certain color your snares are certain color your high hats are certain color this way you know you can kind of train your brain that those sounds are related to one another all right and you can pick whatever you want I'm going to go ahead and make my kicks green so to do that I can you know pick these options here I can get do bright velocity let me go ahead and click that bright velocity I could tap green tap my kick tap my kick so those are gonna show up green right there alright if I want my snares blue tap blue I tap all those pads so now all of my snares are blue all right if I'm one of my high hats orange I hat I had all right if I one of my Tom's red tap red tap the Tom and then if I wanted to I could go back to my B bank and just put this a color this way I know that there's something so I know that that sample is on there whenever I load it up alright so there you go you got your pad colors laid out so I'm going to go ahead and go back to me so here's this program vinyl chop-o one this is what it sounds like [Music] all right so here you go you pretty much at this point have a complete kit you have a complete program so what you can do is if you tap right there you can see we can't save current program so I'm going to tap that that's gonna take me over here to my internal programs I can stave it dear which is fine if you want to have like a backup but I would recommend saving it to your SD card or something of that nature I got my SSD in here so I want to tap into that I want to tap into my programs I want to tap right here and to my vinyl programs okay and then you can see right here I could name it whatever I want if I wanted to change the name of it I could do that but for now I'm going to just save it vinyl chapo one tap in there where it says save alright so now I'm gonna be able to recall this program in any other project that I load up all right so if I go to shift browse alright if I go to here that's actually a shortcut to my hard drive so I go there it's gonna take me to my hard drive I could go to my programs final programs there it is vinyl top oh one you can see I have the program selected here but if I select that that's gonna show me all the different samples in there so I could actually take these samples even and load them up into different programs alright so that's why I went ahead and flattened all the pads like I did it's going to go ahead and enable you to pick these sounds and put them into any drum program that you want and then if you look down here we still have that original source file ok says vinyl one right here so that's the original source file we can bring that into any program that we want to in the future alright so if I tap load ok says the samples exists I can replace them so if I go back to Main I said here we go I'm going to go ahead and record a basic drum sequence so you can see that you could actually record with your drone program alright so there you have it a twosie recording vinyl into your MPC making a drone program and sequencing drums alright so I am working on the video series and basically what I'm doing is starting from nothing and showing you step-by-step how to use the MPC live so if you click the card right here that's going to take you over to that video series so you could go ahead and start from the very beginning and learn the basics about the MPC live if you are new to it this video is kind of an intermediate video that series is going to start you off completely at the beginner level ok so go ahead and check that out and if you enjoyed this particular video go ahead and give it a thumbs up below remember to subscribe to my channel click the bell icon and you'll be notified whenever I come out with new videos all right I'm definitely going to do more videos about the MPC live and to all of my subscribers and all of my supporters and everybody who leaves a comment thank you very much I do appreciate it I do enjoy reading the comments if you guys weren't watching the self there would be no reason for me to go ahead and upload these videos I would just learn it and make music on my own but I appreciate that you guys can actually watch this and learn something and kind of you know leave some comments about ideas and different comments about the MPC live so thank you for that all right cool my name is Mathew continues to create and I'll see you in the next video peace you
Channel: Matthew Stratton
Views: 55,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MatthewStratton, mpc live vinyl, akai mpc live vinyl, mpc live drums, mpc live vinyl sampling, mpc live drum program, how to sample vinyl with mpc, akai mpc live, mpc live, mpc live sampling, akai mpc live sampling, mpc live drum machine, akai mpc, MatthewCreating, mpc live 2.3, mpc live drum kits, mpc live drum programming, mpc x, akai professional, standalone sampler, mpc live tutorial, how to make beats, mpc live standalone, mpc live vinyl chop, akai pro
Id: vLUJX4GilxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 14sec (2054 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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