Da Drank Kang - 3 Basic Techniques for FLIPPING SAMPLES - MPC X beat making

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what up guys this is your boy DCD aka the drinking purple world entertainment and you are live inside the dungeon palace studios once again thank you guys so much for clicking on this video thank you guys so much for supporting the channel I really appreciate all you guys out there and take your time out to view the videos thank you so much as always before we get started let me shout out a few the new subscribers that have subscribed to the channel popping up on screen right now you'll see these guys just want to give you guys a shout out and make sure that you guys know that I really appreciate your support if you have not done so already please hit that subscribe button join the family also hit that Bell notification that way you guys can stay up to date with the content that I'm gonna be posting today I wanted to make a quick video and show you guys my way of flipping samples now I know I've looked on the internet and I've seen a lot of guys that have videos on chopping samples but very few show what to do after you chop the sample and the techniques that's involved and flipping the sample so I'm gonna take you guys through three basic techniques that I was taught when I first started flipping samples and I wanted to know what was involved in doing that it's some very simple techniques and pretty much if you use these techniques on your flipping sample skills then you'll be able to always come up with something to start your beats off with now by no means do I stick to this method sometimes I deviate from it just to get creative but these are just three basic ways that you can kind of get an idea of how to flip your samples so I have a sample pack that I'm gonna dive into something catches my ear will drag it into MPC software and get this thing rocket so without saying too much let's jump inside the sample pack and see what we got going let's do it alright my people we are live inside the MPC software again with the sample pack this is the one that we're gonna be taking a look at called chill hiphop the deepest cuts we're gonna take a look the instrument loops because that's obviously where the melodic content is and that's what we're gonna use fire samples so what we're gonna do is just kind of cook around the knees see if we can get something that catches our ear if it does well drag it aside and see if we can start rocking with it let's see what's up with it [Music] [Music] it seemed like it has a bunch of all residents type of sounds you know probably we're gonna get something to kind of a lot of background it didn't add our own melody to it that seems like the vibe that I'm getting from this kind of like some low fire vibes so if we can't find like a melody or something that will end up pulling the one of these sounds and just create like a background in an atom mentally a melody to it so let's just keep going and see we can find [Music] with this guitar son it seems like the one that we're gonna rock with has a nice melodic feel to it [Music] see if we can do something with that I like the tone of the sample it's really nice so I don't think I'm gonna pitch it down or up kind of fits a nice little groove so I'm gonna keep it the way it is in my ear it sounds like a G mine or our be mine or something like that but we're gonna check that out just to see later on all right I'm gonna show you guys just a few ways on how you can flip your samples I know like I said a lot of guys speak about how to chop samples and how to get them this way you get them prepared to be flipped now these are just basic techniques they're used in sampling as I said by no means that this have to be the main way your sample but these are just a few techniques that I found that helped me out that way I can get a sample running very quickly even if I don't know exactly what I'm gonna do with it I implement one of these techniques and one of them always works for the sample so the first one we're gonna show you is just plan the sample as a drum pattern you have to look at these sample chaps as out as as actual drums let's say for instance pad one would be my kick drum that's my kick drum and then pad 2 is my snare drum so I can play it like I will play a drum pad and I will play a drum pad and if I do this if I pick out these two pads and pick out these two pads and pick out these two pads and these two bands I can kind of go use those two pads as drum patterns so check out what I'm talking about [Music] boom kind of like I'm playing a boom bap type style drum but it's with the samples so I'm gonna show you exactly what I'm talking about when I lay this down over the metronome watch [Music] so that's just the first method of how you can look at trying a sample you can pick out just two pads that kind of have one has a kick drum type of feel one has a snare drum type of feel and you pick out just those two pads and you get pick out another two pads and another two pads and you pick out four sets of those pads I have two here then I have that's the first bottom row then I have on the second row of pads so that's my two and if I play them both like a kick in a snare just go all the way down all the way down the pads then it's gonna kind of give me that rhythm and it should make up something with the sample and let's erase it and I'll do it again I'm gonna play the boom boom but I'm just gonna play those two pads up and down the dance [Music] so if you get really really good at laying down kicking snare patterns then you'll get really really good at this technique because you're gonna follow that same exact pattern they're kicking a snare pattern okay what are the next ways of flipping a sample just to use effects on the sample and something like a delay effect works well so here's our track here this is our sample track let's label that okay oh two nails and this is where we put our effects for this entire program these effects are gonna affect all of these paths so let's go it on and pull up an akai delay effect the internal akai delay sync and that should work well so let's pull that up and now when we hit a page you should hear the delay effect okay so we're gonna turn down the drying whip which means we don't want to delay to play too loud we wanted to kind of come in very very soft and then we're gonna keep the time let's keep it at 1/4 that should be okay and then we're gonna take the feedback down to about about 20 as we don't want it to trail a lot okay so now we have our sound our effect on our sample let's work with just those eight pads again two two two and two for kicking our snare now we're gonna use those same eight pads but we're only gonna use the first pad and the fourth pad the first pad and the fourth pan and I'll show you how we do that we're gonna let the delay Kerry fill in all of the all of the other pads that we would use so with this delay method all you do is you take one pad [Music] so that's pretty much how you do this this little it's a little trick here so I'll show you what that song like over the metronome you can kind of pull up the lid and set it to where to how you want the feedback to kind of fill in those sounds right now the feedback is just a little bit short so we're gonna increase the feedback here from 20 to about 30 and then we're going to play it and the feedback should fill in all those gaps [Music] all you do is she was one [Music] and you let the actual decay filling where you would put in the other pants and then every now and then you can throw another pad in there so I'll show you lets you erase that every now and again you can throw just a different pad in so if I was gonna do it again I'm gonna just put a different pad in between my stops [Music] [Music] but you get the idea this is just letting a in effect carry your sample for you you hit it one time and then you let the delay carry out to fill in the rest of the that notes that you would normally play in and this is a very common method used in flipping a sample if the sample is too busy all you have to do is find two or three chops put an effect on it and then let the effect carry out the rest of you your your sample ok the next way that I'm gonna talk about is kind of like a random method now what makes the random method different than the first two ways is that if you notice the first two ways keeping theme with how the sample is if this sample was played with if you listen to the sample before and then you did it you flipped it the first two ways you would still be able to tell it's that sample you know because it kind of follows the same exact way the sample or is you're just going up the past but you're pretty much going but you're doing it in a drum pad [Music] just--how playing drums would be but this random method is a method that's used when you want to just pick random slices and flip the entire sample to where it may not be recognizable now this sample is pretty simple so the random method may not work on this sample I'm gonna try and come up with something just to see if it will work but the random method is usually used when a sample has different sounds in it this sample is pretty basic over and over but when a sample has different sounds and it different kind of things in it then you can pick out random chops in that sample and make those chops fit to where the sample kind of flips itself completely and now you can't even recognize anything in the sample as I said this isn't a pretty good example because the sample just kind of loops over and over in the same manner but we're gonna still find some random paths that we can kind of piece something together together with [Music] something like that [Music] the other method just kind of requires you to just know how to kind of play drums a little bit but this method requires you to have a very good ear because you're picking out random slices that kind of fit with the next slice so that's what I did here start it off with one I'm kind of just I'm kind of just feeling out random slices that go with my ear that way I can kind of connect the slice to it to another slice does this method have to stay this way no I can keep the same type of method and just pick some some different random slices let's do that [Music] this is exactly what it is it's a random method as I said this is a more advanced method for people who can kind of feel out and hear different slices and how the music flows how the samples flow with each other how to pass flow with each other you can pick out random slices and kind of get them to fit you're still using a bit of a basic drum technique but you're actually picking out random samples that way you can kind of get those to fit kind of like putting a puzzle back together all right we're gonna go back to the first way that we flip the sample because they're kind of like how that one came out we're gonna go back to that that particular way of flipping the sample so I'm gonna just drop something real quick that way we can kind of leave some drums down and we're gonna make the beat out of it let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right let's see if we can kind of put some drums in there let's of course lay down the hi-hat first put it on no-repeat and we can just hold a pad and then we're going to drop some hi-hat some some rolls all right I have this piano pulled up on the track shakes off so I'm gonna leave some chords underneath this sample [Music] I'm gonna end the video here guys thank you so much for rocking with me I appreciate it hopefully from this video you got a good idea of these three basic techniques on how to flip samples rewind the video if you need to because there's some very helpful information always remember chopping and flipping samples doesn't come overnight this is a process that you need to practice over and over and over again find samples find them from records on sample pack load them inside your MPC software flip them chop them lay them over some drums and then do it over and over again when you implement these three basic techniques you'll find that your repetition forces you to start putting your own flavor to your own chopping and your own flippin methods before you know it you'll be chopping and flipping samples according to your own skill and your own knowledge if you found any value in this video please hit that thumbs up button and also drop me a comment below it really encourages me to keep getting this content out to you guys so I appreciate that shout out to you guys that I'm working with on your live video help sessions those sessions are absolutely amazing again I always love meeting all the dough producers out there I love working shoulder-to-shoulder with you guys on screen and helping you guys with some MVC techniques and helping make some dope beats with you guys this topic that we spoke about today was just one of the many topics that we discussed on the live video help session I'll leave a link in the video description that way you guys can schedule your own and I'll see you on screen if you haven't already make sure you follow me on Instagram at the drink tank and also follow my facebook page that Facebook come forward slash dungeon palace to do you don't want to miss the in-between content that I drop on my social media hit me up and send me a shot once again thank you guys so much for joining this is your boy DZ dak the drunk tank purple wall entertainment and you are live inside the dungeon Palace studios I will catch you guys in the next video peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Da Drank Kang
Views: 43,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: da drank kang, purpleworld beats, mpc x beat making, flipping and chopping samples, music production tips and tricks, dungeon palace studios, purpleworld entertainment, akai professional, mpc live, mp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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