MPC ONE Tutorial - For Complete Beginners

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so you just bought the NPC one you powered it on you went into a project and you have no idea where to begin it's ok calm down take a breath alright let's do this let's get into [Music] so before we get into the video I want to say if you have any questions about the NPC one simply go to the comment section type it in push enter alright there are a lot of people here on this channel that watch these videos they're gonna be able to help you out and in addition to that I'll try to help you out in any way I can and even further than that if a lot of people give it a thumbs up if it's a popular topic I'll do a video about it so let's go ahead get into this video alright so first off you need to plug yourself into some speakers it's very simple plug in terms of speakers and if you know I'll leave a like something up here is going to be like a setup for MPC live until I do like one for the MPC one check out that video about how to set up to some speakers until then if you have some headphones just plug headphones into the front of it there's a little spot plug it into your headphones you're gonna be good alright now I'm gonna put my headphones on so when you first start your MPC one let's take a look it's gonna look like this go to your empty project before you even do anything just go to your preferences here so go shift press your menu button it's going to take you to the preferences and if you go to your project defaults you're going to get something here it says new project dialog change this to you know your demo template recent if you do that watch what happens when you go to a new project okay so whenever you go to the new project it's gonna look like this this is the startup screen now when you start up your MPC one at the top you have your project templates so these are going to actually be templates and then these templates are going to be the demo templates now it's not gonna have anything programmed in the sequence so if you load one of these templates up it's going to be at that template so it's gonna have those programs but it's not gonna have sound program like sequences programmed this right here these are your actual demos that have sequences programmed so if you push play when you have one of these loaded up it's gonna play sounds and do everything these are blank so down here you have empty projects so I'm gonna press empty project now I will know up here these are your recent one all right so anything that you had been working on will show up up here this way you're you could just select one of these I'm just going to go to empty project so you can go to empty project the first thing you probably want to do it's just a thought is actually go to here go to save as and then it's gonna bring you to your internal so you can save it on your internal I very very highly recommend I want to eject this for a second that you get one of these get one of these SD cards this is just a 64 gigabyte SanDisk SD card I'll leave a link in the description just get one of these they're very cheap put them in there alright and then immediately it'll show up and then you can select it now I put these in here these folders in there because you can put a new folder anywhere so press new folder name it projects so you would name it here projects press it do it I'm not gonna do it because I already have one right here is projects so if I go into that so you could double tap into that you can save your project here so here's my March projects so here are a couple of ones that I saved on this SD card now I did have another slot so I did have this connected to it but I took it out so I could show you you know kind of this process so you would save it so I like to save it as the day you can name it whatever you wanna name it so I you know let's put first project or whatever I mean it doesn't matter what you name it so first project president do it it's gonna bring you to the screen now you can actually save it into that folder so the folder it's at it's right there so you could save it into there boom so there you go there now you have that project saved and you can see it's right there if you press browser you go to places you could select that as the card go to your projects march okay it's gonna be right there now if you wanted to do a shortcut if you want to make this like shortcut if you press shift and touch the folder now you can go anywhere but if you go there okay the boom you know that that's gonna be all your projects okay so that's going to be a shortcut again if you hold shift one of those folders is gonna save that as a shortcut in whatever folder you're at so now we have that project saved go to your content okay so you probably don't have samples in here maybe you do maybe you don't but if you go to drums you're gonna be able to pick a drum kit you know what I was gonna pick this acoustic kit alright just load up something simple you ain't got to get crazy with it so we loaded up that acoustic kit so if we go to Maine right here boom that's that acoustic kick so we can play the pads what's going on now we actually got some sounds in there that we can program in there it's very simple you got a drum program in there alright so let's go through this we we save the project that projects there we now have a sequence because once you actually put a kit in there it kind of creates a sequence for you all right so we got a sequence this is our BPM so that's as fast as that sequence is going to be this is how long the sequence is going to be that's their number of bars this is the start and end point so if you have this starting at one and got ending on - it's only two bars so it's going to play the whole sequence here is your repeat so if you turn that off it's only gonna play the sequence one it's an in if you keep it on it's going to repeat the sequence it's very simple stuff alright so transpose that's going to transpose your MIDI notes up and down don't even worry about it don't even worry about no there's other stuff okay just worry about you have one sequence okay now down here you have one track alright in that track you have a drum program right there this is the drawn program that's the one we were playing this is one we load it up very very simple stuff guys I so once you have your drums in there you can actually start programming beats like pretty much instantly there's a few ways you can do it the most fun and simple way to do is to use a pad so you push record play start and then you start playing the pads he's gonna record whatever you're doing in there other ways to do it is to go to your grid edit you can use this tool here start programming things okay another way to do that is to use a sequencer and again you could start programming things okay let's just use the pads it's the most simple straightforward way to do it and let's take it step by step so first let's slow down this BPM just you know let's just put it something that we're going to be able to play to alright we just got this we need to make it simple for ourselves okay now I do want to show you this here you have a hi-hat so this is kind of going to keep the tempo for you so if you program this in your gravy you're golden right so check this out let's make this super simple if you if you go over here push shift tap note repeat you get this going on here now hold this pad down super simple right let's slow it down a bit boom boom boom boom boom alright you can see this is on eighth notes don't worry about it's on eighth one days that's as fast as it is just listen to it all right now press overdub and in place start and you see this it's going through once this white line hits the end here let off the pad boom now press overdub now we got that hi-hat in there alright we can start putting other drums into that so you got a kick drum which is right here now let's take note repeat off before we do anything so you got your kick drum you got your snare alright let's keep it simple boom tap boom boom tap if you could sing it you can play it's that simple okay so pay attention to where your playhead is or just push stop just push stop didn't hit overdone and in place start and you'll get a count in once that count in hits four so look at her metronome you're in quarter notes so it's going to count one two three four and it's going to start recording once it starts recording hit that bass drum let me show you what I mean so we're gonna go boom boom boom tap so record over overdub right here's on so not record but overdub is on and then if we hit play star it's going to start at the beginning and give us a counting all right boom boom boom and then tap tap that's simple now listen to me I'm not trying to be condescending or anything I'm really like I'm just trying to show you how easy it is to get going because I know a lot of people in the forum's they're like jerks because I've experienced it you like you ask a question and people are jerks so you'd like don't listen to them just go in there and just start making music alright just don't listen to these people because a lot of people are just gonna put you off they're gonna not even give you the time of day they're you know they want to feel superior it doesn't matter there's no need for us to be superior or inferior or anything we're all peers we're all equals let's teach each other let's learn how to do this alright so if you look in here we got a sequence going so let's go into this grid here and boom very simple we got a sequence going now if you tap this bass drum you notice that this is highlighted down here pad a zero one so it says a zero one it highlights that whole area so that's where all the kick drums are within the sequence okay and then right here this is snare that's where all the snare drums are in the sequence right there pate zero three that's the hi-hat so that's everywhere with the hi-hat is in this sequence so it's very simple very very very very very very ridiculously simple okay so you got one bar two bars so you got two bars this is in 4/4 time so you have one two three four beats per bar so you go one two three four two two three four two bar loop very simple this kick drum is on the first bar okay in the first beat so you can see it right there it's also right here so these two kick drums alright so this is the second beat first bar okay and then this is the second piece second bar see it's on two point two second bar second beat so that's right there now your snare drum right here is on one point three so that's the first bar third beat okay and then it's on two point three so it's your second bar third beat it's only a two bar sequence okay and then your hi-hat so we're snowed so there's eight of these notes per bar so that's what the eighths stands for eighth notes so eight per bar alright and then you got a per bar over here same difference so now when you play it [Music] alright very simple very basic one on one stuff so so we really got to learn what we're doing to make really good music okay so let's start with the fundamentals that's what we're doing right here so now if you go to your main you can speed this BPM up okay you could turn it up so let's say we want it 105 alright a little bit faster okay hey if you're finding value in this video give it a thumbs up and consider sharing it if you think it could help somebody say we want to put some chords in there we want to have like you know some chords just something simple going in the background very easy to do alright so if you go to your browser go to your expansions if you haven't already you know go ahead and download this load it up I'm going to assume that you already downloaded and loaded it up if you need to know how to do that let me know in the comments maybe I can do a video about it but it's very simple you got your expansion there okay pick something you don't let's not pick a bass let's pick something that we could do chords with right there all right we could do courts with that that there's some guitars because I'm trying to break it down [Music] alright let's pick this warm pad right here so you could preview it all like that alright when you select it there's a few ways you could double tap it press load or push that it's going to load it up now what you can do is you go to your main change the track okay we got 128 MIDI tracks let's pick the second one so once you pick your second track press right here where there's a keyboard that means key excuse me key groups so this keyboard stands for key groups and then you can see that pad loads up once that pad loads up push shift notes it's going to take you over here press courts very simple now select your octave alright maybe you want it lower put it lower higher higher whatever let's just leave it on two and press overdub play start watch this alright now press overdub again we got some chords in there alright very very very very simple to do now go back to main maybe let's slow it down a little bit even let's go to 95 bpm so your BPM is how fast it's going to be [Music] all right so that's what it is now let's go ahead and go back to our browser let's pick like a lead or a melody sound okay something to put over top of the chords very simple to do alright these kind of sound like leads right alright let's pick this smooth one I'm just riffing here none of this is pre-planned I'm just trying to show you how simple this could be alright so we loaded that up let's go back to main pick track 3 load that one up so this smooth boom it's load it up so we can use the pads you can play it let's actually go to back to notes ok now just keep it easy you know what I mean this like don't make it over complicated just keep it easy in the beginning I'm just gonna put something simple you know actually before I do that I am still on Corden mud pick notes mode so before you actually record this in there put notes mode on and then you know keep it the same scale so we're in a scheme C major scale notes mode overdub play star [Music] it's over double game go back to me right tapped his eyeball here turn it down that's really loud all right so now we got our drums we got some chords we have a lead let's put a bass in there really fast and we'll call it a day so go to browse to pick any of these basses right let's just pick the classic square okay load that up once that's loaded alright it's gonna take a second to go back to me go to track four they pick that bass boom there's that bass go to shift go two notes so we need to make this lower so stay on notes stay in the C major scale just put the octave lower so that's a bass octave alright so let's play it and kind of play to it so push play start [Music] you kind of play around with it you know you know the root note was this and this right so if you play those two notes you're gonna be pretty good but you know you play around with it it's gonna record something [Music] all right push overtime again so you don't accidentally record notes in there and you're pretty much set up right there [Applause] all right and that's how easy it is to just get your first sequence going and you know start making music all right now I explained this very simply and I'm not trying to put you down and I'm actually trying to bring you up I'm trying to explain this in a simple terms because it's actually very simple to get started on the MPC one and I've noticed a lot of people have been frustrated and they've been confused and I've already see it in the comments and I just want to show you like how simple it really is to do this I wanted to break it down to a nice simple level so there you go that's how you can get started creating a sequence in the MPC one I really hope you enjoyed this video if you did consider subscribing if you want more information ask questions below just ask some questions I'll answer it somebody that's watching the video will answer it alright I've been making MPC videos for a while so if you're new here you know you know like other people aren't so people might watch this and see your questions and they might answer it alright anyway like I was saying as well if you ask your question and you I see a bunch of thumbs up on it alright I'll consider doing a video about it this way we can all get educated and you know I'll know that okay a lot of people need to know whatever you're asking alright hope you enjoyed the video consider sharing it if you found it valuable and let's just keep making music y'all my name is Mathew continue to create music and we'll talk soon
Channel: Matthew Stratton
Views: 164,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MatthewStratton, MatthewCreating, mpc one, mpc one akai, mpc one beat, mpc one beat making, mpc one sounds, mpc one standalone, mpc one tutorial, akai mpc one, mpc live, akai mpc, standalone mpc, beat making, drum machine, electronic music, music production, namm 2020, mpc tutorial, mpc one lessons, matthew stratton, mpcone, mpconetutorial
Id: U9J0f6lVrZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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