MPC One - From LOOP to SONG Without Adding Notes! (In-Depth Tutorial)

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Thanks. Always dig Marcello..

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/toddc612 📅︎︎ Dec 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
today i want to show you a quick way to turn a basic loop into a full beat without adding any notes or instruments and then i'm going to wrap over the beat let's do it [Music] what's up this is marcelo if you're interested in mpc tutorials just like this one consider subscribing and if this is of any help to you leave a like and a comment and hit that bell so you don't miss any future tutorials let's dive in alright on track 1 i loaded up this beautiful melody and on track two we got [Music] some drums that's all for now um let's start by chopping up the melody let's go to sample edits [Music] all right let's convert it into a new drum program let's look for it here it is okay now let's um set the bpm to 90. let's find the pattern with this with these chops [Music] all right let's go to program edit and let's maybe [Music] okay let's take this um i don't want to get too complicated today so let's record this [Music] [Applause] [Applause] okay this is nice let's record some drums let's start with the hi-hat 16 levels velocity [Music] but let's delay it a little bit program edit offset page let's record the kick and the snare let's record the kick using a little bit of swing maybe 65 and also 16 levels velocity [Music] okay now let's uh set the swing to normal again and now let's record the snare [Music] and now let's go to track mix lower the volume of the sample a little bit [Music] now let's uh add this vinyl effect [Music] all right now we got everything we need so we can start varying uh the melody so let's go to track one let's name it let's name the program melody maybe one and the track also melody one all right now um before we start let's just look at the last chop or that we recorded this one and let's go to program edit and let's master page and let's um change the sample play from one shot to note on that means it will only play if the fingers on the pad and now let's go to grid and um so now we can see make this note longer so we want to edit end and we want to just make it last till the end of the sequence [Music] okay so the last pad that is triggered on the melody track should be on note on the reason why i played the last slice of the pattern using note on is so that the sample won't overlap into the next sequence it would be a cool future update to be able to put programs into mute groups so that they won't overlap all right let's uh move on let's copy this melody one track go to the pencil copy track let's copy it to track three and let's call it melody two do it now let's mute track one melody one and let's go to our track three melody two and now as you can see it's the same drum program it's melody one but we want it to be a different drum program let's go to the pencil and let's duplicate melody one drum program so now it's a melody one um one oh it's really uh raining outside as you can hear or not raining but i don't know the word in english all right now let's press play that's the same now let's tweak track 3 a little bit so for example we can go to trackmix and let's just put some effects on the program on the duplicate so let's um start by maybe put putting a granulator on on the program just see how it sounds [Music] before we move on let's just sidechain the sample to the kick so um let's add a mother ducker to the sample mother ducker let's let's go to the kick just press main hold it and here we can choose uh the tracks we want to go to so let's go to drums and now let's double tap track mix go to padmix here's the kick and let's just put a mother duck input on the kick [Music] all right i like that so as you can see we we got a variation right now the first variation of the of the sample let's keep going um let's copy track three so melody two copy track let's copy it to another track let's call this one melody three let's try do it now let's mute melody two and let's go to our new track and here as you can see it's still the same drum program as in melody two so let's duplicate this one as well all right now if we go to trackmix these are the same effects on the new on the new program we don't want the granulator though so let's put something else instead maybe maybe a reverb or something like that [Music] i think that sounds pretty cool let's also go to program edit and let's maybe tweak some of those maybe this one let's go to samples maybe just reverse it t-o-town [Music] oh let's reverse this one how about we reverse every pad [Music] i like that so it's a fun variation so now let's keep going um let's copy let's save let's keep going and let's copy melody 3 this track to another track let's call this one melody 4 do it and now let's also duplicate the drum program but first mute melody 3 let's go to melody 4 duplicate the drum program duplicate and now let's uh yeah go to program edit maybe yeah let's just leave it reversed and let's go to the edit zones it's up up here and let's choose multiple [Music] so we can so we can edit all of them at the same time close and now let's activate warp let's just see what happens [Music] the bpm sync is off let's just tweak the stretch [Music] so i deactivated the reverse [Music] i like that it's pretty uh royal let's go to trackmix and let's just change the reverb a little bit it's it's still the effect of uh i think melody 2. um let's just change the reverb a little bit let's lower the mix [Music] [Applause] now it sounds really strange right now but now let's add some more effects maybe filter gate [Music] eq maybe [Music] all right now we got four pretty different uh variations of the same sample we didn't even change the uh the order in in which the pads are recorded so next step is let's say we are happy with our variations let's copy sequence one to another sequence sequence two let's call sequence two part or verse one maybe do it and yes do it so now sequence one let's call this one intro and draw okay so sequence one is our intro sequence two is worse let's copy sequence two to sequence three copy sequence let's call sequence three verse two and now let's copy it one more time let's copy verse two to another sequence which we call hook all right do it right now we got four sequences with the same things on them but now if we go to track track mute we can choose which tracks should play in which uh sequences so for example for for the intro i don't want the drums to play so i mute the drums i just want melody one to play okay for sequence 2 for the verse i just want melody 4 to play that's cool and the drums [Music] okay sequence three verse two i want melody four to be quiet and maybe melody two to play let's just see how it sounds [Music] how's melody three [Music] oh let's take melody three that's cool for the verse and now for the hook let's take melody two [Music] so now we get every sequence is another uh variation so so next let's put together a song let's go to menu song and now let's just insert four times and now first the intro second verse one then verse two then hook let's just say we want to keep it that way just for the tutorial um normally i would do 16 bars in reverse so maybe make verse one two times and was two two times but for now let's just keep it keep it at one all right now we got the structure and let's go back to main and now let's go to a new sequence sequence 5 which is unused go back to song and now let's convert this little arrangement we got to a sequence convert sequence to sequence 5 which is unused that's cool includes muted tracks we want to do that because we we have our arrangement built on muted tracks so let's do it and let's go to main and let's see from song one so now if we play it let's see what happens [Music] all right so so as you can hear it works it works pretty well and now you can of course uh vary the drums too so if we go to grid um to our drum track so now we are on on on track five but but i want to go to the drum track we don't have to go back to main for that we can just just hold main and choose the drums i just discovered this feature i really like that alright now and here you can of course then just take out some hits for example [Music] easy variations [Music] just random are we recording okay [Music] [Music] [Music] all right all right let's say you're happy with the arrangement uh now would be the time to start mixing um if you haven't done it already and as you know it can be quite a challenge to get a good sounding mix on the npc without any you know visual representation of the frequency spectrum so i did my best and put together a huge one and a half hour long master class on how to improve your mixing on the npc and standalone if you're interested in that it's right here so you can check it out it's long but it has chapters so you can jump to certain points like eq compression you know mastering at the end so yeah i'll see you over there peace
Channel: Marrcello
Views: 4,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mpc one, mpc x beat making, mpc live beat making, mpc live, akai mpc, mpc one tutorial, mpc live 2, akai mpc one, beat making, mpc live tutorial, mpc one standalone, mpc one workflow, akai mpc 2.0, mpc one review, akai mpc one tutorial, marrcello, mpc x tutorial, mpc one tips, mpc trap beat tutorial, mpc one trap tutorial, mpc live 2 trap, mpc live trap beat making, from loop to song mpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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