Live Beat making - MPC ONE [5 Weeks Of Beats E01S01]

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all right hello people hi and welcome to i guess my my you know my first little episode oh that's my bed uh welcome to the first episode of five beats of five weeks of beats i always get that wrong even inside my head five weeks of beats that's the series that you have tuned into and you know the project is to make beats for five consecutive live streams and you know it's gonna be it's gonna be cool it's gonna be fun um so i'm gonna start making some sort of music with my mpc one today using a little bit of this and a little bit of that to get everything you know running and sounding like it's supposed to sound and you know do something the funny thing here is that i haven't prepared anything in terms of music so let's all just hope for the best and that's you know let's just hope for the best but let's roll the intro that means that we officially started sending this live stream out there five weeks of beats uh my name is accurate i make beats sample based beats and stuff like that and what's also cool about this little thing here is that it's sponsored by distrokid and by track lib those links up there are links that gives you a little bit of extra special stuff when it comes to district and track lab district gives you seven percent off your first year of you know using distrokid and the other one gives you i think gets 15 15 samples from track clip to to using your beats and in this stream the plan here is to do again five consecutive live streams every single friday make beats and then collect that into some sort of mixtape or you know an ap basically of beats everything's going to be sampled from tracklib and the whole thing is going to be released through distrokid so that's where the sponsors come and comes in and i think it's really really nice to get this opportunity to do this and yeah if it's not obvious enough it's sponsored by district and track lab those links are up there but you can't click them there obviously so you have to go down in the description to check out the links there and go to the respective sites and do whatever you are able to do there cool so i think that's it for now uh let's dig into uh you know doing the live stream and maybe making some music not maybe the plan here is to make music that's for sure but let's see if we have a chat room of course we have a chat room i can't see the chat there though i don't know what that's about but i can see it over here cool so we have some people in here and i appreciate that a lot super super awesome and great so i think most of the people that are in this live stream has seen my channel before or has even been on a live stream of mine before normally i have a sample or something to start with today i don't have anything so we're doing this thing from scratch and the plan is to make a beat that's finished or finished enough for me to like finish it off camera and then release it digitally on district again this is i mean before we get into it sure this is an exercise in beat making but also kind of a mental exercise for me because i make a lot of youtube videos i make a lot of beats on youtube videos but you know i'm setting the threshold too high for myself when it comes to releasing the stuff on actual platforms for music like spotify and apple music and google music and google music i don't know so this is also a way for me to like you know stay true to myself about the fact that the stuff i do for youtube is definitely good enough to to to put out there and to make to make an actual thing for to put it out basically um so a little bit of interaction would be nice hi people in the chat i hope everyone is having a great day whatever the time might be where you are here in sweden where i am it's 10 o'clock in the evening so i've done my day job for today and you know now i'm doing this i hope you all are having a fantastic time soundcloud someone asks well yeah might release it over there as well but the prime primary thing here is using this toolkit to release it and then it becomes available on the streaming services that people use for for listening to music soundcloud is also a good platform so is bandcamp but you know i want to do it i can release that's the same thing for me there uh releasing something on soundcloud feels easier mentally than just to release it on spotify or whatever and district makes the whole process easier technically but mentally you know i need to i need to really dig into myself to do this so yeah first of all my plan is to download a sample of course because what's significant about this little ep or mixtape that i'm going to work on is that everything is going to be sample based that's what i normally do but sometimes i also sample myself or i you know just play instruments and make music like that everything is going to be sample based all the samples are going to be from track lib so i think we're going to jump jump into safari in my case and look for a sample from track clip basically and this might be a little bit difficult when it comes to the tech stuff but i want you guys to help me out to pick out a sample so it's going to look a little bit weird for a second but bear with me that's going to be fine i promise you so let's do that now it looks kind of funky and then we have this i need to make that bigger though here we are this is not the first page and this is not me cheating i promise this is just me going through samples like i always do it's just open here we are try clips first home page i guess the first page you see when you get into the the site so what track clip is is basically a place to download samples and we're not talking like samples that someone made for you to make music with like a lot of different other services alike uh tracklib actually owns samples from you know record labels and proper music music music so it's kind of an equivalent to having a big crate of records basically because it's actual music and what's cool here is that you can pay for some downloads download the track work on it and then whenever you want to release it officially you can also license the sample and clear it that way so you can actually legally use the sample you know that is kind of an issue when it comes to working with samples from records and whatever so here we are this is tracklib there's a bunch of ways to get started here looking for you know the inspiration tab looking for all tracks looking for collections looking for songs you know sorting it out through genres and whatever what i normally do because i spend no matter if it's sponsored or not i spend a lot of time on track clip looking for samples because i want to be able to clear them and you know be done with all the legality of things so what i normally do is that i go to all tracks and here i sort them by first of all what kind of genre i'm looking for so for me normally not rock and normally not spoken word because there's also some you know stand-up comedian records and stuff normally that's not what i look for for sampling for music making um normally i go for stuff like jazz latin gives me a bunch of really cool tracks sometimes um classical every now and then uh children's same thing there blues is one of those genres especially in track lib that's a little bit fishy because sometimes it becomes it's sure it's blues music but it's really like rock rocky heavy stuff and that's not always what i go for but come on if you have any suggestions for me to just whatever what should i sample here um i'm definitely ready to just not be able to do something cool and then i'm just going to start over and take another sample and another one and another one but first of all you have any suggestions here what i should go for if you don't i can just i can just go bananas like i always do and just start looking through things but help me out with some kind of starting point here in terms of genre that would be really cool and helpful and you know i would appreciate that then you can also get a little bit of a feeling of how it how the library works and how it feels to use track clip you know not that you don't understand that of course you do give me some suggestions someone said jazz someone's i said folk of course i make beats it's hip-hop stuff so a lot of people are suggesting soul and jazz which of course i appreciate because i go for jazz a lot of the time or this rnb soul genre normally gives me something cool to work with i was a little bit worried that people would tell me to go for you know reggae or folk music or whatever but a lot of people seem to be into jazz yeah let's do jazz jazz like that and of course there's different types of licenses available on track lab and you know the c ones is 50 to clear and have a license and b is like 500 bucks and a is i don't even want to think about that so i'm a cheap dude so what i do is i go to license category and always select category c because then it doesn't become super expensive you know someone said folk world sure middle eastern take five like slinky jazz cool cool vocals someone said of course i'm gonna try to incorporate some vocals but what i want to show you here is that now we picked the genre and then we picked the license category to have the cheaper ones because that's who i am and then i get this problem that here we have stuff that's sorted out as jazz or soul or funk or whatever and it's released in 2019 and sometimes 2020 2021 and stuff i want to know that i'm not using something that's super recent so i go to release here and let's turn that down to something like 85 sure from 1928 maybe that's a bit much as well let's go from the 50s to 1985 and of course here's a lot of bob james records because he just released a bunch of his library on tracklib which is really cool but i'm not sure i want to go for anything from bob james here it sounds a little bit done and probably a little bit too easy to be honest um not that i want something that's super difficult either but you know uh someone suggests reggae and the problem for me with reggae is that you know a lot of reggie has there are some foundations in reggae music that kind of always comes back and um you know repetitive bass lines and the whole back beat thing can be really cool to use but can also sometimes introduce a lot of issues with like yeah we're having the same note repeated all over and over and over again and it's normally a lot of drums as well uh come on let's stop talking and start looking uh i'm told i'm i'm just not looking at bob james at all i'm just pretending that like he's not there so let's go for i don't know let's try this one just play it [Music] yeah some easy listening piano stuff and this is i mean the process of looking for samples is kind of a big topic and when i when i started to sample stuff from vinyl i put the needle down at the beginning and then i just moved the needle around a lot on the record and that's what i still do to this day but on tracklib so let's let's just jump it's gonna sound choppy and you're not gonna but you know it gives me a little bit of a sense of what sample or what the track contains it [Music] yeah that's a full-blown you just think let's not use that one let's go for something more let's just keep on looking uh what's this um sure i'm sure i could find something here [Music] but it feels a little bit too much you know what's this [Music] that's almost finished right [Music] that's not what i want to do let's keep on looking sometimes no yeah the stuff from the 50s sounds like stuff from the 50s which could be cool but also kind of limiting this is something from 83. [Music] so what we're looking for here is something that i immediately feel like okay i can shop this one over here and here and here and just make something i don't want to make it too hard for [Music] myself okay and just judging by the waveforms [Music] that could be something let's download that one just to just to have it simple as that download it [Music] and of course it played in itunes um i don't want to spend too much time finding a sample i want to you know this is kind of an exercise in polishing a turd as well so a part of me just feels like i don't want to be too picky with the sample but i want to work with the sample more i've heard that one before i've been through this library a few times so some stuff are just [Music] um okay this one has a white arrow over here instead of the black one which means that i've downloaded it before so i'm not going to do that and i'm going to stay away from everything that i've done or try to work with before oh bo beets in the chat [Music] is this the cool samples [Music] well the audio quality of that one is a little bit too crazy it's from the 60s but let's just download it anyways maybe we can do something about it and let's quit itunes before it starts that's nice bow beats in the chat doing one of those super chat things i appreciate that thanks man and there we are with the itunes again again the white arrow means i've downloaded it before so no what's this that's too much okay i don't want the super old stuff i'm gonna change my release here here from 50s to some you know 66. again a lot of bob james i'm just gonna scroll down for a bit and check out the chat oh another another super chat thanks a lot uh what's this no no no whenever it's this like big bandy jazz you know ensemble thing sure i can make like this really hard kind of mop beat but you know it's yeah it's it feels it feels done again and we're back to bob james here [Music] okay come on that one i just gotta grab that one what's this though okay cool and again [Music] yeah let's download that one and of course you can see here on my on my account that i have a lot of licensed quiet that i have a lot of credits over here and that's because i've used my link to like spread on my youtube channel and stuff and people have joined track lab from my link and then i get some credits so i have a lot of credits here normally the credits you have to pay money for credits and then you can download stuff in my case i don't have to think too much about that [Music] you know what this one this is kind of funny though because this sample sounds like it has a lot of potential but i can already tell that it's a bit hard to work with because the notes kind of collide it's not like reverb but you know the songs the notes rings out into each other and then it becomes really difficult to chop up some of that is cool but if it's too much if i chop that up it would probably be too much let's talk less and let's listen more okay one of those acapella group things let's go there even more of that stuff that's not what i want whatever let's go back up again um i don't feel anything right now sure [Music] you know what makes me think about this sample that could be something normally like i 10 years ago i would hate the sample because it wasn't like clean enough i would just want the vibraphone back then but then i realized that hey playing a vibraphone sound like that i could do that on an instrument so it doesn't add anything to have it as a sample but in this case there's a lot of bass frequencies going on at the same time and then it sounds more like music to sample you know [Music] and the guitar [Music] yeah the guitar picking together with a vibraphone makes it all sound a little bit more f full and then it's a lot more fun to sample i don't know why it becomes that loud when i just place it my bad and let's do this one [Music] we've already heard that one right let's do here sure sure and how many samples do i have at the moment let's look for my downloads and one two three four five we have five samples um is that a start should i start importing those into the mpc one or should i look for even more stuff uh where am i i mean the genre jazz let's just for the sake of it just to do what i normally do let's go to seoul as well release year is still from the late 60s to the 90s license c track types sure you can go go crazy here and start looking for specific instruments and stuff but then it it the list gets that narrow so it's kind of hard to you know to find something uh let's try that if i go for percussion i don't get as many tracks and here tracklib also makes these or makes they also release these stems of songs so in this case here we have a track by sound experience and this is only the conga track this is only the snare drum and so on which is super super useful but a little bit more like a little bit of a better idea to use when you're actually going more into the depth of things now i'm just looking for a sample you know not looking for anything anything specific i'm glad with whether whatever i can get and you can also sort them over here and then i click what's new because i'm here a lot but these ones have been added kind of recently to the library and that means that i kind of you know maybe i haven't heard them no [Music] and this one has a white arrow it sounded promising but obviously i've thought that before and i downloaded it no i'm not using machine today i'm using the mpc one um i'm doing five streams like this so i want to start the first one off with mpc one and then i'm gonna do machine as well and i'm gonna use uh mpc live and i'm probably gonna make one of these beats just inside of logic with some sort of midi controller as well i think it's fun to to be able to show off a little bit more than just one thing even though i'm faster and better at machine than anything else so again i'm kind of trying to push myself [Music] almost this goey [Music] come on that one [Music] uh let's scroll down let's scroll down and i don't even i just do that i don't know why i'm scrolling this much i can just listen to every single track but but it's you know it feels more random to do it like this more like actually looking through a crate of vinyl this is the problem with 80s samples sometime that it sounds really 80s like the drum machines and all the stuff you know i enjoy stuff like that but maybe it's not the best sampling material uh let's scroll through and take something from the 60s [Music] nope that's too much [Music] sounds kind of obvious oh whenever i hear something i'm not just like that i'm just you know skipping it taking that one before let's go up again where the stuff that i haven't heard is located that's the one sure nope nope [Music] no no that's disco you know let me just um i'm gonna i'm gonna check myself let me [Music] uh four more minutes until it's 34 35 and then i'm done with this [Music] [Music] okay now could be cool but nope [Music] had that one before let's do that we heard that one let's avoid the white arrows and just go for [Music] no [Music] [Music] now okay that could be that could be used definitely let's download that one and let's go down shut up [Music] oh no that one has been flipped before so i have two more minutes let's flip the genre let's go for and i'm not listening to you guys right now i have two minutes to find something and uh whatever let's go for easy listening hopefully to find something without a lot of drums you [Music] know one more minute ah stressing out and of course it's white i've heard i've downloaded that one before oh okay my time is out so i'm gonna grab that one as well download track you know my plan it this is what it's like to work with samples my plan was not to download samples for 25 minutes or whatever that was but that's what i just did that's what just happened so let's go back to here and it's gonna look crazy but now it looks good again cool and back here awesome so what i'm doing is that i'm taking my sd card and then i'm just putting it into the computer to to transfer the files because i could sample it into the mpc but then i have to do it in real time for each and every sample takes a little bit more time that i'm ready to spend right now so let me try to find my usb thing here sd card thing like so and now i have my sd card mpc one here you can't see my screen right now but i don't care i'm just gonna do this real quick from my downloads let's take those files let's open up a new tab and let's go into our mpc1 let's create a new folder called five weeks of leads uh episode one because that's what this is it's episode one transferring the files right now cool so now it's done and i want to get better at ejecting the thing from the computer before just putting it out and that's done cool so that's my sd card into the mpc one sorry for not paying a lot of attention to the chat right now but now it's time to start working on the track on the mpc so i'm gonna try to leave the chat open on the computer as well it's over there right cool another 55 swedish kroner from beau beats i appreciate that my friend thanks a lot and thanks for encouraging people to do that and chris had again donated one pound uh or maybe that's just the delay on the computer yeah of course that's just the delay whatever so uh machine that's my bad not machine of course this is the mpc one and let me get a quick minute here to arrange my windows on the computer so i know what i'm doing there we are cool that doesn't get better than that right now but that's fine so let's get to work on the mpc we have something here that's a new project let's go down to let's start at 90. let's do four bars immediately go into the browser look for our sd card right there and the five beats a week five beats of weeks the five weeks the beats folder is supposed to be located somewhere around here right of course it's on the top that's just me being stupid there we are open the folder and here are the samples let's listen back to [Music] could be cool yeah let's take that one let's load it up and see what it feels like sample edit that's a drum oh i loaded something else my accurate drum kit that's my bad wasn't supposed to have that there but instead sample edit this is the sample it's not the same one that i picked i really don't think it is of course it is that would be like the easiest job to do now but let's not be that guy today and yeah that camera is a little bit fishy it's gonna do that sometimes but you know it's a surprise okay let's go into the chopping mode [Music] and why is that camera looking like that i don't like that let's see if we can fix that somehow that's darker but i also think it's a little bit better that's fine so my first chop could be that oh you hear that immediately [Music] now we're starting to work right [Music] that's a little bit too intense but sure [Music] [Music] hmm it's kind of a crazy sample though isn't it [Music] that's something completely different someone asks if they think or if the rest of the chat thinks that tracklib is worth it and sure i can it's not worth it for everyone [Music] honestly i don't think it is but for people that like release this music for real for real and have people listening to it you know getting into issues with copyrights to me it's just really really really worth it to to be able to clear samples makes me sleep better at night yeah that becomes [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] oh here it becomes obvious that [Music] yeah it becomes obvious that these slices over here aren't as good as that one is [Music] yeah that's definitely something to start working with [Music] [Music] do can you hear that it's not an it's not a beat but it's a it's an idea for something [Music] okay that's fine let's keep that and let's convert it into a new drum program using slices let's do it back to here let's go to program [Music] whatever and if i don't if i'm not wrong i am wrong okay let's go into the program edit here and check out some samples once again um let's zoom in on this bad boy [Music] let's take some of these maybe i don't want some of those just flat out so let's go back to yeah let's go back to the sample edit and just start [Music] i think i like these samples a lot more than the other ones yeah so let's go to the no uh come on there i want to go to the earlier slices here and just double check yeah let's rework this a little bit [Music] [Music] so [Music] so what i'm trying to do here is to be a little bit more selective um of what i'm using and not just taking samples out that i'm not sure about [Music] and you know sometimes the whole talk about limitations being great for inspiration and stuff uh sometimes having like 32 64 slices or whatever becomes too much and then i enjoy to just start being more selective and just taking stuff out and maybe just have 16 slices to work with i think that's kind of cool i like the flute trumpet part someone says [Music] let's take that one out too it's going to take too much space let's try to delete some of the hits that has a snare in them because sometimes that can be a little bit too much [Music] i'm not saying that it's impossible to work with drums in a sample because it's definitely not oh program sample at it [Music] let's keep those instead let's do the same my bad i'm doing the wrong thing let's convert it again into a new whatever it's called let's open it up there [Music] [Music] you know it sounds kind of easy to work with that way i don't i'm not sure that's what i want to do but i'm not sure that i hate it either so um let's go back to our master let's try to pitch it up [Music] let's try to pitch it down [Music] this is going to be kind of dirty let's keep that idea and what i'm playing is always this so i guess my tempo will be something like that one two three four five six seven eight you know something in those lines so that's 92.17 cool that's something so for now let's open up a new drum program and it's it gets messy when i do this right i'm already at program four i'm not gonna care i'm gonna try to keep those things separate and keep my mind in check i could go in here and delete programs and stuff this is this is how i do track two program four cool so let's look for some stuff drums empathy one uh what i did again i haven't prepared much for these streams but i've done this folder here called random drums can you guess what it contains random drums sure so let's start with a hi-hat right works by me [Music] that's a kick let's keep that there that's another kick [Music] let's take one of the softer snares just to have it that's a nice cake let's put that one over there that one too in terms of snares is that all i have one of those oh that's one of my favorite hi-hats needs to be edited but that's fine [Music] super boom boppy snare [Music] and this way i have a few different options you know you know so what i'm thinking here is that i have my tempo all set like so one two three and so on i have it set to four bars and let's just copy that one over there copy that one over there copy that one over there let's adjust the start for that one [Music] whatever okay that's all that really needs to be edited like that um which is fine the volume [Music] let's just try to record something in here okay [Music] that sucks again [Music] sucks even more [Music] okay so let's move that my bad let's move that one over there let's move that one over [Music] there [Music] program program edit [Music] okay i want that one to play simultaneous play [Music] four six which means that if i go here oh my bad um pad mix then i all of a sudden have two layers of drums two layers of that snare i should say [Music] let's go let's do something here [Music] okay that's also a thing so i can't deal with the time correction thing being on let's turn it off [Music] first kick [Music] yeah that's gonna have to do for now so let's go back to track one with the [Music] sample [Music] so [Music] oh it said the polyphony or [Music] polyphony [Music] [Music] of course i can hear that the snare kind of bothers me but you know i'm just trying to sculpt some some idea of a start of something uh so this could be used somehow but look for a pitch [Music] okay i'm gonna i'm gonna pick you know up until now i've thought to myself is this apple good enough oh i forgot about my coffee for an hour that's not good that's what happens when you get you know obsessed with things so up until now i've you know had doubts in my mind about this sample not being good enough now it feels like i could find something now here's a little trick you know of course i can just go into my sample edit just edit the end point here [Music] i can't see the snare there's the snare so in order to hide the snare or like get rid of it in some way i can adjust my sample down [Music] that's not a lot too much that's not a lot to keep though but let's try say that i want this somehow not sure if this is going to come out awesome but let's try and we're using an effect on it in this case first of all uh delay delay analog sync that's the nice one because then it's in time so right but i don't don't want it to play in quarter notes i want it to be [Music] so i know it's a bit obvious and a little bit you know what people do but i think it's cool either like that or like that lowering the feedback a little bit fine and on top of that delay let's do another effect called reverb medium now it's mixed in a lot so let me turn down the dry with thing if i do it all wet too much all dry could use a little bit of stuff so let's not cut the highs though so let's do like that [Music] sounds alright i need to lower increase the volume of the this pedal [Music] that needs to be edited so let's edit edited [Music] or i could cheat a little bit here [Music] because the white noise at the beginning there that's actually the snare so let's try to sculpt it out by just [Music] it's a bit weird but it could work sounds like it's clipping right so let's go to zero snap out here again so we have the effects and stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] and this one is the same note as the main one without the snare so if i wasn't moving that fast i would realize that i could use this one [Music] instead of having to do all that work with the delay and stuff but now since i have it i'm gonna use it in conjunction with that one there's something about the volumes here that i'm not crazy about [Music] [Music] um so it's maybe just a matter of so um you can sample why am i reading that comment hey people i am here i'm talking to you guys i'm just talking to myself when i'm working on stuff i haven't come too far yet i've been at this for an hour and 10 minutes but i've also like introduced the show and talked a little bit and yeah i have the coffee right over the mpc one but i also spent a lot of time looking for the sample right cold coffee isn't too bad so [Music] maybe we should try to go back to our sample edit take this one and my bad that's in program edit reverse that one didn't reverse [Music] yeah it does it just well [Music] okay listen to this so i want that one can i copy it from here nope can't can i copy it from here i can and in this menu i want to go into the program edit again reverse it so cool [Music] that's kind of strange but [Music] [Music] we're doing all the classic stuff on this one reversing samples having it play like why not right but we have some stuff here that needs to be sorted out volume for these [Music] guys [Music] that's not tight either [Music] [Music] yeah this could be used cool cool cool i'm happy about that so let's go back to the master again again looking around a lot of different options when it comes to pitch now it's down to minus three semitones so let's try to go minus i don't know minus six just [Music] well that's actually kind of useful usable but let's change it up and go to plus three semitones bef after we've taken this little sip of the coffee as my friend bo says sleep of the coffee that's such a strange saying super coffee plus three okay [Music] and that's a anti-thematic right building up and just not hitting the start button sorry about that that's better isn't it [Music] okay that's too much let's stay at plus three [Music] plus two [Music] plus two plus two um how do you guys feel about this looking for a little bit of feedback now i'm sorry for not interacting too much with you but it's a lot of stuff going on up between my ears right now um i need a little bit of a break from thinking too hard about this so sorry about the text it's gone now give me a little bit of feedback am i on to something or should i reconsider and pick another sample uh sample nine pad nine forward please it's the nicest number nine that's not number nine how am i counting one two three four five six seven eight nine you like that one more i mean it's kind of the same sample but maybe [Music] you know it brings something special to the rhythm when you have you know kind of a too short of a sample but with a bunch of delay on it definitely adds oh that's double me it does definitely adds something one above oh you're sure that's number nine four eight nine just at the the i was gonna say that the mpc has the numbers differently but it doesn't it's just me uh i like it dope don't sound cool as hey cga but i'm open to collab okay and the camera in your left is acting up sometimes blacken out yeah i know that camera isn't the best ever but i just like i just enjoy being able to have three this is a really old crappy one but it it's it's nice to have another one sometimes it blacks out and this text and stuff shows up but you know then you have this picture in picture thing okay that's my bed whatever [Music] so let's do something here [Music] [Music] masters that's my bad i don't want to be there i want to be at the programs midi tracks no [Music] programs sure [Music] just need to find a pattern here [Music] maybe normalize the piano samples on the four first pads so they get a little bit more space sure could increase the volume of them i think i did what i could in the pad mixer yep maxed out i could go in and normalize them but it's easier to just [Music] i know this is wrong by the way [Music] but you know what i don't care just pulling down the volume of the other pants it's all about finding a rhythm here and i can sit here for hours just playing and stuff sorry that camera also died my bad i could sit here for hours and just come up with different patterns uh and i could but you know sometimes i just have to go for something i just need to to make a decision to do something so yeah let's do it uh we are this is track one four bars everything is all all set maybe i could do that for a minute that's a decent view right you could even do that and the camera won't fall to the ground either so that's cool that's just me being picky with the iso okay so let's go one two three four [Music] that's the worst pattern i played so far [Music] [Music] [Music] that's also no good oh that's a super long chop so let's just twist this knob drag it on the screen twist drag then of course i changed that one as well my bad that's not what i want maybe i need to do something similar there maybe i need to change this one or maybe not maybe just uh maybe let's just go here back here and let's empty the track let's okay clear the track clear that's not what i'm also supposed to do uh i always get this wrong if i delete that the sample gets deleted right so what i want to do is to go into the track and i want to clear the track isn't that how you do it [Music] whatever now it works [Music] okay i need to find a pattern that's just what we're doing you know what the problem here might be that the pitch the sample gets a little bit too short so let's adjust our minds again and let's just remember that um okay i pitched it down let's forget about how it sounded just recently and again [Music] let's think about the sample that way instead so now if i do the same same thing here [Music] if i clear it yeah that's not what i want to do but that's that it works but it's not what i'm trying to do oh oh oh oh now i'm really messing up [Music] let's just go here and actually delete the notes you know everyone can make a mistake every now and then cut them and let's cut them cut and of course we left the first one here somewhere where are you [Music] i'm not on the right oh okay that was the drums i can see it clearly that that that's the drums who am i what am i doing track one here we are let's take those cut them and let's take those cut them out okay i i know what i'm doing but okay so on track two we have the drums on track one we have the sample that's right so now we're going back here into the actual midi notes and there they are let's pick them like that and let's cut them and let's cut them there we are my bad that should not have taken like a minute to do [Music] so let's just not record let's just try some stuff okay maybe that's an end thing [Music] that one sucks by the way so let's go [Music] [Music] okay something like that [Music] okay it's it's getting somewhere [Music] [Music] no [Music] that's better [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] now it's time to really start i know the whole melody part of this doesn't feel a hundred but there's always an option to add [Music] you know adding something like that let me just play this a few rounds and just get a feel for what the different notes might be and whatever kind of fits um it might be a little bit boring to watch me do that but let's just do that in a way because that's just a part of making beats and that's what this series is all about right and how can i show that the best way ha the battery on that one dies i'm gonna take a break in like a few minutes to replace some batteries and do some stuff but you know um it is what it is that kind of works [Music] so let's try with the computer here to do a little bit of work [Music] [Music] so [Music] can you hear that it doesn't really work [Music] it is out of tune someone told me in the chat as well and it is out of tune i can definitely hear that but yeah i wish i could say that it's just a little bit out of tune but that's not true either let's try to [Music] that's better right just playing around a little bit with the mod sorry with the pitch wheel on the opposites so having that d minor go to something like that instead [Music] there [Music] makes sense so if i need to pitch the optics down i need to pitch the sample up so let's do that [Music] let's just see what i if i can see what you guys see uh like that like that like okay so back to the program edit master semitone fine tune so let's pitch it up a little bit like so [Music] i don't know [Music] and this chord progression just i don't know it feels like it works that's a d minor g major and c major i'm not sure about that [Music] it's not a c minor that's for sure [Music] now [Music] that sounded cool [Music] works to me so [Music] and hopefully i can add something here that brings it into more like musical realm that's a d minor seven [Music] was that it no come on [Music] i'm losing it [Music] of course that's of course of course [Music] [Music] you know what let's let's look for a sound on the optics now the mic is super close to me okay [Music] what do you guys think can i make this into a track that i put on an ap or is this a little bit of a stretch i think this could be worked out until something that sounds decent i actually do uh what do you mean by that hey c j am i still super out of pitch but i just can't tell because i'm my air is tired it's not super attitude now is it it's super out of tune what do you mean by yes is it super out of tune am i deaf nah come on [Music] of course we need some bass that's right people no i think we need this [Music] of course we need bass so this is not what i'm gonna go for i'm just looking for notes you know [Music] okay i kind of know what i'm playing [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry hey hey cj i'm sorry about that i'm just you know the mind goes to a negative place sometimes sure thanks a lot for the support uh i get that you now think that this could be worked into something that's good enough to be on an ep thanks i i just yeah boom sorry man um and thanks you know what um i'm gonna do the simpler thing here um take the easy way out and just use one of the instruments in the mpc maybe we don't need that camera over there anymore playing around with like hardware sense is a lot of fun but you know sometimes midi has its uh its upsides as well so let's be let's stay in the mpc let's see if we can do that and let's go here into the main stuff and add on track three let's do a plugin instrument let's use the baseline [Music] so [Music] um i want that to be a little bit louder now you can't see that for the m32 connected over usb straight into mbc one let's record a baseline first and then add stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah acj i get that there's a delay and everyone's whatever thanks for the support thanks for being here thanks for the ideas and stuff you hear that the optics [Music] the machine instrument sorry the mpc instrument so sometimes there's definitely a reason to use these things program edit here i want to do something with this bass instrument not changing the fine tune that's for sure this attack i'm not sure i want that that's a little bit better so so that's a bit clearer right the base frequencies the the the lower base frequencies of that sub really came out through this compressor thing i think [Music] [Music] [Music] you know that's kind of a joke right but it would be fun to use something from the objects just [Music] when i was playing with this sound earlier someone said something about vibrato or tremolo [Music] can i on live camera on youtube do that for this sound maybe i can [Music] [Music] or maybe i can't um [Music] let's see here let's go to the different things that's the fm things that's the level that's the mod so let's see if we can go to that one doesn't make much of a difference right [Music] [Music] i can't hear what's going on you don't have to tell me in the chat i know i know [Music] okay this is too boring this doesn't add anything valuable so let's just browse through presets and see if a new idea comes up [Music] that's an idea is it a good one no [Music] [Music] you know i'll start to make this into something completely different and i don't want that [Music] [Music] so reminds me of bubba sparks somehow [Music] okay that gave me an idea i'm not going to be able to use this patch but i'm going to be able to use some sort of stab [Music] [Music] and that's the break i was talking about a little bit of a few minutes or whatever because i need to change the battery i wasn't too bad now was it okay one camera is out of business now it's back let's see if the text thing disappears it did you know what now i really feel like i needed that break i need to think about stuff for a minute i was talking about some synth stabs or [Music] whatever [Music] right i'm gonna keep that thought [Music] to myself and continue working on the actual sampled track because i still only have this single pattern [Music] which i don't hate but you know we kind of do need to do something more um and hello people there's the chat again uh thanks for being here and i guess i should once again remind you about the fact that this stream is no that this stream is sponsored sorry about that sponsored by district and track lab this entire project is five weeks of beats sponsored by these two companies um providing me with samples from trak lib and releasing the ep that's coming out of this project on distrokid don't forget to check out the links and do all the stuff and thanks a lot for those two companies to sponsor this entire series now we're still on sequence one and since i'm a little bit accurate with things i don't want the bpm to be 92.17 so let's let's lower that to 92 and let's open up a new sequence which it's sequence two sequence one i have track one sample okay so sequence two track one sample track two drums sequence through two track three [Music] plug-in one of course um track three plug-in one so let's go to sequence two which is empty at the moment cool so here we have another go i'm doing it in the wrong order my bad track two drums again oh that's not the right tempo 92 bpm that's like a bpm number that i normally go to a lot i like 92 bpm and that's what we're working with 92 [Music] bpm let's just make another one not like that now [Music] it's a little bit different with the delayed snare at the end that's cool track two that camera is kinda fishy so for my next sequence maybe i wanna do [Music] [Music] my delay is gone here why it's right there and right there oh let's [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe i can like own the fact that this chop is backwards [Music] maybe i want to adjust the slam the slamp the slice here sample [Music] just to not have the snare so i can do [Music] okay i'm on to something [Music] sure let's do that [Music] almost oh no i undo one once too much and i can't revert [Music] okay i got it [Music] kind of kinda [Music] why can't i just you know i'm apparently making some sort of mistake [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sure that's fine [Music] i mean for a switch up for a secondary sequence that's fine i want to be more excited about it i'm not it's not the best idea in the world it is what it is it's it's cool it's okay it's okay it's okay let's convince myself that it's okay and track three that's the base can i still that becomes minor no but [Music] [Music] it's a little bit dissonant but there's something cool about that let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't hate this first pattern thing let's go to the next one [Music] need something at the end there for sequence two um i think i'm gonna like pull this stuff into logic after the fact and then just you know take some drums out here and there and just arrange it like that some short breaks and stuff but yeah uh i mean i have a sample i have drums i have a bass line i have two different sequences and normally that's just oh that's where i said that we're done and then i do some scratching and then it's all good but i feel like there's something missing here that's there there's some sort of like hook part that i'm totally that i'm not totally nailing on the first sequence here you know something like [Music] my bad [Music] [Music] i don't want to play with the keyboard though i think the stuff is in the sample somewhere just haven't been able to like totally nail what i'm looking for let me try to take my sequence here this is something i don't do a lot so let's copy the sequence over to sequence three and let's not call it sequence one because that's so freaking um easy to misunderstand sequence three that's what it is and now do it sure so over here sequence my bad sequence one sequence three yeah and i want to go into track two sorry track three here and let's stay in track three and then just you know i'm gonna pretend like i'm pretend like i'm gonna use the the tiny fragments of a bass line that i have in this truck use that as some kind of stepping stone to do more stuff with the sample that kind of works with the same baseline and hopefully i'm going to be able to do something more or maybe do something less that's that's also the solution sometimes uh can i do i could do that no i want to do let's see here that one i'm sorry for switching cameras like that i'm just you know it bugs me to not know what i'm doing that's what i want come on this live stream it's sponsored and all you know it's supposed to be a little bit professional and i'm just dropping cameras left and right cool [Music] [Music] [Music] and you see all of a sudden now when i have more stuff here more in the stuff in the music that makes it feel like something it's a lot easier to rework the sample jobs i'm not going to totally like abandon the first thing because this is going to be really similar but this one has a little bit more tone or melody to it you know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's do something here let's keep it on beat right that's always a good thing ah almost come on what's up with me in my sense of rhythm come on well i'm on to something i'm not happy yet but i'm on to something that's that's good that's good that's good that's similar to the first one and that's a bit crazy [Music] there's still something i'm looking for [Music] is it [Music] one two three four come on yes i am starting to get frustrated that's what's happening um so i'm not gonna record i'm just gonna do this a bunch of ghosts and just give it some you know try try some stuff out so maybe maybe you know what now i'm thinking loud here one thing that i do sometimes that really that normally really works is that whenever i've really set my mind into starting a sequence with something in this case if i just don't do that at all if i just do something completely different sometimes it's cool sometimes something like magical happens there so i'm not gonna allow myself to play these three over the same note basically what happens if i start [Music] [Music] or [Music] do you guys have any ideas at all can i ask you guys for this i know i'm really deep into this right now and i'm kind of in my own mindset but if you have anything that could inspire me a little bit i would appreciate the hell out of that i see accurate knows how to properly use the program edit feature hey eve mccree is that wrong am i using the program edit functionality wrong maybe i am i'm sure i am but it you know i get it to work [Music] push that pad three [Music] oh my god why haven't i heard that before that one and that one oh saffin music hey mark thanks for being here cool to see some people that i kind of recognize from youtube in the chat room i appreciate that um and eve if you have anything to teach me about the program edit feature just tell me man uh you're using it right everything sounds great i don't know pad number three sure because that's still [Music] not still a d just like that sure of course we should use d pad 3 much more you're definitely right [Music] [Music] you see i can't just let it play out like that come on i could use a little bit of program edit this one samples this one uh effects let's go here let's use the analog synth sync delay again 16 notes [Music] that's cool little lackluster my phone is going off like crazy is something happening no okay it's that we're actually not me i'm just a part of a project where like this swedish whatever puts together and there a record like yeah there's gonna someone somewhere is gonna release this and you know collection record with swedish beat makers i'm a part of that so a lot of stuff is happening in that facebook group instagram group right now so that's just the phone thing uh eve mccree if you have a suggestion here now when i've recorded this pattern and i'm not happy with it i would just want to erase all the notes from the sequence and i've done so much stuff after the fact so that the undo function doesn't work is there a good way to like erase the notes the events in the pattern if that's if that's so please help me out because i'm always in the menu like you know marking notes like that and just delete them i know there's a way to like be here and in this menu do something with the notes in the pattern and just erase it but whenever i try to things just die clear then i clear the entire pattern or the entire track so um i'm just losing my mind over this if i delete the stuff on the drum program then the drum program gets deleted flatten pad bounce to duplicate duplicate track and this none of this is the stuff i want to do double the speed copy the track i know all these things but i just want to erase all the events sequence and then delete doesn't ring a bell sequence delete sequence here there is sequence track one is that what i'm looking for man come on that simple thanks a lot dominic i really appreciate that that simple so what was i doing this right [Music] [Music] [Music] no i didn't really erase the sequence i just went here and erased the sequence yeah but it only affected the first track so that's exactly what i'm looking for everything else is left here so thanks a lot that's right cool one more time come on [Music] this is good enough yeah i i know about that going into this the the piano role and just that's what i'm trying to not do because that just takes one minute too long this was exactly what i was looking for but come on there's i mean that's the problem i feel with the mpc this system it's it's really good but still i want to be able to do something here that just selects all the notes you know instead of having to do this just doing something just a command that selects all the notes and then i'm able to like cut them out but whatever [Music] i think this is really cool i like this so what i have now is the first sequence maybe it sucks by now who knows one breath of air and then [Music] it doesn't suck it doesn't suck this is this is this is good next sequence [Music] the backwards thing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't know why but i always feel like i want to do something like that [Music] dominic what are you saying shift plus select all is ctrl a where do you find that i know now we're getting like nerdy and geeky about the mpc one but i think that's fair uh what are you talking about uh in this um in the note editor here shift select all where's that i can't there's no not an option for select all here is there let's spend two minutes minutes being left here because if that's a thing here i really want to know it uh if you don't like what you record on the track you just record plus play and start okay that's of course you don't have to use the overdub i haven't thought about that in terms of midi i do that with audio but not from 80 but that's cool but there's not an option to say to to to like select all notes are you just lying cut copy paste mute solo there's not an option to to select all here that's not a real thing right okay so even mcgree is just here trolling us for this why come on man if there's a solution to select all shift plus select all where it doesn't exist can you see that boom doesn't exist okay in the future firmware come on we can't talk about stuff like that nori not you not me we can't talk about that but again that's not true that's not true select all is not here but of course just re re-recording without overdubbing that makes a lot of sense however guys um here in sweden it's uh half half past 12 half an hour after midnight basically so i've been here for two and a half hours to yeah alvarez two and a half hours and yeah i spoke a little bit of swedish there that's my bad uh this has been a struggle i haven't worked as fast as i wanted to and the ideas hasn't been that great but the first sample i just decided to actually load into the mpc is the first is the sample i used and that's kind of what i wanted for this just to polish polish a turd as i said in the beginning just polish the turret until it becomes something and this is something it's not my best work ever does it is it good enough to like have a place on a five-track ep where the whole theme is that i made it live yeah i think so i think so i do want to add something a little bit of shimmer of something just a little bit of you know i'm not talking about this this [Music] not talking about anything like elaborate like that i'm just talking about maybe i could do like a one shot somewhere like that [Music] [Music] you know what it doesn't suck need to do something about that attack of it let's hope that camera works for now [Music] um i'm not talking about the attack [Music] [Music] i'm looking for some presets let me just talk a little bit at the same time because because it's fun you know um i haven't talked much about this on the channel or on socials or whatever but my plan [Music] [Music] yeah gonna use that somehow uh yeah uh i haven't been the best youtuber ever when it comes to like being active on my discord channel or my discord server or patreon but in the future i talked to a guy who runs this swedish podcast podcast with not that many viewers and he makes a lot of money on his patreon without really doing too much work and i'm in a position in life now where i kind of need to make a decision if i'm doing this youtube music thing for real or not and i kind of feel like i'm doing this for real uh so i'm gonna push my patreon a little bit more in the future and hopefully i'm gonna be able to do some because right now if you go to my patreon it just says that yeah here's nothing special here's nothing special and here's nothing special for the different tiers that you have and in the future i'm gonna do some sort of i'm gonna be better some somehow at that sort of stuff to bring some extra like bonus content or whatever but i can't do that if i don't have any patreons so everything becomes like this weird thing i don't know how i'm gonna do that whole thing but i'm just mentioning it here i do have a patreon site i have like 15 patrons but i would like to grow that thing a little bit and make you know this stream is sponsored and that helps a lot but also having you guys here supporting helps a lot and if you might consider uh joining the patreon page and hope for something cool to happen in the future i would appreciate that that's what i'm gonna say it's super awkward to talk about that stuff so yeah but we have this organ thing what i talked about earlier i'm just going to record a few steps so let's open up an audio track input one well that wasn't what i was thinking so kind of silent but it doesn't suck [Music] [Music] that camera is no good you know what i'm gonna leave it at this i am uh sequence three not bad [Music] strings we need some strings right there that's obvious we need some strings for that just for that specific game third sequence we need some strings was i the only one who heard that uh i don't know i'm probably the the only one who really cares uh midi unused let's go plug in let's go pro [Music] economy wants to go and uh okay come on i'm gonna do that i'm switching gears i don't know what just happened i'm just trying to think hold on and i know you can hear all this it's fine [Music] so sorry about the noise the funny thing is that this video is also going to be left on the channel as a video in its entirety so everyone's going to hear that if you want to watch this entire thing after the fact what i did was i replaced the core gob6 with the korg wave state just because they have the same power adapter and it's easy to you know switch one out to the next one or whatever and here oh i haven't worked with the wave state for a while but here i should be able to go into the um let's see here where's the shift button shift perform now here we are shift and single multisample and look for [Music] [Music] sequence three knows four sequence three [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that's kind of cool [Music] just gotta change the attack [Music] me [Music] it's not exactly what i'm looking for but kinda kinda so let's give it a try audio let's do this on audio track too input 1 again which goes through my [Music] interface that's better let's use that one one two nope one more time [Music] then it became a little bit too silent again listen for the strings here without me like playing them and fiddling around with the thing think of that something just to this pattern not to the other ones [Music] [Music] and then comes to a stop now now it feels like that organ thing is totally misplaced and come on it's really it it's really not it's just too loud [Music] better [Music] okay [Music] so [Music] no no no to me i say no to myself that's not a good idea that becomes too much i mean what you're saying there fuego sure the stutter is cool but no [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you saw my face there to me that sounds really really dope but on top of the track it didn't really stand out did it [Music] and that's not just an alternative voicing you know [Music] wait [Music] the progression is [Music] it is just a different voicing yeah okay [Music] that's a little bit in between right now like it's some sort of edm [Music] not better [Music] that's a nine or something [Music] no whatever i'm gonna import all this stuff into logic after the fact and then i can pick and choose but i need to record this because it wouldn't be i wouldn't be honest to myself if i didn't record [Music] but i want to do a recording in mono you know that right everything is always mono recording mono mixing mono releasing mono mono no no okay [Music] works yeah that works now let's put everything aside no more synthesizers no more controllers no more nothing uh at this point it feels like i could like end the stream and say hey i made a track on the live stream and that's good enough um it feels like i could do that this one it's gonna be called five uh let's see it's gonna be uh can we do that camera we can just boom yeah five weeks of beats five bob and then um suggest names for this track for the ep the final name that's going to be not just like hey we're toying around and calling it poopoop just a real name for this track i know it's not finished and it's gonna have a lot of scratching and stuff but if you have a suggestion for a name for this track it could be something whatever put it in the chat and why release everything in mono i'm just you know i'm deaf on one ear i only have the left ear working so the right ear is completely useless and then i sample i mix i edit i release in mono dual mono so it becomes stereo but it's not stereo i don't work anything at all with like panning stuff left or right you know because i'm deaf so that's what it is uh names please suggestions for names just give me whatever you got just some ideas of names for the track and now it's called 5 wob 0 1 of course 0 or 0 0 0 1 because this is the first one the name can't be rolf rolf is what we call rafael one of the best rappers in sweden uh rolf is this old man's name like alfred and the one and only rolf we know about is ruff ruff because rafa is like a version like an the common nickname for anyone who's named rolf and one of our best swedish rapper ever is called rafe roof and then we go to rolf so naming a track rolf or rolf won't work because it's it seems like i made the track for him and it doesn't sound like a track for rafael so yeah not that one anything else uh transition yeah should i make a transition part between the different stuff or no i'm not going to do that now or maybe ever see good music yeah i've ever since my surgery [Music] the right hearing nerve and my brain just has no communication at all so no i can't hear anything on the right ear and i'm never gonna be able to hear anything it's never gonna grow back or regenerate or whatever it's just completely disconnected from my brain so yeah i only have one ear i actually did the thing in my last live stream where i thought my op 6 wasn't working and then i saw in the universal audio thing for the interface that it was panned hard right so everyone else heard it and i didn't so that's what it is track name salute to pete like pete rock huh quinn quinn that's a name beyond the mountains of our mind that's a little bit isn't it that's a bit much rough banger write out uh track name salute to pete come on if you have any more names i'm i'm open for suggestions here um i really am roland sounds like a track you would hear in a car maybe so [Music] monorail that's a good one remember repeat that's a good one [Music] [Music] uh pete rock yeah that's a that's a that's a big pair of pants to wear right to call a beat something that has to do with pete rock maybe man maybe remember pete everyone doesn't have to know that it's pete rock for pete's sake this was a lot of fun just to have a lot of suggestions for names uh mono roulette i like mana roulette mono amano that could that could be that could be the name of my next like album instead mono amano slice and dice remember beyond okay i'm going to read this later on just give me a bunch of suggestions that's just cool now let's try to just do something really want to be able to count on that camera i kind of can't but you know uh yeah i am a big fan of mf do rest in peace let's start tractor so what i'm gonna do here is that i'm gonna play around with a few scratch noises uh just on top of this and see if something comes out if not i'm doing this after the fact but if something turns out kind of cool i'm keeping it and in order for me to be able to keep it i kinda need to i kinda need to um hold on you guys gonna have to give me a second here [Music] what i'm doing is that i'm actually opening up logic clicked it right now it starts up and i don't want to launch the plugin manager because everything isn't oh and there we have the feedback of my audio give me a few seconds here and i'm going to sort everything out and to i want to be able to record the beat and the scratch in to logic and just you know just have a little bit of control after the fact that's input 6. and on sequence one input six is apparently nothing you know this part of the stream isn't planned out at all uh one two three my voice is on audio three that one is on number four and that one is supposed to be on number six [Music] and it is cole you can't see this it's off-screen but i'm doing just making a quick little logic session with two tracks using the beat and [Music] turntable in here let's see if it works first of all i thought it's more fun for you to see this camera and see the scratching than seeing logic you know let's record and just make sure that works that works flawless flaws so i'm setting the sequencer just to match up to 92 bpm and then i deleted everything i did i am not good at computers all the time but i'm also doing like six things at the same time i'm doing the stream switching the cameras and keeping words coming out of my mouth and i'm setting up a logic session and i'm thinking about what scratch samples to use and i'm thinking about the title of this track you know i have a lot of stuff going on here so bear with me for being a little bit slow on stuff right now another test add some noise that's so nice cool so don't delete the whole thing and back to the chat do we have do we have any more suggestions here uh roland only that's good rolling sidewalk is also a good one uh five big so we five weeks of beats one yeah sure but i mean it's going to be this i'm going to release it as a as a mixtape or as an ep you know and then i want the tracks to have names on spotify and whatever kind of can i want them to to make some sort of sense that's obs everything's black there i am cool why is it black on that one that's because uh let me just check through some more suggestions here uh hi can i send you my track of course you can just send it to my email it's listed in the comment section below accuratemcc at just send me send me the beats uh loved your stream and in my view it was super fun super super dope can't wait to hear the ep but there is more to go appreciate it man thank you thank you yeah roland carmen carmen is a good one carmen and roland let me save that in a document roland yeah uh roland or carmen that's what it's going to be so now we have that cam okay i can't see that i shouldn't make this so freaking difficult on myself [Music] [Music] uh everything seems to hey everything seems to work kind of nicely so i'm on starting up this recording in logic boom two three four i'm sorry about that metronome but that's what it is and that camera is also what it is but i think we're having kind of fun aren't we oh that sample wasn't prepared as i thought thanks a lot for being here guys this is kind of the last thing i'm doing on this stream and then i'm signing out and going to bed and all that but let's try some some some cuts just for old times sake oh [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] oh i [Music] don't stop don't don't don't [Music] wow oh [Music] crazy [Music] baby [Music] don't stop [Music] be killing oh don't stop [Music] [Music] oh oh okay [Music] slash [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] one let's make it work maybe let's make it work [Music] playing with [Music] i go by the accurate of [Music] accurate accurate [Music] action accurate here it comes [Music] yep [Music] [Music] wow oh well you know that's oh my butt oh was i oh were you guys seeing that cam oh my geez you weren't supposed to die [Music] [Music] here it comes up [Music] wow [Music] all right you guys ready [Music] [Music] okay sorry about that i just felt like i really need to not have that camera on all the time you know what i think we're about done here uh i really think we are yeah this one is not supposed to be on my face because that happens that's why it's like that you know what guys the time here in sweden right now is 20 minutes over one at night so one and a half hours over midnight and i've been live since 10. so 11 12 yeah three and a half hours i wasn't really expecting to to do this live stream for three and a half hours but you know that's what this project is that's the entire point of it all to make music on live stream and you know the principle behind it is to make beats that are decent enough for me to not be ashamed of putting them out there in this case on an ep online released through distrokid let me try to like sort my tech out here yeah everything has been recorded in logic and everything looks really good so i'm i'm able to like chop that up and work with that stuff later on that's how i how i normally work with music so that's cool there i am and where are you guys there you are this is cool okay so this is coming to an end um i've made a track the first episode of five beats of a week the first episode of five weeks of beats is done i'm happy i'm done we've been live for three and a half hours and i think the beat came out more than decent enough for me to like release it on the ep later on so yeah five weeks we're doing four more weeks and again this is the first one using the mpc one for this and a little bit of um did i record anything from the op 6 i'm not sure i did that but i did record a few tracks from the korg wave state in here and some midi stuff stuff that's available on the mpc one so all i have to do now is to just you know record the beat into logic maybe separate a few tracks and then just you know master it mix it quickly and then add these scratches and maybe something more maybe something less and then i'm done then this track is all good for this ep project of mine five weeks of beats i appreciate every one of you for being here we were as much as like almost 200 people at a time i think now we're down to way less than that but it's really cool to have you guys here and that number and that number doesn't say the same thing at all so i guess we have some viewers here still um there are some some mentions of my name in the chat so everything that turns out orange i'm gonna take a few moments to read then i'm signing out and i'll see you guys on another stream in a week for now this project [Music] this project needs to be saved so we need to make up our minds here and save as five weeks of beats episode zero one this track is probably gonna be called carmen i like that carmen because i've done a few beats before with like women's names i have one called tiffany and i have another one called something else and whatever so maybe this i'm not sure but maybe this is going to be the first track for the ep and in the other case the first track was named i had one called frida which is the name of my girlfriend and another one called tiffany that's also number one on some kind of release i did so maybe carmen will be the first track now it's called carmen it's kind of official if i decide to change it i'm telling you guys in the next stream you know orange mark says great stream my friend really brave of you to create this in front of everyone power to you cool uh to everyone in the stream call the names of your cities and you're down with it let's send accurate beats love from every different part of the world one love that that's a cool yeah man that's a cool initiative um it is thanks a lot and it seems like we have people from all over the world being here and i mean that's one of the beautiful now i'm getting like emotional and stuff but that's one of the beautiful things about music that it's you know i speak english in these videos and i guess that's kind of smart because a lot of people speak english but the language of music is also universal yeah you know what i'm saying music is for everyone and this this type of like old-school beat making stuff seem to attract a few people uh like-minded people i should say and i really appreciate that and i'm glad to be able to be here and you know inspire and educate or just hang out or just you know uh be someone that you can hate online or whatever i just appreciate having the this little slot of space of internet yeah next week machine plus i'm not sure fuego um probably yeah you know what you know what i was serious about this um pages i made a little um plan for myself to like include a few things that i thought was cool and so i decided pretty much whatever what stream should contain of what so the first one was supposed to be machine plus so right there and i was supposed to sample drums as well however the second one was supposed to be mpc one which is this one sample and i was supposed to use the op-1 as descent who cares uh this became the one together with some core accents next one will probably be machine plus probably i really think so the same way as now just picking a sample from tracklib trying to do it faster than 30 minutes maybe i'm going to prepare that before and just have a sample ready i don't know and then chop it up make a beat produce the music and we have yet another week of beats but again this was the first the first episode of my five beats again this was my first episode of the five weeks of beats project sponsored by distrokid and traklip go check out the links in the description below you see what's up there and go to the links and you will have you will get some extra stuff seven percent off district and five free tracks from trak and i showed you guys how to sample track lab and how to use it there's a little bit more details there that we can touch on in the next one about actually licensing the track and then you have to like tell them how many seconds and what you used and how much money you make of it and then you're good to go however thanks a lot for these different companies to sponsor this stream and this production of the ep thank you guys for being here and i am making this stream longer than it has to be i'm leaving right now i am thank you guys for being here thanks for helping me out with the pitch and the ideas and the name for the track and and everything thanks a lot guys for being here time for me to go and when i do that i'm playing the intro again and then we're out thanks a lot hope to see you guys in the next stream next week next friday then we're doing the five weeks of beats episode 2. until then
Channel: Accurate Beats
Views: 22,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0oClnf7-zck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 30sec (12450 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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