How far will a .22 LR Kill?

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Lmfao. I always think about the Paul Harrell video about a .22 for self defense. The part where he actually goes and kicks a 2liter to show him "defending himself" vs having a .22 to shoot I laugh like a dumbass every time. Time stamp 1:10 to find that part.

Paul Harrell video

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Kill4Nuggs 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

I always point them to this video and ask them if they'd think a 22LR isn't such a bad platform.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/GlobalRedditor 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
the original concept for this pine board baffle is we're gonna see how far a 22 is lethal the lr but in the meantime we're gonna fire a couple of rounds out of this beretta mix which is the 22 short now this is a 1/2 inch pine board the army established many years ago that it requires 59 foot pounds to pierce this wood if a projectile will go through 1/2 inch pine is potentially lethal so what we're gonna do Eric's going to fire his beretta makes the close-range right in here and then we're gonna keep backing up with the 22lr out of it out of a 1022 and to the distance that it will not penetrate this board now to put this in perspective the 25 ACP has 61 foot-pounds at the muzzle so it's barely adequate at the muzzle this is the 22 minx that shoots short rounds and we're going to fire it right here and we're gonna see what it does let's do it you know everybody talks a lot crap about of 22 but there we see the group up hosted with the minks that a 22 short at that distance will definitely cause a lethal wound I'm a circle this group and then back off to a little bit further distance and see what it'll do [Applause] now here we see that while the 22 short from the minks wasn't incredibly accurate at 15 yards the rounds did penetrate the pine baffle with 30 feet and of course you see a nice tight cluster at 9 feet from the standpoint of what that gun is designed to do it is an ideal defensive pistol at close range you shoot somebody in a vital area they're gonna have a very bad day we're gonna move on down to the 22lr alright we've now moved out to 100 yards chad has this Ruger 10/22 we're gonna be firing 22lr kind of ammo is that high velocity SK and that's a lead bullet not Jacket pine baffle at 100 yards alright so we can show pretty much as expected that a 22lr will pierce a half-inch pine board at 100 yards I know this is a gimmie but from the sake of science we definitely want to work our way up baseline yep that's our baseline alright we've now moved back to 200 yards same load same rifle same shooter and we're gonna try 22lr on the quarter inch 1/2 inch 1/2 inch pine board 200 yards [Applause] all right people there's three shots they hit to the right there on the board they went cleanly through and that's at 200 yards a little more testing can tell what is really capable of I would like to see some CCI stingers put at really long range you know because that's a really hot 22 round we're gonna take this out to a little bit longer distance and see if that three and maybe even four hundred yards if we can land a few hits all right so now we've gone to another extreme with the 22 we're at 450 yards same rifle same load and we're gonna see what it will do and if it'll actually penetrate that half inch pine board if we can hit it I hit about a foot load yes it sounds like you're hitting it you can't see it that's all right we can see that at four hundred and forty yards 22lr penetrated a half inch pine board which requires fifty nine foot pounds of force we got two good hits there for forty and then one hit low right down there the holes punch clean through we did recover one of the projectiles and we can see the weight retention right on par all right very so what can be said about a 22lr or 22 short well this whole at four hundred forty yards is identical to the one at thirty feet they're both clean holes so judging by the old standard of half-inch pine board test a twenty two will kill you farther than you can shoot it accurately yeah that's the thing you know 440 yards four hundred forty dollars they're clean holes right and we see that the beretta minx on a 22 short although 22 short essay by some standards woefully underpowered cartridge at close distance it is capable of saving your life the one thing that we can come to gather here from this test is a couple of things one thing is that you don't want to get shot with the 22 at any distance getting shot is getting shot and people can talk all the crap they want about a 22 but a 22 will kill the crap out of you okay also another thing like Barry said this distance is further than most shooters are capable of accurately hitting a point target with with a 22 anyway so what that tells us is that at any distance you can hit someone with the 22 accurately up to this distance it will potentially cause a lethal wound correct also the one thing I want to make clear with this is that when it comes to like getting shot you know shooting someone if you're in a situation where it's either a survival situation a prepping situation let's just say the [ __ ] hits the fan type situation where you're trying to defend yourself if you're in some sort of an engagement with someone you're in some sort of firefight whatever and you get shot with a 22 it's not a good end well for you you mean you got to thank you good you're still going to need some form of medical treatment no matter what now granted wow 22 may not be my first choice for stopping someone in their tracks with one shot you cannot deny the effectiveness of the cartridge for hurting people right it will hurt your ass this at 440 yards would definitely puncture the soft part of someone's abdomen and you get shot down here you're in big trouble yes you can't get if you have no medical treatment you're gonna die you may not die today but you're gonna die sometime during the next week and depending on the type of person you're dealing with I mean it can take you out of the fight right right and really when you look at what 556 was originally developed towards with NATO and everything like that I mean the whole idea of warfare change from the point where they don't want to kill you they want to wound you right they want for people to touch you off so when you're talking about four people talking you off well that's it this is like back you're getting an apocalyptic situation with no medical care you might as well be in the Old West I don't repair II somewhere if you get a hole in you that you weren't born with you're probably gonna die that's why the small caliber guns and the Old West people feared any kind of gunshot you just die of infection or whatever I mean people died of knife cuts back then puncture would because I mean even just an everyday accidental type of puncture wound will kill you but a.22 is definitely not a cool way in fact it's an invaluable survival tool and everybody should have a 22 rifle must have a 22
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 6,396,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OUM1r_444CY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2012
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