Moving to my New Japanese Apartment!

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[Music] oh god i'm legitimately the most tired i've ever been in my whole entire life hello everybody welcome to the new office and to my new apartment this is not an apartment tour so i'm not gonna be showing you too much stuff uh this is actually a video showing the process of me getting to this place and i know i disappeared for a few weeks i'm very very sorry didn't mean to disappear for that long but i had some health problems that happened and i was busy trying to figure them out and then found out it was apparently caused by stress so this this move has been a bit stressful but you'll see some of the process uh in this video also this video just represents my experience with moving in japan uh everybody's experience is different but yes before we get started this is the new office it's very nice and big and very bright look how bright it is i there's a big old window i can see trees it's it's it's i'm living i'm alive i'm having a good time so this video begins with some guaranteed company interviews for applying to apartments you have to have interviews with guaranteed companies it's kind of hard to explain a guaranteed company originally it would be a guarantor which meant that if anything went wrong they would be responsible for everything but now they have guaranteed companies even if you have a guarantee most places require you to go with a guaranteed company so for this apartment i had to go through three guarantee company interviews usually only do one maybe two um but the owner wanted to have a variety to choose from they would do all their tests and everything and do their interviews with me and then afterwards she'd be like okay i'll go with this character company so that's why i had to go through three interviews but they were very stressful okay so this is the start of the process of me getting this apartment take it away past emma i'm sorry you're so stressed you're gonna get through it and it's gonna be okay hello oh my god uh i just got a call from another guarantor company so far i've talked to two guarantee companies i'm going to be talking to three guarantee companies during this process it is insane personally in my opinion um i've submitted a lot of information i have you know a japanese national as an emergency contact i have my company i have also my family uh and my dad as like the emergency contact overseas that they required um i've given them heaps of information and yeah so yesterday i got the first call from the guarantor uh while i was at work they are very quick uh they're very like let's get it done and they just call it random times and it's very stressful and this is also a test of my japanese level the conditions for this apartment is that uh foreigners are allowed but they have to be able to speak japanese and they have to be used to japanese lifestyle and be used to japan so uh this is kind of like a japanese test with the consequence being that if i fail i don't get my dream apartment which sucks hello it's me again future emma just have a quick note i've had a few people message me and be a little bit concerned and say that it's uh it's racist for a japanese apartment company or owner to not allow foreigners if they don't speak japanese um i think there is discrimination when it is apartment companies and owners that don't allow foreigners full stop even if they speak japanese and have been here for ages but for this being required to speak japanese i think makes sense everything in this area everything to do with the management company is all in japanese i don't expect anybody to hire a translator or you know if i had to hire a translator every time there was a little problem you know they want to be able to call me if there's an issue and just keep it you know for safety and for keeping everything regulated you know i'm totally fine with that does that make sense i don't expect them to print out the rules in english to to you know go this extra mile to just have an english speaker there are heaps of places in japan that speak english and you can go to that are english friendly uh but if you are able to speak japanese it opens up a lot more options anyway back to the video goodbye first company called while i was at work uh and it seemed to go fine and they asked for like basic information so they were like okay what's your name what's your birthday they wanted to know if it's okay to sign up with their credit card to pay my rent through their credit card system to pay for the rent and i said yes i got stuck on two things one thing was my bank details they just wanted to know what name the account was on it was just my name but i was like i don't know if i fully understood what they said and i was like i don't want them to be like what kind of account is it and for me to be like emma and then the bit that i got stuck on at the very end was uh what's your visa status i figured out they were asking for my visa status and i didn't know how to say what kind of visa i have in japanese so luckily i was like i think i left my my residence card in the other room just give me a second i went in the other room and i turned it on mute and luckily my co-workers were there and i was like how do you read this kanji what is this kanji and they're like it's this and i was like i have this visa she's like okay we'll be in touch thank you so i was like that's gonna be the end of it and then i found out there were two more guaranteed companies and i was like now now don't call me don't talk to me i don't want to do this but it's worth it for the dream apartment i found out today there were going to be two more guaranteed companies and then i got home and at 6 00 p.m japan time i got called by this guarantor company so she was asking questions like okay how much rent do you currently pay and what she was like what's your reason for moving i'm like i want a new place what am i supposed to say and then she was like okay so you're working with tokyo creative what's your salary and i was like okay well then i had to explain my financial situation because you know there's like freelance work amongst uh salary and stuff so it's completely complicated and also if they hear freelance work sometimes they're like oh freelance isn't reliant and a lot of freelancers find it hard to rent apartments because freelance work isn't a set wage and people could be a bit like oh about that in like garage companies but i was like oh well my emergency system and then she was like okay going through emergency contacts okay um so here's your dad what's his birthday i was like what's my dad's birthday she's like yes i'm like with the year in it she was like yes i don't know the year my dad was born i was like uh january 30th uh and i was like on facebook sorry dad he knows i was going through facebook trying to find his birthday like when was he born what year was my dad born it felt like like such a question out of nowhere i wasn't ready but yeah i was like okay my dad was born this year thanks dad for having it on facebook you're great and then she was like okay are you willing to pay with that credit card system you can pay with the credit card this is going to be this much percentage on your friends are you okay with that and i was like yes i'm fine with anything please stop talking to me stop talking to me i don't want to talk anymore i i give money i live in the apartment that's all i want to do why do i have to go through japanese tests oh god and then she was like okay so well we're going to be in touch with your father so uh yeah just uh no worries about that and uh we'll talk to you again soon i was like okay i was like wow they're really gonna call my dad but it's you know 7 30 p.m on a saturday so i was like i'll just call my dad so i picked up the phone and i was like hey dad i just had a chat to the guaranty company they're probably going to be in contact with you and he was like oh i'm getting a phone call right now i was like they're calling you at 7 30 pm on a saturday they call my dad double check that he's a real man and my real dad and also that he's like my emergency contact if anything goes wrong and my japanese emergency contact doesn't work out and everything doesn't work out they can call him so that's done one more to go one more guarantee company that's gonna call literally any time i guess of the day or of the week in the next few days uh and that's also gonna be a japanese i'm just waiting for a question that's gonna ruin the entire thing if i don't get this place i'm gonna just um go live in the mountains for a while in a cave and just mourn maybe the next time i check in with you i'll be done with the third company oh and then it'll be over maybe it's all worth it for the pretty toilet stay with me it's all weather for the pretty toilet [Music] we got this we got this okay i'm gonna shower because i'm sweaty every time i have a business phone call i sweat a lot so i'm gonna go take a shower okay i just got approved for my apartment i right now i'm filming another video at a love hotel uh that's shaped like a boat and there's a water slide in it video of that coming out really soon uh but i just got my proof for my apartment holy sorry i can't swear my child they want me to move in in 15 days i can do that that's fine happy dance yes i got approved as you can see by the last clip i got approved uh which is super super amazing so so happy um i'll tell you guys what happened with the third guarantor company so i was on a shoot for another video that's coming out i was sitting in a cafe with sarah waiting to be able to shoot and my phone rang and i was like here we go let's go i got this i was feeling super like yeah i'm ready any questions i feel like i'm ready i did my study i've had two calls already i feel like i'm good to go and so i picked up the phone and i was like hello and she was like hello this is the guaranty company so we're here to just do a few checks so we'll just get started if that's okay yep so your name's emma uh-huh and your birthday's the 7th of march uh-huh and you're moving into this apartment yeah and you're paying this much rent yep and your emergency contact is this yes okay cool thanks we'll be in touch okay be and that was it i literally only had to say yes the entire time it was so easy it was so incredibly easy the other ones it was like just you know really intense interviews and then it was like uh-huh so it went super well so so happy and then within an hour of that phone call they called me and said that i got the place so whoa yeah i've had to get ready to move in like two weeks i've got one week left so now i'm in the second stage of the process which is so intense for the move-in fees this is where it really hurts even if the rent is like wow it's so cheap for this place uh move-in fees in japan are a crime they're so expensive so for the move-in fees it was key money deposit insurance a key fee and then also the rent of march and april and then also the agency introduction fee and the guarantor company fee so with all that the cost comes too six hundred sixty two thousand six hundred ninety four yen so about six thousand one hundred us dollars to move in after that i will have to pay aircon installation fee and pay for the icon units themselves i need to set up gas electricity wi-fi moving company which i have been trying so hard to get in contact with some movie companies no one's getting back to me and right now it is the peak season i never wanted to move in peak season because now i'm in a cursed situation because the lease is going to run out every two years and if i decide to move when my lease ends i'll be moving every time after this in peak season so it's super busy and super expensive and then also i need so much furniture i need you know fridge washing machine oven uh couch desk chair it's kind of like everything's coming in fresh for those move-in fees i want you to know i'm not getting ripped off this is a very very common thing in japan before this point i've worked with a foreign-friendly agency that does no key money no guarantor fee like it's very minimalist and very like move in there's already furniture they do exist they're harder to find that's a good deal but they do exist but uh this is my first time going through the full-on like japanese method of getting an apartment and it is very expensive and this is very normal um you can if you want search for places that say no key money or no deposit um and they do exist they're super rare and also because uh i'm a foreigner my choices are slimmer because a lot of places reject foreigners so today i'm going to the ward office to collect my jimmy cure which is a certificate of residence i need to take that and all my stuff all my deets my passport zaidu card residence card um health insurance all bunch of stuff to the apartment agency and sign all the papers and basically sign to make sure that i am definitely going with that place then i'll collect the keys on the 15th and i'm hoping to move yeah a little bit later in the month but we'll see when the movie companies are available you can get really fancy moving companies here but i have decided i think to go for just a guy with a truck because i don't have that much stuff i say now i think i actually have quite a bit of stuff but um you know the main thing is the bed i need help disassembling and everything but i think just a truck should be fine so so far i've been selling a bunch of stuff and giving away stuff on different sites to just get my belongings down a lot i've also booked sodagomy so large trash for after i've moved everything i have some boxes and packing and just hoping for the best so today we're going to the agency to sign the papers and also to the award office i'm going to see if i can do the moving out certificate thing today as well when you move out of a ward within 14 days of you moving you have to go and get a moving out certificate and take that to the new ward office we'll see how this goes [Music] okay ah great the popcorn is still there so i was just sitting in the office editing and i was like oh it feels a bit brighter in here it must be a really sunny day like there's just there's so much light coming in uh and then i realized the tree that was outside the apartment disappeared while i was sitting here and i could hear all these workmen i thought they were just trimming the bushes but i got up and the tree's gone there used to be a massive four-story tall tree blocking all the light from this window and now the room is so bright compared to what it used to be it's like you you i don't have any lights on and you can see and they're doing this a few days before i'm moving and that's that sucks well at least now while i work on this last project before i leave i'll uh i'll have a bit of light thanks kitchen's a mess this stick is hard to get off but i'm going to try a hair dryer to see if it helps and yeah bow i got the keys in the place is mine yay sarah's here also we did some work today my two aircon guys in i'm waiting for the gas guy it's so it's so much fun i'm having so much fun but i'm so [Applause] tired [Music] baby hello everybody it is moving day i am incredibly exhausted things are crazy but i'm getting it done and things are looking like it's it's actually happening uh unfortunately i have so much stuff that we're probably gonna have to do two trips but this time i didn't go with like a proper um like full-on japanese moving company i've uh i've hired uh one mover with a truck so we're just gonna be working together to get everything down to the truck and getting it all done right now he's disassembling the bed uh but his name is atsushi fukuhara moving company do you want to say hello to everybody hello hello nice to meet you thank you so much for helping today thank you so much yeah so we're just gonna be working hard today getting it all done and dusted and yeah this is my last night was my last night in this place and i didn't sleep very well but it's fine i'm ready to go okay we're almost ready to do one trip that's totally gone just a lot of plants left so i think we're gonna do one trip to start off with and then we'll come back and get some more later [Music] do [Music] we're just taking a break i'm having some boudon it is so much hard work but we're going to take up the rest of the stuff and then go back and get the second round of stuff they look so pretty but yeah i gotta eat and then we get back to it [Music] [Music] i'm alive we moved things for a very long time i'll tell you about it later i'm legitimately the most tired i've ever been in my whole entire life everything's everywhere i'm in lads uh i have no curtains set up the bedroom a little bit it's nice and i'm gonna go to bed after i take a shower it's a bit anti-climatic way i'm very i'm so so tired so i gotta go i'll tell you all about it some other time wow chaos chaos hello everybody it is a few days i can't remember when i moved when did i move a few days ago it's been an interesting journey and i'm here and it's it's great but there's a lot that needs doing and i'm in a weird transitional phase where i'm here and i've moved out of the old apartment uh but i feel not fully settled yet because i don't have a fridge i don't have a washing machine i don't have internet uh it's it's a bit all over the place so yeah it's a bit of a a weird feeling right now i also don't have curtains but i've started picking up a sheet yeah moving was incredibly rough uh and it's my own fault because i didn't hire a moving company i had wonderful at sushi with his truck i think he's great if you you know are moving just with maybe one room or a one dk or something if you don't have so many belongings and so many plants like i did but unfortunately my stuff didn't fit in the truck so we had to do two trips uh so it ended up costing a lot more and it took about 10 hours because my new place is quite far away from my old place so also no elevators so up and down many many many flights of stairs uh i'm very tired i'm doing a lot better now but my body hurt for so long and it was it was so rough on the both of us and i just feel so bad lessons learned for next time we take my glasses off even though i can't see so well so today i'm going to the ward office to go and register uh when i left my last ward i went to the ward office and got a tension today which is like saying i'm moving out and then i take it to the new ward office give it to them and then afterwards i'm going to a outlet store to try and get a washing machine and a fridge i've been to some second-hand stores and they have kind of what i'm looking for but i'm looking for a very specific size fridge for the place so uh it's a bit hard to find so i'm gonna see if i can find it at the outlet store today i need to call the internet today to try and organize that so much to do i have had multiple showers and a bath and it's been amazing [Music] thanks okay okay is this necessary was that complete is that this the bathroom is just excellent and i feel like this place has so many little details that i really like that it's like clearly the owner of it didn't just go for the the cheapest option she just really chose stuff that worked and i really appreciate her for that and there's just so many specific things that i'm like oh she really cared about that like she made a good choice yeah hopefully soon i can wash my clothes i'm excited to get back to my life it's not quite there but i'm getting back to it slowly the trash sorting system is so intense way more intense than my last ward my last word was really like techydoll with it and they were very uh basically most of it was burnables but here they do a lot of recycling which is great i actually feel really good doing the trash because i'm like oh i can actually properly sort it and this will get recycled um but it's very intense uh and i have to take the trash out before 8 a.m five days a week so it's a good job that i don't have curtains because i wake up at like six so it's great anyway i'm gonna go to the ward office but yeah i'll just keep you guys updated with how everything keeps on going uh but i am having a good time just feeling a little unstable being like okay this is the place this is my new place it doesn't feel fully real yet but i'm i'm getting there [Music] mulberry tree's very happy got lots of mulberries coming all in here then the figures coming back to life now it's coming into spring it's got lots of new shoots and then the strawberries are flowering and they're gonna have strawberries soon today the fridge is arriving in the next hour so the fridge is going to go there and also the washing machine is arriving so just going to wait for the guy to come and bring everything and hopefully everything goes smoothly and it's all fine the fridge is here look at her she's so pretty and sexy i'm so so happy with the size and the fit it really just fit perfectly one weird thing about this place is that high up outlet but i'll just make do with what i got but yeah in there's gonna be a cabinet or something to have like the oven the kettle and the rice cooker uh but i'll be figuring that out very soon but to start off with here's the fridge so so so happy with it just the biggest fridge i've had especially for myself it's very large this is luxury life remember we're in we're in this is we are in luxury life so sexy fridge also the washing machine is here and i just put it on for for a go and here she is very pretty hello so freaking nice so yeah this is my new washing machine it's got half an hour to go for this cycle and uh yeah so they put it they hooked it up there's like a drain there so they hooked up the pipes and everything very very very happy and excited to have a clean laundry again i have so much laundry to do i'm gonna get grocery shopping soon so i'm just cooking my first meal in this place and i started cutting vegetables and i don't have to bend down to cut vegetables anymore i don't have to bend down to do anything and it's it's such a it's such a feeling i know you guys are probably used to it it's very normal to not have to bend down while cooking things but this is so nice i would rather bend down to go through that doorway than to bend down while cooking every dang meal in my life oh yes so good so then i built my desk and assembled various furnitures and have been gradually settling in ever since uh it's been a long process and also it's been you know i felt a little bit weird with such a big change i still don't feel fully settled but it's getting better and better every single day i think it's just a really long process for me but yeah welcome to my new place it's been great i have way more things to show you so much to show you there will be an apartment here in the future but i need much more time to set up everything i don't want to give you you know like a half finished apartment tour so i just need a little bit more time but there will be more content coming soon the next video coming out should be a love hotel with a water slide so get pumped thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up leave a comment down below or hit subscribe if you want to see more videos like this or not like this but thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Tokidoki Traveller
Views: 253,692
Rating: 4.9642582 out of 5
Keywords: tokidoki, tokidoki traveler, tokidoki apartment, tokidoki traveller apartment, japanese apartment, moving in japan, moving apartment, moving vlog, living in japan, life in japan, living in tokyo, life in tokyo, how to move in japan, apartment in japan
Id: 5_7suaVZcJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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