I found my new Japanese apartment!

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[Music] hello i haven't slept well in two days it's okay so i might have found the apartment but the agency has been closed for two days so we can't contact to see if it's still available and i'm gonna get a message either any second or in a few hours i don't know when letting me know if it's still available or not and if it's available i'm putting in my application if it's also available i'm gonna go see it at 5 30 pm tonight i am so obsessed with the apartment that i have not been able to sleep uh i know it's only like the second apartment that i might be going to see like in real life but i've been looking online at apartments for so long because my the things that i want are so specific it's very hard to find anything that matches it so this place is just beautiful it's very sexy you'll see it if you do if it's already taken i'll be very sad and i'm ready to be sad and i'll probably be sad but it's fine um location amazing size perfect layout perfect south facing kitchen new bathroom new window in the bathroom yes it's in a really old building so uh you have to climb a lot of stairs and there's no elevator which i'm fine with and i'm hoping no one else is okay with it so no one's taking the apartment so i don't mind a bit i don't mind a staircase it's pricey but it's spicy you know it's it's not that expensive like if it for what it is and the location i feel i think it's a really good deal um but you know it's not like a cheap place because this is luxury time and i'm becoming a luxury person anyway so i've lost control of my life and it's gonna be fine so many possibilities such a nice area i have a lot of things to say but i'll stop talking because i might not get it please let me get this i'll update you in a minute this this this weight is excruciating for me but for you it's gonna be like it's still available and i put my papers in and this might be the apartment and i feel like it is it feels crazy because i've only shown you guys like one other apartment and i really mean to see one other apartment but i've been looking for so long i've been so picky and this one it's just like this could be the one it's very exciting i'm very excited i'm very nervous as well because on the website it says move in immediately and for this place i have to give them a month's notice before i leave so i might have to pay an extra month of rent here i'm going a little bit early so i can go and walk around the neighborhood i won't be filming it uh because it's the neighborhood uh but i'm gonna go check it out and walk around and see what i can find and and forget the vibe i'm going really to get the vibe and uh yeah then i'm gonna meet mika and we're gonna go and check out the place all right here we go [Music] okay let's go okay look oh no wow very fresh okay so this is this is for shoes too when you come in that's nice and then for these oh yeah you can change so because i don't own that many shoes like this it's like all about for shoes and then there's this i was thinking of i could remove some of these and then make like a maybe like towels or something yeah wow okay oh so this would be the bedroom i guess i'll get more confident at walking but i feel like i have to duck every time because it's wow okay oh okay what are they saying about the oh you can have aircon there you can okay that's good so i could have it installed let's have a look in here yeah so what is this i think there's something here is it like a like a boiler or something this is all just yeah maybe it's like a pipe or something okay so they just covered it up okay oh the sink is bigger than i thought it was going to be this is nice uh-huh wow oh when it does it does yeah it starts and does hot and cold awesome yeah hello hello there she is oh the dream hi oh i like how the funky wall looks like concrete yeah hello and she's so cute fresh fresh oh wow that's so nice and let me see the bathroom wow okay so how i will i will have to duck down to get excuse me okay it is smaller than i thought it was gonna be but that still is okay i think let me just close this i can just like sit and have yeah i'll have to have my knees up a bit but i think that's okay a nice window in the bathroom okay let's have a look at the office this is summer oh this is nice oh this is this is nicer than i was expecting oh and there's another spot for an air con okay that's okay because this turn on can i try i think so no oh that turns on that wait there's another one oh yeah hey light bulb in the wall that's actually really cute wow okay wow wow wow wow all right damn look at that oh wow it's impressive many rooms renovated rooms are still like the storage is old yeah it's but they redid everything i think they did and there's lights inside it as well which is super impressive this is awesome oh nice that's so cool let me have a look inside oh it's already built in that's nice oh hello nice hi hello this kitchen i think mine is the same oh really my kitchen is the same we got matching kitchens yeah excellent yeah okay so fridge and then also there could be like a like a taller thing here to keep like like denchiranji and stuff oh this is nice oh wow this is this is spacious okay the longer i'm here the more excited i'm getting and it feels really good there's a lot of really good points i kind of think that the small doorways are very quirky like it's kind of fun it's like whoa and uh yeah i think this this place is really amazing for the price and the location it's and it's fully renovated like yeah yes the ceiling i know the sea i love how the ceiling is like wood that's so nice i could do anything yeah i could do anything this is fun okay i feel really good about this hello it is uh the night after i went to go see the apartment yesterday i had to work today i am very tired i haven't been sleeping very well since i started seeing this apartment today i got a call from the guarantor company and i had to do an interview in japanese to kind of prove who i was and that i could speak japanese and understand it uh which went fine it was very nerve-wracking but it went okay um and yeah i'm going again tomorrow during the day to the apartment to see what it looks like during the day with the sun out i i want you guys to know that i feel very positively about this apartment but it's just this decision is so hard because it's a lot of money i think i'll do another video explaining how much money it costs to to move in japan because it's a huge amount of money and um just the way it is it's a hard choice but i'm excited to go to the area again tomorrow and to see it and i'm just gonna sit in there for a while and just listen to see if i can hear any neighbors or anything and just see if i can enjoy myself yeah okay here we go hopefully i can sleep tonight please tell me i can sleep tonight good night [Music] so i've come back to the place during the day to check it out and it's it's so freaking nice it's so bright my current place i have to have the lights on in like the bathroom and the office all the time uh because otherwise you know you can't see but this place is just so so bright there's so much sun this is what the office looks like during the day it's just there's so much light it's just i don't even need to turn the light on look at that yeah coming back today has just helped me realize that like this is definitely the place that i want hopefully everything goes okay with the guarantor company there is a chance that it could go wrong so just got to wait and find out but seriously this place is everything that i wanted it's so freaking good even the bathroom and everything um there's lights coming through if i focus on the on the window it looks dark but it's actually quite bright especially for north facing like you don't need to have the lights on and there's the the shower room oh mika can you explain the hot water thing again are you doing great [Laughter] this is the power you turn on yeah and this is jiro yeah it's like automatic so if you put this the bath is gonna be ready in 10 or 15 minutes yeah and you can keep the water maybe to the next day yeah you can keep it for like more than one in use yeah because it's not yeah so on the next day the water is cold but if you put oil yeah then it's gonna reheat the water yeah i never i never knew that about auto tubs that they reheat the water automatically for you if you want to take the bath again in japan before you take a bath you have to like properly clean yourself as much as possible so the bath water is pretty clean you know they do that with public baths as well so if you want to reuse the water just have it the next day while it's hot it's like it's perfect it's so cool i'm very excited also one more thing so if in any emergency you can put this and someone is going to come wait what so wait that's scary it rings there oh okay it's like i was like i'm just like he's gonna call the ambulance if i miss present someone's gonna come get me oh wow so you can it's like an intercom you can be like hey uh bring me a snack can we use it now yeah try and use it now no you can't oh oh so it just goes bing bone oh oh wow that sounds like an emergency yeah what's wrong with you okay i'm bleeding i'm bleeding [Laughter] i also just may have hit my head very slightly once again on this i will get used to it over time it's just yeah so it's just this one that's like super low the other ones are totally manageable look at us two cool cats peace peace i'm so excited yeah it's so so beautiful just i've yeah in the closet with the weird lump in it it's totally fine with the lights inside oh i mean i've already shown you everything but i don't want to show you in too much detail even though i have already done that uh because i'll show you in a in a house tour eventually if if i get to move in when i get to move in uh and everything like that and it'll be a bit more polished and there'll be furniture and stuff but yeah this is this is it and hopefully the process goes okay because the process is a long one and an expensive one and i have to do this all within like a month so that's going to be very interesting but i'm going to do my best and hopefully it all works out also there's storage on the balcony for all my gardening stuff look at that all my hardware and gardening stuff amazing okay i'm going to say goodbye now because i'm just going to focus on the process and get it all done and i'll keep you guys updated with how it all goes and if i manage to get the place so thank you so much for watching uh also big thank you to mika for showing me all these places if you guys want a real estate agent in japan i'm leaving mika's details in the description she's excellent please check her out she's wonderful yay yay yeah thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up leave a comment down below hit subscribe if you want to see more videos like this or not like this but thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Tokidoki Traveller
Views: 161,745
Rating: 4.9717102 out of 5
Keywords: tokidoki, tokidoki traveller, tokidoki traveler, tokidoki traveller apartment, japan apartment, japanese apartment, apartment hunt, city apartment, apartment search, japanese housing, apartment in japan, living in japan, life in japan, tokyo apartment, tokidoki traveller tiny apartment
Id: LxBOPRtgtB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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