The Church That Compromised With The World

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[Music] I want to talk this morning about the church that compromised with the world the church that compromised with the world and under the angel of the church in Thyatira write these things says the Son of God who has eyes like unto a flame of fire and his feet are like fine brass I know thy works and charity and service and faith and thy patience and thy works and the last to be more than the first notwithstanding I have a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols and I gave her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not behold I will cast her into a bed and then that commit adultery with her into Great Tribulation except they repent of their deeds and I will kill her children with death and all the churches shall know that I am he which such as the reins and hearts and I will give unto every one of you according to your works but under you I say and under the rest in Thyatira as many as have not this doctrine and which have not known the depths of Satan as they speak I will put upon you none of the burden but that which ye have already hold fast till I come and he that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end to him will I give power over the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron as the vessels of a Potter shall be Brooke shell they be broken to shivers even as I received of my father and I will give him the morning star verse 29 reads he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches thank you you may be seated grass withers and the flower dot of fate of the way but the word of our God shall stand forever the church that compromised with the world the city of Thyatira was the smallest of the seven cities mentioned in the letters to the churches at Asia Minor it is also the city about which the least is known yet it is to this city that Christ addresses his longest letter if Ephesus is the fallen church if Smyrna is the fearful church if Pergamus is the faltering church then Thyatira is the false church by a Tyrell was founded by Alexander the Great some three hundred years before Christ the name Thyatira means unceasing sacrifice Thyatira was known for its woolen industry especially for the dye the purple dye that was produced there they manufactured a very expensive purple dye that was valued by royalty and the wealthy that was a fish in the rivers at Thyatira that they would take this fish out of the bottom of this river and slit its throat open and one drop of that dye from that fish's throat mixed with the waters that were found only in Thyatira made a particular kind of purple dye that people came from around the world to purchase there is the possibility that the testimony of Lydia in Acts chapter 16 might have played a part in the founding of that church when you read the book of Acts Lydia was a seller of purple but while the church in Thyatira might have been founded by a woman it was certainly being confounded by a woman if there is one word that describes the situation we find at Baia Terre it is the word compromise the theme and situation with this letter is concerned virtually identically to that of the church at Pergamos the Lord's eyes are ablaze with indignation when you read the text he says and unto the Angel of the church in Thyatira these things said the Son of God who has eyes like a flame of fire his eyes are blazing with laches indignation and then he says again that same verse his feet are like polished brass brass or bronze in the scripture is always a symbol of judgment this verse verse number 18 relates to Daniel chapter 3 in Daniel chapter 3 when Shadrach Meshach and Abednego would not bow to Nebuchadnezzar's golden image that appeared the form of a man in the flames with them and the scripture says his feet were like brass as though they burned in a fiery furnace in Daniel he is the protector of the believers but in the book of the revelation he is the judge of the believers because we shows up in Daniel he shows up in the fiery furnace to protect them from the flame but when he shows up in the revelation he shows up to judge them because of their compromise hear me brothers and sisters when Christ comes in this church and introduces himself as the Son of God with blazing eyes and with marble legs and with feet of brass he comes first of all to commend them for their service look at verse number 19 I know your works and charity and service and faith and patience and then he uses the word works again they were active in good deeds and benevolent outreach they were charitable and consecrated they were bowling for blessings on Monday night jogging for Jesus on Tuesday night going to noonday Bible study and evangelism on Wednesday night talk back to me if you can hitting home runs for heaven on Thursday night golfing for glory on Friday but their works got in the way of their heart and here my brothers and sisters worship in the scripture always comes before service I wish I had one or two more witnesses in what we do first of all the first day of the week is worship and after we leave here for the rest of the week is served SIOC Roger got right there we don't come to church for service we come to church to worship and it is not until you have worshiped that you are ready for it [Applause] don't ever put service before worship I wish I had my 7:30 crime the Lord always say has come before he says go come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest Benny says go he therefore but before he says go you got the code and you don't come here to serve you come here to worship [Applause] I want you to I want you to stop putting everything before worship I don't think you ought to teach Sunday school if you don't come to worship I don't think you ought to count money until you come to worship come on help me preach if you can and you're not just willing to worship on your Sunday the Sunday you have to sing off to Sunday you a croissant every time the church doors are open every time you have an opportunity you need to get here to worship or you're not worthy of service well you might as well come on get with me cuz it ain't gonna get no better because God bit is about to get worse here in just a minute but but but I woke up this morning on purpose on assignment intentionally to come here to worship now my preaching is a part of what I do but before I preach I come to worship I come to hear a deacons pray I come to hear the choir sing I come to see people excited about the goodness of the Lord I don't come to a dead dry lifeless kind of worship because I don't bring dead dry lifeless praise I think prey is going to be excited it ought to be hot it ought to be enthusiastic because God has done so much for me he says he says I appreciate I thank you for your charity for your work for your service for your face for your patience all of that is good all of that is what you ought to do notwithstanding nevertheless I got a few things against [Music] not only does he commend their service but he confronts death in the church at Thyatira looked good on the outside but it was corrupt at its core that's a wall there's a word of warning tool integral because we are living in a most tolerant age an age of moral relativism religious syncretism and secular pluralism it's only in a corrupt society like this that a fool like Donald Trump can rise to the heights of political power in a major political party because anything goes somehow help me president [Applause] 72 percent 72 percent of young adults between the ages of 18 to 25 believe that there is no such thing as absolute truth and half of that 72 percent of 18 to 25 year olds go to church every Sunday and they believe that gay is the new strength somebody ought to help me preach it they believe that there's nothing wrong with shocking for you get married talk back to me if you can they believe it whatever you believe is what you believe and listen lots of our society has adopted this oxymoronic absolute eyes relativism absolute relativism is an oxymoron I wish I had one or two more with it and they have adopted this idea as the only non-negotiable truth in essence young people are saying everybody is right unless you claim to be right everybody is right unless you claim that you right and if you claim that you right then you're wrong and listen brothers and sisters I've been accused rightly right live accused of intolerance because I believe that to tolerate anything is intellectual laziness you got to put your mind to sleep to tolerate everything talk back to me if you can and if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything and if we are going to be the church that some things we can't tolerate same-sex marriage is sin homosexuality is sin adultery is sin fornication is sin and allowing it to go on unchallenged is compromise and when you compromise with the world you're no longer the church now hear me here's where don't get kind of messy [Applause] there's a woman in that church who has gotten the reins of authority [Music] [Applause] namely Jezebel she has the spirit of another woman named Jezebel in order to get how how terrible this woman is you got to go back with me to the Old Testament to another horrible woman named Jezebel now the named Jezebel News Chase but this woman Jezebel in the Old Testament and in Revelation is anything but a chaste woman Jezebel in the Old Testament is the daughter of a pagan king and she marries a weak man named a hail king of Israel I wish I had a Bible reader and she brought with her bail worship and eight hundred and fiftieth prophets of being only two or three more Bible readers she brought her idolatry with her to Israel and married Israel's King and turned him and the nation into idolaters because behind every week need leader is a strong-willed Jezebel [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and and and Jesus confronts her and put her in her place because she is teaching false doctrine and leading them astray [Applause] [Music] so I thought it helped me preacher [Applause] brothers you don't have to listen to me because I'm not married and when I go home after I eat I break the plate so I don't want you to get put out because there's no room in the end foxes have holes birds have nests but behind every week need man is a strong-willed woman and hear me this woman it's so strong-willed in the church that they can control talk back to me if you can and she has gotten the reins of authority now this ain't nobody's business with mine when I was married I never had a pastor and wife's anniversary because my wife never preached one sermon at this church no her anniversary was when I took her to Maui and a five-star restaurant a hotel in Mali on the beach over there that was my anniversary with her but at little Grove my anniversary is my anniversary because there is no pastor and wife team who are the pastor a church [Music] because women can be easily led astray spiritually because women are easily one to Christ spiritually and because they think emotionally they are not in leadership at the church because the church is a female it's the Bride of Christ and it cannot be led by a woman because it would become homosexual men take the leadership and the only way a woman can get in leadership is whether as a weak man at your house at the church in the community wherever women are in leadership is because they're all weak men who are not in their place no don't go don't try to come run nothing here and you don't run that natural house well maybe you do you run the vacuum cleaner you run the dishwasher talk back to me you know where there are strong men a real woman has no problem following a real man because a real man pays the bills a real man goes to work whoever C words are not am i doing all right [Applause] Bruntlett you your wife your girlfriend your woman on the side might put up with your foolishness but a real woman wants a real man a man who will assume responsibility and because this Jezebel got control of their church she led them astray and they compromised and they tolerated it right here in the text I'm not making it up on the only reason so you can you can hear me notwithstanding I have a few things against you because you suffer that woman Jezebel which caused ourself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols now the scripture says I suffer not a woman to teach or to usurp authority over a man the scripture does not forbid women teaching women but the woman is not over the man because leadership if it comes from God is from the man God did not give even a commandment he did not just Eve any instruction the instruction and the command was given to Adam because watch the text when Eve ate from the tree nothing else but when Adam II chaos ensued because God had given instruction [Applause] [Music] wherever there is a weak need leader there's a strong willed Jezebel she's the power behind the throne she wears the pants in the family she decides what we going on vacation she decides what kind of house we going by she decided shock Raja getting nothing [Applause] when I was married when I was married salespeople would call the house and and say now speak with mrs. Anderson I say speaking but there are no major decisions made where I live except I make it because I am the one who's responsible so I thought to help me here and perhaps the reason I'm not married now is cuz I could not be mrs. Anderson and 100% USDA prime man and I will not be nor should any of you be led around by some Jezebel [Applause] because when the church allows that to happen we compromise I know it's hard to hear I know it hard I mean I know I know I know come on you can see I mean I know it's hard to hear this woman taught them to dishonor God and and and it's not all helpful because they tolerated it here's what we say at the church we say well just just just leave them alone you know you can't hurt nobody's feeling some people feel they need to be hurt if you're not going honor God if you're not going to follow the teachings of Scripture we need to hurt your feelings until you go sit down somewhere because this is not your personal Country Club this is not your private sorority or fraternity this is the body of Christ and this church has a head Jesus Christ and another Shepherd their ends and God chooses to lead through one man at a time and that man just so happens to be me right now and if I get out of my place and don't lead God never leaves himself without a witness again in order for Donald Trump to become a leading candidate for the highest office in the world that has to be a healthy dose of toleration you got to swallow a whole lot to let a fool like that lead you but he's an entertainer and entertainers do everything for admiration and if they can't get admiration they do everything to keep your attention and that's what weak leaders want they want admiration and if they can't get admiration they'll throw a temper tantrum to get your attention I wish I had one or two more witnesses that but after having people admire you is not leadership but sometimes you got to say some hard stuff you've got to make some difficult decision you have to say no to something come on talk back to me if you can't you have to deny yourself you got to take up a cross and that could mean that you don't get invited to all the party you get unfriended on Facebook talk back to me if you can because you can't be in everybody's life but everybody can't be in your life you got to stand for something you've got to have some principles that are in violent there are some lines I can't let you cross I'm talking about when it comes to my personal space I can't I can have you in my personal business I'm friendly but not familiar [Applause] because because my grandmother said if you play with a dog he'll lick your face [Applause] if you let them into clothes and know all your personal stuff a day is coming when they're going to get mad with you and I don't want you that familiar with my business and in my in my personal space and I'm not trying to say that I got anything going on and I don't want you to know I'm trying to say that that needs to be bound there is when it comes to leadership and that needs to be boundaries in your life when it comes to the people that you let in because not everybody wants to see you blessed everybody is not happening when you get a promotion everybody ain't glad for you when you get a master's degree that's some people you got to put out of your life who's been that since you are a child because there comes a time when there are some things you can't compromise now we can compromise on colors of the peels we can compromise on flowers artificial alive for Women's Day but we can't compromise on the bridge and birth we can't compromise on the resurrection talk back to me here we can't compromise on the infallibility of description everything else is open for negotiation but I don't negotiate when it comes to Jesus was born of a virgin I don't negotiate when it comes to Jesus died one Friday on the cross and rose one Sunday morning from the grave I don't compromise on the fact that he's coming back in his glory because that is what makes us this state business the church this woman Jezebel somehow found her way in that congregation and took charge and that's what strong women do they take charge if you ain't go running bagel run you ain't gonna drown get out the way talk back to me if you can you got to get off the pot [Applause] and they'll tell you talk back to me if you can I mean especially a black with their pop they're naked I know you ain't talking to me like that [Applause] no you got to be man enough to say hey girl slow your roll now you ain't gonna have no problem unless you marry me Jacque why'd you got red there again because a man when he knows who he is takes this place of leadership and the checks runs right the home runs right and society runs right when a real man takes this position I better leave that alone [Applause] he's a good thing my anniversary is over [Applause] cuz I'd be riding on Metro come tomorrow [Applause] but since I got my time I said anyway Jezebel I know you're in here sit down and listen to wisdom because when a woman is wise here's what the scripture said who can find a virtuous woman high price is far above rubies women we got no sense of sheep but women who are wise that price their value goes up because they know who they are in Christ and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] under the headship of a spiritual man a [Applause] man not all bad news don't shoot me don't go don't kill the messenger don't don't shoot the mailman I'm just delivering the message you don't you don't kill your mailman when he brings your bills he's just a mail carrier well that's all I am this morning I'm just I'm just carrying them in I'm just delivering it to you like it's been delivered to me and and it was some bad news on the front oh but I can't leave you with bad news because I got some good news and the good news is not everyone in fire tower had walked away from the Lord even in that tolerant compromising sense Church that was a faithful remnant give me brothers and sisters the exhortation to overcome is either an encouragement to continue standing against compromise or to stop compromising altogether there is a paradoxical connection connector that's a paradoxical notion rather connected to overcoming conquering spiritually by not compromising ironically entails being conquered by the world through persecution and run it by again there's a there's a paradoxical notion that if you can't spiritually by not compromising ironically you will be conquered in some material way by the world because when you take a stand you will be ostracized when you decide you're gonna live for the Lord everybody's not gonna like you when you determine that you're gonna do what's right people who used to call you will stop fooling with you I wish I had somebody to help me preach it when you stop drinking with them when you stop smoking with them when you stop partying with them they will have nothing to do with you but here's the good news Jesus said when that happened to you that overcomes and keep my works to the end I will give you power over the folk who talked about you you will rule over them with a rod of iron I wish I had time to stay right there but let me hurry he said not only when I give you power on earth but I will give you the Morningstar let me unpack that Morningstar and then I'm gonna leave you alone in the planetary system in the solar system the brightest star in the morning is the star or the planet Venus Venus has been called in the constellations the bright morning star and Rome put the planet Venus on their coinage because the Romans believe that that bright morning star Venus gave them sovereignty and power with that zodiac sign but jesus said to the overcomers I will give you the morning star that shines brighter than Venus itself and you do know who that morning star is [Applause] because he's called by some names that every time I hear that name called I shout about who year you go help me close this watch it he's the rows of shaman that's a good name huh he's a nilly of the valley that's a good name for him he's the desire of all nations I wish I had somebody to help me close he's the Dayspring of Israel here it is he's the bright and the morning star he's a way out of no way he's a bridge over troubled water that's a good name for him he's Adams Redeemer Abel's Vindicator Abraham's sacrifice Noah's Ark Moses bush on fire Joshua's battle axe he's Gideon's fleece that's a good name for him he Samson's power his David's music he Solomon's wisdom his Jeremiah's balm in Gilead he's Ezekiel's wheel in the middle of a wheel that's a good name for him he's God only Son he's Mary's baby boy he's James and Jews older brother he's Joseph's stepson he's Matthew's King he's mark suffering servant he's Luke's great physician his John's Word made flesh he's act coming of the Holy Ghost he's the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth he's the blessed and the only potentate he's the faithful and the true witness that's a good name for his Alpha and Omega he's the beginning and the end he's the first and the last distinctive in supernatural capacity superlative in sovereign majesty exclusive in spiritual beauty the radiant in eternal splendor matchless in supernal deity he's the God of gods he's the prince of princes he's the virus of 10000 that's a good name horn but when my soul is weary when my heart is broken I got another name for when I don't know which way to turn I got another name for you gonna help me call them water when my friends turn their backs on me I got another name for when my mother is gone I got another name for Jesus y'all gonna help me call it with it Jesus is on the main line tell him is by anybody here if I had to call at me if the law open doors will even help me call I mean if the Lord made a way for you help me call that name if you know you saying help me call I mean why don't you grab somebody reach to him like I'm preachin tell him Jesus Jesus he died didn't he die come on preacher like your preacher he died didn't he die but rather rather early morning ah [Music] [Music] [Music] this is every time God warns us he gives us an opportunity to repent with every warning comes opportunity to repent Jesus said I went to her several times and gave her opportunity to repent and she refused and listen when you refuse the door is closed but if you repent if you come back to your senses God will always accept listen because he would much rather pardoning than punish [Music] he would much rather harden and punished he said I will that none should perish but that all should come to everlasting life Oh [Music]
Channel: Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 163,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: uoScsDdSK7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 47sec (2867 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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