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[Music] no I already made too many 50 ways to break episodes I'm completely out of ideas so we're just gonna do a regular board smash video with it there thank you guys for watching comment like and subscribe and wait a second if this is the Nintendo switch then that must be the Kindle Fire god dammit this was meant for another board smashing not this one now since its videos over budget I guess I have to make it a 50 ways to break for profit so introducing [Music] you [Applause] Yoshii did you pay this month's taxes hopefully the great barricade the Nintendo switch has four night cleanse I can't wait to drop off the battle bus and meet some of you on the battlefield in fortnight mon Dieu animal crossing game for the switch new animal crossing game for the switch No this calls for drastic measures it must want a blood sacrifice [Music] okay class today we're going to learn the quadratic formula this one wheel is very important because if you don't learn it you'll be homeless living on the side of a highway so learn it moving on ask the professor sheep has stated this this is technology [Applause] [Music] ah another beautiful day at work can't wait to release that new Nintendo Direct soon a typhoon no worries all we lost is the N of our sign we can still have the Nintendo Direct hopefully schedule the day in our [Music] koi okay let's just cancel that Nintendo Direct for now what the hell is wrong with people really what an attentive direct we what an indirect we wanted to direct are you guys serious several people died during that earthquake show some respect and you go die in a fire uh sir there's about to be a major hurricane in the United States do you want to delay the Nintendo Direct further and [ __ ] America understood then this antenna doing this odds are so many great engines for my switch I just wish they chose avoid could be the time for me to watch it Johnny Johnny is eating Nintendo switched cartridges no Papa telling lies open wide [Applause] all right we you I had a fun time of you but it's time for you to leave all right now which one was the way you again hmm show me some of your games that looks like the exact same game show me another that still looks like the exact same games show me another game is this a prank show me another one I still don't know which one's the wheel cuz that exact same game I'd bother you screw it I'm just gonna make a guess [Applause] you what a stupid little thing everybody knows Pokemon trainers don't use wrist straps [Applause] what what do you mean a ban for e3 you need to tell me that Nintendo 10 like 50 ways to break a Nintendo switch and its sequel Reggie came to you personally and told you that this is all your fault I love Nintendo's creamy uncounseled wait a second it's being sold at Walmart Walmart Walmart Walmart Luigi knows that no matter how careful you try to be something unexpected can happen more games more features more fun [Applause] boxing Nintendo switch on an airplane really Casey must I beat you at your own game introducing unboxing Nintendo switch on a busted board vote for Donald Trump you know Hey Dude what's up there's not a fish some Nintendo app that suggests you should play a switch in the toilet really I'm trying that right now that's probably not a good idea yep I dropped it in see I told you you [ __ ] how the hell no I would not continue to pay for your online services I am done wasting money Jesus Christ it's $20 a year I'll give that poor [Music] no one cares about your video game carrot man NES games are so boring [Music] any yes more like any No oh no my switch gruesome tumors by playing too many NES games huh guess it's time to put it out of its misery [Applause] welcome to the halftime show today we're gonna be looking at accessories for the Nintendo switch this is the Super Mario Odyssey lunchbox bundle and I only bought it because it was on sale right in we have a lazily designed Joe Kong grip does anyone even put the toy cons in the joy con grip next we have some earbuds here's the problem I have with these it's not bluetooth let's play some Mario Kart 8 deluxe and see how they sound third thing is a screen protector ok let's apply it peel that off there yeah doesn't hold up very well scratched it and finally we have the Super Mario Odyssey cleaning cloth so you can clean up the mess you made now back to 50 more ways to break a Nintendo switch hey nice lunchbox nerd why thank you give me that my switch was in that okay okay okay okay what I mean so much [ __ ] on my controller to start a game it's kind of heavy so I decided to start paying for and intend to switch online again oh that's good yeah I guess Wayne why'd you do that oh that switch is on the verge of breaking so I just had to get a new one it's coming in a few days don't you need a working switch to transfer your data yeah if I'm paying for Nintendo switch online I might as well take advantage of it and back everything up through cloud saves ah I can understand that what games do you play anyway oh let's see Dark Souls remastered FIFA 19 Pokemon let's go Eevee Pokemon let's go Pikachu and splatoon - good luck with the transfer man thanks man hey son mom it's not what it looks like can't you don't the key I can oh my god mama it's exactly what it looks like mental part is for you I deserve this the Nintendo switch takes cartridges con get in the hole close you know can't wait for the movie Oh several hours in line in the hot Sun for something that's surely entertaining uh can't take it anymore what does this remind me of [Laughter] ha I love this official Nintendo switch backpack it's good money to know that my switch is safe when I travel hold it sir I'm gonna have to do a bag check oh ok here you go thank you the guns the bomb and the hacking laptop [Music] you better not so unfair time for shutdown ah you can't unplug it idiot the switch has a battery thou I [Music] could have come up with a better ending to that skid need some coffee Oh No how can I finish the review my cat play the game way I know who my job lives on for another day [Applause] da-da-da-da-da-da-da hey guys watch me waste more of my money yes yes yes it's working what is wrong with the neighbor's kid he needs some better help yeah we're moving tonight yes first place haha ah damn it oh my god you're such a freaking noob kid how old are you would you like for me to played Esposito hi my name is King and this is my Nintendo lab hole submission it's supposed to be a partner that you practice tackling with when you tackle it the gyroscopes and the joy cons will give you an estimate of how hard you tackled it let me give you a demonstration you want to aim for the head [Applause] a spider it poison it one bite Oh screen is still smart can barely see the character let me get closer [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey wait a second aren't you that kid that went to the Jake Paul concert yeah that's me hey I knew it how does it make you feel that your most popular video currently sitting at 4.4 million views is of you leeching off Jay Paul blah oh that's not my most popular video oh really what video of yours could possibly surpass Jay Paul [Applause] Merry Christmas son your prison is like the tree mama I don't like for tonight ah you got pee so then I was like but what the outside is pretty good right when there was a hurricane can you believe that hey guys what's up oh my god a real female play a cool King so what are you up to right now okay playing Mario Kart oh cool cool I think I've heard of that game should I pick it up is it any good isn't that what we're playing right now [Applause] hey are you stupid now playing despedido on max volume fine class what now just messing with you apparently he doesn't want the baby you can give their my boobs yours tonight wait what's that what I thought it was it is do you see that you're at a TV show you're famous do you see it do you see it do you [Applause] time to play some Nintendo switch wait a second if I put the breaded here where did I put the switch ah smash bros ultimate direct time okay then please look forward to the game's release there's no more ultimate news until release no I wanted more more what the entire game leaked online that's not what I meant disrespectful Oh eat [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you your mom's a home do you think I wanna will be proud of what the Nintendo switch has become she's probably smiling down at us right this second yeah I'm sure of it too whoa Nintendo released Super Mario Party cereal I gotta get a box how much is it $99 it must be some pretty good cereal add-to-cart huh smaller than I expected this better be some really good cereal what kind of cereal is this I have everything in my house to make it already why did I waste $99 Super Mario Party since its downloaded joy Kahn's and the milk mmm delicious Daisie Daisie Rosalina Rosalina Oh Bowser Bowser shy guy shy guy I guess I'll go Shi Yoshi Larry Larry [Music] [Music] you you come on work harder slave yes sir you do know you're my property right understood sir Oh big fast that computer is coming out of your salary help me please love da ho thank you guys for watching comment like and subscribe and remember when I said this this is how I'm gonna make up for not posting an episode of bored smashing grocery store phones in a while another episode right after the last one maybe I'll do the same for 50 ways to break soon yeah if I hate myself that much yeah this is probably the closest I'm gonna get hope you guys enjoyed it because I worked harder than Sakurai on this video don't worry I have plenty of more things to say to offend the smash community I'll see you guys later happy holidays and happy smashing the game that is bye [Applause] you [Applause]
Channel: Plainrock124
Views: 18,497,563
Rating: 4.6508298 out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, mario odyssey, nintendo, nintendo switch, switch, nintendo 3ds, 3ds, nintendo wii u, wii u, nintendo wii, wii, mario, zelda, smash, break, wreck, destory, bat, hammer, tech, technology, plainrock124, coming soon, bored smashing, arms, splatoon 2, splatoon, 50 ways to break, 50 ways to break a nintendo switch, 50 ways to break a switch, smash bros, smash bros ultimate, smash bros., smash bros. ultimate, super smash bros. ultimate, game, video game, video games
Id: 6X5kP6NjDTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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