Moving Multiple Keyframes on the Timeline in DAZ Studio (and Graph Editor Overview)

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[Music] hello fellow animation enthusiasts in this episode i will show you how you can move multiple keyframes at once on the timeline in das studio this is a question from one of my viewers pinkish hello pinkish i hope this comes in handy it's a little tricky to identify where the keyframes are so the tools are there it's just it's not exactly obvious what is a keyframe on the daz studio timeline and what isn't so i've got this spectacular animation set up here in which a sphere is going up and down over the course of kind of 160 frames if i let it play it looks you know not exactly amazing but it'll serve the purpose of showing us where we can do what here and after frame 160 nothing much is happening so that's that's totally fine so if i go and open this up here and give myself a little bit more room to show you the ins and outs you'll see these little triangles here so this is this i've only got a sphere in my scene with the sphere selected in the timeline window i can see these little black triangles those are not the keyframes those are positions at which there are keyframes but those are not the keyframes so you can't really left click and drag any of these guys around so this is why that's a little bit confusing but that's because the keyframes are actually hidden underneath these positions these are just guidelines that something is happening there so for my kinds of keyframes these are translational keyframes so i need to have this t filter selected down here anything with t needs to be selected because i'm using translations there's also r and s for rotation and scale there's other which are things like properties on the objects those are like morph dials and stuff like that so you have to enable that if you wanted to see those types of properties tnr is probably going to be fine for me because i'm only using translations but the most important thing is that i need to open up my sphere and open up my properties in the sphere and then i can see that my keyframes once again with the little triangles here they are on the general transforms translation track so those are tracks really if you want to be pedantic about it if you open that up you can see these little circles here and each of them has a t and that tells me these are changes that are happening on my object so t doesn't actually stand for translation the it is implied by the track on which they are on these are the actual keyframes and t i believe that is the interpolation don't quote me on that i think it is i think if i go and set this to something else like linear yes that's the interpolation type so t is in fact the the tcb interpolation type there we go just thought we could clear this up so if you wanted to move any of these around you can go and just left click and drag any of these keyframes and they will then move in temporal space so the value is still exactly the same it's just that the time at which it is happening will change and you can see that this little triangle moves with it so you can either do this by left clicking and dragging any of these or you can control click multiple of these and then left click and drag all of them together so this will go and move the whole group of them you can also go and left click and drag a marquee around these things if you click on the gray space here they'll all be deselected but if i go and left click and drag and marquee around all of these guys including the ones that are above it or what not on a different track so this the top one here that's the x translate and then this one's the y translate i can now left click and drag and they move all of them at the same time now notice that this only changes the temporal value at which these changes are happening but it doesn't actually change the value itself that is something to keep in mind in this view we can go one step further and open the dope sheet that's another fascinating slightly crazy thing that is this tiny thing at the bottom of the timeline it might be open this is this little tiny yellow thing if you click on that the timeline splits into two and the bottom bit here that is the graph editor some some programs call it the dope sheet and that is let me just go and give myself even more room here and we can see less of the viewport but more of the keyframes you can left click and drag to make this thing slightly bigger i currently don't see anything though and that is because i need to select a track on which i'd like to display the graph for these so most of my stuff is happening here in white translate so i'm going to have to go and click that and then i can see a graph appear so this is per track if i go and click the x translate i can see something else is appearing it's kind of going off the screen i only have two key frames here on the x track the first one and the last one here at around frame 170 this is going off because the scale of the graph display isn't quite adjusted so if you go and click this square button here this is essentially like framing up whatever we have in vision so that you can see all the keyframes so if i do that it'll do this and that'll basically adjust the zoom you can just roll the mouse wheel and that'll just make it bigger and smaller but if you have if you see something like this and you think yeah well that's not really i can't see the keyframes just click the little the square button here and that'll just go and frame it right up and put everything into your view as it were let me go and select the y translate just because there's more happening that i can demonstrate things with same thing this goes down so i'm gonna go and click that little button there we go that is now framed up which is nice so here i can essentially use the same tools that we just spoke about i can go and left click and control left click multiple keyframes i can even leave them out so i can click this one and that one and i can also left click and drag them backwards and forwards that'll change once again the temporal position on the timeline but i can also drag them up and down so either you know as a as a single keyframe like this or i can use multiple left click and drag for the marquee selection that will still work and that'll now adjust multiple keyframes so as i move them left and right temporal position changes when the change is happening and moving them up and down means the value is changing if i change this and move this keyframe up that means it'll go further up on the y-axis physically in the viewport and if i move it down then it'll go further down that's how that works let me go make that a little bit smaller and just frame it up again and see this change in action so i'll let's watch this keyframe here as we move that here the ball almost goes out of the out of my view here i'll just go and i'm just going to adjust that so that it kind of almost bounces onto the onto the ceiling there so if i go and left click and drag this value up that means it'll jump higher physically so there we go it leaves the viewport all together that is how that works and same with the with the value when it goes down again like this one it goes almost underneath the yeah it actually goes below zero this one here is the zero line this is where we're starting this is kind of the flat zero line if i go and move that on it the the sphere is going to rest on the ground if i move it below it then the sphere is going to just dive down so this is the actual value in my case the y value of the object at this moment in time and that is how you can make adjustments here but i guess the question was how do i move multiple things at the same time and this is how you do that you can either use the graph editor to adjust values up and down or you can use the regular timeline here to move them left and right or you use the graph editor to move all of these at the same time i hope this was helpful pinky's one of those things timeline just keep experimenting with it it takes a little bit of getting used to but it is a very powerful tool in the right hands and you know if if you're having something like a genesis figure that'll look extremely complicated but as you select each track and filter the keyframes that you want to see it'll make your life a little bit easier working with that if you like this video then please share it with friends family and total strangers and do consider supporting the channel you can either do this by signing up on kofi or patreon or even do some shopping at no extra cost to you either on the dash store or on amazon just before you check out hit any of these links then check out and i'll get a cut of the purchase at no extra cost to you it'll make my day and it'll make your day thank you so much for watching i will see you next time take care bye [Music] foreign
Channel: The WP Guru
Views: 8,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DAZ, DAZ Studio, Timeline, Animation, Keyframes, Graph Editor, Dope Sheet
Id: fxl6_JeIlvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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