Puppeteer Animation Inside Daz Studio

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in today's video you will learn how to create animations using the puppeteer mode you will also learn how to create animations using the expressions pauses and movement off-camera to make your animation look more dynamic I will also give you some tips and tricks on how to speed up rendering transfer your animations and also have to resolve common issues that you may find when you're using the puppeteer mode hi I'm mami welcome back to my channel where i help you to master - junior now if you're new here don't forget hit that subscribe button and that notification bar so you don't miss out on any cool videos is gonna help you on your journey have you said that let's get back to toriel right now so the first thing we're to look at expressions and how we can use expressions using the puppeteer shabbier to create our animations for facial expressions which i think is really cool what you can do in - studio so the first thing i want to say is if there's any tabs missing let the puppeteer mold you can't find it or the timeline or any of these tabs it's what you need to do is go to window here panes and tabs and then you can check out all the tabs on here you can click on it and then you can duct it in to the left side right side whatever you want to do and the timelines normally at the bottom anyway of the dust video right now that side the way let's go and actually create some animations as facial expressions so the first thing I've got my character selected here in the scene tab on a click on a head and that's going to give me this here and then I'm going to go to post controls I'm gonna go to head and then I'm gonna go to expressions so I'm gonna use the actual expressions inside - studio now I've got a lot of expressions because I've built one content library over time but way too much stuff that didn't need to buy but that's another story so basically the ones that you have if you haven't bought any expressions are the ones these red ones here so see you see these red ones here those are the ones that are already inside - studio when you download it free off the dust of the dust free website so folks scroll down a bit more you'll see war so these are all the ones that are already inside that studio so the first thing you can do is the first thing we need to do rather is we need the base expression here we need something to go off our original expression which is this blank expression here I'm gonna go to my property mode here on and make sure I'm edit mode now edit mode lets me lets me move move the actual nodes lets me edit notes and lets me update nodes as well so I'll explain that as you'll go along so the first thing is we've got this like checkerboard here it doesn't matter where you place the nodes on the checkerboard really numbers you know where the first node is because that's your base node so everything's gonna come off that otherwise it'll look really strange if you call for a one expression to the other without the base node so I mean you could put it any way you want there's no issue I just know we saw at the bottom because that's all I normally do but it's up to you how you want to do it whatever works for you so I'm gonna put it here that's my base node there all I did was left click I just added that there great now I'm gonna apply one of these expressions so we could I don't know confidence looks good actually let's do something a bit more mister fear there we go okay so I'm liking that that's great also and then I need to go and add it to my property mode so in this checker box if I add this node now rather if I add it so there's two things before you add it rather the first thing is if you add it very close here or here or whatever you gonna add if you're adding very close the transition from this post the original base post is a new one that we just did here this one it'll be very quick so it's gonna be very fast so that is something you need to think about obviously if you have it a bit further away the transition will be slower so it'll be more smoother sort of so to speak so yeah so you gotta really think about where you want to do it now I would probably put it somewhere around here and I would make sure I would put it into the correct place as well so try to put your node wherever you're gonna place it in the correct place because unfortunately puppeteer mode does kind of lock up that studio quite a bit so make sure you save reverie as well when you're doing this it's kind of a bit flaky so to speak when he when you using it just kind of like luck just you know or then you have to start all over again but make sure you say Wrigley so I'm gonna add it here that's cool okay so it's only when you are like editing it so if I have to go here and start moving say this node is in the correct position and I wanted to hear I can click on it and drag it and move it down here and then that student will take a while to think about that and it will do it eventually and sometimes it doesn't do it so you have to be very aware that yes sometimes it will like lock that studio up like each we can't do anything with it or just crash so I would recommend that you save you're saying this save your animation regularly so as soon as you add an old make sure you save it ok so let's see how what this looks like so forgot to preview mode here and now can actually preview so I can left-click on my first node here and then as I go up you'll see the expression changed so I'm going up and you can see it's a very gradual change okay it's very gradual very gradual change back and forth now obviously it looks like he's very jerky here and the reason why is jerky the kind of preview here is because we've got a figure that's got the textures ordinary things so obviously it's gonna look slow so doesn't matter what computer you have it'll be slow the actual preview if you use one of the the generation gen8 dev ones which have no skins on there nothing on there just like a basic model but nothing on there does the actual animation will be very smoother in the preview mode so it doesn't really matter this will be when you actually render this out it will be very smooth because obviously we're gonna do it very slow I'm gonna have like a lots of frames on there which is gonna make it very smooth okay so I've got my first one and my second one and then we're gonna move to another one I said a third one let's let's try happy see what that looks like maybe not dial back down let's dial of happy now cool and then I'm gonna do the same thing on a click here and have the equal distance cuz I want equal distance about there oh I'm in the wrong view so I'm in preview mode stop so you wanna be preview mode I kind of do anything but preview what's here I need to go to edit mode and that allows me to add extra nodes let me know there then I can go to premium out and then I can see what it looks like so let's have a look so you can see the mistake here what's happened here is it's better you got the original pose everybody the fear it still got the fear poles and then it's added the happy to the fear pulse so you need to think about these things before you do it before you do this animation nodes is what's happened it's basically it's additive so anything you had before it will just add to it or add to it and then add to that basically so that's what's happened with this so it hasn't actually I didn't what I wanted to which was just happy by itself it's adding the fear plus the happy which give me this really awkward expression here so I made this mistake on purpose actually a radium purpose so you can see what happened so you need to be think about very carefully how you want to create your animations so the stuff did you consider when you're doing it so okay I didn't want that I didn't want that so what we can do now is I can change it here it's because I click down and on this is what's you can see here what's at me so I can remove that fear know door saying hey I don't want that I want happy only and then now updated this the way I want the expression I can right-click on it and I can do update selected pause right so let me go to preview mode now it should work so fingers crossed it should work no fear and then there we go see that's how we done so we fixed it there you go so that's how you would fix something it's very easy to fix which is a great thing I like about puppeteer mode along as you know your order of your nodes what you're doing now you don't have like Tyrion ology and going crazy you should be fine so here and that is exactly what I wanted happen perfect okay so now you think you paw me great how do we record this cool okay so that's so what we do is just click on record okay so the way this works is as soon as I start clicking on the first node this timeline will start going it will keep going now what I want I want very smooth expression so smooth expressions means the timeline we need the number of frames they need to be very long so you're probably looking like a hundred frames probably to get a pretty smooth expression so I would say minimum of 100 frames so i'll see what i can do here so left click and i'm gonna move up very slowly and you can see the timeline movie as well I don't know what number he's aa particular devout looking at that we've got the 200 frames okay so let's rewind that let me play it so there we go we can see the kind of animation there there we go so it's got to about 200 frames I believe it was so that's gonna be a very smooth very smooth animation because we're working on frames for second 30 frames per second so that's gonna be very smooth so stuff that's it so one thing I need to mention actually before we continue is you need to get the lighting set before you do anything else so let's do that actually before you actually do your record your animation always set your lighting now in terms of lighting let's just go to the preview mode it's gonna be actual preview so you can see what I've done just bring it up should take too long okay cool so for lighting for animations I would highly recommend you use HDR eyes because eight your render tizen be a lot quicker and be you get great lighting anyway and you can use the lovely backgrounds as well so I highly recommend you use a hgri doesn't matter what hey sure I use along if you use one so if I go to my render settings over here there it is environment these are just a setting so that's fine and the environment map which is what I'm using and the Dom rotation so set your lighting before you do anything else because you can't actually you can set your lighting but it's very difficult and annoying to move your lighting at the different keyframes if you wanted to do that it's not ideal or recommended it's just best to have lighting set in one direction and the way you want it and then leave it as it is just to make things a lot more simpler otherwise it's gonna get very technical very quick so this is my lighting setup this is how it's gonna be when I render it the Lighting's gonna look like this everything's look like this obviously we couldn't change the door rotation if I didn't like you forever reason and sort out the lighting so hi recommend you to the hgri just for speed of rendering because animated very very long time to do especially if you're gonna do like HD render it's gonna take a very long time doesn't matter especially now we got two hundred friends that's going to take at least three four hours to do maybe a couple of hours I don't know it does take a very long time okay so now that we've done that let's say ok for example staff change the actual lighting so hey I like this lighting I like it the way before what can I do to fix it now so come on over IRA premotor battery check two shaded so how do I delete this what I've already created so why need to do now is I can go to my property won't erase I can go to the the tool here the option for option tool here and I can go to clear layer animation so clearly animation okay so that's clear this animation this animation now does not exist exist anymore so I press play it's not there okay we've deleted that whole animation so we need to start getting so again I will do record I will start here make sure it's at zero obviously so use this one here to take it back to zero so mistake I made a lot while I was doing this tutorials doing that sure practicing with it I forgot to do the rewind button to go to the beginning so we're starting from my frame 70 not realizing that this was actually not a frame zero so I'm gonna pick here and that's recording again so very slow so he che smooth animation and I'm happy with it now so I've got two hundred and sixty ish so it's rewinding here let's play okay that looks good great fantastic okay I'm happy with that and we've got the new lighting to go with it as well okay so that is done let's say I'm happy with my expressions obviously you can go in and call the individual settings here and you know turn these up and down and then record them in here if you wish to do so or create some more notes oh I'm not gonna do that that was it otherwise it towards me very long I'm gonna get through as much as possible to give you value doesn't give you much information another can so you can take that on board and start executing shred away with these skills so we've done that how do we render so we go to our render settings here there we go we go to render mode so you're not written involved we've got a general first so the first thing I recommend is your pixel size here I've got it 500 by 500 because if I went to HD it will take a very long time to render especially with a slow computer even though my fear is I'd say oh this medium it's not like the best but it's good enough and it does still take a while to render so I would recommend that you have a small size of your window ratio here very small if you're gonna do HD then be prepared to leave it on overnight because it will take that long if you wish to do so okay so the next thing you need to do is render type we want to change that to image series you don't want to do a movie you want to do be serious because with the image series what we can do is we can then take that into another programs this basically will save each individual frame each individual frame here all these are frames here as a JPEG sorry not jpg PNG or JPEG what you're going to choose here you can choose what you want normally is PNG is a default and then you can take you into your favorite photo any software or or Photoshop and then Craig if using that or what I do is I use shot cut to do it to create my video files and I'll show you how I do that a shot as well and over here then we could choose a the render range to start from frame 0 and then 206 well that's not true we don't want to go 206 I believe or something like 60 so let's just try that now yeah I think it's like 160 so hey I would type in 160 and then you would choose where you want to save you saw your series path where do you want to save these series of animations you may not want to save it in your render library because it will crack like 160 of these frames hundred and sixty images so the best thing to do is create a separate folder like I did animation and then you would do okay additional folders related to that so instead of going there my animation folder number one folder and I'm going to call this expressions call expressions okay and then all I would do is tick render and I will do that now actually before we take render you can go into the render mode and I render mode progressive progressive render mode Ferguson rendering mode here and it is just you can put the Mack samples up if you want to obviously if you increase this the more time is going to take to render each each frame and you can obviously increase the quality of your to but the more time you take to render as well so you have to be very careful of what you want to do technically really you wouldn't want to have like crazy quality on animations because it just takes far too long to do especially one smooth animations it's gonna take a very long time and the other thing was filtering if you want the denoise you're on so I definitely recommend you put these settings on post post denoiser and enable it on so basically there's no like noise on your end it's very smooth so high recommend you do that as well so I'll hit right there I'll just show you what happens so I hit render so it's gonna render frame zero I all have to 160 but we're not gonna go that far I'm not gonna go all the way because it's gonna take far too long even on my machine so just give me a second to kick in so Betty is it's just like he's rendering a normal image that you would do in that sea of normalcy but instead of reading one scene is rendering 160 scenes so you can imagine it's gonna take a very long time even if it takes like a minute to do one frame that's 160 minutes that's still very very long you're not gonna say 40 new computer 460 minutes you're gonna leave that to run overnight or what that or you could carry or do something else I do computer while he's doing that so at the moment what's is taking 44 seconds 45 seconds it's um take about a minute I think just to do the first frame that's um look okay robber this is that 500 pixels by 500 pixels if I didn't like HD Ranger HD render you could imagine how long it's gonna take so it took about a minute to do one frame so I'm not going to sit here 460 minutes why it's doing that so I'm gonna hit cancel but you get the idea of how it works now so it will just render each frame by itself and you just kind of leave the computer really and come back an hour or two later two hours late - really so cancel there okay so the way that looks in in here is if I go to my animation folder or a number one we don't one frame I'll just show you you I've done recently so you can imagine that here's the frames let me just do point these the ones of them already so you can imagine like this is the first one here so he said all these frames so it basically does PNG files and as long as how many frames yabby does that many PNG files so you can imagine how long it takes here a continent what this is okay so one there so that's that's why it takes a very long time really rich rear Enders each each frame it just takes a very long time okay so that's cool we've done that there what I want to do now before I show you how I create it inside inside chakra which is a free program windows which is why I used to do all the editing here on my YouTube videos I want to show you how we do the same thing with poses with preset poses and how we do it with camera room as well so I'll give you as much information possible so here we are number two this is we're going to do our animation using the preset poses that we've got here on the left now I've got a lot of pauses so I'll try and choose the default ones that come with - GTO as less as I can for what I remember what they look like this character looks a bit different because this is the genesis 8 male development figure meaning there are no textures or anything like that it's like the bass very very basic version of my Genesis 8 figure and this is what you would use normally for if you're going to be sculpting and things you would take that into your ZBrush or if you want to take craig clothing then you would take this into models designer and then you were at the clothing etc so this is why you would normally use the reason why i'm using this is because i want to show you when we do the preview mode how smooth it is - just to show you the difference that actually the only reason why the previous one that we did with the expressions was very jerky is because this the previous one had a lot of textures justin has no textures that is super smooth okay so let me see what they'll find a let's disturb a suppose first of all this isn't new baseball actually so I'm gonna do again edit mode I'm gonna just clicks over here there's my baseball all right let me see if I can find a - to do one one that's already in there so I've got loads here okay so these here these yellow one these ones here with the kind of they look like that does bass figure is actually these are ones that come with the default so I'll use these because everybody has these okay so what wanna do you wanna go from the standing position yet you said is kneeling one here so I'm gonna double click here we've that deploy and then I'm gonna add it here as well so I'll hide it there we go okay so I'll go to our preview mode now I'm gonna click here and drag it up you'll see if let me super smooth okay so the oles in white super smooth is because there are no textures on there so there we go so there we go so that's our animation is going from here to here now obviously it's not perfect what you need to do is choose everything so in between here you would probably have another node just to clean it up clean up the animation cuz at the moment he's kind of like going forward we just kind of weird coming down so you need to have like a almost like a a transitional poles in between these two to collect cleanup the animation a bit I'm not gonna do that right now cuz it's gonna take far too long but I'm sure you could work that yourself but again I would record it so click the record button here then I will go for the bottom here and I go very slow super smooth there we go again 120 you gonna be around about hundred frames to get a decent smooth animation which I'll only be about three to five seconds long so if you want to do more you would have to do more frames and obviously more phrase me more rendering time that choice is up to you so let's rewind it here let me do play see what it looks like so it's getting super smooth looks like I said because it's got no textures and you can see in the animation here this looks really good I like you a lot so as you can see with the poses it's very easy to do you can do the same thing we could add another pole so you can go from here to say sitting down so let's try that so I'm just rewind this let me clear the animation clearly animation cool let us go from don't want to say which one was I get the sticky paws that's the one I was talking about baby girl and I'm gonna add that over here don't it's wrong one and it mode always forget to go edit mode make sure you edit mode right so let me just clear animation cool ok so we're at the beginning let me just do the preview let's see if this does it the right way so it's going to that one then he's gonna go to this one and I can't theme he's gone off the screen so as you can see that pose is not correct what's happen is added to it and I didn't want to add to it so in this case what I will do is click here because I wanted to sort of just click here and a way for - you to kind of understand what I'm trying to do so this is what happens is when you try to edit poses it gets very frustrating the puppeteer mode especially ever loved nodes it starts to think about doing things and it takes a very long time for it to cut up but just do what it's supposed to be doing so I've picked on here waiting for each actually except that here we go so let me see what the problem is it's going here and then it's going to this one here so again what's happening since attitude is Isis it's an additive process so it's taken that one I did it to that one then it's gone for this one honey to that one and therefore that's really strange pose here where things have gone absolutely wrong so what I need to do now is recorrect that pole so I need to go to this one here not this one who's this one here within it there we go and then I right-click and then I would do updates like they pose so let's go to preview and let's see what that looks like that oh and there we go looking very sophisticated there with movement there we go alright and again we can record that go here start recording recording recording there we go so let me rewind that now and press play okay so as you can see there's some sort of issue here with his hand coming in the way it's going through his leg so again what you will need to do is you will need like a transitional post so you will probably in another polls in here when you get to this section here and actually say hold on a minute I need to change that so we could do that right now so if you go to preemie mode where is it exactly where he does that run about here actually I want the arm to go outside so here you would probably when he gets to about there so here what you would do is you would need a transitional pose here so you would I would click on his arm here go to parameters and I want to move it out a bit more so that's a baby sorry I think it's this one here twist [Music] okay I want to move it out there so that with my transitional pause so basically I would go back to my puppeteer mode and I would add it here in my edit mode I would add it over here okay so let's see what that does click here check the preview and there we go it fixed it so that's what you need to do what I mean transitional polls in between that one I told to go outside around and then it's just gone into that natural position where it should do so it's not going through the up so that's how you would fix it if you're gonna fix any poking where the arm goes through body parts which doesn't happen in real life obviously arms the legs don't go through each other they get stuck so that is one way you can fix it so it's just something you need to play around with how's you doing the animation so the final thing when okay is the camera how can I move the camera around to make it look more dramatic making more action moveable instead of a static pose right so I'm gonna add the camera to this house on a rewind this one of those zero frames or not bring it here so at the moment my perspective view I don't want Danny to create the camera so create new camera copy that position of the perspective you cool and go to camera yeah right so we can do this in two ways what we can do is we can create nodes here so again I can say for example I'm gonna move here expression is actually not especially his face because nothing happens on his face let's just move in a bit closer a bit tighter shot there we go so there's my first one so edit mode I want it here and then my next one is gonna be a bit more further out oops bit more further out here we go and I'm gonna put it here and then we're next one I'm gonna zoom in because I'm always gonna be something somewhere around here here I believe zoom in here and then again you can do premium over and you can see with a camera all right it's gonna be down there that's exactly what I want to happen okay and then when you do you record you will start recording with this and you can see here these are key frames here for the camera telling exactly what to do that's what these kind of triangles are so let me just rewind this so it's a bit more dynamic animation where the cameras moving in and out makes it look a bit more different so that's kind of cool obviously this display is not the best way I'll show you another way I had to do it so that's the way where you have to kind of guess better guesswork as the animations going where you want things okay so we've got all these keyframes here I don't want them anymore how do I get rid of it so click on my camera here I go to my timeline there's a little option button here and then I can go to clear animation and clear it for this item so for this camera I want you to clear all the keyframes all right all the keyframes are gone and my camera is gone to the default position as well sorry cheers okay so here's the other way of doing it it's literally to add keyframes so my first keyframe it's gonna be say it's gonna be like this a bit of a tight shot so here I would do here plus here add a keyframe okay so I've got my key frame here for my camera my first keyframe out sort of wanting it okay so the next thing I'm going to scrub the kind of like timeline and where do I want my next coming to be probably to be what it's already moved to here yeah probably be about moved down a bit so my Q keyframe is here take he could actually I wanted to zoom in now because I wanted to get a closer shot this so here then what I'm gonna do is keep scrubby scrubbing the timeline okay what is he at - he gets to about there and I want it to be there there you go and I think it's the other position the camera the keyframes are being created so keyframe here here yeah so as I rewind now so as we rewind the camera will move with it press play camera okay looks more dynamic now our animation the cameras moving with it doesn't look as bad so there's a slight glitch here you can see something happens I think the hand still goes through the leg yep they haven't goes through the leg for whatever reason I think we need to rerecord that but that's fine so this is what this is what you can do with the camera movement you just add keyframes I think that's the best way to do instead of using the actual property mode here I don't think it works very well so one more thing I wanna show you is how are you shot cut to create the animation so I can right click here create a new video on a hole burn I'm going to open these files now so so make sure that the files are in numerical order first so this is one one of them earlier as you can see it is like a hundred fifty frames so that took a very long time to do I'll let this overnight actually because it's actually HD you want so I left it overnight like a future so basically these are numeric order so I'm gonna go from zero zero which is the first frame all it is Bob shift I let all those open and then they will open in the correct order inside inside shot codes but I say inside a studio it's a shot cut I'm gonna stick the first one and then I'm gonna go all the way to the bottom of this shift and then stick the bomb on and then I'm gonna click on it and drag it into my timeline into my video timeline and I cookie here now I still take a while for it to put it into your timeline it will do it doesn't take as long as the studio does to go from one node to the next node shot looks pretty good but the background with a HD right here this likely use or HDRI nothing fancy because it's just way quicker to do it okay so what we'll do now is I would ctrl + a to select all the 150 frames so to speak I would go to properties here and here we got image sequence and I will just tick that okay so why it's gonna do nice and I put all those together and create the image sequence so we can have a look at the inner secrets so if I rewind this do you play video to see goes now the reason why the jerky is because obviously HD it's very very slow but this is not the way you rendered out I'll show you very quickly on my desktop it's on desktop here I think it's 102 you can see how smooth it is this is how smooth it doesn't render when you do it okay so it's very smooth I've done the camera here which is that the same thing I showed you here the camera moves in I to make it more dynamic animation I've got the posing here so this is a preset polls I there's some expressions here so all I've done is everything I've told you so far I'll just put it all together in one and I've created this animation okay so there you go guys hey I mentioned inside our studio now animation is not my specialty but I thought I give it a call to show you how easy it really is inside - you do to create animations now without you that stick to the end of the video thank you very much for this it helps to channel out a lot very much and especially to you Benny Oakes for leaving this wonderful coming here I'll put it here somewhere the first hashtag dream I've got so fantastic so if you want do your comment to be featured in next week's video leave a hashtag dream in the comments down below to show everybody you're serious about reaching your dreams and having said that I'll see you in next week's video
Channel: Parmy Baddhan
Views: 13,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Glb8L6hFrF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 35sec (2015 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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