Mountain Jack Goes To War! Draining a beaver Pond

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okay I took my big chainsaw and I saw through this mud debris and everything and then down in here and get him to about misty possessor boner goes it's about a 28 30 inch bar not sure I did the same thing over here I think now this is gonna get out of here pretty quick I this all right in right here it already a few days ago the hopefully listen of my people Masaya drain the swamp most people really no good I'm hoping to find out but I do I'm not worried about getting dirty I mean permits pretty strong that's right took my chainsaw and cut down through that night when the saw I hate seeing that not go down the river but there's nothing we can do about sit down about seven inches already I've decided I can't coexist with them not like this I believe that 10 to 15 acres basically wet and flooded at some of that conclusion this one damn because I believe though all the water that's staining maybe five six hundred feet away on top of the ground I think it's because of this Dam I know in a couple days because now that's why I'm making this bigger and I'm gonna stay on this one until I can get that excavator out of here but I was gonna try to bring it out I did quite a bit of work today prepared enough try to get that out here and I come to conclusion it's too risky if I get that out here and get that thing stuck it cost me a small fortune to get it out so and I would pick my you-know-what because they're just too lazy to come out here and do this when it's really what may be and I was with the work not even that really but I got but I'm gonna stay on it this time cuz it'll be break bill though this plugged up by morning but it won't be very good but I'm turning it off while it's not very good I might come out here just be in the dark just before I go to sleep with OPI here working on it tear out what they already started tonight here in the morning that the last time I poked a little [ __ ] about 18 inches wide but then I didn't stay up on it wow that's nothing that's why I decided to go bigger and by cutting into the bank I'm cutting the sticks off the structure I parted off have a damn we're gonna have a little harder camp resident now I think and I've never I think that back and Beaver I don't think they have a hard time doing anything so I'm probably about 10 inches no this is an update I went back there just before dark and I've been gone about maybe three hours or less and when I walked up there's two oh bomb that great big monster beaver and probably his mate we're working like gangbusters plugging a hole and they pretty much had it plugged up already I tore it back out they slapped the water with their tail and headed off they're pissed off I don't blame them I feel bad I really do but it's just not gonna work without me getting rid of them or taking that down if they bear with me I might give them something that looks like a beaver pond in the future but it's not going to be this
Channel: Dennis Conrad
Views: 87,596
Rating: 4.5759716 out of 5
Keywords: video, Pinnacle Studio for iOS
Id: X5gVSGKyfas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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