OUR NEW KENTUCKY FARMHOUSE/HOMESTEAD! We bought this With the 203 acres.

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and it does not have central heating there what do you mean by an old heater no central air we say man another than man the water pressure to the bathroom is about the only thing that flows out would need fixing and maybe replace the linoleum or something was coming up there in the kitchen okay so the gentleman that's talking he is currently leasing this farm for hunting but I took advantage of him being there to get some intel on the house and asked him what he would change about it if he owned it and what needed repairs so this is good Intel to get from someone who's been using the home and then come up here to work and close to the end and some water pressure it may you maybe just be able to get carry out here in the safety thinking justified just adjust man this is what does it have hot water it's yeah brings have to pull this views I'm just pulling out a while I get it okay they won't pull that fuse every time would leave site yeah hot water works and I'm all the appliances work mm-hmm that didn't have a different come on man yeah so that's the heater that's the heater for the whole house yeah okay I think we're ready out here yeah in a heartbeat look it's pulling everything's down here two bedroom yeah there's a bedroom right here here's your bathroom full right there go the softball net and here's another bathroom being gossiped heater there match the back porch yeah hey is there a lot of mice in here no a lot most will profess the hot water here the seller selling these as is he's not you're welcome to go home inspection but it is what it is it is what it is it's a built 1958 or something like that it's an old old farmhouse so it's two bedrooms you graduated one bath [Music] maybe you know if it's longer 200 or 100 amp you said that's did you know if that's two hundred or two hundred across the road this is about phew okay so this is the farmhouse that comes with our two hundred and three acres but now let's go outside you're going to be amazed at this eleven acres it is a beautiful beautiful farmhouse and 11 acres that's gonna hold a lot of future value the so does he have a lawn service come and keep it cut okay what's that old building up there Martin oh gosh the wife would love that there's there's what's back in the woods there that's what I'm talking about from here see that other stake in the ribbon pink ribbon it runs at an angle up there and goes all the way up a hill so that old barn is in all barns on that one nice read to it still people left everything he said he said no he had an auction sold a bunch antiques he said he was walking and stepped on an old metals couple some metal signs one of them brought $1,200 long like an old gas hump the gas on see we never get that lucky man he said then he auctioned off like $9,000 for oh my god I mean got grease guns yeah ten there oh if we use it all this tin up okay so for those of you guys that don't know us yet especially mrs. Capra we just love these old buildings and that you know you could just play around you could find stuff in them look for old treasures pick out old parts for rustic projects all kinds of neat stuff here so this is really like actually bonus buildings back here that's the line the fence okay dang this is an old cabin yeah oh yeah what's with this fence here and then the barbed wire that's just the fence Oh Kyle Lopez were halter what is it you said it's survey that line goes way on over that hill that's the property there's a snake right down there so what's up with this opening here was this the same owner something though somebody's coming in this was cut I got from Mississippi he's a good that he's a good good dude I met him he ain't gonna be coming in out of here trust me there ain't been somebody cut it but yeah hey Rangers in it Wow so not too bad look termites down there not too bad at all yeah Alice's head electricity it done yep Wow not too many wives are after this kind of stuff but mine is and it's all pony oh this is all oak oak or walnut or beech all hardwood sure there's a couple of wasp nests in there somewhere and that's a deer tower right here an old Ford huh yeah nice that could be a bonus yeah an old shoot house all right what's is that pine planting on this yeah really it goes a ways that way oh there's the deer feeder up there let's go check that out unless you want to drive you want to bring that buggy out well this might be the best spot or the two properties you just never know that dot that fence that was cut there was deer coming through that I saw trail there well they probably cover the feeder yeah I'm probably was a plot I would think at one time oh that's the guy little guy in the truck leaving with lease in it it runs I can show you we go ride down the road I can see on the buggy this is that fence 5,200 yards passing ponds right here is that fence run all the way to the end no no up a big hill there's a stake with a pen and then it comes straight back down almost to the road there's an old roadbed for the old road used to be is on this side of this road so it doesn't go all the way to the rub some acres the other side of him is 800 and some acre 607 what a bonus plot of property this is just very picturesque like a little pine park and you could have food plots all around here the neighbor blocks are just huge blocks of lands so you're like the only one of the smaller parcels here so just an awesome piece of property but it gets better we're gonna finish looking at this 11 acres okay Oh across the street yeah so straight across from that is where this corner is down here okay so that's about how far down this goes is what I'm saying so that little swampy area is in it yeah here's the old roadbed that goes back around up so this is about the line and then it goes back and kind of hits the road then it follows the road back [Applause] [Music] so the surveyed line is what in the center of the roadbed yeah well that's steep right there another nice little bottom field copy oh there's a deer stand right up into that tree up there just jumped a couple deer out straight ahead and run straight back kind of right in line with that pit cool two or three up on the sides just so he can say he getting the out of the video is that a trail that goes up that hill kind of looks like it alright see that that's a tall one I see that pink flag comes from here and it goes leaves the road and goes down that old road bed back to that concrete mind that we walk to yep that road bed probably goes all the way there don't it or no right here Portia plot this road still may be part of the old road she they rerouted it for here looks like somebody went to cut in right there there's the corner pin basically goes up okay so this is the 203 acre parcel which is not far from the farmhouse that are very close and it's already got county water it's already got electric service on the property so should we want to build in the future we just have to run it into the property ourselves so thanks for joining us don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe if you want to follow all our adventures on our new Kentucky farm here coming in the very near future so thanks a lot kept her out
Channel: Kapper Outdoors
Views: 87,382
Rating: 4.9055462 out of 5
Keywords: Kentucky farm, old farmhouse, abandoned barn, rustic barns, Kentucky land, buying land, kapper outdoors, living the dream, land management, hunting land, country life, homestead, real estate, whitetail properties, kentucky, Mark Williams, land investment, rural livelihood, country roads, land surveying, property, leave the city, land for sale, investing, buy land, real estate investing, outdoor channel, properties, kentucky homestead, how to buy land, buying property
Id: xJhKBArSdx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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