Motley Crue’s Abandoned Private Jet Only $64,500

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this is a 1985 Lear 35 that is on auction right now for a current price of only 64 500 and there's a wasp let's take a look around this thing it's a rocket ship it was formerly owned by the military they bought like 20 of them back in 85 use them for generals and all kinds of other fun missions and then you'll notice the tail number November 2-1 Vince Neil that's right the lead singer from Motley Crue this was his how cool is that I don't know what happened with it but dude email me you know the real Jimmy's World let me know what happened with the airplane why it's sitting here and being auctioned off by a Government auction I'm sure there's a story there but no matter let's take a look around this thing and see what we can find let me just whip this out and show you some stats on this bad boy top speed 519 miles an hour how awesome is that and you're only sipping a small 196 seven gallons an hour the cabin is actually really small it's about yeah it's about the same size as the 310. believe that or not so imagine the 310 with two big freaking jet engines on it so it's only 4.9 feet on the inside inside and only 4.3 this way so you have to walk through it kind of like this and kind of got to go like this so you don't hit your head on stuff it's going to be hard to see on here but if you Google pictures of this airplane you can see it has blue flames that matches the in number and right here are those blue flames here here we go we got some good and those were decals they were stickers that they put on here vinyl wrap 500 mile an hour tape two wheels some big old brakes this shiny part right here is called bleed air hot air from the engine gets piped into this to melt ice when they go through that kind of weather it's kind of cool and then we got your gigantic honking fuel tanks out here also like the 310 and I see some more flames on it here look at that 375 gallons of fuel that does not include the fuselage tank that's back there somewhere I think so when you add that that's another 200 gallons 575 gallons of fuel in this stinking thing and yeah it burns Jedi of course okay real quick look around this thing ain't never gonna fly again ain't never correct English It Ain't Never Gonna Fly again now I believe these engines are the same engine they used on the Jetstar 2. I bought Elvis's private jet that had different engines and then they came out with a gsr2 where they did some changes and they used the same engines I think these are called Garrett 730s or something like that in the comments let me know how far off I am but I believe they're the same engines just imagine four of these things on an airplane not much bigger than this that's awesome this right here clam shell the engine is still in it so this thing is like this and it goes whoa like that and it's massive amount of air brakes you just blast air out of top and bottom you put all your money in over there and then you combine that with air and then it comes out here as noise and it converts it very well and it looks sexy as can be in my opinion the Lear 35 is one of the sexiest airplanes that has ever been made oh see we got more yucky Florida on it I mean honestly it doesn't look really bad but it looks bad enough to wear Lear 35 serial number 560. your tax dollars at work is what paid for this we got the other engine is in there flaps are right here and this has got spoilers spoiler rods so these come up to help you know slow it down whenever you got a land come going 500 miles an hour to like 150 when it lands same old school lights that you'll find on like a Cessna 172 because why not and these are called rakes on that mig-15 that I got by you know an update might be coming on that eventually we got a metal work done but there's still a few other things before we're ready to fly that thing and these are also little bumps that disturb the airflow and create micro vortices to help create more lift on such a skinny Wing I mean look at this the whole wing on this jet is this thick escape hatch here's a fun fact this is called an angle of attack and it goes through the air and there's a gauge in there that tells you where the angle of attack which is how the air is flying and if you're like this too much and once you get too much then it goes it doesn't fly anymore so this is in there to tell the pilots just how high up they're going that's pretty neat is it unlocked lift oh come on oh ready go why don't people leave your airplanes unlocked Vince if you still have the keys that should probably go with it whenever you go to sell it you can kind of see inside the airplane a little bit that's going to scratch ooh gross look how green that is coming off there that's Florida I spy with my little eye something wet and oily so this is the red from the covers that they had on it but it's it's sticky and I was just informed that we need batteries and power to open up the front door on this thing so all right Vince maybe you did leave it unlocked and we just need to get a jump box but it does have power right here just the same as on the 310. there's not much difference between this and the 310. a good Lear 35 goes for roughly a million bucks which is a lot of money this one right now is 64 500 bucks those engines on the back there's no log books for the engines or the airplane and all of the value is in those engines to get one of those things rebuilt you're talking like 200 to 250 000 each now you can rent those engines which is still really weird to me that you just rent an engine but that's how they do things in private jet world and I have no Earth idea how much it would cost to rent one of those but you know you can rent one of those I guess then my estimate a rough guess to get all of the airplane up to date to do all the checks and to make sure the actual work itself would probably cost just throw an even hundred thousand out there I mean why not we're talking people money that I don't even know so you just talk a smooth hundred thousand for that but there was a EPA noise thing that went into effect somewhere around 20 13 20 15 something like that and I think that's the reason this one's grounded is because just like the Jetstar it's too stinking loud it's got too much Americana BTUs happening is what's going on I think that's the reason this one is grounded you know there might be a different conversion or hush kit to put on there now I know from a gulf stream from a you know Jr over there you guys rock he did some research and found out that the hush kit the muffler that goes on those engines take a guess go ahead and put in the comments how much do you think a muffler would be for a jet engine both of them put them together you're wrong it's a lot higher eight hundred thousand dollars for a muffler that's nuts it's no wonder that these planes ended up sitting here even though it's a perfectly good airplane and I don't even know really what I do with it if you did have it going like private jets have to take some veterans transport them go back and forth take the family around visit some of you guys Jimmy's World Tour that'd be kind of cool well uh this one they won't let us inside of it the doors locked batteries and they told us absolutely under no circumstances are we allowed to get in it and we can only see just a little bit through the window it just looks you know it's got a couple seats that are like this close together for example I don't even know what I would do with this thing if I got it but it was fun to check out if you've got a good airplane that you know about let me know we'll go out and check it out even if we don't buy it it'd be awesome to check it out it's a real Jimmy's world at information in the description below let's go get some tacos foreign [Music]
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 2,681,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PEY-CfG4vxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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