A Mother's Love | Mother's Day Sermon | Rev. Dianne Matthews

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good morning church good morning people of God god bless you and yours today I'm excited to be here this morning I want to say to all you mothers today to have a happy Mother's Day to you even though we're all sheltered in place I pray that you will enjoy your day I pray that you'll stay safe I pray that you'll stay encouraged and I pray that you'll continue to pray and trust God in this situation for this to like the Lord says this too shall pass for God is still he's always he's still in control of all things and he is our covering so happy Mother's Day to all you mothers today if you're if you have your Bibles I would ask that you would retrieve them and turn with me to the book of Ephesians and I'm gonna speak to you all the for a moment from Ephesians chapter 2 chapter 6 verse 2 Ephesians chapter 6 verse 2 and I'll be speaking from the NIV New International Version well we all have it we'll say Amen the Word of God says in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 2 honor your mother honor your father and your mother which is the first commandment with the promise verse 2 says again honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise we're going to talk today about a mother's love let's pray father in Jesus name we thank you and we praise you today was this day that you have made and we shall be blessed and we shall be prosperous in it father we ask now that you would with us to your word that you remove anything that would distract us like that that you would speak to us to from from your word in regards to we as mothers today we thank you and we praise you like I for this opportunity and I father acts what you will stand in my body and speak through my lips of clay and that you would glorify yourself and bring up your people so that we will know how precious mothers are to you and to us and we access thing in Jesus name Amen okay mothers and fathers of children we're here today to celebrate our mothers it's Mother's Day we also want to celebrate not only our mothers but we also want to celebrate the memory of our mothers who have passed on and gone home to be with the Lord we celebrate their love for us also today we're going to talk about a mother's love being a mother it to someone is not limited and to be a biological mother I'll say that again being a mother to someone is not limited only to being a biological mother there are different types of mothers the question that we ask today is who are the different type of mothers who are they well the answer is this some mothers are spiritual mothers in the body of Christ those ones are the one that God has used as vessels of God to Bertha spiritually and teach us how to Reverend the word of that spiritual mothers who nurtured you in your spiritual growth in your walk with the Lord they seek to grow us up spiritual mothers and train us in the ways of God Psalms 103 and 7 says this it declares this the children knew the acts of God but Moses knew the ways of God so what God has sent us a dip between the acts of God and the ways of God the acts of God is what he could do but the ways of God is who he is so our spiritual mothers not only want to teach us not only what God can do but the spiritual mothers in the body of Christ also teach us about God's character and not only that about who he is to you and I again who are these extended mothers maybe you've had one in your life maybe you have one still in your life I have one in my life right now today but who are these extended mothers they do not our biological mother but their extended mothers who are they well I submit to you that the Bible says gives us an example of a spiritual mother it's a mother like a mother-in-law like Naomi the Bible says she mothered her daughter-in-law Ruth and wisely influenced her in her marriage to Belarus Naomi will be considered as a spiritual mother to Ruth or spiritual mother could be a big sister a big sister who mother you took care of you watched out for you when your mother was away some folks would call them little mamas when I was coming up but basically they're your siblings they are a big sister sometimes big sister is considered a spiritual mother or an extended mother could be an auntie who mother too who always was there to listen to you to give you needed support words of encouragement and help you to sort things out she is another type of an extended mother sometimes it could be a godmother who stood in as mom when mom was not available a godmother is an extended not only that sometimes an extended mother is a grandmother some calls her when I was growing up big momma they say said Nana na when I was growing up they called her a grandmother big momma she is the one that's beyond childbearing age she's the one who lets you run the house she's the one who comes to your defense and takes up for you against everybody all but in sudhi sometimes your own mother Big Mama is your first line of defense the late songwriter Bill Withers once said he wrote a song and the song says this when I get to heaven I'm gonna look for grandma's hand so Big Momma grandmother is another extended mother and most likely lastly some extended mothers are mr. moms who due to various reasons have the title of being mother and father my own father Harrison was a mr. mom my mother passed away when I was six years old and my dad operated in my life as my mommy and my daddy he cooked he cleaned the house he dressed me he combed my hair he taught me how to be a young woman young lady and he took good care of me he took me to church my father was a mr. mom whatever the role of mother be today be it a birth mother a spiritual mother an extended mother or mister mom we honor them today - mother someone takes time and commitment we come not only to celebrate our biological moms but also all those that carry the title mother verse two in our scripture today says again this it says hold on a minute the honor your mother and your father to honor so we're to do this speaking of family relationships amongst believers verse two starts with the word honor well what does that word mean what does it imply the word honor means to count as valuable to highly esteemed to reverence and to respect and to value as precious to honor is spoken in the present tense which means it's a command it involves a continuous and repeated action on our part it implies in you and I are to continuously and repeatedly esteem and value our mothers as precious not only today always the reason we are to do this is because we are commanded by God to do so it is not a suggestion it's a command and to do so not to do so is rebellion against God to honor your mother is a matter of our attitude and an attitude is the discipline and disposition is everything because your attitude will dictate to you how you relate and respond to your mother so out of your mother is the will of God we read in Matthew chapter 15 verse 4 about Jesus rebuking and explaining to the religious folks of that day what was most important today the religious folks in that day were speak in their tradition and they were doing everything that the eldest tradition required of them but the problem were that they were looking but lacking in obedience to God the problem was they was lacking in obedience to God in disrespecting God's first commandment they were to honor your mother and your father in other words they were majoring in the secondary and not in the primary the primary being the first commandment of them if I could make it real for you today and bring it down to the day's time these folks were going to church every Sunday going to Bible study and prayer means singing in the choir and on the praise team witness them to others wherever they went whatever is required by the church elders of them they did but sometimes we like they get careless in our duty to God's commandments having an excuse or a justification like they did to avoid our duty to honor our mother which is the first commandment of God with the promise verse 3 in your Bible look at it says it's a promise that says that it make a will with us the Bible says obedience is better than all of our sacrifice got one such first and foremost to obey Him some may say today the first commandment is referring to the law given an Old Testament and the church is not under the law and you are right because the law is fulfilled in Jesus Christ but the same God who said in the book of Genesis a man shall leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife was speaking of marriage is the same girl who now speaking to the believers in the church here in verse 2 to leave and cleave defines a change in relationships between you and your mother but your responsibility my responsibility is to still honor your mother has not changed that's why it is repeated in the New Testament honor our mothers is heavy you and I having an understanding of the revealed will of God verse 2 is inclusive for all ages young and old God's Word is speaking to family relationships we not only ought to honor our mothers on Mother's Day but on each day in order for you to do this you got to be spirit bag because sometimes mothers sometimes I know my kids will say the same thing sometimes lovers can work your nerves they can get on your last sometimes mothers can upset you and sometimes you know you just kind of want to say to your mother you know you know I'm from but you don't say that out loud but if you don't say it you begin anyway and God knows that you're grown and he expects you to honor and esteem your mothers anyway amen anyway God's Word is a lot to say about mother's love and while we all are to honor our mother including the mister mom's many times who are not included in Mother's Day but their love is no different their love is no different than a mother's love for children it's the same love being expressed he's just a mr. mom when you take a moment when we all take a moment to look into God's Word and read what he says about a mother's love it should cause all of us to stop slow down and reflect on how a mother's love looks and why we are to celebrate her not only today always so I want to speak to you about five ways and which you can see a mother's love in the Word of God number one the word reveals that a mother's love is supportive the Word of God speaks about a prayer for mother named Hannah and the book of 1st Samuel who would make her son a little coat every year and bring it and give it to him it says she dedicated her son into God's hand to keep him she did this the Bible says when her son was at a young age a mother is supportive the Word of God reveals also to us Mary the mother of Jesus and it shows us how she stood close by him as he hung on the cross span the sins or the paying the price for the sins of the whole world and motherly support she stood there the Bible says she stood there and she would not leave Jesus until the end that's supportive love a mother's love is revealed whenever she brings your name before God in prayer asking God to have mercy on you to protect you from her harm and danger as you God to help you and look out for your well-being to keep you close to him and not allow you to wander too far off a mother's love is supportive number two a mother's love is sacrificial God's Word speaks in first Kings 3 and 16 about a nameless mother who chose to give her child away rather than have her child butchered in hell you have the reading she was willing to sacrifice her child to another person in order to keep her child I want to stop here and say a child that's raised by a grandmother or a relative or an adoptive parent don't always know the reason they're always not a reason to buy about what happened sometimes a mother is not a position to properly raise the child maybe her life was out of order maybe her life is in chaos maybe she was underage or maybe she had health issues but that don't mean that that mother don't love or care about her child a mother never forgets her child the one she gave birth to never sometimes the greatest act of love that a mother's love can express is to release her child to someone who can better take care of them and give her a child a chance at a better life there's a mother's sacrificial love a mother's love is sacrificial and God made it to be so 3 a mother's love is strong in steadfast in the time of a crisis God's Word speaks about a shooter might woman whose son was sick unto death but when the property lies or the man who got axed her was everything all right with her and her child she responded to him all is well a mother's love will believe beyond all reason and rational in a crisis I'll be happy for child believing God will make things ok this shooter might woman responded to the man of God when he asked about her child who was sick unto death she responded to him his will how Elizabeth my grandson he's 14 years old now but my grandson was born premature and he was born here a tumor in his heart it showed up on an ultrasound and I have the picture I have a copy of it my daughter said to me God promised this child to me and he's going to remove that tumor in spite of what she saw with her own eyes on ultrasound she prayed as she believed in a crisis to remove that tumor from her son when they made it took another ultrasound that tumor was gone and I kept the picture so what am I saying to you is this a month's love a mother's love was show up in a crisis before and refused to give up no matter what the odds are a mother's love will show up in a crisis no matter what she sees no matter what she hears a mother's love is strong in a crisis so our mother's love is supportive a mother's love is sacrificial and a mother's love is strong is steadfast in the face of a crisis for I must love was shield and protect is bold and is fearless the Bible speaks of Yosh Abed who was Moses mother in the book of Exodus chapter 2 she shielded and protected her son and defied Pharaoh's order that all the Hebrew boys be killed God's Word tells us and tells you and me that y'all should be instead heed her son and protected him a mother will do whatever is necessary to protect her child she will even come up against anyone anybody that threatens her child including their father which seems to be a bit abusive at the time should we say well that's enough that's enough there's a mother's love protecting her child God shows us a lot about a mother's love God's Word also speaks about named whisper second Samuel verse 21 whose sons were killed and dishonored and left exposed to the elements God said discipline took the set clock and spread it out over her sons to shield them from the there are unburied bodies from the birds and the beasts God said whisper stayed there and kept vigil over her their bodies day and night and I could see her right now just keeping the birds away from her sons that were left unburied and uncovered a mother's love his shielding and protected now only is a mother's love shielding but it's also bold and fearless the word that says no a must love is selfishly determined like the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15 chapter whose daughter was sick and needed to be healed God said this mother was a Gentile in other words she was an outsider if I can put it in today's term this mother was unsaved and she came to Jesus asking him to heal her daughter the word says at first Jesus didn't even answer her or you will respond to her request and when she would go away but kept on taxing the Bible said Jesus responded to her and said this is not right to give the children's bread to the dollars now I don't have time to explain this comment you got to go to Bible study class you have to study it out but jesus responded to this woman that is not a right to give Childress bread to the dogs when Jesus said is not right to give the children's bread to the dogs this woman who responds was this it was her selfish when she was called the dog and this mother this Canaanite mother said yes Lord you're right but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table a mother's love is crazy boldness is persistent and won't give up and determine to fight against odds when it comes to her children just think about it for a moment this was not saved mother she was an outsider she was not even in relationship with Jesus but on half of her own behalf of her daughter's she still asked God for a favor that's crazy boldness saying yes I know yes that you're right I'm wrong I need to get right with God yes you're right my life is messed up yes you're right I need to get right with you but right now Lord girl I need a faith will you heal my child I must love a surface and explained in many different ways so much love is supportive is sacrificial it's strong it's shielding but a mother's love is also stern and much love will also correct you when you're wrong you know why because she's not scary she will tell you truth when you don't want to hear it I might as well we'll check them when you're trying to be ghosts as the young people say ghostly child you don't know ask your father just try to stand in a way that's they Carlos put well we'll check on you when you're trying to be ghosts and ask about your whereabouts I must love will love you anyway even when you reject her a must love in action as good so mother's love is supportive I must love a sacrificial I must learn as strong a mother love is shielding and a must love is stern that's five things and that's the number of grace that God gave to us on our PA five things and number of grace so before we close I just want you to stop and reflect back on your home mother's love that means you gotta be quiet you got to be be and let the Lord the Holy Spirit bring up to you and reflect on your mother's even on your mother's then passed on to be with the Lord we've played on their love your mother's love is expressed whenever she cooks that special food that you like the cake you like or your favorite dish whenever she hugs you and kisses you on the cheek or on the forehead or pools at your ear smiles at you for no reason and looks in your eyes and actually what's the matter baby that's a mother's love or blows up your phone called it and don't want anything and when you do find the answer your mother says this I was just checking on you it's a mother's love it's an expression of a bugs love to you I said all this to say this a mother's love never forgets her child I said 49:16 says this I have engraved you in the palms of my hand in other words there's an eternal connection between the mother and a child she will always forever be there for you we are always to be honoring our mothers today we over our love and we over ours she's a vessel that God used to bring us into this world and she took care of you when you couldn't take care of yourself even if your mother failed to be and failed to do all she should have done as a mother you as a believer is instructed by God our Father to honor your mother anyhow to commit to her encounter as precious and highly esteem her in our words and in our deeds toward her I believe that people do the best they could do and when they know better they do better love her for that we honor our mothers today but when distress comes guess what it'll take you back to mother with sorrow comes it takes us right back to mother when faced with a dilemma comes it takes us right back to mother we are to do something wrong it would take us right back to mother or to mother's voice no matter how old you are today the same things just remind something's just remind us of our mother's love and some things just naturally take you back to mama and you say this I remember my mama used to say oh you do I remember my mother she used to say some things just naturally take you back to your mother's love and much love will pull out one day and it's written in proverbs 31:28 this truth will be fulfilled which says and her children will rise up and call her blessed the best Mother's gift anyone can give mother is to know Jesus and to live for Jesus cars balloons dinners okay but the best gift that you can give your mother is to live a life for Jesus amen now if you listening today and you don't know the Lord the Bible says in John 3:16 that God loved the entire world he said he loved the entire world he gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believed in him should not perish but have eternal life the Bible also says to us who's ever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved what it is is an invitation to salvation today is an invitation for you if you're listening to get right with God today so if that's the issue the question is this about what I've said about all that call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved the question to ask yourself is is is that biblical to do to confess your sins to call upon the name of the Lord is that biblical to do - is it a wise decision for you to make today and three is a time for you to make it right now so this time you can come you can call someone at the church at our church or if you're watching from other churches you still got your pastors and your deacons you get ministers and I'm quite sure that you can call and they can lead you to Christ one of the things that we can say is this it's a prayer is the prayer of salvation says Lord Jesus I'm a sinner and I repent of my sins coming to my life and save me for I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and I believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and that he lives today I believe that he died for my sins Lord Jesus all that I have ever hoped to be I commit unto thee coming to my life and save me that's all it is ABC admit believe and confess amen happy Mother's Day to all of you god bless you
Channel: Palma Ceia Baptist Church
Views: 1,979
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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