Motherboard Analysis of $1800 Dominus Extreme | "Massive Freakin' Overkill"

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hey guys builds I hear from two actually hardcore overclocking and today we're gonna be taking a look at the most expensive and largest motherboard I've ever done on PCB breakdown of say hello to the asus rog x5 ninety-nine dominus motherboard this thing is designed for overclocking the LGA 36:47 xeon w31 75 X if you're wondering why I'm trying to talk so fast basically Steve told me I need to make the video shorter the first take was like 37 minutes before that this video is brought to you by be quiet and it's straight power 11 series power supplies the straight power 11 PSU is shipped from 450 Watts up to a thousand Watts accommodating most of the gaming PC build requirements you'd encounter and focuses on delivering a higher quality power supply that doesn't sacrifice on efficiency or stability noise is also a heavy point for the straight power 11 using a 135 millimeters silent wins 3 fan that can spin as low as 200 rpm for quieter low load operation learn more at the link in the description below anyway let's get right into it because there's so much stuff to cover on this motherboard before we get into the V RMS we're just gonna start off with some of the features and of course the power connectors we've got a load of power connectors almost made this video what advertiser unfriendly anyway so we have a ton of freaking power connectors and we also have a split 12 volt power plane you can just about see how the 12 volt power plane ends right there and the reasoning for this is rather simple and it's also part of the reasoning why we have these extra six pins here so also the motherboard has dual 24-pin power connectors so the reason that we have this split 12 volt power plane up and up on the top edge and the dual 24 pins is very very simple this powers uh this motherboard is designed to work with dual PSU setups and that's why we have not you know one or two or three eight pins now we have four eight pin power connectors and the issue with having four eight pin power connectors right like one two three four so the issue with doing that is that most high-end PSU is even like 1600 watt power supplies which I have to of they only come with like two eight pin power connectors each so essentially you wouldn't be able to hook up like four eight pins on to this motherboard at the same time now if you do have a 1600 watt power supply I would argue you shouldn't bother with the aprons like that's kind of the reason why we have the extra six pin power connector is here because essentially what you would want to do if you had a 1600 watt power supply is just plug that in plug that in plug this in and plug this in and you're sorted you don't have to worry about it now admittedly at that point you'd probably want to throw another PSU in the system for powering like your GPUs depending on how many GPUs you have or how power-hungry said GPUs are and how much you're overclocking the CPU but a single 1600 watt PSU might actually be like if you're on water cooling you're probably not going to be able to cool the CPU if it's pulling much more than like 800 watts that tends to be actually really really freaking difficult anyway uh so actually not even 800 watts like good luck cooling over 600 because this is this is one big monolithic very hot die that this Xeon comes with so anyway so we have the the six pins for people who want to run single PSU but if you want to run dual PSU then you can plug in you know to eight pins over here and two eye pins over there and you know each of those eight pins will be coming like those eight pins will be coming from the different power supplies and so you need to split the 12 volt power plane here because if you have two different power supplies you're not necessarily guaranteed that they're both outputting exactly the same 12 volts depending on what kind of load each is under and if you had them on the same power plane you'd basically end up with one PSU feeding current back into the other PSU and I can lead to all kinds of issues so you can't actually have two different power supplies on the same like outputting power into the same power plane basically they'll end up fighting each other and so that's not an option so the end result here is that we do have that split 12-volt power plane so if you do want to run PSU you know to PSU setup you'd have liked to have PSU one and then PSU to over here right on this side now I I wouldn't necessarily say that's a requirement like personally I would say it would be easier to just set up like one power supply for the CPU and then another power supply for the rest of the system but you you have a lot of options also you don't actually like even if you're on ambient cooling as I said if you're on water cooling like good luck cooling much more than 600 or 800 watts coming off of a monolithic die like on this Aeon especially considering that this thing comes with thermal paste it's not soldered so for most applications I don't think you'd actually need to apply more than just like you know say like this 8 pin and that a pin like that wouldn't realistically probably be about the limit of most what most people's cooling system would be able to handle in this configuration now as soon as you're looking at like chilled water then yeah you know you'd want like a 1600 watt power supply just for the CPU and hook it up like that but it is worth noting like worth keeping in mind that Durbar actually did an L n to overclocking video with Dan comp on this motherboard with the Xeon and they ended up topping out at like twelve hundred and twenty-five Watts so it really like and that that's like coming into the VR M that's not output so you really like the thing is so damn hard to cool that I honestly don't think this huge array of power connectors is anywhere near necessary especially considering that like an eight pin CPU power connector can easily handle 400 watts plus and if you have the sort of the high current version of that power connector and also a PSU using 16 gauge cabling for all of its you know main power lines then actually this connector can handle as much as 600 watts quite easily because it can do 13 amps per pin pair and the same goes for the like for the extra six pins on the side right so you basically have like a 600 watt connector there and these are like just under 400 watts or something like that so you have like 2,000 watts worth of power connectors here if you have the high current like you know variant of the eight pin and the six pin on your power supply because some power supplies while most power supplies tend to be done in eighteen gauge but the high-end ones really should be done in 16 anyway so basically we have a ton of power connectors that are really quite excessive but that's kind of the the truth like that theme of excessive amounts of everything just holds is true for the rest of the motherboard as we shall soon see moving on we get a power button a reset button we also have a retry button so this basically forces the system to power cycle even if it locks up to the point that like the reset doesn't work retry will force the system to power cycle the other benefit of the retry button is that you can use it for retraining memory settings so if there's there's like a couple different post codes that you can get stuck on when the memory training is not quite right yeah mashing the retry button can get you through some of those they'd be things like like sometimes when you get into like the final initialization postcodes you can lock up on those retry can get you through those sometimes then like 55 is 49 s and there's a couple other ones it really kind of depends also on the platform which postcodes our retrial through and which aren't so I'm just kind of going well I'm used to unlike XIII 9 DZ 370 and Z 217 in terms of what retry can go through so anyway that's a nice feature to have and it was pretty standard for all like extreme overclocking oriented asus rog motherboards below that we have the safe boot button this is a really really awesome button basically allows you to get into the bios without having to wipe all of your settings if even if your settings are screwed up so essentially if you're you know if you're getting a postcode that retry button doesn't get you through you can just hit safe boot and it should get you into the bios and it won't even wipe all of your settings which is awesome because if you forget to save profiles like i do you don't lose there all your work every move to clear CMOS right like so yeah that's a really awesome button to have we do also have the postcode which is obviously for troubleshooting we I don't think they have the color coded LEDs on this motherboard so anyway not really like the postcode makes those kind of irrelevant even when they are present next we have the these this dip switch right here which is for enabling and disabling your PCIe slots considering that this is super like freaking high end and like workstation oriented this is not actually that much PCIe expansion capability on this motherboard but yeah so you can basically disable and enable PCIe slots with with just the dip switch right here which is super handy if you have like a GPU that's in like a water loop or under liquid nitrogen and it's not posting and it's because of one of the GPUs isn't working and you have several of them well you can just fiddle with that dip switch until the system starts working BAM you don't even have to worry about pulling the GP the malfunctioning GPU out of the system much more convenient for troubleshooting in that sense also up here we get two more switches we get pause and reserved one so I'm not sure what reserved one does for x5 99 but for most other platforms where you'd find the switch from ASA on ASUS motherboards it essentially preloads a bunch of extreme overclocking settings for you this switch is not enabled unless you have the ln2 mode jumper enabled and quite frankly that like flicking the switch on like say Izzy 270 or something at ambient will straight-up make the system not post it's also really not good for the system to be running like that in the first place so yeah that this is very much just for extreme overclocking then above that we have the pause switch this will basically force lock up the system like force lock up the CPU essentially you can pause the CPU which is really really neat it doesn't pause the passage of time and the idea behind this is essentially that you can adjust settings on say like benchmark loading screens so you get to a benchmark loading screen you hit pause and then if you have like an ro GOC panel or some kind of other you know direct to motherboard controller you can adjust a bunch of settings on fleek pause back off and benchmark runs at different settings than what like the first test of the benchmark Ranna which can be useful for say like for 3d marks especially because they have a lot of loading screens anyway so that's those two switches up there I think I've covered everything in that area so moving down down here we have the slow mode switch essentially allows you to force the the CPU to the lowest possible Multipla lowest possible core ratio very convenient for basically avoiding crashes while you're sitting idle like you know if you're on desktop and like messing around with files or setting something up while on liquid nitrogen this is a great way to both save liquid nitrogen because power consumption is roughly linear with your CPU frequency and also it avoids stability issues because you won't have to be like taking it like you wouldn't have to save a screenshot at 6 gigahertz right you can take your screenshot hit slow mode save it like point eight gigahertz so that's a pretty nice switch to have for extreme overclockers that also only enables once you have ln2 mode enabled ln2 mode it enables a bunch of the switches on the bottom motherboard it also what it does is it presets some voltages for extreme overclocking and it and it lifts a whole bunch of voltage restriction so normally ASUS motherboards won't let you go to like stupid voltage levels unless you have this enabled once you have this enabled you can burn the CPU and the motherboard won't like won't do anything to stop you from doing that so yeah that's that's pretty neat next to that we have a six pin power connector this is just for adding extra power into the PCIe Lotte's this I would assume has to be on whichever PSU is hooked up to this 24 pin because normally the way this is implemented is it's actually in parallel with the 12-volt pins of the 24 pin so yeah and it's nice to see ace is finally using a six pin for this because normally they use a molex and I hate the molex connector so yeah nice to see that they are using a six pin for this at this point and the idea is basically if you're running a like a 4 Way GPU setup God forbid like let's say you you run like 4 Way Rx for a TS reference Rx for 80s right they pull a lot of power from the PCIe slot yeah you run four of those you're gonna melt your 24 pin and the dual 24 pins again same reason why as for why you have a split 12 volt power plane up there these can't be in parallel in terms of feeding power into the motherboard so you do need a separate power extra power connector to feed the PCIe slots extra which would have to come from the PSU which is all in the primary 24 pin anyway so if you had like rx for 80s or something then they could easily pull say 300 Watts through the PCIe slots and at that point your 24 pins gonna melt because there's exactly two 12-volt pins in that 24 pin power connector and well you know 12 times 10 you know per pain is like 240 watts and you're trying to pull 300 not gonna happen so yeah that's that's essentially why there's this power connector and you see that on quite a few high-end motherboards these days as well so pretty standard feature anyway moving on we have a BIOS which this motherboard has dual BIOS which is super convenient if you break one of the by uh one of the BIOS chips and then you still have a working motherboard because there's a backup BIOS chip that still works then we have a reserve it's to switch I have no idea what that one does I've never actually had an asus motherboard that has a second reserved switch I've only had motherboards with one I assume it adds more settings on top of what the first one does that that would be my guess as to how that functions and that kind of covers everything except for the 10 Giga quanta land that is located right over here so at this point we've covered all of the features now we can move on to the V RMS and let's start with the biggest one and most important one which is actually not this entire row up here because the memory of erm this set of DIMM slots is actually hiding in that so this right here is VDD R so we have V DD R over there and that feeds this set of DIMM slots this is a the m dot two riser card thing so that's four m dot two SSDs that's not an extra dims law and ace is called calls it dimmed all two because they basically reaper first a I think it's a ddr force law and then they've like flipped it around and put that over it so that you can't and Snell install a dim in it because it's really just meant to be a riser card for M not to SSDs so anyways over there we have our VDD R then we of course have our VCC NV r M which is freaking huge which has a lot of power stages but not quite that many phases then we have V DDR over here as well because of course you do cuz like you're not gonna be pushing power like that that's that's just dumb so normally you always have like basically a v RM on either side of the cpu if there's separate you know if you have memory memory slots on either side of the the cpu socket then you have V RMS on either side as well so that's our other VDD our v RM over there and then down here we have what I can only assume our VCC IO and VCC sa the only issue is I'm not sure which ones which cuz I well I don't have the board in hand to check so VCC IO and VCC sa it doesn't really matter that much both of these are rather minor rails and they don't like they don't push much power and more importantly these two things like these two phases are identical so it doesn't really matter which ones which it's just kind of like yeah but because they're the spec on them is the same and they both don't really have to do much work anyway so let's get into the details of the VCC and vrm here and as you can clearly see it's freaking massive so we're not going to be counting how many phases are in it because I mean how many inductors are in it because we'd be here all day but we will split it up into the into the phase groups here so that's 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 yes and another 1 2 3 4 and another one two three four there and essentially you can see that we have one two three four five six seven eight yes this motherboard has 32 power stages in its VCC nbrm and eight phases yeah Asus really freaking hates doublers that's that's basically the design philosophy behind this vrm but so you have a tote like it's a it's a real eight phase but you basically have a whole bunch of power stages in parallel in each phase and the funny thing is is actually at this point what asus is doing with this VRM it's like I was actually wondering like when when I did my efficiency calculations I was actually wondering why they didn't go for only 24 power stages because if you're not gonna use a doubler there's nothing actually stopping you from putting three-phase I like putting three power stages in one phase normally if you're using a doubler then it's like well it doubles okay and you can't by Tripler x' as far as I'm aware nobody makes those but they do make quadruped lers and you can cascade doublers into other doublers which would give you a quadruple err made up of three different composers could have gone for like a more reasonable power stage count is we're about to find out but uh now they like the thing is this motherboard is $1,800 so even those like these power stages are like four dollars each it doesn't really make a big difference to the total cost of the motherboard there's like a hundred and fifty dollars worth of power stages here but the board is like eighteen hundred dollars like who cares and you can see a similar kind of thing going on with the actual voltage controller selection because this chip right here well that's that's four VCC in and that's an asp 1405 so in which the suspicion is that that is a rebrand of the IR three five two zero one because it behaves alike it seems to behave a lot like an IR three five two zero one anyway and Asus has rebranded voltage controllers for ages but normally you don't see a SP forty no fives used for like memory of things like memory power especially considering that if I remember correctly IR makes a three five two zero four which is basically a three five two zero one in terms of like features except with less phases so it's cheaper except this motherboard is $1,800 so why would you bother with buying and cheaper voltage regulator when you can just use another ASP 1405 so that's what's going on here and that's only running one two three phases so the this one's running like the one up here is running eight plus zero this one down here is running three plus a zero this one over here right there that's another three plus a zero so that's another ASP 1405 and even the VCC i/o and VCC sa yeah you guessed it it's another ASP 1405 because just it's easier to use the same chip everywhere and it doesn't like you don't need to bother with saving money on an $1,800 motherboard it's ridiculously expensive anyway like who cares if the chip is a dollar more expensive at this point so yeah that's another ASP 1405 1405 and that one's running in 1+1 mode which is just like a complete waste because you can really you can buy like a three phase or four phase controller from IR that would do that just fine and have like this exact same performance metrics as a 3-5-2 like as a SP 1405 except it wouldn't be a you know quite as expensive or quite as large it would take up less boards they like basically Asus was like well the board's huge it's expensive who cares about you know being even remotely cost efficient at this point and the same kind of applies to the situation with the ridiculous number of power stages in the v RM because the end result of this monstrosity of a vrm is that for the standard sort of so but like let's finally take a look at the v RM efficiency here right so for 1.8 volts output 602 kilohertz switching frequency and 5 volts Drive because these are well we're gonna get to that 5 volts Drive so that's that's the V R I'm operating setup so that's one point eight volts out and that's one point eight volts because this is VCC in so that goes into the integrated voltage regulator on the CPU which is basically a very very very fast buck converter built directly into the chip and that's a really cool feature that Intel has for like reducing the amount of current a motherboard has to supply to the CPU and it's super useful in server applications and laptop applications and just all over the place and they also don't use it on LGA 1151 but anyway so well those are going to be our operating parameters for the vrm because these chips right here are none other these guys right here are none other than the TDA two one four seven two this is one of the most expensive 70 amp 70 M smart power stages you can buy and Asus decided that they really really really needed 32 of them in the VCC and vrm like they didn't but they they just kind of went with it so and these are actually expect to just run off of straight 5 volts all the time and that this is just what their spec it out in the datasheet so that that's really convenient for me because it makes the math really easy yeah 70 M smart power stages they're called smart power stages because they integrate current monitoring temperature monitoring over current protection over temperature protection high side MOSFET failure protection like there's a whole bunch of protection modes built into these that makes them really awesome in that they should like if they fail on the off chance that they fail cuz they're ridiculously powerful but you know let's say they do fail for some reason or another they actually have built-in mechanisms to protect against like blowing up everything after the vrm which can actually happen with like discrete MOSFETs if they fail close and there's nothing to to force the low side MOSFET to basically try pull the the high side MOSFET down because anyway I'm getting off track here because we don't have enough time the other feature that these integrate being made by international rectifier they do integrate body braking mode which is basically a load to idle transient response optimizations feature which essentially disables the low side MOSFET well you stop using the low side MOSFET of the power stage when you're coming out of load into idle and the idea is that basically that forces all of the current going through the phase to go through the body diode of the MOSFET and hence the name body braking mode and the body diode has a whole bunch of voltage drop so you can burn off all the extra energy stuff that's sitting in the phase that would otherwise cause a voltage spike as you come out of load yeah you can burn that off and you get a better transient better transient response coming out of load so when you go from like you know high current output to low current output you don't get as much of a voltage spike because of body breaking mode so that's a pretty cool feature that these integrate which is actually like that's not a standard feature for smart power stages that that's just something like international rectifier ads though there are like inter cell has that as well they can also do it they they just have different different names for this so anyway let's talk about the vrm efficiency here and it's ridiculous because so for convenience sake 270 watts which is a little bit above the stock TDP of the Zeon that goes into it which is like 255 255 watts but I was lazy and I wanted to go with 150 amps so 150 amps current output this vrm is going to produce about 19 watts of heat you don't need a heatsink at all like this doesn't need a VR I mean heatsink whatsoever if you're running that is the on at stock it's just completely irrelevant like this like there's so much surface area in this vrm that you just don't need a heatsink so that's awesome now moving up into the higher current levels right 540 watts power consumption 300 amps and this is likely what like the this is pretty hard to cool like that's actually really hard to cool it with like a water cooling loop so 300 amps output for the VR I'm at that point you're still only gonna be looking at about 35 watts of heat I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the VR almost perfectly capable of dissipating that by just existing as in you don't need a heatsink on it and maybe a gentle breeze would be enough um so yeah this VR M is just ridiculous freakin overkill moving up higher in terms of power consumption 810 watts 450 amps I did go in steps of 150 just because it doesn't like it doesn't really matter I'm not sure how high you can push it but anyway so 810 watts 450 amps you'd be looking at only about 48 watts of heat at that point having a heatsink might be a good idea but air flow would be still I consider optional uh-huh because yeah this is just ridiculous there's so many damn power stages in this anyway going yeah further still with our power consumption a thousand and eighty watts okay 600 amps output on this VR I'm you'd be looking at about 61 watts of heat overkill massive freakin overkill because the board's $1,800 so it doesn't matter if we blow like like this vrm probably costs like two on like is like two hundred dollars in parts maybe maybe more than that like definitely in just power stages you're looking at over a hundred dollars because each of those TDA to 104 seventy two S's four bucks so you're looking at like 128 dollars worth of power stages and then you have to also factor in the inductors which I'm not sure what what Asus is going for those we have 10 to them like the output filtering capacitors right here those are actually tantalum those are rather expensive generally and then you have more of them on the back of the board as you can clearly see right here and then if we go back to the front of the board like this vrm is just yeah this is ridiculous it's absolutely ridiculous and very expensive but ultimately it doesn't like still even if this vrm is like a hundred and eighty dollars to build it's only 10% of the total price of the motherboard right whereas a lot of other motherboards say for like X 299 or or other like less ridiculous platforms like this the vrm would actually be a much more significant percentage of the total cost of the motherboard and here is just like well who cares it's not it like even if it's a hundred and eighty dollars worth of components for the VR I'm ten percent of the motherboards total cost actually 10 percent of the motherboards retail cost which for a lot of other boards it's much much higher than that so yeah anyway moving on to a thirteen and I'm on the wrong layer moving on to thirteen hundred and fifty watts which is actually like higher than so far any like I've not heard of this this CPU pulling more like that amount of power yet okay der Bauer as I said earlier they did Durbar and did a ln2 overclocking session with this motherboard and they topped out around two hundred twelve hundred and twenty-five watts that was going into the vrm so not even coming out of which basically tells us that you know if two hundred twelve hundred twenty five watts was going in then we were probably looking at uh something around like eleven hundred and fifty ish watts coming out of the vrm and yes at that point you would actually want like a heatsink and some air flow but you're on liquid nitrogen so the board is very likely freezing over in this area anyway at least until the CPU starts running because that's gonna very quickly just that that's like one massive heater right there so yeah absolutely like ridiculous vrm on this board and it is only eight phases which I guess Asus is just like we hate doublers for some reason which I mean sure I guess like this is still an eight phase-- and if you set the switching frequency high enough then you know your output ripples definitely going to be fine also output ripple is really dependent on how you actually set up your output filtering the system though your input ripple on this thing is like it would be kind of terrifying honestly cuz the thing you have to understand is like if you have say 600 amps going through this VR M which is kind of an inconvenient work number to work with but let's say so you have like 400 amps 400 amps going through this VR M right if any like one phase turns on that's essentially a 50 amp current spike on the like for the PSU well I mean it's gonna be you know clean well it is gonna be suppressed by all of these capacitors right here but that's still like there there's a real like doublers would actually reduce the the input ripples quite significantly as well and you can can you can compensate for that with just more capacitors right and this board certainly doesn't have a shortage of those but uh yeah you know it's just kind of interesting that asus is going with this design decision to just don't use doublers basically at all anywhere and but here i don't really see a problem with that because this is still an eight phase-- and so you almost have full overlap well actually a 1.8 volts output this would technically have almost full overlap between phases as in like this phase will stop like this phase would turn off right as this phase is actually turning on so your actual like it wouldn't be like if you had a lower output voltage and your duty cycles were really short then you'd actually end up with something that looks like this on the 12-volt side but since the duty cycle is rather long for 1.8 volts output you're gonna be looking at something that looks more like this right and that's actually like that's pretty smooth so you'd actually not have that much ripple on the input anyway but yeah this still crazy freaking 8 phase right here but it is still just an 8 it's definitely not a 32 but I don't really see a problem with this it's just kind of interesting that this is how Asus likes designed their boards these days especially considering that they've used a lot of doublers in the past anyway moving on to the memory VRMs I mean like the V corvy CCN was ridiculous overkill V DD R is more of the same first of all it's three phase memory power for our you know six DIMM slots per per side of per side of motherboard I am not sure what memory topology this board uses I'm gonna guess its T topology just because that would make the most sense for supporting very high memory densities whereas daisy-chain would technically overclock better as long as you didn't populate all the Dames but this is a workstation platform you're probably gonna like on the off chance that you're buying this you're probably going to want to populate all the Dames for whatever you know applicate work application you actually have this is a stupid platform for playing games on because a 9,900 K is actually probably better at playing games then this Xeon will ever be just because the zeona has mesh and the 9900 K has a ring architecture connecting all of the course well anyway so V ddr3 phase and guess what more TD a 2 1 4 7 2 s so yeah this is well like 79 power stages you know 3 370 m power stages from powering the freaking ddr4 because ddr4 really needs a peak current at like a well it's not actually gonna handle 210 amps just because it would produce way too much heat at that point but you get the idea like this is stupid amounts of overkill from marine power and there's two of those because again you do need two for each side of the motherboard BCCI io and VCC si are like the only two voltage regulators on this motherboard that are like even remotely sensible but again not because the asp 1405 here is just like they make cheaper controllers than this if you're not going to need like if you don't need more than two phases why on earth would you use an eight phase-- controller but anyway VC C IO and VCC si are just the Asus standard of the IR 35:53 so the this these aren't smart power stages they are power IR stages so they're kind of like power smart power stages they're like almost there but they're not quite because the smart power stage spec is like a new thing from Intel that came out like recent relatively recently which is why also all of the data sheets are spectat 1.8 volts cuz it's really like design like these the smart power stages are basically designed for Intel server platforms that's where the specification comes from it's basically from Intel but these are just 35 55 Pawel which they are pal high AR and that's the marketing name stages and they integrate basically everything a smart power stage does except not all of the protection features so they have over they have current monitoring temperature monitoring body braking mode but they as far as I know they lack over temperature and overcurrent protection or they're implemented slightly differently and the current monitoring that they have is not quite as accurate as the smart power stages so yeah I think at this point I've covered everything and this video is still over 30 minutes long so that is it for the asus rog dominus motherboard it's insane it's huge it's $1,800 and I mean you know you can't say Asus cut any corners like there really is no corner cutting because at this point it was just like just just use whatever just how many how many power stages do we need in our eight phase just however many fit across the board like if the board was any larger I wouldn't be surprised if they had five you know power stages in each phase it's like why not I still wouldn't really make a difference to the price point the the board's meant for a three thousand dollar CPU so yeah absolutely freaking insane motherboard like just III don't have words to describe just how ridiculous this thing is and yeah so that's it for the video thank you for watching like share subscribe leave any comments questions suggestions down in the comment section below if you'd like to support gamers Nexus their store gamers Nexus dotnet where you can pick up things like say the Mod map that you can see in the background of the photo there's also mugs and t-shirts and other merchandise also the gamers Nexus patreon where you can support us directly and I have a channel called actually hardcore overclocking where I do other overclocking related things and more PCB breakdowns so it'd be pretty cool if you check that out as well thanks for watching and good bye [Music]
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 132,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, gamers nexus, computer hardware, buildzoid, pcb analysis, vrm analysis, asus dominus extreme, asus dominus extreme x599, asus x599 dominus, asus dominus extreme motherboard, intel w-3175x review, intel w-3175x motherboard, intel 3175x overclock
Id: dlP-Z2vH-4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 28sec (2068 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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