Threadripper 7980X has landed. (monster)

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amd's giant thread Ripper CPUs are back and if you thought their 7950 X was Overkill the new 7980x has quadruple the CPU cores and they go even higher and look I love my tiny ITX production system the 7800x 3D and that thing is coping absolutely fine but these things are seriously tempting me to build a mega Overkill workstation so let's see what's actually new here and if it's worth it now for the most part 37,000 is what a lot of people would expect it's amd's high-end desktop lineup using their Zen 4 silicon so they've taken the ryzen 7000 cores crammed even more of them together and created absolute monsters like this the 770x and 7980x a lot more CPU cores a bunch more pcie lanes and the memory support gets a huge lift as well they're also quite expensive but it goes without saying that these are for power users that make money with their PCS if you can just throw money at your PC and it does your job two or three times as fast there are a lot of professions where that is a no-brainer now now there are actually two types of thread Ripper for this generation there's this stuff which is HDT for power users like myself perhaps these plug into TRX 50 motherboards and then it gets a little bit crazy and then you have the WRX 90 motherboards with even more RAM support even more pcie lanes and those are paired with the pro thread rer lineup of CPUs to enable those extra features it's also worth mentioning though the 7995 WX thrower CPU that thing has an insane 96 cores and despite being a pro CPU you can still use those CPUs in TRX 50 motherboards so it's kind of cool but not something that I see a lot of people doing if you're already buying a pro CPU especially the 96 core you might as well go the full distance and yeah if you mainly are just interested in thread Ripper for all of those PCI lanes and the upgraded memory support you can buy one of the cheaper 12 core models as well so I guess let's talk about what I have here then it is an absolute monster this is the TRX 50 Sage from Asus and yeah I have to balance it because cuz it is so heavy but yeah there's a lot to unpack here firstly the horizontal CPU slot we first saw this with WRX at I will mention though the install method the mechanism is exactly the same as what you would expect from previous thread Ripper Generations we also have the horizontal memory slots there are four slots here for TRX 50 Apparently that is still enough to run up to 1 TB of quad Channel memory and then there's the vrm and these aren't memory dims or anything this is the vrm it wraps around the entire CPU soft ET so most gaming motherboards have 10 or so power stages the previous generation trx40 Zenith extreme also from Asus had 16 power stages this thing has 36 power stages which is just absolutely mental you can also plug two power supplies into this thing which is yeah that's a first for me when it comes to motherboards it has two 24 pin connectors and four8 pin connectors just for the CPU just in case you know if you casually want to overclock the 7995 WX on this thing and you have an insane amount of cooling and if you do have a current thrower system up and running it's worth mentioning the CPU Cooler mounting is exactly the same no need to upgrade anything there so the 4900 K and 7950 X are brutally fast CPUs this is the top spec stuff for the consumer desktop right now but how much faster can we really go with thread rip up I mean that's what I'm personally wondering how much time can I be saving by upgrading to this new platform on the production side of things quick look at the test bench by the way it is a 1600 power supply and a 360 mil liquid cooler and I've used 6,400 MHz ddr5 with the exact same timings on each platform I've also made sure to double check the memory controller is running in sync with the memory clock on the ryzen and thread Ripper thankfully no issues there but the ryzen 7950 X wasn't at first so yeah something just to double check there is a capacity difference here a pretty big one but it doesn't really make a difference in the workloads that I'm testing because I'm not loading up really big projects so let's actually start with cinebench if you're into 3D work this will give you an idea of the rendering performance within Maxon Cinema 4D and yet there are massive gains here for the new thread Ripper CPUs now of course you're also spending a lot more money and the performance per dollar argument doesn't look great here at all but you know that kind of all goes out the window when you're able to get twice or almost three times the amount of work done in the same amount of time single-threaded performance though is not that great I mean they actually lose out to these smaller desktop chips which is kind of unfortunate I would have at least like to see them on par with the 7950 X since they use the same silicon the 4900 K actually in particular here is really impressive thanks to its massive 6 GHz boost clock then again in vray rendering on only the CPU even larger gains than what we saw in cinebench and both the 32 core and 64 core are looking pretty good here the 7970 X is giving you some pretty good performance for the money and the outright performance of the 79 ATX is super impressive switching over to blender now we're actually using the pretty recent 4 .0 build and I've got this uh kind of cool animation here which looks like this it's actually one of the demo files so if you want you can load this up on your own system I've used the exact same default setting so you can kind of compare the performance to what we have here something really interesting though is that this runs using the EV e renderer which exclusively runs on the GPU so yeah on our 4090 here it basically takes no time at all and funnily enough it's the pairing with the 14900 K that comes out on top because although it's rendering on the GPU it's still uses a single CPU core to handle all of the scheduling and the loading and all of that extra stuff so yeah personally I've found this pretty interesting now if we were to switch from Eevee to a Cycles project for something that is a bit more photo realistic something like this for example which is like rendering fur we can then use the CPU and yet there is actually some pretty insane scaling For Thread Ripper 7000 the 7980x is roughly three times faster than the 750x here you can render in a third of the time or a three times higher resolution or sample count in the same amount of time Cycles renderer can still use the GPU though and that's when things really get put into perspective now 4090 is almost three times faster again than the 7980x and it also costs about $3500 less so yeah gpus are still King when it comes to rendering there's no surprises there now when we combine both CPU and GPU rendering together there really isn't much further time saving I mean a 7980x build here versus our 795x build it's only around 11% faster so look most popular renderers these days can use the GPU even the new cinebench 2024 which uses redshift for the 3D artists out there I mean you'll know whether these CPUs fit into your workflow or not but generally speaking you definitely want to max out your budget on your GPU first before even considering working with thread Ripper video editing is what I'm personally most interested in though and these had me really curious because quad Channel ddr5 monstrous amount of CPU Calles I was really hoping that these would be an upgrade surprisingly though they're not I mean at least for my workflow there's not really much time-saving to be had video export times are basically the same across everything I tested and even rendering on the GPU which is what I do with h.265 basically the same as rendering on the 7980x or 7970 X where I did see a difference though is when generating optimized media so this is something that I do at the end of every edit just so I can color grade and proof watch and add all of those finishing touches without dropping any frames and the new thread Ripper chips are pretty quick at this I mean surprisingly not much scaling beyond the 32 core but yeah that 79 70x can do this in about 60% of the time of the 7950 X rendering proxies in Adobe Premiere Pro is a very similar workflow to this I've tested this before but here the results are very different and in fact it's the 14900 K that can complete this faster than anything else we are rendering QuickTime proxies though so maybe there are some Intel optimizations here or something like that now when it comes to gaming uh yeah there's not not a whole lot to say thread per 7,000 can game but there are some pretty big deficits here to the smaller desktop chips AMD actually mentioned nothing about gaming for these thread Ripper chips and yeah it's kind of clear why I would have loved to see some more optimization here maybe at least kind of catching up to that 750x but yeah at the moment they're just okay all right now in terms of thermal and power these are pretty interesting so the 79 7x and 79 ATX both of them are capped at 350 wats now that is their list TDP but it also means that they're not thermally limited like the 795x which kind of runs up to 95° and then the power consumption dips to keep things under control these things never dipped below 350 watt I mean the 797 X was close and we are running on an open test bench here with a 360 mil liquid cooler and some pretty high fan speeds but still I think that's pretty impressive the 79 ATX runs actually even cooler because you now have that same 350 WTS spread over more silicon and more cores there I was seeing full load temps between 65 and 75° at a pretty typical room temperature of 23 so yeah that's not bad at all for a 64 core CPU but what about overclocking the 79 70x I actually didn't bother with because it's pretty much at its thermal limit anyway but the 7980x is where things get really interesting because that thing has like 20 plus de left in the tank so what I'd recommend doing here is just simply unlocking the power limit and current limit in the vial and that's it I mean the more time you spend manually tweaking the offsets and stress testing the more time you're just wasting and also the more instability you're going to introduce and for a production system that just doesn't make any sense at all you don't want to be doing a render and then it crashes 90% of the way through just because you wanted an extra 50 MHz so I unlocked the power limits on the 79 adx and I was not prepared for what I saw next this thing pulled over 500 watts sustained and it actually spiked up to 650 that is by far the highest power draw that that I've ever tested on a CPU and at this point we're just limited by temperatures I'm sure if we had a full coverage water block and a better radiator we could probably squeeze this thing up to like 700 wats or more in fact AMD said themselves they've had these things running over 800 so unlocking the power limits on the 79 adx is worth it it's good for about a 400 MHz overclock on average and we see about a 7 and 1 half% bump in both Cinder bench and blender and again you could probably get that close to like 9 or 10% gains here with just a full coverage block I mean power efficiency kind of gets thrown out the window but I mean for time critical renders I say why not so it looks like my current production system is not getting replaced anytime soon and the most important thing for me when it comes to smooth editing and exporting really quickly is a super Overkill GPU and thread Ripper doesn't really seem to be changing that don't get me wrong I really want to upgrade to thread Ripper 7,000 I think the TRX 50 platform with quad Channel memory and everything like that is super interesting the thread Ripper chips themselves as well you know there's a lot of performance that is potentially on tap there but it just doesn't really seem to do anything for my workflow I mean if AMD had found a way to like cut my render times in half then I mean take my money I would be upgrading in a heartbeat but that is just not the case so I think if you even have to ask the question whether you should upgrade to thread Ripper then you most likely shouldn't the people who truly need this Hardware pretty much know right away whether it's going to be worth it the CPU performance the memory or maybe just in terms of the sheer PCI Lanes in those aspects thread rer 7000 is an absolute weapon these actually go on sale tomorrow so if you're interested in picking these up I will leave some links Down Below in the description otherwise huge thanks for watching and I'll will see you all in the next one
Channel: optimum
Views: 496,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QPY7rmE2pFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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