most messed up horror game I'VE EVER PLAYED.. Hush little Lily

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hey you know what really grinds my gears getting kidnapped it's not exactly a fun thing but that's exactly what happens in this game you're chained up that's not good oh wait you're not alone there's a little girl here okay and guess what you don't have a freaking phone to give her some tick-tock there's nothing you can do so what's your goal get out alive and oh boy let me tell you you're not ready for the end of this game welcome to hush little lily and as you can hear in the background there's sort of this uh nursery rhyme playing in the background and all i'm reminded of is the eminem song starts rapping although i don't think there's gonna be any rapping in this it's a scary game how would you like to be addressed as missy mr mike so in this game this girl is trapped and you have to help her escape it just looks like games we've played on the channel before so i want to give it a shot you open your eyes the room feels just as it did before you fell asleep cold inhospitable rank with stench and humidity and rust there is barely any light to guide your way but you've adjusted to the darkness for so long you don't really need it your heart is pounding excitingly and then you hear it i guess there's like a monster oh god hush little lily i'm gonna help you i'm gonna get you out of there her voice a girl is crying not too far away and a gentle breeze filters through the unlocked door that's unsettling [Music] oh it's gonna jump scare me man an empty food bowl even if it's filled uh you aren't gonna touch it yeah freaking why is she being treated like a dog what the heck the door's made heavy and thick so one cannot break it down easily it's usually tightly closed but tonight tonight is unlocked you're free to go it's now or never it's like a mouse [Music] oh there she is she got a ball and chain what the heck the cell doors uh open slowly this one feels heavier despite you know for the fact that it's not the room this room is just like the one before but a girl is inside a small frill looking little girl bound by the ankle by a shackled change of the floor she was kept so tantalizing close to a stool standing right in front of her with a shiny brass key to her freedom sitting on top all just the way enough of the girl so even if she crawled and stretched her arm she couldn't touch it ah that's jacked up that's jacked up man oh what the heck she that looks scary man who's here she asked she probably noticed you're not the one she expects so i guess we're like are we another prisoner i have questions your breathing is much less pronounced your presence just not terrifying compared to it the girl stares at you feelings mixing in her bright little lies are you with the monster leave lilly alone leave lily alone lily wants to go back to mommy and daddy she backs away from you when it gets the wall her little hand is quickly covering her face on the verge of tears about to break down crying some more don't worry i'm afraid too you try to gently reassure the little girl that you're here to help but she doesn't listen she just keeps shaking your head at every word she will need proof proof hey shiny bras why don't we get the key and freaking unlocker oh i did oh oh okay so you have to calm her down single lullaby [Music] okay dude this is copyright i bet or not if that that monkey the mockingbird don'ts could you imagine i was thinking this to you i'm gonna get you a diamond are you calm now as you're seeing the girl slowly calms down that calmed her down does this look like a face they're calling me down recognition her eyes she knows the song someone has sung it to her before when she finally stops shivering you carefully open the lock on her shackle and let it fall her ankle is bruised just like her palms on her knees she must have tried very hard to reach the key before thank you bro bro don't do this to me don't be messed up game i have a feeling it is going to be though it's nothing you offer her a smile when she sheepishly returns what's your name uh what's your name mister oh her name's lily obviously don't worry about it mr is good for now she doesn't seem to fully uh convinced by this but none we have to get out of here fast oh right the monster's coming back they said it was going to eat lily uh well i can't say i'm surprised i mean okay i mean if it's a monster it said lily is never seeing mommy and daddy again the girl tears up a little more you gently pat her back to reassure her what if i'm the monster i'm expecting this you're kidding out and back to them you have to have hope yes yes as much as makoto once said i forgot his name yeah lily have to stay hopeful she talks in third person the girl who seems to be brave and puffs her chest even though she still looks somewhat hesitant uh let's get out of here together all right you're gonna follow me you're not gonna say nothing lily looks between you and the door eagerly waiting to leave so about the monster it's a terrible thing lil was just out picking flowers in it grabbly by the neck the girl held her own throat caressing the area when lily woke up lily was here and the monster was looking at lily it's big and wide i mean and mean and has an ugly ugly face and it's always laughing at lily the little girl pouts it's gonna be all right the monster is gone for now yes let's go quick before it comes back all right [Music] let's play hide and seek so this is like one of those kind of games if i pick the wrong thing i die uh as soon as you open the door you can smell the fatigue the fatigue i don't know what that means scent of blood in the air it's fresh and cold rustier than the old iron chains the room inside has no windows or furniture the shackles had been ripped off the walls leaving nothing behind on the wall i mean it's got to be fake it's got to be fake this is just a haunted house on the wall someone has left a message painted in bright red blood and you have a feeling you know who uh the cinder was let's play hide and seek that was recent too recent and they use way more blood than necessary making each letter drip more and more until forming a puddle of blood in the floor like seriously do they really have to use so much blood come on show off the girl covers her mouth trying to let out a scared shriek shivering in place dude the this game is jacked up dude i already know i already know but it's not really certain if it's because of the message or the yellowish skull so casually thrown in the corner of the room it's probably the school all right don't you be asking for an allowance don't you be asking to freaking get on tick tock i don't got tick tock up in this cave i'm freaking trapped too lily no i'm not putting on cocoa melon so shut up it's locked oh what should we do do we need to find another key oh my god i swerve lily you're the monster i'll never forgive you no they didn't get food uh what food did they feed you mister horrible raisin cookies little j what the heck i'm gonna say raisin cookies kids hate raisin cookies it's funny though it's like as you grow as an adult to be honest like i probably wouldn't have liked it as a kid i love raising cookies now let me make cookies once they didn't taste good but literally ate all of them oh that's that's sad because mommy worked hard to make them all burnt nobody smiled proudly puffing up her chest she promised she would come back and make more for lily soon and then the monster came in suddenly she quite sounds sniffling a bit lily sticks her tongue at the place she obviously dislikes it on the principal yeah don't do that it's so okay i click the bars it's so high up mister can you lift lily to see okay go ahead it's covered yeah there's bars there maybe it's in the skull maybe it's in the skull yeah look away you'll be fine no it's not all right so accidentally skipped it but basically we were ready let's play hide and seek and and she said oh we're playing a game with the monster tonight that i didn't even think of that so i'm gonna offer her a hug you open your arms wide don't worry it's all right she doubts for a moment but it's so desperate as soon as she practically jumps your chest clinging heels are close softly stroking your head okay yeah i'll take care of you she believes in you or at least uh she says so well i mean honestly i i don't know what this character's gonna do i don't know if you should be freaking trusting me girl i mean i'm not gonna hurt you but my character might hurt you oh what should we do how did i do [Music] you don't even need me it's not like clarence is reading this crap right now all right sir check out the lamps check all the lamps no nothing on the lions all right there's gotta be something oh the the school the store where the key rested and it's now it's no use okay well that that doesn't help what about these bars she walks through the window tries to reach it's too tall for her all right lift her up what do you see not much to start it's super late mommy will be very mad at lily yeah i'm sure she will oh my god i did not see that key it's literally right in front of my face i'm so mad at myself don't touch that it's dirty maybe it's the key maybe oh see if i listen to you we would die can't you clean it at least dismissively use your sleeve to clean the blood off the brass key it's sticky but it's gross goes away fast okay now it looks good to lily all right all right we got it okay now we're out that took more time than it should have there's a huge gaping hole on the right you carefully look down in the hole it's way too deep uh a fall down there would be fatal you squint your eyes to see further down oh no jump scare don't do it do it don't do it you lily time out time out what are you looking at mister we have to jump uh in this hole just jump in looks behind yourself then turns to you lily can't jump over that i'll jump over it okay yes don't jump in lily will fall yeah you're too short but you never ate your veggies roasted lily does eat them all from the way she refused to maintain eye contact it's easy to tell that she's a freaking liar if you did eat them you would be big and strong like me then you could jump over this hole lily crosses her arms and pouts i don't even my vegetables man let's find something to make a bridge meanie okay i don't know if we'll find anything in the kitchen the room beyond that old door was a kitchen the bulky metallic stove was perfectly dusted off and maintained constantly used it might even still be a bit warm lily is restlessly looking around the room despite her mood improving so much she's still anxious about getting out while walking around lily's feet trip on a few pebbles her way she falls right on her knees the floor is cobbled so the hit is quite harsh she recoils in pain quickly sitting on her behind and holding her left knee like peter griffin [Music] lily it was just a scrape oh i uh it hurts you're quick to go to her crossing your head and calming her down sing a lullaby oh god not this again [Music] cancel lullabies cancel lullabies honestly they're just creepy okay just don't just don't sing lullabies every horror movie there's a lullaby this is a horror game with lullabies the tears seem to stop nobody likes it when you sing mister lily is sorry for crying uh just don't cry next time yeah lily will make sure you reach out for the tap and slowly open it for a moment nothing happens and then old metallic fountain starts to shake in place a deep low growl starts escaping from its dusty tip and it soon turns into a rusty roaning groaning held but then it spits little bursts of muddy filthy water the house stops as the water turns starts to run cleaner and cleaner until looking pristine and fresh another smile is excited when you literally take a sip you gently pick her up oh that's nice where's the letter drinks of water cold surprised with the light she takes her sweet time finally uh satiating her thirst do you want to try it mister it's very good lovely lovely loves fresh water yeah everyone does humans love fresh water i'm so mean i'm good i don't want that freaking infested water the stove looks like it was used frequently there's a kettle on top which still has some fresh water inside what about the pantry anything on there the place is clean at least clean of anything wrong remotely useful what do you think okay what do you think the monster cooks in here mister soup cookies children cookies mmm cookies don't be silly mister everyone knows monsters hate desserts if they like sweets they wouldn't eat people silly mister okay all right i didn't need to be corrected put something on those freaking creaks on those freaking hinges oh god why was that so creepy that was like the creepiest part of the game what do you see what do you see uh no matter how much she tries to jump lily couldn't reach the cabinets there are a few teddy bears and hot dogs in a hot dog stand yeah yeah she's really gonna believe i know she's small but she's not gonna believe a hot dog stand in a cabinet you idiot really her eyes are now full of excitement and wonder no it's empty so stupid the girl pout softly punching your leg maybe the monster doesn't keep human food because it eats little children mommy would always tell lily to be a good girl because the monster will come and eat naughty children she was right holy crap maybe lily is here in the monster's house because lily's a bad girl i don't think you're a bad girl you think so thank you mister okay well hey what about this room you suddenly see a shadow quickly pass by lily holds your sleeve and pulls gently she whispers is that the monster i don't know it hasn't seen us yet let's wait for it to pass you're not staring into the hall where the monster disappeared off to its footsteps were no longer audible lovely sighs and you smile at her good thing we waited aren't you a smart cookie okay what about this the room feels cozy it's such a nice dining room lily has never been in one like this before the little girl wanders in herself is becoming much more cautious she seems afraid of breaking or touching anything though they let out a soft explanation when looking at the display plates each little piece of porcelain looks simple fragile and incredibly expensive the monster did you break my my plates when lily grows up lily wants to have a big house and buy cute things like these to show them off the little girl turns to look at you when lily is growing up she will invite mr to look at lily's cute things promise lily picks up the room and starts sweeping and you sweep and he louder child lily loves to help at home lily tries hard to be good so mommy will smile more your mommy must be proud of you she smiles at naught is very proud of herself there's nothing of use under the table okay however lilly is interested she carefully caresses the surface with an open hand cleaning the dust and revealing the glossy surface it's so nice not like the one we have at home what's wrong with your house some something tells you there's something wrong with her mom or something daddy says we can't afford nice things i'm sure daddy is doing his best to provide something it's hard for adults i mean yeah you speak in fact though lily knows daddy works really hard that's why he sleeps a lot yeah he's working hard for you you know so much about daddy do you know him oh dude that guy's got me right in the freaking fields though i don't oh lily thought you did since he works hard and goes out often uh then how could you be so sure if you don't know daddy all right can we move on she has no idea she's so clueless it is obvious because that's what daddies do when they can't buy nice things so happens more people wow it's a fixed window so you aren't able to open it the gloss also seems to be very sturdy you take a closer look oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa something was right outside it stared back its mouth smirking from side to side monster the girl screams and you hold her tight in response you take a second glance uh the odd mask hanging on an iron bar outside the window what the heck it's still there the girl's size lily hates this place she hates it so much the girl hugs you close letting out a few sniffling sobs lily wants to leave oh i thought we would stay for a while and chat oh it's a pike dude i i thought it was a table all right now that we got that you carefully put down the plank on the floor making sure it stays nice and firm above the pitfall a bridge has been made tada we're so smart yeah we are she looks at the plank in the whole hesitant hold my hand it'll make you feel better thank you mister lily grabs your hand and takes her first step on the bridge she tries to be brave keeping her eyes closed but she squeezes you or your hand and she tries not to look down after a few more steps she finally crosses over as soon as you enter the room the distance of a woman's uh suddenly echo in the hall that sounds like a lady in trouble mister do you think there are more little rooms where the monster keeps people uh anywho we have to help her the lights suddenly switch off and the room went dark uh what was that why is it suddenly dark lily clenches the hem of your shirt are you scared lily has until they shook her head more importantly why would you even ask that the lady must be in trouble we have to help her i don't know man i don't know i feel like there's a trap there's a monster sitting in there crying man with a voice changer all right i'm going in oh my god it's a voice recording isn't it when you open the door the sobbing of the woman gets louder where's that cry coming from literally doesn't see any lady dude it's totally this it doesn't seem to be on loopy there's just that long of a recording what there's no lady but the chrysler coming from this box you take a glance at her reaction before trying to turn it off you instead accidentally press the wrong button the sound the sound somehow gets louder leave me alone please please just leave me alone the woman begins to scream a streak actually wait i should probably leave me alone i'm sorry this sounds so stupid you monsters that's you the two wait the two you finally find the button to turn off the recording you sigh relieved that was nasty to hear she sounds scared literally hope she's okay i'm sure she's fine oh map okay is this where we're at you seem to lily seems to be deep in thoughts uh were you scared of this were you scared of the scary thing i just don't know why we asked her other children would probably find it uncomfortable to hear well lilly isn't like others oh she doesn't find it scary yes you are braver than the rest there are many books on the shelves lily seems to press for a moment curiously looking around she's clearly not interested in the the content of the books but the various colors of their covers do you like to read lily doesn't know how to read since so they cannot go to school and mommy and daddy are too busy to teach lily what kind of parents you guys you freaking have i mean i say they gave this little panda thing but though mommy reads nice stories that lily sometimes but you mister lily bets you know how to read because you look super duper smart man there's a freaking quill what year is this oh there's another door uh wide heavy looking shelves extend as far as the eye could see in this rather long room all stacked to the top with boxes cans pots and ladles many different things one would expect to find in the kitchen the pantry found the pantry yay is this food though why is there so many dishes man this monster loves to do dishes there are two large cauldrons lily looks at you feeling clever maybe the monster does eat normal things like soup and curry maybe look at these things they are so big lily wants to jump inside no the monster walks in well you sure made that easy oh it fits lily yeah that's kind of the point lily starts to look through the boxes in the lower shelf sadly everything she finds is disappointing this is all this all went bad daddy says things last longer than the labels say but these smell you decide to help checking on the shelves that are up too far for lily except everything you fish out a little basket with some moldy looking bread inside you offer it to lily oh food don't eat that i mean i guess you were starving she picked it up excitingly quickly going through each piece of bread she sorts out the good ones to eat okay at least she did that she's tempted to take a bite immediately but she looks up at you do you want some mr okay no i don't like bread that is very insensitive of you okay how dare you but you have to eat to grow big right i'm already big you're the one who needs to grow bigger and stronger you're still a small baby lily's not a baby the girl pouts but then but that makes her decide to take a bite what food do you like mister you can't be picky or you'll get all small and thin lily's nagging quite intensely at you about being a picky eater that's dark the end of the hall is pitch black enough uh to stop your path completely lily holds your hand tightly it's dark it's gonna be fine oh a flashlight that's always good the room looks dusty as freak as if no one used the room in years suddenly you hear a creek and see one of the closet doors slowly open nah nope lily presses over to the flashlight and picks it up showing it off before you try it out it works it sells batteries the girls celebrate shaking it around careful if the batteries run out we won't be able to use it oh you're right daddy always says that save everything you can yes yes she entrusts the flashlight to you okay let's freaking what's in here what's in here oh it's a freaking rat it's just a rat like now that we have the flashlight we should be good now we got the flashlight turn it on you press the button oh no oh god lily gaston quickly rose back to the room you follow a suit you can hear heavy slow steps through the door checking walking prowling even you hold really close she covers her mouth trying to make a sound as you try to hear what's going on outside the deep heavy footsteps of the monster is so close to the door then it stays silent for a good moment you look at lily and make a gesture to hide hide under the the desk no that's too obvious the desk it's so why it's obvious that it just might work the door is kicked open violently and the heavy and the heavy steps of the monster comes in it's taking such leisurely steps it's breathing so heavy it deafens every other side i don't know what that means it sounds excited the monster comes to a stop at the very middle of the room and stays there motionless breathing waiting lily uh whimpers pressing your hands hard against your mouth the creature's hand knocks slowly on the polished surface on top of where you're hiding it knows oh no what a fun game i can sense your despair it's intoxicating the wasps are still knocking on the surface rhythmically but i'll give you another chance to run i will give you hope that'll make the game more fun the knocks get harder and harder starting to echo in the whole room the creature chuckles before slowly walking out of the room it slimes on the way out it's just toying with us you stay still until you can no longer hear the monster lily uh slowly curls up against you her entire body trembling this is too much this is beyond what she can take lily's face turns blue as she tears up lily hates this lily hates her so much lily against the ball uncontrollably don't cry you'll be heard but the monster is going to catch and eat us uh it'll be all right this is a chance to escape you have to hope the girl nods but she's still shivering unable to calm down ah sing a lullaby gamer [Music] [Music] i'm sorry she eventually calms down after hearing the familiar song your song makes lily miss mommy and daddy it makes the leaf feel at home it makes lily calm down and you're right the monster is not here anymore but it then why didn't it eat us when it caught us it probably wants to play like a cat and mouse lily doesn't like this game lily doesn't like hide and seek lily doesn't want to play anymore you can still win the game you just have to stay hopeful why are they saying this is a game like they've just been kidnapped is this like i'm telling you man i don't trust our character here she nods and clinches her small fists you're right mister you both look around as you walk back into the hallway every corner every little space in case that thing is hiding somewhere there's no one here anymore okay well we're on to the next one just as you entered the new hallway the flashlight runs out of batteries dang i like a minute of battery what do we do now what if we need it in the future and if there's so many doors there's so many doors are we lost when will we get to exits lily lets out a shaky side of restoration clinging to your hand you gently patch your head it's gotta be fine are you sure lily's going to trust you wait you don't got a choice how many choices you got it's smelly here let's go back oh i can't examine it all right oh this is kind of a i don't know i was gonna say nice but not really it's got a fire louise lily is impressed with the room she takes small steps in the rug to fill the soft woven with silk on her feet it's like the rugs and the fairy tales lily wishes we could use it to fly away her little banter is interrupted by a loud thud right against or outside the door she quickly shuts up covering her mouth you cautiously open the door to see what's happening outside yo no no no no god monster slams the door shut lily was shaking by the loud sound what was that nothing nothing it was the monster but you know what look this isn't about freaking trying to say santa claus is real or tooth fairy's real i'm not keeping it from her i'm telling her that's right if the monster really lily peeks to the door are you an idiot there isn't anyone anymore lovely doesn't seen you monster are you saying that you don't believe me all right all right i'll be the only one exiting this place okay all right so my recording software freaking messed up and you missed like three minutes of footage i i don't know why i did that that's youtuber problems but anyway uh the only thing that happened is basically we just uh went into this corridor right here oh my god okay well there was a body there that got dragged uh from the room where we walked in with the bodies that's all we've seen and we couldn't see this because we didn't have a light but now we do and that's that's basically all you missed so i don't know why i did that finally the hallways revealed that bloody carcass rests right in the floor above the message you will never escape you see lily covering her mouth trying not to scream no is that her breathing becomes heavy as she begins to panic sing a lullaby don't you scream it's not as bad as a piece of crap no don't sing anymore yeah i'll admit it was pretty creepy man i i don't really like this again either since that didn't work you hold her close instead sadly this has gotten to the point that not even singing will do much yeah dude like she's not an idiot singing he doesn't take away the things lily shivers in place paralyzed by the fear she clings to your legs she stares at the corpse he's dead well i i hope so it's literally going to be dead too lily doesn't want to die you hug her tightly it's going to be all right you have to stay hopeful hope you should always stay hopeful lily smiles at you you're right mister we won't give up until the very end uh there was a look of determination to survive in her eyes literally will be home soon with daddy and mommy lily will have to hope for the best [Music] man i feel bad for her she's gonna freaking her childhood is gone man the body doesn't have a face or hands literally covers her eyes she trembles at the sight proceed now why not you open the door only for us to lead to another hallway dude why is they never asked me that before there's a light falling down from the ceiling as if it's symbolic nothing stares at the locked door in front of us do you think we're getting close to the end there was a glimmer of hope in her eyes lily hated this hide-and-seek game but now lily's happy hey hey we don't celebrate too freaking soon all right lily's gonna win i'm in this game too why is this saying it's freaking what is this duncan rompa you're right mister we're going to win nobody's happier here lilly doesn't know what to do without you no lily starts to scream at the side of the monster and rushes towards the end of the hallway you quickly run after her whoa i don't jam the key further inside the lock wouldn't budge uh lovely screaming clinging to you panting and pointing it's coming hurry oh my god why turn left you try again but it still doesn't work the monster's getting closer and still to get his hand it's a knife okay the only thing we do is freaking turn right you try it once more but it's still stuck hurry please it's getting closer i don't know what to do dude we're so freaking dead right now turn left again oh it unlocks oh god i thought we were dead i thought i did something wrong you push right through and slam the door behind it won't stop anything though the lights of the breaking dawn shine so brightly in this room right atop the stairwell leading to the heavy double gates the exit the door was left slightly at gape and you could see the light from outside lily cries her little legs running as fast as they can it's over yes lily let's go mister we're saved we're saved lily tugs on your shirt to pull you towards the exit but you won't budge her whole body jokes to stop but she realized you weren't moving at all well why she turns the look at you she blinks who tugs at your arm mister why are we stopping the monster's close we have to hurry the doors kicked open violently a cloud of dust rising from the doors the monster chuckles lily street dude run lily streaks and pulls your arm again please mister this isn't funny please let's go uh mr what are you doing oh no dude did i did i guess this game [Music] why won't you move [Music] no mister why do you have a knife why this is so jacked up man why are you pointing it out lily why why are you smiling no no i don't want to sing a lullaby hush lily don't be sad you can't now that you're dead you could never win from this from the start i aim to tear your hopes apart [Music] i don't want to give screw this game oh it's so messed up i like it i'm sorry the skeleton's like the skeleton that's funny that's funny to me i don't know why but it's messed up man all right what's my present we were the monster all along ah wasn't that fun darling this only this game only exists to screw you with your freaking emotions man uh well that was an interesting game i like oh i like how they leave the picture here today spread of the day goes to society i don't want to say your name but you're just going today yay
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 354,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, hush little lily, hush little lily endings
Id: Jt4pDcsNasE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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