Mother Miriam Live - 1/11/21

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for listening to the station of the cross proclaiming the fullness of truth with clarity and charity heard around the world on your android and apple mobile devices welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesite news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at 1-877-5111 or email her at mother at the you can view the live stream on facebook at mother miriam live now here's mother miriam hello hello beloved family how are you i pray that you're doing well we are so so well we are doing so well in beloit um i announced by email two days ago that we found the house we want to purchase and i sent out an email on that and if you're not on our email list and you wish to be just go to our website so it's and click on the news letter tab and you can sign up right on top you can get the newsletter by um email or regular mail or both uh the christmas mailing we sent out this year went every bailing we send out goes to both but the ones that were really mailing addresses received two gifts one was the jewish roots of mary by dr brandt petry and and a cd the voice of the child by michael poirier and or the meaning of christmas with bishop sheen we we love we don't want to hold on to anything and many times we see a book and the publisher makes it available to us for a dollar fifty or whatever it is and we we purchase them um to send out to our emailers so you're welcome to sign up um and there's no charge for anything at our website or what else did i want to say to you or if you didn't get the email two days ago telling everyone about our new home in beloit a home we wish to purchase but we made a decision on it we need a few dollars for it but um but we think god has that home for us so that's in the email two days ago and it's on our home site um our home page as well and we sent out another email yesterday talking about a novena prayer to start today and the headline of the email is starting tomorrow with an exclamation mark well tomorrow is today january 11th and it's about praying novena for president trump to be re-elected for the next four years don't think that everything's a done deal with president-elect biden it is not beloved it is not and you say well mother you know you keep telling us about all these prophecies and i'm i'm telling you even so now that prompt will be prompt listen to this that's trump and president trump trump will be president for the next four years do i know it i don't know it i believe it and let let god be praised let him do what he wishes but some would say mother you know you you believe the prophecies on that we'll need food for three months and that um what else did i say and then the warning the illumination would come in the fall it's now january nothing has happened are you buying into all those theories well maybe i am but i was remembering i normally don't but i'm i am to some of them now and i thought you know king david was elected to be the next king of israel but it was 40 years through samuel it was 40 years before he was crowned king and noah was told to prepare a boat for the flood it had never rained before god watered the ground from a sprinkler system under the ground he just moisturized it from beneath and it was a hundred and twenty years before the flood came noah lived through that 120 years they lived a long time in those days but people's people were laughing at him come on flood what flood what judgment what are you talking about noah and they counted him a an an old testament kook but he wasn't and it all came and everybody drowned except noah and the animals and his family on that big ship and noah could have said a boat what is that for dry land there's never been even rain let alone a flood but noah believed god and he built the ark right according to god's specifications and it was huge because it it held two of every kind of animal and noah and his family um and so i'm not the least bit moved um the the more dangerous strain of coronavirus that was said to come about which is why we may not be able to leave the house um apparently seems to be coming about now i i'm not complaining that it was later than proposed um we've read some very dangerous things the police in scotland have been given full freedom to break into homes there's a very frightening video online of police doing that while children are screaming and they're just breaking in and doing whatever they want with the family to make sure that noah's has any symptoms it's it's evil the days are evil they're growing more evil every day if president-elect biden is installed on january 20th we are in for evil that we have never seen before not in america um not because of um what biden is capable of because of what he's not capable of and what he's not capable of is stopping the evil forces surrounding him including in the people he has put in office or intends to put in office if and when he's president so um we sent out a novena yesterday for a um to pray to our lady of victory who um won the battle of lepanto at incredible odds um and she became known as the lady of the rosary and if that new venus starts today we will be in time it will end on the 19th and we will be in time for january 20th for god to do what he wants god is going to do what he wants anyway but he does it through the prayers of his people he inhabits the scriptures say the praises of his people god can do everything without us but he doesn't do things without us just as if he didn't save the world as not in just as he didn't save the world without us he became a man through the blessed virgin and he died on the cross 100 man 100 god to reverse the curse and save us from adam's sin so god yes can do whatever he wants but he wants us he wants us to be with him let me see if i can read where did i put that email hold on a moment uh oh did i lose it i gotta bring it up the email that i sent out yesterday what am i going to do you know what i'm going to have to do i'm going to have to do what you do i'm going to have to go to our website look at that i don't know where it is hold on okay i got it i got it this is the email i'm gonna read it to you but you can read it on our website directly in the newsletter link or on our home page and this is what it says dear ones it is not often we send out two messages and videos in a row and as i said earlier in the previous email and video was um of our new house and the video oh dear i have to remember what it was well i will at the end of this video i'm going to this email i'm going to read to you dear ones it is not often we send out two messages and videos in a row but this is quite urgent some have doubted the immoral plot to make certain that president trump is not re-elected the video below from john henry weston of life site news may alleviate some of those doubts but there is a much more important reason for this post do you recall our lady's miraculous video a victory rather at the battle of lepanto i i've got then a couple of two a couple of a few excerpts from that um from that article it's from tradition family and property and i'm not going to read the excerpts to you i'm going to read the full article from the website that our article refers you to and it's titled how our lady granted victory at lepanto and it applies today beloved because it's from god he's the same god yesterday and today and forever and um the quote at the top says in times of acute danger and hardship we are in those times beloved just wait till january 20th if president-elect if president trump is not in for the next four years i personally believe god that he will be i could be wrong i'm no prophet but we need to do everything we can and god inhabits the prayers and the praises of his people and it's the quote is in times of acute danger and hardship we must always fly into the arms of the most powerful mother of god and turn to the recitation of the rosary the battle of lepanto is a great lesson of confidence for us today and i'll read it now oh dear there's the music for our break time goes too fast so there's our break beloved i'll read the article as soon as we come back from the break and then take your calls at the half hour mark your calls your texts your emails toll free 1-877-511-5483 or email at mother at the station of the cross dot com and our lines are wide open god bless you don't go anywhere and we'll be right back love learning more about the church but confused or disheartened by the struggles we are facing today follow life site news catholic on facebook twitter or sign up for lifesite catholic emails and stay up to date on the constant stream of news about the catholic church our church is at a time of crisis and we as laity have a responsibility and a duty to educate ourselves and stay true to the faith lifesitenews catholic is dedicated to keeping the laity informed and educated to follow us go to facebook or twitter and search lifesitenewscatholic as mother miriam always says we must live as if it were true [Music] the terry and jesse show this is jesse romero from the terry and jesse show each weekday we're talking about the things that matter to catholics spiritual warfare marian devotion tradition and staying strong in your faith in this culture of death i hope you will join us weekdays 2 p.m eastern 11 a.m pacific on the station of the cross radio network and heard around the world on the i catholic radio mobile app [Music] at the station of the cross we understand that life circumstances can affect your giving options whether by moving or by switching banks and credit card numbers please let us know if recent changes have been made to your payment information so that we can better serve you as you continue to bless us with your financial support update your information today at the or by calling [Music] to 1-877-888-6279 miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesite news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at 1-877-5111 or email her at mother at the welcome back beloved to mother miriam live we are right uh at the beginning of an article by tradition family and property on the battle of lepanto and the reason i took excerpts from this article for our email mailing yesterday to suggest uh rather to beg all of us to pray a novena to our lady of victory beginning today it will end on the 19th the day before the inauguration we are praying for the re-inauguration of president trump um there's so much uh i can tell you that i've heard and looked up and read on this it would take three programs but i'm just gonna read this article that i posted i only included excerpts from it in our letter in our email yesterday but i want to read the whole thing it's not that very long we'll try to get in try to get it in before the break and the article begins and this is how our lady won the battle of lepanto and she can still win the battle today for uh the good forces being crushed when saint pius v ascended to saint peter's throne christendom faced perils perhaps unequaled in its history of continual conflict not the least of which came from the agitated and violent followers of mohammed all the information and intelligence that pope pius v had been gathering indicated that the ottoman juggernaut was about to roll across the mediterranean and adjacent lands excuse me spearheaded by the turkish fleet with italy and rome as one of its targets no nation could stand up to the marauding infidels and the candidates for an alliance or few northern europe had risen up in armed rebellion against the church with france deeply involved in the conflict while much of europe felt that neutrality was the best policy to follow after the turks occupied to follow after the turks occupied a large chunk of its land in the uh danube river valley danube i'm sorry danube river valley only spain and venice had the resources to resist and they hated each other along with deep mistrust yet saint pius calling down divine grace as only a man of prayer could forged an alliance with them as the core of an organized fleet of over 200 galleys with his considerable tax and diplomatic skills he not only kept them unified but he convinced them to attack the enveloping menace the archbishop of mexico had an exact copy of the holy image of guadalupe sent to king philip ii who in turn gave it to andrea doria one of the three principal admirals of the fleet who placed it in his cabin when the armada went from file to line abreast went from fox to line of breast and attacked on the morning of october 7th and you know what october 7th is now the feast of our lady of the rosary because of this battle of lepanto the blue standard of our lady of guadalupe was also flying from the masthead of don juan's flagship but our lady's presidents that day our lady's presence that day was more acutely felt through the holy rosary pope pius v a dominican prelate before his elevation did what catholics have always done in times of acute danger fly into the arms of the most powerful mother of god as a follower of saint dominic he knew the most effective means of imploring her help was through the recitation of the holy rosary he ordered all monasteries and convents in rome to increase their prayers for the impending battle and organized rosary processions in which he as sick as he was participated as the christian fleet sailed toward the great clash of cultures mass was celebrated and the rosary recited daily on each vessel this heartfelt request for divine assistance resulted in a crushing defeat of the ottomans at lepanto that ended their dominance in the mediterranean to celebrate our lady's intercession the church has designated october 7th as the feast of the holy rosary and saint pius v added help of christians auxilium christianorum to the literary to the litany of our lady of loreto similar acknowledgement to the blessed virgins intercession through the rosary were made when john sobieski forced the turks to lift the siege of vienna in 1683 and after the victory of prince eugene of savoy at uh tamizvar in his successful campaign to remove the ottomans from europe in the next century while the din of battle gradually diminished at the bloody waters of lepanto saint pius v was going over accounts in the papal apartments with bartolo busati busadi his treasurer suddenly he arose with his face radiant with joy and announced quote let us go and thank god for this moment our fleet has defeated the turks he knew it human agency brought news to rome two weeks later but pope pius v knew it on the spot some may object to the historical paradigm not that it is inappropriate but that it happened a long time ago so what yet the blessed virgin made another historical visit to earth just 90 years ago um bringing roughly the same message to a larger distressed population our lady of the rosary as our lady of the rosary she appeared six times at fatima in portugal to these to three unrelated children two of whom have been beatified now um this article was written in 2012 beloved so there was 90 years ago in 1917. in essence our lady warned that god was terribly offended by the sins of mankind and unless that sinfulness subsided the world as a consequence would face horrible chastisements immediately following we had a bloody conclusion to world war two world war one then six years of the most depraved slaughter of world war ii and continued war wars atrocity and mutilations ever since instigated by two of the enemies of western civilization communism as our lady predicted and islam sinfulness has not abated but only increased especially in the areas of family life immoral fashions and lewd entertainment the article continues our lady will intervene once again in history either to help her suffering children who have a recourse to her or to bring down the wrath of god on those who refuse to pray make sacrifices and stop offending him during the third apparition she announced the ultimate result quote finally my immaculate heart will triumph end quote dear ones go to our website read the email and there i have let me see if i can get it back again i keep losing my own email um and there i have put um the um url the website to the novena of our lady of victory and um i said in the art article the ultimate reason for the email i sent would you join us in praying a nine-day rosary novena to our lady of victory who became our lady of the rosary the victory of our lady won at lepanto she can win again here in america if only we will pray there is no time to lose we must begin the novena tomorrow january 11th and that's today beloved in order for it to end prior to the january january 20th installation of our new president please do not doubt what our lord loves to do through his people he waited for lazarus to be dead four days because the jewish people believe that the spirit lingers for four days and after that there would be no chance of life but god there's so many butt gods in scripture someone should write a book titled but god at the last minute he intervenes but god wanted all to know that he raises the dead he does all things for his glory just as he did also with the blind man that he cured why the jewish leaders asked why was this man born blind was it is his sin or his parents sin and our blessed lord answered it was not due to anyone's sin but that god would receive glory we beg you to be part of this urgent endeavor to beg our lord and our lady to reverse the errant and deceitful results of this fraudulent election and put our president back or i should say continue him in office for the next four years and then i give um the novena address and um um uh if you can't find it go ahead and just pray and oven it to our lady of the rosary not to worry it's the same lady and i continue in the email our lord and our lady will never fault us for our faith i'm often reminded of mother angelica's statement quote she said unless you are willing to do the ridiculous god will not do the miraculous when you have god you don't have to know everything about it you just do it maybe nike got that quote from mother angelica in all things we ask that god's will be done and bless his worthy name for whatever the outcome the video message of john henry west and follows may it bear fruit through our prayers a hundred fold and let me just see the video oh dear john henry weston i have to bring i forget in that how could i forget three days later what it was i tell you what don't go old your memory face it fantastic video of john henry western um it's con it's not in fact um it's a video oh wait a minute hold on it is a video of john henry western and it's look at this hold on a minute full newsletter i'm sorry that i'm taking up time here um the video that i sent on the ninth was of michael voris um uh on converting america which i thought was so fantastic okay i could i could get this now it was so fantastic that i sent it out to everyone it's meg absolutely magnificent and i think he's as sane as anyone could possibly be um okay the video of john henry western um has to do with the the proof of the fraudulent election he has quotes uh shorts there from people who have looked at all the evidence it was not just a stolen election it was complete complete fraud and john henry weston evidences much of it to evidence all of it it would take forever president trump is president and we need to get behind him on this beloved pray the rosary starting today i sent out that email yesterday and we have tons of responses from people saying we will join you mother we will pray to our lady of victory or our lady of the rosary starting today uh nine days and see what our god will do i believe it dear uh beloved if if our lord lets president-elect biden in that's his business but he works through the prayers of his people it's not too late [Music] lifesight news is an international news agency devoted to defending life and family and restoring christian culture we aim to educate and activate our readers with the information they need to fight the most crucial battles of our day in their churches workplaces and families our motto is karitas in veritate love in truth we firmly believe that promoting the truth is an act of love however hard it is to hear over the last 20 years we have built a reputation for uncompromising reporting no matter the cost lifesite news is by far the most popular pro-life website on the internet with over 40 million unique users every year and growing check us out at [Music] hello this is father frank pavone of priests for life hundreds of people in our nation have worked in the abortion industry and have stopped because of a moral conversion what is the first thing that they need they need healing facing what they did in finding spiritual and psychological wholeness must be their first activity and responsibility let's pray for all those who have performed abortion and for their healing and peace this is father frank pavone national director of priests for life hello beloved this is mother miriam how would you like to wake up each morning to inspiring sermons from knowledgeable and faith-filled priests you can tune in to sermons for everyday living every day at 6 00 a.m eastern on the station of the cross you can listen on the station of the cross dot com or anytime on the free i catholic radio mobile app god bless you welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesite news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at [Music] of the cross 1-877-511-5483 com welcome back beloved to mother miriam live so happy to be with you this is our half hour you can call it with anything on your heart doesn't have to be our subject uh what at the heart of the matter is the matter of your heart our wines our wines listen to them combining lines are wide open our wines our lines are wide open toll-free one one five 1-877-5115 eight three uh text at that number if you wish or email it mother at the station of the cross dot com we began no we ended oh we do have a call from valerie um let me take that first valerie from virginia are you there dear one i am mother good morning good morning so glad you called in i'm so happy to be speaking with you my heart is like beating him my million miles per minute oh my goodness i hope you have a strong heart okay i'm blessed to be god i think i do um i just wanted to call you and i wanted to thank you for for all that you do i i came to to know you through michael voris and and years ago i identify with you so much because years ago i picked up um books out of nowhere the rule of saint benedict and um introduction to the devout life and i read these books these are my books good right and so when i read them i didn't quite understand don't even know why i bought them didn't quite understand them and and now um studying to be an oblate with you i understand now i understand why i picked those books up um so i just wanted to thank you for that i read my commentary every single day god bless you god bless you valerie oh thank you mother and and god bless you you're always in my prayers i i i think of you and pray for you often and it's it's just such a if i had time i would tell you the journey that it took to get me where i am from such a dissolute life and wow my total reversion um i i'm not at all who i thought i was you see that it's just wonderful i i i i'm amazed at what god did in me um it doesn't uh um it doesn't dissipate it still no it doesn't i i i'm with you valerie i he brought me to himself i i don't know i'd have to figure out how many years ago but then into the fullness of christianity the catholic church in 95 i can't keep figuring out how many years that is but i i still haven't gotten over it and i never will i could pinch myself every day that i love god that i could see through god's eyes through scripture i i'll never get over it i'll never be able to thank him through a million eternities so i understand i have to tell you that's exactly how that's exactly how i think i just everything that you just said is exactly how i think because every day i go into my closet i i get up at 4 30 every morning and and i i was led by by a very dear friend to an a traditional latin mass parish i didn't even know what it was and you know i'm in my mid-50s and the the um former priest there i told him i felt so alone because i live in a small town that's it's protestant and um there's no close church i i drive almost two hours every sunday on and on holy days to attend this parish good for you it's been such a blessing and um but i he told me you know to make a little place in my closet and that's been life-changing for me i get up at 4 30 and i have tea time with papa in my closet that's what i call it i have a little altar set up and everything look at you it's got to be a bit a good sizable closet that is so great it's actually very small but it's so it's like my favorite time of day there you go i i think it's his favorite time of day with you also oh i just love it he has sent me tears in there his i'd take care of my my um my son went into um he's 23 he went into the army one way and he came out another and he's got a mental disability and he's away from god right now and he calls himself a free thinker i don't even know what that is so sorry valerie has he gotten any help he doesn't he doesn't want medic no he's you know he he's on disability and you know he's with me it's just him and i in the house i have a a daughter who who unfortunately is going through a divorce now and she's got three children and she's away from me and i know my culpability in all of it so i i i pray um when i'm in my closet i pray for of course saint monica and say rita to join me in the mother's prayer they're there there's those are the top two outstanding just wonderful and you know valerie let me say um to anyone who's listening who is an oblate who joined us as um benedictine oblates of the daughters of mary mother of israel's hope we just shortened it to mary's oblates that when we started this i said to everyone we were looking for home we was back in tulsa and we have so much we've been we had been stopped by doing so much as well we weren't it was a difficult situation in tulsa and i said to everyone we're really not in a position to be on top of this uh oblate formation but we're going to go ahead and begin it to give those who want like-mindedness a home as someone to that they know who is praying for them we have i think it's it's well over 300 now from from all over the world actually families and singles and but i have not been able to keep up with everything uh in the way of formation i'm putting things together but um so if you're an oblate and you're listening i apologize that all you had for christmas all i got for christmas was your christmas mailing not anything separate on oblates we just haven't been able to keep up and once we get settled here in beloit uh god willing in our new home uh then we're in temporary quarters still we're our new home um uh we need to yet purchase it and we'll be if we can we'll hope to be in that in a month and um then we'll begin to have discernment retreats for many of you who have been waiting and begin to take in more women and then we'll have a bit of an army here to help with the work but but i haven't been able to keep up with it so to all you oblates um including you dear valerie i apologize for a certain lack of contact we'll have a monthly zoom meeting when we get settled um and a certain lack of formation but the only the formation you have valerie is that rule of saint benedict and truly it's a it's a um it's the rule of saint benedict the commentary for oblates who are in the world and not of it and i don't know that i could do better than that in the way of formation uh we will add to that but um you you say you're finding it helpful i find it um when i first got it i read it straight through and wow yeah when i first got it i read it straight through and it and it was you know because sometimes with a lot of the books that i read i i do that and then i go back to it and then i can kind of begin it yeah got it and so that's what i've done with that so now i'm i've been reading it you know on a daily basis as it goes on a daily basis and i find it i find it very helpful and and going back to um you know the other books that i i i've one of the things that god has done in me i went from a person who never read anything i did not like to read it all now i can't seem to devour enough spiritual books and it's all the saints that are just drawing me to and i'm understanding it that's the miracle i know i understand just what you're saying i went through that also it's amazing to me that i that i understand it and and that you know i i question a lot of things like like with my son my my my home it's it's when you walk in it's it's a catholic home i have i have a little altar set up and everything but his room is not um and you know my priest he told me i have a very good confessor and and he told me that um you know as long as as long as he's respecting the rules of the common areas he said you know there he has a mental illness and that's what you have to always remember that there's there's you can only pray for him and you know there's times when i'll he wants to to watch a movie or something that you know i don't want to watch um you know and my priest told me he said you know sometimes it's an act of charity and a sacrifice so that you're being a companion to him as long as it's not immoral right right and sometimes there's so i'll always ask my my son if he comes out with something the first thing i say is is it valerie rated and and he will you know he will just laugh well there's nothing so if there's if there's nothing sexual in it or um otherwise uh-huh right over the top then i you know he knows that i you know that i'll watch it with him sometimes there's violence most of the time they're movies that i have no interest in watching i don't want to watch and most of the time i'll be sitting there with a blank stare just saying prayers in my head as as we're watching and you know my priest told me that that was that was acceptable you know to do because it i don't have affection for it and i'm being a companion to my son who has nobody else would you how often does he um i think so how often does he watch the movies he he plays you know he plays those violent video games in his room and everything and um the movies we watch a movie once once an evening um and every evening every evening i wouldn't do it that's the only time there's there's you know there's any kind of time at all no i wouldn't do it i would say to him because you're you sound fantastic valerie and that you can handle it but um some of that you're going to absorb and the and the loss is you're not absorbing things that you would absorb so if you're watching one film a night that's an awful lot um i would say to him honey why don't we alternate one night it's your choice one night it's my choice sundays are my choice so so what happens is is you know i tell him that sundays are are my choice and he's fine with that um he usually during the week it ends up being like a movie movie is on the on the weekend like a friday or a saturday night usually during the week it's it's more like a it's on dvd but it's more like a um um uh series type thing from television so it will be like the a team or macgyver okay you know something like that uh-huh okay so so he just make sure that um you don't go further than you wish to with that right right okay and i try and i try really hard i try really hard not to there there are some things that um you know we'll watch and then i'll say okay i'm not gonna watch that again you know and i'll tell him straight out you know i i i do everything in the house um you know i serve him and i try to think of it because he he doesn't do many things at all does he work no how old is he he's 23. he's trying to um it's hard because in order to really understand him you would have to live with him because sometimes he'll go out there and he he drives um but he'll he knows how to behave in certain situations so if if you're not living with him and and with him daily you don't you can kind of miss you know what's what's going on no i i i'm with you all the way valerie um i just want to do what's right by him i just want to live the faith as you always say live it as if it's true you're doing it you're doing it i commend you valerie uh look into video series um look at ignatius press and their videos there might be good catholic heroic action-packed uh video series that he might catch on to but they're they're moral and they're they're action-packed you know so there might be something like that that you could find but i think you're doing well dear valerie god bless you and you'll have our prayers all right thank you mother and and we'll be receiving the black scapular soon you know i'm going to send out an application for the novice yes there's our break sweetheart we stand at a crossroads in history we can stand up for life family in a christian culture or we can stand idly by while the fabric of society becomes fundamentally anti-life anti-family and anti-christian slowly leading to its own demise lifesite news is the leading defender of life family in christian culture through our news reporting we seek to educate readers with information and zeal they need to fight the most crucial battles of our day and we need your help to continue that mission you can support lifesitenews by following our social media pages on facebook twitter and instagram another way to support lifesight is to prayerfully consider becoming a sustained life monthly donor to help us continue to save lives in the culture to donate visit forward slash sustain life our staff of over 40 and millions of future generations thank you for helping to save the culture with the unquestionably high divorce rate in our country it comes as a real surprise when people hear that couples who use natural family planning in their marriages have a less than five percent divorce rate their marriages tend to be stronger due to improved communication skills that enhance marital intimacy for information on how you and your spouse can learn natural family planning see the couple decouple league website at or call 513-471-2000 for classes near you as a non-profit lay organization financially independent from your diocese our apostolate is listener supported the station of the cross thanks our supporters who have enabled us to broadcast catholic programs for more than 20 years through your generosity we are able to inspire countless listeners with the gospel message and help lead them to a parish to be spiritually nourished by the sacraments thank you for your continued support and may god bless you and your family welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by life site news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at 1-877-511-5483 or email her at mother at the welcome back beloved family to mother miriam live we had a wonderful call with valerie from virginia and i i wanted to let that be a bit of a lengthy call because um valerie is an example of someone who god has transformed and she's doing making wonderful decisions and because she's an oblate i still welcome all of you who wish to be oblates if you go to our website you can click on the mary's oblate tab and you can download an application and and just fill it out and you can send in the request for the commentary for oblates on the rule of saint benedict we we have it at a discount it's a 35 book and we're we're able to give it to you at 20 and so um anyone anywhere any location any age of families together individuals anyone can be an oblate of ours you will get um the uh we'll send you the oblate letters to date i think there's um we're on number six actually the last letter we sent out was um uh letters four through six it was pretty large um and we haven't been able to do anything else because of this move to beloit kansas and are looking for a new home which blessed be god we just found and we need to begin the process of purchasing it and if you want to know more our email two days ago [Music] let's see on the ninth is on our website um and it's the headline is sanity and that's because of a magnificent um video presentation by michael voris of church militant but we just we tell you about our new home in that and those who wish to assist in some way of course we would love it um and we'll have a new address soon um and we'll begin to resume everything soon so um we would be we'd welcome you no matter where you are to be part of a a good solid orthodox army of mary's oblates um and we will continue um uh we send out the commentary with a blessed medal of saint benedict blessed with the benedictine exorcism so it's very very good um okay i'm gonna go now to our uh further calls and emails we had an email from kevin which we answered on friday but i wanted to go further because it was right at the end of the program and kevin writes having read and studied sacred scripture for many years understanding the meaning of the mark of the beast has me confused as many of us confused there kevin over the years i've heard many commentators exclaimed that the mark of the beast is this or that at the present time the exclamation is that the mark of the beast is the coveted vaccine study of sacred scripture appears to reveal that god does not ever fool anyone correct and always presents people with a clear choice of a being with me or be against me with him or against him uh i i was very grateful for this email on friday and i'm equally grateful for it today dear kevin it's a good email good points kevin continues a person always without exception is given a clear choice of following god or not which might result in much difficulty if one chooses to follow god my question is how could the covet vaccine or any other object slash device be the mark of the beast without one having a clear and in your face decision to follow god or not it appears to me that the mark of the beast will require one to make the conscious decision to receive it after having away the option of following or not following god's way your thoughts kevin i agree with you one thousand percent kevin there's a lot of confusion about the vaccine if it's moral or not and if it's made with baby parts it's absolutely immoral but there's not enough clear information out there our own bishops have said that it's an act of charity to receive some of our bishops to receive the vaccine even if made from aborted baby parts um because an act of charity because you if you uh don't get the vaccine you'll be helping others if you don't get covet it's wrong that's wrong you don't do evil that good may come so i absolutely agree with you kevin uh we cannot call it the mark of the beast um i've even said you know perhaps it could turn out to be that way if we have a choice to receive it or not but it's still not a clear indication of following christ or not and i looked at the answer on catholic answers has someone who wrote in for that um and the and the question was what is the mark of the beast so many people say that once you receive it your name will be erased from the book of life but isn't god's mercy and love greater than that um here's uh the answer from catholic answers which i think is excellent the beast forced or the beast in the book of revelation forced all the people small and great in fact this is straight out of revelation chapter 13 quote the beast force forced all the people small and great rich and poor free and slave to be given a stamped image on their right hands or their forests so that no one could buy or sell except one who had the stamped image of the beast's name or the number that stood for its name wisdom is needed here it's still revelation 13 one who understands can calculate the number of the beast for it is a number that stands for a person his number is 666 end quote and from catholic answers the book of revelation makes great use of symbolic imagery and theological themes it used the events contemporaneous to its composition to deliver a message about the ultimate triumph of christ the beast symbolizes the various roman emperors who persecuted the early christians but mainly it is a symbol of symbol of caesar nero whose name in hebrew has the numerical value of 666 the so-called mark of the beast is presumed by both scholars to allude to the coins of the roman empire that bore the image of the emperor the book of revelation states quite clearly that this mark was forced upon all the people there is no mention of it being voluntary the only thing that revelation mentions regarding the book of life and the beast is that those who choose to worship the beast do not have their names in the book of life however this is quite distinct from the forced mark of the beast so there um it's it's it kevin's uh comments are are appreciated and um and well taken they're very very good um when we take the mark of the beast if it is a mark that denies christ um it has to be a specific choice of one choosing christ or denying him and under nero rome burned and everyone who would not deny christ was killed and so um kevin is 100 right covet is not the mark of the beast and yet god may have something as disastrous for us today um faced with a choice of following him or not but that choice has not been given us not as yet um there's the music for the end of the program beloved i can't stand how fast it comes but it is and we have god willing the week ahead of us um and uh we will be with you again god willing tomorrow morning i beg you i don't know if i've begged you before to pray the novena beginning today to our lady of victory our lady of the rosary beginning today for president trump to remain in office for the next four years god loves to get glory he loves to do what to us is impossible to him nothing is impossible god bless you speak with you tomorrow the i catholic radio mobile app is two apps in one you
Channel: The Station of the Cross
Views: 4,873
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Id: Z8-UehNZWc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 18sec (3438 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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