Mother Miriam Live - 1/8/21

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charity heard around the world on your android and apple mobile devices welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesite news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at [Music] 1-877-511-5483 you can view the live stream on facebook at mother miriam live now here's mother miriam [Music] hello beloved hello dear dear family how are you today i pray that you're well in spite of the fact that the country has gone truly crazy truly truly crazy um but we are not we don't know what the future holds someone said but we know who holds the future we are okay we are okay in him um i think um if you've been following and of course most of us have the news about the white house and the riots and all of that um i heard a further report last night that antifa some of them dressed up as patriots and stirred that riot so i don't know if that's confirmed or not but it was out on the internet last night so um it's just amazing that people follow without um [Music] kind of like sheep that's what god said all we like sheep have gone astray turned everyone to his own way and the lord has put all our iniquity on him i'm looking now you see me searching on the internet i'm looking for the um what we had yesterday we were reading ephesians and i think ephesians which the apostle paul wrote um while he was chained and in prison for his faith uh in the first century um and he was chained to a guard and the wonderful thing about that is that the guard was changed to him and i think the god got converted the guard got converted so he was in rome it was wonderful so hold on now that we believe that president elect biden will be sworn in on january 20th god can still intervene he can do whatever he wants his arm is not short to save but if he is allowed this his ways are perfect he is building his church the gates of hell will not prevail against it the gates of hell are coming against it incredibly strongly right now pardon me i don't i'm not sick i think this is i don't know what the air is or the little chronic situation but i'm okay i'm sorry to be clearing my throat at you um i think the most wonderful letter the epistles of paul in the new testament and he wrote most of them were written to persecuted jews persecuted for their faith and he gives us all the instructions we will ever ever ever ever need and we read quite a bit of it yesterday that god has given us every blessing in the heavenlies that we were chosen in him in love before the foundation of the world according to the purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to the counsel of his will and because we have heard um paul has heard of their faith he says in the lord and his love their love toward all the saints he says i do not cease to give thanks for you remembering you in my prayers that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him having the eyes of your hearts enlightened that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you what are the riches of his glory a glorious inheritance in the saints and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power in us who believe according to the working of his great might which he accomplished in christ when he raised him from the dead and made him sit at his right hand in heavenly places far above far abrupt above all rule and authority and power and dominion and above every name that is named not only in this age but also in that which is to come and he has put all things all things beloved under his feet god is in control if he does not stop the evil or the degree of evil i believe he's probably stopped the degree of evil that could hit us but his his ways are perfect he's building his church and i think uh he said when he comes back it will be like in the days of noah no one is believing reveling and drinking and partying and all of that but he has called us out not only in this age but also in that which is to come and he has put all things under his feet and made him christ the head of all things for the church which is his body the fullness of him who fills all and all and you he says you he made alive when you were dead through the trespasses and sins in which you once walked following the course of this world following the prince of the power of the air the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience but beloved it's not a work at us if we walk with christ if we trust him among these we all once lived in the passions of our flesh following the desires of body and mind and so we were by nature children of wrath like the rest of mankind but god who is rich in mercy out of the great love with which he loved us even when we were dead through our trespasses made us alive together with christ by grace you have been saved we ended with this passage yesterday that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in christ jesus for by grace you have been saved through faith faith is a gift beloved no one could ever boast of it and this is not your own doing it's the gift of god faith is the gift of god it continues not because of your works lest any man should boast if any man can boast of being saved by his work the apostle paul but he is not saved by one inch of them one ounce of them one second of them he's saved by faith in jesus christ but not without works works with faith without works are dead works are the fruit of faith indeed but they are the necessary fruit they are the necessary fruit for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus for good works which god prepared beforehand that we should walk in him it is faith that works through love faith that works um through love and the obedience to god uh the obedience of faith paul talks about all through the epistles and paul says this therefore remember that at one time you gentiles this is all about epiphany therefore remember and we're in the octave now that at one time you gentiles in the flesh called the uncircumcision by what is called the circumcision which is made in the flesh by hands remember that you were at that time separated from christ alienated from the commonwealth of israel and strangers to the covenants of promise having no hope and without god in the world but now in christ jesus you who were once afar off have been brought near in the blood of christ see because christ came through the jews and for the jews but for the whole world and i'll tell you my background is hebrew it's jewish but i also was far off i also was lost and dead in sin and paul says for he is our peace who has made us both one jew and gentile and has broken down the dividing wall that's the unity not that our magisterium and others are speaking about unity between jews and muslims and christians and buddhists and everyone in the world no there's no unity apart from truth there is no true ecumenism is to get out the truth of what each one believes to respect each one to find out truly what they believe that we can dialogue and by the grace of god hopefully he will bring them to the truth but unity uh cannot truly exist without truth it cannot in our our holy father's message um uh for epiphany it showed lots of people all kinds of religions handing out food and doing those things that's very nice but there's no true unity without truth um christ is our peace who is who has made us both one jew and gentile and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing in his flesh the law of commandments and ordinances that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two so making peace what our lord abolished in his flesh on the cross was the requirements of the mosaic law because they were specific for the jewish people and he fulfilled the law which all the millions of old testament sacrifices bulls goats and lambs could never do they were dead and they had no power to change the heart or to save anyone but god looked on their obedience and made it a kapoor a covering for their sins pointing to the one who would one day come and take upon himself the sins of the entire world past present and future and die as the only propitiation the only satisfaction the only sacrifice for sin that god would ever accept the lamb of god not the millions of lambs through the old covenant which god did require of the jewish people but the final lamb of god to which they all pointed the christ the messiah jesus the lamb of god who took takes away the sins of the world and everyone everyone jew and gentile who will put their trust in him oh dear okay we will continue with this when we come back from the break beloved this is so rich if you haven't gotten all of it because i'm reading a little fast just go to the book of ephesians and read it the second book that paul wrote he wrote others from prison but the second one is colossians ephesians has six chapters colossians have four and it's kind of a mini ephesians also when paul was in chains so bless you dear love beloved and we'll be right back after the break and we'll take your calls and your emails and your texts after the second break the toll-free number to call in 1-877-511-5483 or email at mother at the station of the cross dot com we'll be right back [Music] life site news is an international news agency devoted to defending life and family and restoring christian culture we aim to educate and activate our readers with the information they need to fight the most crucial battles of our day in their churches workplaces and families our motto is love in truth we firmly believe that promoting the truth is an act of love however hard it is to hear over the last 20 years we have built a reputation for uncompromising reporting no matter the cost lifesite news is by far the most popular pro-life website on the internet with over 40 million unique users every year and growing check us out at [Music] hello beloved this is mother miriam host of mother miriam live like the catholic current and the many other programs that originate from the station of the cross divine mercy in my soul is all about the messages that jesus revealed to saint faustina it is aired every sunday morning at 11 eastern and tuesday nights at 8pm or you can listen anytime to divine mercy in my soul on the i catholic radio mobile app the terry and jesse show hi this is terry barber from the terry and jesse show we bring you the gospel with clarity and charity if you have any questions about the faith or what is happening in the church be sure to tune in at 2 p.m eastern 11 pacific you can call us during the show triple h 526 2151 on the station of the cross radio network and heard around the world on the i catholic radio mobile app welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by life site news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at [Music] 1-877-511-5483 welcome back beloved family to mother miriam live i'm so happy i'm always happy to be with you am i always happy 24 7. no i was uh utterly grieved with what has gone on these past couple of days uh at the capitol and uh with the election grieved to the core but um i tell you uh god is perfect in his ways i think we i need to say nobody would imagine that we brought about this amount of evil but the fact is that i think catholics in many ways control the vote and and i know catholics who voted for biden and obama obama before him and clinton before him how anybody can be catholic and do that with what these men believe i'm not talking about personalities i'm talking about uh what they believe and i think many people were against trump because they were against his personality and to those people i i'm just simply gonna say shame on you because to put millions and millions of babies lives at risk and the whole population at risk at this point with this covert um control because one doesn't care for someone's personality uh there's nothing christian in that there's nothing wise there's no common sense in that it is um it it's just awful it's absolutely awful but we have what we have and i think god has has given us what we ourselves have brought in what is there else to say um i know that's the case um it's we ourselves who have not lived the faith so many many many many many have god has always kept through all of history the israelites kept turning from him over and over and over again the reason the messiah came to the earth through the israelites through the jewish people is not because of their faithfulness it's because of god's faithfulness and he's always had a faithful remnant always from noah through moses on and so we beloved um uh if you truly are living the faith if you truly believe in our lord and his church then we're the remnant and if you live it without compromise we are the remnant um if you live it with compromise and you pick and choose what you will do and how you will vote and regardless of what people believe and you accept this and you reject that of the church teachings you are not part of the remnant and i don't believe you're even catholic because it's not as pope benedict said pope emeritus benedict said it's not a cafeteria religion you believe it all or you're not catholic um if you if you choose part and you say i believe everything but that whatever that is makes you a protestant a protestant that's what martin luther did he kept some and threw out the rest um just uh there's no survival for anyone beloved who is not in the church our lord established and is in full obedience to the church's teaching are we in full obedience to the people that god has and the bishops and the priests we are as long as they are in obedience to the truth apostle paul said follow me as i follow christ when anyone departs from christ then i no longer follow them or i don't follow them in that measure and to measure that they don't obey the church they are free to disobey just as we are and in that measure we don't follow them and so the apostle paul would not compromise his faith no matter what peter said also you tell me whether i should obey god or men and there's no that's a rhetorical question of course look and i'm going to obey god rather than men he was thrown in prison paul was sown in prison the disciples were killed beheaded crucified all of that except for the apostle john who died in exile on the isle of patmos all of them gave their lives for the faith all of them beloved and you may say well i'm not looking to be a martyr for the faith well um if you don't live as a martyr you might die as a coward i'm just going to tell you that the only faith to me worth living for is that faith was worth dying for it if you say mother i don't have your courage i don't know what courage i have i'm not looking to die i if someone came in here with a gun or a knife or arrested me for and held me down to give me the covet vaccine would i be frightened i sure would be but would i deny christ i would not i would put myself in his hands and um and trust him excuse me that's what i think i would do but the scriptures also say beware when you think you say unless you fall we cannot be proud about what we would do when we're not faced with it but i do believe that if something like that happened i think i'd be quite frightened i don't know but i believe that god will always give us the grace at the time not before but at the time to endure whatever trial he'll bring on to us always so um there is no excuse for abandoning him beloved you could be of weak faith but if you have faith god has given it to you it is a gift and don't falter don't fail we are not looking to die as martyrs but we may have to live as them it's the martyrdom of love it's the martyrdom of self-sacrifice and if we deny christ the scriptures say he will deny us we must not beloved and i'll continue where i left off in the in the book of ephesians for he is our peace god is our peace christ is our peace who has made us both one jew and gentile not jew and christian and muslim and everybody else no no no no there's two people in the world the jewish people whom god separated to make for himself a nation through whom the messiah would come not because they're special they didn't even exist god did that he could have done it to any other people or called them anything they didn't even exist he got abraham who was then abram however the chaldees his parents were idol worshipers but god looked and saw abram's heart and called him apart and said through i want you to leave your parents leave your home leave everything and through you i'm going to form a people and through your seed abram all the nations will be saved and paul writes to the galatians in the new testament that that seed is singular christ so through abraham god made a nation for himself through whom the messiah would come and they were stubborn stiff-necked people and no matter what god did for them over and over again they continued to turn from him but he continued to have a remnant and it was on that remnant the prophets the apostles on the remnant that god established his church on peter and the apostles and at the last supper instituted the eucharist instituted the priesthood which was from the old testament priesthood to the new to offer not millions of sacrifice but the one sacrifice that god himself gave the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world and there's no other name the scripture said under heaven by which we must m-u-s-t not can must be saved there's no other way to god the father but through the son no other way there's no other god he is our peace who has made us both one jew and gentile and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing in his flesh the law of commandments and ordinances that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two so making peace and might reconcile us both to god in one body through the cross thereby bringing the hostility to an end and i started to mention yesterday that by fulfilling our lord said in matthew chapter 5 i did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it the way that the mosaic law was concluded is not by doing away with it but by christ fulfilling it and that law was provisional it was conditional based on the obedience of israel they disobeyed but christ is faithful to his promises and he fulfilled it but that was conditional uh to show the jewish people the jewish nation how to live because he promised through abraham and through his covenant with abraham that the seed of abraham um would be the the one who would crush the serpent's head and through whom all the nations of the world would receive the savior he did not abolish the abrahamic covenant the mosaic covenant was provisional along the way this is how you live right a child is born from its parents no matter what happens to that child if he's a murderer he just goes into drugs if he betrays his family he is a child of those parents he's born nothing could stop him from that but if he uh he's he's forfeited all the privilege of sonship the inheritance everything that would be his if he obeyed and lived under that family but if he goes off and he separates himself his future is is doomed but he remains a child but if he decides to obey and he doesn't know how to obey unless he's given strict commands and so god has given us the commands we're his children he's given us through baptism he's given us the commands and we have a choice to obey or to not to abandon him or to not and when we are faithful to him we are the remnant when we're not we remain his children through baptism but we have forfeited our inheritance and we will wind up in hell i i tell you i read from a strong evangelical protestant background i read the scriptures from cover to cover and i i was shocked out of my mind that i came out catholic reading the bible through without commentaries without anything i came out catholic unbelievable to me because i taught the scriptures through a protestant bible institute i had what i think is the most magnificent expositor of the scriptures in the world under me uh that was under him over me and my protestant years and for me to put the commentaries away and do all that and just read the scripture asking the holy spirit to guide me i came out catholic i was shocked out of my mind and then i started reading everything and i am catholic now and i i just a thousand eternities would not be sufficient for me to thank god so again um let me just continue this sentence i have to start from the beginning for he is our peace who has made us both one jew and gentile and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing in his flesh the law of commandments and ordinances that he might create himself one new man in place of the two so making peace and might reconcile us both to god in one body through the cross thereby bringing the hostility to an end that will never happen by trying to unite jew and christian and muslim and and buddhists and uh shih tzu and the amazon and all of that that will never ever ever ever happen there's two people in the world jew and gentile and by making the 2-1 is the only way we'll have unity because the one will be solid in the truth who is himself christ okay dear ones i need to go to the break with you and i will take your calls your texts your emails as soon as we come back from the break the toll-free number 1-877-511-548 or email at mother at the station of the cross dot com we'll be right back we stand at a crossroads in history we can stand up for life family in a christian culture or we can stand idly by while the fabric of society becomes fundamentally anti-life anti-family and anti-christian slowly leading to its own demise lifesite news is the leading defender of life family in christian culture through our news reporting we seek to educate readers with information and zeal that they need to fight the most crucial battles of our day and we need your help to continue that mission you can support lifesite news by following our social media pages on facebook twitter and instagram another way to support lifesight is to prayerfully consider becoming a sustained life monthly donor to help us continue to save lives in the culture to donate visit forward sustained life our staff of over 40 and millions of future generations thank you for helping to save the culture [Music] praise be to jesus hi this is joe mclean host of the catholic drive time morning show joining you on the station of the cross catholic radio network each weekday morning at 7 a.m we'll keep you informed and inspired with insightful guests and breaking news stories of the day that's the catholic drive time weekday morning 7 a.m on the station of the cross and the i catholic radio app we'll see you then may god love you as a non-profit lay organization financially independent from your diocese our apostolate is listener supported the station of the cross thanks our supporters who have enabled us to broadcast catholic programs for more than 20 years through your generosity we are able to inspire countless listeners with the gospel message and help lead them to a parish to be spiritually nourished by the sacraments thank you for your continued support and may god bless you and your family welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesite news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at [Music] to 1-877-511-5483 miriam live i'm so happy to be with you isn't this poinsettia behind me gorgeous it's still alive a couple of leaves are are dying but i love it i love it i love christmas i love being a hebrew catholic a jewish catholic the fulfillment of judaism the most jewish a jew could be is to believe in the jewish messiah who came 2000 years ago who died for our sins rose from the dead to give life to all who will come to him so if you say i'm jewish it's not for me you are wrong you're not jewish enough until you believe in the messiah and if you don't think that the christ jesus is the messiah go read the new testament testament and covenant are the same word he promised through jeremiah and ezekiel that he would make a new covenant in his blood and he did that beloved he came first as a dying lamb to save us from our sin he'll come again as a reigning king to set up his kingdom and at that time it's going to be a little late because he's going to come the second time as our judge so the new testament was written every bit of it by jews except one i shouldn't say every bit of it luke is the only gospel and the only book in the new testament new covenant that was not written by someone who was jewish but he was the jewish paul's companion and a doctor so that's not so bad um so many jewish people have come to our lord jesus christ just by reading the gospel of matthew which matthew wrote to his jewish people and shows the genealogy um from abraham on to christ it's wonderful okay beloved we're going to take your calls now this half hour the lines are wide open you're welcome to call in with anything on your heart um toll-free 1-877-5 or email at mother at the station of the cross dot com we have an email from joe and joe writes to your mother first i'm new to your radio show and i listen frequently in my truck as i'm working you remind me of another well-known nun i used to watch a lot mother angelica you're not afraid to preach the truth we need more priests like you oh amen amen we need priests speaking the truth and living the truth and guiding their flock in the truth i agree not that they should be like me they should be like christ they are all to christus they are to be christ among us he says okay my question is this there was a priest in our parish who had recently retired he did something that did not make sense to me i always was taught that whenever you walk past the blessed sacrament or the altar and crucifix you must genuflect bow and or make the sign of the cross i do it myself before mass after confession this priest would leave the confessional and then return to the main altar area and proceed to the back to get ready for mass but as he did this he would pass in front of both the blessed sacrament and the altar and crucifix but he did not genuflect or bow or make the sign of the cross this happened a lot am i wrong mother must a priest do these things or is it not necessary perhaps because he's about to perform the mass it always bothered me when i saw this happen i asked this because other priests that came to say mass would be more reverent and around the blessed sacrament and alter and seem more holy like in general thank you mother may god continue to bless the work you do on radio i love your show my best joe joe dearest you're 100 right when i see a priest walk back and forth before the altar before the blessed sacrament we genuflect before the tabernacle we bow before the altar and make the sign of the cross before the crucifix when i see a priest walk back and forth in front of the tabernacle and not genuflect i wonder if he has kept his faith i wonder if he even still believes or has just taken everything so for granted he forgot who christ is i wonder about that because if christ were standing there not in the form of a round wafer but in the form of a man god is not a man and he's not a way for but he became a man for us and in a further act of condescension became our food and but if he was standing there in the form of a man as he became through the virgin mary um we wouldn't just pass him and completely ignore him we would bow or prostrate ourselves so when i see priests do that and i see it a lot i just assume that their faith has grown cold because the very least a priest is to do is to lead the sheep to the shepherd and by his uh lack of example of any faith or holiness uh he is destroying the sheep he's destroying the sheep and it is um he's misleading them he doesn't he's not uh at all um demonstrating uh that god is truly there and the reverence we must have for him so joe you're right on you're absolutely right on it grieves me as well it grieves me when servers will just walk by the tabernacle behind the altar and and pay no attention to christ or or maybe make a slight bow of the head instead of genuflect and they're young strong boys why aren't they genuflecting so uh it's a lack of training it's a lack of teaching it's a lack of reverence and ultimately a lack of faith we have an email from someone who writes in anonymously and says good morning mother i hope you are well i am i keep clearing my throat i don't know why they said tulsa was the uh allergy capital of the world but now i'm in beloit kansas i keep saying that with the joy of a child we are happy here beloved we are truly truly truly happy and um we love the house we're in um it's going to be a temporary measure and i will let you know for the first time we're looking for sizable land to build a little monastery on and there are a few families who have written us that want to come and either buy a house or rent a house or build a house around us because of the times that we're in not knowing what the future is going to bring us and so we're looking we want to remain in beloit i just want to announce that we really have a a very strong it's more than a sense god has brought us here two and two is for god has brought us here we are thrilled um for a holy beautiful true shepherd in bishop gerald finke we we feel protected we are so so grateful to him and father um jared conrady our priest in saint john the baptist church in beloit um the people here are out of a fairy tale they're large homeschooling families they're catholic it's just so beautiful so we want to remain here but we want to um find a sizable piece of land even if it borders beloit where we can build a monastery and there will be room for people to come and maybe build houses if they wish around us we would we would absolutely love that and so um we'll also need to raise the money for that but we've never raised money in our lives since we're since we're established in 2008 god has met our every single need we've never raised money we send a newsletter out three maybe it tops four times a year and we have a little card for people to respond but that's it we have never ever raised money god has provided our every need and people have said do you need money do you need this what are your needs and every time from tulsa i've said i i you know i we don't need it i i don't want to ask money that we don't need and i've never said we need it because we don't but now to find land and build a monastery we're probably going to need the bishop estimates five to seven million i have no idea but when we know for sure we'll let you know but um that's what we want to do and we want to do it starting yesterday um because of the times we're in because of the need and again we've had we've had so many families even a retired couple who are so beautiful and they've been with us for years supported us for years and they're retired and out of work and they could come and live on the property and be our he could be our handyman and she can do all kinds of things we just um we're so thrilled about this opportunity so um we'd love to hear from you with anything on your heart um we know there are families who want to come i've had several several emails but right now i didn't plan to tell you that this morning but i want to keep giving you updates from beloit because we are thrilled to be here in this tiny little town under 4 000 population it's a fairy tale situation because the people are over the top magnificent and wonderful and there's already a beautiful woman here who wants to become part of us so we've already invited her and so many people are calling and we're going to need a little monastery to take in all the women so um feel free if you want to join us we still have room here in this house in beloit to take in women um and we're going to begin to have um discernment retreats anybody 18 and above so um let me go on now with our emails and again we are welcome to call in toll-free 1-877-511-5483 we have an email from somebody who writes in anonymously and says good morning mother i hope you're well i am i am i am um my fine my fiancee and i will be having a civil union this coming february we are also planning a church ceremony in a couple of years to come i want to know if a civil union marriage is a valid marriage in the eyes of our lord thank you and god bless um i don't know if your fiance and you are baptized i don't know if you're catholic i don't know your situation it will be listed meaning if you have a civil marriage it is illicit marriage in the eyes of the law but it will not be a valid marriage in god's eyes if it's not sacramental again it'll be valid a civilly but it will not be a sacramental marriage and you will not be married in the eyes of god which means if you're catholic you will be living in fornication even with a civil union if you're not married in the church so why you would want a civil union and get a va and and be married in the church two years from then i have no idea i have no idea but i'm going to predict that's not going to be a very good and solid and long-lasting marriage if you're if you're both not catholic that has to happen first apostle paul writes that we should not be unequally yoked and if you are getting married why you wouldn't be married in the catholic church i don't know so i i cannot give you a full answer but you your marriage will not be valid in the eyes of god it will be legal and listed before the government but in the eyes of god it will not be sacramental and will not be valid in his eyes and you won't be able to go to the church and receive communion you will not be able to do that you can go to mass but you must not receive communion if you're living together outside of a valid a sacramental marriage you must not receive communion email nancy writes an email and says dear mother miriam could you please tell me if there's a difference between the baltimore catechism and the newer version under saint pope john paul ii thank you nancy yes i will tell you there's a difference i cannot tell you what the differences are i don't know if anyone's done that work we could look it up on the web to see if anyone has delineated the differences between the baltimore catechism and the newer catechism but we recommend the catechism that father chad ripager recommends which is the council of trent that catechism and it's called the catechism explained it's the catechism of trent with magnificent commentary and then you will be in line with the baltimore catechism so um that's what we can recommend god bless you dear ones there's the music for our final break and we will have uh 10 minutes after the break and again you're welcome to call in there's still time during the break toll free 1-877-5183 and we'll be right back [Music] the future of the family is grim as our lady of fatima said the final battle will be for the family it truly seems as though we're in the heat of this final battle and we need your help our mission at lifesite news is to educate and activate readers with the information they need to defend life and the family and restore christian culture we are currently the most popular pro-life website on the internet with over 40 million unique users every year and we've been experiencing an even bigger reach than ever this year but we need your help to reach more of the 7.7 billion people on earth if we are to truly succeed in changing the culture please consider donating to help our mission of promoting the culture of life and fearless defenders of the faith like mother miriam visit to give today thank you for your support [Music] merciful god our father hear our fervent prayer for all who suffer from the coronavirus may those who are infected receive the proper treatment and the comfort of your healing presence may caregivers families neighbors and church communities be shielded from the spread of this virus preserve our bodies from contagious disease and our souls from all sin protect and guide those who strive to find a cure that their work may conquer the virus and restore our communities to wholeness and health help us to rise above fear and to live in your peace we ask all this through the intercession of our lady of fatima and in the name of your son jesus the divine physician and the holy spirit who live and reign now and forever amen welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesite news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at [Music] 1-877-511-5483 and um this is our last segment i mentioned that you are welcome the lines are open there's still time about good 10 minutes or more for you to call in toll-free or 1-877-751-5483 it mother at the i want to take our next email from nancy a different nancy than we just read who says hi mother my daughter who was raised a catholic is set on marrying a man who was raised presbyterian he does not practice any faith and in fact is a staunch democrat he believes firmly in abortion and has bought into the entire left wing propaganda it breaks my heart but i do not think she should marry in the catholic church am i wrong nancy no of course you're not wrong uh nancy um if your daughter who was raised catholic is set on marrying a man who was race press presbyterian but not only does not practice his faith but believes in abortion and has brought into the entire left-wing propaganda then your daughter i would guess is not catholic she's catholic uh raised catholic baptized maybe had the sacraments but she has turned her back on god and the catholic church that's what it seems like if she would marry this man again the apostle paul says to not be unequally yoked what fellowship has christ with belial belial meaning satan and it everything that the left wing [Music] believe is is is not of god it's it is of satan and so how could she marry him all together she may have been raised catholic but there's no way she's catholic now or practicing her faith um you are right that she should not marry in the catholic church and will be to the priests who would marry them in the catholic church because she would have to be practicing her faith and he who believes in nothing and believes in abortion would have to agree even though he's not catholic he would have to agree he's probably baptized if he's presbyterian but he'd have to agree uh to never aborting the pregnancy of his wife he'd have to agree to raise those children catholic and to live as a catholic to let her raise them as a catholic i i doubt he would agree to that and um and if he uh i doubt no matter what he says to marry her that it would it would be complete chaos and mockery in that household um if she claims to be a catholic she will be in mortal sin marrying him because it will be a lie and so absolutely they should not marry again uh will be to the priest who understands their situation and who marries them in the catholic church will be to the priest who does not understand their situation and marries them in the catholic church no priest should marry anyone unless he knows their lives and their commitment no one we have an email from kevin who says dear mother having read and read and studied sacred scripture for many years understanding the meaning of the mark of the beast has me confused join the club kevin it has a lot of us confused um over the years it's true from revelation but uh it's confusing to identify it over the years he says i have heard many commentators exclaim that the mark of the beast is this or that at the present time the exclamation is that mark of the beast is the covet vaccine i think i've even referred to it as the mark of the beast not knowing it but something that every require person is required to do or take at the perhaps the cost of their freedom or lives study kevin continues study of say because scripture appears to reveal that god does not ever fool anyone that's correct and always presents people with a clear choice of a with me capital m or b against me with or against god i believe that's true kevin he continues a person always without exception is given a clear choice of following god or not which might result in much difficulty if one chooses to follow god kevin you're right on he continues my question is how could the cobit vaccine or any other object slash device be the mark of the beast without one having a clear and quote in your face unquote decision to follow god or not it appears to me that the mark of the beast will require one to make the conscious decision to receive it after having weighed the option of following or not following god's way your thoughts uh regards kevin kevin i agree with you i think your reasoning is is is right on um to um we're talking about the dangers of the covet vaccine many dangers of different vaccines um and the the fact that um that the government is looking to control us that the vaccine will insert a certain uh change of dna or insert a certain um something mechanism into our bodies that will allow the government to know everything we're doing it every time and where we are i've i've heard this many times true or not i don't know how could i know um so no that's not a choice of following god or not but i would say and this is even difficult because if we know that a certain vaccine is made with aborted baby parts which which many are then i think it would be um a grave sin to receive that vaccine the difficulty is that uh many of our shepherds uh or used to be shepherds in the church have said which to me is a horror of a statement that it's an actual act of charity to receive the vaccine even if it's made with aborted baby parts the act of charity being that if you don't get covered you can not infect others but it's no act of charity to kill babies that we may make a vaccine to save our lives with you don't do evil that good may come but not everybody may know what the maxine vaccine is made from and even if we believe that it would be a grave sin to receive a vaccine from aborted baby parts are so-called shepherds many of them are saying that it's no problem that it's an act of charity i don't know how our shepherds have bought into such evil i don't know how but the scriptures say that in the last time there will be a great apostasy which we are in um abortion itself has marked the great apostasy and that many hearts will gross cold including our shepherds greedy and cold and um uh even the elect could be deceived so kevin i think you're absolutely right i cannot say um that covet vaccine is the mark of the beast i cannot say it if because it's not a clear call and i think god if if it would be a matter of life or death eternal life or death i think you're right kevin i this is your your email is out it's excellent outstanding i think that we would not be in confusion i think it would be a clear uh choice for god or against him uh just like the soldiers who went into the underground church and said unless you deny christ you will be killed and then everybody left to save their lives and the one soldier with the rifle left sat down put his rifle down and said i want to know it is to be a true christian because those are the only ones a little handful that didn't escape death and so i believe you're right kevin and uh i bless you for your email and i say to everyone if it's a clear choice of abandoning god or not god will let us know that he will let us know that um i still say we should not take the vaccine even for the sake of our health and our own lives but at the moment i don't think it would be abandoning god god bless all of you we'll speak with you tomorrow in the new testament's first letter of saint john chapter 5 verses 14 and 15 we read and we have this confidence in him that
Channel: The Station of the Cross
Views: 2,491
Rating: 4.9006209 out of 5
Id: HG0i2fooOVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 18sec (3438 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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