Mother Miriam Live - 1/15/21

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claiming the fullness of truth with clarity and charity heard around the world on your android and apple mobile devices welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesite news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at 1-877-511-5483 or email her at mother at the you can view the live stream on facebook at mother miriam live now here's mother miriam [Music] welcome beloved welcome to mother miriam live i've got to straighten out a little technical thing here hold on see if that works oh it's not working is it okay then all right um that's very good okay so apparently i'm on i don't see it from my end but we might be able to help that a little bit um okay dear ones i'm i'm adjusting something here hold on no yeah hold on a moment please okay okay okay then we're fine i don't see me but maybe you do it's okay how are you everybody sorry for the little rough start to the program um god bless you dear beloved i pray that you're well um uh it's friday and you know our epiphany from january 6th the octave of the epiphany was just two days ago and for us here in beloit kansas the daughters of mary mother of israel's hope are still in the christmas season until the presentation of the lord on february 2nd and we will have our new home on february 1 and have it in time for our great feast day which is february 2nd so we are we just couldn't be more thrilled you've all responded so so so beautifully i don't have a total of your assistance for the new house but um i i know we're going to buy it i know we're going to be able to buy it and then we'll go back to tulsa and we'll move our furniture and then need to divide four rooms in the house so we still have a little work to do so if you still wish to assist us in any way there's still more to do and and we love and appreciate you uh for that we have been praying our lady of the victory novena and a station of the cross has posted it um on the facebook page and they have received many many emails requesting the link and so the website address is slash mother miriam live slash one word mother miriam live and the link to the novena was posted on the 12th so three days ago and it is the novena to our lady of victory today will be the fifth day and beloved if you don't find that obina just don't worry about it just look up any novena to our lady of victory and if you don't find that just pray a rosary novena to our lady of victory who became our lady of the rosary and if you do have the link we've been praying the novena followed by the rosary and so today is day five but god is outside of time and if you just started today it will be effective it will be effective god answers our prayers even retroactively so it is um the novena to our lady of victory for the re-election of president trump for the next four years don't worry about what the electoral college has done the courts have done don't worry about any of that god is greater than man and he loves to receive glory and so i mentioned early on about four days ago or five days ago that he waited until um the spirit of lazarus would have been gone from the tomb they wrapped them in burial claws and buried him and the jewish custom was that the spirit of the soul lingered for about four days and they begged our lord to come but he would not he waited until after that that he that lazarus would be understood to be dead dead and that he went to the tomb and he just simply said lazarus come out and there came this man all wrapped in bandages and everybody stood there with their mouths open and he said we'll unwrap him won't you really amazing and again i mentioned the blind man and people said you know who was it was it his sin or his parents sin that he was born blind and our lord said it wasn't for anybody's sin but that god would receive glory he loves to receive glory if trump had outright won the election which he did but there was so much fraud that covered that up uh we may not have understood god's miracle as much as we will this january 20th when president trump uh gets sworn in again as president of the united states so am i sure about this we walk by faith not by sight but our faith tells us that god nothing's impossible with god um and was it mother angelica who said unless we um believe the ridiculous or ask for the ridiculous god won't do the impossible something like that let's trust god beloved pray that novena and trust his will no matter what it is trust his will but don't stop praying okay we are going to um continue today maybe even finish today our letter to the ephesians which we've been reading um uh and yesterday we began uh chapter five it has six chapters and we're coming the sixth chapter we're starting today and so we'll finish it the sixth chapter is the chapter of our warfare of our weapons for warfare it's the perfect chapter for us to read and i said all of the book of ephesians should be our new year's resolutions all of them our marching orders our new year's resolution so yesterday we talked about in chapter five that to be subject to one another out of reverence for christ you say but i can't be subject to my husband you want me a man to be subject to my wife the answer is yes out of reverence for christ there doesn't have to be another motive but for christ wives be subject to your husbands as to the lord for the husband is the head of the wife as christ is the head of the church his body and is himself his savior wives be subject husbands love your wives as christ loved the church and gave himself up for her that he might sanctify her having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word that he might present the church to himself in splendor without spot or wrinkle or any such thing that she might be holy and without blemish husbands if you have a problem laying down your lives for your wives think of what god did when he laid down his life on the cross for his bride the church that is us who were still in our sin and were blind and stupid and didn't even know it he died for us while we were yet sinners you are to lay down husband your life for your wife as christ did the church wives you are to submit to that man you are submit in every to submit in everything but sin and men um god intended wives to submit to a man who will lay down a husband who will lay down his life for her as christ did the church every woman could submit to that kind of love and that is the love that god intended a wife to submit to and then he goes to children and parents children chapter 6 obey your parents in the lord for this is right honor your father and mother this is the first commandment with a promise that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth it's the only of the ten commandments with a promise for long life on earth fathers do not provoke your children to anger but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the lord and if you're not sure how to do that fathers read the book of proverbs read the book that was written to um the author's son read that children are parents in the lord for this is right you can't you can judge whether you think they're right or wrong but that is immaterial it has nothing to do with your obedience your obedience does not come from whether you judge your parents to be right or wrong it comes from god's commandment to obey your parents in the lord why because it's right that's why honor your father and mother it's the first commandment with a promise so that you would live a long life it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth and fathers do not provoke your children to anger love them fathers be respectful toward them be respectful toward your wife archbishop chap who i mentioned yesterday said the greatest gift the father could give his children is to love their mother that's it and that's what you need to do to bring your children up in the lord let them imitate your love your faith your good and kind and gentle behavior that you have through a strong heart and then slaves and masters slaves now we may not have too many slaves today but think of employees think of anyone who works for anyone else slaves be obedient to those who are your earthly matters masters now in all things including with parents the obedient goes to the limit of what might be sin you never give in to sin you don't give in children to your parents sin and parents you don't give in to your children's sin and the same thing with slaves and masters slaves be obedient to those who are your earthly masters with fear and trembling in singleness of heart as to christ not in the way of i service as men pleasers but as servants of christ doing the will of god from the heart rendering service with a good will as to the lord and not to men knowing that whatever good anyone does he will receive the same again from the lord whether he is a slave or free and masters do the same to them and forbear threatening knowing that he who is both their master and yours is in heaven and that there is no partiality with god there's the music for our break beloved we'll be right back after the first break and take your calls after the second break don't go away love learning more about the church but confused or disheartened by the struggles we are facing today follow life site news catholic on facebook twitter or sign up for lifesite catholic emails and stay up to date on the constant stream of news about the catholic church our church is at a time of crisis and we as laity have a responsibility and a duty to educate ourselves and stay true to the faith lifesitenews catholic is dedicated to keeping the laity informed and educated to follow us go to facebook or twitter and search lifesitenewscatholic as mother miriam always says we must live as if it were true [Music] join us here on the station of the cross for the liturgy of the hours at 5 a.m 3 p.m and 9 30 p.m eastern with the office of readings read at three o'clock in the gospel of saint matthew chapter 18 verse 20 jesus tells us where two or three are gathered together in my name there am i in the midst of them the liturgy of the hours is also known as the divine office and is the daily prayer of the church so you know you'll be uniting your prayer with priests religious and laity throughout the world it's comprised of small reflections readings from sacred scripture and writings from saints and theologians to learn more about the liturgy of the hours visit the that's the pray with us each day at 5 a.m 3 p.m and 9 30 p.m eastern right here on the station of the cross catholic radio network welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesite news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at or 1-877-511-5483 her at mother at the station of the cross dot com welcome back beloved to mother miriam live and we are reading through the second the last portion of the last chapter of the book of ephesians which saint paul wrote to the church he founded in ephesus while he's in chains on house arrest in rome and he's talked to parents to mothers to fathers to children and he says to everyone now these are christians these are christians being persecuted these are jews who have come to believe in the messiah being persecuted by jews who don't believe in the messiah and he says finally finally be strong in the lord and in the strength of his might that's for us today beloved that's why i say the book of ephesians should be our new year's resolutions and of course new year's for catholics begins uh with advent but this is the secular new year when most people tend to make new year's resolutions and whether you've made them or not dear ones this is a book to live by be strong in the lord and in the strength of his might put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we are not contending against flesh and blood but against the principalities against the powers against the world rulers of this present darkness against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places therefore take the whole armor of god that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand okay now this is the armor of god beloved and you're going to need it today especially with the election coming up because uh evil has planned riots in every single state and major city of the country um and um regardless of who gets in office so um the national guard is gearing up and all of that and you need to know how to fight this fight as a christian beloved as a christian stan paul says stand therefore stand don't move stand stand therefore having girded your loins with truth and having put on the breast plate of righteousness and having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace above all taking the shield of faith with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the evil one and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of god the word of god beloved book of hebrews says is able to pierce and and divide the sinews and intentions of the heart paul says pray at all times in the spirit with all prayer and supplication and to that end keep alert with all perseverance making supplication for all the saints and also for me paul says that utterance may be given me in opening my mouth boldly while he's in chains chained to a guard opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel for which i am an ambassador in chains that i may declare it boldly as i ought to speak paul said i don't care if i'm among faithful christians or among faith-denying romans or jews that don't believe that my life is threatened it just doesn't matter i have been called to preach the gospel the good news of christ the messiah to the world and especially to the gentiles paul went into the synagogue to preach to the jews and he was stoned and thrown out and so many so many atrocities done to him and so he was appointed the the apostle to the gentiles and peter saint peter the apostle to the jewish people excuse me and it doesn't matter if he's in chains if he's tied up if he's beaten it doesn't matter he's not going to stop doing his mission and neither should we no matter what happens stand therefore i'm just going to read this one more time stand therefore having girded your loins with truth and having put on the breastplate of righteousness and having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace above all taking the shield of faith which with which with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the evil one and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of god pray at all times in the spirit with all prayer and supplication to that end keep alert with all perseverance making supplication for all the saints and also for me paul says that utterance may be given me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel for which i am an ambassador in chains that i may declare it boldly as i ought to speak i am an ambassador for christ though i'm in chains i'm under arrest but i need to fulfill my calling and i need to speak the gospel no matter what let them put me to death then i may not be able to speak except the blood of martyrs is the seed of the faith so i'll speak through my death just as hebrews says the blood of abel is still speaking to us from heaven and he says now that you also may know how i am and what i'm doing tychius the beloved brother and faithful minister in the lord will tell you everything so he's sending this letter through tikius or tychius i have sent him to you for this very purpose that you may know how we are and that he may encourage your hearts pardon me because there was no internet there was no phone service then so he sent a brother in the faith to the galatians rather to the ephesians with this letter and he ends to say peace be to the brethren and love with faith from god the father and the lord jesus christ grace be with all who love our lord jesus christ with love undying beloved that's the only way to live the faith it is the only way to fulfill your mission you've been given the gospel god has saved you from the corruption of the world you have been saved you are being saved you're in the process of sanctification and you will be saved the day you enter heaven that is glorification once saved always saved because you're not fully saved until glorification and then nothing can rob you from the grace of christ absolutely nothing you're in heaven you're alive with christ forever but until that point god has given us free will we have no free will if we're not free we're free to follow him that's the freedom god gave us but that means we are also have the human freedom not god given freedom to turn from him but the human freedom to turn from him as did adam and eve so we need to cling to him we need to cling close to him to be strong in the lord and the strength of his might you say i don't know if i'm attacked i don't know if i could face anything i i don't know what i could i don't know that i'd have the courage the strength of his might and you know we can those things some people say i will i'll i come and kill me it doesn't matter and they turn out to be the cowards at the end where their life is threatened and those who are trembling and fear they turn out to be the ones that stand strong sometimes and say i will not deny christ do with me what you wish i won't deny him put on the whole armor of god you cannot fight without the armor king david did no he didn't he put on saul's armor i should say he put on seoul's armor and it was it was so heavy he couldn't walk he couldn't stand so he took it off and he went to meet the giant goliath with his slingshot and a little stone and with that he killed the giant but he was under god's protection and rather skilled with that little stone um but we must put on the armor of god not a silver and bulletproof vests or anything like that but because without it paul says we won't be able to stand against the wiles the schemes of the devil because we're not contending against flesh and blood we're contending against principalities powers against the rulers of this present darkness against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places that's the army of demons beloved all of that principalities powers rulers of this present darkness spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places those are satan's army it's likely that satan will never confront you directly we're too little he confronts um presidents and kings and all of that and he's behind this um uh the evil that's happening today but we are assad we're assigned an angel the from the moment of conception by god but satan also assigns us a demon and he tries to trip us up our entire life so all those words powers principalities world rulers of the present darkness spiritual host of wickedness those are all titles for demons beloved and we cannot fight against them therefore paul says take up the whole not part the whole armor of god that you may be able to withstand the evil day and having done all to stand am i confident that i could stand against demonic attacks no have i had demonic attacks oh yes i have can i stand against them not in my own power i'm too weak i'd be too fearful no way i i once with what was going on almost had a heart attack that the fright is so huge but in christ i can stand in christ i can stand and he says therefore the whole armor of god having done all to stand put on the armor of god and christ will stand in you stand therefore having girded your loins with truth you know when the israel's israelites escaped from egypt god told them to gird up their loins pick up their long tunic so they don't trip on them we need to gird up anything that's that that is going to hold us back from the race and having put on the breastplate of righteousness that is christ having put on christ having become his we have his righteousness not our miserable sinfulness but now we have his righteousness this is the armor of a soldier the breastplate of righteousness the blessed breastplate stops the darts going into the body and god's righteousness is our breastplate having shot your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace whatever you need on your feet to run this race um above all the shield of faith you have the blessed breast plate of righteousness i'm not talking straight and then you have the shield that you defend yourself with and that's the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit which is the word of god the word of god [Music] is able to pierce the thoughts and intentions of any heart it's able to convert the soul you can say get thee behind me satan and the enemy will cower under that you could say the name of jesus christ and mary and they will cower under that they cannot stand the name of jesus and mary name they cannot stand so have the word of god and you will defeat the enemy of the soul there's the music for our break beloved and we'll take your calls your texts your emails right after the break call in toll-free 1-877-511-5483 or email at mother at the station of the cross dot com [Music] lifesitenews is an international news agency devoted to defending life and family and restoring christian culture we aim to educate and activate our readers with the information they need to fight the most crucial battles of our day in their churches workplaces and families our motto is karitas love in truth we firmly believe that promoting the truth is an act of love however hard it is to hear over the last 20 years we have built a reputation for uncompromising reporting no matter the cost lifesitenews is by far the most popular pro-life website on the internet with over 40 million unique users every year and growing check us out at [Music] hello beloved this is mother miriam how would you like to wake up each morning to inspiring sermons from knowledgeable and faith-filled priests you can tune in to sermons for everyday living every day at 6 00 a.m eastern on the station of the cross you can listen on the or anytime on the free i catholic radio mobile app god bless you [Music] praise be to jesus hi this is joe mcclain host of the catholic drive time morning show joining you on the station of the cross catholic radio network each weekday morning at we'll keep you informed and inspired with insightful guests and breaking news stories of the day that's the catholic drive time weekday morning 7 a.m on the station of the cross and the i catholic radio app we'll see you then may god love you welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesight news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at [Music] 1-877-511-5483 welcome back beloved to mother miriam live this is our half hour together and call in with anything on your heart you know it does not need to be our subject in the heart of the matter is the matter of your heart and so anything at all on your heart call in 1-877-511-5483 or email at mother at the station of the cross dot com we have an email from paul paul says mother why is there such little outrage over newly created fairly newly created cardinal wilton gregory's allowance for president-elect biden to receive the holy eucharist when he knows full well that he is in violation of the tenants of the church especially on the moral teachings and the faith as a whole should not cardinal gregory should not cardinal gregory risk being excommunicated if he persists in this practice god bless you mother paul i agree with you paul i i cannot tell you why there is not more outrage about that cardinal burke has spoken clearly it's against canon law no one that believes in abortion um can receive the eucharist no one who believes in same-sex marriage which president-elect biden does no one who believes a number of things he does should receive communion and he is in grave sin president-elect biden for receiving communion and so is cardinal wilton gregory for giving him communion so what god does with cardinal gregory i don't know there's been a few comments on cardinal gregory for doing this for acting against the church and against his calling and vocation there has been little i'm afraid not a lot there's been very little a couple of news articles a couple of people speaking about it but very very little why there's not an outrage i think the people are just grown silent uh they've just grown silent people including our bishops are just afraid to speak out for one reason or another and it's something i don't ever understand because to protect ourselves through silence and it was edmund burke who said the only thing needed for evil to prevail is for good men to remain silent good men are remaining silent and um i don't know how they can i don't know how they could protect themselves at the risk of the loss and damnation of so many souls i'll i don't know that i'll ever understand that uh i just cannot i just cannot so i agree with you we have another email from someone who writes in anonymously and says hello mother i'm so glad you decided to talk on modesty because i've been very conflicted lately i have a desire to dress modestly to please god but my husband dislikes my modest dress he finds modest clothes baggy and frumpy and then i don't feel attractive to my husband i don't know how to feel well i've come across this before you can dress modestly without being baggy and frumpy absolutely you can if you still wear pants they don't have to be skin tight nor do they have to be baggy get yourself attractive slacks that fit well that are tailored that don't hug your skin just get yourself a good pair of pants my my heart would say don't wear pants at all just wear a skirt and a skirt it does not have to be baggy or frumpy it has to be long at least mid-calf at least below your knees when you sit but nothing needs to be i had a friend once who really fought this she was wearing short skirts everything tight a good catholic and she really came against me for it um she's and she said the same thing i have a husband to please uh mother you're not married i have a husband to believe well i do i am married to our lord and i do have a husband to please our lord um but i understand that but i i urged her that there are ways with long skirts to be very beautiful and modest and attractive and now um she dresses so and her husband is just fine with it so um you uh it's better to offend your husband than the lord it's better to offend your husband than the lord do not defend do not offend your lord and just say to your husband sweetheart um we love god and neither you or i would do anything to offend him but we have to allow each other to live according to our consciences to me this is immodest and offensive to god i know you don't like it but um it's easier for you to accept it and put up with it than for me to stand in front of god knowing that i'm offending him i cannot do that and dear one if you were going to offend god i asked you to do something that would offend god you wouldn't do it either you should not we should not offend god and so again you don't need to wear baggy frumpy clothes just dress modestly it doesn't have to be skin tight uh it just needs to be modest if you're not sure what modest clothes is go to a latin church a latin parish and you'll see what modesty is look online for modest clothing modest dress many many websites speak about that about purity and modesty and the popes have spoke about it spoken about it as far as not uh wearing anything two inches below the neck that nothing is lower than two inches below the neck you don't wear anything sleeveless nothing above the knee uh nothing tight i'm i'm i remember the guidelines we still have so many of our things in tulsa we're gonna go back uh hopefully within a week and bring them here and then we have to unpack the cartons so i don't have my book on modesty but pope pius xi pope pius xii um so many john paul so many spoke about modesty and gave guidelines you can follow them very well without being frumpy and baggy and unattractive but do follow them we have an email from charlene who writes dear mother miriam i belong to saint paul vincent saint vincent de paul society through our church in massachusetts i keep wondering when we serve the poor am i judging when we serve couples who are living together unmarried along with children looking for help with rent food and other goods it bothers me that they are living in sin and some don't recognize the church only looking for help thank you charlene charlene i agree with you if they need food and clothing and they're living together they need to um i don't know this is a hard one if they're starving we want to feed them not preach morality to them first but we need to work with them we can give them food and clothing but we need to not keep them in that lifestyle we can give them that and we need to say to them we're giving this to you in the name of our lord christ but we are not able to continue to help you unless you are willing to honor god we will help you live separately we will help you get two different apartments we will help you with the children we will help you connect with social services or shelters or anything else but you cannot continue to live in sin because then we'll be helping you do that so i would give them food and help them and give them that message and say you're on don't say thanks a lot be warm and filled but say we will help you and and and do help them because that's what saint vincent de paul society does bring them there you may help the paul through your church in massachusetts but then bring them to saint vincent de paul and and connect them with people who can help them get into separate houses help them um be right with god don't just leave them uh living in that situation because they won't be helped and they will not only continue to live in sin but they'll never get out of that circumstance we have an email from francina dear mother miriam um at three degrees centigrade 37.4 fahrenheit it is a cold christmas morning here in germany i'm only 10 minutes away from our local church and so i walked with happy feet towards it as the bells peeled through the chilly air oh i wish our bells peeled here i was three minutes early but i did not see anyone coming at the door i saw two masked women who asked me if i had an invitation oh no i said no here i am still thinking the church bells were the invitation to come to mass for all uh laities of now is not a silly thought church bells would be an invitation my goodness i was not allowed to enter because i did not have a registration the german lady was indignant and she reprimanded me for not doing a registration online i told her that it is not very christian she told me they were sorry in a very non-christian way to put it lightly i told her god bless you and walked away distraught still i saw no one coming in what has become of our church today empty and sad and yet those who come are not allowed to enter mother did i commit immortal sin by not attending mass today i will go tomorrow or as soon as i am allowed i missed the chance of gaining indulgence because the baby jesus has a gatekeeper that is in itself heartbreaking thank you for reading my email may god's love mercy and protection through the passion and death of jesus be upon you today and all the days of your life have a blessed christmas mother miriam francina francina dear one that is an awful story i unfortunately understand it those masked gatekeepers were awful truly awful um if that is your normal church i don't know why you did not know you needed to register online when i was in tulsa i needed to register online for our community not for pretty much sunday masses were so filled not during the week but sunday masses were so filled and they went from two to four but they were so filled because people could only come every other row especially on christmas that we had to sign up online so the pastor could know that he could spread us out and everybody could attend who wanted to we had to register i don't know why francina you were not able to register maybe you ignored it and didn't think you had to um you don't say here you didn't have a computer nothing of that sort so i don't know if you could have registered before you left mass the previous sunday i don't know why you didn't register but churches are sticking to that they are absolutely sticking to that and so um you could holler at the women at the door with masks or the gatekeeper men or women with masks but they have a job to do and they they cannot make exceptions even though you don't see people entering the church it's an awful situation it is not due to covert it is due to bishops not protecting the faith no government has the right to tell a bishop or priest to clothe the ch close the churches and no cardinal bishop or priest has any duty to come under the government that way cardinal burke has said that is not a man-made law to attend church on sunday it is a divine law and no human being including no bishop no one can thwart negate divine law that is god's law no church should be closed i'm sorry you experienced that french cena it is an awful time and i would say if you're able to sign up online at least do that okay beloved there's the music for our break it'll be our last segment our lines are wide open and feel free to call in toll-free 1-877-511-544 we stand at a crossroads in history we can stand up for life family in a christian culture or we can stand idly by while the fabric of society becomes fundamentally anti-life anti-family and anti-christian slowly leading to its own demise lifesite news is the leading defender of life family in christian culture through our news reporting we seek to educate readers with information and zeal they need to fight the most crucial battles of our day and we need your help to continue that mission you can support lifesite news by following our social media pages on facebook twitter and instagram another way to support lifesite is to prayerfully consider becoming a sustained life monthly donor to help us continue to save lives in the culture to donate visit give.lifesight forward slash sustain life our staff of over 40 and millions of future generations thank you for helping to save the culture each weekday from 10 to 11 a.m eastern the station of the cross brings you mother miriam live mother miriam is a catholic nun on a mission to bring jesus and a message of hope to a world that has lost its way hello beloved this is mother miriam and i am thrilled to welcome you to mother miriam live as always you're going to be able to call text or email whatever your questions are through a partnership between the station of the cross and life site news you will be able to listen and watch mother miriam live on youtube and facebook at the station of the cross including past episodes on podcast god bless you listen on your local station of the cross affiliate and our free i catholic radio mobile app or watch the mother miriam live video stream on facebook and youtube by searching the station of the cross that's mother miriam live each weekday from 10 to 11 a.m eastern on the station of the cross welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesite news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at [Music] 1-877-511-5483 welcome back to mother miriam live dear ones um this is our last segment and our lines are wide open you're welcome to call in with anything on your heart uh toll-free five 1-877-511-5 eight three or email at mother at the station of the cross dot com um we finished uh email to friend from francina or francina um she's from the philippines and was not allowed to go to her church on a sunday because they had to pre-register online and she didn't do that and she was kept out and she sent a little ps she said by the way i'm filipino i come from a place where almost 90 of the population are practicing catholics and most families have devotions to our blessed virgin mary praying the rosary in my community is as easy as breathing and the praying of the angelus is almost second nature we even have a countdown mass for christmas day we call it simba gabi i'm sure i didn't pronounce that right meaning midnight mass and she said they pray a nine-day novena uh prior to christmas right up to christmas and then after the mass the whole church would sing silent night to the child jesus in the manger and there would be fireworks and so much merrymaking and she said every road leads to the church every road leads to the church can you imagine that oh i just all streets lead to the church oh my goodness that's when the world was catholic and i'll tell you i know you're not you might not even be listening now francina but if cardinal sin were still in the philippines you would not have mask gatekeepers at the church the churches would be open we have an email from kathy who writes hello mother miriam i suffer with ptsd i'm so sorry kathy major depression and suicidal ideations for most of my life i say the divine chaplet daily and i talk to god constantly throughout my day when i'm triggered and or have a flashback it can be overwhelming i just started back at work part time a week ago at a fast food place and i dissociate often when i'm overwhelmed and or triggered but but i look normal no one would know i suffer from ptsd i work with a lot of younger people who are very cold and rude i'm doing my best what is the best way to deal with people who are young cold and cruel during my work day the managers are just the same oh kathy that's awfully awfully awfully hard um you know kathy i had that experience i actually was a waitress in a restaurant um looking into the catholic church and the people were on drugs the waitresses drugs some out of jail young and disrespectful and all of that and they would use our lord's name in vain all the time and i i kept quiet for the first two weeks i was there and then i had a plan and every time i heard our lord's lord's name used in vain i would say oh i love him and they'd look at me and they say who what are you talking about i said i love him they said who i said i love jesus christ i said what are you talking about i said well you just said his name no i oh you oh come on are you one of those religious fanatics i say no i love god but i love his name they keep saying it and every time they did i say thank you i love him well they got so disgusted with my saying that they stopped saying his name and they began to be more respectful toward me and they watched their language around me it was amazing but i'm not saying kathy you could do that it's just a wonderful past memory of my life but i would say sweetheart never let down your guard hold on this is where you put on the full armor of god that i spoke about earlier today um and the breastplate of righteousness the sword of the spirit which is the word of god the helmet of salvation um and the faith i forget with that breastplate of faith um shield of faith um this is when you do that kathy the way you deal with people who are young cold and cruel is by speaking kindness to them speak to them as if you were christ no matter what they say to you say you can ignore it with a kind face you can say thank you you can answer them politely never get angry poor christ kindness on them and it will stop it will stop just pour his kindness on them and forgive them uh i don't know what your ps ptsd um a major depression suicidal ideations for most of your life i i could take some guesses kathy but i don't know what it's from but i'm hoping you've had counseling but i also and maybe some medication to help i also want to say if you haven't done this dear kathy whatever happened to you uh as a child because you said you've had this most of your life post-traumatic stress disorder it's it's it's it means you suffered an awful trauma or one or more and i would say the biggest thing you can do sweetheart to help is to forgive whoever did that to you to forgive do they deserve it no have they ruined your life in great measure of course but you need to forgive them why because god in christ has forgiven you who had nothing to do with that he's forgiven you for other things um you must forgive them and you must ask god to convert them and heal them and save them and then again get some help with the pdst ptsd which you probably have gotten and spend most of your time giving thanks to god when you're at the fast food place and these young people who have not been raised correctly uh are cold and cruel i have come across that myself um uh answer them kindly um and give thanks to god that you're not cold and cruel that you you don't have to answer them the same way they speak to you that you have christ when people come against me for whatever reason falsely accuse me rightly accuse me whatever they do i say blessed lord thank you that you have saved me thank you that i have faith thank you that i believe thank you that i have your peace thank you that i have you to come to my heart is full of gratitude and that saves me it keeps me at peace if i have to make corrections i will but when someone comes against me with hostility my response is oh i'm so sorry you have to do that i'm so sorry you have such hatred i don't say it to them i think it in my heart and i say lord thank you for giving me your spirit for giving me your grace paul says this is the will of god for you in christ jesus that in all things including bad things we give him thanks in all things even things that are bad we give him thanks because he to those who love him he works all things together for good not for everybody but the verse says our lord works all things together for good to those who love him and who are called according to his purpose i will pray for you kathy god bless you denise i see you're on the line but we won't be able to take your call today i'm so sorry dear one god bless you and as far as a vaccine question i simply say stay away from that vaccine and we can talk more about it on monday have a blessed weekend god bless you all [Music] you
Channel: The Station of the Cross
Views: 3,881
Rating: 4.9405942 out of 5
Id: F9jQjkaWZ7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 8sec (3428 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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