Mother Miriam Live - 1/21/21

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around the world on your android and apple mobile devices welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesite news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at [Music] you 1-877-511-5483 view the live stream on facebook at mother miriam live now here's mother miriam [Music] good morning hello dear ones dear beloved family how are you doing i am doing fine we are doing fine and you say come on mother miriam didn't you realize we had an inauguration of a new president yesterday of course of course of course i do and did we complete the novena to our lady of victory yes we did and uh how come president trump is not still president well it's because god is on his throne and we pray but we bless him that he does his will and not ours and every time we pray we pray according to his will and um let me just say that um everything's not over yet so i i don't have some secret word i have heard of certain prophecies that um that he may still be president what can i tell you do i believe these things i i do what our lady did and i ponder them in my heart but all i want is god's will i want nothing else what god doesn't want i don't want so that's the story and so we remain at peace we remain happy uh happy in christ because our orders don't change they are to love god and to live for him with our heart mind soul and strength and nothing changes we need now to be witnesses to him more than we've ever ever ever been before and so if possible and it's always possible we could be better witnesses to him so now i don't know what all is going to happen i know that what president trump rather president trump did what now president biden has told us he is going to utterly reverse everything on the pro-life scene um uh give back to planned parenthood the 60 million or whatever trump took away free mexico and other nations to use american funds for abortion and all of that it's just it's it's completely evil i listen to president biden's inaugural speech yesterday his words were perfect for the time said with compassion peace and all of that i wish he knew what he said i wish he understood what he said i wish he believed what he said because what he does is the opposite he wants unity and yet he's murdering millions of babies and so forth and destroying the family so where his thinking is i don't know but it's not of god it's not of god beloved so um i can't judge his soul god alone can how much he understands and how much he's simply blinded to i don't know i i think he is blind um in his thinking to a great degree but i don't know that um we just know who's on the throne and we know who holds the future so that's where we go forward and i thought well on the scene now i heard from a um religious uh sister yesterday whose um order whose religious order um does not care who believes what if they violate their conscience they want them to take the vaccine all of them every last one and there's persecution if one does not and so um i want if any of you are still wondering about taking the vaccine um i want to read you an article on um it's uh bishop snyder on covet vaccines and the subtitle is the ends cannot justify the means um and it's on the moral illicitness of the use of vaccines made from cells derived from aborted human fetuses now the pope has taken that vaccine with fetal cell lines and pope emeritus benedict the 16th has at least that's the news report um i don't know what is true these days or not based on on the news reports but um and many bishops have said that it is an act of charity to receive that vaccine um regardless of its uh coming from aborted cell lines and they were they the aborted cells were 1972 in 1985 or six or long ago the point is we cannot under any circumstances support evil that good may come we may not i will not we may not and so [Music] the um i'm going to read this article um and it actually came out in the middle of december and it reads in recent weeks news agencies and various information sources have reported that in response to the covet 19 emergency some countries have produced vaccine using cell lines from aborted human fetuses in other countries such vaccines are being planned you see if we begin to use them what's the difference if the baby was aborted in 1972 or yesterday what's the difference there is no difference there's absolutely no difference a growing chorus of churchmen that includes bishops conferences individual bishops rather the bishops conferences individual bishops and priests has said that in the event that no alternative vaccine using ethically licit substances is available it would be morally permissible for catholics to receive vaccines made from the cell lines of aborted babies now i don't believe it i i don't believe it um some say what makes you the authority mother miriam come on these are bishops yes i understand that but um god put people to death for abortion in the old testament um even for uh and um i i won't go on to describe things but he put them to death if a man murdered a woman and the baby within her died he was guilty of two murders nothing has changed beloved nothing has changed and it is not acceptable to um that we should profit and live because of abort babies murdered in their mother's womb supporters of this position invoke two documents of the holy see the first from the pontifical academy for life is titled moral reflections on vaccines prepared from cells derived from aborted human fetuses and was issued on june 9 2005 the second an instruction from the congregation for the doctrine of the faith is titled uh dignitas personae on certain bioethical questions and was issued on september 8 2008 both these documents allow for the use of such vaccines in exceptional cases and for a limited time on the basis of what in moral theology is called remote passive material cooperation with evil i'm going to stop right there how could anything be remote and passive material cooperation how is it possible remote passive material cooperation remote because of the time distance material cooperation because it is physical but passive who's who's passive the baby's not passive the baby is being murdered uh i don't the mother's not passive she's not unconscious and against her will i don't understand i don't understand this at all and if we say both of these documents allow for the use of such vaccines in exceptional cases and for a limited time you know that's how abortion started in 1930 the lambreth council for the very first time allowed abortion in england for married women women within marriages whose life would be threatened by a new pregnancy it was exceptional case and limited that was it and from that we now murder babies even after they're born and we now have euthanasia once we allow such a thing uh however we think limited we've opened the door to permit evil and we've taken god's place god is the author of life he is the author of life he decides when someone is to be born he decides when someone is to die we are not in control of that and the minute we do that we play god for our quote unquote exceptional reasons we don't play god for exceptional times when we think it's prudent this is it to me the fact that this is coming from the congregation for the doctrine of faith is um i don't understand it um and am i against church teaching am i my own pope absolutely not but never do we have permission to murder we do never have permission to murder and then use murdered uh infants uh aborted fetuses uh to save us from a a virus why shouldn't we die it's just unthinkable and we are substituting health for eternal salvation and we will live longer but we will not live in heaven we'll be right back after the break beloved [Music] love learning more about the church but confused or disheartened by the struggles we are facing today follow life site news catholic on facebook twitter or sign up for lifesite catholic emails and stay up to date on the constant stream of news about the catholic church our church is at a time of crisis and we as laity have a responsibility and a duty to educate ourselves and stay true to the faith lifesitenews catholic is dedicated to keeping the laity informed and educated to follow us go to facebook or twitter and search life site news catholic as mother miriam always says we must live as if it were true [Music] is each weekday from 10 to 11 a.m eastern the station of the cross brings you mother miriam live mother miriam is a catholic nun on a mission to bring jesus and a message of hope to a world that has lost its way hello beloved this is mother miriam and i am thrilled to welcome you to mother miriam live as always you're going to be able to call text or email whatever your questions are through a partnership between the station of the cross and lifesight news you will be able to listen and watch mother miriam live on youtube and facebook at the station of the cross including past episodes on podcast god bless you listen on your local station of the cross affiliate and our free i catholic radio mobile app or watch the mother miriam live video stream on facebook and youtube by searching the station of the cross that's mother miriam live each weekday from 10 to 11 a.m eastern on the station of the cross welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesite news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at [Music] 1-877-511-5483 welcome back beloved to mother miriam live so thrilled to be with you so thrilled we are in a meet uh in a we're not in a meeting we're in the middle of a um an article [Music] written in the middle of december concerning the use of aborted cell lines to create vaccines and i have just read that um that the supporters of this position um i'm just going to reread this for a minute because i i i imagine that some listening will say who do you think you are mother miriam why does the station of the cross even allow you on you're going against the church i am not listen i will show you this supporters of this position that we can use aborted cell lines for the vaccines in other words we can we can use the product of murdered babies for our health that's the the summation of it and um and i'm reading from the article now supporters of this position invoke two documents of the holy see the first from that that we can use the position that we can use aborted cell lines um invoke the holy see the first article from the pontifical academ academy for life is titled moral reflections on vaccines prepared from cells derived from aborted human fetuses that was issued on june 9 2005. the second an instruction from the congregation for the doctrine of faith is titled um dignitas personae um and it would be the the the um the dignity of the individual of of of the person on certain bioethical questions and was issued september 8 2008 both of these documents allow for the use of such vaccines in exceptional cases and for a limited time on the basis of what in moral theology is called remote passive material cooperation with evil now i just said before the break that i don't understand how anything could be remote if it's remote it's because it's in a different country or years later or whatever i don't know what their definition of remote is material cooperation yes what what right we have to that i don't know but passive is an anomaly how could anything be passive when we're using murdered babies for our gain i don't understand how that is passive in any way passive cooperation with evil the affirmation now listen to this and i said under no circumstances we don't do evil that good may come and um because i know from past programs that there are those who will say uh who are you mother miriam to be spouting your own opinion are you higher than the church of course i'm not and these documents say this the affirmation the aforementioned documents assert the documents themselves assert that catholics who use such vaccines at the same time have the quote the duty to make known their disagreement and to ask that their health care system make other types of vaccines available now end quote so these very documents that allow for the use of such vaccines from the vatican say that at the same time catholics who use such vaccines at the same time have the duty to make known their disagreement and to ask that their health care system make other types of vaccines available to me that's contradictory how do we allow and then say we have the duty not the option but the duty to make known a disagreement i i don't even understand that it's contradictory um again we don't have the option which we have the option but we have the duty to make known our disagreement does that mean we take this back take these vaccines until other vaccines come up no do we do evil that good may come no i continue reading in the case of vaccines made from the cell lines of aborted human fetuses we see a clear contradiction between the catholic doctrine to categorically and beyond the shadow of any doubt reject abortion in all cases as a grave moral evil that cries out to heaven for vengeance catechism of the catholic church number 2268 and 2270 a clear contradiction between um the rejection the teaching to reject abortion in all grave cries out to heaven for vengeance and the practice of regarding vaccines derived from aborted fetal cells as morally acceptable in exceptional cases of quote unquote urgent need on the grounds of remote passive material cooperation to argue that such vaccines can be morally listed if there is no alternative is in itself contradictory and cannot be acceptable for catholics that's exactly what i said one thought to recall the following words of pope john paul ii regarding the dignity of unborn human life quote the inviability of the person which is a reflection of the absolute inviolability of god finds its primary and fundamental expression in the inviability of human life above all the common outcry which is justly made on behalf of human rights for example the right to health to home to work to family to culture is false and illusory if the right to life the most basic and fundamental right and the condition for all other personal rights is not defended with maximum determination and that's christopher daly's laity number 38 from john paul ii using vaccines made from the cells of murdered unborn children contradicts a quote unquote maximum determination to defend unborn life [Music] the theological principle of material cooperation is certainly valid and may be applied to a whole host of cases such as in paying taxes the use of products made from slave labor and so on however this principle can hardly be applied to the case of vaccines made from fetal cell lines because those who knowingly and voluntarily receive such vaccines enter into a kind of con caterination concatenation now i'm pronouncing that wrong concatenation um albeit very remote in other words this cooperation [Music] with the process of the abortion industry the crime of abortion is so monstrous that any kind of concatenation with this crime teaching along with this crime even a very remote one is immoral and cannot be accepted under any circumstances by a catholic once he has become fully aware of it if he's blind he accepts it is it still sinful yes does god hold him accountable uh not in his ignorance i don't believe so but i can't tell how god calls us accountable we have a duty to be informed one who uses these vaccines must realize that his body is benefiting from the fruits all those steps removed from a series of immune of chemical processes still the fruits of one of mankind's greatest crimes any link to the abortion process even the most remote and implicit will cast a shadow over the church's duty to bear unwavering witness to the truth that abortion must be utterly rejected no exceptions beloved utterly eject rejected i don't even understand any catholic who understands uh the evil of abortion no matter the circumstances how you can use the product of abortion for your own convenience or purposes or health i have no understanding of that i don't even understand the thinking of someone who does that the article continues the ends cannot justify the means we are living through one of the worst genocides known to man millions upon millions of babies across the world have been slaughtered in their mother's womb and day after day this hidden genocide continues through the abortion industry biomedical research and fetal technology and a push by governments and international bodies to promote such vaccines as one of their goals now is not the time for catholics to yield to do so would be grossly irresponsible the acceptance of these vaccines i'm still reading this article the acceptance of these vaccines by catholics on the grounds that they invite involve only a quote remote passive and material cooperation with evil how do you cooperate with evil at all would play into the hands of the church's enemies and weaken her as the last stronghold against the evil of abortion what else can a vaccine derived from fetal cell lines b other than a violation of the god given order of creation ah beloved i've just started my hiccups again oh dear and i know we're gonna come across a break soon so i'm going to continue this article um tomorrow tomorrow will be monday oh dear beloved um call in after the break with any question with anything on your heart i'm not an information bank i can't answer all questions but we can look up and get the answers beloved call in with anything on your heart doesn't have to be what we're talking about i've always said that the heart of the matter is the matter of your heart no matter what the issue is call in with what's on your heart toll free one eight seven seven let me do that again 1-877-511-5483 or email at mother at the station of the cross dot com beloved how are how a great number of our bishops have chosen our physical health in this world for a limited time over our eternal salvation with this covet is beyond me i know people that have not received the eucharist since march because people over them have made such decisions when people over us refuse the sacraments they have exceeded their authority as cardinal burke said [Music] sunday and the reception of the sacraments is the divine mandate not a human one and no human being has any right to change that lifesight news is an international news agency devoted to defending life and family and restoring christian culture we aim to educate and activate our readers with the information they need to fight the most crucial battles of our day in their churches workplaces and families our motto is karitas in veritate love in truth we firmly believe that promoting the truth is an act of love however hard it is to hear over the last 20 years we have built a reputation for uncompromising reporting no matter the cost lifesite news is by far the most popular pro-life website on the internet with over 40 million unique users every year and growing check us out at [Music] hello this is father frank cavanaugh priests for life some people think that because men cannot get pregnant they have no right to say anything about abortion but any human being male or female has the right and duty to speak up when someone's life is in danger real men don't stand around with their hands at their side when innocent babies are being ripped apart they do something to defend these children this is father frank pavone national director of priests for life [Music] hello beloved this is mother miriam how would you like to wake up each morning to inspiring sermons from knowledgeable and faith-filled priests you can tune in to sermons for everyday living every day at 6 a.m eastern on the station of the cross you can listen on the station of the cross dot com or anytime on the free i catholic radio mobile app god bless you welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesite news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at [Music] 1-877-511-5483 all is well because god is on his throne and i'm gonna take your calls and your emails um and your texts now toll-free four eight 1-877-511-5483 or email at mother at the station of the cross dot com our dear friend rosa from california has called back we didn't have time to answer your question yesterday rosa hi hi well um okay so i probably had it i did have a two-pronged question i'll just do one prong because you can do two it's okay you can do two notes just go ahead well actually it's exactly what you're talking about and that i have a very deep question about that but before i say that i have had so much thought about this and one thing just to comment on what you read about the bishops when i first heard that several weeks ago the minute i heard the word you can go ahead and take it take the vaccine but tell your it would just tell your health care worker you don't like it i to me i thought are you kidding i'm sorry i was so upset that to me is a terrible insane argument like like that's going to change anything and plus you are it's it's behind it is money not that oh you know it's supposed to be money but you're paying them you're consenting to it you're putting your name on the dole of of um all the people that are vaccinated you're giving your consent and then you tell somebody who has no power oh well i don't i don't agree with that and the fact is that's it and the fact is the one who receives it is just as guilty as the one who makes it and gives it yes and you know the other thing this is what's so hard and i'll come to my question because this is really a a very difficult uh decision i have to make but um the other thing i thought of two things one i know this is a little fantastical but i thought what if we were told as catholics that those were maximilian colby cells you know from from world from nazi germany well i think catholics would receive them catholics would receive them as relics i don't think that would stop anybody but you know let's say they did it as experimentation you know i'm saying we probably would think about their own mother i don't think i don't think it would deter anybody i think we have become rosa i understand what you're proposing but i think we have become so inward so selfish i agree so removed from what is truly caring about what is moral that i i don't think it would make a difference well and you know you're probably right and you know the other thing and that what i'm going to say the opposite could also be actual because it's hypothetical but i also thought okay if i were that person who's probably still alive who gave who did have an abortion back in whatever i'd be how many decades older let's say i converted to catholicism let's say i was in pro-life and i would would be condemned to always wonder whether that was my aborted baby you know i just it that's the thing is just any way you want to look at it but my question uh is this having to do with the vaccine so i can make um it's very difficult because a lot of people their jobs they have families they have little kids their jobs will depend upon this travel is going to depend upon this um and but i have to make um a decision because i am as a catholic but i have to make a decision for another person for a family member who i am power of attorney of who is elderly in skilled care has multiple sclerosis and dementia and what's the decision you have to make well um they i have to tell them whether i or she can sense and i've tried to talk with her about this but um and she's you know she's like she's it she can't grasp consent to what consent to what to give the vaccines absolutely why do you even have a choice why do you consider it your choice this is what i need to work out in my own head because she is my family member and that could you know it could be done with her you know and they may not allow her it's already hard enough in a closed skilled care she's in another state so i can't why would we put an in her awful condition but why would we put such immorality first to keep somebody alive yeah i know yeah even possibly we don't know why would that right exactly if we determine something is evil it's always evil and everywhere evil yeah so what what's the difficulty of your decision tell me because rosie you go ahead oh the difficulty is not what how i okay i can easily go back and forth in my head or think okay so i make that decision and i can make it for myself but um i i think what it is is the fact that i'm holding that responsibility and yes you are i don't want but either way now either way because i also know about the reality i kept looking it up multiple sclerosis autoimmune disease what are they saying about it what's happened and then there's they use this trick word and they've been using it in medicine for 30 years it's what is the evidence and of course you see i knew that when they started that it's going to be evidence plenty of evidence plenty of evidence so some some of the evidence they're saying about multiple sclerosis they say there is no evidence there's harm now let's take the morality out of it i looked it up they didn't test it on anyone who had multiple sclerosis so rosa rosa um and we do have another caller that i want to get to rosa i love it when you call your your words are great your thinking is wonderful you're wonderfully articulate and i i'm i agree with you down the road except on this you have no decision to make it's either moral or immoral and if it's immoral it's not going to become moral in the case of a family member and that's right that's right i agree you have no decision to make you have no decision to make except what is right before god you have no decision to make if the question is giving her the vaccine then you have a decision to make if you have if the question is giving a vaccine that is made from aborted cell lines there's no decision it's evil there's no decision yes so yes will you be responsible for her death uh no you are are you responsible for the death of the of the aborted baby in that um vaccine you're not but if you if you give that vaccine from aborted cell lines to someone in your family or anyone you are cooperating with evil and if you don't cooperate with evil you leave everything in god's hands yes now let me just say i'm so thankful that um this is where we i just want to represent my put me out there as representation of this this horrible almost sophie's choice situation that i know okay morality speaking no but you see what what happens to us and what happens to me but here's what happened too i had a very trusted priest i've known for 20 some years loved the man very orthodox or was and then when i texted him i said hey i need to talk with you about this and he said you know what's what's it about and i told him and he goes well the bishops already said you can take it so what's your question yeah so forget that forget that i spoke to that before rosa end of story we do not cooperate with evil end if the whole family decides that you're responsible for her death because you had the power of eternity and you refused the covert vaccine because it was made with aborted fetal cell lines then um so be it you're going to live with that but you will have not cooperated with evil and the person you need to live before is god i i agree and i think that um yes i totally and you leave her life in god's hands he knows leave your life in god's hands yeah okay no i mean it's it doesn't mean it's easy but to me it's clear yeah you don't have to struggle with a decision thank you that i know i i'm so i needed that confirmation because i knew that in my heart so yeah i very good appreciate you so much for the clarity thank you god bless you my sister god bless bless you thank you honey uh sylvia from virginia hi dear one hello mother miriam i have a question i really like saying the rosary or some the chapped foot while i'm sitting in bed but in the old testament a lot of the people prostrate themselves so my question is is kneeling more effective in your prayers is your posture a factor in the effectiveness in your prayers in other words should i understand heal instead of sitting comfortably on your bed right yes well um you know there's a story of uh people who are arguing about the um correct posture for praying should we kneel should we raise our hands to heaven all kinds of things and one man the story goes fell down a well and he was caught by the rope upside down in the bottom of the well and he said he prayed the most effective prayer of his entire life you understand so there's no uh position that um is needed for the effectiveness of your prayer the issue uh someone would say and i've said often the the heart of the matter is the matter of your heart god knows and answers your heart you may pray more sincerely sitting on your bed then some pray on their knees so there's no god does not judge us based on our position and with that i will say that when we come know that we're coming before god the lying prostrate the kneeling um the more reverent positions does speak to the condition of our heart it does speak to the condition of our heart whether it's more effective before god there's no one who can say that if you're sitting on your bed versus kneeling versus praying prostrate but there's there when we have those more reverent positions of going on our knees if god if god appeared before us physically we would probably lie prostrate on our face uh or at the very least go on our knees because we're in the presence of such of god and and we our hearts would be immediately filled with such reverence we couldn't sit on our bed casually if he appeared while you were sitting on your bed you probably immediately go on your knees or on your face before him see what i mean so i'm not i don't think it's a major thing for you to worry about it's not scrupulosity um god will hear you and see your heart sitting on your bed i do think it's more reverent though whether it's more effective i cannot say because god looks on the heart not the outward position i do believe that it's more reverent to be on our knees before him i do it acknowledges that we're praying to god and we're not so concerned with our own personal comfort but we're really more concerned with the one to whom we pray uh but but sylvia and whether it's more effective or not i cannot say okay the reference another let me just say the reverence um in a sense shows a kind of an outward our body um helps display our utter reverence for god that we don't treat him as a casual friend so that's the issue but how god looks on well there's sylvia can you hang on till after the break okay okay because then we'll take your second question we'll be right back and everybody else it'll be our last segment the lines are wide open and you're welcome to call in with anything on your heart one eight seven seven five one one five four eight three or email at mother at the station the cross dot com we'll be right back [Music] we stand at a crossroads in history we can stand up for life family in a christian culture or we can stand idly by while the fabric of society becomes fundamentally anti-life anti-family and anti-christian slowly leading to its own demise lifesite news is the leading defender of life family in christian culture through our news reporting we seek to educate readers with information and zeal they need to fight the most crucial battles of our day and we need your help to continue that mission you can support lifesitenews by following our social media pages on facebook twitter and instagram another way to support lifesight is to prayerfully consider becoming a sustained life monthly donor to help us continue to save lives in the culture to donate visit sustain life our staff of over 40 and millions of future generations thank you for helping to save the culture the station of the cross invites you to join us each day for the liturgy of the hours at 5 00 a.m 3 p.m and 9 30 p.m eastern god come to my assistance lord help me the liturgy of the hours is a meditative and efficacious way to foster habitual prayer also known as the divine officer bravery the liturgy of the hours is the daily prayer of the church and is made up of readings from sacred scripture writings from saints and theologians and small reflections we hope you will join us for this daily prayer of the church each day at 5 a.m 3 p.m and 9 30 p.m eastern right here on the station of the cross may the lord bless us protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life [Music] amen to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesite news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at 1 877 or email her at mother at the welcome back beloved to mother miriam live this is our last segment and again you're welcome to call in with anything on your heart we have a little over ten minutes one eight seven seven five one one five four eight three or email at mother at the station of the cross dot com we're on the line with sylvia from virginia hi sylvia hi my second question is i've always felt that the wearing of the mask was a decision to kind of blaspheme god and the mass because everybody looks ridiculous with those masks and if you look at the science they actually don't prevent a transmission of a virus that's right so what what is the uh what is the motivation behind these lay ushers and i've gone to several churches in my area um enforcing this role this rule with such zeal yeah i i think those that enforce the rule with such zeal have truly lost perspective but the lay ushers don't make the decision themselves it would be the priest who tells the laoshes what to do and so it's not blaspheming god to wear the mask i do think it's unhealthy and i don't and i think you're right uh tests have proven that it does not prevent the transmission of the virus and in fact could even be unhealthy for the wearer so it's not blaspheming god whatsoever i think it is unnecessary um but if the if the ushers mandated they've been told to mandate it and when they uh enforce it so strongly again they may have also lost perspective themselves but um obedience to a church if it says you must wear a mask if you enter and we do i i haven't been to a church that has mandated that but i know many churches do uh our present church here in beloit does not bless it be god forever mandate masks and yet there are a number of people who may wear masks as their own choice is perfectly fine um but if you're if you need to wear a mask we go into stores and says not allowed unless you have a mask we put a mask on so it don't make it an issue it's just nothing before god it's not a blasphemy go ahead thank you so much and do stick to your guns on the uh back to you good good sylvia god bless you dear was there something else no i i really am appreciative of your program thank you so much thank you sylvia god bless you and we're going to go to colin from canada um hi colin i think you called in yesterday right yes i did thank you very much thanks colin for calling in again today go ahead um yes i um essentially i'm calling because i am uh right now living at home with my uh three siblings and mother and father and um i guess something struck me in your program yesterday as you spoke about a modesty and dress and i guess i was wondering what your counsel may be regarding what i should do if i see my sisters or perhaps my mother dressing them modestly they are all practicing catholics should i just pray for them should i say something yeah that's not easy colin that's that's a hard one but um [Music] perhaps um it's a it's a hard one your three siblings uh how many of them are sisters um uh well i have four siblings um the three though i was referencing one of them just sister and then the one that's um out of the house right now i also she's also a sister of mine yes yes okay um if if one only one of them in the house where you're living as a sister um is she younger than you or older she's younger yeah okay um you know what i would do um you're over 18 right and how old is she um she's 12. good okay um how about if you tell her you'd like to take her on a date of a sort meaning uh spend some wonderful time brother and sister time and either take her to dinner or uh go to the park spend some time with her she'll probably be honored by that i don't know your relationship but a 12 year old to have an older brother want to spend personal time with her might really give her a boost in her dignity and self-confidence and if you remain brotherly and kind um and just take her out and say you know i just want us to grow closer the times out there are getting harder and worse and and i want to help you and support you and what is school like and and what are your friends like find out about her life and not as someone who is judging her but a real older brother a friend but not a an older brother who's kind who loves her and who respects her that i don't know your relationship now but if you take that interest in her my guess is that she will feel enormously valued and whether it's on the first outing or the next you could say you know um i'm going to suggest something to you from a man's point of view because you're 12 and you're going to start dating hopefully she hasn't yet but whatever and many many women uh dress you know we we know the world today half of them are naked they are half naked and tight clothing and wanting to show off their bodies and all of that and um that may make sense to a woman who wants to be attractive to men or get their attention but i want to tell you from a man's point of view that a woman that a man wants to date with the prospect of marriage is a woman who values herself who values her body who is modest in her dress in her speech in her walk and all of that because when a man sees a woman immodestly dressed tight clothing low-cut tops short skirts whatever it is tight pants he just assumes that she's going to be with a number of men because there's nothing feminine or modest about her but when a woman dress modestly she's not looking to show off her body she gives the message that she values herself and that she's preserving herself for the man that god would bring to her and so um you know and you could say to her you know i could i if if that's something you want my big brotherly and manly help with i'd love to help you with that you know do it i would just do it gently so the focus isn't her dress the focus is her that you value her and that you're speaking to her not just as a big brother not just on moral issues but as someone who deeply cares and loves her and wants her to know from a man's perspective what beauty is about you think that would help cullen certainly do mother thank you very much this has been a great aid oh i'm so glad colin god bless you dear one and you'll be you'll be an example also to your brothers um god bless all of you there's our closing music and have a blessed weekend pray have hope don't lose hope ever as long as we have god there is hope and we'll be back with you on monday god bless you [Music] the i catholic radio mobile app is 2
Channel: The Station of the Cross
Views: 2,672
Rating: 4.9306359 out of 5
Id: 12bGgIyLVO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 10sec (3430 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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