"Mother Earth" How to make a globe out of wood, resin, cotton and paint. Wood turning, Vase.

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alrighty one of my favorite things is astronomy the whole James Webb think telescope thing has been amazing for me and my favorite thing of all is seeing photos of the Earth from space and if you're a flat earther through uh save it through so many science classes you can't convince me it's not a globe anyway that's beside the point so I want to recreate this in a vase vessel thing and it's presented some challenges um I think this is the first time I'm gonna have to do two pours on purpose this is gonna be a learning experience no way around it but it's going to be fun and who doesn't want a ridiculous challenge that you can only pull off half of right that's kind of my mantra all right let's see what we can do I think I mentioned before that um we bought this bit of property in um near Salt Lake City in Utah and had a bunch of trees and it lots of trees the place had kind of been abandoned for a few years and then I had a bunch of rental renters in it that didn't really take care of the place and when we took over and bought the thing there was a huge willow tree that was mostly dead a bunch of scrub Oak anyway I chopped them all up with some help from a professional company because this Willow Tree was like four or five feet across big big tree threw them in a in our wood pile and left in there to rot maybe to burn one day yeah I didn't really have plans it wasn't really a woodworker at all and here I am what like eight eight years later fishing them out of the wood plow they're cured they've cracked and they are what they are so I'm just kind of using what I've got um I didn't have the luxury of prepping the ends and preventing the cracking and all that but turns out the way I like to make things doesn't really matter um I kind of like using cracked old wood it's a fairly realistic representation of what you typically find out there that being said I do appreciate Woodworkers that take the timer to make a piece of art or a bowl or whatever out of a perfect piece of wood and without any blemish I think there's a real skill to that too but that's why you see me using really crummy looking wood because like that's what I've got but also that suits what I'm doing you'll notice as I go along that I had a much bigger Longer log than wide meaning if I was going for a globe I was going to waste a lot of wood and I knew that going in but I also knew that I needed to do two different resin pours to create the ocean and then the Cloudy layer of the globe and I needed connecting some ridges where I could connect my plastic sheeting to create the a temporary mold for the for the resin to limit the amount of resin waste and so that's why I left quite a bit of wood on there so I could have plenty of room to work plenty of places I could attach and then destroy later foreign sorry if you're wondering what art for our is um a couple of us who volunteered for operation Underground Railroad this is a a group that goes around the world trying to save kids from sex trafficking rings and and such um we decided to start a website that would support artists who would like to support operation Underground Railroad so if you go there now we've got about I think we finally cracked that 100 Artist Mark which blows my mind um and we've got artists donating everything any form of art some I hadn't even heard of before we started this not have donated things um not all professionals some amateur I put myself in that category um but everybody's heart's in the right place and as Christmas is approaching um consider jumping on that website and grabbing something for friends and family anywhere from 50 to 100 percent of the proceeds go to operation undergo railroad then uh I can't think of a better cause try to save kids from modern day slavery around the world I think we finally cracked the 85 000 Mark we've raised so far in the last year and a half or so love to hit a hundred thousand by the end of the year but we'll see if we get there it's going to be close I like this Willow Wood it also has a nice grain to it it's got a nice look nice color a nice warm color to it one of the bigger challenges for this project was getting a map that wasn't distorted that fit my Globe the size it was a bigger challenge than you think one of the frustrating things is I thought this map looked pretty good you know sometimes it's distorted because it's hard to take a globe and put it turn it into a map in the first place so we're going reverse try to put a map on a globe and the thing that frustrates me is that map looked pretty good somehow somehow between the cutting it out tracing it and cutting the wood some uh some things got pretty distorted I think I owe a personal apology to anybody on the Arabian Peninsula I think I cut you out completely somehow sorry about that anyway I kind of butchered some of your country so sorry about that nothing personal I'm not sure what happened to Northern Europe but it uh turned into a long skinny thing it's harder than it looks first attempt I'm actually pretty pretty happy with it in the end could have slowed down and taken more time on it for sure but uh one thing that was on my mind this whole time was I I really wanted to show the swirling clouds that's my favorite part of a photo from space over the Earth and unfortunately I didn't quite capture that as as well as I wanted but because that was my goal I wasn't too I wasn't too focused on making the continents perfect because I didn't think you'd see him anyway so I just wanted some pretty good detail but not perfect and the clouds didn't show up as as detailed as I wanted or as dense um so anyway you live and you learn I think I say that every project definitely we'll be doing this again this is quite a learning process and the end result is one of my favorite projects so far so a big thank you to Graf uh for donating some carving discs they sent some over for me to use I believe they're from Lithuania it's pretty cool I love their carving discs I've yet to find a better instrument or tool for roughing out large amounts of wood where a chainsaw would be too much and it's it's too much for a like a Dremel or one of those little handheld rotary carving tools so big fan of these graph carving discs you'll notice I drilled a bunch of holes initially uh that's my depth gauge um I drilled them all a very specific depth um so as I was carving with the disc especially out in the middle of these bigger ocean areas I would know that I would hit the right depth I wasn't just winging it I have a what's called a RotoZip it's like a dremelon steroids super powerful they have these multi-purpose tips that are great for wood and uh for this project especially it was great for um carving out some of the smaller details I tell you what's impossible Canada Canada is impossible what the heck my Canadians there's about a gajillion Lakes up there I did not do you justice sorry about that um again I was really hoping to cover everything up with really awesome swirly clouds and uh I think out about 30 percent of that what I wanted on that so anyway I'm sure I'm going to hear a lot of belly aching about what the heck did you do to my country yeah don't take a deep personal quick shout out to one of our awesome sponsors it's trumy t-r-o-o-m-i they are a smartphone for kids um my brother started this company in the with the worry that when a kid has access to the internet then connection to strangers that they get promo they get uh taking advantage of quite a lot that's that's a lot of how a lot of how a lot of kids get stuck in sex torsion type scenarios and uh there's just a lot of adult things that kids don't need to be seeing you know and so I applaud him for starting that and we've partnered together and anytime you sign up and use our code in the video description at trumy you get 30 I'm sorry 30 bucks off your subscription and we donate 50 bucks to operation Underground Railroad so if you know anyone who's got teenagers looking for a smartphone that's not too accessible to the entire world it's a great place to go I find that they're much better than those gab phones we try those ones with our kids but had a much better success so this round of painting was kind of a test run I knew I was going to be sanding this off anyway but I just wanted to see what colors looked good and what I should be doing and thinking about so I've mentioned before one of the biggest challenges with doing these big pores um it's impossible to find bowls and vases and different vessels to match the shape of the bowl I'm making every time because I make a different shape every time so I have a huge collection of bowls from a secondhand store that I'm never going to use because I finally figured out how to do this uh temporary mold um this is some plastic sheeting from Home Depot it doesn't really have much of a name this one's it was called the electric paneling covering um but a semi-rigid plastic Sheen that you can cut up just kind of generic stuff and by cutting in strips and super gluing on each end creates a nice mold so I'm not wasting too much resin when I put it in the pressure pot um I've learned to leave one um section loose so that when I pour the resin it can actually get into my mold I've gotten too good at making these molds I had one that was almost airtight the the chest one I did and so there were some big huge bubbles in there so leave one open so the resin can easily get down in there I like to Triple bag these because man all you need is one leak and you will ruin your pressure pot uh one of my one of my videos shows that in every painstaking detail uh thank you to whoever suggested rice dry rice is great I used to use sand it was too uh Dusty um stuff's much more lightweight so I can actually transfer this inner liner pot from from vacuum chamber to pressure pot without a problem and it doesn't rot because here in Utah it is super dry and it doesn't seem to go bad at all for my kind of projects where it's big 3D object whereas a million places to trap bubbles um I like to do vacuum chamber and a pressure pot I also like to use this long deep pore long setting deep pore resin by total boat it's called fathom uh f-a-t-h-o-m it's great stuff you can go they say up to three inches I've done four or five if you can keep the temperature down but it's great stuff works like a charm temperature control is just huge you've got to keep this when you're doing this much resin at the time you got to keep it down well below let's say 60 degrees maybe the low 50s I wanted this project to be somewhat transparent but dense enough to still get that ocean fill so I keep pouring it into this little cup at about the depth of the thickness I wanted my walls to be the end to make sure that I got that fill but it wasn't so dense that I couldn't see through it you know what I'm saying so and I did three different colors of blue I wanted to see some ocean currents you know kind of the different variations you can see in the ocean which worked out pretty good I thought foreign this is a 10 gallon vacuum chamber one of the reasons for this is it helps because the wood is in the resin it helps Evacuate the air bubbles that are within the wood and it helps the resin set very deep into the wood which helps it bind very well and it also gets rid of these little these little dang pockets in the wood that will leave trailing bubbles of of air as it as the resin sets so this is a really good way to get rid of that problem and that's that's pretty much solved that issue and then I like to put in the pressure pot where it will cure for a number of days and that squeezes any remaining micro bubbles you got from mixing or whatever down to Invisible and and that usually solves the issue so those are the temperatures I have been working with I've got this little chest freezer it gets a little too cold in there and so I put a little fan on the top to circulate the air so the bottom doesn't freeze um and I think I figured this thing out I think I finally got to the point where I can do big old thick pores I'm not getting bubbles um it's not overheating and cracking and I think I've got a good system now the one one final wrinkle I need to figure out is that on occasion I'll get a little tiny bubble trapped on the underside of some object I put in the resin I'm not sure how to solve that issue maybe uh because the bubble could have risen at any point right but maybe jostling around shaking it at different stages would have helped but it's kind of hard to do when you get a pact and all this rice and everything but those aren't bad you can barely see them especially in this very complex project foreign somebody gave me the idea to wrap the Tenon and Tuck tape and that worked out really well helps if you end up spilling some resin on it or it's too deep that really makes a difference in preserving the Tenon which is absolutely critical if you have to reshape your Tenon or recenter it just a little bit on one side translates into an inch or two on the other side and you lose your subject been down that road a million times so however you Center the project you have to get back to that so that it's perfect and so preserving the tenant is is a very important I don't mind in the first stage of turning big resin projects chipping away at it like that I have learned though to stop early on otherwise you could get some deep cracks because of that chipping but it speeds it along if you don't do that you'll be streaming off ribbons of resin until you die so once I get it pretty much roughed out now I'll turn into it I'll turn to a negative rake negative angle uh carbide tip which will help smooth it down quickly and gets what I want just remember that um your subscription you're turning on the notifications and watching these videos helps me raise money for operation I'm going to Railroad I I don't need 100 of what I earn and generate to them so it's a good cause love to have your support we are about to hit 30 000 subscribers and that I cannot believe that that's just amazing so thank you for supporting me with my crazy art projects and my my reasoning for doing it not only because I love art to make I love creating but I love doing something for these kids that are in trouble initially I was going to have a bit of a stand on the bottom a pedestal for it to sit on and then a kind of a lip at the top like a vase and I unfortunately chipped it so badly that it broke off and honestly in the end I'm glad that all I ended up with is a little pedestal on the bottom and no lip on top it just really wasn't what I was going for it's too fancy you know I just wanted a simple Globe look and so I'm not actually sad that didn't work out but you wonder why I worked so hard on the end of it for a while there and that's that's what I was thinking foreign making a perfect sphere there are a lot of different techniques for that and I decided on this one to employ the ancient technique of wing it I just I don't know I knew I was going to be changing the shape of it and trying different things I just decided to eyeball and I think it turned out pretty well when I look at it now I don't look at it and go oh dang it's off center you know but I did get close to losing my outer layer once I made it if you watch really carefully I I get really thin on one side but worked out pretty well foreign this was a big undertaking I think the hardest thing was I've essentially made two bowls in one this first layer had to be sanded to Perfection otherwise you'd see the imperfections through the clear layer I did later uh so how to get a perfect finish twice and I spare you here two things happen so I ended up finishing this thing like three times but one of them was um this Sprite having a steady rest on here and everything it popped off and broke my Tenon at one point it was a little too aggressive and I had to resend it just because it gouged it and then um I think I put my multi-rest the steady rest on too tightly and ran it too fast because the wills which typically don't leave a mark one of them melted he you watch close he leaves a ring of melted plastic in there and just about cried and that happened because I just sand it all down again which takes a while the full sanding process takes at least an hour or two when you're doing dealing with clear resin you want it perfectly smooth I mean it's it takes a good little while so anyway I really like how the ocean turned out this is one thing resin suited perfectly for is water or an ocean look clouds are tricky I tried a bunch of different things I um ordered some Angel clay I'd seen people make really cool clouds and resin with that but this stuff was so dense and I couldn't get it if I couldn't feather it out like I wanted to at this scale it's great for little clouds but not big ones that you might want to see through a little bit now maybe I just need to learn how to manipulate better but so I ditched that plan I tried some I was making this around Halloween so tried some fake cobweb stuff and it that looked manufactured so I ended up with cotton balls stretching them out and the I already here is I put a ton on there and I thought man it doesn't look good it doesn't look like I wanted it's gonna look like a three-year-old did it and then when I put it through the next pouring of resin which was just clear resin the stuff about disappeared perhaps I should have done a test run first to see what it would do but I don't have time for that I'm gonna just March forward so instead of getting a lovely big swirly clouds um you get wispy clouds which you can barely see which is fine it turned out it's got its own character to it for sure but uh I went from I thought I did way too much and looking like crap to uh way too little I could have done far more and I actually like how it looks in the clear resin how it kind of made a little more translucent um so if I attempt this again I'm going to put a ton on there and hopefully get that mother earth look and it's so famous it's um one thing to put a big project like this in a big bucket and waste three gallons of resin and it's quite another thing to create a custom mold every time to save resin and to keep the walls from getting so thick that they overheat when they set and crack and all that um so this custom molding approach has worked well the trick is finding plastic that's rigid enough that it can hold up against the the weight of the resin inside and the sand or rice or whatever you use on the outside but still flexible enough to actually use so I like this stuff I keep looking for something new but that's kind of the idea one little thing I've learned the hard way is when I put my resin in a pressure pot it's going to settle it uh when you compress all the little tiny air bubbles and the resin you lose volume and so I've learned to put in there for an hour or two and then keep a little resin on the side to top it off I've had some really sad moments where I realized that the top of third of my project was exposed and without resin but if you top it off after an hour or two you're good it usually doesn't settle much after that so lessons I've learned the hard way foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] well in the end um it's one of my favorite projects it was a ton of work but uh I don't really keep track the hours when I'm working in the shop put the kids to bed if I still have energy go out and work in the shop and uh make something cool let's good for the soul I think so thank you for your support always appreciated I'll uh leave you with a Merry Christmas thanksgiving's coming up here in the United States happy Hanukkah Kwanzaa whatever it is you do um I will see you on the next project so thank you so much for your support and have a great one take care foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Art Giving Hope: Woodwork, Resin, Photography
Views: 269,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood turning, crafts, ourrescue.org, lathe work, bowls, wood bowls, resin bowls, acrylic on canvas, acrylic painting, paint, homemade projects, Tim Ballard, OUR, O.U.R, O.U.R. Rescue, trapeze painting, turning resin, acrylic pouring, dan preece, operation underground railroad, OURRESCUE.ORG, wood carving, Dan Preece foot surgeon, paint can painting, stop child sex trafficking, podiatry, foot and ankle, surgery, foot pain, artforour.org, kim tippin, Nick Zammeti, pohl barn
Id: fpXWu6JjVmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 14sec (2354 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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