Woodturning - It's "OUT OF THIS WORLD!"

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hi everybody Welcome to sprag wood turning my name is Jim if you haven't been here before this is predominantly a turning Channel where each and every week I teach people how to make things on the wood lathe this week we're going to be working with some beautiful black wallnuts can never go wrong with black wallet now I've got two of these and I want to put them natural Edge natural Edge together and what I want to put between this are glow-in-the-dark Globes so I want to pour a whole bunch of glow-in-the-dark Globes I might do some hypershift Globes uh I don't know there's a whole lot of things we can do but uh anyway the first thing that we need to do is pour them Globes so that we can get those in the pressure pot and then we'll be able to uh clean up these pieces and get them ready for casting so let's do that all right so here's a selection of molds that we're going to use uh hopefully this will be enough uh there's a couple of things that I need to do these small little silicone Globes are very hard to fill without them falling over so we're going to glue those down onto that and with this piece I find that uh I mean this is made for ice it's not so much made for resin but it certainly works for resin uh I want to glue this shot cuz I I find a lot of times it wants to push apart and separate and and I might do the same thing for this one as well happy Friday everyone glad you could stop in to watch this week's video and I do upload at 9:00 a.m. eastern every Friday so please join us these ones here I'm not too concerned about cuz I've got these little feet these little Globe molds work uh but you know they're very hard to get the Globes out of and very hard to do it without damaging them so if you have a recommendation for a better Globe setup uh please let me know in the comments this week we're going to be using arcast or should say we're going to be us an artcast for the Globes anyway that way we're able to move forward with the project tomorrow that's the great thing about artcast in the Pro Series you know 24 hours later you'll be able to move forward with your project and you're not held up uh please mix your epoxy very thoroughly that way you won't have any issues when it comes to Casting all right we'll start with these four need one more actually so as you watch me mix up these pigments uh yeah we're going to be doing a glow-in-the-dark themed project I think that it's going to look really cool with the globes in there especially with this black walnut so and and as you can see I'm mixing these pigments very heavy heavy that's one thing about um glow pigments you really need to mix them really strong in order to get kind of the desired effect you're looking for been getting a few emails about epoxy not curing properly and uh usually especially this time of year if you've got your pressure pot sitting on the floor in your Workshop well designer poxy need 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit to cure and if it's sitting on the floor it's probably not getting that temperature okay so this epoxy is kind of on the cold side so I'm having a bit of a hard time here mixing in these uh these colors so I'm just going to take these in and set them by the heater in my clean room for probably about 10 minutes and then I'll be able to mix these up and then we'll do the pour shouldn't say mix these up we'll be able to pour these so we still had a little bit of epoxy left so I figured that I would mix some more up uh we're going to use some Caribbean Blue and along with that we're going to put in some blood red and then a couple of hypers shifts you know I like my hypers shift purple blue and green and blue green and gold one of these days we're going to do just a straightup hypers shift project love the stuff all right it's only been about 10 minutes everything's mixed up nicely now I'm just going to pour H I'm going to pour probably yeah I'm going to pour one of each of these see how big of a mess we can make so I definitely want the main globes to be glow-in-the-dark uh the other ones can come in later on another thing that I really makes pieces like this is when you've got different sizes and I really wish that I had a better variety of sizes than what I do have don't get me wrong I think that this is a beautiful vase I absolutely love it and hopefully you guys do as well but um the main focus for me was the glow-in-the-dark pigments and so that's why you're going to see more of that than anything else so much for that being glued down all right those are good now these mystery molds I'll call them that because as you're putting the the material into them you can't really see what's going on so I don't know I'm just adding some of the red with a hypers shift and the and the forever glow pigments uh I'm just trying to this epoxy was was starting to thicken up so you know you've got to move along here at a fairly rapid speed for it for you to get the best use of it but uh anyway when you put multiple pigments into a globe mold like this sometimes you can get some really cool looks with it I think this mold is separating that's too hard now I think we'll be able to do something with that so in this little planet series that I'm doing we've done a hollow form already uh this is going to be the vase and eventually I'll when I get done here I don't really have enough Globes to basically fill this casting and you'll see like it it's quite a large casting so whenever you've got excess epoxy left over from a por it's always good to have something on hand like this that you can pour that into and then hopefully you'll be able to use those later on down the road in a different project and that way you're not wasting your epoxy well that's it all right I'm going to quickly get these in the pressure pot I don't know if it's going to make a difference at this point but it's uh it's worth a shot anyway see you tomorrow okay well it's the next day um things are kind of welded to each other don't know exactly what's Happening Here that should be cool these flat spots I'll grind these down and we'll stick them I don't know on the outside of the bucket probably this is the only real full one again those two glow-in-the darks together should look pretty cool hopefully anyway little bit of red in that one red and then glowinthedark same thing so these aren't meant to be used for resin I believe these are just for making ice uh it's certainly you could say it worked but it didn't work uh I don't think there were too much money so that's one of the reasons why I bought it but there's probably better ones out there so there's that what you do with that now if you do have these molds just be careful when you're taking these out because they uh can be really sharp on the upper edge here that's got some really cool patterns in it again with the glow-in-the-dark lots of air bubbles on this one at the top this things will drive you crazy lots of hypers shift there I just wrecked one that's another cool hypers shift one too on the larger molds the silicone is a lot thicker so you can be more abusive with it but these smaller Globes not so much finally uh anyway we'll be able to use a lot of these but I'll have to clean up all those flashing so the question I've got right now is do I have enough um H I don't know we're going to have to figure that out as we go I guess so the next thing that I'm going to do right now is try and give these big globes a tooth of some sort and I'm going to try and use my um I've got a little rock tumbler and I want to try that and see how it works so in the last video uh Planet series video I was suggested that I use a rock tumbler and I happen to have one I was using this to take the Shine off of aluminum chunks so that we could inlay those I don't I was actually looking for silica sand but I thought I had some in my sand blaster but I don't so this is the sand that comes with the rock tumbler and uh I'm just going to take all of these that are nice and shiny and drop drop them in here and we'll see what happens I don't know if it's going to work or not but we won't know until we try so I'll throw this on the tumbler here if I can get it closed while we're cleaning up these let's see how we do I think it's very important to try and give these Globes a tooth that way when we cast them again there's no adhesion issues uh the reason why I'm wearing rubber gloves is because they're easier to hold on to these things are very slick and I must have dropped these about a dozen times but the smaller ones are too small to grab a hold of and hold on to safely okay that's enough of that I'd say that's been in at least 40 minutes so it's going to be interesting to see what it looks like uh I just want to check on these to make sure I'm not wasting my time and if the shine is gone off them really that's all I'm looking for there you go I think it's good yeah definitely is I'm just going to give it a little bit longer H do we throw those in there too sure why not if I keep making these I may have to invest in a larger tumbler see you in about half hour so while we're waiting on our Globes to be tumbled I figured that it would be a good opportunity to size these uh two pieces of black walnut they do have anchor seal on the ends of them so it was important to get rid of that prior casting and the main reason for that because the epoxy won't stick to it and what can happen is if if you've got a piece mounted on the lathe and it's been covered in Anchor seal then big chunks of epoxy can come off and hit you and you definitely don't want that so I did tilt my band saw 3° that's uh usually most of the buckets that I use the cast with it um that that will be the correct setting uh again depends on what you're casting bucket wise uh you may have to adjust that but as a general rule 3° works on um most of the buckets I have and then of course got to clean it up with the brass coated brush just to give a nice tooth for the epoxy to bond to and clean it up cuz it looked kind of uh parts of it were not the best of shape and blow it blowing it out is very important too all right that's been I at least another half hour I would say unplug this cuz I think that we're going to be good to go after that yep it's all scratched up that's good now I don't know if I'm going to use these Half Moon ones but I am going to clean these these do kind of have a residue on them now so I'm going to have to take them inside the uh the house and clean them since I don't have uh a sink out here I will be right [Music] back I wanted to GL these in place for a couple of reasons I don't want them moving around that's probably the main one but I don't want to put a weight on it either that may affect our design once that hardens up we'll be able to uh install the rest of the Globes uh so anyway these are cleaned up you can see how it's kind of a matte light here it's kind of a matte surface and then in there it's nice and shiny so you know that the uh the rock tumbler worked very well the other thing I've done is I've taken six of those half Globes and glued them together so we'll put those in like that um and of course all the Globes have been cleaned off these flat spots we'll have to be careful when we move when we glue these in that they're on the outside anyway I'm just waiting on this and we'll be able to move on move on further so when I'm placing these globes in here you know I'm I'm trying to take up as much room as we can this is a really really deep casting and you know if we don't try and take up as much room as we can here almost guaranteed that we're going to get some some thermal cracking so and again you know layout I I was just trying to really fit them in and just try and make the best use of them ideally they would be spaced out like larger and smaller and kind of Clump together uh anyway in the end I like the look of it and I'm happy with the way that it uh turned out for this pour we're going to be using deep casting epoxy from designer epoxy I believe that this was an 11in deep pore so you know if you're uh if you're not using deep casting epoxy you're definitely going to be in trouble and I think this is certainly one of the best and of course the keep with the space thing we're use some black pearl and of course some hypers shift purple blue and green is what we're going to put in the main casting I really like this hypers shift it is blue dominant but uh I really really like this color hypers shift all right I'm going to go in and um get the casting into the pressure pot and we will do the pour in there because uh this is probably going to be very heavy afterwards so all right this is 3 l I'm going to go on a limb and say that this is not going to do it but I guess we'll find out well that's going to take at least I'd say another liter and a half I need to fill this up as as high as I can because I know this Wood's going to absorb a lot of that resin be right back right here's another liter and a half ideally I'd like to see that a little higher but all I'm going to do is burn some bubbles off and get the lid on it get it pressurized we're p Pusher luck here uh I haven't measured the depth on this but I'm going to say it's at least 10 in so any wait torch coming up well how you doing that looks like some pretty stuff right there uh you know over the last few years since doing resin casting I've I've seen some weird things and for whatever reason this is swelled out on the bottom it's not resin uh this came this is actually 5 days later and excuse me the first 3 days uh when they were done I took it out of the pressure PLT set on the bench and just been busy doing other things but uh this has happened while I was sitting on the bench so uh anyway let's see what we're dealing with hopefully this comes out nice and easy because I don't have this is my last bucket like this and I definitely don't want to break it looks like our bubble's getting smaller on the bottom anyway so I guess that's a good thingo finally and I managed to save the bucket too that's the that was the most important thing well I do not see any thermal [Music] cracking this when that was poured it was probably 11 in deep sitting at 10 and a half right now so that is awesome all right cool let's get some centers and uh get this on the Lea that'll do just fine fairly low RPM at 475 uh anything above that it was uh it was vibrating too badly and you know again don't get caught up in RPM Mount the piece on the lathe dial up your speed once it vibrates back it off until it stops vibrating and then um Carry On uh I should mention we are using the number three Hercules from Hunter tool systems and of course there is a link in the description to get 10% off your next order uh absolutely love this tool treat it exactly like a gouge for for the most part so if you're used to using a bull gouge this will be easy transition to switch to this and you won't be sharpening 20 times every time you uh work with epoxy uh there are lots of other carbide tool manufacturers out there uh I do have a competitor to Hunter tools and I'll be honest with you I struggled to use it and uh soon as I got my hands on the Hercules I found it very easy transition like I said earlier from the bull gouge to the Hercules because essentially they're treated the same when you're using them so once we've stripped off the excess epoxy and relieved the majority of the wood then we'll be able to essentially come up with a design now going into this I pretty much had a design in my head that I wanted to use that I think would make the best use use of these globes that are in this casting so that was one factor but you know unfortunately to give it some style you're going to end up losing some um some Globes I mean that's just that's just all there is to it there's really no way around it um you could I suppose not in a casting like this because they're combined together with the epoxy but if you have a solid piece of wood then of course you can basically rough it out to the D that you're looking at and then of course wrap it in plastic and and fix any uh areas that would need epoxy that way and of course that is the most effective way to save on epoxy cuz hey it's not cheap but uh I actually really like combining pieces and so unfortunately that's not really an option for me most times when I'm when I'm resin casting uh I do have some pieces coming up here in the future where I'm going to do that kind of um that type of casting where it's a solid piece of wood and we'll turn it and then we'll we'll go from there but uh they're still in the Kil still drying I think they've been in there for a good solid six months so it might be coming up here soon um it's nice Maple pieces anyway uh I know that are people a lot of people really appreciate these Pand views uh essentially how I'm holding the gouge this piece eventually I put it up I think it goes to 750 and that's about as high as I can get on this piece the uh something this size 1,200 Max I probably wouldn't go any higher than that and again from a safety standpoint the sooner you can get this mounted in the Chuck the safer it's going to be used uh it's going to be to to work a piece like this cuz yes you're pinched between centers and it certainly can come off the laay in any moment uh really important safety thing is to just drill those little recesses like I did before we mounted it uh between centers and then that way it's well it's a lot more securely held on the lathe I will give you the weekly house selling update uh we did actually have a showing and uh it looked actually quite positive they had booked um another showing which is usually a very good uh sign and then canceled it they said that they wanted to be closer to town and uh I'm only about 5 minutes from town here so I don't really know how much closer they want to get but anyway it wasn't for them and maybe we'll see them a little later on as well once they if they can't find something that's uh consuit their needs but again the uh real estate market here is still quite flat um still waiting for the military to cut messages and for people to come in on house on you trips so uh hopefully that will be the case and um we'll be able to move forward with our lives and and the new house in uh the Brunswick and the move and workshop it's all it's all a little bit overwhelming to be quite honest with you uh trying to trying to um do any planning is pretty much impossible until the host sells um yeah anyway that's that's that's all I got for this week hopefully we'll get some showings this weekend so while I was talking I I don't know if you noticed but I did put a Tenon on what will be the top and reversed it so now I'm just cleaning off what's going to be the bottom here and we're going to again put an ingrain glue block on the bottom of this that way of course I can do mult coats of finish and uh you know put my hands on the work I'll briefly talk about last week's uh video and of course that was the two-part series on making the lamp in a resin shade to go with it uh little disappointed in the video's performance I know that we're coming in the spring now and I know that people are busy working outdoors and and getting getting things ready for spring so I totally get that uh but for the most part uh most people I think liked it I know that a lot were hoping that there'd be more wood in it but I used two plastic bowls basically as a mold and it just was very difficult to try and find pieces that would work in a casting like that so you know that's why the just a small piece of wood at the very top I did post some pictures on the community tab of uh it being used with a black light and it's pretty much exactly what I want it so uh anyway uh thanks to those who watched it and thanks special thanks to the membership and if you want to become a member of my channel it's $2.99 a month Canadian and um for that I'll upload pictures through the week of the casting as it's being made I might even start throwing a little bit of personal stuff in there do but um anyway thank you so much to the membership I really do appreciate it all right we've got the excess epoxy stripped off still need to reveal a little bit of the wood here but you know for the most part we're uh we can get a good look at this and see what's happening uh one thing I want to do is try a black light on this and see where this stuff is at yeah that's pretty cool especially that one these will glow eventually but they need to be charged up oh yeah look at that that just looks like a like a a moon or like a straight up a planet see with that one very cool one little one there neat it's unfortunate you know but we're going to probably lose some of this stuff but you know I was really right from the get-go because this is so long I was really thinking about just tapering this off into a foot and tapering this off and you know just kind of one of these numbers and um that way you know if you were to say put a black light inside of this that all these should shine through that way we're going to limit how much of this we're going to lose as well because we certainly could lose a lot if we go in a different direction so you know I think I'm just going to taper this off first on the bottom here cuz this is going to be our bottom and then um I don't know we'll try and figure this out as we go anyway let me know in the comments what you think so far you know today it's 16° C and like okay I'm going to open the the uh the door here to the to the garage and um nothing but mosquitoes I had to close the doors because I was being eaten alive by mosquitoes and there's still the odd one kicking around here oh I just can't win so one of the things that I really like to do in the spring is open up the shop get some air flow through it and uh you know we've been cooped up here all winter long unable to open the doors unless you know you're you're willing to wear a jacket on a on a fairly warm winter day if you're going to do some say some stabilizing and cooking uh cooking the the stabilizing resin but uh yeah I was I was actually really surprised uh we've got an early spring this year uh which is great and welcome because we certainly haven't had one of those my wife and I actually were thinking about this the other day that you know that the year that we built this house in 2010 was the last early spring that we've had and uh so uh I was so looking forward to having that nice fresh air flowing through the workshop but uh you know I was going to have to go and get a get a deposit to to replace all the fluids I was losing to these mosquitoes uh but anyway that's uh that's life here in eastern Ontario and uh it won't be long before blackflies come so that's just an added [Music] bonus so things are progressing along quite nicely here especially near the foot and you'll see me take some off and take a step back and have a look at things and try and see if I'm happy with that uh I will mention that the cutter is just cutting fantastic you can tell by the shine that's left on the wood afterwards uh and essentially that's just the the basically the bevel burn burnishing the the surface of the wood but usually you won't get that shine unless you're cutting things quite cleanly so that's our first real look at it um that area right there looks really nice it's going to be lots of chatoyant there so you know overall I go back and I refine the foot a little bit later on but for the most part this is the design that I'm going to go with and and this will showcase the Globes and showcase the wood the best I think uh you know it was important to me to try and leave as much wood in here as possible and of course uh trying to get all of those Globes to be in the final casting is is another goal here and that this shape certainly lends to that I often forget that you know we we're not just all wood Turners that watch my content and the word chatoyance may be foreign to a lot of people but essentially if you look at a piece of wood and say it's got a real rippley looking grain in it and uh but of course when you rub your hand on it's nice and smooth that's what I'm referring to when I when I say the word chatoyant and it it kind of shiver shimmers when you move it in the light kind of like a hypers shift if you will as you can see I've got the steady rest in place now to drill this piece out uh don't even think about trying this without a steady rest because it's probably going to go really bad for you I believe uh the 2 in is the largest bit that I used here enough to get the Jacobs Chuck in deep enough and of course got the tail stock extender in as well since the travel on this tail stock is is not good uh anyway I've got a bit that's 3 in but it takes a lot of demand and effort this is a two horsepower lathe and and it sometimes if you a little too aggressive with it uh it certainly can bog the lathe down uh this size here is good enough for me I don't think that I need it really anything larger than this but I do have the 3 in I should try that again sometime so before we set up the Hallow rig I'm going to open up this opening as big as I can and um you're going to see me do a technique that uh I don't think I've ever shown here on on on the channel and and that's I'm going to be turning this from the other side of the lathe the back side of the lathe if you will uh uh if you're not aware I am left-handed so this is not comfortable for me to do cuz of course you're the back your back hand of course is your power hand so by going to the other side of the lathe and leaving the lathe running forward if you're working on the back side of the lathe it is a lot more comfortable to do this than it is to stand in front of the lathe uh a lot of times I envy U rties it is a Right End world and a lot of times just these are forgotten about but um this actually worked quite well and I was able to remove a fair bit of material before we even set up the the uh the Halloween rig which is coming up [Music] soon all right we are all set up and ready for hollowing this is the retrofit tool from Hunter tool systems Link in the description and of course this is the ctive system from oneway.cab in yet uh we got a lot of material to remove before we're worried about lasers uh yeah I got the steady rest in decided to throw some of this painters tape on here I guess it's not going to hurt uh this is actually a fairly deep uh vase I think it's 9 and 12 inches is what I measured from the top to the bottom here so you know um we're going to be able to stick hopefully with just the solid boring bar here and uh hopefully just with the retrofit tool as well anyway I've got my bolt in the back here so that the cap bars can't slide through there well up against that so we can't do it anyway but that's just a bit little bit of insurance and uh yeah uh I think what we're going to do though is call our quits here tonight and uh we'll be at this first thing in the morning I think this is going to be really cool I'm hoping it's going to be cool let me know what you think I guess I should show this this is the eclipse it's 3 3:30 in the afternoon so kind of I don't want to put my camera at things too long but that's kind of what it's like here it's weird kind of like a gray winter day but it's only 3:30 in the afternoon different and that's your Clips update hopefully you enjoyed it uh actually two or three hours south of here near the Kingston area Kingston Ontario I think that was one of the Prime viewing areas so um uh it was a it was a neat thing uh not the first one I've been through actually the I can't even remember the last one we had it looked even weirder than than that outside so I knew that you know if I didn't say something that people will be wondering about the eclipse and how it looked here but that's what it was it wasn't anything overly spectacular that's for sure so this piece here did actually have some thermal cracking on the inside of it and it wasn't until we got deeper into this that uh we seen it uh it in the end it wasn't a big deal because I was able to turn it away I didn't even throw any glue in it or anything like that yeah there it is right there two spots uh didn't think there was any at all on this and then there they were but like I said it was a nonf factor so I'm more or less just taking some roughing Cuts here uh I'm not even using the laser at this point so uh just trying to whittle this down and then once we get this a little thinner then I'll throw the laser in it and you know kind of finish off the the rest of this but I just didn't really see the point in um having it on right now now the other thing too is that thermal cracking if we had to changed the design of this where it would have been say a hollow form then you know that thermal cracking probably would have been a factor but the style of this phase lends to that and so it was a a non-factor whatsoever 11 in of depth and only having that minimal amount of thermal cracking to me is a fantastic thing so thanks again to designer epoxy for sending that epoxy and doing what they do they make awesome products Link in the description if you want to try some all right there's a look inside so far as you can see down at the bottom we've got some thingy out to do there and uh what I've done is install called my laser so that's what we're sitting at right now so anyway we'll thin this out to this um thickness here and then we'll make it a little thinner and then hopefully we'll be able to move on to sanding really hoping this piece looks really cool when the Finish goes on and it's lit up I must say that I am impressed with this little uh LED light that Cindy droa has made uh it certainly illuminates the inside of this vase quite nicely uh a lot of times if you got the light behind you uh with the captive system being in the way and your head being in the way a lot of times it's very hard to uh to see what's going on inside of there anyway we're just going to take some final little Cuts here and we'll be able to move on to sanding very quickly well all right that's what it looks like before sanding not too bad I'm going to actually just use a lot of hand sanding up here to flatten this and then down on the bottom we'll switch to the uh to the power sander could be a little better but I think we're good to go for sanding so I'm looking for about half in wall thickness there abouts and so by the time I fig by the time we get done sanding that that's going to be in that neighborhood if you're looking for flatness as far as sanding is I love power sanding don't get me wrong but the problem is with power sanding especially on the inside of a vase like this there's the 3 and 1 half in Dipple disc I should say from sandpaper. CA and first all the sheet Goods I get them from sandpaper. CA as well but you know it the the sander wants to follow the profile that's already established so if you flatten it with sheet Goods and then switch over to power sanding you're going to find that the inside of the vase is going to be a lot flatter and and overall just a a better surface so if you can get your hand in there that's certainly an option when it comes to making sure that the inside of your pieces are sanded nicely anyway I sent it to 180 on the inside and now I'm working on the outside but there's a big pith area and I decided to fill that in with some starbon Thin and just some walnut dust that was kicking around so just sent that back a little bit blended it in and uh we'll be ready for the epoxy coat once we get to 180 all right what I have here is 3 oz of the pro series we're going to give this an epoxy coat and then we'll probably just move on with water Lux tomorrow I should say this is a barbecue brush too silicone barbecue brush I keep getting asked how do I clean the silicone barbecue brush and and uh I really wish that I could remember who suggested this uh I get you know I answer hundreds and hundreds of comments each week so I just it's very hard for me to keep keep things straight and who recommended what but I certainly do appreciate your recommendations so keep them coming uh all I do is uh put it in acetone overnight pull it out in the morning and it's good to go for the next use well there you go I'm going to wait till the end to light this up that uh I mean the blue hypers shift in this is just really popping flowing around the planets really really cool definitely see more bubbles coming so I'm going to throw this back on the lath burn those bubbles off maybe uh even touch it up a little bit more and we'll see you guys tomorrow let me know in the comments what you think well good morning it is the next day lots of bubbles happening fully expected that uh the wood looks like it sealed up nicely so that's the whole goal of that and um the epoxy looks Flawless as well so what we're going to do is um sand this probably from 180 up to 800 and then we'll get our first coat finish on another common question that I get is why am I doing these epoxy coats prior to putting the finish on so when you're working with castings like this this one was actually very very clean and it you know I probably could have got away with not um doing any epoxy coats on this but there was one or two little areas down inside that needed slight filling and the same thing on the outside and you know the the Finish is not going to do that for you you need to either use CA glue or you need to use an epoxy coat to seal in those little cracks if there's any little imperfections in the resin it'll do that and then once you sand it back you should have a nice flat surface so once it was sand at the 800 then of course we're using the triple buffing compound and that's triple e as in the city not 3 e and then after that's done we use some denatured alcohol to clean it off and get our first coat finish on all right this is the first coat of waterlux gloss been a few people contact me saying you know they're not getting the same results that I'm getting with the waterlux and you know there's there's certainly a lot of variables at play here uh how much you put on how how old the Finish is how well your sanding is uh generally I put on three coats two or three coats and I don't do any buffing afterwards what you see is what you get after the last coat goes on all right there it is with its first coat of waterlux looks very nice actually I will throw another coat on it just to be sure but uh here's what the inside look looks like it's cool how you can see both Globes from each side when you look inside of it like that my favorite is that blue one just the uh the pigment inside of it is really really awesome dying to see what this thing looks like when it's lit up these ones are pretty cool too though all right so I will do the second coat of water loocks the same I'll buff it and then uh use the denatured alcohol and then we'll see you when we're doing the bottom let me know in the comments what you think all right so on to finishing the bottom uh the large vacuum Chuck that I have was too large the medium siiz one that I have might have worked but I was worried about it scoring up the inside of the vase so so I decided to go in this direction and that's just a piece of birch that I've got hanging out underneath my bench to use in instances like this so I plan on using some router padding so I need to leave some space there you have to be really careful because if you do this method and the drive is tapered and you really tighten down the tail stock you could end up cracking the vase so just keep that in mind if you ever use this method and we're just going to use the 5/8 bull gouge from David Ellsworth to clean up the bottom and then I'll be able to switch to the right angled air powered sander and it the base was sanded from 80 to 400 once that's done I'll just knock off that little nub finish sanding the very center of this and then uh we'll be able to check this vase out and see how it glows cuz we haven't actually done that yet anyway I know this was a long video uh thanks to all that have watched it all the way through I really do appreciate it let's get a look at this piece in the dark and uh hopefully it glows really nicely right let's see how well this glows wow I just charge this up with the two UV lights that I have for oh five minutes or so not even that probably about 3 minutes kind of looks like a face nothing on the wood side at all till you get to the other side little piece at the bottom that's what it looks like on the inside awesome how clear that's coming in but very neat well what do you think again the favorite is the blue it really act actually looks like a planet again another gray day here getting rain for like 5 days straight I I can't go wrong with black walnuts uh those glow-in-the-dark Globes like this one here are really cool as well here is the very bottom now I didn't engrave it just because uh I need more space when I'm engraving and I don't want to go onto the wood and the resin so it doesn't look good I prefer to put my handwritten signature on the bottom uh there has been suggestions that people say well use like a a colored pen like a gold pen or uh a silver pen and I've tried those and what happens is when the Finish goes on it typically smears it so that's why you don't see it here uh really the only option if you want something that's absolutely permanent would be to engrave it and then you could of course fill it in with something afterwards but you know I'm out of time it's Thursday I got to get this done and get it uploaded now something that's kind of interesting what I've been doing after I put a coat of finish on and these pieces go into my clean room I've been taking say a 5 gallon bu putting it upside down over top of these pieces to keep the dust out of it and what I've been doing is propping up a little bit just stick a screwdriver underneath one end and that would allow allow some air flow in there and I believe that this is the issue cuz I haven't encountered this with the waterlux there's like small tiny little bubbles all over the surface of where the wood is and I think that um that's got the fact that's got to do with the fact that just wasn't getting enough oxygen to cure the finish so I'll have to make sure that I keep that in in the back of my mind next time you can see it kind of pulled a little bit on the bottom too which is not normal usually when I put it in there um with adequate ventilation I guess it cures and you don't get that so it's not a big deal I'll throw another coat on it but um anyway let me know in the comments what you think about this piece I think it's really cool uh not intentional but yeah there's a face there's a creepy alien face if you will I should give you some sizes so it's 9 and 1/2 in tall 7 and 1/2 in at the very widest point and the opening at the top here is 5 1/2 in uh wide at the very top and it's anywhere from half in to 3 of an inch through the piece anyway I really like it and this piece is for sale please send me an email to sprag wood turning gmail.com and I will disclose the price then in case this is a gift uh yeah cool don't forget to put designer epoxy in the comments down below to be entered into the next giveaway at 130,000 subscribers when we get there I'll be honest with you it's been really really slow and I think that's typically that happens this time of year it's springtime I get it like there's a lot of things on the go so uh I know that eventually people will get back to my content so I'm not worried about it but the subscribers has been quite low actually for me anyway um so anyway if you haven't subscribed please do that and of course the thumbs up will help with the analytics and YouTube will push my content to others uh the more thumbs up we get and of course watching the whole video is also a big bonus as well that really works in the algorithm I know that a lot of stuff may be repetitive and people are going to skip through it but uh but watching the whole video that helps in the algorithm and uh we'll be able to push my content to others uh okay what else I guess that's it for now I don't even know what we're going to do next week uh it's not going to be another planet series thing I don't think anyway we're running out of time here for that anyway all right well that's it take care stay safe don't forget the Bell please share my videos with your friends that is one of the biggest ways for me to build my presence here on YouTube I really appreciate it and again special thanks to the members and people who gave me super thanks super chats I really appreciate it hopefully we'll see you next [Music] week [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sprague Woodturning
Views: 102,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Resin, resin art, epoxy, woodturning, wood turning, woodworking, hunter tool systems, designer epoxy, starbond, sandpaper.ca, resin casting, walnut, vase
Id: mbHmCFuQbkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 9sec (3489 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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