"Coil" How to make a vase from rope, resin and willow wood. Wood turning, resin casting

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all right welcome back to art for our this is dan priest your somewhat sane resident artist i i think it's interesting with all the unknowns when you're working with wood and resin to try to be up front and honest with the original design instead of just what's in my head and then what ends up being so there you are that was my original thought it actually came out fairly close um a few little hiccups but not not too bad i had a a bit of rope left over from the previous project and thought i'd use it and this is a big chunk of willow wood the uh the size of this tree was enormous this is another one that had died in my yard before we bought the place at the base the trunk was probably five feet across unfortunately it was completely rotten at the bottom but chopped it up and um been using it ever since one thing my neighbors have really appreciated is the purchase of an electric saw i've got some really patient neighbors more than once late at night i've been out there with the chainsaw and figured i better not push my luck too far electric styles are actually very quiet and i have an exhaust obviously so you can use it in your garage and it's been a bit of a nice thing last couple of projects i've experimented with a version of the video with commentary in one without and i think the vast overall consensus was is to leave the commentary in so i'm gonna stop doing that and just run with it i uh you guys always offer some sound advice and i've decided to make this channel what i want it to be so hopefully this agrees with you and i suppose you could always find your volume button if you can't stand the uh sultry sounds of my voice it's kind of an odd thing to describe your relationship with an inanimate object like rope i uh like i mentioned my other rope project i grew up on a farm small farm with a couple of horses a handful of cows chickens we used to have pigs at one time and rope is everything especially with dealing with horses quality of your rope can save your life or determine whether you're chasing a cow for hours so hard to explain why i find rope so fascinating but um again i had a piece left over from that project and i thought i'd put it in another one this was a little more abstract [Music] and i didn't destroy the rope like i did on the other one but uh it's kind of cool as i was turning you you get further and further into the body of the rope revealing what rope looks like when you cut it in half lengthwise and i thought that was a pretty unique effect uh the bowl bowling or the vase ended up being quite thin uh which was fine um and it's kind of an illusion though the rope looks like it's full thickness but um if you look down the side it's only half inch to quarter inch thick um so it's kind of a cool effect a lot of my projects you just can't appreciate what's going on unless you're holding it in your hands and have a chance to inspect it but i guess that's the nature of the beast when you're doing dealing with 3d objects another thing that's challenging is i love to use clear resin and let light illuminate my projects and so that means if you're buying it and displaying it it's kind of meant to be in a display case or to have some kind of light above it or in it to get the full effect anyway i've become infatuated with light and and how it brings these projects to life i've got three boys um from almost 13 down to almost seven and i usually pay him every saturday to spend a few hours cleaning up my mess in the shop and as you can see we have been busy and they have not been available anybody offers a free wood chip cleaning service let me know i didn't think i was going to have enough rope it's a tricky thing to calculate how much you need you can wrap it around the outside but that's not the actual diameter you're working with right once you cut a groove it's much a much smaller diameter so i didn't think i was going to have enough but once i cut my grooves and stretched it the actual distance turned out i had more than i needed so that was a lucky break why this design honestly this is one project i have no idea i just thought it looked cool sometimes i just go and go for the abstract without a whole lot of meaning um in the end i think i got about 90 of what i was going for i should have left the center wood sections bigger than i did i always forget that by the time i'm done sanding and shaping you lose more than you think you're going to and so i kind of lost some of the effect i was going for but in the end compared to some of my projects this one ended up much closer to the intent than than a lot of times i picked up a new sponsor um by the name of gaff they're they're the folks that create and distribute these carving discs they go on angle grinders mainly and i know i've mentioned this before my other projects but nothing at least angle grinder attachment wise holds a candle to these i have tried everything on the market that i've seen uh you know how things are when you google something or look it up and then forever on facebook or google they haunt you with ads for that kind of thing so i've been inundated with everything that's on the market and bought it willy nilly and this this one wins hands down it stays sharp for a long time they can be resharpened and they're quite safe they're very predictable unlike a mini chainsaw rotating blade or what have you it's extremely rare that these catch they're so sharp um and narrow that you seem to have a lot more control than other things and they just last forever so between that and my sanding discs on the angle grinder i've really enjoyed and appreciated the how quickly and easily i can make short work of this carving process if you look at some of my earlier projects it's uh almost painful it's funny i didn't see this coming when i started this you know you look back and you just realize oh my gosh i didn't know what the heck i was doing and i'm sure a few years from now when i look back i'll look at this and go wow that was rudimentary but um i mean i used to chisel it out you know i went through a period using a dremel and a sawzall and what have you and it's just yeah for what the way i do it the projects i'm working on this is far better far faster my other sponsor is um for super glue starbond is fantastic i got this quick setting super glue with a a an accelerant that when you spray it on there it sets up within seconds and i tend to use a lot of it for this stuff i don't have all day to glue things and let it sit i'm usually moving along with my projects and so it's convenient to to have something that can can adhere almost any two objects together as long as they've got a rougher surface i have found that the ca glues really struggle when two surfaces are glossy you gotta have some microscopic scratches or i should say macroscopic scratches for it to hold case in point uh this uh this corrugated plastic sheeting i've been using to create my molds with is fabulous it's perfect except for that it's too glossy and nothing sticks to it and i mean nothing hot glue super glue what have you so i've taken to roughing up one surface with my angle grinder and that helps the glue stick a lot better i've since moved on to plastic sheeting that doesn't have the corrugated holes in it that eats up a ton of resin on these big projects so i've i think i have finally reached the perfect system for creating custom molds for unusually shaped vases which mine are always a different shape and size and so i'm i was searching for a way to create a cheap mold without too much waste um quickly and uh covering the the windows in the wood with that corrugated plastic putting two or three garbage bags around it covering that in sand so that it packs it in nicely really really limits the waste of resin it only goes where you want it and it it because i'm using this long setting resin it's called fathom resin by total boat that's f-a-t-h-o-m that's my other sponsor um because it takes so long to set up it soaks into the wood i rarely get problems with bubbles anymore and i i would say the walls of this often reach two to three inches and i have yet to have an exothermic cracking problem with the total boat fathom resin so i've been very happy with that if you like me like to use clear resin on big wide 3d objects that exceed that of like a river table or whatnot i challenge you to find a better system than this the the mold you know you can do whatever you want but the idea here is that you put the project the actual wood in the resin in the vacuum chamber for about an hour degas as much as you possibly can that really encourages the resin to work deep into the wood and gets out a lot of those deep cracks full of bubbles which is important to help the resin bond with the wood and to get rid of any hidden clumps of bubbles and then once i'm done with that i put it in a pressure pot and two things are happening it sits in the pot for three or four days that's how long that fathom resin takes to set at room temperature and i get it up to 40 to 50 psi on the pressure pot and that squeezes the bubbles that are left that are suspended in resin from mixing so small that you can't see them and that gets you pretty much a perfectly clear resin finish if you see any defects in the resin it's usually from my inability to sand it to perfection or something for that i did so the two i went back and forth for a long time vacuum chamber versus a pressure pot there's a lot of videos on youtube that you know talk about the virtues of either one i got to tell you using both accomplishes two different things and uh was very useful one really one challenging thing is when you're doing these big pieces the process of going through the vacuum chamber and the pressure pot you get a lot of resin seeping into the wood and it's hard to gauge how much resin to put in there especially if you're doing it like me where i've already created the tendons so that i know that my project will be perfectly centered when i turn it and i won't lose the subjects that i'm trying to put into the windows of the wood so i'm trying to protect that tenon and i have to mess with it and i want the level of the resin to be right underneath it and that's a hard thing to gauge you'll notice on this project a bit of the rope is exposed near the tenon i had already added extra resin to it when it after several hours of it being in the pressure pot and and i just didn't want to add any more didn't want to spend any more resin on it so i let it go and that's fine i didn't i think it changed much for my design that's a tricky thing this one used about a gallon and a half of resin and again huge thank you to total boat because of their generosity and sponsoring my channel i'm able to attempt these big projects so it would be pretty cost prohibitive otherwise anyway as always i sell these projects at art for our that's a-r-t-f-o-r-o-u-r-dot-org um every penny i raise goes to operation immigrant railroad which is a group that fights child trafficking around the world they're currently helping out with the ukrainian refugee problem um so they're everywhere and they're they're they're an amazing group they spend your donated money well so that's where my project money goes we're about to hit 50 000 for the um just over a year that we've been in and doing work for art for our and uh appreciate your help on that your donated pennies and dollars goes a long ways anyway i'll let you enjoy the rest of this video and i'll see on the flip side have a great one you guys [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Art Giving Hope: Woodwork, Resin, Photography
Views: 802,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood turning, crafts, ourrescue.org, lathe work, bowls, wood bowls, resin bowls, acrylic on canvas, acrylic painting, paint, homemade projects, Tim Ballard, OUR, O.U.R, O.U.R. Rescue, trapeze painting, turning resin, acrylic pouring, dan preece, operation underground railroad, OURRESCUE.ORG, wood carving, Dan Preece foot surgeon, paint can painting, stop child sex trafficking, podiatry, foot and ankle, surgery, foot pain, artforour.org, kim tippin, Nick Zammeti, pohl barn
Id: BwX7oHQtu3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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