Mother Angelica Live Classics - The Our Father

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fishers of men raise up new apostles in your holy church teach them that to serve you is to reign to possess you is to possess all things kindle in the hearts of our people the fire of zeal for souls make them eager to spread your kingdom upon earth grant them courage to follow you who are the way the truth and the life who lives and reigns forever and ever [Music] amen [Music] mother to you angelica live eternal word television studios in birmingham [Music] see in you the love the compassion of jesus glorious work of all to praise god in his kingdom moved by the spirit one who lives in love lives in god and god lives in him what a wonderful thing is our church this whole network is built on trust the essence of evangelization is to tell everybody jesus [Applause] we're all called to be great saints don't miss the opportunity well we have a a wonderful cape new cable system and i welcome that cable system and all the cable systems throughout the country who are airing us for the first time now tonight i thought we would talk about the our father sometimes we say the our father so often you say it five or six times in a rosary we say it every mass and we forget you know we forget what we say sometime well i'm going to go over the our father with you you know our dear lord said many many times and here i just opened it up and what did he say be compassionate how as your father is compassionate how you like that say how can you be compassionate is the father is compassionate now when the apostles got a little bit confused they were always getting confused they hardly understood anything our dear lord said so if you have a hard time with the scriptures rejoice so did the apostles at night when he was dead tired they say uh what did you mean by the solar and the seeds we had to start all over again so these apostles were men who are looking forward to a earthly and worldly kingdom coming back so what happens after that huh our lord had to work and work and work and and and give them grace upon grace and grace upon grace to make them think on a spiritual level the israelites would say yahweh and jesus came to say he is father now isn't that a marvelous thing huh a marvelous thing that i can call god father who can call god father now the problem today is there's so much child abuse and we have a hard time some of us with the word father hard time because we relate god to our earthly father who may not have been to it to us that's a mistake think for a moment what you would have wished the most perfect father to be like well what would he be like he'd be kind loving gentle forgiving merciful providence providence always understanding oh he would listen he would listen he would understand when you felt he would understand when you made a mistake he would understand when you tried and didn't quite make the goal that would be an ideal father well let me tell you that the father is way beyond that way beyond now when our dear lord rose from the dead and there was mary magdalene ready to sit and have a chat you remember that huh she was a sitter she liked to sit down talk to jesus and jesus could see her sitting you know all getting ready to sit down and he said oh whoa i have not yet ascended to what to who my father and your father ah wow that amazes me you know why because i don't remember my i had one i saw him seven times but i don't have a father image see and i can i can imagine a father but our father is way beyond that there is no father i know would give his son for you i don't know any father would do that do you huh i don't know any so he says our father that's yours and mine jesus gave us his father it's another thing most of us wouldn't do we would hang on to our father it's mine like the two kids were bragging about their father and said my dog my father is a doctor and i could be sick for nothing the other one said my father is a minister and i can be good for nothing well most of us you see don't have the concept of a good father many of you do but jesus was so generous it's our father see the apostles didn't know how to pray oh they sang they sang the psalms and they sang all of the prayers and all the feast days but they were wondering see they would see jesus go up and get up early in the morning and he'd go up a little mountain or hill and they'd see him pray and they could pray that way see and and so they said how does he pray i don't know ask him i bet you peter said to john you ask john said you don't have a voice ask him yourself so he said master how should we pray and came out the most beautiful of prayers got a lot in it so now we can say our father where is this father where is he in heaven you see what a lie it is when people tell you there's no heaven there's no hell there's no resurrection there's no this isn't how terrible that is because we have a father who gave his son to us and if i can say father with love i would hardly get past the our father at all he is my father and he lives in heaven my father lives in heaven can you imagine that i think my earthly father is in heaven why because he came to get my mother she wasn't too happy the first time he came she looked at him and said what are you doing here then he came again the next week and she said oh you're so beautiful wow now you like that huh god's mercy but my real father the one who breathes a soul into that tiny seed created me that that's the important thing we have to understand that my father there created me his breath is my soul did you realize that why would we to be so lonely if we realize that the very breath of god created me and there i was how do you like that for power huh you like that what power huh you want a cough job i got lots of them you want one but see that's my father he created oh you know if you have a wonderful father you want to brag about it my father created everything there is everything the stars the moon the sun all the galaxies remember last year we saw jupiter being hit over and over poor thing i felt so sorry for it you know i just stood there pow pow pow never moved i thought to myself move you dummy they're coming at you again never move all of a sudden without a sight that was it but my father created that enormous star or planet or whatever it is today we had all kinds of warnings of tornadoes and and all that and and i thought my father is making that tree bend like this you see if we knew if we could say our father those two words with feeling in my heart and i could look at a sun a moon a stars and drops of rain today was hail sisters looking out the window how often do you see hail in alabama yes it looks like rain i said no it's popping back up it's hail [Laughter] is that a sign of help it looked like rain to me right now watch it see how it's popping back up again that's hell i almost set something up but see my father created every single piece of ice said if you ever feel depressed as christians we should never feel the breath really should why our father is the creator of heaven and earth you know this is a time for planting and and we have some trees beginning to bud well you're all going to have that except up north it takes what is another month huh but down here the jonquils are coming up and daffodils and tulips and rain or shine or cold weather whatever it is they just push up with that hard ground without a sound isn't that amazing everything we do is noisy do you ever notice that you can't even brush your teeth without having noise and now they got little machines you put in your mouth [Music] almost shakes your head loose you can't even have silence when you brush your teeth everything is noise sometimes i look out the window and the grass is you know the grass is going but you never hear it you know that these tulips are coming up all the trees and all the leaves have come out and absolute silence isn't it amazing how our dear lord does such absolutely phenomenal work in silence huh i like to look out the window and look at the grass and say why are you coming up i hear you i look around to be sure nobody's looking at me for fear they say a mother has tripped her rocker but see there there has to be a silent noise as they push up through the ground you come along with your noisy no mowers and you mow it down so it looks nice but they're stubborn oh they're stubborn while you sleep they're coming up because god has so willed it the my father in heaven has willed the grass to grow the trees to bloom and they have their seasons some people have sent me roses because i know i like yellow roses tip with the orange red whatever and so i got about four or eight plants i think of roses and when you get them they look absolutely ugly did you ever see a plant come through the mail huh you ever see a plant it is ugly i mean it's like you know it's just ugly big stem the three stems and a great big stem here and you look at it and you say i got chipped i paid 13 for this thing and look at it but all of a sudden you put it in the ground you put it in the ground and you watch it a tiny little bud comes out and eventually around may will come the most beautiful rose you ever want to see and you know they want to be alike even though they're the same color and you know what my father also does he makes one flower purple and one white and one red and one orange and one brown from the same sun you try and do that isn't that amazing it makes a leaf green and a rose yellow or red or pink or white or two colors that amazes me that's why i'm the only one i ever heard of that likes marigolds you have mary goes up north yeah you like miracles i say i love marigolds because they're little and they're brilliant colored brilliant color absolutely phenomenal and in the same marigold it's gold yellow brown and the same sun makes it that way isn't that amazing and our father does all of that now i know there's some atheists and there's libros who are looking for another god you can have him sweetheart i'm keeping mine i'm keeping mine after we say our father and we begin to realize who this father is and that was just a little example one time i went to niagara falls and that water coming down with absolutely unbelievable once it got down though it just kind of went on like a little tiny trickle and that thing's been going on for god knows how long hundreds of years and it's always the same our father does that you see now once i know who i'm speaking to and that he lives in heaven the next thing follows doesn't it hallowed be thy name in this context it says how wonderful you are how wonderful a god full of wonder wonder i like that word wonderful because he is so merciful and he gave us jesus to die for us you know i saw a picture today was in some magazine it was a i think one of these sunday magazines somebody sent it to me in a mail i had a beautifully carved altar beautifully carved altar and some rock bar rock music bar bought it on that altar the father accepted the sacrifice of his son in the holy mass on that altar souls were saved on that altar the father had mercy on the world because his son the sacrifice of his son was on that altar and now they'll see it in a a rock and roll bar the father is truly merciful truly merciful but i wouldn't i wouldn't take advantage of that mercy because you just take so much and then one day you know salvation is accomplished in us he said one time to one of the prophets he said i don't want your blocks i want the sacrifice of what praise a sacrifice of praise when i say hallowed be thy name may it be blessed and praised forever when i when i bless his name i in turn am blessed how you know that well the lord said if you honor a prophet because he is a prophet you get a prophet's reward isn't that amazing huh if you honor mother teresa because she is a holy woman you get the same marriage she does you think that's generous i do every day i offer to the lord lord i give you all the holy people in the whole white world praise and bless your holy name ah i get it all he said so my father is great enough to give me all of that only because i said hallowed be thy name and all thy saints forever now what is the next petition if i know who he is i know where he lives i praise his name then i want his kingdom his spirit his love his compassion his goodness his mercy to come on this earth thy kingdom come how many times have you prayed for the kingdom of god to come oh would it be a change you imagine a world where we would all believe together where there be no different denominations or religions or where we would all have the same heart the same mind the same god the same lord and king jesus can you imagine a world where god's will was uppermost and done immediately can you imagine a world that was absolutely totally full of joy and everybody loved one another even on the bus you came on looked like a nice big some of you were hot some of you were cold some of you were hungry before they stopped you prayed or you're saying and everybody and somebody said oh god we've got to say another rosary [Laughter] somebody else mumbled i never prayed so much in my entire life now you're all on the pilgrimage and you're all coming here you just get hot and cold different you stop at a restaurant you say why are we stopping this frankie dinky plate so even there it's the same with families you go on vacation and you're dead when you come home absolutely dead everybody goes to bed and you don't know there's a soul in the house for two days because you got so tired i never did understand vacations i never had a vacation in my life when somebody says when do you go on vacation i shiver oh i don't have the health to go on vacation you get too tired i'm going to sit home and rest you see we don't know but if you could imagine a world where we were all one heart mind soul and we all knew we have one father who is in heaven what would happen after that huh if you love someone and you know they are wonderful then you want to do what they ask you to do so the next petition just follows thy will be done here is the hitch here's it i must do god's will on earth as it is in heaven well a lot of people don't know his will do you ever get in that position huh you ever know you ever wonder what his will is no what a smart group here sure everybody wonders what is if you're religious you're not one i don't have to worry about this god i know god's will it's in the constitutions it's in my daily life every time that bell rings it's god's will so religious shouldn't have as much of a problem with what is the will of god and most of you don't if you're married you know what you got to do every day we don't really like it but you got to do it so when i ask about his will i'm asking that his will and my will on earth are one will see so what our father says i want to do your will here as fast and as perfectly as it's done in heaven that's immediate well one of our big problems on earth is that most of us keep telling god what he should be doing do you ever do that no you would do that and that's why we're not happy when he doesn't do what we want okay now the will of god is done instantly in heaven why because they have absolute certainty of his sovereignty and his wisdom i got news for you he's smarter than you are and he knows better than you or i what is for our goods you see now in heaven god's will is done with great joy one time we had a sister [Music] very loving sister if i had to uh do some portraits work or something i would come and i would eat uh later and i'd eat by myself uh she'd see me going down the step and she'd run and she'd get my plate and then she'd stand there waiting for me to eat so she could wash it well [Laughter] i didn't always understand you know what i mean i i would say to her uh you got something you got to do she said no you want something no oh okay are you in a hurry no okay i would get an indigestion but i realized she just wanted to do something for me and there i was and she did it joyfully and lovingly see and you do that you do that you do it all the time and so we ask then for the father to give us today our daily bread we don't do that very well we want next year's and the next years and the next years and the next years we wish we didn't have a pass which we remember and we want everything nice and neat in in a nice square what does daily bread mean well some exegesis say that it means the holy eucharist that bread that gives us eternal life without which we cannot enter the kingdom but it also means an awesome trust in the providence of god in the present moment not a presumptuous a presumptuous trust is not attracted up if you're going down a road at a hundred miles an hour and you can say i trust in the lord forget it even god gets out of that car after seven he says you're on your own sweetheart one time when we first came here and that's 32 years ago this young man said would you like to go to coleman and common apple alabama if you've ever been to alabama is a wonderful place a very very crippled brother benedictine brother created every kind of shrine in the world by tiny little oh little pieces of glass and stuff that you throw away it's a masterpiece and so i said oh yeah well i didn't know how this man drove but soon as he got on the highway i wish with all my heart i wasn't in that car and he was gone at least a hundred because it went all the way down to wherever it went and his mother-in-law in the back was saying hurry up we're never gonna get there and i thought i thought if we get there at all it'll be a first-class miracle and i kept saying to the lord remember i got a mission i got a mission lord you can't knock me out of the box right now i got to mention well all of a sudden he had to slow down to about 75 or 80. well a car was passing us and i thought these people are all crazy absolutely crazy but he was a priest and he went he looked like this and he went [Laughter] i said to the driver we just got absolution he said what i say we just got absolution oh he said i haven't been to confession for a long time his mother-in-law in the back hurry up hurry up but i gotta get there i thought what a horrible experience that my friends was presumption and i'm sure the holy angels never worked so hard to keep that car on the road because sometimes you see we feel and that happens a lot with sin if you think in your mind well i can commit any sin there is because god is compassionate ah you're using a truth even against the lord you cannot presume on the mercy of god what you're saying is i can slap your face but you're a good old guy you'll forgive me and since you will i'll just slap the other side that's what you're saying see that's not love at all that is not love at all and it's it's presumption some of you this evening listening to me have not been to confession for years and years and years and you're under the impression that when that god's gonna bless your old bones and just before you die you're going to go to confession but what happens if you don't have a chance what happens if you die in your sleep we can presume on god's love mercy and compassion now the next petition says forgive us oh this is a hard one forgive us our trespasses this is what you say though forgive us our trespasses as as nice to the word isn't it huh as two little letters as we forgive those who trespass against us you ready to do that do you know what you're asking the father oh boy are you asking the father something you're saying lord i want you to forgive me in the same way i forgive mr jones do you really want to say that now is this his admission that we have sinned your bet your boots it is we're all sinners every single one of us is a sinner the only sinless one with our lady and our dear lord himself you say oh i don't believe in that sinless business then you don't believe in adam and eve they were born sinless they were created sinless the new adam and the new eve had to also be sinless so you and i are sinners and i have to forgive exactly as i want god to forgive me as i have forgiven you now all of you that have some very long long hatreds you better examine yourself tonight god will forgive many many sins of yours but please forgive as you have been forgiven remember the story our dear lord told about the man who owed his master and the amount equaled 9 million dollars i can't even imagine 9 million i could keep this network going for almost three years wouldn't ask you for a nickel well maybe a decline but the whole problem is that nine million dollars is a lot of money oh what happened here comes the steward and and somebody owes him fifty dollars now you got the idea nine million fifty fifteen dollars and he said pay with you he says i don't have it he said please forgive me and i will pay you out give me time no no put him in jail that's what our lord saying to us that's exactly what he's saying forgive as you have been forgiven now how does that how do we relate to that when i offend god it's a greater offense and i offend you even though our dear lord said what you do the least you do to me that's what he said but if you insult or or hit a a great famous person it's a greater offense to all society and so i have to realize when i offend god it's a greater offense and so it's like nine million dollars and god forgives readily here comes somebody who did something to me and i don't really forget it i keep bringing it up and bringing it up and i hate more and more every time i think about it and i think it's unfair and i refuse to forgive now look what you just said forgive me as i forgive others see i dear lord put first things first in this marvelous prayer i must honor god as my personal that's why inclusive language is so satanic inclusive language is satanic because only satan wants to destroy the name of father and son and man why because that's what got him in so much trouble so be careful my friends be careful with this this going around in circles circles circle circles about this language in that language and hurting this so you heard a few women so what how do we dare take the word father out of our vocabulary huh when he has done so much for us well forgive us this day our trespass as we forgive those who trespass against us and what's the next one huh well some do translations say and do not put us to the test i like the old one i can just hear somebody say i knew she'd say that liberals are so easy to read you know lead us not into temptation well you said god does not lead us into temptation he can't it does say though that jesus was led by the spirit to be tempted by satan spend 40 days in the desert why so he should overcome why are we tempted so we can overcome the enemy now in the garden there were the three apostles our lord brought aside and what happened he said pray with me that you are not led to temptation did they no i dear lord prayed three hours every hour he came back and they were asleep and he said then finally could you not watch even one hour with me so what are we praying for and what happened to the apostles they felt they felt would they have changed our dear lord's destiny no had they prayed what would have happened they would have had the strength not to deny him not to run away and so what do we do we pray not to sin we pray not to be allowed to enter to to avoid occasions of sin ah we don't hardly do that we people throw themselves into occasions of sin i don't understand if you know you're weak why do you go to a bar i can handle it uh-huh let me watch you walking up you can't handle it there's an adult movie i can handle it you can't handle it so you're not really praying from your heart father do not allow me to enter into temptation you entered to temptation not god you are the one i am the one we forget that this is not good for me this is not good for me this is a weak spot in my life we need discernment our dear lord is asking us to pray for discernment and then i get the strength we call it actual grace the grace of the moment to overcome that's why you got to go to confession often this general absolution business is not confession how can god deliver us well he delivers us by grace the fact i have prayed to the good god for the grace not to offend him the enemy is always going to be around at some point but most people don't need him you do a good job on your own well you don't control yourself we don't have any kind of self-discipline discipline what's that word discipline why are you gonna have discipline god is understanding yeah yes but he knows us you see deliver us from the evil one that you and me is the church is the world it's everyone that prayer their our father is the most beautiful prayer no one could give you such a prayer except god no one in the past would have dared call him father and if we did we would know how to speak to such a great father we wouldn't have thought he'd be satisfied with saying hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven we wouldn't have known we can ask him to give us today our daily bread to forgive as we forgive and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one today that prayer is so necessary some of you say you don't have time to pray okay you must have time to say one our father and one hail mary and then you could throw in the glory be to the father to the son and to the holy spirit it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without n that's three little prayers you can do that we didn't have any questions this evening and and i i guess i kind of lost track of time i hear we have lots of questions however i'll be back tomorrow since i'm alive i'm breathing well so i just wanted time to just sit in your living room with you and and just pray why don't we say it together our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil all men well i've i've had fun i enjoy coming into your living room and i enjoy you coming into ours remember it is your father and before you go to bed ask our dear lord for the grace the grace to know the father more every day and those of you who have been abused or hurt by your father think higher pray for your earthly father that he understand he too needs a father and maybe he didn't have a good father either but my father created the world and my father breathed a soul to a tiny seed that was me and my father gives me all i need and all you need and my father and your father will call us one day into his kingdom where he is preparing a mansion for each one of us a place of utter joy total contentment peace and unbelievable love god bless you do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] to 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met so many parents who blame themselves when their children wander from god can i just say this stop that's ridiculous don't do that god is a pretty good parent and his first two children disobeyed him it's called free will so what if you do if your adult child wanders from god first pray and fast it worked for saint monica it said that she gave birth to her son saint augustine a second time spiritually through her tears and prayers don't doubt the power of prayer two while it's important to challenge your kids don't let your relationship become all about that when you evangelize family members remember it's a marathon it's not a sprint keep loving them keep the doors of communication and friendship open and three never lose hope even if you don't get to see it happen in this life remember god can always get your kids back why because he loves them even more than you do and he will never stop working to bring them home live truth live catholic with trusted series features and specials from ewtn home video the ewtn home video highlight for july is a church in crisis the church is under attack from within and from without through the chaos dr ralph martin illuminates the
Channel: EWTN
Views: 7,255
Rating: 4.8757763 out of 5
Keywords: ma9, ma902695, ytsync-en
Id: jmOtOjuJKKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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